EOTB - Experimental Optical Techniques in Biology

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1 Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHOTONICS (Syllabus 2013). (Teaching unit Optional) ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER'S DEGREE IN PHOTONICS ENGINEERING, NANOPHOTONICS AND BIOPHOTONICS (Syllabus 2010). (Teaching unit Optional) 3 Teaching languages: English Teaching staff Coordinator: Others: David Artigas, UPC. Pablo Loza-Alvarez, ICFO. María Garcia-Parajo, ICFO. Melike Lakadamyali, ICFO. Degree competences to which the subject contributes Basic: CB6. (ENG) Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación CB7. (ENG) Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio. CB8. (ENG) Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicio. CB10. (ENG) Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo. Specific: CE8. (ENG) Màster en Fotònica: Comprender la importancia de las patentes como base de la empresa tecnológica y tener la capacidad para entender y redactar una patente en el ámbito de la fotónica CE2. (ENG) Màster en Fotònica: Demostrar que comprende las peculiaridades que comporta el modelo cuántico para la interacción luz-materia. CE9. (ENG) Màster en Fotònica: Capacidad para sintetizar y exponer los resultados de investigación en fótonica según los procedimientos y convenciones de las presentaciones científicas en inglés. Generical: CG1. (ENG) Màster en Fotònica: Capacidad para proyectar, diseñar e implantar productos, procesos, servicios e instalaciones en algunos ámbitos de la fotónica como los relacionados con la ingeniería fotónica, la nanofotónica, la óptica cuántica, las telecomunicaciones y la biofotónica CG2. (ENG) Màster en Fotònica: Capacidad para la modelización, cálculo, simulación, desarrollo e implantación en centros de investigación, centros tecnológicos y empresas, particularmente en tareas de investigación, desarrollo e innovación en todos los ámbitos relacionados con la Fotónica. CG4. (ENG) Màster en Fotònica: Capacidad para entender el carácter generalista y multidisciplinario de la fótonica viendo su aplicación por ejemplo a la medicina, biología, energía, comunicaciones o la industria 1 / 5

2 Transversal: 1. EFFECTIVE USE OF INFORMATION RESOURCES: Managing the acquisition, structuring, analysis and display of data and information in the chosen area of specialisation and critically assessing the results obtained. 2. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION: Being aware of and understanding how companies are organised and the principles that govern their activity, and being able to understand employment regulations and the relationships between planning, industrial and commercial strategies, quality and profit. 3. FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Achieving a level of spoken and written proficiency in a foreign language, preferably English, that meets the needs of the profession and the labour market. CT3. (ENG) Màster en Fotònica: TRABAJO EN EQUIPO. Ser capaz de trabajar como miembro de un equipo interdisciplinar ya sea como un miembro más, o realizando tareas de dirección con la finalidad de contribuir a desarrollar proyectos con pragmatismo y sentido de la responsabilidad, asumiendo compromisos teniendo en cuenta los recursos disponibles Teaching methodology - Lectures - Activities: Experimental part at ICFO Learning objectives of the subject Optical microscopy has been for centuries a key tool to study biological systems with minimum invasiveness. The possibility of observing directly microorganisms or human cells has had a tremendous impact in the way we understand biology nowadays and has consistently resulted in major breakthroughs in the history of scientific discoveries. Although optical microscopy has continuously evolved since its invention in the 17th century, the last twenty years have witnessed a truly revolution in the development of novel optical microscopy techniques, with the most prominent example given by the Nobel prize awarding in 2014 to the inventors of super-resolution microscopy. The aim of this course is to provide a general overview of optical imaging techniques used to study biological objects, with a particular emphasis on these novel revolutionary imaging approaches. In addition, students will have the opportunity of perform hands-on training in some of the most advanced imaging techniques at ICFO. The course is structured in two main blocks: a theory part and a hands-on part. The theoretical part (12 hours) will establish the basic background on image formation, and different contrast mechanisms associated with transmitted light. Strong emphasis will be then placed on fluorescence microscopy as one of the most powerful techniques used by biologists. Different configurations schemes will be revised, and the fundamentals for single molecule detection will be described in detail. This theoretical part will be completed by describing novel fluorescence imaging techniques aimed at breaking the diffraction limit of light. These approaches include far-field methods such as stimulated emission depletion (STED), single molecule localization methods like PALM and STORM, and near-field (NSOM) approaches. In the second part of the course, students will be involved in three different experiments (4 hours each) using most advanced microscopic techniques. These experiments will be performed at Super-resolution Facility at ICFO. The course will be complemented with a visit to the Lakadamyali research Lab, including the NIKON Center of Excellence in STORM imaging at ICFO. Recommendations: the course is targeted to those students willing to expand their knowledge on optical experimental techniques for biological applications. A solid background in optics acquired through their bachelor studies and/or during the first part of the Master in Photonics is highly recommended for fully benefiting from the course. 2 / 5

3 Study load Total learning time: 75h Hours large group: 22h 30m 30.00% Hours medium group: 0h 0.00% Hours small group: 0h 0.00% Guided activities: 2h 15m 3.00% Self study: 50h 15m 67.00% 3 / 5

4 Content Theory part Learning time: 10h 30m Theory classes: 10h 30m Description: 1. Image formation & optical techniques to increase contrast. (Garcia-Parajo, 2 hours) 1.1. Lenses and image formation Light diffraction, point spread function and resolution Basic optical implementation 1.4. Different contrast configurations: phase contrast, dark field and DIC microscopy. 2. Fluorescence microscopy. (Garcia-Parajo, 2 hours) 2.1. Fundamentals of fluorescence Basic set-up configuration Different contrast mechanisms based on fluorescence: polarization anisotropy, lifetime imaging, FRET Different excitation and detection schemes based on fluorescence: confocal, two-photon excitation, light sheet microscopy. 3. Single Molecule detection by means of fluorescence. (Garcia-Parajo, 2 hours) 3.1. Why? Principles and challenges 3.2. Different excitation and detection schemes 3.3. Photophysics of individual molecules: photon bunching, anti-bunching, blinking, discrete photobleaching etc Single molecule techniques: smfret, single particle tracking, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy 4. Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. (Garcia-Parajo & Lakadamyali, 6 hours) 4.1. Near-field super-resolution? principle, technical implementation, examples 4.2. Far-field super-resolution methods? principles based on fluorescence 4.3. Stimulated emission depletion (STED) - principle, different technical implementations 4.4. Single molecule localization methods (PALM, STORM)? different implementations* * Includes visit to STORM ICFO 4 / 5

5 Experimental Part Learning time: 12h Theory classes: 12h Description: (to be carried out at the Super-resolution ICFO) - Hands-on experiment 1 (Loza-Alvarez, 4 hours): Confocal and non-linear optical microscopy: Construction and alignment of a confocal microscope. Imaging with linear and nonlinear microscopes. SHG microscopy and Polarization-based SHG microscopy of selected bio-samples. - Hands-on experiment 2 (Loza-Alvarez, 4 hours): Light sheet microscopy: Characterization and measurement of main light sheet microscopy parameters. Imaging with linear and nonlinear regimes with Gaussian and Bessel beams. Imaging in an ultramicroscope. - Hands-on experiment 3 (Loza-Alvarez, 4 hours): Super-resolution STED microscopy: Measurement of point spread functions for different intensity parameters of the STED beam. Imaging selected bio-samples. Two- color STED. Use of specialized algorithms for assessing the STED image. Planning of activities Visit to the ICFO Super resolution laboratories Hours: 2h 18m Theory classes: 2h 18m Qualification system - Group Reports from the three different hands-on experiments (50%) - Exam (50%) Bibliography Basic: Hecht, E. Optics. 4th ed. San Francisco [etc.]: Addison Wesley, ISBN Lakowicz, J.R. Principles of fluorescence spectroscopy. 3rd ed. New York: Springer, ISBN Others resources: Hyperlink Resource 5 / 5

PHOTOV - Optoelectronics and Photovoltaic Technology

PHOTOV - Optoelectronics and Photovoltaic Technology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering MASTER'S DEGREE

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EXPQO - Advanced Quantum Optics with Applications

EXPQO - Advanced Quantum Optics with Applications Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering 893 - ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences MASTER'S DEGREE

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IMPROCES - Image Processing in Biophotonics

IMPROCES - Image Processing in Biophotonics Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry ERASMUS MUNDUS

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EOTB - Técnicas Ópticas Experimentales en Biología

EOTB - Técnicas Ópticas Experimentales en Biología Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 893 - ICFO - Instituto de Ciencias

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DDM - Marketing and Digital Distribution

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EXPQO - Óptica Cuántica Avanzada con Aplicaciones

EXPQO - Óptica Cuántica Avanzada con Aplicaciones Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2018 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 893 - ICFO - Instituto de Ciencias

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GICA - Integral Management of Urban and Ecological Water Cycles

GICA - Integral Management of Urban and Ecological Water Cycles Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 480 - IS.UPC - University Research Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology 713 - EQ - Department of Chemical Engineering

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NLO - Non-Linear Optics

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IMPROCES - Tratamiento de Imágenes en Biofotónica

IMPROCES - Tratamiento de Imágenes en Biofotónica Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2016 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y

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Design of Sailing Yatchs

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IMPROCES - Tratamiento de Imágenes en Biofotónica

IMPROCES - Tratamiento de Imágenes en Biofotónica Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2018 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y

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PHOTOV - Optoelectrónica y Tecnología Fotovoltaica

PHOTOV - Optoelectrónica y Tecnología Fotovoltaica Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 710 - EEL - Departamento de Ingeniería

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OPTOMECH - Construyendo Sistemas Optomecánicos

OPTOMECH - Construyendo Sistemas Optomecánicos Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2016 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 731 - OO - Departamento de Óptica y

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CID - International Cooperation and Development

CID - International Cooperation and Development Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 751 - DECA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering MASTER'S

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NLO - Óptica No Lineal

NLO - Óptica No Lineal Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 748 - FIS - Departamento de Física

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GSGA - Fundamentals of Sustainable Management and Environmental Management Systems

GSGA - Fundamentals of Sustainable Management and Environmental Management Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 736 - PE - Department of Engineering Design MASTER'S DEGREE IN SUSTAINABILITY

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SM - Mechanical Systems

SM - Mechanical Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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GM - Maintenance Management

GM - Maintenance Management Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ENERGY AND MINING

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MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision

MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY

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MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision

MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY

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SM - Mechanical Systems

SM - Mechanical Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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370723 - PONEUROC - Neurocognitive Optometric Procedures for School Success

370723 - PONEUROC - Neurocognitive Optometric Procedures for School Success Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY

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TCG - General Surveying and Cartography

TCG - General Surveying and Cartography Coordinating unit: 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering Teaching unit: 750 - EMIT - Department of Mining, Industrial and ICT Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MINING ENGINEERING

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Advanced Machining Systems

Advanced Machining Systems Coordinating unit: 205 - ESEIAAT - Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering Teaching unit: 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 MASTER'S

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NANO - Nanofotónica

NANO - Nanofotónica Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2018 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 893 - ICFO - Instituto de Ciencias

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MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision

MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY

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ECIM - Industrial Structures and Constructions

ECIM - Industrial Structures and Constructions Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 737 - RMEE - Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering

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MANAGL - Managing Light with Devices

MANAGL - Managing Light with Devices Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 230 - ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE

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IEAI-E6O09 - Electrical Installations and Industrial Automation Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering 709 - EE - Department of Electrical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN

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804235 - IDI - Interfaces Design and Interaction

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PHSTELE - Sistemas Fotónicos en Telecomunicaciones

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RM - Strength of Materials

RM - Strength of Materials Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 737 - RMEE - Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering

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ORS - Teledetección Óptica: Lidar (Radar Láser)

ORS - Teledetección Óptica: Lidar (Radar Láser) Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 739 - TSC - Departamento de Teoría

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240ST1121 - Design of Supply Chain

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280693 - Management Abilities

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Management Abilities

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1.7. Número de créditos / Credit allotment

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220025 - Aerospace Structures

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EEE - Energy Efficiency in Building Construction

EEE - Energy Efficiency in Building Construction Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 753 - TA - Department of Architectural Technology MASTER'S DEGREE IN SUSTAINABILITY

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PAE - Applied Engineering Project

PAE - Applied Engineering Project Coordinating unit: 270 - FIB - Barcelona School of Informatics Teaching unit: 701 - AC - Department of Computer Architecture Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INFORMATICS ENGINEERING (Syllabus

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TPOF - Technology of Processes for Obtaining Cellulosic Fibers

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Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engines and Systems

Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engines and Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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AMPLAB - Laboratorio de Antenas, Microondas y Fotónica para Sistemas de Comunicaciones

AMPLAB - Laboratorio de Antenas, Microondas y Fotónica para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona 739 - TSC - Departamento de Teoría

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390302 - AFA - Animal Anatomy and Physiology

390302 - AFA - Animal Anatomy and Physiology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology BACHELOR'S

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Mechanics for Naval Engineering

Mechanics for Naval Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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ANX-PR/CL/ LEARNING GUIDE PR/CL/001 SUBJECT 93001041 - DEGREE PROGRAMME 09AX - ACADEMIC YEAR & SEMESTER 2018/19 - Semester 1 Index Learning guide 1. Description...1 2. Faculty...1 3. Skills and learning outcomes...2 4. Brief description

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NMSAE - Numerical Methods for Systems of Aerospace Engineering

NMSAE - Numerical Methods for Systems of Aerospace Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 300 - EETAC - Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering 748 - FIS - Department of Physics MASTER'S

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MTEM - Manufacturing Technology

MTEM - Manufacturing Technology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 820 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MECHANICAL

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330175 - EME - Mechanical Engineering

330175 - EME - Mechanical Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ENERGY AND MINING

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ANX-PR/CL/ LEARNING GUIDE PR/CL/001 SUBJECT 53001583 - DEGREE PROGRAMME 05BH - ACADEMIC YEAR & SEMESTER 2017/18 - Annual Index Learning guide 1. Description...1 2. Faculty...1 3. Skills and learning outcomes...2 4. Brief description

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SIDI-K5O10 - Digital Systems

SIDI-K5O10 - Digital Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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240SEL83 - SEL83 - Empreneduría Tecnológica: Desarrollo de Planes de Empresa

240SEL83 - SEL83 - Empreneduría Tecnológica: Desarrollo de Planes de Empresa Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: Curso: Titulación: Créditos ECTS: 2018 240 - ETSEIB - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de Barcelona 732 - OE - Departamento de Organización de Empresas

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AEM2-TEC - Learning and Teaching Technology in Secondary Education II

AEM2-TEC - Learning and Teaching Technology in Secondary Education II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 270 FIB Barcelona School of Informatics 713 EQ Department of Chemical Engineering 707 ESA Department of Automatic Control MASTER'S

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1.7. Número de créditos / Credit allotment

1.7. Número de créditos / Credit allotment ASIGNATURA / COURSE TITLE Introducción a las lenguas antiguas del Próximo Oriente / Introduction to the ancient languages of the Near East 1.1. Código / Course number 17811 1.2. Materia / Content area

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AC - Anthropology of the City

AC - Anthropology of the City Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 210 - ETSAB - Barcelona School of Architecture 756 - THATC - Department of History and Theory of Architecture and Communication

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Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period

Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period COURSE DATA Data Subject Code 35792 Name Literatures of East Asia I Cycle Grade ECTS Credits 6.0 Academic year 2016-2017 Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period year 1000 - G.Estudios Ingleses FACULTY OF

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PBL6-M - Project VI

PBL6-M - Project VI Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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M3D-A - 3D Modeling

M3D-A - 3D Modeling Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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1.7. Número de créditos / Credit allotment:

1.7. Número de créditos / Credit allotment: ASIGNATURA / COURSE TITLE: GESTION SANITARIA Y ECONOMIA DE LA SALUD 1.1. Código / Course Number: 31134 1.2. Materia / Content area: Formación Básica / Basic Training 1.3. Tipo / Course type: Optativa/Elective

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PPA - Airport Planning and Processes

PPA - Airport Planning and Processes Coordinating unit: 300 - EETAC - Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering Teaching unit: 748 - FIS - Department of Physics Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN AIRPORT

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MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN BANCA Y FINANZAS Financial Software MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN BANCA Y FINANZAS (Finance & Banking) Universidad de Alcalá Curso Académico 2015/16 GUÍA DOCENTE Nombre de la asignatura: Financial Software Código: 201570 Titulación

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BMEBT - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Tools

BMEBT - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Tools Coordinating unit: 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering Teaching unit: 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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Tools for the Planning and Management of Projects

Tools for the Planning and Management of Projects Coordinating unit: 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering Teaching unit: 758 - EPC - Department of Project and Construction Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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Guía docente: ESTRUCTURA Y SÍNTESIS QUÍMICA: MÉTODOS MATEMÁTICOS APLICADOS A LA QUÍMICA Código: Facultad de Ciencias Químicas Universidad Complutense de Madrid Guía docente: ESTRUCTURA Y SÍNTESIS QUÍMICA: MÉTODOS MATEMÁTICOS APLICADOS A LA QUÍMICA Código: 605200 Nombre de la asignatura (Subject name)

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AP1 - Algorithmics and Programming I

AP1 - Algorithmics and Programming I Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 270 - FIB - Barcelona School of Informatics 723 - CS - Department of Computer Science BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN DATA SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING

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1. ASIGNATURA / COURSE 1. ASIGNATURA / COURSE Máster Universitario en Investigación Jurídica / Master in Legal Research 1.1. Nombre / Course Title Publicidad y privacidad. Acceso a la información y protección de datos / Public

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CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALES* DESCRIPCIÓN TRABAJO FINAL DE MÁSTER: Página 1 de 7 CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALES* Tipo: Formación básica, Obligatoria, Optativa Trabajo de fin de máster, Prácticas externas Duración: 810 h Semestre/s: 3 Número de créditos ECTS: 30 Idioma/s: Catalán,

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240EO031 - Supply Chain Design

240EO031 - Supply Chain Design Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 732 - OE - Department of Management MASTER'S DEGREE IN MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING

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480091 - TIC - Information and Communication Technologies

480091 - TIC - Information and Communication Technologies Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 480 - IS.UPC - University Research Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering

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A3D-M - 3D Animation

A3D-M - 3D Animation Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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FEIN-R1P10 - Fundamentals of Electronics and Instrumentation

FEIN-R1P10 - Fundamentals of Electronics and Instrumentation Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering MASTER'S DEGREE IN

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ANX-PR/CL/ LEARNING GUIDE PR/CL/001 SUBJECT 53001538 - DEGREE PROGRAMME 05BG - ACADEMIC YEAR & SEMESTER 2018/19 - Semester 1 Index Learning guide 1. Description...1 2. Faculty...1 3. Prior knowledge recommended to take the subject...2

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BEDAPPI2-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects II

BEDAPPI2-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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Introducción a la interacción láser-materia

Introducción a la interacción láser-materia Introducción a la interacción láser-materia 1.- Datos de la Asignatura Código 304317 Plan ECTS 3 Carácter Obligatoria Curso Periodicidad Semestre 1 Óptica Departamento Física Aplicada Plataforma Virtual

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