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2 .... nn.. CONTENTS - NDCE ENGLSH VERSON - VERSON EN NGLES m ABSTRACT NTRODUCTON. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. SOURCES AND PROCESSNG OF DATA.. NOMENCLATURE OF SPECES.. GENERAL TRENDS N THE FSHERY, Geographical expansion of the fishing grounds Effort and catch.. Geographical distribution by species and quarter of the year... tuna Dominant species by area. Comparison of trends in apparent abundance.. Bigeye tuna.. Yellowfin tuna.. Albacore tuna. Striped marlin. Sailfish Other SEXUAL MATURTY OF FEMALE YELLOWFN AND BGEYE TUNA.. Yellowfin tuna.."" Bigeye tuna.... SZE COMPOSTON OF YELLOWFN AND BGEYE TUNA _. Yellowfin tuna.... Bigeye tuna FGURES-FGURAS TABLES-TABLAS.,.. Page VERSON EN ESPANOL - SPANSH VERSON EXTRACTO NTRODUCCON RECONOCMENTO... ORGEN Y PROCESAMENTO DE LOS DATOS. NOMENCLATURA DE LAS ESPECES.. TENDENCAS GENERALES DE LA PES UERA _.... Expansion geografica de las areas de pesca _.. Esfuerzo y captura.. Lnstrrbucron lu.ri:ull.:(:l por especies, por trimestres del afio... y pez Especie dominante por area..._. Comparacion de tendencias en la abundancia aparente _. MADUREZ SEXUAL DE LAS HEMBRAS ATUN ALETA AMARLLA Y OJO GRANDE m Atun aleta amarilla...._._... _ Atun ojo grande n COMPOSCON DE TALLA DEL ATUN ALETA AMARLLA Y DEL ATUN OJO GRANDE m Atun aleta amarilla n. Atun ojo grande.. _. Pagina 376 LTERATURE ClTED-BBLOGRAFA CTADA.._ APPENDX TABLES-TABLAS DEL APENDCE

3 THE JAPANESE LONGLNE FSHERY FOR TUNAS AND BLLFSHES N THE EASTERN PACFC OCEAN EAST OF 3 ow, by Susumu Kume- and James Joseph ABSTRACT Catch and effort statistics from the Japanese longline fishery operatin the eastern Pacific Ocean east of 3 W, from 964 through 966, were examined to study the geographic distribution, trends in apparent abundance, sexual maturity, and size composition of the tunas and billfishes. Yellowfin and bigeye tuna are generally most abundant in the equatorial reg-ions of the high seas between about loon and 2 8, but west of 95 ow. The marlins are more coastal in distribution, usually occurring to the east, and to the north and south of the heavy concentration of tropical tunas. Sailfish tend to be associated with coastal areas also, whereas shortbill spearfish are more frequently captured on the high seas. Swordfish are found most abundantly in the coastal regions off northern Mexico, and off northern Peru and southern Ecuador. The albacore, a temperate-water species of tuna, is most abundant in the high-seas area of the southeastern Pacific, Trends in apparent abundance were measured by the hook-rate (i.e. catch per hooks). Hook-rates for bigeye tuna have decreased from about 3.5 fish per hooks in 958 to about. fish per hooks in 966. During the same period, effort was increased substantially and total catch has decreased since 963. t does not appear that increased effort will result in sustained increased catches of bigeye. Hook-rates for yellowfin tuna in recent years have decreased to about one third of their initial levels. The surface fishery for yellowfin in the eastern Pacific apparently affects recruitment to the longline fishery. Assuming that present conditions in the surface fishery do not change appreciably, increased effort in the longline fishery probably would not produce sustained increased catches, but might in fact result in reduced catch rates. Unlike the situation for the other tunas of the eastern Pacific, it appears that the albacore fishery east of 3 W is not having a marked effect on their abundance. Although a high degree of variability was observed in the hookrates for striped marlin, no obvious trends are evident. Catches have decreased slightly from 3,5 tons in 964 to about, tons in 966. Heavy fishing for sailfish began in 964 with a hook-rate of.6 fish per hooks; by 966 it had dropped to 5.8. Catches of this species in the of major concentration dropped from 329,9 fish in 965 to 73,6 in 966. This fishery has operated for too short a period of time to enable one to determine its effect on the sustainable yield. Length-frequency measurements and gonad samples from yellowfin and bigeye tunas collected in the eastern Pacific were analyzed to determine sexual maturity and growth characteristics. The results corroborate the findings of earlier investigators. lthis research was supported by U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Contract No and by the nter-american Tropical Tuna Commission. 2Present address, Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Shimizu City, Japan. 277

4 278 KUME AND JOSEPH NTRODUCTON The eastern Pacific Ocean east of 3 W supports large populations of tunas and billfishes. These species have attracted fishing fleets from a number of nations and they support two very important fisheries, the surface fishery for tunas and the subsurface longline fishery for deepswimming tunas and billfishes. The longline fishery is prosecuted primarily by Japanese nationals fishing from vessels based in Japan. This fishery began in 956, principally in equatorial waters along the western boundary (3 W) of the region dealt with in this study. From 956 until about 962, the fishery expanded eastwardly within the equatorial zone with primary emphasis on bigeye and yellowfin tuna. The expansion of this fishery has been documented by Suda and Schaefer (965a). During 963, the fishery expanded poleward, to the north for striped marlin and to the south for albacore (Kume and Schaefer 966). From 964 through 966, the fishery underwent significant change. n 966, the catch of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific came under regulations which were based on recommendations of the scientific staff of the nter-american Tropical Tuna Commission (nter-american Tropical Tuna Commission 967). The Japanese longline fishery continued to expand poleward, especially in the north. This report deals with the Japanese longline fishery from 964 through 966 and updates the reports of Suda and Schaefer (965a, 965b). The geographical expansion of the fishing grounds is documented and the distribution of each species in time and space discussed. We have examined changes in apparent abundance of each species and their relation to fishing effort. n addition, sexual maturity and size composition of yellowfin and bigeye tuna are examined. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. H. Yabe, Director of the Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory (FSFRL) for making it possible for the senior author to join the staff of the nter-american Tropical Tuna Commission as a visiting scientist and for allowing us to use for this study data collected by personnel of his laboratory. We are also grateful to Dr. J. L. Kask, Director of nvestigations of the nter-american Tropical Tuna Commission, for supporting this program. Thanks are also extended to M. P. Miyake and T. P. Calkins for reading the original manuscript and for their helpful criticism. SOURCES AND PROCESSNG OF DATA The source and nature of the catch and effort statistics used in this analysis are substantially the same as those employed by Sud a and Schaefer (op.cit.) and Kume and Schaefer (op.cit.). However, the methods of collecting and processing logbook data from the Japanese longline fish-

5 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 279 ery have been changed. n 963, the Japanese government required owners of longline vessels greater than 2 gross tons to submit their logbook records of catch and effort to the Fisheries Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. This information, which is utilized in this report, was compiled and processed by electronic computer at the Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory (FSFRL) (formerly Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory) and published by the Fisheries Agency in an annual report series. This system has resulted in a much broader coverage of the longline fleet, especially for the larger vessels. Until 962, the Japanese longline fleet which operated in the eastern Pacific was based exclusively in Japanese ports. This changed in 963 when foreign-based Japanese longliners accounted for approximately % of the total longline effort expended in eastern Pacific. From 964 through 966, Japanese foreign-based longliners, motherships using deckloaded catcher boats, and motherships with independent catcher boats, accounted for 3% to of the total effort expended in the eastern Pacific. The bait used by the Japanese longline fishery has been mainly saury (Cololabis saira).. Since 964, a portion of the longliners operating off the west coast of Baja California in search of swordfish has used squid (Todarodes paeiiicus, Steenstrup) for bait. This type of fishing, which is generally done at night, differs in gear structure and setting time from regular longlining and is more effective for catching swordfish (Kikawa 959). During 964, 965, and 966 this type of fishing accounted for.8,.4 and, respectively, of the total longline effort. The catch and effort data for swordfish and striped marlin (the latter are caught regularly during these modified fishing operations) will be included in the distribution charts discussed later in this report. Catches of shortbill spearfish and sailfish are not differentiated in the vessel logbook records owing to their lower economic value and the format of the logbook sheets. The original catch and effort data from the annual reports of the Fisheries have been tabulated in the same manner as detailed by Kume and Schaefer (op.cit.). Data in this report were not categorized by type of operation and vessel size, although they were in the Fisheries Agency Report. Logged catch and effort statistics for 964, 965 and 966 were 87.7%, 78.6% and 83.3%, respectively, of the total catch and effort generated by the longline fleet in those years. The reciprocals of these percentages were used to estimate the statistics of total catch and effort prsented in Appendix Table. The statistics of total catch and effort appearing in the records of the Fisheries Agency for were calculated using slightly different estimates of percentage of logbook coverage. Since the percentage of coverage is different in the two cases, there is a slight difference between statistics presented in this report and those presented in the annual reports of the Fisheries Agency.

6 28 KUME AND JOSEPH Data on size composition and ovary weight of bigeye and yellowfin tuna were collected in essentially the same manner as described by Suda and Sch.aefer (op.cit.) (i.e., collected at sea aboard experimental and training ships), and Kume and Joseph (966), and were processed in the same way. These data extend from January 964 through July 967, overlapping slightly with the series studied previously by the above-mentioned authors. Because the experimental and training vessels from which the size composition information is gathered do not fish within all strata of degree area and month in the eastern Pacific, the data have been grouped by major fishing areas within quarters. The number of yellowfin and bigeye measured in each area-quarter stratum is shown in Table. Tle corresponding average weights are given in Tables 2a-b. As noted in previous reports, reporting form provided by the FSFRL to the fishing vessels has provisions for entries of length only over the range from 83 em to 83 em. Of the 22,98 bigeye measured, 45 were smaller than 82 em and 2 larger than 84 em; these were not ineluded in the sample. Of the 2,545 yellowfin, only 98 were less than,82 em and none were larger than 84 em. The resulting loss of data is small and the effect of eliminating them is believed to b e negligible. NOMENCLATURE OF SPECES The nomenclature, both scientific and vernacular, of tunas and billfishes has been subject of a great deal of controversy. Since this study is only concerned with the nomenclature in a practical way, we do not intend to discuss the taxonomic problems. For clarity and expediency, we have chosen to follow the scientific nomenclature proposed by Gibbs and Collette (966). The scientific names and currently used common names in Spanish, Japanese and English, together with our abbreviations, are: Spanish Japanese Enlish Abbreviation Abbreviation SW SS SM BUM BKM SF Scientific Atun aleta Kihada Yellowfin YF Tliumnue albacares amarilla Atun ojo Mebachi Bigeye BE Thunnus obesus grande Atun albacora Binnaga Albacore ALB Thunnus alalunga For billfishes we have chosen to follow the scientific nomenclature proposed by Nakamura et al. (968): Spanish Jaoanese English Pez espada Pez aguja Mekajiki Furaikajiki Swordfish Shortbill spearcorta Marlin ra- Makajiki fish Striped marlin yado Marlin azul Kurokajiki Blue marlin Marlin negro Shirokajiki Black marlin Pez vela Bashokajiki Sailfish Scientific Xiphias gladius Tetrapturus angustitrostris Tetrapturus audax Makaira mazara Makaira indica stiophorous platypterus For the purposes of this report, the general term billfishes is meant to include all of the above six species.

7 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 28 GENERAL TRENDS N THE FSHERY, Geographical expansion of the fishing grounds n Figure La-c is shown the total annual effort generated within -degree squares for the years 964, 965 and 966. The numbers within the -degree squares represent the number of sets of the longline gear. One set is generally made every 24 hours by a single vessel and therefore corresponds to a day of fishing. When compared with corresponding figures presented by Kume and Schaefer (op.cit.) which show the effort mostly concentrated between loon and 25 8 west of 9 W, it is clear that new fishing grounds were intensively exploited in more northern areas and in more eastern areas south of 5 8 during The northerly expansion was apparently made very rapidly during 964. The species composition of the catch averaged over the years is shown in terms of catch per hooks by species and major areas of the fishery (Figure 2). The effort expended in each area during each of the 3 years is also shown. Tle alphanumeric designation in the upper right-hand corner of each block identifies the major area. These include the Nand E areas of Kume and Schaefer (op.cit.) plus the newly exploited M and 8 series. n the newly exploited areas M-2, 3 and 5, the catch is composed predominantly of striped marlin and sailfish. (Sailfish and shortbill spearfish, as noted earlier, are not distinguished in the statistics but shortbill spearfish occur only rarely in area M-3). n areas M-, 4 and 6, where effort is relatively minor, catches are predominantly bigeye and yellowfin tuna. The southeasterly expansion into areas of the S series seems to have been due primarily to the abundance of albacore. Effort and catch Annual estimates of total effort, expressed in number of ks for the entire area discussed in this report, are shown in Figure 3 for The effort is shown in three large areas: () The northern grounds consisting of areas M-l through M-6; (2) the southern grounds consisting of areas S-l through S-5; and (3) the old grounds consisting of the remaining areas. The figure reflects a continual increase in effort up through 964 when a record number of 62 million hooks were fished. This represents million more hooks than in 963, the next highest year. The increase in 964 is obviously related to the increased effort on the northern grounds since effort on the old grounds and on the southern grounds was about the same as in 963. Effort in the northern grounds during 964 was about 2 million hooks. n 965, the total hooks fished decreased to 44 million; however, effort on the northern grounds remained about the same. By 966, effort increased again to about 47 million hooks, the greatest increase occurring on the old grounds. Effort on the northern grounds decreased from that obtaining in 965. Effort on the southern grounds,

8 282 KUME AND JOSEPH although fluctuating much less than in other areas, varied between.4 and 2.3 million hooks. From 957 to 964, longline effort increased in the eastern Pacific but declined after 964. On the old grounds, effort was greatest during 963 and 964, decreasing sharply in 965. During 963 and 964, increased effort was generated on the northern and southern grounds, and since that time has been fairly stable. The depressed hook-rates (i.e., the number of bigeye and yellowfin tuna caught per hooks) on the old grounds during most likely induced the decrease of effort therein and stimulated the intensive poleward expansion of fishing grounds. Fishing effort was generally distributed over the same areas from 964 through 966 la-c). Exceptions to this are: () the diminution in effort expended during 965 and 966 in the areas bounded by 2-3 W and 8-3 N and by -3 W and when compared to 964, and (2) the southerly extension of intensive fishing along the coast of Mexico. To several changes in the distribution of fishing effort, the average number of sets made within each -degree area was computed by quarters for 964 through 966 (Figure 4a-d). The inset in the figures night sets on swordfish. On the northern grounds, effort appears to be concentrated around the Revillagigedo slands and off Baja California in the third and fourth quarters. Along the Mexican coast from about 2 N, effort expands in a south.erly direction from the first to the third quarters. n the region, effort appears to be most intense during the first and second quarters, especially in the areas bounded by 8-3 N and 2-3 W. n the area between the Galapagos..U::Hl:::l.Ut-l;:;) and the Ecuadorian mainland, effort is most concentrated during the first and the fourth quarters. n the area bounded -5 8 and 9- W effort remains very high throughout the year, while farther to the west, at about 2 8, effort is highest during the first and fourth quarters. Certainly the longline fleet is quite mobile and exhibits marked seasonal changes in fishing strategy. ''he fleet appears to respond to seasonal changes in fishing success which most likely are related to changes in the availability of the fish themselves. For example, as will be shown later, as catch-rates of tuna decline during the latter half of the year, a displacement of effort towards the billfish grounds is evident. Total catches of each species in metric tons are shown in Figure 5 for 957 through 966, and in Appendix Table for 964 through 966. The highest total catch was made during 963; the two dominant species in the catch that year were bigeye and yellowfin tuna. Since then, the total annual catch has declined and the species composition of the catch

9 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 283 has changed. Until 963, tunas accounted for more than 8% of the total catch, the remaining 2% being billfishes. Since the beginning of 965, the billfishes more closely approximate 5% of the total catch. Until 963, bigeye tuna had been by far the dominant species in the catch, comprising from 55 to 65 of the total catch and in 963 amounting to about 46, tons. However, with decreasing catch rates and a consistent displacement of effort polewards, catches of this species have been about 35, 6 and 24 thousand tons in 964 to 966, respectively; these tonnages represent 44, 28, and 39 of the total catch in those same years. The catch of yellowfin tuna, which has been second to bigeye in terms of the total amount landed, has not changed as remarkably as bigeye; since 964, however, yellowfin no longer holds its position as the second largest producer, in terms of weight, in the longline fishery..since 962, when albacore were first caught in appreciable quantities, catches have fluctuated between 99 and 2583 tons. These fluctuations appear to be related quite closely to changes in the distribution of fishing effort on the southern grounds. Among the billfishes, catches of striped marlin and sailfish have increased spectacularly since 964. These remarkable catches are closely related to the expansion of effort in the northern grounds (Figure 3). The catch of striped marlin remained between, and 5, tons during , almost twice as much as it was in 963. The sailfish catch increased abruptly from about 2, tons in 964 to over 2, tons in 965, which approximated the catch of bigeye in that year. Though still quite substantial, the catch dropped to 7, tons in 966. During the same period, swordfish catches varied between,7 and 3,8 tons. Catches of blue marlin declined from the peak in 963 of almost, tons to less than 3, tons in 966. Black marlin, the catch of which has been less than 6 tons, did not show any significant changes. As shown above, the distribution of fishing effort and the species composition of the catch have changed considerably recent years. To compare earlier years with more recent years in the fishery, catch and effort statistics were grouped by the following major areas (Table 4): the M-grounds, including areas M- to M-6; the NE-grounds made up, of areas N- to N-3 and E- to E-3; and the S-grounds comprising areas Sand 8- to This separation of areas differs slightly from that discussed on page 28; instead of including area 8 in the older grounds, as was done in the earlier analysis, it was placed in the southern grounds. Area 8 was included in the old grounds in the earlier analysis because it was first exploited along with the rest of the areas included in the old grounds. However, 8 is included in the S-grounds in the present analysis because albacore is the dominant species taken in all the S-areas and such a grouping lends itself better to the type of analysis used in this part of our study.. ) M-grounds: These grounds which were exploited substantially for

10 284 KUME AND JOSEPH the first time in 964, are characterized by a predominance of billfishes accounting for 75 to 95% of the total catch. Of this, most is striped marlin and sailfish. The striped marlin catch in 964 was about 8,4 tons, more than half the total catch from this area, but then decreased to less than 4,7 tons by 966. ''his latter amount, however, still constitutes about one-third of the total catch. n 965, the sailfish catch was about,5 tons and accounted for 56% of the total catch. By 966, it dropped to less than 5,8 tons but still comprised only slightly less than 5% of the catch. n 964, 3,9 tons of yellowfin were taken but by 966 the catch had dropped to 6 tons. This appears to be related, however, to a decrease in fishing effort (Figure 2) in area M- where yellowfin is mostly taken. Swordfish also added significantly to the catch in this area. n 964, more than,4 tons were landed but by 966 the catch dropped to less than 7 tons. 2) NE-grounds: These grounds have been fished since the beginning of the fishery in 957. Bigeye and yellowfin tuna, the two major species taken, account for more than 7 % of the total catch. The catch of bigeye, the most important species in terms of weight, was 32.2, 4.5 and 2.7 thousand tons respectively, in The decline in catch during 965 was quite remarkable. On the other hand, yellowfin had declined from a level of about 9, to 8, tons during the same period. The next two most important species are striped and blue marlin. The catch of the former increased from 4,5 tons in 964 to 5,7 tons in 966, while that of the latter decreased from 3,4 to 2,3 tons during the same period. Catches of swordfish and sailfish did not fluctuate widely. 3) S-grounds: These grounds have bee-no fished since 959 but substantially only since 963. Albacore is one of the most important species in this area, accounting for approximately 3 of the catch. The catch of bigeye the other important species, is about equal to that of the albacore. The catch of yellowfin tuna, the third most important species, remained remarkably constant at about,2 tons. Catches of blue marlin, a significant contributor to the total catch in the beginning, declined from about,6 tons in 964 to about 3 tons in 966. Catches of striped marlin fluctuated only from 5 to 7 tons. n Table 5, there are given the total catches for all areas and species combined for , estimates of total effort in both. days and hooks as well as the hook-rates in number of fish caught, the catch in metric tons per day of all species combined, and an estimate of the number of hooks used per fishing day per boat. t is interesting to note that the catch per day, in both numbers and weight, and the number of hooks used per fishing day remained quite stable during the 3 years observed. Data respecting effort and catch by quarters of the year and by fishing areas are tabulated in Appendix for the years

11 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 285 Geographical distribution by species by quarter of the year Figures 6a-g, the average quarterly catch per, hooks is plotted by species and -degree squares for (Because of the very low hook-rates for some species, we used catch per, instead of catch per hooks.) ''hese figures are useful for examining the distributions of deep-swimming tunas and billfishes in the newly exploited areas as well as for detecting changes in the relative abundance among areas when compared with previous years. Albacore tuna...:..t..o..vv"-/l for a few albacore taken off Baja California in the fourth quarter of the year, catches of this species by longline gear are generally confined to the area south of 5 S. n the southern area, Kume and Schaefer (966) showed that during the third quarter, albacore are distributed in two zonal bands which extend in an east-west direction. Our data indicate the existence of such zonal bands throughout the year although are not as striking as those found by Kume and Schaefer in the third quarter. The northern zonal band, centered at about 6-2 S during the first quarter, shifts northward during the second and third quarters. The eastern portion of this band shows a remarkable seasonal change in abundance with higher abundance in the third and fourth quarters. The southern zonal band is easily recognizable by the high hook-rates in the second and third quarters between 25 to 3 S. During the first and fourth quarters, though more widely distributed, zonal bands of high abundance' are not as readily discernible. Whether these bands of abundance in the second and quarters are related to congregating mechanisms operating on the fish in the area between 2 and 3 S or to movement of fish from other areas is not known. Bigeye tuna n the new, intensively exploited fishing grounds north of loon, bigeye tuna occur in the catches only sporadically except for catches made in the northern winter along the northwestern margin of the study area. These individuals are believed to represent an extension of a feeding group that is densely distributed along the North Pacific Current from west to east (Kume 963). The equatorial region between loon and 2 8 has been fished heavily since the beginning of the longline fishery in the eastern Pacific. Comparison of the hook-rates in areas with similar data from 8uda and Schaefer (op.cit.), and Kume and Schaefer (op.cit.) shows a general decrease in the apparent abundance as measured by catch per, hooks. n Figure 6b, for example, the number of -degree squares in which the catch-rate is greater than 2 fish per, hooks, decreased considerably from those shown in the earlier studies mentioned above. t appears that the areas

12 286 KUME AND JOSEPH of highest abundance are located nearer the equator during recent years, with the highest abundance between the Galapagos slands and the Ecuadorian mainland, especially during the first quarter. Good catches are also made west of the Galapagos slands to about 5 W during the first two quarters of the year. n the area south of 2 S, bigeye are most abundant during the first and fourth quarters of the year. This suggests a seasonal migration toward the south during the southern summer. Yellowfin tuna n the newly exploited areas north of about 8 N, yellowfin are found in good abundance during the first and second quarters of the year, especially in the area between 8-3 N west of 2 W, and in the areas bounded by -8 N and 5-5 W. Catches within a few hundred miles of the shoreline from Mexico to Peru are generally much poorer than to the west of this area. t is interesting to note that in the surface fishery for yellowfin just the opposite situation obtains (Calkins and Chatwin 967), i.e., the surface fishery for yellowfin operates within a few hundred miles of shore. During the first quarter of the year, yellowfin appear in general to be most abundant in the band between - N extending eastward to about W. This band of highest abundance, seems to be displaced slightly northward during the second quarter. Throughout the third and fourth quarters, though the northern band is still evident, highest concentrations of yellowfin are found south of the equator in a band extending diagonally from about 5 S - 2 W to 5 S - 9 W. Thus highest concentrations of yellowfin tuna are found north of the equator during the first half of the year and south of equator during the second half. As was found for bigeye tuna, yellowf'in occur farther south (south of 2 S) during the southern summer. Swordfish Swordfish were not sought by longline fishermen in the eastern Pacific prior to 963 and, in fact, incidental catches of this species prior to that time were extremely minute. During 963, commercial vessels in the eastern Pacific began fishing at night with gear specifically rigged for swordfish and found this method to be far superior for catching this species than conventional longline fishing methods. Comparing catch statistics from the regular longline fishery with those of the swordfish fishery operating over the same areas during the fourth quarters of (Table 6), it will be noted that the latter produces at twice the rate of the former. Because of the lack of swordfish catches prior to 964, the distribution of this species in the eastern Pacific was not described previously. To determine this distribution during recent years, we examined the quarterly hook-rate for swordfish averaged over the years (Fig-

13 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 287 upper portion of the figure represent hook- swordfish. ure 6d). The insets in rates during the night sets Off Baja California, swordfish are taken throughout the year but the largest catches occur during the fourth quarter. Good catches are also made during the fourth quarter in the area bounded by 9-22 N and 25-3 W. To the south, swordfish are abundant throughout the year in the area off Ecuador and northern Peru, extending westward along the equator with high concentrations about the Galapagos slands, especially during the second half of the year. A zonal band of less abundant swordfish catches occurs in the area between approximately -2 8, extending to about 3 8 during the first and fourth quarters of the year. Though the catch statistics for swordfish are not exactly comparable throughout the range of the fishery due to the selective nature of the fishery (night sets) in the north, they do serve to suggest that adult swordfish are associated with cooler waters more than the other more tropical species. Striped marlin The geographical expansion of the fishery during provided a deal of new information on the distribution of striped marlin. Figure 6e has been prepared to examine this distribution. Though the figure shows that striped marlin is a cosmopolitan species widely distributed throughout the eastern Pacific, there are areas where this species is concentrated so that they produce good"v..jv'"-'. n the area north of loon, where longlining for striped marlin began in 963, the seasonal changes in the areas of highest concentration are quite conspicuous. During the quarter of the year, high abund- ance is observed only in the area about the southern part of Baja California. During the next quarter, the center of abundance appears to have shifted southerly and extends over a much wider area from the mouth of the Gulf of California to the area off northern Guatemala and several hundred miles offshore. During the third quarter, this area of high abundance seems to be' displaced northward, extending as far as 27 N along the coast of Baja California. Highest concentrations during the third quarter occur ill the area bounded by 6-26 N and -5 W. The concentration of fish around the Revillagigedo slands in the first and second quarters appears to extend westerly to about 27 W (between 5-2 N) in the third quarter, and to nearly 3 W in the fourth quarter. During the last of the year, the area of abundance is once reduced. n the high-seas area bounded by about 5 to 8 W and 5 N to 5 S, striped marlin are found relatively abundantly, especially during the fourth quarter. mmediately around the Galapagos slands, marlin are found in abundance throughout the year. Abundance is high in the

14 288 KUME AND JOSEPH fourth quarter adjacent to the Ecuadorian coast and drops to its lowest point during the second quarter, which is in the southern winter. n the southeastern Pacific, the area bounded by -6 8 and 9 5 W, appears to be a center of high abundance for this species throughout the year. Generally, there appear to be two zonal bands of high abundance extending in an east-west direction. The northern band extends progressively northwesterly, reaching as far as 25 \V by the fourth quarter. The southern band, which occurs between about 2-28 S and as far as 3 W, is most evident in the first and fourth quarters, which correspond to the southern summer. Blue marlin marlin seem to be distributed throughout the eastern Pacific Ocean except for the area north of loon where occur only sporadically (Figure 6f). The only area of very high concentration appears to be along 2 S between about 5-3 W during the first The overall abundance, however, is much lower than it was prior to 963 when hook-rates were over twice as as they are presently and when blue marlin were the object of the fishery. n the equatorial region of the fishery, between about 5 N and 5 8, blue marlin appear to be most abundant the third quarter. Sailfish and shoribill Figure shows the average quarterly distribution, expressed in hook-rate, of sailfish and shortbill combined. As noted elsewhere in this report, most commercial longline vessels do not differentiate between these two in their catch records. However, to obtain some idea of their relative distribution, we examined data from nine cruises in the eastern Pacific made by research and experimental fishing vessels. These vessels recorded the two separately. The vessels and cruise dates are: TATSE-MARU, Mie Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station December 963 to March 964 February 965 to May 965 October 965 to January 966 April 966 to September 966 SHNMYAG-MARU, Miyagi Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station March 966 to May 966 June 967 to July 967 SHOYO-MARU, Fisheries _"""'''-. December 962 to 963 December 963 to February 964 November 964 to January 965

15 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHER.Y 289 During these cruises 334 longline sets were made in which the catches of sailfish and shortbill spearfish were recorded separately. These catches were summed for all cruises by species and 5-degree squares (Figure 7). The figure shows that () the near-shore waters within the area west of 9 W, north of loon and the mainland of the Americas, yield sailfish but no shortbill spearfish; (2) the area seaward of a line drawn from 3 W and then diagonally to 9 W yields shortbill spearfish but no sailfish; and (3) the two species are found mixed between areas () and (2). Since shortbill spearfish did not occur in any of the catches of the research vessels fishing in the area within 2-3 miles of the coast, it is reasonable to assume that the catches recorded as shortbill spearfish and sailfish by the commercial vessels fishing within this area are exclusively sailfish. all the basis of this assumption, we shall discuss the distribution of sailfish in the inshore areas only, even though they do occur in lesser quantities to as far south as 5 S and westward to at least 3 W. n the northern hemisphere, the area of highest sailfish abundance is between Guatemala and the mouth of the Gulf of California. Within this region there is evidence of seasonal movements. n the area around central Mexico, sailfish appear to be abundant all year; during the first quarter this is the only area where they are. During the second quarter, there appears to be a southerly extension of the area of high abundance to as far south as loon. This southerly extension is evident again during the third quarter, as well as a northward movement of fish to about 2-22 N. By the fourth there appears to be a northward shift in the southern limit to about 5 N and a shift in the northern limit to about 25 N. These north-south movements appear to coincide quite well with the seasonal movements of the 28 C isotherm in this area as shown by Wyrtki (964). n the south, sailfish appear to be abundant throughout the year in the area bounded approximately 9 W, 4 N, 3 S and the mainland. n the shortbill spearfish area, area (2) above, it is not possible to detect any obvious seasonal trends in the distribution of this species. Shortbill appear to be rather randomly distributed throughout this area. Dominant species by area The Japanese: longline fishery in the eastern Pacific generally captures three of tuna and four species of billfishes in significant amounts. Figures 6a through 6g show the general distribution of each of these, but they do not reflect the dominant species taken in the catch. To show species dominance, we prepared Figures 8a through 8d which show, by quarters averaged over , the dominant species occurring

16 29 KUME AND JOSEPH in the catch from each -degree square. For the purpose of this study, the species which has the highest hook-rate in each time-area stratum is considered the dominant species in the catch. The relative abundance within and among species, however, is not dealt with in this analysis. Bigeye tuna dominate the catches throughout the first three quarters of the year between approximately loon and and eastward to about 9 W. During the fourth quarter, they continue to dominate but less so in the area - on. East of 9 ow, extend to the mainland between about 5 N and 5 S. Yellowfin tuna, which appears to be the least dominant of any of the tunas discussed herein, occur in the northern hemisphere during the first two quarters bet.ween 7-2 on, extending easterly to about 95 W. They also occur sporadically along the equator. During the last half of the year, they appear to be more widely distributed north of the equator, especially during the last quarter. South of the equator during the first quarter, yellowfin are rarely dominant except in a small area bounded by -2,S and 9- W. As the season progresses they become relatively more dominant in the catches and by the fourth quarter are encountered often between 5-95 W and 6 and 5 8. Albacore is the most dominant species of fish taken in the area south of S throughout the year. During the southern summer (first and fourth quarters), they occur from about -2 S to 3 S, extending eastward to at least 9 W. During the southern winter they appear to be displaced farther northward, extending to about 7 S. North of the equator, albacore are taken only sporadically and very rarely constitute the dominant species. Of the billfishes, striped marlin is by far the most important species. n the northern hemisphere they are most dominant in the inshore area during the first and fourth quarters between 5 and 3 on. During the second and third quarters appear to be distributed more southerly to about 5 N. They are dominant in and about the Galapagos slands throughout the year. To the south, except for scattered occurrences, appear to be restricted to the area south of -5 8 and located to the southeast of the albacore. Except for scattered occurrences throughout the year in the Panama Bight, sailfish is the dominant species in the inshore area along the Mexican coast between about and 25 N, extending to about 2-3 miles offshore. Since blue marlin, shortbill spearfish and swordfish occur as the dominant species so rarely, they are not discussed here. t can be stated in general that the tunas are most dominant on the high seas between loon and 2 8 while billfishes are generally more dominant in the area within about 6 miles of shore. Billfish which do occur dominantly in the offshore areas tend to occur along the northern and southern extremes of the tuna distribution.

17 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 29 Comparison of trends in apparentabundance. Catch per unit of effort is generally used to reflect the relative apparent abundance of the fish. For the longline fishery, the catch per hooks is used as the catch per effort and is assumed to reflect relative abundance. Though estimates of abundance based on catch per effort are affected by availability and vulnerability of the fish, they are still useful for drawing inferences about real changes in abundance. This is especially true if one examines a series of data sufficiently long that variability in factors affecting the data balances out. Competition of the fish for the gear is another factor that can bias estimates of abundance in a multiplespecies fishery such as the longline fishery. For example, when two species are competing for the same hook but one is relatively much more abundant than the other, then the abundance of the less dominant species is generally underestimated. Though this source of error is recognized, we have not been able to correct for it. Hook-rate by quarter and area for bigeye, yellowfin, albacore and striped marlin is shown in Figures 9a through 9d. Where possible, data were plotted commencing with 96 when hook-rates were relatively high. t should be noted here that within certain areas, the primary species sought by the fishery varies so that there might be a bias in the hook-rate of one species due to the effort directed to the other. For example, substantial effort expended in the eastern portion of area N-3 toward bigeye tuna and striped marlin might affect the hook-rate of yellowfin tuna which are more abundant in the western portion of the area. Bigeye tuna There is a remarkable consistent downward trend in hook-rate of this species in areas N- to N-3 extending through 965 when the lowest catch per effort was recorded (Figure 9a). During 966, the hook-rate increased slightly to the' 964 level. n the remaining three important bigeye areas shown, E- to E-3, a similar decline is evident. However, the 965 level was not quite as low as in the northern areas. n areas E- and E-2, a consistent seasonal pattern in hook-rate is evident with the first quarter providing the highest value. n area E-3, the more inshore bigeye grounds, the seasonal pattern seems to be lagged two quarters behind that of the other two areas, perhaps resulting from a movement of fish among the areas. t appears from' Figure 9a that as the fishery moved into new areas, higher hook-rates were encountered than in adjacent areas which had been exploited previously. n areas N-, E- and E-2 which had been exploited for some years prior, hook-rates during 96 and 962 were generally between two and three fish per hooks. On the other hand, in areas N-2, N-3 and E-3, which had been exploited only since 96, hook-rates during this same period were between three and six fish per hooks. This

18 292 KUME AND JOSEPH suggests the possibility that bigeye may not mix rapidly among areas. f they did, one would expect the hook-rates to change concurrently in all areas. To better examine the effect that the longline fishery has upon bigeye in the eastern Pacific, data utilized in Figure 9 were plotted and are shown in Figures and. Figure shows the relationship between the catch per effort, expressed in numbers and weight, and effort for areas N-l, E- and E-2, These' areas represent the older fishing grounds which have been exploited since the beginning of the longline fishery in the eastern Pacific and reflect changes for the major portion of the bigeye inhabiting this area. Figure shows similar data for a slightly larger portion of the fishery (areas N- through N-3 and E-l through E-3). Both figures show a downward trend in catch per effort. Figure 2 was prepared to ShO'iV the relationship between catch and effort for areas N-l through N-3 and E-l through E-3. Tle hook-rate declined from about 3.5 fish per hooks to about one fish per ks during (Figure ). The pattern in temporal changes in catch per effort and catch, and their relationship to effort (Figures and 2) is remarkably similar to the theoretical pattern one would to find in a heavily exploited fishery in which effort is reduced after reaching some high level (see Figure 3, Schaefer 954). From 958 to 963, effort expanded rapidly and catches increased. By 964, at approximately the same level of effort, catch and catch per effort dropped. With much reduced effort during 965, catch and catch per effort continued to drop. During 966, effort remained relatively constant and catch per effort and catch began to increase slightly. The relationship of the catch per effort in numbers to that in weight is also interesting (Figure ). The rate of decline in the catch per effort in number is not as rapid as that in weight. This reflects the decline in average weight of bigeye tuna in the study area, a normal situation in a developing fishery. Considering the foregoing comments and figures, it is reasonable to assume that at levels of effort exerted during 963 and 964, the catch per effort and total catch would continue to decline. f catch is to be increased, effort should be maintained at the level or perhaps slightly less. t would not be expected, however, that the catch would ever reach the level of 963. Before a detailed examination of the population dynamics of bigeye tuna can be made and reasonable estimates of potential yield determined, it will be necessary to est.ablish more clearly the relationship of the stocks in the eastern Pacific to those farther west. Yellowfin tuna Since 96 in area N-l and since 963 in N-2, the level of hook-rates for yellowfin tuna remained relatively stable (Figure 9b). n the former

19 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 293 area, they were about one fish per hooks until about 966 when they dropped to about.5 fish per hooks. n the latter area, the level was consistently below one fish per hooks as it was in N-3. n the southern areas E-l and E-2, the hook-rates, which have fluctuated between about.5 and. fish per hooks since 962, do not indicate much change. A slight increase in hook-rate is observed in E-3 in the third and fourth quarters beginning in 963 when yellowfin tuna became more available. n the newly exploited areas M- and M-2, the hook-rates were high in the second quarter of 964 and 965 but not in 966. Hook-rates in area S, which has been rather heavily exploited since 962, remained fairly stable. The average annual in numbers and weight, shows a decline from about.5 fish per hooks (9 kg) during the early days in the fishery, to about.5 fish per hooks (35 kg) in recent years. Unlike bigeye tuna, the catch per effort in terms of weight did not decline at a more rapid rate than the catch per effort in terms of numbers (Figures and ). The total catch increased to about, metric tons during 963 with an effort of about 38 million hooks (Figure 2). During 964, effort increased to about 42 million hooks but the catch decreased to 9, metric tons. During 965 and 966, effort decreased substantially below the 964 level while catches decreased only slightly. t does not appear from these data that the longline fishery is the only factor affecting the fishery. The spiraling pattern evident in the graph showing bigeye catch per effort, the expected pattern in a newly exploited fishery (Schaefer 954), is not evident. The consistency in the decreasing trends in catch per effort in terms of both weight and numbers also suggests that both average size and abundance are being affected by sources other than the longline fishery alone. ndeed, Suda and Schaefer (965b J p.28) suggested that the longline fishery in the eastern Pacific operates, at least in large part, on the same yellowfin population as does the surface fishery. t appears reasonable, therefore, to assume that recruitment into the longline fishery is determined to a large degree by the fishing intensity in the surface fishery. Assuming that present conditions in the surface fishery do not alter appreciably, it seems likely that increased effort in the longline fishery would not result in sustained increased catches but, in fact, might result in reduced catches. A lbacore tuna n area S, where albacore have been the primary object of the fishery since 96, hook-rates and catches are higher than in other areas. Also a slight decline is evident in the catch per effort (Figure 9c) although not nearly so pronounced as that for bigeye and yellowfin. n area E-3, where albacore have also been taken since 96, no trend in hook-

20 294 {UME AND JOSEPH rates is evident. The seasonal pattern of fluctuations in hook-rate, which appears to be inversely related to the seasonal pattern evident in area S, suggests a northward displacement of fish during the southern winter. n areas 8- and 8-2, effort was too meager and the catch history too short to detect trends or distributions. Unlike the situation for the other species examined, these data indicate that the fishery east of 3 W is not having a marked effect on albacore abundance. Striped marlin n areas N-3, E-2 and E-3, striped marlin have been taken since 96 (Figure 9d). n area N-3, the hook-rate was relatively stable through 964 at about.5 fish per hooks. During 965, it increased to about.5 fish per hooks and remained relatively high through 966. The possibility that this increase is accounted for by either a change in abundance or availability cannot be discounted; however, it is most probably due to a concentration of effort in the more productive marlin grounds in area N-3. n area E-2, catch rates remained fairly stable except for a slight increase during 962 and 963. Hook-rates in area E-3 exhibit a slight decline since 96, with some indication of leveling off during recent years. The remaining M and 8 areas shown have been exploited only since 964. n areas M-2 and M-5, hook-rates are high showing a marked seasonal pattern but there are no obvious trends. n areas M-3, 8- and 8-2, hook-rates are lower and variable but again do not show any apparent trends aside from the increase in M-3 during 966. After reaching a peak of about 3,5 tons in 964, catches of this species decreased to, tons during 966 (Appendix Table ). Sailfish Fishing for sailfish and shortbill spearfish commenced in areas M-3 and M-5 during 964. Catches in the former area were much greater than in the latter and the sum of the catches for in area M-5 was only about one-tenth of that in M-3 while the effort was twice as great. t has been demonstrated in an earlier section of the paper that shortbill spearfish are not taken in these areas and, therefore, the catches recorded as a combination of both species can be treated exclusively as sailfish. From the data presented in Appendix Tables and, it appears that the heavy fishing intensity affected the apparent abundance of sailfish as reflected by the catch per hooks in. area M-3, (i.e.,.6 fish in 964, 9.4 in 965, and 5.8 in 966). Corresponding catches in the same area for these years were 28.6, and 73.6 thousand fish, respectively.

21 JAPANESE EASTiERN PACFC LONGLJNE FSHERY 295 Other species Catches of blue marlin and swordfish are rather minor related to other species. Data discussed here are from Appendix Tables and. Because of the relatively minor contributions to total catches and the sporadic nature of the fishery, we did not prepare figures showing trends in catch per effort. Blue marlin are primarily taken in area S during the first quarter. An average of.2 fish per hooks was taken during the first quarter Since that time, the hook-rate declined markedly and an average of only.2 fish per hooks was taken during the first quarters for the period Catches in area S during this time dropped from a level of about 8,7 to,8 tons. Swordfish are taken primarily during the fourth quarter in area M-5. Hook-rates for regular sets of the ongline within this area were.43,.34 and.23 fish per hooks for the years 964, 965 and 966, respectively. The corresponding hook-rates for night-time sets made specifically for swordfish were.9,.7 and.43. Both series of data demonstrate a decrease in catch per effort to about half that at the beginning of the fishery. SEXUAL MATURTY OF FEMALE YELLOWFN AND BGEYE Maturation of female yellowf'in tuna in the eastern Pacific has been studied by Orange (96), Kikawa (962), and Kume and Schaefer (966) ; similar studies of bigeye tuna have been made by Kikawa (962) and Kume and Joseph (966). These authors used as an index of maturity the weight of the ovaries divided by the cube of the length of the fish. n the first of these studies, data collected from the surface purse-seine and baitboat fisheries were utilized, whereas information collected from the subsurface longline fishery were used in the others. Additional data from January 964 through July 967 are examined below. Gonad indices were computed in the same manner as described by Kume and Schaefer (966). These were summarized within strata of 5 degree squares and quarters, and grouped within three categories of gonad index (Figures 3 and 4). These figures are based on information from 5,79 bigeye and 3,37 yellowfin greater than em in length. n the upper left-hand corner of each stratum is shown the number of samples used, while in the upper right-hand corner there is shown the average gonad index computed from p-revious samples. The height of each column represents the percentage which that particular category of fish is of the total. Each -degree square represents 2%. Fish less than em were excluded because previous studies have shown that they constituted a very small percentage of the total and are generally immature. Therefore, nearly all fish examined were large enough to be mature.

22 296 KUME AND JOSEPH Yellowfin tuna On the basis of studies by Kikawa (962) and Orange (96) we have assumed for our analysis that all specimens with a gonad index of 2. or greater are about to spawn. Virtually no spawning of yellowfin tuna occurs at any time of the year south of S (Figures 3a-d). Between north and south of the equator and west of 95 W, there appears to be a distinct seasonal pattern in spawning; that is, the proportion of the spawning group seems to be the highest during the second quarter. n fact this seems to be the most active spawning period throughout the entire area. During the third quarter, sexual activity appears to decrease slightly, north of the equator and greatly, south of the equator, although the number of samples in this latter area is small. During the fourth quarter, sexual activity is at its lowest level. By the first quarter, it increases once again and in the area north of 5 S a large proportion of the fish sampled were ready to spawn. n the area east of 95 W between loon and 5 S, spawning activity appears to be highest during the first and fourth quarters, although information for this area is lacking during the second quarter. During the fourth, sexual activity is lowest farther offshore. These data, which are in good agreement with the previous study of Kume and Schaefer (966), suggest that most spawning takes place during the first three quarters of the year, with a general cessation during the latter of the year in the offshore region. They further suggest that spawning is probably most intense during the second quarter. Bigeye tuna On the basis of a study by Kikawa (962), we have assumed for our purposes that all bigeye tuna with a gonad index of 3. or greater are about to spawn. The largest portion of fish gonad indices greater than 3. are confined to the area west of looow and the peak of sexual activity in this area appears to be during the second quarter (Figures 4a-d). However, considering the area north of the equator separately, activity appears to be highest during the second and third quarters while south of the equator it appears to be highest in the first and second quarters. The area along the equator between 5 north and south, is characterized by relatively low gonad indices, especially during the third quarter when cooler waters prevail in that area. During the fourth and first quarters, gonad indices become somewhat higher around the Galapagos slands, although samples are not available from this area during the second quarter. The patterns of sexual activity inferred from this analysis are in good agreement with the earlier work of Kume and Joseph (966).

23 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 29-7 SZE COMPOSTON OF YELLOWFN AND BGEYE TUNA Yellowfin tuna Our analysis of the size composition of yellowfin tuna is based on data from 964 through mid-967 and overlaps some of the work reported by Kume and Schaefer (966), as well as extending it and that of Suda and Schaefer (965b). n our analysis we included data from areas which are newly exploited but before these data could be combined with those from other areas. we had to determine whether or not they differ. For this we chose the new areas M-l, M-2 and E-3, which contribute substantially to the yellowfin catches from the eastern Pacific. Size-frequency in terms of percentage, were computed by quarters (Figure 5) and, where possible, compared with similar graphs from adjace-nt areas. Data were not available for comparison in new area E-3 during the third of 964. Area M-2, quarter, can be compared with the figure for area quarter, shown in the upper panel. There is agreement among samples with the exception of area E-3, quarter. However, this may be explained by the fact that the E-3 frequency was based on one small sample which may not be represe-ntative of the population occupying that particular stratum. Suda and Schaefer (956b) in their study on the size composition of yellowfin tuna taken by longliners, showed clearly that modal size groups could be followed in the fishery through time and that these progressions correspond closely to the growth rates estimated for the surface fishery by Davidoff (963). They designated these modal groups as the 8-series, in comparison to the X and Y-series in the surface fishery. To examine these further with more recent data, we prepared lengthfrequency plots, expressed in terms of percentage, by quarterly intervals, for the northern, southern and combined areas from the first quarter of 964 though the third quarter of 967 (Figures 6a-c). The alphanumeric designations in the figures identify the major modes which represent year classes. For example, year class S-6 is believed to have originated from spawning in 96, and 8-7, 8-8 and S-9 from spawning in 96, 962 and 963 respectively. The vertical lines on the abscissa of each figure indicate the modal size of each year class in that quarter-area stratum as calculated by Kume and Schaefer (966, Table 2). The- modal progressions observed from the data for generally compare rather indicating that growth rates during recent years have not changed. There are some aberrancies, but these are most likely attributable to the heterogeneity in the time of sampling and sample size (see, for example, in the northern area, the fourth quarter of 966 represented by one sample of 39 fish, and in the southern area, the third quarter of 964 represented by sampling entirely within the month of September). Though modal progressions are identifiable in the north and the south, they are more easily discernible in the combined-area graph (Fig-

24 298 KUME AND JOSEPH ure 6c). This figure shows that the longline fishery generally operates on two age groups simultaneously of which one contributes the' major portion of the catch. Recruitment into the fishery apparently extends over a major part of the year, especially during the first three quarters. The annual length-frequency distributions, expressed in terms of percentage, for all areas combined, (Figure 7) indicate that the size of the most frequently caught fish ranged from 2-3 em during 964 but increased consistently thereafter. This increase in size is also evident if one examines the yearly mean weight of yellowfin shown in Figure 8. After a sharp, drop from a level of about 55 kg in 962 to 45 kg in 964, the mean weight increased to about 52 kg by 966. These changes were evident in both the north and south which were '-''V'tJ..LV ''-,jc separately but are not shown here. The dotted line in the figure represents the mean weight of yellowfin captured in the surface fishery. The trends in mean weight are remarkably similar but, as expected, there a definite lag between the two since the fish enter the longline at an older age than they do in the surface fishery. To examine in more detail the changing size composition of yellowfin tuna taken in the longline fishery, we computed the hook-rate for each of three size categories of fish: () less than 3 em; (2) from 3 to 5 cm; and (3) over 5 em. The hook-rates are shown in Table 7 in numbers and percentages for two areas during Hook-rates declined for all three size categories in both the north and south. n the earliest years of the fishery, all three size categories contributed about an equal number of fish to the total catch. Subsequently, the largest group contributed relatively much less, while the medium and small size categories contributed much more. weight continued to decline, dropping to about 45 kg by 964. Since 964, the relative contribution of the larger size group to the total catch increased. This is reflected in the increase in average weight shown in Figure 8. Suda and Schaefer (965b, Table 6) presented estimates of the catches, in numbers of yellowfin, by em intervals, for the surface and longline fisheries operating within the same general areas. n Table 8, we have extended their data to include n our analysis we, have, however, included the entire catch of fish from the surface fishery, instead of from selected areas. Therefore, when comparing the totals estimated for the surface fishery for (Table 8) with the totals in Suda and Schaefer's Table 6, the former are much greater. To compute the numbers for the longline fishery, we utilized the estimated total number of fish captured and all the available size-composition data combined within years. Numbers of fish captured in the surface fishery were computed in the same manner as explained by Suda and Schaefer. The general observation of Suda and Schaefer (op.cit.) that the longline fishery does not capture the smaller components «8-9 em) of

25 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC L,ONGLNE FSHERY 299 the yellowfin population, is again evident in the more recent data. They found that the surface fishery takes larger numbers of fish of the size captured by longliners than do the longliners themselves. This is also true of our data for 965 and 966 (Table 8), but not so during 963 and 964 when the longline fleet captured slightly more of the larger fish than did the surface fishery. However, these were the 2 years when fishing effort was highest in the longline fishery. n general, the more recent size-composition data tend to resemble those presented by earlier workers. They also continue to reflect the dependence of the longline fishery upon the most recently recruited year classes, a further confirmation of the effect of the fishery on the stocks. the longline fishery captures only the older age classes of yellowfin while the surface fishery captures both older and younger ones, recruitment into the longline fishery is affected directly by the fishing mortality exerted in the surface fishery. t is obvious, therefore, that any study of yellowfin tuna dynamics in the eastern Pacific must include an evaluation of the effect of both the surface and longline fishery. Bigeye tuna Kume and Joseph (966) reported on the size composition and growth of bigeye tuna from the eastern Pacific on the basis of data from fish captured between May 958 and March 964. n this paper, we have extended our earlier analysis to include data collected through the first three quarters of 967. Since 963, the longline fishery extended to new areas within the eastern Pacific. The greatest catches from these new areas came from E-3. To determine whether size-composition data in this new area can be included for analysis with data from adjacent and older areas? we compared E-3 with E-2 (Figure 9) and found them to be quite similar. Comparative data for area E-2 were not available during 964. n subsequent analysis, therefore, we pooled data from the new areas with those from the older ones. n Figure 2, we present length-frequency charts, expressed in perby quarters for all areas combined from 964 through the third quarter of 967. The vertical bars along the abscissa represent quarterly modal positions denoted Kurne and Joseph (966) in their Table 6. The arrows, with corresponding alphanumeric designations, represent the modal position of identifiable year classes in the current data. The B-6 and B-7 series are the same as those first identified Kume and Joseph during the first and third quarters of 963. n the recent data, series B-8, 9 and which appear in 964, 965 and 966 respectively, can be followed as pass through the fishery. Although there are between the positions of modal groups in the earlier data with the modal groups denoted in Figure 2, they do demonstrate the progression of year classes. These progressions suggest that the growth rate of bigeye as re-

26 3 KUME AND JOSEPH fleeted by data collected during has not changed over that calculated prior to 964. The annual length-frequency distributions, expressed in percent, for all areas combined, , are shown in Figure 2. Apparently the size of the most frequently caught bigeye is between about 25 to 65 em. This is less than that observed in the data of Kume and Joseph (966, Fig. 2) which ranged between about 35 to 75 em. This decrease is evident in Figure 22 which shows the average annual weight of bigcye for the area north of the equator, south of the equator and both areas combined from 958 through the first three quarters of 967. n both the north and the south, rather sharp seasonal fluctuations are obvious, but it is abundantly clear that the trend in average weight is a decreasing one. This is even clearer when data for both areas are combined. During the initial years of the fishery, the mean weight was about 7 kg but by 966 had dropped to about 6 kg. The rather sharp decrease in average weight of bigeye since 964 most likely represents the intensification of effort in previously unexploited areas subsequent to 962 and the concomitant harvesting of reserve stocks of larger individuals. n Figure 23, prepared to examine the changing size composition in more detail, the hook-rate of bigeye is shown for each of the three size categories for two major areas of the fishery. The northern area includes N-l to N-3 and the southern area includes E-l to E-3 and S. The large size category includes fish over 5 em, the medium category includes fish from 2 to 5 em, and the small category includes fish less than 2 em. Hook-rates within these categories are listed in Table 9, thus extending Table 7 of Kume and Joseph (op.cit.). n both the northern and southern areas, the obvious decline in hookrates for all sizes combined, discussed earlier, is evident. n the north, both the large and medium-sized groups show a persistent downward trend until about 965, after which they increased slightly. Although hook-rates of the small size group fluctuated to a large extent, both quarterly and annually, no apparent trend is evident. The rise in hook-rate during 966 is apparently due to increased apparent abundance of the large and medium-sized groups. A similar trend in hook-rates of these size groups in the southern area is apparent. n general, these data show that the abundance of the large and medium-sized groups of bigeye decreased sharply. This decrease is obviously related to the intensity of the fishery in this area. The relative stability of the hook-rate of the small size group', aside from the seasonal fluctuations, suggests that the fishery in this area probably has not affected recruitment to any measurable degree. The effect of increased fishing intensity on these stocks is not predictable but, as noted earlier, would most likely not result in increased catches.

27 JAPANESE EAST!ERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY " 9 8" 7 4r.==;:=:;=t:=;=:;=;==;:=hl\...====::=====:::::::c====:::::::J===:::::::::r======:::============:::=====r::::====:::::J=====::r:===== 4" \ f-- D < 4 bd 4-8 c::j > 8 6 -f--- ; t :--f='_'f::=t=:='>:r-::+ 5 :--T Ī -'<l4 --, FGURE la. Annual distribution of fishing effort, in numbers of sets within squares, generated by the Japanese longline fishery vvithin the eastern Pacific, 964. FGURA la. Distribucion anual del esfuerzo de pesca, expresado en numero de lances por cuadrados de, producido por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa en el Pacifico oriental, 964.

28 32 KUME AND JOSEPH 9 D 8" 7 4Q' \ 965 } " D < 4 bl 4-8 c:l > ' H H-::-r:-+-++:-+-.,.4-i-: l 4 28::ii6i;j,,8,;.j53d lt..,..., « " 4 " " '"''...r- Q' ::-f 3 3 -::-:+-=:+-+5-=-,t-=+=-+...:.. +-=:+-+=:-5+-=3+-+ "::=-+-=:- r-=:2+:=+:::j: :':::+=9-=+6:'::'-::-l=96 3=-83+=:=-+--:-6 ---':'-+=2+=- c..:.-+=_+-+-f--l--+-f l+",, C f\ 6 37 " : ' : t ;;--;;-:-t-;;:+;;--,-=-:r.::+\9-:4 -=-:+-:::+;:-+-::-:r-:::+-+-.:- :--...: f--=-+3+=--l L:+-= i-=--+=---r=-5 t-:-+::=-t--=-: :+::+:-=-j: :=-:::-f-:3:.t=:..:, -=-:--=-2:+: -=- +-=--+=--;: L:2+=-:+:.=..j:'::"::::+-:::.J;;::;j:+-=++-Hlr 2 +-t-+-+-h-3-j-2t-+-+:-.l-;;-t--+:-t-+-t-- -+: f-: j_ l-+-+:+3--2+:-9+-:+6-+-:-8+-=8+4.::.;.2+-:2:+2:;...\6-;.8+-:5+-9+-=8...j..:., , : '-t, \ J+--H--+-H-:;=l-:+-:;+ 8 :-+3-:"r-::::+-=+: :+-:;4::=:+:3 27=:82+-=+.:-+-:-':.;..:.::.+-:-; f-.:.:-t=;::::f:;-=- +:=+''=';::+::.,.;.:..:: t-::.+:2=-t-3 :..:.:+\2=+=- 5 -=-:+=:+ =-4 6 '=';: \4\ ' :; 667'/ J H-t-t--+-t "'-:4+-+' r-+-8..L H--f f-+-L-f i " ; l---4--\ j...:...-\--\ l ' l e-ii , T f ; T,-f--- - f c-_+--_+-_ _+_-+'- fl_-.j_ lt' FGURE lb. Annual distribution of fishing effort, in numbers of sets \vithin squares, generated by the Japanese longline fishery within the eastern Pacific, 965. FGURA lb. Distribuci6n anual del esfuerzo de pesca, expresado en numero de lances por cuadrados de, producido por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa en el Pacifico oriental 965.

29 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC L,ONGLNE FSHERY <4 bd Cl > f _"f f--e- 9, tnr'9'4i9i" ' f-- i, " '\., H t-t--+-t-+--+-r---t--t 'r--t-+-t--+-+-t-+-+-r-+--t-t "'" t::-..r...' r" / f O t 5 7 : : : e : ;r-. C f--t =- 6+ -=- 25 :t 32 :'c- 2 --t: 4 r:: 8 --t--:-' :/+-+,_+_ t Ī +-i-t"''t-f--'h') 2 8t25:T-=-3-::9-:: 2 8t25:i:2-::t2=-2C 2 =+7---8C =+---9r::'3-t, 22--:-+-:6+--:- 8 +-: } ; \ !.j r" 224' / !l!362 ' Cj Q '222236m2 + --:-l \ tf' _.z_+!. 3.'- 4 ' / :: :825 :;:: 2: : ::: 7 6+, f--l 2( ' : : : ; : :: : : : : :: : 2 : : : -/ : f t-++\. 22 \ tt-n-r-m;;-j:-;:;2:8;j:5:;;;j j;;:;:r;::t;;:-: r,-;::t::::;j29 :;;::::t:::;t::t;;::;-:±:r.:::t.;i -;;il:-;;::;t;--: f:;-;2;t;;t535t:r. =F.:;cj;: ::';t8:;;j :;;;::tl;t7;-f6 :;;:::2t:2;t-8±8 H--t-H--t--t--t-H-i-M " /7368 \ \ \ / \ 2 3 / , ) \ "'-. t--t--t--t-+---f-+-r-+-+--'---2f-- Z -t l t ' : r--!' _ -Lr-r-+--r- ') 2 H-t-t : ,:2_H -r+_,.-+--t---:- 3 +-:-2-'-:, r-+-:--/+--' t-+-+-r-+-+3:-+--4!-+-+-f-t--+--; r '--'--+-r-+--+-H r-t-+-r t-+---f---+-t :-'+3-;-_:+-:+--:rll:-:+2-\2_7+-+:-,'_:+-:+:-t--::+-+Z--+7 _3t-+:-+----T' _---+--_ _+_+_+ l j_+_+_+_{ 2 3 9i 5 _ e f-- r- --- ' f-2.c _ -t. t-=- 2 _ --f- 2 6/3 f- _ 4 9 '_ t--+---f-'--' t-.- _ f- l-f-- + = , 2 3 2,- +_- f--- -f _t-l--+-+_i-+-+_ t t-; '. -- Lf-+ ;---t--t--t-.-t-----t r-++--t-+-+-r-+-_t_+-+-+-r--t--+--t_t_+-_hl 4 3 H l----t +_--+-t--+-+-t i-+--r--h-_+ +_+_-+-_+ t_+_+_+_+_+_+ +_+_+ +_+_+_+_+_+_+ t_t_+ :_t_+_+;; \ ') -rl-_--t-f---_tf-_-+-r-:;- ':++--+:-'-+=-:: t--t--t-t J--+--t---t-t - f-- - f-----r ' !f f-.. FGURE e. Annual distribution of fishing effort, in numbers of sets within squares, generated by the Japanese longline fishery within the eastern Pacific, 966. F'GURA le. Distribuci6n anual del esfuerzo de pesca, expresado en numero de lances por cuadrados de, producido por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa en e Pacifico oriental 966.

30 34 KUME AND JOSEPH D SPECES NOT CLASSFED 964.:: 965 tz ESPECES NO CLASFCAOOS 966 >-<{ a. 2. ALB sw EFFORT N M LLONS OF HOOKS SM DE ANZUELOS m P""::l YF SS8 SF BE ESFUERZO EN MLLONES []]JJJ] a CATC H / HOOKS TASA DE CAPTURA par JOO ANZUELOS f =-----h2" " 2 3 FGURE 2. Catch of each species per hundred hooks (where 3 degrees of longitude equal a hook rate of one fish/ hooks) and fishing effort in millions of hooks (where 2 degrees of longitude equal million hooks), by major fishing areas designated by heavy outlining and alphanumeric code. Effort is shown for each year (upper bar diagram in each area), , whereas the catch by species is co:nbined for these 3 years (lower diagram in each area). FGURA 2. Captura de cada especie por cien anzuelos (donde 3 grados de longitud equivalen a la tasa de captura de un pez/ anzuelos) y el esfuerzo de pesca en millones de anzuelos (en el que 2 grados de longitud equivalen a mill6n de anzuelos), por areas principales de pesca indicadas por una fuerte delineaci6n y un c6digo alfanumerico. E esfuerzo se presenta para cada ano (barra superior del diagrama en cada area), , mientras que la captura pot especies se combina para estos tres anos (diagrama inferior en cada area).

31 6 '=--t... [3'... 5 D > EJ U)..J OLD SOUTHERN NORTHERN zkj > AREA AREA AREA Z O t:rj -z (SUR) (NORTE) w jet t:rj i 4 t:rj C) > UJ. (l)ll z oj Z - 3 LL::i OZ w a:: C> l--l WO «N 2 z:':) La.. o C) laj 57 S ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 66 YEARS - ANO FGURE 3. Estimated annual fishing effort in number of hooks generated by the f.apanese longline fishery in the eastern Pacific, Beginning with 963, the data are grouped by areas. FiGURA 3. Estimaci6n del esfuerzo anual de pesca expresado en numero de anzuelos, producido por la pesqueria en el Pacifico w oriental, Los datos son agrupados par areas comenzando con 963. o l--l C Z C Z t:rj l--l UJ. t:rj

32 KUME AND JOSEPH QUARTER TRMESTRE EFFORT- ESFUERZO 3" 2o-H t--'H-t r 'f ill:j +-+4=<---'4, t-+-t-r-+-+-t-t t t l-t f-4'l>-7.jr6-5,----,' t--r-t----t-hr--i--t-t----t t t-t--+-f---l--+-t-+'2-t4 --f-'+_t Jo " 49368'234' " 268 5" ;-5:+'::;+6:;;l4 -;-:-;-:;:;-=-: t::+::::-+:e:+65 -;-;t=:::r.::-+:=-'+-:::+::::-+-:-; -=-:+:+:+-::+:+c=-: +-::;+:: +-::+: :+=-F: t e-' " " ' Z ) tt-t-t-r-t-t: 9 ;:-Zr.t-:+-:-i -;;-:r.:+=-:-:-:+;:+.;:t-;-: +;-tl -=-+::::+:-: +::+,6::+:-=-:+9::-t-=-t-::+;::-r.:-:+:;+:-+3-=-::---=-;-9::-t3-t-:2=:;;:-:---;-:;;--;-:;-:--:..:::;t---:;+-\.\ " ' e , :5622 / ') 2& H-+-t--+-'i-t?r-:- +::+'-:--=-:-:4-+:-:r-:-ZZ+-;:+::-t2 -:-;t z...l.:-::-t2 -:-:+-:2+3::-t7 --:+-+:..:..+---L =+--+f--+-_7i--:=3::=;=:=::=:==::-:=:: c-' i t f ; ' :3 4 3 l f-+--f--! f-----t---,-f-- -t--t f hj -r+--t-+--+-t--.f- 7 +-, l i ,-_+ -+' '--::"+-2+:-+-:+-:-:+Z c:_-+--t-+-t--f t-+-f LL-.-_-f---J-+-+{'i L 6 2-2;--, ,- U-+-+-r-t : t ' t-3 +Ẕ-t f f- --:= =:= _+ -+-t----:r-:.=:=:: :::-_:=::=:=:=:=:=:=: i "-- FGURE 4a. FGURA 4a. Distribution of average fishing effort (expressed as the number of sets) by the Japanese longline fishery in the eastern Pacific during the first quarter, nsert represents number of night sets for swordfish. Distribuci6n del promedio del esfuerzo de pesca (expresado en numero de lances) por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa en el Pacifico oriental durante el primer trimestre, correspondiente a los anos El inserto representa el numero de los lances nocturnos para peces espada.

33 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC, LONGLNE FSHERY 37 QUARTER ] \ \ EFFORT r-+-+--t t-""'h h r 2 -l( =; '\ ') '> 6 322? r--, , T, 3 2 9,_ ---t--t--t-t-t---t--t-t-,--:- ::-t r " S S ' '-t S r 'r4'-...,;- -t =---:+---::+c-:i: -:+---::+----t =-+:---4t-::+:::-r::- _::_:+::-+S :_ f-=-+-::::--tl--:- -+-:+S----t---;:--c:- _::_::+ 3 -=-:'----=+6-+ :_:f-=- +:2c+---: l' :---+-r-+-+-r-+-+-_::_"'. C l :: , , r ) , :;-+-:::+::-tl :'""-'- :+--l t _ t- +:-+_ ,-_+-3+2:-+,---+-:-:+2-+::-:+-2+-+:_4+-:-:+::+-4-t_2+-:-:+4:-+'-=--:::-+-'6:: J t t ; 3 "'-t, 3 ---l-t / :: : - 8: +!-' 2 2: L.( \ ,3_ _4, f-+-_ _ '_ i4_ _ \\ S :J l r-s f- 325"92 2 f-f H L l j ,...-l :: H t f f------t---t----f----t-t _,, j-f----t--+f f-f----r t--' t-+---+t t-t-,ji +- - r ;; -+_:,T-j + ::-:=;_---tt r---l+- ---t-j--t : i i 3 H r t : t t t ,-t-+--f::*.J ; _ J t-, FGURE 4b. FGURA 4b. Distribution of average fishing effort (expressed as the number of sets) by the Japanese longline fishery in the eastern Pacific during the second quarter, nsert represents number of night sets for swordfish. Distribuci6n del promedio del esfuerzo de pesca (expresado en numero de lances) por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa en el Pacifico oriental durante el segundo trimestre, correspondiente a los afios El inserto representa el numero de los lances nocturnos para peces espada.

34 ==- j 38 KUME AND JOSEPH ,-----,---,--, ,---,-j----,--+-J"\ \...---=---=---=----==============C============::::'::::=====r:::=========::::r================= 4" ': - j, '\ \ QUARTER m f; J r- _:_ EFFORT r i. r--- 3 f--l t ,-r,--lf,'ji :: j't.j;:, 3 j 34fi;2'( t) 3924", i" \., 2 ---i f -, 3 3 8t " ; '9-)',---_l ---j _; j ---, H ; 4"2 4 "'n 2 43 : :=:=::=::=:=::_:=.:5_t 52 2 i 7 7, _ 7 P;o, ' r r23 j, ' t _+ + r,_-_+_3+ f- +--+_ f-- r-=_ j f t--+-t-t--r--++-t--. ',i :,: :, ;:,jro: ',,,_: :+::]' O : := -t- -: 6 : : :, t. "4 " 4['433 3 l \' :,:'T [ls' B3 5" J r7-793' ]3\ , 2" i T ', 4 t '3 ill 2" rr 3 5 i-- +_-+ +_+-+2_+_ ':,2 3: j : : : : ): :,55 : :, ; [2 3 33,':': :!,:': j---t---t-- 3 ', 33\ , 58987,6[ 2 -;"9-2" ' 2 ' 22}6 2j2:"," :-=_-:=,_ : 4: : M : j!,!-----!------r- - r;;+--- ' ----;; 2? ' 2 2, f , 2 5, ' _4 -'- 3 _, 2 _ -+., r; 2 f c-'-r--- 2 f-+-'-';; _4f-_f_- '-., , "-V ' 2 t \ c j ' ,. -i-c "" 7 6 ' l_l+ --j\ ;-; ,-'--t : 6 : : : : 2 : :,: j: ' : ': : : ' e--'---t----t j-----l-\. : : : : : : : : c+{._2 : ::: + 5 :: ::. 4 '369 3 : ' , f-----; r----f---t--+--t t---+-\) - - r- 4 : : ; ': ; 6 2 : '4 r-=- 2 : :: : 29 2: ';: : ': i-- f ' i : r -r-j -+-t j:--;---+:: t-----,--f-+-+"'lll :-=-:f- 2 ';-:3-+-' ,-+-L-..j L , :-,-,--+:-+-t , h 2 5! _) l--l ', 'T-,' i H- -'-t --'-+_'--+--t------i l--+-+-f-+l - i i T!-T i i : -t <J =--+--= ' f r r----r :-.-_+_+ + +_+ ++_+ t;:;l t !---t-j,--j i------, i - '-, i ;' i",t " \ :-- =- +--\ til,. j f--- "j!, - + if' r ';' r, r _ j r-: J. j _j-;, ;: _'--- 4::::::==-+==="-=======:======i ===:'=f='-i r=:::::::::::::l===;:=::=:::!-----=i,:t}4 -+-f------t _-t--_j,------tl '-+--t -,::,:-', l i ', j " FGURE 4c. FGURA 4c. Distribution of average fishing effort (expressed as the number of sets) by the Japanese longline fishery in the eastern Pacific during the third quarter, S. nsert represents number of night sets for swordfish. Distribuci6n del promedio del esfuerzo de pesca (expresado en nllmero de lances) por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa en el Pacifico oriental (durante el tercer trimestre, correspondiente a los anos El inserto representa el numero de los lances nocturnos para peces espadu. i " "

35 - --r---j"',,., JAPANESE EASTiERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 39 & -t-4' f :-=_ H J-+---t ;-+-t <--\ :r, ', 2 2ll r-t--+-+-t t--t--+- \ _ 2,544: --- -}6 +-;-:--\ t-----, t-2-)-2-2;'*6 62 -T f--"2 d t-,j EFFORT QUARTER Dr 5-J- Lc"2 _s.. + _ t ll --t t f----l_+-+-_+_t f--t- " t -'-+ 4, '5324 '7 -.-:=- - rl==i ;l J --+- \ 2 : ::: :i--:--j---::r--t-:n---t--t ' t_--t '. _)-j ,---!---j- i--t -'j"'--l , 8?,-----T ---:lt 2==-:----'-:-:--+-_-+_-+-_+-f--Ll r---t ';-'9-+'-8'-" '" j -'-----l-, ---,- ' H 2" J-- L..-Lf---r '-2+-jJ -_-_+_ _+_-+-+-+_--' _+_-+_3+_ _lt ; rs -.::c-'> 'f r-+--t r--t _ 4_\k t----t t t--t----t--+ +_. _ t i "_-r-t 5 ---C 2 _3 2 "" -t-ll _ t_ _+-+- t t- -: 4 --'2-l2 3--:-- "-- P?Y t-----, _3+-2+-t.L t----'r-t--t- _3+-_ _3, T 2 t--- L r----- lf-::-r-r f-- f rt+ ". :C[".J' \-n ,-+-t_2+-2+-t---t_ ---t t-6t t t-9_ t e-'- + 2, 2 3, _ :3.. _ ' i f- 2 3 t -J- J.. _-----L_L! ' [2' -t 5 i -- _ 3 4 :=:=:=;:=-.-:-::,T _t -t-t , _+_ ' f 2: 2; ':, : : T' : ; " 2 3, 4 ' " 8 9 " ,7..3 f 8[ :-_ 4..z 4_ t--..i.._ t _ )-_ 2, '4 ' '- -n L _ ra : , , _2-',--- _ f--- f , _ ft.2t-4..;llz.9 42 _. 2T6c"l_.-' t-+--j--+--tl j-_...;_-+-+-_--'--+-'- 6 t 3 J ' t2!.._ 4 6 ' / t _--:- -f j- f- 43 3'C-:2.i5i , _ f--- J- L 63( 4 : : ::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : L. t - t-f-+-- '-\ : :, : : : : : : : : : ::; : : : : :, ; : \ H :+-::-+-::-r::-+-:+-::-+::+:-: t-i-+--+-t-+-, t--+--r--t l--f--+-r--i t t-+---t---+-' / L ' 5 2 f\ _ ,3 45 _ '2) , i 4 ".'i5 824 t 9 it 65 j f j T ' ' f f), :, : : 2 : 4 4 t } ; : : O ': ' _ il5_3+-_-t---t _ ,----'-_-+-_ t --- ; : : / 3 : : ; : t_+--+--,--t---t--t-t---t----t ----;-- - -i\ t " - \,---- -" t { 2 H f-' r- 9,3"" '5f- 9 -' '-----l t t-+-H 2,-, < ,+-+-r : : : :: : :: : 2 : : 7 ': : :, 6 : : ' :, _'T < f i 5 l r r- t 3 2' , ' ] _.. i - 3;-. T 3 2 ' t l t----' ' 3 2 i, t r f-+-+-_ _-f--i H ,---r---f-+-+-l--+-+-t-+--r r '---;-':""" ' 3 --! L f t _L+ r-+-+-t---r ' i-: _H_ t ,-----t-+-t---if-+-t- T '-,':; ' - '-- 3 f j " r [- ' f--- ' ii' jl'. -- :,---( f! i r j t ) 4 L:::==::±===r::::::::==:±:===r:==t:::::::==::::r:====t=====:±::::====:::':::j=::::t==4 35 3" 2 9 BO 7et> FGURE 4d. FGURA 4d. Distribution of average fishing effort (expressed as the number of sets) by the Japanese longline fishery in the eastern Pacific during the fourth quarter, nsert represents number of night sets for swordfish. Distribucion del promedio del esfuerzo de pesca (expresado en numero de lances) por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa en el Pacifico oriental durante el cuarto trimestre, correspondiente a los anos E inserto representa el numero de los lances nocturnos para peces espada.

36 U) () r zo... a: 8 SPECES NOT CLASSFED - ZESPECES NO CLASFCADOS OUi S5 asf ii: t-u) 5W &.«8M o BUM L. «6...J UJ ALB u)z YF co zl- BE d «UJ t:j Cl)c :l o > U) 4 Z w U -...J z2 w. t:j - z t"'lj :J: laj p:: C!)O 2 &J -en w (L C'.: --'" o ' Y [XXX)', AA f «y )' Y, DO ' moo ' '(>'*» ' a n a, ftf)()' >( 7, YEARS -ANO FGURE 5. Estimated annual total catch made by the Japanese longline fishery in the eastern Pacific by species, FGURA 5. Estimaci6n de la captura total anual, por especies, realizada por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa en el Pacifico oriental,

37 JAPANESE EAST:ERN PACFC LONGLTNE FSHERY 3 QUARTER TRMESTRE \ ALBACORE ATUN ALBACORA D -2 \ \ 2-4 D > 4 \ o o ), t-+-j--j, t-+-r---t--t t+-++-c--'-- o'-l -'r Ol i'q.. o : '''' "' 54 3 f t----/ ' t\i-, - i f--++c-- : "-+-+--t--t--t---i----t--+--t----l--t-il---hr / FGURE 6a-. FGURA 6a-. Catch of albacore per hooks during the first quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de albacora por anzuelos, durante el primer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de.

38 32 KUME AND JOSEPH -+--=---+- r--l\ 3 +-t-+-+-t l...-f t-+--+-i 3" r--'--, , r+- t- :_r-t [l - - : t o_t-' l O,Ot-D o f---- o+t-o., --_t _f-+-t--++_-_---:-r----t--j--t t-t- -w 2 f : t---"-: :+-t-::-f--,:-+-:-t--:- +,-::+: OO _( t-t- t-ojo o_ -2" j to ; ; > ::: t --t j- t-+- ijj:c-o r" lotor---ro - f?t-- / T j.. _... ooooto'oool"- - f-f-_r_ t-----r rec-() 2. :=LJ _ a TO oro- ) ' ) o. ;! ; '-or--o --O* -()+-t -- : : : : : : : i t ". r$- _ Slf +*. - ofc=r- Lo.ill': :;_%_OO\_t;;.-- ll ;irr;-l- : OJ o.... cc:... ot.o *i l()j.o O,O Pf'O O(J o.lo <:JT.'O OjO..O....._.. _ () --'.e:.cj..., -t _ _+-_t +--+-O+- ojooc-- o - O.o. o_o o'oolo l-.cj..l().-..cj..o '!Jlo ' +_ + +- f-- f-]o o. i--; _o () _. (). ClJ _o_!=r... o _ ccl..c-cl-.- J.tJ.. oh. j, i f':jl '. ---_-f f --+-o-+-o-+-ol -'+-- t-o ' J O? \ V _ or ( - -j--- -3" 3 2 ;" 2 3 8' " - O - ra : :: :i:::: ': 4: 5;:: i":t rt-; r-t- r--r--i-l, j, t _ 5 5" 7'6 _3 5-4"+-5"7 4" f- -,-'-' -+-T-: t=, \_ H : =l5=4:e::t=!5 :=::::r-8=+-= ::--J-_6+-4+'6---t-::"_ ; l:::::6:::j-3-f=-::::'2:::j-4-, t-+ _+--t-t i--+--t-...-: t-t---t-\\ ' _.! f-,.c '37"' ' 6 q 2'254, f--, l +---t ", ::::384::: :::: :925:::liH;*:i6:: _ 2'C- L ) e rzTo _4 i l'\ l :zj5 4 -;-- 4:-- '3 "4 -;-, +--_ l--i+--+-_ -t:---f f l..] )..r--r-'--CJ-Lt--'- 82E28 7, 2 4 il_--f---r--+=-:- : t-== H ; F25t--5...L-j-+--H-+--H-: J-++-t-+--t--l-++-t---,-+-l-++-r _+_r_r_t_+ ++_' ++_t_+_h 2 -L L ii +-f--f l'--- T -t- 'i l +-- U 2 r r+-+'-+--+' t t -t---,.---j " j---j-t :' t l t----r:=: f-ni j r t-- r---_o ---" r---+ r ,---t-+-t-t--t===t-+--f- J t.-+ -t-f f f T- :==. t- +--K l 3 H ' r t r _t_t t;.t 3 4 L: 3 L...J.----"--.L--'--.L.. r-+-r--- -t-rt---!, :! '--+---'-, :-, - U "V f f +- -.f ! F "f t-t-lt- i_ t-+--t r t- +-t-t----r-- - _-+_-_ r-.- j ',f \(! ',-Y! '" j; :,; j} =5===3±===::::i::::'=== 4" =!2=:::::::::::::===== O=O=======:':=="=O=======9========:':::==;8!;OO::::::::J===;7ry " FGURE 6a-2. FGURA 6a-2. Catch of albacore per hooks during the second quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de albacora por anzuelos, durante el segundo trimestre (prornediada sobre ) por cuadrados de.

39 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC L,ONGLNE FSHERY " " : r'c:\ QUARTER ill -e--l\ -!-e- r:-- :-- 3" '\ o t.o o o - - ALBACORE : l, ' { t - 4" F==l- S -l---j7l-'--: --i4 3 3 't : 6 a 35 7a 445 a 5 2a '242 r TT FGURE 6a-3. FGURA 6a-3. Catch of albacore per hooks during the third quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de albacora por anzuelos, durante el tercer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de.

40 34 KUME AND JOSEPH "r;==;=rt=;=:;=;::=;=t= \...====:::r:======r::======:j===========r::======r:::=====::::;::======:=====t:::====::r::==== 4('" ---r t-t- ---ll ----t f ,--t--+-b. t--- \, r---" ALBACORE QUARTER TL \k=lo _ 3<, \+[. O 'J o ) 2" r--+-f-+f i. o, ' " _ f-h o o 2 a ) -o o+ -+oraoral---r OOO Ora OOO_OO_O_O_,,O)-_-() O'_OOOOOOO o ::_ t b % - - F / --+- r-t-r- : ;-;; ; r- ooll----t t '--+---r-f-- O=-o - O-OO O-O r '--+--o o, _ Oe-',,-- - ). -%' - %-%-f%- a a t9 a a + -, i,, () -OC> "::: ----t-+--j----f----t a r<l--o. '4?-,Cl..Cl o_.o ()+-o a., O_Cl -,_..,---- /' ----l--++-j---to--+-oo :: : : % J( --f--"-. o - L : : : : : -%-,* +o--: ; ==: H =-+-:+4-: :_+O :--rl- t-'-+-+- f-++- f-+-+- f-+-j--o +-+-t--t \\ 7 -:,...+3-:-5-+-: :+-...;...:-j--: \ s t ,' , ) C '2522- izg 3 i 3"9' ;;"; S ilO J --J =:9;:,..:,=8:=r6t::---f':"t::E:O:+:#li"2-::=25F:' :--=--+-, : ;: o \ t------t--: t--\ 2" / / t--l j--l---.j \-t-t-7 :598:r;;:::::+:+_:!---::+6_ : +.+_.+_+_-+--_-+-- FGURE 6a-4. FGURA 6a-4. C,atch of albacore per hooks during the fourth quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de albacora por anzuelos, durante el cuarto trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

41 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC LONGLNE FS.HERY 35 QUARTER \ TRMESTRE BG EYE ATUN OJO GRANDE o -2 \ 3 Ed 2-3 H i2.::.. iiiiiis L \", 3 ') o > t t-+---t ::-j. %--+-\ 2t H--+-: r /-o-+-+-l-- f-...j.\? 3 --T---.O. : : -i-i: '2 - "" -f-+-t t-j-+-t-t-+-f-f-+-+-f-+-t-i ,--j4_+-o+-t jo -- ' 6 _.f.--+-o-+-l..+.-, jr--i-+"- FGURE 6b-l. Catch of bigeye per hooks over ) by squares. FGURA 6b-l. during the first quarter (averaged Captura del atun ojo grande por anzuelos, durante el trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de primer

42 36 KUME AND JOSEPH \... \ \ 2 QUARTER - i- t--i'-. BGEYE \ '\ 2f-t : r--+-f-+-: t---flo-,? :, :-- o " " \ f _ , \ : [ "ioi4t _-+"-+-_-----t_---r _--tr---++-;:;_:..) 5 -:t::2 3:::,!:4:-:6 --r-r-r---r i ' c ;--j-+- 3 'i - -L - f- j -+-r'-_+--+-"c r : f----+-' b t _+_t-+_+_+--+_+_+--+ t +---+_ t ) r -,'--+---t---+-'--t--+-r-+-+-t '-t r-t t t t--t--j---f--+---\---t l----j---t-h) 3 H l----J i ,-: l :-+-+-+: r-+: f :::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=tf--+--t t t---cl _--:_- ---t+-+-:-_---t+---t--t=-----!--,-t ' , r-+-y) --t--"----t _l_+-_j_+ f i _---t--r---t'----t----t- :_;-:--+--c-j-' t =-=Lf-f- _ -----t--t t----j---f t j _+_-+-t t-+-t-t-+-t-t j---+-t-t--t---t t--;=-::.=r+--+-+_t-'_+_-+-_--t-_ f-+-+--t--+---,---t--+- t t [ \ _+_+--+_+_-;--t +_+-+_+_t-+-+-t _ t-+-t--+ t t-+--t-_,' t- 4o==::±=====i=::::::====:::=r::===t::::==i::===t=-====:;J;;====:::::;J:;::==±:===;::J FGURE 6b-2. FGURA 6b C!' Catch of bigeye per hooks during the second quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del atun ojo grande por anzuelos, durante el segundo trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de )

43 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC L ONGLiNE FSHERY )" r====:=:;=3=;:::=;=;==r:::'-..====::2======r:====:=jo=o=====:r:::=====o=oo====:=:=====9i:= ====:::::c=====8 i O=====:::c=====7O 4" :::..U\ QUARTER m r r >--- - h BGEYE '2 +-+-t ,-J ---l -t--r-t----+-t-+ +_-+--_+-_t_+_+_+ +_+'-...-_i'\ T [-- -t---t--t----t---t_t_-t l::7i) ;A. -'i' f--+---rl :-,tq\ o,? t= :fiill - -gfca..-%+ fff-- -'o- 5 ooto 3678 DO i;l "- o B ) f_ =--2!-'-7-'-----+_+-'--+-+_----l=+-+--+_+--+,--+-f ,, 4 3 r'q \ \ ; \ ' t t-t t----'\ =-4+= r-\ ';"'8-+-9f " '4', \ " \ -9+-"""-+-\ ' ,-J t--'.. " \ \ ; '9f _O.+-3+_-f_"+--t t--+-+-t--t--\ : T9 33 : ) 2 L '--L J t- 2 r--r-t -r, _ - \----- r.--f---'.-, _:=-f---.r' c.-. j j '----' -, ' : -.;! : i r- f---t j T, i i r i '---, ' j f j! i ri-i t--. -.; '---.+-;;/ --l; + ( t" r ; l-r--7 4 Lt:3=5==:::==3±=O==:::::=:::::::r::::::::=:==:::::±2=O====:::'::=±=OO==::::===Ot:OO==::::::r::===9t:OO=='======8tOO=======7ry> 4 FGURE 6b-3. FGURA 6b-3. Catch of bigeye per hooks during the third quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del atun ojo grande por anzuelos, durante el tercer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

44 38 KUME AND JOSEPH BGEYE \ O '_ f r:: + -lc >-,'> _+, ,-_\ r-+-o-+o + O+-O-+----l ----L -,,----rf =4f--.L_ 6i-+--J f 'f _ :+---H"'--=t--,----, _+-+_+-+-r-+ 3 'O O j- f- i5,-:;ll: :+ : ' : : :: ot ', : ::-,- :, : : r/ _ FZ2,7 7T " S H-+-+-t J f-+8 f7+::+-_ +,6+'-+4-=-'8+-6+' ,-'6+-'-L _+--l-+-! =-9+-c:"+:'2:-+-9g+---+-±8-+'-: <:> O. ' f-'6+:6+:-7-'3+-'3+-7_7 H \ --_ " H :-2+-::+:-t-:.-:+;-t:-':+-::+:-+2'-;f-::+--+2-f-,:2::--j,,2=82L-,+:-t::-+-,+-;+-:-+--r8---9-:+-':+' 7 -+3r-':+-,:+:-+ -::+-::+',-+ -:f-:+'-+2-9t f------,f-f ,""",\ " '5" _9.t-8_-t-9c-t-'r-r-J-:4c+-::-9r-::-'6j-'_:-+-r l---r---j---i--[----t----t--[--t-\-\ 9 : : : :: : 6 ': '' ; : :,:+: ': : :,: : : : ::; : : : _ :: : :H+4-+-:-+-:+4_4'--g t-l f-'.) 2' '3 ' , ----f------', ', z ' j _ \4_8,- 8+'--j4,_ ! l-r-;-+2-+-_3f-R3.- -t _ _ l..!--_ ; _ ' -"+---< r : f-++-h 2" : : : 3 :: : j9,7 'f,7 2 ' : 6 6 4' j--f ,i ;.2 7:;: -> : 6 : 6: ;: ---' t- r--+r f f :,2 8 r j, f-+-! t - ' j 88+--"+---_ r f t H 3 i i j r ;,----- L r t \ -- --rt J J r--f--.- \ L T" - -f f ; t '. i { l i' : j FGURE 6h-4. FGURA 6h-4. Catch of bigeye per hooks during the fourth quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del atun ojo grande por anzuelos, durante el cuarto trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de ) ) 3"

45 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 39 QUARTER TRMESTRE r ' '.' t--+-t--t t------t t t-"'k"'<= ' \ \ [l : l ol - 7 of\ YELLOWFN ATUN ALETA AMARLLA o - El -2 CJ > 2 o \ i :---l-+-2-!-o), ) 995 e e T 8 8 T:!: _ -"- '---of> : : : : : : : : : : : :_ : 6 ; : ll {:;f + -'% - - ; : 2 2: 5 2 [ e H =:==+-::84""'5:+-i-:-6+-+2::-+7-=-:+-::+5::-+5...,...+-::+6-+.:-:! f-=-+::-+--:-+::-'-:-!--:-+-:--+: """ -=-:+:::+2-::--=-+-:-t--il&O+.-:-\-=-!-+:-+-::- 7 +-::+:-+-::- t-::+::" : : ': : : ; : : : : ; : : : : : : ; O : +-: : i : : : : 2 2 / frcf ----'-++:-\-:-:'-+: ::: :: : : : :: li: :?7; FW 6 - _L : \ e H =-+-:+::-+-:+-:...;-+-:+-:+:-+-:-;+:-+-:-:+:...;...j -+-; ; ;+7""5-:+-:+:--+-:t--+:-t-t J..--t t-M\ ' \' \ \ J \ l \-it-=--:-:4...:..oj...:+.:...t-=-...:.+..:o+-o--=-+...l...:_+..:-+2-!...:...jf-..:...:+-!3...:.:+..:.:+2:...l ,h-h t--i--t t t t--h O f---f---: r '--+--J-+-+--t H FGJRE 6c-l. FGURA 6c-l. Catch of yellowfin per hooks during the first quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del atun aleta amarilla por anzuelos, durante el primer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

46 32 KUME AND JOSEPH )4[ ' l H -. 5:: [: - : : = : : : : : :: : :: 7 2 \,-- 5 6[ a H =-6-;-5+:53 f-:- 4:+:-: 2 +:2:-t63+;-3+:- 3 -:-4+6::+:-6+:-3+3::-T':""2+:7+6:-+-:-7-=7+:+7-=-5-: 2 +'5;+;;-3+--t---t-+--t--j-j-+--j-+--t--H---t-\ \ 4 r: 3 f-::: :74:+::-9+-:5+=-+3-: +-+-+::: 5 \ _ j f\ :+_ : ::::: :: 2: 4 : :: : : : : : : : : : a ) \ a '" " e; + f- j t-, j-+-. t f--+--,---j _ t ' t-t- -ll---+t--- / [ 3 l+-h-+--r l--+--l---r-+-h h--t-t-+--h-+-f-++--i-++-r-t--hr-t--t-h--h--'---h-t--t-i-t--,----r'""t? r j ; - t- - J, j \ J! : r-- - f--- _-", r ll, -f j! j LJ. r +, l 9 8 j -- t j ----t---f- -f- f C FGURE 6c-2. FGURA 6c-2. Catch of yellowfin per hooks during the second quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del atun aleta amarilla por anzuelos, durante el segundo trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

47 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC L,ONGLNE FSHERY '-. 4" QUARTER m \ "\\& t"---f"-- YELLOWFN o o 'K t. o f'! '_ '>--,--, +-+_ f- _ 2 --r -' f- ' ) l::! 2 : -+- : : : : : : : : 3 ' 84 '2i rc;; - t f---- f--' f- f f + t j -+ l J _ ---f-f-l J - t '---+-( !f , t j j FGURE 6c-3. FGURA 6c-3. Catch of yellowfin per hooks during the third quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del atun aleta amarilla por anzuelos, durante el tercer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

48 322 KUME AND JOSEPH i i----- ew f--f , o 3 -t-+-_+-++o-::+:-o : :-\-,\\t:i :t o 3'" '\ +-"\.\"k '-' =J_J_r+--t-t- +-t-_-,--+---t---\ t f : f- 222') 2t+-+-+_+_+-+::-+:-+--t-t-+--t--+-+-i ,...--+_ ! oi O' YELLOWFN B 4968 B " ;-: 3: : : : : : : : : : : :; ;: :: :::. : +-'i #;r- i "i-2-t t-+-==t t-\ B f _+--+o--+-, : f -'-_+_t-_c_+ + +_t_t_+_+_+ f o +_+_+_4_ B '5992 B _. _.. 2J _ -"-- t- --t ' : : : : : : : : : : _: : : - 8 j -j-- 5_---, 6 2 _ * 3 2! 2. \ tt-<io :d J---+--t--l--t-J--l---J J / 26 '; 2 3_ 2--r _. : i 7 2 r;o , } 5 ; r r t-t-t---t--t-----t t t ,--j_t_-+---''''''t t--i-f ,f-+-{)l 3 t t t h h--t-+-++-f--+-h-+--t :...t-+-f::' r \ t t---+--t i t--t---t--+-t--+---t t c-ī f t-+--t--t---i-+-t--t : t f t--k') f t t--"-, \ t--+--t t h..._ t-----f---: f-f--( i t t t--+---t i t tr--v FGURE 6c-4. FGURA 6c-4. Catch of yellowfin per hooks during the fourth quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del atun aleta amarilla por anzuelos durante el cuarto trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

49 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY '\... 4'" 3 i -- 2b QUARTER r\ f-e-i\ f'... \ \ - _ - - +:f\ 6 4 -"-e-f- --e---p\ - ff\ \ \ ) -", \ SWORDFSH PEZ ESPADA <3 Ed 3-4 >4 zoou-u--l-ll--l-u---t t-u-!-ow--+--!-t-o.t::+:,2o'-l -LO-L..._ L-_---l-l.=-==_--:.. r'_u_- J t- -:- -i TRMESTRE [ --- f "'-_ <.,---+ _ 'lt" O, o, " o ' H :-+-=--i-+-+-f l t ,.--+-+, '-"'" r-' " :=:-='C;--;--=--; -=-+-o+o--l-o =+o-.-=--" ''--+l+=-"--o+" +-f+--f-+-+--f-+-=+-+-+-o--!---fl""-- o o o o f ' : : " " : : : ' :, : - : ;...),,,-,, " ' ' \,,,, 3,, ":--;-:+;+-\--;-,...; ':+----;-,+--+i7-:-:+:,+-,-:+:-t-+-:-,+-:-:+o-+-'f-:::.++--:- +:-L',-:-',+-:-:++-: f-:::.o++-: f-:::.+:+:-: +:::---' f:!; 3ko+. -:-,+-::+:-t-;-+::+2::-'::;::j::;;::t-;.; ' j-:-- f-:-+-: -++; : : " : : : : : 2 :.: o,, ',,, j 2 5. :}* '-- _L ( o,, \. o H-+-+-t-+-+7t-:::+:::-+-:-+-::-r;:-+-=-+-=-+O=-+-::-f7+:+:-+:...;..:-+-:--t-:-+o-:-l -:,f-:=+:-t-=-t:+:::-r:-t:+:+-+-:-+:-t-+-:+:-t--:-+-+-:+:--t-=-t-f-+-+-f-+-t-f t-\\ '", " ', 2 2, ' 32 '' ' ' r'""'-l"\.., a a, " O 2 H _ ;...:-+-r l_ j..-l'_:+-"-+ - -f-+-l _+-+O...l': _O+-'+-+'--_-r- -+:-+,,, o t-+-+_o--+-j--t t o-+-o/-'+ -t-f '- -if--+--+,-j--+'-j--.-+-t l+'-+--f-+--r ṯ -+-t-f--++_:-:-=:=::+;;:':;:;;:::_-+t--t';:_-+-h-)-t2. ::, l c f---l f f-+--+,r;.j --- +::+-_:_ r--- l ol--j---loho-o -: t- :=:=l-=:= - 'o + -;- - -, l '-i t r _ , l-+-o+o-+--t-+ o -+e-_, _ -++-f-+--t--f t-t---+--'-+-+--l , ,---+--H H t Hf t H r-t--+-H t-+-+--i---t---;--ih--t;::l ' t j j--_ _+_+_-+-_+_+- -., _-+-+_+ -_-: -- t : r f l+-j-_+_+-jl _+_, l j \ f--l-- -f j , ; T- -t -f-- f--.-,-+-- -: - - t f t- e--- 4 L'::::=:::±=::::::=:i:::::::::==:±=:::::r:===t::::==::::==::±==::::::===±:::=:::::::::::::::::::====::t:::===:::J FGURE 6d-l. C,atch of swordfish per hooks during the first quarter (averaged over ) by squares. FGURA 6d-l. Captura del pez espada por anzuelos, durante el primer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de.

50 324 KUME AND JOSEP 35 4 ol ir=o:;=3foo ==;=.=;=r=====2=o=====:::::=====::jlo=o=====::::r=====o:co= =====c=====9=:r =O====:::r:::====::::iBO=====::=====7 4" - f- "-\ QUARTER n f-_. - i\ -f- +-i _ _. f-+--t--"\ -f-- -i t---t-t---+--t-----+f"-.-\ \ SWORDFSH 3 H ", \ 3 \ t t-+-+--t-+-:-o--;---t-f-+-+--i-+--+-f-+-f"-l 2" _ """ _ " J H :-+-: f-+o-hh--ho f- +-=+-lo -o+-=+=+-+-=++-=+-l:...:..+-= t-+-=+-+-l :j'--. " f t :-+-+- t t--o+o-l-o L-+--o---l t-f- L-+--t o+-f "-o-+-,of""'!\.""- Crt o ) =+O-+_+-:----r::-+-::-:+---+=-+ L-f-+:::+- --::-:+:::-'-,,-J f-+--t- -::-_t-:+- f-+--t--t_:t--+.:+j-----jl f--_t-:+-t-"----j j---t-:++-+ -,-tr:-+--i--t---::-t-:-+::+c-t-:+o-+-t::-+:-+-:- +-:-+::-+-'- l---±i lr/ o 2 22 H '-::+-t-t-+-+-t t--t-!-+--t-il_+-t-f-'+--'--t-+d--+-:.O+-t-:-l _O+.;:+--!-::-+-::+2:tt--H'73r."",,:"+:+ " o 2 '" Q, '2223 '-t:. ' +- OOO 2/ l-t-+- O%OO - O O O t--- L ( too f r-r--hf-+--+o ; o-+o """t f-+-+ f-of o o, f-+--hf-+-+-l \ f-f-- \. o o ; L H-+-r-+--i---f-+--t-f-+--Hr--r t-+--'--l-+-+-t-H + i i- - -f t+-l t--t--"-j-{ -+ -t- ++--t-+-"t- t-;... FGURE 6d-2. FGURA 6d-2. Catch of swordfish per hooks during the second quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del pez espada por anzuelos, durante el segundo trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

51 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 325 :: --f-+--f\-., :=: --r- r- --r----r-s=:' SWORDFSH QUARTER m o 4 3 o :f f' '\\ "'H-o :...; =-+:.+-:- o+o-+--:-o+-=-->t- --,--_ "-- '---_ ' -l '-... o f-o. Ol ro OOOloto o , T 2 r--- 2"'- o " '"' ""---.r-' too o j,-----j j jo+-; '-5..t =-- o!----=+=---+-=--o+-+"----' '--+--'---f----c l--fl_+""" tf\ ' ) j'_o+--+-l---, i-----l-_+o _o+ ll _:+_---' _+O---+_-+O---+_ tl +_+---+:_--_-+-+_-: :_- tl+-r--f,f) 2 O. +-H--+-+-t-+--t t-+-H'7+-::t-t-+;; t-l-:+-t-f'_+-'+-+_+-+::+_'+-:+o--+-=-d-:,:-+, :..+-:=-+-::-t-:-t-:-:+:-+ -:'\ o o 3 3 h 7 / o to t+-h o::-+-::-+:+o::-l f-:--r::+::- f-:--t--+=+:- +-:-H-=-+:OO:-+:- t:+-tl -:-l-:-+:+:- +-:-+ +7+:+:- +-=+:+:- +-=+ -:-+:...r-:-o +-=+:-f , o, O,,, _-+-l+_+-_+--+_- -f-f- r- oolol-jollo o 2 J-t O:-+::O+:+:- t-:o-i-:o:+:- +-+O:+:-i ---=-++-f-t-...l...j-+--h j-+-+-!-+-h t l i---f-++-i-+-+-! ' h o +-+--t--t--t-+-- t-t H--t t H ; t-+-+::;.J _ i f J_ t-+-t t---t--t-----j-j f f---!---. FGURE 6d-3. FGURA 6d-3. Catch of swordfish per hooks during the third quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del pez espada por anzuelos, durante el tercer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

52 326 KUME AND JOSEPH 2 o o r> -- l-u J t::='=f o+o-c--+---t o -r r-+-+--r-+ +-t Ql o _ o+ ' --f- + :, 2 + : : :-f-+-+-t-+o-'-'--f--'-i-"-h---j : 2 - o -'+ : ') 2 H :+-:+-:-+-:-i-:::-+-:-:-+-:+o-:+o -:-+-:+-+-:+--..L: : ' l==+-+- _+--+--otr ='_ --+ -_-+--r--l--,---t-+--'--+-t: _::'---: :-+:-h2 : : : : : : -O :=ra-i := l : o ' - ci! --. CC r 'OO ;----;--- --'-t---t--,--t---t--t-t--t-t----t--tl--t----t---n, ! - -il--+--_+ t t t t ' t-t-+--+-t--+-i-+---t----t,---+-f--+--t- 3 H < H t t--++-t-+--l-i-++-t-+--+-H-4-r-i f--++-f--+--:-f-+--/';; ' , ,-.- t---t _+_+--+_+_-+--i--+--t--+--' t----t---t-t----t j--l--t{\ l t ' t' o j<} '--, ' t { ' L- r l r-+-- ' ;-- -+-t t---t--+---t-t-, t---t t--+-+-: -)-'---- i-;- -- c!----t , j, t----t--r tf ::=::::-::::::i-l-+t---t-::-+7-_:-f=-t----,--+._ f---t-c--=e; ,:-=-_t= j i jf--l--, :j 4L:::==::±===i::::::::==±::==:::::r:===t::::::::==:r:::::==:::::±:==:::::::::J===::t:::========:t=::=:'J4o Cf' i FGURE 6d-4. FGURA 6d-4. Catch of swordfish per hooks during the fourth quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del pez espada por anzuelos, durante el cuarto trimestre (promediada sabre ) par cuadrados de

53 l JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC, LONGLNE FSHERY 327 QUARTER TRMESTRE STRPED MARLN MARLN RAYADO D -6 Ed 7-4 Cl > 4 ; 665 f\ r-+-+--lo...l32-f=!8_4+-)"-..,=c.=..==--='-=-, L.L...-U=-=-- J "---'T r '\. o 3 3 "" f !o----i-=+-!' =+-,+-o j.-: r '..." =- +-=+ -=--lo --=- +-=:+-=-- --= =:+3-'-:---'-: _+-: '-+-=- r ' f-:: f"". CR O+=OO+-----:-;"'-+=:--+-:- --=-+--li --=-,+:O--=- +-fl -:-t-+-+: :+=-t-t-+-+-t-+-+-t-+-+-t-+-+-h-= fs---+--li '),,,,, 2, [[ ::--:::-+::+O::+""'+--!-:-4+-+.,...f-:-;+-+-:...,..:+--t-+"""'2+-:-:+-+_/-:'+''''+-f-::3+37":+-:-+::-+-=-/-:'+-+:7"-:-;+;+-:f-:--F.:,,!,2_6268, 57"2-::-+::-::::;::=': -::-:+;2:+-::-:r.:-t;4rt5;"5 o,, ,, ' [ [[ 4 ' ' ,->',, 2,,, , '+-,, 2, j.-+- -i,. : : +' + : : - L O( o,,, 2 ' o \ o, =-+-+OO-=-.:-=-+-:+OO--=-+:+:-t:=+:+::-l-:-+O:-+-=-+O::-T'-=-r:+:-+'-:-t-:+2=-t -:--:r-+.:-+:- f-t-:-+::-i9"-+-+-t-+-+-, --+-H---t-\\ o ' ' o ' ) ' 2 -J oooloooto-,o-or- - 54i'747'jQ-:--f-- --f-- 3' ' :- t-:-.;...:..+-:-t-:-+-h...:...o+o+-of-+'-l...j...: _--+-_'+-'+---, t-++-t-+:-+-t---r-+---t=*"+-t ,-+-t-+-+-r---t--+-t-+---:-t-t"-r-h2, _' _if_ f j::l,2. 5 F i ; FGURE 6e-l. Catch of striped marlin per hooks during the first quarter (averaged over ) by squares. FGURA 6e-l. Captura de marlin rayado por anzuelos, durante el primer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

54 328 KUME AND JOSEPH " 4rr=;==:;=;===;=_f_=;=_=_r::';rD=i=-_==::::r=====:::r::====::::J=====:::r=====:::::::c=====r:::==========:::r::======SCQU=A=R=T=E=Rl==== 4" - :-=-- STRPED MARLN \ t---t-t---t--t t t-t = = " _+_ \",,- 3 ' ') t-t-h-t-t-th-t-h--r-m;=j-h-j-hl:;:j:4 it36222:::$.!:.. : 2" \ ::[ t' T """ 7 " 6 7 " 'TT'B54 6t' Q: , '2 2 4 O '-i_+-+-+'_ _4+-3+-t---f==t--t=p'2"-_+_::::::::!=t=:==l2-6.",tds :::::::;7=6::::===6:F="l ff-+-+-ll!'l= _ : _:+-:+2--+_:-F=r--+4_t t-:+3--,-----:F=P;=t-:F'F=fE=8\---:-F=f::[=:-:-F=F=8.,;r---f=-----"":E.., _-+---" t l-f'-.----' '"'" c E '\ :3 4 ) +- _'+-3_'+-'+-+'-'-'-t-t ,'_+-+--+_+-4r-+ _ , ' \\ ' " f-::-"o-+-of-::-'+o,+-+_'t _- ' 24 '22 2' 22',,, ' ",,, '2, \ () _. f- 2 " :3 2 4 :3 :3 3 : B?_ ' 7 6 t--t---t--+--r t---t-\\, ' : '779"2 ) '" ' :35g7:367'OB879'" --- l-,, i 2' 2 4 '2 ;) - 5 "' -6 6 ft ,,, \---+--t---t---t---t---t---t-r--i---r---; t---t---t--t_.. ::, 2 '-::=, :, 2 +--L-+-+-+_+.+--+_ '-t-+_+ t-+_+ r--+_+ -'----+-t-+_+_+ +_+_l, + "- ") 2 H- i l i h--+-i--t==f---; ; t-t-t--t-t----'----+-t-t-h 2" i-t t t--t--+--t--: ( ---l ) 3 H l--f : t--H--+-f-+-+-f-+-t--i--+-+-H--HH-+-H-+-r-+--Hr :--H--t;: 3" \ } =, _=--j ---.J -f f t t-;-- nil ' i ' : i ' ) ---+r--i--t--+--t---t---t---j "- l -- j - : ; :! j-, i : 4 L':====:::±===:::::::::::==::::::::==::=::::::::=::::::::========::==:::t:==::::==:===::::'=:::'::=:::'::L== 4" 35" BO 7CY FGURE 6e-2. FGURA 6e-2. Catch of striped marlin per hooks during the second quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de marlin rayado por anzuelos, durante el segundo trjmestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

55 JAPANESE EAST'ERN PACFC L,ONGLNE FSHERY 329 \ QUARTER m i- -- STRPED MARLN \ - '\\ ' H-t *7J-t+-H;=/--+-:44o!5$::;!i!::iiJ+2O9;.:!+.!!:!J!:;j;i::; 2,-"--.l..-L-_-J -l '--.J l_l'f=:::::...;j=-j ' B 76 CVJ }-f t---l.=9f=l--+-j-l- +- _ e-,-===jl - 2 : + 2 '7 : : : : ::: " B H-t-+-+-t-t-: t-t==9-: t---f"9 ==t===:4+5+-i::l-6 t-=-:-f"9: E:l-5-+-f r-+-+-f---+-f---+-f\...' '\..."r- o i : : 6 K o,, ') +-, :+ :, : : : 3 : : : : : : : : : : : : f : 3 2 7r"2 f-- B o , _ -),, ' :3-2- ; -, -p 2, H-t J..- l-+-i-f "..:+:: : _o :-:+-' _2+-+,,+-2l-:-:+4-+-W:s..J. ṙ l-:--!:::N='-:+-:+:-+-J., 2 7 B '-8954 o 7: o ' ' ' : : \. o " O;;-+::-+:+O::- -=-r:::...t-=- -7+4:=-+ -=-+-+--=-+-"';"'O:+=-+-::+=-+2.::.-l-H -:-t..:.+-r:...:... +-=:+2.: :...:+-= :...t-=:+:=+=-:!--=:+=+- +-= Hf \ :3:3 2: \ 2 22:3 44:3 554:3:3 2 :3 5 o,, 2 4 : : :3 :3 :3 ) 22 2 H :+: '----i l_ j...j-l j h-++-4-t l ; ! h2. i f--- t--jl -t-+-+ "'--++-"'f- +-+ ' H-+-+-r-H--r l-+-H f f---H--+-f H :...-H--t::l J l--- --L-l j l l-i-l '-( ) \ )!J 4 '35==3==::::i::====2t::OO==::::::i::===±:===:::i::===±===::i===::::::g=o==:::r:===eoCo==::::t=====7:.l 4 FGURE 6e-3. FGURA 6e-3. Catch of striped marlin per hooks during the third quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de marlin rayado por anzuelos, durante el tercer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

56 : 33 KUME AND JOSEPH 7646') ffil:48 2 H-H+H'"'f=t-++t-+-t-H-F=t----Pi:;!if,$': ii!::.::!jg;:3'f.:::;':'' _... -"-'-----' ----' ' - -n-- - Z *;J3 2 3 " '35" T-"" -t- 4 :T : 2 2 : : ; : : : T : , r ) " 3- Z 4 3, 6, "4'4-"3--3" 5" 72'' r 4 O F t f ,j t-- t----t----f _++_ r t2+-c3_ r t_3_r-+ :+-- =--t-r- ::-rf= , \=4==6=-6v tt-h , t-+--j-;-:r.4t-;-+-t-2+;-t-=!-t--+::+...l-t-+-+-t-+-lol l5...!-::::+:=+o::-l4_+:3. ' ";::-l:lz:::;::';"-:::+:-:=:':$:=l!!!t ,, ' \. o, ' _5_f=8'---' ' ,222322'43334 l t+-t-+-t-t-+-t-+--o+-t-r-+-t--t-+-t--,_o+o::+:--or-.;...-t-r-+4--+_'-+_+_f-..j_:...,.-;:.-3+-,,3.;...:2=+-2t-+ =+-3t :: r-+-+-r-+-+-f-+-+-r-+---+\ : ': : : : ; : : ; :+_' \ a a a a a a a, a a + a : _ '7 a 3+ :: :: - + _ a a a a a a a , t+-t-+-t-t-+----=-+:;+:-:-=-:;-::: :-+-:-i:-=-:+-::+:-+-:t-:-:+:-t-=-: t-:-:...:::+:- t-:-+:::+-:-t4 -:-+::-t--t-+-'- f-3--+-t-+-+-t-+-+-j '!-::-+::--f-:-+--t---r t :-i-+-'-t-t--+-:-ir--h H t t-+-.J.---t :-+--+-Hr '"""" r t-+-+-t-+-+-t-+-+-t-+-:--t t e--t--l----- f t t t r-r r r-+--+-,--+--j-j- r-'--, ' t i j j j FGURE 6e-4. FGURA 6e-4. Catch of striped marlin per hooks during the fourth quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de marlin rayado por anzuelos, durante el cuarto trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de.

57 JAPANESE EASTiERN PACFC L,ONGLNE FSHERY 33, \..., 4Q' \ QUARTER f\ TRMESTRE ) +-f- - --"'- BLUE MARLN \ MARLN AZUL D -3 \ 3 bd ') p... Cl >5 fo t on::- \ 2 \ l? o+: : !-----i O"""'--=...,..,,,, t--+-+-h OT' 2 2 ;-.. o 2 2 '\. '\.. o O--i--=-lr-+--+-!r-+---!-----i ==l =-+= O-+-O t r ''"""", l O =--+-=+= t--=-+-=-+-o+o--+-oo ot-+o : '"'--;-,-t- +'-+-f----'--+-f-t---t----t-'+--r-+-_t<c,,"'t\.. 2::: :3 ) - +- t- -t- +- t- -+-:-f -: : :: : : : : : : : G- % : 2 - f- f- 'i lob 2 :: : :: : : : 2. N ',, : : -tf3?' ; 2 r ' a ':"'+-=--+-:-! L F=="':"'+-+-_+--t j...l:_:+-;+, ;=:+O,...+-:--++-O+""+""""+-'-..P+""+"""' /-:,-+,...+..,.../-:'-+:-+:- 222' '.-t, loot --+-f-+.+--j-:-t_-+-:r+:: :' :+:: +++, : -O _L o ' 2 2 \ 2,, f ':+-+2+ f...:-i..-::+-:f-:..+4'-=-:...:...+..:+-'"":"':+":...:...:.-+:":"'+--::+-+...:..+-..:.+-+..:...:t-:c+-r :...:...;+--::+,:..+..:-:+-=+O=-+...:...:j--::++=- -;+-+-=-O-: \ , 2, 3 2 : J o O ill '- 3 -tt i :3 2 4: :3 4J r o 3 2 : :3 2 5 L l-t--h-+--h+...j,;:3#44444=l= F5+76iiii564iiii55E9: :;4:j-:3F H H rl H-++--:-+-H-+-tl B o t j-.: f r-++-h--t-t-++-t--i--+-t-+-hf-+-+-r-t---;-t-t FGURE 6f-l. Catch of blue marlin per hooks during the first quarter (averaged over ) by squares. FGJRA 6f-l. Captura de marlin azul por anzuelos, durante el primer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

58 i f\ 332 KUME AND, JOSEP'H r.=:;::::::::;:::;:::;t:;::::::::;:=;::=+=;=;;t==f====J============c============:r::::==--====================::::::=========== 4rJ> -+_ _ r-j-\ QUARTER ' BLUE MARLN t ; ' }---> t, j i j f --[--" f----- f-- "j- -c- -- L L J tt! ' }+-+ U : - = -Ft +- f - t- --- "---f-- f j - i - r-> ' -, i r r L j r; \ t, j i : - j i! 2 / 9 FGURE 6f-2. FGURA 6f-2. Catch of blue marlin per hooks during the second quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de marlin azul por anzuelos, durante el segundo trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

59 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 333 QUARTER m BLUE MARLN \ J -t f t--''). 3" ") o jo ) 2 O l o ,+-oo+:o"o-:+:-o+-': :- -:-+-':oo-:;o 2 ZZ ' ol 3 ' l-'-z f--f--'---, o'o'oololo ' ohr- -.:.-:+-+4:...:...'t-=-O '4-\ =r"t\., -----l j.--.+==-+-+-+==-+-+-=+-j---+: ::+,.,..-f-++-+.::...2+,t-'+-+: z. Cc:, 3 2,, 2 2, 2, ' 3 3' 2 Z 3 '"" -, \, 2 2 2,, " "2 2 ',, ), ' 2 2,,, '2,,,,, '2 '2 2 3, 3 3 ') J :-+-+..:...j'--=-o.;...;O Oc-l'...:...:+-=...c.,:-+'...;...+-::+', -+'-+,-=- +::+::-i""7 +-=+-: -::- t-;+-+:-:+-:-+-+--'=+4'-:-:t-'+;;-'--;--;-:+-+:-;-,'-;-',+-:-+'-:- +::+3-:-+,_2r----:ur" 2 O H =-+-+=+---+-:,..L.:..t ::-t--+:+--++-_ +-O-+...J-::-+O-+O..,-j,r-'+-+- -'+- "t -::-..;- t-=-i+_-;;-otott t:"" to:jt:o ' 2 '- o " ' ' 2' / ' '' '' ' ' ',,, ' ' ', \" o, oto, '' \ H oo+,+:-o+-=-,-':-+,..:...,+-'-o-+-=-+..:...jof-:-o+o-l---:-o+'...:--j,-=-+o+-lf-:- l-:-o-+:-lof-,+-,+-or-o+o:+oo+:+:- --=-+-:-+:- f-:-+:+:-- o -=-+:-+:- o r-++-r ir-++-t-+---t-\ ' ' ' ' ' o " o ',, J o o -r'- 2" _+-++o=-+-=-o+---:---+-'+-+-+-o+o l...-f-++-h l.-f f--t-+--r-++-r-++-r-+...,-r-++-t-+-+-t-+-+-'-+-+-t-+-h 2 o oio, ---+_t_+-+_t_ o ,o_+_'! ,i i l-f t-+--+-t t 'j"l, '7 to!?. +--L, t- : -f / ] _ + r,+ l: J f----r-- i -t-j = 4" 3" 2 8" 7ey> 3 FGURE 6f-3. FGURA 6f-3. Catch of blue marlin per hooks during the third quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de marlin azul por anzuelos, durante el tercer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

60 334 KUME AND JOSEPH 35 3" " 4.. r;::::;:::;:::;::::;::+:;::::::::;:::;:::+=;;\...====::::=====.======c======r======i=====r:::::::=====:::::=====::=====i:======r=======:l, 4" \ QUARTER :Dr o BLUE MARLN 3" o \ 2o-l JO f , oo 2 =:::=:::=:o::=':::=::o:=o:::=:::=:,::=:::=::::':::o:=:::=:::==!::=:::=::"::,"'+--..:.:>f"t\',c " 22 2 \, 3 3, :-+-2-'--+-2' O-+-Ol-+--f-H r j, : e-;- 2 -H o : : : : : : 2 2 =-2-c:2+--+-'-:-'-+---+_'-_L_+-=--+--=- '-= l-r-+,l/ o lj- 2 2, 2 2 O.-r L-..t :- +::O:i":O+-+O::-+_f-::+O-+-O +-:+O--l-++-f ::-2 +-:-:+:+ -=- +-:+::-! -:-;-8<:>id- :+- +-::+::-::+::-l-:-'.-::+:::+-::-: ro 2 f'-t, 3 2 / O ":"'O--l---T"""--+- -l O-l-+-"';"O--ll O-l -+--+O...,-+--+-l !-+-+-:_+-+ -ll \\ " o \ o o ) o i ' r :L l-+ -l -'-lo-or _ , or :--+--';-::--- -:+-+-:= J ""4--- '-- -o+-o ,..., f-+--+-:,--+-+-t-+-h o i 3 -l hf r t-+-+-t-+--:-+-+--t.::ll \ ) t t if-+----t ; f '-:+---+-l ' t f f---i f_+---f-:----'( t-.l t--+--i tl _+-+f j f t-+-'-h: 4.'-===:::±===:i::::::==±==:::::±===t::::==:::i:::::==:::±===c:::::==±:==:::::r:===t=::==:::±=}====4a" FGUE 6f-4. FGURA 6f-4. -l._ Catch of blue marlin per hooks during the fourth quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura de marlin azul por anzuelos, durante el cuarto trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de f-

61 JAPANESE EAST'ERN P'ACFC L,ONGLNE FSHERY 335 QUARTER TRMESTRE \ SHORTBLL SPEARFSH AND SALFSH PEZ AGUJA CORTA \ \ Y PEZ VELA 3" f'> D - bd - 3 c:::l >3 :\ 2 ; ' _ f ;+-; 6 \5 6' ' t--t-+---t ,-- o o iiif-- _ +_ :-+--,-+-: '----, h. '" : =t&:r r-:-o+:-t-t--..,:2-t-t-+-+-i_+-3--f-4+-:-+-:+-t_--:--+o-t _t-:-+--'o: t-+-: O-+-t--r- +-f-+-+-t , t-t--+--t-+-: f-t--h 2" o t----,-h :: 2 j _ O,_+ W_ o ala - -2-' l--t--+--t--j---t-+---i-- ' o ::: 6t 7 O > - - f o ; --- : J%: f- o- li-'---;-- :-+-_-+t r / _-_ :=:--t !----+-t--++-fl ---r ) t--t--t t-+-'---t--j t r T \ ) 3 FGURE 6g-. FGURA 6g-. -r ' r ---H ----rrt- -J ī 2 9 Catch of shortbill spearfish and sailfish per hooks during the first quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del pez aguja corta y pez vela por anzuelos, durante el primer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

62 336 KUME AND JOSEPH SHORTBLL SPEARFSH AND SALFSH " FGURE 6g-2o FGURA 6g-2. Catch of shortbill spearfish and sailfish per hooks during the second quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del pez aguja corta y pez vela por anzuelos, durante el segundo trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

63 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 337 QUARTER m SHORTBLL SPEARFSH AND SALFSH 3" :-r :+:---==:::-22=6 o o a r--- o " "-. - H O-+-l ' t j,= fl...<::...' '::--::-O+O+'-l -::-O+::+::-O -::-+::+-:-io --=-+:+---=-+:O"OC-+-+-:O-+O::-+-- r:-+:-+-'-o +-+O=-,'--=--t- + :T 3 t--i--t j-:-t--t-t-t--t-t-t--t-t-'----t4t-'r-."'i'... ;c =-++'-- f--'-o-;'-:o---+-'-lof--' ' ') l== f===r f"t---t--'h o - -, ' -' L" r 2 2 ' J 9 o ) o, -, o O O H =...l...f ::+--l--+:+-t J--=-O+-+-O:: :::--r. O +-+-=-+='2+'::+--t-+--f=r.,-4--:"+"':;'"3+-::7:+6:::+:::-' ' T : :+-T""+-++4"':"+-+--"':"+-5"';"'-+-+-=,=-+-=-!5..:...j+-+O ,:...+-= :..+-+O O+-+-O+-+O-+-r t \\ 232' ,,-+-+4-f---: o+-+--f--+--l ! j----l--+-t---l t-r r t H ':""'-:_3---r _+- +-t,.-f h t ,_---- O 'i--,t _--'-..L..+--t-t--t '--t------i FGURE 6g-3. FGlTRA 6g-3. Catch of shortbill spearfish and sailfish per hooks during the third quarter (averaged over ) by squares. Captura del pez aguja corta y pez vela por anzuelos, durante el tercer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

64 338 KUME AND JOSEPH t-i --;--:n D QUARTER rr 3 2 }-t-- - SHORTBLL SPEARFSH AND SALFSH o -- d ) 2 -\--H = H r-f-+-'-+--:-:-:::r3_=;::;f:-'4--6 ) "-_----r=_l.----t =-+=+.:: _ _+-_;_.c_:+-:+o'-ll-t:238-j=2:=='=ofl::"':::: L - 2'" t-=+-l-+-...l-.'-=-2+-+-t-j t-::-:f-'-+o-"3+-+= '-:+-+--j _:f-'-+---+e-+---t:-+---r+--j =:;:--i=t--+-!'54"" l-= :-t-=+::-t-=r-,-:+-:++6:44r7;: --J ,-i--+-+-i--+::+-+_+-+-,--,-+_ 3 _ - _f-'--'-- i!i.,i2 > -' 'T'T 3 r o,. 2 2-' ;..+-:+- f-+.:,..+.::...j L.+-f--Jf-+--f-,'f-:-o+:-+:-f-:+-+::-f-: 3C> -+:-+-- -:-:+:+::-: t-::::+:::-t::-:p-" i--+-+-i f +'-.L::'-2-+-+'4--+-=+-=-+-+''-+--:- o +-+-=--: o 2 f f'-." H L-f :-+--t-O-: :-l.<j. +e> c.".._ e- l._ O e--,-- -'=f-- _ f- / --t-++o-t-o-to -t-o :% : %-- L 8 f_ -r; o, f i' o \. 2, il2 ' 52 ' ' =-+-::-+:- -t-+-t-t-t-t-\ =-+::+':+'.:.J 2+ 4 '::+--:-+-::+- - O f-:=-2"+-=-f- "':'+-::+::"+-=-+-::2+-:-!4-: +---:-6+=,+--'Or- -=-+-:O+O=-+-,+::+-f : : ' : : t--f--f \ ' o ' o --+.:...-f-=.o-\-=2,-,-.::..j...::.o+-+-, ,-_ j H :::...j..::+=+=-l-=-';"":: =-+-=--=-+=-+=-l"':'+=+-f-=-+...l.:..-i,.:.o+=:.+_h-=-+:-6f-++-+-f--jf-+-h-:-+:--:-i-: +f-l :-- O l-=-t::+--+:_+-'f--++:-_ ;-_t--++-t-t - '--:-r+-t-+-++-h\ / =-J-=.2 2=+=-2-":' f-+--l f t--+-+-t-+-+-j t h _ =='t t 2: r+f-,%.. r go t-:+_.:..+.o+o-+-o+-o+----tr t t--i : j h+-t-+-t h h---hr++-;-i--t-i;;.j r--+-i--+-+_ t--; t- -=f-- =- >--l---= T FGURE 6g-4. FGURA 6g-4. Catch of shortbill spearfish and sailfish per hooks during the fourth quarter (averaged over ) by squates. Captura del pez aguja corta y pez vela por anzuelos, durante el cuarto trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de

65 -f- JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY of-f-- O= Of--- -f- OF f f f f '4"" <COX --f C ---- f = :-ff--f f f- 25? ') f--f Of f f '=: : '== 2= 3: O _ - :_ :::: [=:::: ' ,..." f--- 5 l = ' ,--f-,-j -- 4: -- o :-= 54-= 4:: O -f,_ r- 2 - _ v L = 4 \ \ ' "... r'\ +-- r--r \ TOTALS \ \ SALFSH...4,6 SHORTBLL SPEARFSH...35 ') l -f',,\ ' ks NUMBER OF SETS o ::t::: b-:",..,...,., f--f- 87 c_- 5 d p- ---l- -' "\ ) f l- -- O -- f f- 5 f '" -f-- --f- 4 --f- 7:=:, t. l- j f J \ } t - -J_ i ( ) 3CO 2!CO " 8" -/ FGURE 7. FGURA 7. Distribution by 5 areas of sailfish and shortbill spearfish captured during nine cruises to the eastern Pacific Ocean from 962 to 967. Upper, middle and lower figures denote sailfish, shortbill spearfish and the number of sets made, respectively. Distribuci6n por areas de 5, de peces vela y peces aguja corta, capturados durante nueve cruceros en el Oceano Pacifico oriental desde 962 a 967. Las cifras en la parte superior, media e inferior indican peces vela, peces aguja carta y el numero de lances realizado, respectivamente.

66 34 KUME AND JOSEPH QUARTER TRMESTRE DOMNANT SPECES 3 -t-+-t-+-+-+g= "'-! t--t-+-+-t----;, o BGEVE o VELLOWFN ') ALBACORE \--t t t STRPED MARLN _ f-: SALFSH AND.t-f\, SHORTBLL SPEARFSH BLUE MARLN \ H O::±::::O f 4=O T--+-+-f.::+ =-:::.:+= =-F ode.. * SWORDFSH f*li.. oded O. o DO DO. " +-H tgO::::::j..-gO::q...k'O:H--+-+-Od-l=:g;l-"o:+oo±o::tO= =o+-+::::'O+=O: :.:±.:±:.+-+""""' f..."l...r" < O=-+;OBO'f;OOd=d=O;+=,-'O+d--+=+-+--+"' p-o.=t=.r=.=t-t-, t-l-+-+-t---/-;;;=----t---T"". C Oogo+.gggggggggtgggO:=J..Cgggod='O+-+o=+"" +-+o= = l =.+=:=+---l q--+-'h....) ggg+oo8;g;-;ggbggggggggggl";g:ct:og-bgctgg'bodggg:ctgg-bgogbgs;go-r-:ct;h.f.g g =ggg+g;=s.;g---hr tt=ttlgooo:qtjoofomootoojqtfoj:tmi:ootbooojooojooo. DOOOOOOOO.) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO O. OOO.... \. 8 \ gg'bo2et;g=<r-gggb;ggg:agg:8-gg:bggtg;efgg:bgergg:8gs:gg:..r,oggbgefggt---/;oor H--t t--h-+-t---t-\ < e o )!'... 2, J----6., ,-6+;;::;:.6:;.::::6+;=HJ6+6=+=::6=::+=+6=-=6=.J.r f6::::::t-:=:+-+--ilr-+--+o:::::FA=t i- +-H-+---t--H--t-r-t--H-H l l FGJRE 8a. Dominant species in the longline catch during the first quarter (averaged over ) by squares. See text for explanation of dominant species. FGURA 8a. Especie dominante en la captura palangrera durante el primer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de. Vease el texto para la explicaci6n de la especie dominante.

67 _. JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY " "--. 4" e : \! QUARTER T -r-f--f-- -- f-- - -, - t---!'-.. DOMNANT SPECES j \ c _ 3 3 '->. L- l f.= AD "'\, ie'...;. o ::o= : r::..=b.+:.=+=::+=:;+:: n o " :::4-=g+=g=+:gg+=::;+.:+;go::+---+=. :.+::g=+od-:.,.p.:g+::::::+===g:+;g=+;:+==o--j.:::o ==:=+-.= ilbwff'... ggggggggooogggggggg::o o.; c' ' D t+-+-h.=t;=;tr=;t-j-+--h-+-f=+-t---t=o::.r::q-++:q:::::+77:f:7::q?87" :!!q.:..+78?8?tt='. o. O. ) OOOOOOOOooOhOOO \ ) ") F:;::F.=:.F,:=f;'=:,=+:.j::+:;gggg:=::+:::=f==6--i!=:::'")gf+gggg:..j =o+-'o,..j.o= l ,l e-f-f--- ::,.. 6 \6 6 6' ' ' '-t ' i 66 r-t-+-+-h ' : '= t , -+-f f------r-+--ll--+-_ T, : > f--+ l r---+- j c- c----- e t f FGURE Sh. FGURA Sh. Dominant species in the longline catch during the second quarter (averaged over ) by squares. See text for explanation of dominant species. Especie dominante en la captura palangrera durante el segundo trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de Vease el texto para la explicacion de a especie dominante.

68 342 KUME AND JOSEPH '- : \ \ 8" QUARTER m [ O. ::. O. O ::. DO. CD J_-- --! DOMNANT SPECES --t---- ".. A i"'j o. De O, :+: ----; " o.o. -t. """'K -= )._ gg-g -g-t 8 ilq 8J f--i-----ot- =;; f :=> DO ) oordo Olrl DOD f--- gq Q oro DO 6jo.' ' T +-.:: $ -j QQ _b gggtg QQ[]J!.+.\ '.T - f- Q DT o DO QO 68'8 btooo\oo OOjOOO olij ;ole;.:, b 9 -t--- ' - g bo bjo g b - ) DO glgtggj '+i:8t:lgl: oof-----f-- +u +----lo ' t- OJ!o DO r--- DD c{ '-, t.' i: 6 -- QQO f DGD QOOOgig V QO t,:ll ' -+ - ' o ----' tor L oel 6.,.\ 9[lQ ::. ::. ::. o DO oc:: t- t t '\ DO - '.t J lit, 6::. ::. 6 6::. DO Old :U 66 \ 'v::. ::. DO 666 DO ODD g)g 666::. 6:6 66::. ::.::. ::.::. 6 ::.6 66 ::.66 :. om; ::. ::. 66 :: ::. 66 \ :: ::. ::. 6 \ ildodpio " +-= T 6 6::. 66 ::.6 6::. 6::. ::.::. 6::. ::.::. 6::. 6t --f- 6 6::. 66 ::.::.6 ::. 6::. rg- 6664Q J 6 ::.66 66M6::.6 -+ c_+_ "6 ::. 6 LSE ' ::. ::.::. ::. :: i"-., 6 " ::.6 ::. ::.:: f-- f---t--j e. :: g.'. '.. O...:fii.-....>...- fil Tt-- -- f-- -.-'- r: ---..r.. Fi- 6::. 6.::. ::.:: ' f ::.::.6::. 6 :o DO 6 -::. -r-----r-- '---_ T --- -e--i ' ---r- --ff---._-, r-,- f- - "" -\ i r----t i i 2 ' t---- t-l- + - i r \!} P t -f e ( i J 8 FGURE 8e. FGURA Se. Dominant species in the longline catch during the third quarter (averaged over ) by squares. See text for explanation of dominant species. Especie dominante en la captura palangrera durante el tercer trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de Vease el texto para la explicacion de la especie dominante.

69 ... JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 343 3! _ f- -..j A...,...j..",.--;; f::!!:.+,.::=+=:+=r:;+::=+':::+.::+=:: o ; J ,.? -+.,, f-,---j -t o.! "" l h =o+::o"+o-bo+!.--+-+o= t-+-+-l-+.:o::+-t--+.:o=+o.:.t==t-oqo;:::::-+-t---r t-t-+-t-t---l'-..."l"l-,,. DO. DO DO C.. R\ o DOD.!) DO ODD.""'.. )... r.... O W----l !...-J ;;;+...:t-a-=+-.po:::.too+;o&oo+;;o:+:::::.l-++---f=o-+?8;o;rt*f==t.:g:;.t.i,;:oc>rn..t=tilmo;;qo.;+;io?'cti".:;t.i:. o.. o oggggggggoggogogggogo. -t-t---d": gg7 -'- j.-+- +O _+O-+O-=:+-:'OOggog 88sgggg6?8ggg8g -- OO f- -. _L " 4-W--+-W)OOOO?+ )O)MOOOOOO&Ooot'r-lOOf;:O;fO:gO:B8OH t-t-t---h---t-' lil""'looooooio lb.66 6::: ::: :::.66:::. 6 2" W-W-+-**::;'*6f-!:;;*-H..J'==4-l- =6±:d:Orrl H---f! TrgO;:;b:OH+T-t-H--t-ir---t-t-H--;-r--t"-t-H 6 66 :::. 6 ::: Pp.,.+-+-.p,-4'4"'4-+-f " t, 666::: W-W-l-U-l-W-l-W-l-W-l-W-+..U:-+-W--H-J t l-+-h-+--hf-+-H+-H-+--H-+-H-+-H-t-...,..--j-t-.J _...J : -----f--i---l--- -f r : " 9 8 FGURE 8d. FGURA 8d. Dominant species in the longline catch during the fourth quarter (averaged over ) by squares. See text for explanation of dominant species. Especie dominante en la captura palangrera durante el cuarto trimestre (promediada sobre ) por cuadrados de. Vease el texto para la explicaci6n de la especie dominante.

70 344 KUME AND JOSEPH BGEYE N- N-2 ;; 4 N-3 3 w 2 c( 4..J W ;:) N 3 z c( ::.. 2 c( Q; ;:).. c( u w E - 2 c( ) QUARTERS AND YEARS TRMESTRE Y ANO FGURE 9a. FGURA 9a. Quarterly hook-rates expressed as number of fish per hundred hooks for bigeye tuna by major fishing areas within the eastern Pacific. Tasas de captura trimestrales expresadas como ntlmero de peces por cien anzuelos para el atun ojo grande por areas principales de pesca en el Pacifico oriental.

71 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 345 YELLOWFN N N - 2 N-3 ii: L\. '" CD 2 t: ::::> 3 2 «f :: E- E-2 E M- Ol "' ; M QUARTERS AND YEARS FGURA 9b. Tasas de captura trimestrales expresadas como numero de peces par anzuelos para el atun aleta amarilla por areas principales de pesca en el Pacifico oriental. FGURE 9b. Quarterly hook-rates expressed as number of fish per hundred hooks for yellowfin tuna by major fishing areas within the eastern Pacific.

72 346 KUME AND JOSEPH b: 2. :. :::» z lj... et 3. : g 2. :: Ol-----=-=------: ==-----= t S-l QUARTERS AND YEARS FGURE ge. FGURA ge. Quarterly hook-rates expressed as number of fish per hundred hooks for albacore by major fishing areas within the eastern Pacific. Tasas de captura trimestrales expresadas como numero de peces por cien anzuelos para la albacora por areas principales de pesca en el Pacifico oriental.

73 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE F'SHERY ---, STRPED MARLN N E-2.5 E :: (/).5 L L. a: L\J CD.5 ::> z L\J... M-3 a:..5 :: S FGURE 9d. FGURA 9d " QUARTERS AND YEARS Quarterly hook-rates expressed as' number -of fish per hundred hooks for striped marlin by major fishing areas within the ep,ste Pacific. Tasas de captura trimestrales expresadas como numero de peces por cien anzuelos para el marlin rayado por areas principales de pesca en el Pacifico oriental.

74 348 KUME AND JOSEPH en WEGHT (PESO) NUMBERS(NUMERO) 59, '--"'" 6... BG EYE (ATUN OJO GRANDE) J... W... o :::)... :J: N z " o 62""'e. en :t: YELLOWFN (ATLN ALETA AARLLA) ::: Q ' CJl.:tC en OL _L...---L..---_--l.-----L_...L L._..L _ _.l L..._L L '_...L "_...L '-_"'O"'- O o MLLONS OF HOOKS MLLONES DE ANZUELOS FGURE. FGURA. Relationship between catch per effort, in terms of numbers of fish and weight, and effort for bigeye and yellowfin tuna in areas N-l, E-l, and E-2. Relacion entre la captura por esfuerzo, en terminos de la cantidad de peces y peso, y el esfuerzo para el atun ojo grande y el atun aleta amarilla en las areas N-l, E-l y E en ::J: BGEYE (ATUN OJO GRANDE)... en / : CD 2. Z YELLOWFN (ATUN ALETA LtJ 64 6 :. J ::J: MLLONS OF HOOKS MLLONES DE ANZUELOS FGURE. FGURA. Relationship between catch per hundred hooks and effort for bigeye and yellowfin tuna in areas N-l, N-2, N-3, E-l, E-2, and E-3. Relacion entre la captura por cien anzuelos y el esfuerzo para el atun ojo grande y el atun aleta amarilla en las areas N-l, N-2, N-3, E-l, E-2, y E-3.

75 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY BGEYE ATUN OJO GRANDE () :: Z... L&.J... :E () D::... LLJ :E ll. en Z «en ::> :t:... () 2 «<t «...J LLJ Z... L&.J en LLJ...J :E YELLOWFN z ATUN ALETA AMARLLA 63 LU :z: «:: t ::> «... a. «64 5 FGURE 2. FGURA NUMBER OF HOOKS (MLLONS) MLLONES DE ANZUELOS Relationship between the estimated catch and effort of bigeye (upper panel) and yellowfin (lower panel) tuna from the eastern Pacific longline fishery in areas E-, E-2, E-3, N-, N-2 and N-3, for the years Relaci6n entre la captura estimada y el esfuerzo para el atun ojo grande (recuadro superior) y el atun aleta amarilla (recuadro inferior) de la pesca palangrera en el Pacifico oriental en las areas E-, E-2, N -, N-2 y N-3, correspondiente a los anos

76 35 KUME AND JOSEPH QUARTER \ TRMESTRE YELLOWFN GONAD NDCES +- f-- N DCE GONOSOMATDO i-l _+_ _-+-+-+_---ntw: "t_ 2 f+--j-+-+-+_+_ t h_-+-+-;' r>"' DEL ATUN ALETA AMARLLA. -. o. -2. \ \ > 2.,"\ 65 SAMPL ES - MUESTRAS r f-t-++-+-f---+-r--.+"'''''r--..r-- f t T -,-Tl E7: 68. ) :-:-:-: e--l--2 :::::::... s.-... r-:::::::_ [:::::... ::::::::. :::::::::. to r:::::::.. f-f.:.. r:::::::. \ ) :::::::: -J_ \. + ', j '---+--\--j t -,--+--t j t- i j-- ' , '-, t t't -f l----' l...jc r L 3 -H--t t l--! '-+-+-Hr t J H FGURE 3a. FGURA 3a. Gonad indices of yellowfin tuna collected in the eastern Pacific during the first quarter , from the Japanese longline fishery. Number of samples is shown in upper-left of each 5 square and average gonad index from previous studies (see text) in upper-right. Vertical columns represent percentages in each category of gonad indices, of latitude being equal to 2%. ndices gonosomatidos del atun aleta amarilla colectado en el Pacifico oriental durante el primer trimestre, , por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa. El numero de los ejemplares se indica en la parte superior izquierda de cada, cuadrado de 5, y el promedio del indice gonosomatido segun estudios anteriores (vease el texto) en la parte superior derecha. Las columnas verticales representan los porcentajes en cada categoria de los indices de las g6nadas, lode latitud siendo igual al 2%.

77 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 35 4,,35=;=,=:;:=;::'+3=::;==r=;'--.==::i2=====::r:::=====i:======r:::=====:c="====r:::::::====9c:"====:::::====:::J8=====::r:::====7 4" QUARTER n - \ f J f-+---t-++-\ ') YELLOWFN GONAD NDCES 9 SAMPLES :':':':'. '\.\ r. ' ; "" --'f'\ "' r:::::::. :::::::::. _833 "'"-- r:::::::. r. r-...{::::::. ::::::::. 6 9C ;:;::::: ::::::: -::::::::. - f- O l::::::::::dl.-f-+---ft Wl ; f ::::::::. r-:::::::. f- J - _L ( " f-+-,f f---f'o';:;:;"f:: L...f-+-F::::::"f: ---f-if:o:::::'f -:-t:4r::::r= :o:o:o:f -+""'-f"""'o.:.:.:" '' 't-+-f>--=t::9:::::: '-""'--r::t'"-t:::"'-:::::h--t-t---hh-t-t---t-t-+-t-t--h--r-m\ \ - - _-+-f- oo'!"""'l-_ 2 +--f j...+--h ' l h-+--rl t--t-+-+--t------r-r+-h---+-t-t---t--:':---+-t-t-t-h t t- ++ t-t-t-, t h-++--l----h i l-h i-h--h t-++-t-t-h--r-t--,---h-t? 3 \ ) f-+-+-t t--'---: j---r t l f D i f {- f--t-'-!f '[ ) 4 3=5D==:±3===::::::!:::±:::!==:±2:::::::::::=:±:::::::::::::==±= ====::::;OtOo =====:::::;9OO==::::r:::::==:;8==±==::::::;;7" 4 FGURE 3b. FGURA 3b. Gonad indices of yellowfin tuna collected in the eastern Pacific during the second quarter , from the Japanese nghne fishery. Number of samples is shown in upper-left of each 5 square and average gonad index from previous studies (see text) in upper-right. Vertical columns represent percentages in each category of gonad indices, of latitude being equal to 2%. ndices gonosomatidos del atun aleta amarilla colectado en el Pacifico oriental durante el segundo trimestre, , por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa. E numero de los ejemplares se indica en la parte superior izquierda de cada cuadrado de 5, y el promedio del indice gonosomatido segun estudios anteriores (vease el texto) en la parte superior derecha. Las columnas verticales representan los porcentajes en cada categoria de los indices de las gonadas, lode latitud siendo igual al 2%.

78 352 KUME AND JOSEPH )(ELLOWFN GONAD NDCES 566 SAMPLES H-;--+-t--+-t l l i !-+-r--+r---...r '"" +-++-f h- f---.- T' r---r--f-+-t-t-t--t t-+-t l t--+-t---t f---r-+-+-it..,_+_+_+_+_++_+--+--,-+---f- J r -+---' t f\. f:::::: r. --f-+-+-!\ ir-r--r-t-t- 3 rl-t-t---,-t-i==t-i--+-r f-t i,-,--+--=-+-+-l j t t l--+--, l-.---e- r-+--+-t lr l-t h---j-.-.j...--l l l---l---+--l-.l--!--l-----! t t j f--f----f-- 2 t-t-h-+-t t h-++-+-f-l-++-+-h l-+-+--h--+--j==--+-; :--l-.j f-+-w.-+-!... W...J-.,W t--t 'r j--' f i D H-lH--r-t-t-t-++-t-+-t t-h--t--; i J t-i-.J l i---i-.f :-i J \ FGURE 3c. FGURA 3c. Gonad indices of yellowfin tuna collected in the eastern Pacific during the third quarter , from the Japanese longline fishery. Number of samples is shown in upper-left of each 5 square and average gonad index from previous studies (see text) in upper-right. Vertical columns represent percentages in each category of gonad indices, a of latitude being equal to 2%. ndices gonosomatidos del atun aleta amarilla colectado en el Pacifico oriental durante el tercer trimestre, , por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa. El numero de los ejemplares se indica en la parte superior izquierda de cada cuadrado de 5, y el promedio del indice gonosomatido segun estudios anteriores (vease el texto) en la parte superior derecha. Las columnas verticales representan los porcentajes en cada categorfa de los indices de las g6nadas, lode latitud siendo igual al 2%.

79 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY \..., 4" QUARTER Dr ---;- \,-f-- - f---:= YELLOWFN GONAD NDCES 729 SAMPLES \ 3 ' M t- '\\ f\.> 2 " 2" t h- - -->' f' T r--- " " lao ".--. i,c ::::::::. ) ::::::::. < 8 ) r7 - ) -8.. tt- = [:::: i::::::: [::< :::::::. ::::::: :::::::: --[:::::- f:::::::. f:::::::. ::::::::. =. W " Q. 224 ::::::: '--f-r- h f-.. l::::::: \. ::::::: :;:;:;:. W::: \ " \ h -::::::: :::( ) :::::::. :::::::: --t-- >.-- l- -- f--> '\.. " J f t- T : h- / 3 H--+---H l f '-: t--f f--+-+-i t t-++-+-f--t-+--:--+-r---t;;jl \ ) f f--t f--t r' f t---j t---r-+--+-t--- t--+--f-++--t--< f i( 4L::::==:::±===:::i::::==:±======±::::==========;J;:;:=======:::::::==::::; FGURE l3d. Gonad indices of yellowfin tuna collected in the eastern P'acific during the fourth quarter , from the Japanese longline fishery. Number of samples is shown in upper-left of each 5 square and average gonad index from previous studies (see text) in upper-right. Vertical columns represent percentages in each category of gonad indices, of latitude being equal to 2%. FGURA l3d. ndices gonosomatidos del atun aleta amarilla colectado en el Pacifico oriental durante el cuarto trimestre, , por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa. El numero de los ejemplares se indica en la parte superior izquierda de cada cuadrado de 5, y el promedio del indice gonosomatido segun estudios anteriores (vease el texto) en la parte superior derecha. Las columnas verticales representan los porcentajes en cada categoria de los indices de las g6nadas, lode latitud siendo igual al 2%. C ( J

80 354 KUME AND JOSEPH BGEYE GONAD NDCES NDCE GONOSOMATDO DEL ATUN OJO GRANDE o,-. [] > SAMPLES QUARTER TRMESTRE \ 2 OOH _+ f--" }... '\\ /-t ,--+-t_+_-t--j t--j.-f f--j f !--r \... "" "'--, J ) [ h ;; -r- - F =_ r-bv ::::::: ::::::::.... r:::: :::::::: [::::: r-t::::::: ::::::::. =. ::::::::. :.:.:.:. :::::::: :;:;:;:; t ::-:-t----fo"l::::.,..:::.'!"":-::-=t-r--l""t::::"'":::.=t--r.."'+....,..-±-:-f-f-+:::::::-:-+-:-:::::::::--+-+_+ f-l-+-+-4t::::::::.l_.+ +_[::::,t.,_+ + l=_=l_.l.._+ l...=:_+_..j...\ t i---t----t--+--).---t-+--t---l.--t----t ,...,-+:::::::-+-t-+---t-f:::;:;:;:]--:::::: :=f-:::::::+-+-+-t- f--t----e- :.:.:.:. l:::::::: 8 t--- _r \;.= f T-----\---+-t-+--t---+--f-t-+-t t-j----j---t-i lf t-::::-::::-:5---t ,---t----t-t--+-j-c-t-r_-+t--i r----l'w == :-r--r--=:i t+--t =...l f-..., if-+-r+-+ f"""i-r++-+--_+_-r-+-t-t t_+_-+-+ +_+-+-!--\ l 3 +_H : --t---_.--t---t---t t '' t -!-t-.j_ ---r-+-+-+p f-l- '\....,,( " \. " FGURE 4a. FGURA 4a. Gonad indices of bigeye tuna collected in the eastern Pacific during the first quarter , from the Japanese longline fishery. Number of samples is shown in upper-left of each 5 square and average gonad index from previous studies in upper-right. Vertical columns represent percentages in each category, of latitude being equal to 2%. ndices gonosomatidos del atun ojo grande colectado en el p'acifico oriental, durante el primer trimestre, , por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa. El numero de los ejemplares se indica en la parte superior izquierda de cada cuadrado de 5 y el promedio del indice gonosomatido de estudios anteriores en la parte superior derecha. Las columnas verticales representan los porcentajes en cada categoria, de latitud siendo igual al 2%.

81 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY BO 7 4=:+::;:::t-+-t-+=;=_:=_:::;:::j=t'=;:;::='-.F\=======::===::::::::i::::::====J::::==::::::::=====r=====---=c=============:::=r====4" :w. QUARTER f- -f-f--l\ --;-f--f----h ,-f---j- J--.- BGEYE GONAD NDCES 67 SAMPLES 2OO-l j-+--H t-i ! t-i j t--++-tl t--_t' if- +-f-t ",' +- f T' J l=--J-+-+-_J--++-ii ' jf-+-+-:::=l-j f--t '-:-+-j-+--t-+- -i'r) ---J i,.,.,,::::::= w;.; :-:-;-: f f t '- f--f---- [:::. - ':':':'- - _ L ( ) -++-fof:7._ - - " t , Jf '7 FGURE 4b. FGURA 4b. Gonad indices of bigeye tuna collected in the eastern Pacific during the second quarter , from the Japanese longline fishery. Number of samples is shown in upper-left of each 5 square and average gonad index from previous studies in upper-right. Vertical columns represent percentages in each category, of latitude being equal to 2%. ndices gonosomatidos del atun ojo grande colectado en al Pacifico oriental, durante el segundo trimestre, , por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa. El numero de los ejemplares se indica en la parte superior izquierda de cada cuadrado de 5 y el promedio del indice gonosomatido de estudios anteriores en la parte superior derecha. Las columnas verticales representan los porcentajes en cada categoria, '" de latitud siendo igual al 2%.

82 356 KUME AND JOSEPH 35 O r=o=i3=oo:;=;====i:2=o====:::r=====::j======r::=====:i=====:::r======9coo====:::r:::=====8:i ::====::r:=====7 4" 4 J +-J '--- '---H QUARTER m f-- J -- --\- - f---- f f--+-f h ' \ \\ t ' \'---,. -+-_+-_ _:-+_---+"'-l ') \\ \ 2OO H i-+_ ! f-----algeyf GONAD NDCES Z SAMPLES _--+-_--+- f' ,-- -t t-' '- " " [ ''-- ",c [) :.:.:.:. < ) t" " u... f f-- ---'- j \....-l t--+--l l i-+-+--h--+---t--h-+--h--+-!-++-i--j h--h t-+-t-i-rt-t--;-t-t--t? FGURE 4c. FGURA 4c. Gonad indices of bigeye tuna collected in the eastern Pacific during the third quarter , from the Japanese longline fishery. Number of samples is shown in upper-left of each 5 square and average gonad index from previous studies in upper-right. Vertical columns represent percentages in each category, of latitude being equal to 2%. ndices gonosomatidos del atun ojo grande colectado en el Pacifico oriental, durante el tercer trimestre, , por la pesqueria palangrera japonesa. El numero de los ejemplares se indica en la parte superior izquierda de cada cuadrado de 5 y el promedio del indice gonosomatido de estudios anteriores en la parte superior derecha. Las columnas verticales representan los porcentajes en cada categoria, de latitud siendo igual al 2%.

83 JAPANESE EASTERN PACFC LONGLNE FSHERY 357 QUARTER D" BGEYE GONAD NDCES 35 SAMPLES J t t-+-t t----r-t--T--t-tr---f'-..,r'J'--.. H t--t--t r---h-- -t- j t- t----t Tl'. ) l t t r.:-:-+-+-t---t--t----t-i--t:::::::+--_+--+--f---'r::::::=i h---t;;;;.;;-t----r----'t-t--r-r----;ljlr t: : ::: r::::: [:::. [::::.. ::::::. h ::::::: = [:::: ::::::: 2(- 2 t::::::;.. t::::;:;: --:-:-:_: :::::::. '-T:::: f::::::: T [:::. f::::::. ::::::: f::::::: \ " \ :::::: :::::::.- ) :::::::. ;:;:;:;:. --r t:::;:;:. [::::. r---r-r-t-- -t :-r- -r r-----t--- t---f ri + - t -t -j---i----'-t----:--:;:-=-:+ + 4 j + -_+_+---'- l +_+_ i t-r----t-f f-4-{ t-+-t--t -t-: '_-t--r--; +;-t----t-_r----r----r, i---+--t-----i-----r--t--+---' t---+--r t-r J f---t t--,-i-+-r---,-t--t- -t-+ r---r- r-- ; ::::r';' t---t-t--+-t-t i t t_+_t-t--r--t r i 4L!:J3=5o::l3=±2:!::OO==::±::===±::===±:::::::==OtO O==::::::::=9 ==::r:::::====::::t:::=:; FGURE 4d. FGURA 4d. Gonad indices of bigeye tuna collected in the eastern Pacific during the fourth quarter , from the Japanese longline fishery. Number of samples is shown in upper-left of each 5 square and average gonad index from previous studies in upper-right. Vertical columns represent percentages in each category, of latitude being equal to 2%. ndices gonosomatidos del atun ojo grande colectado en al Pacifico oriental, durante el cuarto trimestre, , por la pesqueria palallgrera japonesa. El numero de los ejemplares se indica en la parte superior izquierda de cada cuadrado de 5 y el promedio del indice gonosomatido de estudios anteriores en la parte superior derecha. Las columnas verticales representan los porcentajes en cada categoria, de latitud siendo igual al 2%.

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