Male Organ Oddities: What is Happening to My Junk?

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1 Male Organ Oddities: What is Happening to My Junk? Men in general are as familiar with their junk as they are with the back of their hand, and they rely on it to work properly and stay healthy and wholesome. However, occasionally, male organ oddities may crop up that are a cause for concern. In most cases, these are not serious, but knowing what is happening can both prevent panic and help a man to determine whether treatment is warranted. Here are just some of the environmental and psychological factors can play a part in a guy s male organ health. 1. Shy bladder. This issue is something that many people struggle with, especially men. Also referred to as avoidant paruresis or psychogenic urinary retention, it refers to a condition in which a person is unable to urinate in the presence of others (e.g., in a public restroom). In mild cases, shy bladder, or paruresis, happens only occasionally; in other instances, it can be an ongoing problem. If you have trouble peeing surrounded by other men, using a stall instead of a urinal may help. If you are experiencing significant anxiety with urinating, to the point that it is affecting your day to day life, seek professional treatment. This may start with a visit to a urologist, but in many instances, psychotherapy to address the underlying cause is the most appropriate form of treatment. 2. Male organ shrinkage. The idea of a shrinking member sounds like the stuff of nightmares, but it can actually happen in real life, and unlike the spontaneous shrinkage that might happen in an anxiety dream, there is generally a rational explanation. Shrinking of the manhood is more common in older men, especially those who are overweight. During aging, fatty deposits can build up in the arteries, effectively reducing the journey of blood flow to the member. This will cause smaller, less firm tumescence. Excess body fat can also engulf the male organ tissue, making it appear smaller, although the actual size does not change. On the other hand, smoking can damage the tissue to the point where it does actually shrink, sometimes up to a centimeter or more in length! If that s not a good enough reason to snuff the butts!

2 3. Bladder stones. These painful little objects are hard masses of minerals that can develop in the bladder when the minerals in urine crystallize. This happens often if a man cannot fully empty his bladder due to a health issue or surgery. Symptoms can range from very serious abdominal pain to blood in your urine, although in some cases, they don t cause any pain. In order to be diagnosed with bladder stones, you will need a physical exam, urinalysis or ultrasound. Treatment typically involves inserting a rigid tube into the urethra and breaking up the stones with a laser, after which the fragments are washed out in the urine. 4. Varicoceles. This condition involves an enlargement of the veins in the organ, similar to varicose veins in the legs. They may not cause direct pain, but if the veins are severely enlarged, they can cause the testicles to swell, leading to discomfort. For pain or discomfort, men can take ibuprofen to reduce the swelling. The most common treatment for varicoceles is surgery. 5. Emission disorders. Issues such as early on or delayed emission can wreak havoc on a man s intimate life and on his relationships. Early on emission is often caused by an underlying psychological problem such as anxiety; delayed emission may be due to psychological concerns, as well, or can be caused by medications or certain medical conditions. Medical treatment with a trained urologist or psychotherapy can address these problems. 6. Reproductive dysfunction. Most men will experience occasional ED, which can have a profound effect on their pleasure life, their relationships and their self-esteem. Reproductive dysfunction is particularly common in older men, but those who smoke have a higher likelihood of experiencing issues with their member later in life. Other common causes for reproductive dysfunction are heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Parkinson s disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Keep your heart and lungs healthy by eating right, exercising, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, and taking your vitamins.

3 When unusual male organ symptoms do occur, it s important to seek appropriate treatment and to follow the recommendations of your health care provider. But everyday care can go a long way toward preventing abnormalities and promoting overall health and wellness. To keep the member in good form, be sure to wash every day with a mild cleanser. While bathing, use the opportunity to check over the skin for any unusual spots, rashes, lumps or bumps. After properly cleansing the area, pat dry and make sure to moisturize the skin with a male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of member skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the member skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.

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How to Get Rid of that Bad Male Organ Smell: Odor Control for Men How to Get Rid of that Bad Male Organ Smell: Odor Control for Men A sure-fire way to ruin a sensual encounter is a foul-smelling private area. While we re all accustomed to the normal range of human body

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Buerger s Disease Can Imperil Male Organ Health

Buerger s Disease Can Imperil Male Organ Health Buerger s Disease Can Imperil Male Organ Health Maintaining good male organ health is crucial if a man is to get the maximum enjoyment and pleasure from his manhood. That s one reason why taking good care

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Tips for Improving Member Sensitivity

Tips for Improving Member Sensitivity Tips for Improving Member Sensitivity Most men are well aware that male organ sensation matters a great deal. It s what makes anything sensual feel so wonderful from the feather-light touches of a partner

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Five Common Self-gratification Side Effects

Five Common Self-gratification Side Effects Five Common Self-gratification Side Effects Self-gratification is not only a common activity but also a healthy one. It s a safe and completely natural way to explore the body, release built-up sensual

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Can BPAs Damage a Healthy Member?

Can BPAs Damage a Healthy Member? Can BPAs Damage a Healthy Member? Practicing regular male organ care is one habit from which every man can benefit. After all, maintaining a healthy member is a prerequisite for having a happy (and active)

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Strange Member Problems: Accidental Seed Release

Strange Member Problems: Accidental Seed Release Strange Member Problems: Accidental Seed Release When it comes to a man s manhood, he loves to be in control of it. He wants to make sure it gets the pleasure and care it needs, and in order to do that,

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A Bent Male Organ Affects the Tunica Albuginea

A Bent Male Organ Affects the Tunica Albuginea A Bent Male Organ Affects the Tunica Albuginea The male member is a wonderful organ, as any male knows, but most men aren t intimately familiar with the various anatomical parts of that organ and their

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Five Symptoms of Male Menopause and How to Survive Them

Five Symptoms of Male Menopause and How to Survive Them Five Symptoms of Male Menopause and How to Survive Them Male menopause is a condition that affects men as they age. Also known as andropause, it describes the age-related changes in male hormone levels.

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Male Organ Odor: Why It Happens and Strategies for Treating It

Male Organ Odor: Why It Happens and Strategies for Treating It Male Organ Odor: Why It Happens and Strategies for Treating It Male organ odor is a very common problem for men. Picture this: It s the fourth date, things are heating up, and you re worried about your

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Five Common Questions about Male Organ Health Creme Answered

Five Common Questions about Male Organ Health Creme Answered Five Common Questions about Male Organ Health Creme Answered So, what s the deal with the crème craze? Today we have crèmes for every part of the body but are they really necessary? If they are necessary,

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Self-Pleasuring Month: Handy Tips for Getting Handy

Self-Pleasuring Month: Handy Tips for Getting Handy Self-Pleasuring Month: Handy Tips for Getting Handy Most guys certainly don t need a special occasion for self-pleasuring, but for those who do or who just want a legitimate excuse to up their self-fondling

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Dealing with the Unbearably Itchy Manhood

Dealing with the Unbearably Itchy Manhood Dealing with the Unbearably Itchy Manhood Every man has one thing in common: At some point in their lives, they have suffered from male organ itching. It might have been a fleeting incident where the delicate

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