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1 With all the lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling you do on the job, avoiding back injuries is something you have to think about every day. The wrong move, turn, or twist could cause an injury and severe pain. Over one million workers suffer back injuries every year. Back injuries are often difficult to treat and usually take a long time to heal. If you lift properly, you ll be less likely to hurt your back. Think about the following safety tips before you lift: Before you make heavy lifts, protect your hands and feet by wearing gloves and safety footwear. Avoid cuts and punctures by checking for nails, splinters, rough strapping, and sharp edges. Always size up the load to make sure you can carry it comfortably and that you can get a good grip on it. Know the weight of the object you ll be lifting. Get help if the weight, shape, or size of the object makes you think that it s too much for one person to move. Before you lift, plan your route. Check for stairs, narrow doorways, and tripping hazards. Lift using proper lifting techniques. Get close to the object and center your body over your feet. Bend your knees and keep your back straight. Use your legs to lift, not your back. Keep the load close to your body to reduce the strain on your back. Avoiding Back Injuries Avoid twisting while carrying a load. If you need to turn, move your feet and turn your entire body instead of twisting just your upper body. When you can, avoid lifting altogether by using a mechanical device like a forklift, crane, or hoist. Keep your back in good condition so you can safely handle lifting tasks both on and off the job. Take a few minutes at the beginning of your shift to stretch your back and leg muscles. Stretching will warm up your muscles and keep you more flexible. Muscles, tendons, and ligaments that are warmed up and flexible are less likely to cramp up, pull, or tear when you lift something. Taking short breaks while you work will give those same muscles, tendons, and ligaments a chance to relax and recover; you ll stay more comfortable and be able to work longer. Your personal back injury prevention plan should also continue at home. Exercise to strengthen your back. Be cautious when you bowl, golf, or play sports like football that include rapid twists, turns, starts, or stops. These actions can cause back injuries. When you are tired or weak, you are more likely to hurt yourself, so be sure to get enough sleep. And your mother was right when she told you to stop slouching: good posture reduces strain on your back. SAFETY REMINDER 80% of adults will experience at least one episode of acute, low back pain. Take care of your back. NOTES: SPECIAL TOPICS /EMPLOYEE SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS/NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: JOB NAME: MEETING DATE: ATTENDEES: S.A.F.E. CARDS PLANNED FOR THIS WEEK: REVIEWED MSDS # SUBJECT: These instructions do not supersede local, state, or federal regulations.

2 Con todo lo que levanta, carga, empuja, y jala en el trabajo, evitando las lesiones de la espalda es algo en que tiene que pensar todos los días. Un movimiento, vuelta, o giro incorrecto puede causar una lesión y dolor intenso. Más de un millón de trabajadores sufren lesiones de la espalda cada año. Las lesiones de la espalda con frecuencia son difíciles de tratar y generalmente toman mucho tiempo para sanar. Si usted levanta correctamente, tendrá menos probabilidad de lastimarse la espalda. Piense en los siguientes consejos de seguridad antes de levantar: Antes de levantar objetos pesados, proteja las manos y pies al usar guantes y calzados de seguridad. Evite cortaduras y perforaciones al revisar que no haya clavos, astillas, correas ásperas, y bordes filosos. Siempre inspeccione la carga primero para asegurarse que la puede cargar cómodamente y que puede sujetarla bien. Conozca el peso del objeto que estará levantando. Obtenga ayuda si el peso, forma, o tamaño del objeto lo hace pensar que es demasiado para que una persona lo cargue. Antes de levantar, planee su ruta. Revise que no haya peligros en las escaleras, entradas de puertas angostas, y peligros de tropezones. Levante usando el procedimiento correcto para levantar objetos. Acérquese al objeto y centre su cuerpo sobre sus pies. Doble sus rodillas y mantenga su espalda erguida. Use sus piernas para levantar, no su espalda. Mantenga la carga cerca de su cuerpo para reducir la tensión en su espalda. NOTES: Cómo evitar las lesiones de la espalda (Avoiding Back Injuries) Evite girar al cargar una carga. Si necesita girar, mueva sus pies y gire todo su cuerpo en vez de girar solo la parte superior de su cuerpo. Cuando se pueda, evite levantar una carga y use un aparato mecánico como un montacargas, grúa, o polea. Mantenga su espalda en buenas condiciones para que pueda llevar a cabo en forma segura las tareas de levantar cuando está en o fuera del trabajo. Tome unos cuantos minutos al principio de su turno de trabajo para estirar los músculos de su espalda y piernas. Estirarse calentará sus músculos y lo mantendrá más flexible. Es menos probable que los músculos, tendones, y ligamentos que se calientan y están flexibles se acalambren, se estiran, o se rasguen al levantar algo. Tomar descansos cortos durante el trabajo dará a esos músculos, tendones, y ligamentos la oportunidad de relajarse y recuperarse; usted se mantendrá más cómodo y podrá trabajar durante más tiempo. Su plan personal de prevención de las lesiones de la espalda también debe continuar en casa. Haga ejercicios para fortalecer su espalda. Tenga cuidado al jugar boliche, golf, o deportes como fútbol que incluyen giros, vueltas, arranques, o paradas. Estas acciones pueden causar lesiones de la espalda. Cuando esté cansado o débil, usted tiene mayor probabilidad de lastimarse, por lo tanto asegúrese de dormir lo suficiente. Y tenía razón su madre cuando le decía que debe pararse derecho y no encorvarse: la buena postura reduce la tensión en su espalda. SAFETY REMINDER El 80% de los adultos sentirán por lo menos un episodio de dolor agudo de la parte baja de la espalda. Cuide su espalda. MEETING DOCUMENTATION SPECIAL TOPICS /EMPLOYEE SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS/NOTES: JOB NAME: MEETING DATE: ATTENDEES: S.A.F.E. CARDS PLANNED FOR THIS WEEK: REVIEWED MSDS # SUBJECT: These instructions do not supersede local, state, or federal regulations.

3 Quiz Questions Avoiding Back Injuries 1. Back injuries: a. usually heal quickly. b. are often difficult to treat. c. can be caused by good posture. d. all of the above. 2. True or False? Over one million workers suffer back injuries every year. 3. Proper lifting techniques include: a. keeping your back straight. b. holding the load away from your body. c. bending at the waist. d. keeping your knees straight. 4. True or False? Muscles, tendons, and ligaments that are warmed up and flexible are less likely to cramp up, pull, or tear when you lift something. 5. If you need to turn while carrying a load, you should: a. twist just your upper body. b. twist your head and shoulders. c. move your feet and turn your entire body. d. do it quickly so you don t get hurt. MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: NAME: ID#: DATE: TRAINER:

4 Quiz Questions Cómo evitar las lesiones de la espalda 1. Las lesiones de la espalda: a. generalmente sanan rápidamente. b. con frecuencia son difíciles de tratar. c. pueden ser causadas por una buena postura. d. todas las respuestas anteriores. 2. Verdadero o Falso? Más de un millón de trabajadores sufren lesiones de la espalda cada año. 3. Los procedimientos correctos para levantar objetos incluyen: a. mantener su espalda erguida. b. mantener la carga lejos de su cuerpo. c. agacharse con la cintura. d. mantener sus rodillas rectas. 4. Verdadero o Falso? Es menos probable que los músculos, tendones, y ligamentos que se calientan y están flexibles se acalambren, se estiren, o se rasguen al levantar algo. 5. Si necesita girar mientras está cargando una carga, usted debe: a. girar sólo la parte superior de su cuerpo. b. girar su cabeza y sus hombros. c. mover sus pies y girar con todo el cuerpo. d. hacerlo rápidamente para no lastimarse. NAME: ID#: DATE: TRAINER:

5 Answer Key Avoiding Back Injuries 1. Back injuries: a. usually heal quickly. b. are often difficult to treat. c. can be caused by good posture. d. all of the above. Back injuries are often difficult to treat and usually take a long time to heal. 2. True or False? Over one million workers suffer back injuries every year. Over one million workers suffer back injuries every year. 3. Proper lifting techniques include: a. keeping your back straight. b. holding the load away from your body. c. bending at the waist. d. keeping your knees straight. Bend your knees and keep your back straight. 4. True or False? Muscles, tendons, and ligaments that are warmed up and flexible are less likely to cramp up, pull, or tear when you lift something. Muscles, tendons, and ligaments that are warmed up and flexible are less likely to cramp up, pull, or tear when you lift something. 5. If you need to turn while carrying a load, you should: a. twist just your upper body. b. twist your head and shoulders. c. move your feet and turn your entire body. d. do it quickly so you don t get hurt. If you need to turn, move your feet and turn your entire body instead of twisting just your upper body. FURTHER DISCUSSION: SUPERVISOR/TRAINER NOTES:

6 Answer Key Cómo evitar las lesiones de la espalda 1. Las lesiones de la espalda: a. generalmente sanan rápidamente. b. con frecuencia son difíciles de tratar. c. pueden ser causadas por una buena postura. d. todas las respuestas anteriores. Las lesiones de la espalda con frecuencia son difíciles de tratar y generalmente toman mucho tiempo para sanar. 2. Verdadero o Falso? Más de un millón de trabajadores sufren lesiones de la espalda cada año. Más de un millón de trabajadores sufren lesiones de la espalda cada año. 3. Los procedimientos correctos para levantar objetos incluyen: a. mantener su espalda erguida. b. mantener la carga lejos de su cuerpo. c. agacharse con la cintura. d. mantener sus rodillas rectas. Doble sus rodillas y mantenga su espalda erguida. 4. Verdadero o Falso? Es menos probable que los músculos, tendones, y ligamentos que se calientan y están flexibles se acalambren, se estiren, o se rasguen al levantar algo. 5. Si necesita girar mientras está cargando una carga, usted debe: a. girar sólo la parte superior de su cuerpo. b. girar su cabeza y sus hombros. c. mover sus pies y girar con todo el cuerpo. d. hacerlo rápidamente para no lastimarse. Es menos probable que los músculos, tendones, y ligamentos que se calientan y están flexibles se acalambren, se estiran, o se rasguen al levantar algo. Si necesita girar, mueva sus pies y gire todo su cuerpo en vez de girar solo la parte superior de su cuerpo. FURTHER DISCUSSION: SUPERVISOR/TRAINER NOTES:


NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: With all the lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling you do on the job, avoiding back injuries is something you have to think about every day. The wrong move, turn, or twist could cause an injury and severe

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Mind Your Back What part of your body are you most likely to injure if you work in construction? Your back! Back injuries result in disability for many middle-age construction workers. One back injury

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings When you have back pain dull, sharp, achy, or stabbing it s difficult to focus on your job. Your back pain might even make it impossible for you to work if the injury is severe enough. Construction work

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Important Topics Instructors Guide

Important Topics Instructors Guide Safety Training Service Safe Lifting Important Topics Instructors Guide Back injuries and damage to the ligaments are among the most common injuries you may experience as a golf course maintenance employee.

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings As a construction worker, your job requires that you move materials, work in awkward positions, and handle heavy tools throughout the day. Any of these activities can cause back pain. Lifting and carrying

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Your job requires you to lift and move heavy materials and tools almost every day. And lifting heavy items is one of the leading causes of injury in the workplace. So, when you lift, do it carefully so

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Maybe you ve heard of the General Duty Clause. That s the common name for Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Its goal is to make sure that your work environment is safe.

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Arm Theraband Exercises: Lying

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings We go up and down stairs on a daily basis, both at home and on the job. We don t think much about it, or about the potential dangers of stairways. Slips, trips, and falls on stairways are a major cause

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Power Saws We use power saws every day to cut wood, metal, and even concrete. When they are handled properly, saws can be safe, but mishandling them can cause serious harm, injury, and even death. Let

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Applicable Regulations: General Duty Clause 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

Applicable Regulations: General Duty Clause 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 GOALS This safety session should teach employees to: Realize that lifting incorrectly can cause back injury. Know how to lift properly to protect the back. 1. Back strain and back injury cause serious

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Admit it. You ve taken the occasional shortcut either at home or at work. And since you are still around, that means you weren t severely injured or killed. The problem with taking shortcuts and being

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Protect Your Hands and Fingers with Gloves It s been estimated that 20% of disabling injuries involve hands and fingers. Just think about the times, both on and off the job, when you ve: reached for a

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Conditioning Exercises: Standing

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Power Tool Safety You use power tools every day on the jobsite. If you use them incorrectly, however, you can get injured. Let s discuss how to use them safely so you don t get hurt. Before you use any

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Arm Theraband Exercises: Standing

Arm Theraband Exercises: Standing Arm Theraband Exercises: Standing Do these exercises while standing. You will hold one end of the theraband in the hand of the arm you are to exercise. The other end of the band will most often be anchored

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings When an emergency happens on the jobsite, it s important for everyone to know how to keep safe, how to respond, and where to get help. Planning ahead is the key to success. An Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Construction work is dangerous, but it s possible and not even very hard to get the job done safely if we all make safety a priority. Today, let s discuss some best practices for working safely in construction.

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Mechanical Lifting Devices Lifting, carrying, and moving heavy items makes up a big part of construction work and can be the cause of painful back injuries. Whenever you can, take the load off your back

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) happens when the median nerve in the hand and wrist is pinched or squeezed. Classic symptoms include numbness, tingling, burning, and pain in the thumb and fingers. Sometimes

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Active Leg Range of Motion Exercises: Lying

Active Leg Range of Motion Exercises: Lying Active Leg Range of Motion Exercises: Lying Do these exercises on your back times, times each day. Do only the exercises checked. Do the exercises with: Both legs Right leg Left leg Exercises Ankle Pumps

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Power tools are such a common part of our workday that we sometimes forget that they can pose severe hazards. And this is especially true of power tools that are not used or maintained properly. Keeping

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: We use hammers, chisels, screwdrivers, and other hand tools every day on the job. Even though you re used to using these tools and you re very comfortable with them, they are still dangerous don t let

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings 10 Safety Issues for New Employees Joining the construction industry means that you will have a lot of information to process, and not just about benefits, holidays, and getting paid; most importantly,

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Minimize Risk With a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a very effective tool for reducing incidents, accidents, and injuries on the job. Creating a JSA helps you work safer and smarter.

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Hand signals are often used to communicate with crane operators. Let s review the standard hand signals. Hoist Load: With index finger pointing straight up and your forearm vertical, move hand in a small

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Conditioning Exercises: Sitting

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Weekly Safety Meetings

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Drug-Free Work Zone Drugs have no place on the jobsite. Period. And yet, according to one study, 40% of construction workers who are over 50 years old suffer from chronic back pain. Injured workers are

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Ladder Safety. Instructor s Guide

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Avoid Cuts from Sharp Objects Many of the tasks that you do every day involve handling or working with sharp tools, or handling materials that have sharp edges. Think of some examples of sharps around

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WRIST & FOREARM STRETCH WRIST & FOREARM STRETCH Estiramiento de la Muñeca y del Antebrazo If you flex, extend or bend your wrist repeatedly or for long periods of time Si flexionas, estiendes, o doblas la muñeca por largos períodos

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: You may know a near miss by one of its other names: a close call, a narrow escape, a near hit, or a brush with death. No matter what you call it, a near miss is an unplanned event that didn t result in

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1. Título: 2. Objetivos: 3. Contenidos de la propuesta: 4. Relación con los temas transversales: 5. Sesiones de trabajo: Preventing back injuires.

1. Título: 2. Objetivos: 3. Contenidos de la propuesta: 4. Relación con los temas transversales: 5. Sesiones de trabajo: Preventing back injuires. 1. Título: Preventing back injuires. 2. Objetivos: a) Adquirir vocabulario inglés básico relacionado con la prevención de riesgos por manipulación de cargas. b) Estudiar las formas gramaticales más apropiadas

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Duty to Have Fall Protection OSHA s Duty to have fall protection standard (1926.501) is an important one. You should be familiar with it. The standard states (in part) that any worker on a walking or working

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Weekly Safety Meetings

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Weekly Safety Meetings

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: You ve likely come home at the end of a long day of work and found that your hands or arms hurt, buzzed, or tingled. If you think back to what you did that day, you may remember using tools that vibrated

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings When you work with a hazardous chemical, you should never just reach for the container, pour the chemical onto a rag, and start using it. You need to understand the dangers and the risks so you know how

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Going Home. Medicines. Pain. Diet

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Active Leg Range of Motion

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Taking Medicines Safely

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Weekly Safety Meetings

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Weekly Safety Meetings

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SISTEMA DE DRENADO PLEURAL ASPIRA Patient Information on the ASPIRA PLEURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM Información para el paciente sobre el SISTEMA DE DRENADO PLEURAL ASPIRA ASPIRA PLEURAL DRAINAGE CATHETER The pain and difficult breathing you have

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Weekly Safety Meetings

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Adjectives; Demonstrative

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Personal Protective Equipment Not that many years ago, most construction workers only wore one piece of personal protective equipment a hard hat. Times have changed. Today, workers wear hard hats, gloves,

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Trenching and excavation work is one of the most hazardous construction operations. The main dangers are wall collapses and cave-ins that can bury workers in the trench. When you re buried alive, you can

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Ejercicios para la parte inferior del cuerpo mientras está de pie

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Did you know that more than 10,000 construction workers suffer eye injuries each year? Eye injuries can occur from flying particles, dust, heat, optical radiation, ultraviolet light, chips, struck-by injuries,

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Aspira* Pleural Drainage System

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Rotator Cuff Exercises

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: You wear a hard hat to protect your head from injuries caused by falling objects, flying objects, sharp objects, electrical shock, and burns. A hard hat can also protect you if you hit your head on a machine,

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings The Fatal Four, or The Focus Four, are the four types of accidents that cause over half of construction fatalities every year. The Fatal Four are: 1) falls, 2) electrocutions, 3) struck-by-objects, and

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Each year, thousands of people are blinded by work-related eye injuries. If they had been wearing proper eye and face protection, they would still have their vision, but they made bad choices. Construction

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Back Health and Safety

Back Health and Safety Back Health and Safety Your back works all of the time, even when you are asleep. Over time, poor posture, movements and lack of exercise can lead to back problems. You can prevent most back problems if

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Since we do it so often, rigging starts to seem pretty simple you grab a nylon sling, wrap it around the load, slap a shackle on the loose end, throw it on the hook, and signal the operator. But rigging

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Good Housekeeping There s an easy way to tell whether workers and employers at a construction company are committed to safety and health: just take a look at the jobsite. When good housekeeping is not

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Using Fire Extinguishers Do you know where the fire extinguishers are on the jobsite? If not, find out. Fire extinguishers are a critical part of a fire prevention program. Used properly, they save lives

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings This week is National Fire Prevention Week, so this is a good time for construction workers like us to think about how we can prevent jobsite fires. Today we will focus our attention on the three elements

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Instructor s Guide. If your mower is equipped with ROPS, you must wear your seatbelt.

Instructor s Guide. If your mower is equipped with ROPS, you must wear your seatbelt. Golf Course Mower Safety Instructor s Guide You need to read and understand operator s manual before using a mower. It will include all the information necessary to operate that mower. To prepare for mowing

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Pre-Shift Checklist for Forklifts Before you use any forklift, do a pre-shift inspection so you can find little problems before they become big hazards. Don t use a generic checklist, or go from memory.

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Operating Heavy Equipment Almost every construction site involves some kind of heavy equipment an excavator, a crane, a tractor, a Bobcat, a backhoe, a truck, etc. When you operate heavy equipment, you

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Confined Space Safety Many construction sites contain spaces that are considered confined due to their configurations. A confined space has limited or restricted means of entry or exit, is large enough

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Emergency Drills You can t always prevent emergency situations. Fortunately, you can prepare for them, and learn the best ways to respond to the kinds of emergencies that are most likely to occur on the

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Concussion is now taken so seriously that even top athletes will miss important games in order to recover properly. The NFL has a concussion procedure for football players who are involved in helmet-to-helmet

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Flammable and Combustible Liquids Flammable and combustible liquids are fluids that produce vapors that can burn. When flammable and combustible liquids vaporize, and an ignition source such as a spark

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: P.A.S.S. the Fire Extinguisher A fire on a jobsite can lead to devastating deaths and destruction. When fire extinguishers are used properly, they can save lives and property by putting out a small fire

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Arc welding uses electricity to produce enough heat to melt two pieces of metal so they fuse together when the metal cools. Think about that process for a moment. We ve got enough electrical power to heat

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Avoid Struck-By Accidents We ve all heard about fatal construction accidents where objects fell and killed people. Do you remember hearing about the HVAC unit that fell 30 stories from a crane in downtown

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Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders

Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders Repeat each exercise times, times a day. Do only the exercises that are checked. Do these exercises with: Both arms Right arm Left

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings In construction work, we can t avoid skylights, holes in roofs and floors, and wall openings. If holes in floors and openings in walls or partitions are not guarded, not guarded properly, or if you aren

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Roofing operations often involve working with hot, liquid tar. The first things that come to mind when people think about hot tar are the smell and the possibility of getting burned. There are actually

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Operating a chain saw is dangerous work. Chain saws can cut through trees and lumber in no time, and they ll cut through your arm or leg even faster. You can minimize your chances of getting hurt by learning

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Important Topics Instructors Guide

Important Topics Instructors Guide Safety Training Service Personal Protective Equipment Important Topics Instructors Guide PPE should be kept clean and stored away from heat, dirt and chemicals. All PPE should be examined before use, and

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Don t Text in a Work Zone National Work Zone Awareness Week (April 3rd through the 7th) is an annual campaign held at the start of the road construction season. The main idea behind the campaign is to

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Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples:

Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples: Might Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso del verbo modal might. Aplicar el verbo modal might en ejercicios de escritura. Contenidos 1. Verbo modal might. Debo saber - Verbos

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Personnel Hoists Construction work often involves moving materials and people to areas that are not easily accessible. In such instances, material hoists, personnel hoists, and elevators do a great job

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: A powder-actuated tool is like a firearm in many ways. Just like a gun, a powder-actuated tool uses an explosive to shoot a projectile. In the case of the tool, the projectile is a fastener. The fastener

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Flashcards Series 4 El Hotel

Flashcards Series 4 El Hotel Flashcards Series 4 El Hotel Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then,

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Millions of people work at construction sites across the country every day. Construction work is dangerous, and because some people don t get the training they need or don t use the knowledge they have,

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Póngase en acción prevenga la alta presión!

Póngase en acción prevenga la alta presión! Póngase en acción prevenga la alta presión! Take Steps Prevent High Blood Pressure! NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL HEART, LUNG, AND BLOOD INSTITUTE AND OFFICE OF RESEARCH ON MINORITY HEALTH La

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Preventing Falls on Stairways We use stairs so often that we don t usually think of them as being dangerous, but they are! Falling down (or up) the stairs can cause severe injuries. A slip, stumble, or

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Cranes can be found on almost every jobsite. You can see them lifting trusses on residential projects; setting large pieces of equipment on industrial projects; and moving air-handling units on commercial

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"El hombre de rojo" Free lesson.

El hombre de rojo Free lesson. "El hombre de rojo" Free lesson INSTRUCTIONS This lesson is a shorter version of one type of the lessons you can find at The lesson is developed through questions.

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: NOTES: What Do All the Colors Mean? Signs are used to communicate important, sometimes life-saving, information to you. The words on those signs have specific meanings, and so do the colors. In order to

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Happy New Year! The beginning of the year is a good time to reflect on what you accomplished in 2018, and resolve to make 2019 better and safer. Consider the good and the bad from 2018. From a safety perspective:

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SARAH HUDSON DECEMBER 15, 2014 DECEMBER 15, 2014 DECEMBER 15, 2014 SARAH HUDSON ENGLISH SPANISH DECEMBER, 204 DECEMBER, 204 DECEMBER, 204 DECEMBER, 204 ID del estudio Creemos que es importante conocer la opinión de los pacientes y de sus familiares sobre los estudios

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Weekly Safety Meetings

Weekly Safety Meetings Winter weather can make some of the simplest tasks on the job time-consuming and treacherous. Not only do we move slower when it s cold, but everything is slippery and our range of motion is restricted

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: The hazards associated with gas cylinders include fires, explosions, exposure to toxic gases, and asphyxiation from gases that displace oxygen. Most cylinders are quite heavy, so there are physical hazards,

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Prevent Motor Vehicle Crashes According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 32,000 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes on U.S. roadways in 2014. In the same year, 2.3

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SAFE TIMES. close as you descend. Use leveraging as much as possible. If possible, hand it to a coworker before descending the ladder or stool.

SAFE TIMES. close as you descend. Use leveraging as much as possible. If possible, hand it to a coworker before descending the ladder or stool. Lifting Awkward Loads When the standard safe lift bending your knees, hugging the load, letting the legs do the work can t be used, follow these guidelines. Overhead Loads Use a stool or ladder to avoid

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Forklifts of different sizes, shapes, and capacities may be used on the jobsite to move material, off-load delivery trucks, and pick up and raise loads to upper levels. Remember, it is a violation of OSHA

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Important Topics Instructor s Guide

Important Topics Instructor s Guide (800) 965-8412 Safety Training Service Pesticide Safety Important Topics Instructor s Guide Pesticides can cause serious harm if they are used incorrectly. Pesticides can be found on plants, soil, storage

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