Male Organ Rash: Likely Causes and Effective Remedies

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Male Organ Rash: Likely Causes and Effective Remedies The human skin can be susceptible to problems like rashes. These can often be easily treated using topical medications. But if a rash appears on sensitive body parts such as the male organ, there could be cause for concern. Failure to treat rashes and other problems in this delicate area can lead to more serious issues. To better care for this sensitive body part, it s important to be aware of some common causes for male organ rash, as well as the recommended treatments. Razor Bumps As suggested by the name, these red, itchy spots usually appear after shaving the hair around the male organ. However, this is not as serious as it can be perceived, as razor bumps are simply the result of irritated skin and can be remedied easily. Experts suggest shaving after taking a shower, when the skin is soft, and applying shaving gel for moisturizing. Shaving towards the direction of hair growth is also recommended. Jock Itch This is another common problem that most men have to deal with on a regular basis. Prevalent most especially among athletes, jock itch is caused by a fungus that thrives in warm, moist areas. It can cause a red, spreading, itchy rash that may affect the entire lap area, as well as the thighs. Topical medications such as those used to treat athlete s foot are generally effective for clearing up this condition. Contact Dermatitis This condition is a type of allergic reaction to something in the environment. Most mild cases appear like the run-ofthe-mill skin rash, but worse scenarios include fluid-filled bumps that may dry and peel. The most common triggers for contact dermatitis include soaps, laundry detergents, some types of rubbers, and even plants and grasses. This condition can be treated by use of topical hydrocortisone ointments. A high-end moisturizer is also recommended to help sooth the itch and minimize drying and flaking.

Balanitis Balanitis refers to inflammation of the sheath and/or head and is most common among uncut men. It is normally caused mainly by poor hygiene, which allows for the proliferation of bacteria, leading to swelling, soreness, and an itchy, red rash. The best remedy for balanitis is simply cleaning the infected area with a mild cleanser and avoiding the use of scented soaps that may contain irritant chemicals. Psoriasis Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that essentially speeds up the life cycle of skin cells, causing a rapid build-up of dead skin cells on the skin s surface. Male organ psoriasis, in particular, comes off as a deep red rash appearing shiny patches at the tip of the male organ or on its shaft. Similar to jock itch, it is aggravated by the moisture that is being locked in. Unfortunately, there is no real cure for this condition, but there are methods to keep it under control, such as treatment with oral medications, UV light, and use of crèmes containing vitamins A and E. Prevention is better than a cure The male organ is one of the most delicates part of a man s body, and it should be given utmost attention when it comes to treatment. Hygiene, of course, will always play a big role, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Daily male organ care may be extended beyond simply bathing the area to use of a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A high-end product containing nutrients such as Vitamins A, B5, C, D3, and E, as well as rich moisturizers such as Shea butter, can be a key solution for maintaining hydration and soothing itchy, dry, reddened skin.