Seven Varicocele Symptoms and How to Deal

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Seven Varicocele Symptoms and How to Deal A varicocele? No, it s not a type of pasta, it s a group of enlarged veins in the privates (the pouch of skin that contains a man s testicles). They are usually caused by faulty valves in the veins. Here s the rub: sometimes a man doesn t know if he has a varicocele because symptoms can go unnoticed. To help fight that injustice, here are the seven most common symptoms of a varicocele and how to find relief. Varicocele Symptoms: 1. One testicle is bigger than the other. Usually, the smaller testicle is the one that has the varicocele. Most of the time, it's the left side that gets the varicocele due to the position of the veins on that side. 2. Privates feel or look like a bag of worms or a have a lump that doesn t hurt? That may be a varicocele; in fact, that description is the perfect metaphor for a varicocele. 3. A dull ache in the privates. Men who have an inexplicable and uncomfortable ache in their privates should pay attention. The ache may be caused by blood pooling in the privates. Using a jockstrap or extra supportive briefs may help ease the discomfort. 4. Pain that increases when standing and decreased while laying down. When a man is on his feet, blood pools to his varicocele. Lying down helps drain the blood from the area, relieving the tension and pain. 5. Hot weather and prolonged exercise can make groin pain worse. The warmer it is, in your body or outside, the more blood that pumps in the body. This causes more blood to pool to the site of the varicocele. 6. Low-T. Varicoceles can interfere with male hormone production. This can lead to many other symptoms such as: Low drive Reproductuve dysfunction Lack of energy or ambition

Extreme fatigue Fat gain and muscle loss Hot flashes Difficulty sleeping Depression Difficulty concentrating 7. Infertility. Since seed is produced in the male organ, a varicocele can actually heat up the area, affecting roduction, motility, and function. In short, it can cause lower fertility or infertility. In fact, studies have shown varicoceles are responsible for 40% of male infertility issues. Some studies also show that there may be an autoimmune disorder that results from a varicocele, which causes the body to kill seed. How to Deal with a Varicocele They definitely seem pretty pesky, but what can be done about varicoceles? Some symptoms are aesthetic and unless they really bother a man, it can be left alone and lived with. For men experiencing pain, are unhappy with genital appearance as a result of a varicocele or wants to remedy the more serious issues like Low-T and infertility, they should seek out medical care. See a doctor for options. A varicocele embolization, a minimally invasive procedure with quick recovery time, can make varicoceles a thing of the past. As always, good male organ health care is also recommended for keeping the member happy and healthy. Be sure to engage in a regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, get adequate sleep, and conduct monthly exams on the member and privates to detect any moles, sores, or lumps which need attention. Also, be sure to commit to a regular hygiene ritual to keep the male organ clean and free of infections. Cleanse the skin with a gentle cleanser, dry well, and moisturize. When conditioning the delicate genital area use a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for the skin). This type of crème delivers essential vitamins and amino acids necessary for cell turnover, keeping bacteria away, and promoting healthy firmness and elasticity.