Jock Itch: Sensible Prevention Tips

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1 Jock Itch: Sensible Prevention Tips Although scratching the midsection is perfectly acceptable when knocking back a few brews in a man cave with the guys, it s not something that wins a fellow a lot of points when giving a business presentation or when out on a date. Yet there are times when the urge to itch is so strong that there s little a guy can do but give a surreptitious little scratch and hope no one notices. This is especially true when a dude has come down with a bad case of dreaded jock itch and feels like all he wants to do is put his hands down his pants and scratch away for a couple of hours. Since jock itch is such a nuisance, it s wise to practice prevention strategies for avoiding it. The following may help. Don t share towels with a bud. Whether at the gym or at home, it s important to use a own clean towel when drying off from the shower. Jock itch is a fungus spread through direct contact meaning it s not airborne. A guy has to come into physical contact with it. Using a towel another guy has used means one of you might be passing the fungus to the other. This is especially important at the gym. Often, guys hang their towels on a row of hooks while they shower and it s easy to forget whose towel is whose, so pay attention when hanging up that towel. Don t share underwear either. Seriously, going commando is usually a better option than borrowing some briefs from a bro. It s just too personal. Besides, he may claim that he s washed his underwear in hot soapy water but a lot of guys fudge the truth when it comes to how much laundry they do. Wearing boxers that have been clinging to a midsection with jock itch is a disaster waiting to happen. Use a towel in the sauna. Hanging out unclothed in the sauna or steam room after a good workout really helps relax the muscles. But other guys have been sitting there unclothed too, and if any of them had jock itch well, need we say more? Bringing a towel to spread out and sit on is excellent prevention. Wear a latex protection. Jock itch often starts from sleeping with a woman who has a yeast infection. Wearing a latex protection is one of

2 the most important prevention strategies in such cases. Beware of athlete s foot. The fungus that causes jock itch is the same as that behind athlete s foot so if a guy has athlete s foot, he needs to avoid touching his feet and then touching his member. Give the manhood an airing. Jock itch thrives in warm, moist conditions, so it benefits a guy to let his manhood have fresh air regularly. Sleeping in the buff is an easy way to do this, or just walking around the house unclothed for an hour or two on a regular basis. Stay loose. Tight fitting clothing may accentuate a guy s physique, but if the pants and underwear are too tight, it makes more heat and moisture, which encourages jock itch. Go for boxers rather than briefs and trousers that don t cling directly to the midsection. Shower and dry. Shower frequently to keep the skin clean and dry it thoroughly. Taking prevention tips to heart can decrease the odds of getting jock itch, but sometimes the yeasty beast comes for a visit anyway. The member will better meet this danger if it s in its best health; daily use of a top drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help maintain that health. For best results, make sure the crème contains a wide range of vitamins, including the all-important A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, the crème needs to feature L-carnitine, an amino acid which has valuable neuroprotective properties that help ensure continued sensitivity in the member.

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Male Organ Function and the Impact of Diabetes

Male Organ Function and the Impact of Diabetes Male Organ Function and the Impact of Diabetes More than 30 million Americas 9.4% of the population are thought to have diabetes and about a quarter of them don t know it. Equally alarming, some 84 million

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Male Organ Odor: A Primer for a Woman

Male Organ Odor: A Primer for a Woman Male Organ Odor: A Primer for a Woman Alright, ladies, it s time to talk about that irritating, off-putting little male organ health problem that so many women have encounter. Yes, the subject is male

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Avoid Male Organ Rash When Using Body Paints

Avoid Male Organ Rash When Using Body Paints Avoid Male Organ Rash When Using Body Paints A rash on any part of the body is inconvenient, but a male organ rash can be especially so. Not only is it often accompanied by an itchiness that can lead to

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Dry Rubbing and the Death Grip: Selfpleasuring

Dry Rubbing and the Death Grip: Selfpleasuring Dry Rubbing and the Death Grip: Selfpleasuring Problems to Avoid When a man is looking for new ways to pleasure himself, he might choose to attempt certain things that aren t exactly conducive to good

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A Bent Male Organ Affects the Tunica Albuginea

A Bent Male Organ Affects the Tunica Albuginea A Bent Male Organ Affects the Tunica Albuginea The male member is a wonderful organ, as any male knows, but most men aren t intimately familiar with the various anatomical parts of that organ and their

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Bent Male Organ After Using a Pump: How and Why it Happens

Bent Male Organ After Using a Pump: How and Why it Happens Bent Male Organ After Using a Pump: How and Why it Happens The male organ pump is a device which many men with tumescence issues use to help overcome these issues, and as such can be a valuable male organ

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Male Organ Skin and Vitamin D: A Healthy Combo

Male Organ Skin and Vitamin D: A Healthy Combo Male Organ Skin and Vitamin D: A Healthy Combo Men like to be proud of their manhood and its appearance, and part of that pride comes from having attractive male organ skin. One reason for men to pay attention

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