Male Organ Irritation: 7 Causes and What You Can Do Now to Find Relief

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Male Organ Irritation: 7 Causes and What You Can Do Now to Find Relief Male organ irritation can be anything from annoying to downright painful. In addition to feeling sore, male skin can also be red, raw, and embarrassing to show off. The good news is in most situations, the problem can be easily remedied, or even avoided altogether. Following are seven common causes of male organ irritation and recommended treatments. 1. Skin Irritation Irritation can come from a number of different sources. Irritation may be joined by redness and itching. Potentially it s new underwear, laundry detergent, or body wash that s causing an issue. To calm the skin, cleanse the area gently with a clean, damp cloth. Do not use soap or scrub the tender skin. Moisturize, but only with natural products or creams specially formulated to be used on the member, as perfumes and other ingredients found in regular body and hand lotions can make the irritation worse. 2. Groin Infections Fungi love to take up residence in warm, moist places such the folds of skin. To avoid infections like the infamous jock itch, keep the area clean and dry. If the fungus has already invaded the nether region, see a doctor or pharmacist for an antifungal cream to clear up the infection. Usually, it will take anywhere from 7-10 days for the infection and irritation to clear up completely. 3. Latex Protection With one in every six Americans being allergic to latex, allergies to latex protection are not at all uncommon. If irritation, redness, and itchiness are noticed specifically following coupling with a rubber, latex may be to blame. Look for alternate protection that won t cause male organ irritation. 4. Overuse Sometimes, excessive coupling or self-pleasure can cause an irritated manhood, with chafing and dry, broken skin. First things first: call a moratorium on sensual activity for a bit and resist intimate contact until the manhood is back to normal. Use a cool compress to soothe the irritation, and apply a male organ health crème to balance the skin. When it s time to get back in the saddle, be sure to use a

high-quality lubricant for vigorous coupling and self-play. 5. Balanitis Balanitis is a skin inflammation affecting the head and sheath that overpoweringly impacts uncut men. It primarily occurs when there's a build-up of smegma under the sheath. Smegma is a mixture of dead skin cells, body oils, and bacteria that concoct a funky off-white paste and attracts bacteria that infest the tender skin. The best way to treat and prevent balanitis is regular and thorough cleaning of the private area daily with a gentle cleanser. If the issue is pretty advanced, a physician will prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection. 6. Psoriasis or eczema Men who already have psoriasis or eczema on other parts of their bodies may also develop the same symptoms on the member. Treating the irritated area with medicated cremes or vitamins A and E for relief. 7. Partner Transmitted Infections This cause is the one generally most feared and for good reason. An irritated manhood can be a symptom of an infection. Many infections cause irritation, rash, blisters and peeling skin. Men who believe they may have contracted a social disease should see their doctor or clinic immediately for testing and avoid any intimate contact until the results of the test are known. Once diagnosed, a doctor will prescribe the course of treatment. Prevent Male organ irritation Most male organ irritations can be prevented with good grooming habits and by practicing safe relations. Grooming should include cleansing the private area regularly and thoroughly with a mild cleanser and soft cloth. Keep the area dry and air it out frequently some men prefer to sleep unclothed to give the manhood ample time to cool off and be free. Regularly moisturizing the member is also a critical step. Use a specially created male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) for a clean, fresh, and soft member. These cremes are nutrient-rich and contain vitamins like A, C, D, and E which have properties especially advantageous

for male organ health and healing. The crème s base should be a natural moisturizer, like Shea butter, which leaves the skin completely hydrated and smooth.