Vocabulary astrónomo atmósfera lanzamiento imágenes enfocar satélite mantenimiento datos. Comprehension Understand Author s Purpose

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Teaching Plan EDL Level 38 Guided Reading Level P Lexile Measure 680L Mira el cielo tells the story of how and why scientists built the Hubble Space Telescope. Learn how scientists solved problems that arose and what they learn from pictures the telescope sends back to Earth. Nonfiction Genre Nonfiction Narrative Nonfiction Features Captions Contents Diagrams Glossary Headings Index Labels Photographs Timeline Text Structure Cause and Effect Chronological Description astrónomo atmósfera lanzamiento imágenes enfocar satélite mantenimiento datos Comprehension Understand Author s Purpose Writing Write a nonfiction narrative. Content Area Connections: Earth Science Understand how scientists learn about the Sun, Moon, and planets. Identify ways scientists use space technology. Curriculum Support You may want to use Mira el cielo when teaching the following science topics: Solar system Space technology Cross-Text Reading Los astronautas vuelan al espacio, an iopeners Grade 3 science title

1 Introduce the Book Introduce the Nonfiction Genre: Nonfiction Narrative Display the cover and read the title and the author s name. Ask students what they think Mira el cielo might be about. Point out that this is a nonfiction narrative that recalls or recounts events that really happened. Explain that it contains facts about the event and tells a story. Explain that events in a nonfiction narrative are usually told in chronological order so that they are easy to follow. Have students speculate about how a book that tells a story might be organized. Cuándo comenzaría el cuento? Qué tipo de información debería incluir? Cómo debería terminar? Activate or Build Background Ask students to describe small objects that are across the room from them. Then provide one or more pairs of binoculars, and have students use them to look at the same objects. Ask them to describe details they see with the binoculars that they could not see without them. Next, ask students to name things they can see in the night sky. Explain that to see details of those faraway objects, we must use something stronger than binoculars a telescope. Tell students that Mira el cielo tells a story about the building and launching of the Hubble Space Telescope. Ask them to record important dates and events in a sequence chart as they read. Nonfiction Text Features Diagrams: Point out the labeled diagram on pages 4 5. Explain that diagrams are illustrations or photographs that show how things work or how they are made. They often clarify complicated information in the main text. Diagrams with cutaways or cross sections like the one on pages 4 5 show the inner workings of something. The labels identify parts within the diagram that are mentioned in the text. Captions: Turn to the caption on page 11. Explain that the before-and-after photographs allow the reader to compare and contrast views that otherwise would be hard to imagine. The caption helps the reader understand the content and purpose of the photographs. Timeline: Draw attention to the timeline on page 14, and point out that the dates are arranged in chronological order. The dates and statements on the timeline summarize important events related to the development of the Hubble Space Telescope. This timeline is organized in chart form, but a timeline can also be arranged along a horizontal line. Introduce You may want to introduce the following words and concepts before reading: astrónomo: científico que estudia el espacio atmósfera: el aire que rodea la Tierra lanzamiento: acto de enviar algo al espacio imágenes: representaciones de algo enfocar: concentrarse en algo satélite: objeto artificial enviado con un cohete que orbita la Tierra mantenimiento: reparación o cuidado de una máquina datos: información Preview and Predict Allow students to look again at the cover photograph and page through the book to preview the heading and photographs. Ask them to read the contents. Puedes darte cuenta si ésta es una historia real sobre el telescopio espacial Hubble (HST, por sus siglas en inglés), mirando las fotos y leyendo el contenido? Qué podrías aprender acerca del Hubble y del espacio en este libro?

2 Read the Book SET THE PURPOSE pages 3 7 Focus Attention As students read this section, have them recognize why it was important to build a space telescope. Have students note three parts or pieces of equipment that were specially designed for the Hubble Space Telescope. astrónomo, atmósfera, lanzamiento GUIDE THE READING Por qué pensaron los científicos que un telescopio en el espacio sería mejor que un telescopio en la Tierra? Synthesize Have students tell what had to be done first in building the Hubble Space Telescope. Then have them describe other steps in the process. Sequence of Events After students have read page 7, have them summarize in their own words the problems scientists had to solve when building the Hubble. Summarize FOCUS ON NONFICTION FEATURES Ask students to examine the headings at the top of pages 3 and 5. Cómo estos títulos se relacionan con la información comentada en las páginas 3 7? Have students study the diagram on pages 4 5. Point out that the diagram is cut away to let the reader see what is inside the telescope. Cómo facilita el diagrama comprender el texto de la columna lateral de la página 4? Invite students to point out details in the photographs and captions on pages 6 and 7 that help them picture how big the Hubble was. page 8 11 Focus Attention As students read, suggest they pay close attention to the sequence of events from the launch day up to the receipt of first pictures. Have students speculate how scientists felt when they received Hubble s first pictures. imágenes, enfocar, satélite, mantenimiento GUIDE THE READING Have students think about how the Hubble orbits Earth while sending back images. Por qué es más ventajoso tener un telescopio que esté en órbita que uno que esté fijo en el mismo lugar? Make Inferences Por qué las primeras imágenes del Hubble se demoraron en llegar casi un mes? Identify Cause and Effect Por qué piensas que la autora incluyó información acerca de los problemas que tuvo el Hubble? Understand Author s Purpose FOCUS ON NONFICTION FEATURES Discuss information about the launch covered in the text. Qué puedes aprender sobre el lanzamiento mirando la fotografía de la página 8 que no se explica en el texto? Have students tell why the information in the sidebar on page 11 is related to the main text and yet doesn t belong in the body text.

pages 12 14 Focus Attention As they read this section, encourage students to find out what kind of things scientists have been able to learn by studying images from the Hubble. datos GUIDE THE READING Qué son algunas de las cosas que diferentes astrónomos estudian con el Hubble? Identify Main Idea/Details Por qué el Hubble no está disponible para todos los astrónomos que deseen usarlo? Make Inferences Por qué piensas que la autora terminó el libro con una línea cronológica? Es útil para ti el resumen de los sucesos importantes? Understand Author s Purpose FOCUS ON NONFICTION FEATURES Have students study the Hubble images on pages 12 14. Invite them to comment on ways the pictures change their ideas of space. Por qué es más fácil buscar sucesos importantes en la línea cronológica de la página 14 que en el texto principal? En qué se diferencia la información de la línea cronológica de la información que anotaste en tu tabla de secuencia? ESL/ELL Strategy Write the following Spanish words in a column on the chalkboard: telescopio, espacio, planetas, atmósfera, astronautas, and galaxia. Explain to students that these words have cognates in English (words that look and/or sound similar). Ask volunteers to guess the corresponding English term for each word, then write the English term in another column, next to the Spanish. Have students copy both lists in their notebooks. Ask them to add to the lists as they come across other words in Mira el cielo that have English cognates. Reread the Book After students reread the text, have them use their completed sequence charts to summarize the information in the book for a partner. Have students explain how Hubble helps us learn about space. Qué tipos de cosas pueden ver los científicos con la ayuda del telescopio? Ask students what they would enjoy looking at through the Hubble Space Telescope. Then invite them to tell whether they would rather be an astronomer or an astronaut and why. Answers to Student Book Questions 1. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Para averiguar de qué trata el libro o para aprender algo nuevo. 2. Fue el primer telescopio espacial; había problemas que resolver; había que construir equipos especiales. 3. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Nuevos planetas, galaxias y estrellas. 4. Las respuestas variarán pero pueden incluir: Para que sepan lo importante que es el Hubble en la exploración del espacio. 5. Las respuestas variarán.

3 Learn Through the Text SCIENCE: Looking at Our Solar System In Mira el cielo, students learn that scientists use the Hubble to look at planets in our solar system. Help students understand that even the closest planets are millions of miles from Earth. On the chalkboard, draw a diagram of Earth s solar system. Discuss how the planets orbit the Sun. Tell students that Jupiter is more than 390 million miles from Earth. If it were possible, a car would have to travel for almost 90 years at 55 miles per hour to go that distance. Point out that many other objects, such as stars, are even farther from Earth. Discuss that scientists cannot travel to most objects in space; they must use powerful telescopes and other tools to study them. Have students compare the image of planet Jupiter on page 12 with the image of planet Earth on page 9. Point out that each planet has its own characteristics, which are partly due to the planet s distance from the Sun. COMPREHENSION: Understand Author s Purpose Explain that authors can write nonfiction for several different purposes. Usually, nonfiction is written to inform the reader. But it can also entertain, persuade, or express an opinion. Tell students that as they read they can decide the author s purpose by looking at the kind of ideas and text features the author uses. On the chalkboard, create a chart as below. Have students reread Mira el cielo and check off features on the chart that they find in the text. Ask students to use the finished chart to decide the author s purpose (to inform). Review some of the examples from the text and ask students how each one helped the author inform the reader. Propósito del autor Características del texto Para informar hechos diagramas datos líneas cronológicas explicaciones mapas Para entretener Para persuadir historias (reales o imaginarias) personajes interesantes (reales o imaginarios) chistes fantasía opiniones lenguaje persuasivo WRITING Write a Nonfiction Narrative Have students use what they have learned about nonfiction narratives to write about another development in space exploration. Have students brainstorm topics they might write about. Guide students toward topics that are well-suited to nonfiction narratives, such as the development of space technology (rockets, the space shuttle, satellites, the lunar rover) or space missions (Voyager, Viking, Apollo). Have students research their topic at the library or on the Internet. Model how to summarize information to take notes. To help students organize their notes, have them underline important dates they recorded and put them in chronological order. After students have written a first draft, encourage them to revise their writing, looking for ways to clarify ideas. Remind them to tell about events in order and to include diagrams, photographs, and timelines. Have students present their narratives to the class. You may wish to compile students research by recording the main events of each narrative on a class timeline.

Mira el cielo Organizador gráfico Nombre Anota en la siguiente línea cronológica sucesos importantes en la vida de la persona. Sucesos importantes en la vida de Fechas Sucesos Copyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Celebration Press, an imprint of Pearson Learning Group, 299 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except for the Reproducible Graphic Organizer, which may be reproduced for classroom use only. For information regarding permission(s), write to Rights and Permissions Department. Lexile is a U.S. registered trademark of MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-800-321-3106 www.pearsonlearning.com