Sore Male Organ After Intimacy? Here s Why and How to Fix It

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Sore Male Organ After Intimacy? Here s Why and How to Fix It There can be such a thing as too much of a good thing. This can sometimes be the case when it comes to intimacy. A healthy and passionate sensual life doesn t have to cause pain (and it probably shouldn t) but there are a few reasons why a man may find he has a sore male organ after intimacy. Let s talk about how a man could find himself in a sore member predicament and how to treat it. How a Man Gets a Sore Male Organ After Intimacy There are several ways a may can find himself with a sore male organ after intimacy. Here are a few common causes: 1. Too much intimacy during a short period of time. Space it out next time! 2. Use of lubricants that contained irritating ingredients. Pro tip: Flavored cremes and warming cremes are notorious for causing irritation and pain. 3. Not using a lubricant. Going too long in the zone and it got dry? Intimate with a partner who doesn t get very wet? Use a good, waterbased lubricant in the future to enhance the experience and avoid chafing. 4. Use of sensual aids. Some aids, like rings and pumps, can actually cause minor (and sometimes major) trauma to the male organ. This is a situation where a man should closely monitor the situation and see a doctor if concerned or pain persists. In the future, either avoid the aids or look for ways to incorporate them without injury. How to Fix a Sore Male Organ After Intimacy Hey there mister, fun has been had but now it s time to get your little soldier out of the infirmary. Here s a few tips on how to fix a sore male organ after

intimacy: 1. Put Away the Toy It s so sore it probably doesn t need saying, but it time to give the member a little vacation. Yep, that means all kinds of sensual attention from top to bottom. Benching the big guy serves two purposes: it gives him some time to recuperate and the time alone will also let him regain some sensitivity. 2. Cool Down With a sore male organ after intimacy, it s good to return the body temperature back to normal. DIY a cold compress using a soft washcloth. Simple soak it in cool water, wring it out, and lay over the naked male organ. Repeat as needed. Do not use ice packs as they are too cold and often, ouch, stick to manhood skin. 3. Get Some Quality Time with Mr. Bubble (figuratively) After returning the male organ to its regular temp, consider a bath. A warm bath is a nice way to relax the muscle, release built-up tension, and calm the male organ. This allows the blood vessels in the male organ to just breathe and calm. Don t make the water too hot that can actually irritate the male organ and make things worse. Also, Mr. Bubble isn t a good idea, plain warm water is best. Play some relaxing music and light a candle to set a calming mood. Stay in the bath no less than 20 minutes. 4. Hang Loose This is the time to embrace one s inner nudist and let it dangle. Air and no compression can really benefit a sore member because it puts no weight or pressure on the male organ. Be sure to be careful when sitting down and men who live with a partner should give them a head s up that they aren t doing their Naked Man pose as a sensual overture. At least not today. 5. Give a Little Healing Touch with a Male organ Creme Carefully and gently massage the male organ with a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to encourage healing and calming. Nutrient-rich crèmes created specifically for the male organ should include an all-natural moisturizer, like Shea butter, as their base to provide an irritate-free, moisturizing experience. It s also a good idea to use a crème with

ingredients L-Carnitine to protect against nerve damage from excess friction involved in too much intimacy and helps to preserve sensitivity. Crèmes like this are clutch when treating a sore male organ after intimacy.