Lost Male organ sensitivity? Here s How to Get it Back

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1 Lost Male organ sensitivity? Here s How to Get it Back Have you noticed that things are a little less than excited lately downstairs? Is intimate contact not feeling as intense as it used to and is self-pleasure taking longer? If so, don t panic quite yet. It s common for men to experience reduced male organ sensitivity for a lot of reasons. However, most men don t know why they re losing sensitivity and how they can go about getting it back. Here are some of the most common reasons men experience loss of sensation, as well as tips for restoring the feeling down there. 1. Death Grip This cause is entirely preventable! Some men use what s considered a death grip when they pleasure themselves, leading to heightened sensations temporarily, but over the long-term, the organ requires more and more tension for excitement. How to Fix It: Go on a self-pleasure sabbatical. The manhood needs to be returned to Sensitivity Level 1. Reduce attention to the genitals until they regain their sensitivity. It may be a few days or weeks, depending on how intense the death grip was, but soon the manhood will regain sensitivity. 2. Drinking It s called Whisky Dick for a reason. While it s a crude term, it does reflect what too much drinking can do to the member: leave it de-sensitized and unable to achieve intense point, leading to feelings of embarrassment and dissatisfaction. How to Fix It: It s a simple solution; when a man wants to have a hot and heavy romp, he should minimize alcohol consumption. Plain and simple, he just has to choose between bedroom play and scotch. 3. Low Hormone Levels Low male hormone levels can be responsible for not only low drive but also for reducing sensitivity. How to Fix It: Men who believe hormones may be to blame should have levels checked by their physician, and upon receiving the results,

2 choose a treatment plan to address the issue if diagnosed. 4. Aging Unfortunately, with the wisdom of age, also comes the loss of sensitivity. This results from less blood flow getting to the organ, which means less sensation. Also, over the years, the member is desensitized by regular touch either from the owner or by partners. How to Fix It: No one can stop aging, but it is possible to lessen the effects of aging. Men should pay special attention to diet, fitness, and health tests as they age to keep their pumps primed for sensual activity. Also, trying different positions and scenarios has also been known to increase sensitivity because it's something different. 5. Friction Friction from too much rubbing or from too-tight clothing can cause the ma to not only lose sensitivity but also roughen up a bit. That tough layer of skin that forms as a result of all the friction reduces male organ sensitivity in a big way. How to Fix It: First and foremost, reduce friction. If it s due to coupling, use a creme or reduce the intensity or number of sensual escapades. If it is due to rough or too tight clothing, switch to milder detergents or wear looser clothing. After taking care of the underlying cause, take special care in bringing the skin back to its previous soft and smooth state. Cleanse the area with a gentle soap or cleanser and after cleansing, use a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) on the area. Be sure that the crème has a natural base, Shea butter and vitamin E for example, in order to deliver high-quality emollients to the skin in the most natural way possible. A crème with L-Carnitine is also beneficial because it is an amino acid that not only protects from peripheral nerve damage but also promotes male organ sensitivity and well-being.

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When Dry Member Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris When Dry Member Skin Is Due to Ichthyosis Vulgaris Male organ skin is very delicate, which may be surprising considering the amount of friction and action it must endure. Its tone and elasticity help protect

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Male Organ Odor: Blame Thioalcohols

Male Organ Odor: Blame Thioalcohols Male Organ Odor: Blame Thioalcohols Until they become sensually active, most guys don t pay much (if any) attention to male organ odor. They tend to not be too concerned with whether their member has a

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The Bent Male Organ and Hypertension

The Bent Male Organ and Hypertension The Bent Male Organ and Hypertension With the easy availability of adult video sites online, it s likely that many men nowadays are in a position to see more tumescent members than they would have in the

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Male Organ Problems Due to Antidepressants

Male Organ Problems Due to Antidepressants Male Organ Problems Due to Antidepressants Advances in the mental health field have benefited countless people in recent years. The rise of antidepressants in particular has enabled many whose quality

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Male Organ Dysfunction 101: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Male Organ Dysfunction 101: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Male Organ Dysfunction 101: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment EGuys may do a lot of talking about sensual conquests and the unrelenting prowess of their libido; however, one sensual thing a lot of men won

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Does a Small Male Organ = Infertility?

Does a Small Male Organ = Infertility? Does a Small Male Organ = Infertility? Many men with a small male organ (or what they believe is a small male organ) worry about their male organ size. Society places an absurd emphasis on a big member,

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Male Organ Health and Acetyl-L- Carnitine: A Nutrient Powerhouse for Male Function

Male Organ Health and Acetyl-L- Carnitine: A Nutrient Powerhouse for Male Function Male Organ Health and Acetyl-L- Carnitine: A Nutrient Powerhouse for Male Function Men seeking the best possible male organ care should look to a powerful male organ health crème to achieve that worthwhile

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Antioxidants and Male Organ Health: The Impact of Free Radicals on Male Function

Antioxidants and Male Organ Health: The Impact of Free Radicals on Male Function Antioxidants and Male Organ Health: The Impact of Free Radicals on Male Function In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about antioxidants and the important role they can play in maintaining a person

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