EMP-M - Business

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1 Coordinating unit: CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MULTIMEDIA STUDIES (Syllabus 2009). (Teaching unit Compulsory) ECTS credits: 6 Teaching languages: Catalan, Spanish Teaching staff Coordinator: Others: Terrades Roma, Frederic Fano, Edoardo Degree competences to which the subject contributes Specific: 1. (ENG) Aplicar los conocimientos básicos sobre la creación, gestión y organización de empresas. 2. (ENG) Aplicar la normativa de propietat intel lectual en el desenvolupament professional. 3. (ENG) Conocer los derechos fundamentales y su incidencia en la actividad profesional. 4. (ENG) Identificar la tipologia de les organitzacions empresarials. Transversal: 5. SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING. Detecting gaps in one's knowledge and overcoming them through critical selfappraisal. Choosing the best path for broadening one's knowledge. 6. EFFICIENT ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. Communicating verbally and in writing about learning outcomes, thought-building and decision-making. Taking part in debates about issues related to the own field of specialization. 7. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION: Knowing about and understanding how businesses are run and the sciences that govern their activity. Having the ability to understand labor laws and how planning, industrial and marketing strategies, quality and profits relate to each other. 8. EFFECTIVE USE OF INFORMATI0N RESOURCES. Managing the acquisition, structure, analysis and display of information from the own field of specialization. Taking a critical stance with regard to the results obtained. Teaching methodology (ENG)Las sesiones de clase de dos horas se dividen, en general, en 3 franjas de actividad: 1. Evaluación individual del tema correspondiente a la clase anterior. 2. Clases magistrales para la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos. 3. Trabajo en prácticas grupales y defensa. Learning objectives of the subject (ENG) 1. Conèixer i comprendre l'organització d'una empresa i les ciències que regeixen la seva activitat. 2. Comprendre les regles laborals i les relacions entre la planificació, les estratègies industrials i comercials, la qualitat i el benefici. 3. Desenvolupar un pla d'empresa. 4. Analitzar correctament casos pràctics reals relacionats amb la creació i gestió d'empreses i la propietat intel lectual. 1 / 14

2 5. Planificar polítiques comercials i financeres. 6. Utilitzar estratègies per preparar i donar a terme les presentacions orals i redactar texts i documents amb un contingut coherent, una estructura i un estil adequats i un bon nivell ortogràfic i gramatical. 7. Després d'identificar les diferents parts d'un document acadèmic i de organitzar les referències bibliogràfiques, dissenyar i executar una bona estratègia de recerca avançada amb recursos d'informació especialitzats, seleccionant la informació pertinent tenint compte criteris de rellevància i qualitat. 8. Utilitzar estratègies per preparar i donar a terme les presentacions orals i redactar texts i documents amb un contingut coherent, una estructura i un estil adequats i un bon nivell ortogràfic i gramatical. 9. Tenir iniciatives i adquirir coneixements bàsics sobre les organitzacions i familiaritzar-se amb els instruments i les tècniques, tant de generació de idees com de gestió, permetin que resoldre problemes coneguts i generar oportunitats. 10. Prendre iniciatives que generin oportunitats, nous objectes o solucions noves, amb na visió d'implementació de procés i de mercat, i que impliqui i faci partícips altres projectes que s'han de desenvolupar. Study load Total learning time: 150h Hours large group: 0h 0.00% Hours medium group: 60h 40.00% Hours small group: 0h 0.00% Guided activities: 0h 0.00% Self study: 90h 60.00% 2 / 14

3 Content (ENG) 1a PARTE LEGISLACIÓN Learning time: 70h Practical classes: 28h Self study : 42h To know and understand the intellectual property rights, the impact they have on their profession and the rules of transfer of rights (ENG) Tema 1: Introducción a la Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial - La protección de la creatividad - Marcas - Diseños y Modelos - Patentes y Modelos de Utilidad - El derecho de autor - Los bienes intangibles - Derechos exclusivos: monopolios - Diferencia entre Propiedad Intelectual y Propiedad Industrial - Cumulo de protecciones Tener una idea general de cómo proteger legalmente la creatividad en sus distintos ámbitos y de cómo combinar esas protecciones (ENG) Tema 5: Patentes y modelos de utilidad - Protección de los inventos - Patente de producto - Patente de procedimiento - Registro de patente: nacional, europeo, internacional, unitario - Diferencias entre patentes y modelos de utilidad - Bases de datos Aprender a buscar en la base de datos y proteger los inventos científicos y tecnológicos a través de patentes y modelos de utilidad 3 / 14

4 (ENG) Tema 6: Derecho de autor y derecho de la imagen - Protección de las creaciones artísticas - Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual - Creative Commons - Plagio - Derecho de la imagen - Protección de los datos personales (ENG) Tema 7: Internet - Marcas i nombres de dominio - UDRP - Contenido de las páginas web - Explotación de la creatividad en Internet 2a PARTE GESTIÓN Learning time: 70h Practical classes: 28h Self study : 42h Conocer y comprender la organización de una empresa y las ciencias que definen su actividad; entender las normas laborales y las relaciones entre la planificación, las estrategias industriales y comerciales, la calidad y el beneficio. 4 / 14

5 Tema 1 Introducción a la Creación de empresas Learning time: 20h Practical classes: 8h Self study : 12h 1. INTRODUCCION A LA CREACIÓN DE EMPRESAS 1.1 Introducción: de la Idea al Plan de Negocio La idea de Negocio Fuentes de ideas Cómo valorar si la idea es viable Modelos de Negocios El Plan de Negocios (o Plan de Empresa) 1.2 TIPOS DE ORGANIZACIONES ECONÓMICAS La empresa individual Sociedad anónima Sociedad limitada Otras sociedades mercantiles 1. 3 EL PROCESO DE CREACIÓN DE EMPRESAS Pasos para la creación de una empresa El Plan de Empresa y la viabilidad El equipo directivo y los colaboradores Related activities: Ejercicio propuesto en la práctica 1.2 (ENG) Tema 2: Las marcas, protección - Signos distintivos - Tipologías de marcas - Estrategias creativas de marcas denominativas - Registro de la marca: nacional, de la Unión Europea, Internacional - Falsificación de la marca: casos prácticos - Bases de datos Conocer las posibilidades de crear, buscar en bases de datos y registrar los distintos tipos de marca y como protegerlas 5 / 14

6 Tema 2. DIRECCIÓN FINANCIERA 2.1. EL BALANCE DE SITUACIÓN El Balance de Situación Partes del Balance de Situación El Estado de Tesorería El Fondo de Maniobra 2.2. LA CUENTA DE RESULTADOS La Cuenta de Resultados La amortización Cash flow Análisis del Balance de Situación y de la Cuenta de Resultados 2.3. COSTES Conceptos básicos El margen de contribución El punto de equilibrio Related activities: Ejercicio propuesto en la práctica 2.1 y 2.2 (ENG) Tema 3: Las marcas, explotación - Pirámide de valores de la marca - Extensión de la marca - Licensing - Co-branding Una vez creada y protegida la marca, se analizan las diferentes estrategias de su explotación, directamente por su titular e indirectamente a través de licenciatarios y alianzas con otras marcas 6 / 14

7 Tema 3 Dirección comercial El mercado y la demanda Análisis y segmentación del mercado Marketing mix Plan de Marketing Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la empresa Related activities: Ejercicio 3.1 y 3.2 Obtener una visión global del departamento de Dirección Comercial y de Ventas desde la óptica de gestión y optimización de recursos. Facilitar conocimientos y técnicas para la dirección comercial. (ENG) Tema 4: Diseños y modelos - La protección de la estética - Registro del diseño y modelo: nacional, comunitario, internacional - Diseño y modelo comunitario no registrado - Bases de datos Aprender a buscar en la base de datos y proteger los diseños bidimensionales y tridimensionales 7 / 14

8 Tema 4 Dirección de personal 1 Funciones del departamento de recursos humanos. 2 La incorporación de personas. 3 Evaluación y remuneración. 4 La formación. Related activities: Ejercicio propuesto en la práctica 4.5 Conocer las funciones del Departamento de Recursos Humanos en la empresa, así como los aspectos legales y psicológicos que afectan a la contratación y seguimiento del personal Tema 5. La Dirección Estratégica Conceptos Características de los mercados de competencia perfecta Objetivos de la dirección estratégica Identificación de la posición actual de la empresa Análisis estructural de los sectores La visión. La misión. Los valores. Related activities: Ejercicio propuesto en la práctica 5 Aprender a desarrollar el proceso de analizar, formular e implantar una Dirección Estratégica en la Empresa, especialmente en PYMES. 8 / 14

9 Planning of activities (ENG) 1A PARTE LEGISLACIÓN Hours: 14h 30m Self study: 7h Practical classes: 7h 30m name english Hours: 10h Practical classes: 10h name english Hours: 10h Theory classes: 10h name english Hours: 10h Theory classes: 10h name english Hours: 10h Theory classes: 10h name english Hours: 10h Practical classes: 10h name english Hours: 10h Theory classes: 10h name english Hours: 10h Theory classes: 10h (ENG) 2A PARTE GESTIÓN Hours: 0h Self study: 0h TEMA 1 INTRODUCCIÓN A LA CREACIÓN DE EMPRESAS Hours: 12h Self study: 12h 9 / 14

10 Revisar webs informativas sobre creación de empresas del tema 1 Ejercicio 1.1 (Exercici 1.1 excel.doc) Ejercicio Plan Empresa 1.2 (Exercici 1.2 creació emp.doc) Rellenar modelo de negocio Canvas Support materials: Ayudas de la hoja de cálculo de Excel y explicaciones del profesor. Al finalizar la práctica, el estudiante debe ser capaz de: - Utilizar las funciones básicas de Excel para comprender nociones económicas como el Beneficio, las variaciones porcentuales, etc. - Decidir en equipo determinadas características de una nueva sociedad. TEMA 2 DIRECCIÓN FINANCIERA Hours: 12h Self study: 12h Rellenar los datos iniciales de la Situación Ecónomico-Financiera de la nueva empresa (SituaciónEconómico- Financierta.xls) Revisar webs informativas sobre aspectos legales (Links tema 2.doc) Rellenar el apartado de Pérdidas y Ganancias y Balance de Situación (SituaciónEconómico-Financierta.xls Leer los Consejos s/ negocios en Internet (Links tema 2.2.doc) Calcular con la ayuda del excel del profesor el punto de equilibrio de la empresa recién creada. Support materials: Se pondrá a disposición de los alumnos diferentes hojas de Excel con un formato diseñado que deberán rellenar y adjuntar en un libro. Al finalizar la práctica, el estudiante debe ser capaz de: - Tener una visión global de los aspectos económico-financieros que componen el plan de empresa - Haber aprendido a saber obtener información de internet relacionada en el mercado y de otras variables del entorno económico. TEMA 3 DIRECCIÓN COMERCIAL Hours: 6h Self study: 6h Rellenar El ejercicio 3.1 y 3.2 sobre el Plan de marketing y el análisis de l competencia. Lectura del informe: Cómo darnos a conocer con poco dinero. Support materials: Se facilitará diversos excelso para confeccionar los ejercicio de marketing 10 / 14

11 Al finalizar la práctica, el estudiante debe ser capaz de:? Conocer uno determinado sector empresarial? Aprender a discutir en el seno de un grupo y sintetizar una de las posibles soluciones a un problema empresarial. TEMA 4 DIRECCIÓN DE PERSONAL Hours: 6h Self study: 6h Rellenar el apartado de personal en la empresa, de de un punto de visa funcional y legal Preparar varios casos reales sobre aspectos motivacionales en la empresa Support materials: Se repartirán varios casos reales para su discusión Conocer los aspectos legales y funcionales de un puesto de trabajo Profundizar en las diferentes causas que motivan a las personas. TEMA 5 DIRECCIÓN ESTRATÉGICA Hours: 6h Self study: 6h Añadir al Plan de Empresa el apartado Dirección Estratégica y rellenar los siguientes aspectos: - Análisis PESTEL - Poder negociador con clientes, proveedores, nueva competen - La estrategia de la empresa: la Visión, la misión, los valores Support materials: El profesor entregará unos formularios para que los alumnos lo rellenen. Aprender a desarrollar a analizar, formular e implantar una Dirección Estratégica en la empresa, a través del plan de empresa confeccionado por cada grupo 11 / 14

12 Qualification system Legislación 30% Examen final escrit. (setmana 15) 40% Examen Parcial 20% Prácticas grupales realitzadas en clase. 10% Actitud de aprendizaje: se evaluará la paticipación de alumno en las distintas actividades formativas propuestas por el profesor y su actitud de aprendizaje mediante un seguimiento de sus intervenciones en clase y de la proporción de ejercicios o prácticas realizados y presentados. Empresa: 25% Presentación del proyecto (semana 7). Consistirá en la presentación en grupo del Proyecto empresarial trabajado a lo largo del curso. 30% Examen final escrito (semana 15). 20% Practicas: presentación por grupos de las diversas fases del proyecto empresarial 15% Ejercicios realizados en clase. 10%: participación del alumno/a en las Actividades formativas de la materia, y la actitud de Aprendizaje, se evaluará mediante el seguimiento de las intervenciones en clase. La nota final de signatura será la nota media de las dos partes: Legislación y empresa. Los estudiantes que no superen la asignatura mediante la evaluación continuada tendrán la opción de presentarse a la reevaluación. Esta reevaluación se evaluará en base a un único examen que tendrá una parte teórica y otra práctica. En la parte de Legislación, la nota del examen de re-evaluación sustituye a la nota del examen final y a la del examen parcial. En la parte de gestión, la nota del examen de re-evaluación sustituye la del examen final, la de presentación del proyecto, y a la de ejercicios hechos en clase. 12 / 14

13 Bibliography Basic: Arnal Losilla, J.C. (coord.). Creación de empresa: los mejores textos. Barcelona: Ariel, ISBN Rosanas i Martí, J.M. Informació comptable per a la presa de decisions empresarials: una introducció a la comptabilitat. Barcelona: Ariel, ISBN Di Sciullo, Jean. Màrketing i comunicació de les institucions. Barcelona: Pleniluni, ISBN Werther, W.B.; Davis, K. Administración de personal y recursos humanos. 6ª ed. México: McGraw-Hill, ISBN Creació d'empreses. Barcelona: ACCID, Associació Catalana de Comptabilitat i Direcció, Diez de Castro, J.; Redondo López, C. Administración de empresas. Madrid: Pirámide, ISBN X. Pereira Soler, F. [et al.]. Contabilidad para dirección. 21ª ed. Pamplona: EUNSA, ISBN Santesmases Mestre, M. Marketing: conceptos y estrategias. 4ª ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, ISBN Contreras, S. La protección del honor, la intimidad y la propia imagen en internet. Cizur Menor, Navarra: Aranzadi, ISBN Verda, J.R. [et al.]. El derecho a la imagen desde todos los puntos de vista. Cizur Menor, Navarra: Aranzadi, ISBN Bercovitz, R. [et al.]. Manual de propiedad intelectual. 6ª ed. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, ISBN Orozco, M. Propiedad intelectual y nuevas tecnologías: problemas prácticos y teóricos. Cizur Menor, Navarra: Civitas, ISBN Miserachs, P. Estudios sobre la propiedad intelectual y la sociedad de la información: entre la ley y la utopía. Barcelona: Atelier, ISBN Fernández, C.; Otero, J.M.; Botana, M. Manual de la propiedad industrial. Madrid: Marcial Pons, ISBN Complementary: Documents publicats per l'organització Mundial de la Propietat Intel lectual. La invenció a la seva llar. La propietat intel lectual en la teva vida. Nocions bàsiques sobre el dret d'autor i els drets connexos. Documents publicats per l'oficina Espanyola de Patents i Marques. Qüestions bàsiques de les marques i els noms comercials. L'atractiu està en la forma. La protecció de les innovacions a Espanya. Qüestions bàsiques sobre patents i models d'utilitat [on line]. [Consultation: 10/04/2014]. Available on: < es_y_moduti.pdf>. Others resources: Hyperlink / 14

14 Audiovisual material Computer material CD Demo Strategic Bussiness. Pla que es facilitarà als alumnes a classe 14 / 14

EMP-M - Empresa

EMP-M - Empresa Unidad responsable: Unidad que imparte: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Curso: Titulación: 2018 GRADO EN MULTIMEDIA (Plan 2009). (Unidad docente Obligatoria) Créditos ECTS:

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EMP-F - Empresa

EMP-F - Empresa Unidad responsable: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Unidad que imparte: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Curso: Titulación: 2016 GRADO EN FOTOGRAFÍA

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EMP-M - Empresa

EMP-M - Empresa Unidad responsable: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Unidad que imparte: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Curso: Titulación: 2018 GRADO EN MULTIMEDIA

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EMP-M - Empresa

EMP-M - Empresa Unidad responsable: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Unidad que imparte: 804 - CITM - Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia Curso: Titulación: 2016 GRADO EN MULTIMEDIA

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BEDAPPI2-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects II

BEDAPPI2-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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DDM - Marketing and Digital Distribution

DDM - Marketing and Digital Distribution Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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M3D-A - 3D Modeling

M3D-A - 3D Modeling Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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A3D-M - 3D Animation

A3D-M - 3D Animation Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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PBL6-M - Project VI

PBL6-M - Project VI Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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310079 - Insurance and Legal Expertise

310079 - Insurance and Legal Expertise Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2014 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 732 - OE - Department of Management BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION

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Tools for the Planning and Management of Projects

Tools for the Planning and Management of Projects Coordinating unit: 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering Teaching unit: 758 - EPC - Department of Project and Construction Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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804235 - IDI - Interfaces Design and Interaction

804235 - IDI - Interfaces Design and Interaction Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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FI-M - Fundamentals of Informatics

FI-M - Fundamentals of Informatics Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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GM - Maintenance Management

GM - Maintenance Management Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ENERGY AND MINING

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BEFAA2-F - Area of Specialisation: Fine-Art and Authoring Photography II

BEFAA2-F - Area of Specialisation: Fine-Art and Authoring Photography II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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PBL5-M - Project V

PBL5-M - Project V Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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TCG - General Surveying and Cartography

TCG - General Surveying and Cartography Coordinating unit: 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering Teaching unit: 750 - EMIT - Department of Mining, Industrial and ICT Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MINING ENGINEERING

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SM - Mechanical Systems

SM - Mechanical Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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804056 - BEDAPPI1-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects I

804056 - BEDAPPI1-M - Area of Specialisation: Art Direction for Interactive Advertising Projects I Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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PBL2-M - Project II

PBL2-M - Project II Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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ECIM - Industrial Structures and Constructions

ECIM - Industrial Structures and Constructions Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 737 - RMEE - Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering

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SM - Mechanical Systems

SM - Mechanical Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

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Mechanics for Naval Engineering

Mechanics for Naval Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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BETMA6-M - Specialization Block in Applied Multimedia Technologies VI

BETMA6-M - Specialization Block in Applied Multimedia Technologies VI Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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AEM2-TEC - Learning and Teaching Technology in Secondary Education II

AEM2-TEC - Learning and Teaching Technology in Secondary Education II Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 270 FIB Barcelona School of Informatics 713 EQ Department of Chemical Engineering 707 ESA Department of Automatic Control MASTER'S

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Fundamentals of Programming

Fundamentals of Programming Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 205 - ESEIAAT - Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering 723 - CS - Department of Computer Science

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SIDI-K5O10 - Digital Systems

SIDI-K5O10 - Digital Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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GICA - Integral Management of Urban and Ecological Water Cycles

GICA - Integral Management of Urban and Ecological Water Cycles Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 480 - IS.UPC - University Research Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology 713 - EQ - Department of Chemical Engineering

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Vehicles ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicles ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN

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390302 - AFA - Animal Anatomy and Physiology

390302 - AFA - Animal Anatomy and Physiology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology BACHELOR'S

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BEFAA1-F - Area of Specialisation: Fine-Art and Authoring Photography I

BEFAA1-F - Area of Specialisation: Fine-Art and Authoring Photography I Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CTM - mage Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CTM - mage Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre BACHELOR'S

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CID - International Cooperation and Development

CID - International Cooperation and Development Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 751 - DECA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering MASTER'S

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FD-M - Fundamentals of Design

FD-M - Fundamentals of Design Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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DGRAF-A - Graphic Design

DGRAF-A - Graphic Design Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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EMP-M - Empresa

EMP-M - Empresa Unitat responsable: 804 - CITM - Centre de la Imatge i Tecnologia Multimèdia Unitat que imparteix: 804 - CITM - Centre de la Imatge i Tecnologia Multimèdia Curs: Titulació: 2018 GRAU EN MULTIMÈDIA (Pla

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Design of Sailing Yatchs

Design of Sailing Yatchs Coordinating unit: 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies Teaching unit: 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 MASTER'S DEGREE IN NAVAL AND OCEAN

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Advanced Machining Systems

Advanced Machining Systems Coordinating unit: 205 - ESEIAAT - Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering Teaching unit: 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering Academic year: Degree: 2018 MASTER'S

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FRM-F - Portrait and Fashion Photography

FRM-F - Portrait and Fashion Photography Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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RM - Strength of Materials

RM - Strength of Materials Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 737 - RMEE - Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Engineering

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AWUGI - Latest Generation Web Applications I

AWUGI - Latest Generation Web Applications I Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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GCSI-M - Colour Management and Printing Systems

GCSI-M - Colour Management and Printing Systems Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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IEAI-E6O09 - Electrical Installations and Industrial Automation

IEAI-E6O09 - Electrical Installations and Industrial Automation Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering 709 - EE - Department of Electrical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN

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330175 - EME - Mechanical Engineering

330175 - EME - Mechanical Engineering Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ENERGY AND MINING

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DAMO-I7P23 - Mobile Application Development

DAMO-I7P23 - Mobile Application Development Coordinating unit: 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering Teaching unit: 723 - CS - Department of Computer Science Academic year: Degree: 2016 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INFORMATICS ENGINEERING

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POI-M - Internet Programming

POI-M - Internet Programming Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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PAE - Applied Engineering Project

PAE - Applied Engineering Project Coordinating unit: 270 - FIB - Barcelona School of Informatics Teaching unit: 701 - AC - Department of Computer Architecture Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INFORMATICS ENGINEERING (Syllabus

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ADP - Learning, Behaviour and Personality Development

ADP - Learning, Behaviour and Personality Development Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 270 - FIB - Barcelona School of Informatics 410 - ICE - Institute of Education Sciences MASTER'S DEGREE IN SECONDARY AND UPPER

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280693 - Management Abilities

280693 - Management Abilities 280693 Management Abilities Last update: 08022016 Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 280 FNB Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 732 OE Department of Management

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DROPRO - Drones Design Projects

DROPRO - Drones Design Projects Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 300 - EETAC - Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering

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A2D-M - 2D Animation

A2D-M - 2D Animation Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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PPA - Airport Planning and Processes

PPA - Airport Planning and Processes Coordinating unit: 300 - EETAC - Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering Teaching unit: 748 - FIS - Department of Physics Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN AIRPORT

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Management Abilities

Management Abilities 280693 Management Abilities Last update: 13062018 Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 280 FNB Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 732 OE Department of Management

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Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engines and Systems

Operation and Maintenance of Marine Engines and Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 280 - FNB - Barcelona School of Nautical Studies 742 - CEN - Department of Nautical Sciences and Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN GEOMATICS ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING (Syllabus 2010). (Teaching unit Compulsory) 6 Teaching languages: Catalan, Spanish

BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN GEOMATICS ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING (Syllabus 2010). (Teaching unit Compulsory) 6 Teaching languages: Catalan, Spanish Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 732 - OE - Department of Management 751 - DECA - Department of Civil

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SSCI - Secret and Security in Information Coding

SSCI - Secret and Security in Information Coding Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 749 - MAT - Department of Mathematics BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ICT SYSTEMS ENGINEERING

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AWUGII - Latest Generation Web Applications II

AWUGII - Latest Generation Web Applications II Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2018 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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AC - Anthropology of the City

AC - Anthropology of the City Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 210 - ETSAB - Barcelona School of Architecture 756 - THATC - Department of History and Theory of Architecture and Communication

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SA-M - Audio Systems

SA-M - Audio Systems Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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DPERS-A - Character Design

DPERS-A - Character Design Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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MVV - Multiplication and Nurseries

MVV - Multiplication and Nurseries Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology BACHELOR'S

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EXPQO - Advanced Quantum Optics with Applications

EXPQO - Advanced Quantum Optics with Applications Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering 893 - ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences MASTER'S DEGREE

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MGOP - Project Methodology, Management and Orientation

MGOP - Project Methodology, Management and Orientation Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 330 - EPSEM - Manresa School of Engineering 717 - EGE - Department of Engineering Presentation BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELECTRICAL

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DIMA - Machine Design

DIMA - Machine Design Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 295 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MECHANICAL

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220025 - Aerospace Structures

220025 - Aerospace Structures Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 220 - ETSEIAT - Terrassa School of Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering 220 - ETSEIAT - Terrassa School of Industrial and

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PEE - Post-Production and Special Effects

PEE - Post-Production and Special Effects Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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PHOTOV - Optoelectronics and Photovoltaic Technology

PHOTOV - Optoelectronics and Photovoltaic Technology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering 710 - EEL - Department of Electronic Engineering MASTER'S DEGREE

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240ST1121 - Design of Supply Chain

240ST1121 - Design of Supply Chain Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2015 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 732 - OE - Department of Management MASTER'S DEGREE IN SUPPLY CHAINS,

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FIP-F - Industrial and Advertising Photography

FIP-F - Industrial and Advertising Photography Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre

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GSGA - Fundamentals of Sustainable Management and Environmental Management Systems

GSGA - Fundamentals of Sustainable Management and Environmental Management Systems Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2018 250 - ETSECCPB - Barcelona School of Civil Engineering 736 - PE - Department of Engineering Design MASTER'S DEGREE IN SUSTAINABILITY

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BMEBT - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Tools

BMEBT - Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Tools Coordinating unit: 390 - ESAB - Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering Teaching unit: 745 - EAB - Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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MTEM - Manufacturing Technology

MTEM - Manufacturing Technology Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2016 820 - EEBE - Barcelona East School of Engineering 712 - EM - Department of Mechanical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN MECHANICAL

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Occupational Health and Safety Management

Occupational Health and Safety Management Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 732 - OE - Department of Management MASTER'S DEGREE IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH

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240EO031 - Supply Chain Design

240EO031 - Supply Chain Design Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 732 - OE - Department of Management MASTER'S DEGREE IN MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING

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IMPROCES - Image Processing in Biophotonics

IMPROCES - Image Processing in Biophotonics Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 230 - ETSETB - Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry ERASMUS MUNDUS

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HD - Habilitats Directives

HD - Habilitats Directives Unitat responsable: Unitat que imparteix: Curs: Titulació: Crèdits ECTS: 2017 295 - EEBE - Escola d'enginyeria de Barcelona Est 732 - OE - Departament d'organització d'empreses GRAU EN ENGINYERIA ELÈCTRICA

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Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAM BMA & LAW. Subject-matter Degree Subject-matter Character. research

Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAM BMA & LAW. Subject-matter Degree Subject-matter Character. research COURSE DATA Data Subject Code 35801 Name Marketing Cycle Grade ECTS Credits 6.0 Academic year 2016 2017 Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period year 1313 Grado de Administración y FACULTY OF ECONOMICS 2 Second

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Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period

Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period COURSE DATA Data Subject Code 35792 Name Literatures of East Asia I Cycle Grade ECTS Credits 6.0 Academic year 2016-2017 Study (s) Degree Center Acad. Period year 1000 - G.Estudios Ingleses FACULTY OF

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Information Graphics Techniques for Architectural Surveys

Information Graphics Techniques for Architectural Surveys Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2011 310 - EPSEB - Barcelona School of Building Construction 708 - ETCG - Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geo-Sciences

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MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision

MECANISMES - Advanced Visual Models and Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Vision Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 370 - FOOT - Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry 731 - OO - Department of Optics and Optometry MASTER'S DEGREE IN OPTOMETRY

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PBL3-M - Project III

PBL3-M - Project III Coordinating unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Teaching unit: 804 - CITM - Image Processing and Multimedia Technology Centre Academic year: Degree: 2017 BACHELOR'S DEGREE

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Electric Mobility

Electric Mobility Coordinating unit: Teaching unit: Academic year: Degree: ECTS credits: 2017 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering 709 - EE - Department of Electrical Engineering BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN

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