Increasing Male Organ Sensitivity: A User s Guide

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1 Increasing Male Organ Sensitivity: A User s Guide Been longing for a sensitive member? Not the type that cries at The Notebook or writes poems in the rain, but one that is raring and ready to go like it used to be? Not sure how things got so insensitive? There are lots of reasons members lose their sensitivity. It can be anything from age to overindulgence of many types to something as innocent as too tight Underroos! In the quest of increasing male organ sensitivity, here are the things to stop doing and start doing to get that sensitive member back. Increasing Member Sensitivity: Things to Stop Doing Immediately! 1. Loosen Up (The grip that is). Self-pleasure is a beautiful thing. It s great for pleasure and stress release; however, some men use what s considered a death grip when they play solo, leaving the member desensitized and unable to enjoy partner play. 2. No one is counting. Some men engage in so much sensual activity, with others or alone, that their members are just down for the count. Too much of a good thing, even intimacy, can be too much. 3. Excessive Drinking and Tablet Abuse. Drink and tablets have a tremendous effect on the member. Whether it s not able to get or stay hard, or not come to release, both drinking and tablets can be a real downer for the member. Get help if it s abuse. If it s not, drink responsibly and don t plan to get down and dirty when a few too many drinks have been downed. 4. Ditch the tight bottoms. Underwear, swim shorts, or trousers, friction from simply wearing clothing can desensitize the male organ. Switch to properly fitting garments that give the member space to be free and not constantly being rubbed up on. Increasing Member Sensitivity: Things to Start Doing Right Now! 1. First, take care. Men of a certain age (generally 40 and beyond) should pay extra attention to diet, fitness, and health tests as they age

2 to keep their member sensitivity high. 2. Get Tested for Low-T. Low androgen levels can not only decrease libido but also decrease member sensitivity. See a doctor, get tested, and then follow treatment if Low-T is to blame. 3. Change it up. Try new positions and scenarios to excite the mind and body. It's time to pull out that Kama Sutra and start dog-earing some pages. Not only can it excite the male organ, but it can breathe new life into an intimate partnership. 4. Creme it up. When engaging in intimate contact with a partner or solo play, ensure a pleasant experience now and later by ensuring the right amount of moisture is present to reduce friction which can make a sensitive member an indifferent member quickly. When increasing male organ sensitivity, consider the everyday grooming ritual. Be sure to use gentle cleansers on the skin and use soft washcloths and warm water (not hot!). Never use harsh abrasives or unpronounceable ingredients that can be severe on this especially sensitive skin. When done, take care to dry the skin with very soft towels or completely via air drying. After cleaning the skin, use a specially formulated male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) on the area. Choose a crème carefully and ensure it has a natural base, full of wonderful emollients like Shea butter and vitamin E. Look for special ingredients like L-Carnitine which protects male organs from peripheral nerve damage which can steal healthy hardness and encourages a sensitive member. Add in more vitamins like A, B, C, and D, and it s the perfect crème for treating and protecting this very special member.

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The Sauna and the Healthy Male Organ: 5 Key Tips

The Sauna and the Healthy Male Organ: 5 Key Tips The Sauna and the Healthy Male Organ: 5 Key Tips Staying fit is a worthy goal, as physical exercise improves a man s health and often makes a difference in his physical appeal to potential partners as

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When Manhood Stretching Causes Member Pain

When Manhood Stretching Causes Member Pain When Manhood Stretching Causes Member Pain How long has male member size been an issue for men? Probably from the first time two cavemen caught glimpses of each other and noticed some difference down below.

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Protecting Male Organ Skin from Free Radicals

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Perineum Sensitivity: A How-to Guide to the P-Spot

Perineum Sensitivity: A How-to Guide to the P-Spot Perineum Sensitivity: A How-to Guide to the P-Spot It s the magical unicorn of a man s naughty bits, it s the perineum. But what magic does this space hold and why (and where is it exactly)? Let s unpack

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Relieving a Sore Male Organ after Stretching

Relieving a Sore Male Organ after Stretching Relieving a Sore Male Organ after Stretching Most men would like to possess a so-called trouser snake that is the equivalent of an anaconda in spite of the fact that most guys know that size is less important

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Uncomfortable Member Injury: Frenulum Breve

Uncomfortable Member Injury: Frenulum Breve Uncomfortable Member Injury: Frenulum Breve There aren t a lot of different male organ health issues between intact men and cut men, other than basics like needing to clean beneath the prepuce if a guy

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Small Member? No Problem An Extender May Be Your Solution

Small Member? No Problem An Extender May Be Your Solution Small Member? No Problem An Extender May Be Your Solution One of the benefits that comes with society s gradually more open acceptance of adult toys is the opportunity for men who feel uncomfortable about

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Reproductive function and Male Organ Blood Flow: Understanding the Anatomy of Tumescence

Reproductive function and Male Organ Blood Flow: Understanding the Anatomy of Tumescence Reproductive function and Male Organ Blood Flow: Understanding the Anatomy of Tumescence The human body is a wonder, a complicated organism that is a beautiful machine. Individual body parts are also wonders,

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