Some Jock Itch Cures that Don t Work

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Some Jock Itch Cures that Don t Work Jock itch is one of the most common complaints among men, whether they are athletes or not. While it s not a serious male organ health condition, jock itch lives up to its name, often creating an itch that is impossible to ignore. And since no guy likes to be caught scratching his midsection, it behooves an afflicted man to take appropriate steps to treat this problem. Unfortunately, sometimes guys choose cures that don t really help jock itch and sometimes may even make the situation worse. About jock itch Also known as tinea cruris, jock itch is a fungal infection which can appear on the male organ, sacks, inner thighs or posterior. It usually shows up as a red circle, with the outer ring of the circle more pronounced and perhaps crustier than the inner portion of the circle. The fungus is the same fungus that appears elsewhere as athlete s foot. Jock itch appears due to excessive sweating in the midsection area; though it is associated with people who are heavily into athletic activities, it can develop in couch potatoes as well. It s often spread through contact with the towels, clothing or bedsheets of a person infected with it. It s also possible to catch it from a foot infected with athlete s foot. Thus, men who have athlete s foot are advised to don socks before slipping into their underwear, to avoid the fungus spreading to the midsection. Cures to avoid Many traditional home remedies may have been effective for some individuals but generally come with risks for others. For example: Mentholated topical ointments are sometimes mentioned as a way to cure inflammation related to jock itch. However, because these ointments are designed to help decongest a stuffy nose or chest, they tend to create a burning sensation when applied to sensitive skin, such as that found in the midsection area. Many men have dabbed this ointment on their jock itch, only to find that the burning sensation actually worsens the problem. Steroidal creams and lotions should also be avoided. These

treatments can be very effective for treating some other dermatological issues, such as psoriasis. But the steroids will actually help the jock itch to thrive more. Some oils may also be problematic. Many home remedies suggest treating jock itch with a variety of oils. There can be a benefit in using oils, but a man may want to tread lightly here, in the event that his sensitive skin has a reaction to any exotic oils or even everyday oils to which his skin is not normally exposed. Treatment The first step in treating jock itch is to keep the midsection clean and dry. Washing regularly and drying thoroughly is a start. But men should also avoid wearing tight underwear and pants, and should choose fabrics that breathe, such as cotton rather than synthetic fabrics. Doctor can recommend a good over-the-counter antifungal medication, often in powder form. (It s usually necessary to continue treatment for a couple of weeks, even after the rash goes away.) In some stubborn cases, a prescription strength medication may be needed. Cures for jock itch provide relief, but preventing it from occurring in the first place is even better. And that s easier if male organ health is a priority, so definitely make regular use of a top drawer male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) part of one s daily regimen. Strengthening manhood skin can be aided by a crème with a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which helps eliminate the excess free radicals that can cause oxidative damage to male member skin. The best crème will also include natural moisturizing ingredients, such as shea butter and vitamin E, to further strengthen and soothe delicate male organ skin.