Self-pleasuring on the Go: Some Travel Tips

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Self-pleasuring on the Go: Some Travel Tips Whether on a vacation or a business trip, travel is a chance for a person to explore new worlds. And sometimes exploring new worlds includes doing a little self-exploration as well. Many men find that there s something especially satisfying about indulging in a little self-pleasuring while on a trip. Sometimes it can be a way of putting a little relaxing pleasure into an unexpectedly tense business trip. Or it can be simply fun to experience selfpleasuring in a hotel room setting. As long as a guy practices good male organ care, there shouldn t be a problem but these travel self-pleasuring trips can help make the experience more enjoyable. Know the local laws. Especially when traveling to another country, a guy may feel like he s in a position to engage in behaviors he couldn t get away with at home. He may have heard that anything goes in some places and think that he can engage in public self-pleasuring in the proper setting. But risky behavior is risky behavior all over the world, and unless he absolutely knows for certain that self-pleasuring is allowed in certain settings, he should restrain himself to fondling in private. Bring supplies. Most hotels provide complimentary hand lotions that may be suitable for self-pleasuring but if a guy has especially sensitive skin or if he has a favorite lubricant, he should bring it with him, just to be safe. He may also want to pack a selection of sensual toys for his enjoyment although it s probably best to check a bag in such cases. It can be embarrassing if his carry-on needs to be searched and his male organ ring or posterior plug is pulled out. Be careful with the pay TV. Many travelers find to their delight that their hotel offers some seriously adult movie options for their viewing and self-stimulating pleasure. If a man wishes to take advantage of this and he is traveling on business, he should be sure that he is using his own credit card, and not the company s; his employer is likely to frown on using the company card for male organ enjoyment. Be aware of others. One of the benefits of traveling alone is that a guy can feel more uninhibited. No one knows him, so he may not care

what they think of him, and so he may decide to roar and moan like a madman while self-gratifying. However, hotel walls are not always so thick, and although he may not care what his neighbors think of him, he should still be aware that too much noise can be awkward for them and can keep them from getting a good night s sleep. Try something new. A change of scene is an excellent opportunity to try something new with one s self-pleasuring. If the bathroom has a Jacuzzi, perhaps try self-gratifying to jet sprays. Guys who always self-fondle with their fists may want to try rubbing the member against bedsheets. Those who never watch themselves in the act may want to take advantage of a full length mirror in the hotel room to see what they look like when self-stimulating. Of course, lots of men don t self-gratify when on a trip and that s okay, too. but for those who do, take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy some me time in a different setting. Travel self-pleasuring, like at-home self-pleasuring, carries with it the risk of going overboard. When self-stimulating results in rawness, regular use of a top notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is more necessary than ever. In such cases, a crème definitely needs to combine the benefits of a high end emollient (such as shea butter) with a powerful natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). And since rough handling can over time lead to de-sensitization of the member, the crème should also contain L-carnitine. This neuroprotective ingredient helps to maintain proper manhood sensation.