Shopping for school supplies? Here is a list our PTSA has seen used on campus regularly!

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1 PLANNING FOR THE NEW YEAR As you head off to summer break, many families like to purchase new school supplies and clothing. Here are some guidelines to help you plan. Shopping for school supplies? Here is a list our PTSA has seen used on campus regularly! Binder Supplies: 3-ring Binder, 2-3 inch College Ruled Lined Paper (keep extra paper at home so you can refill binder supply when it is low.) 6 Dividers labeled by period o Sub Dividers (behind each subject s main divider) Language Arts-3 sub dividers Science- 3 sub dividers Social Studies- 2 sub dividers 2 folders with 2-pockets o Folder should be 3 hole punched o Label one Homework Folder o Label the other Returned work Folder Spiral Notebook for MATH ONLY (3-5 subject notebook) Composition Book for LANGUAGE ARTS ONLY Composition Book for ELECTIVE WHEEL ONLY School Supplies: Pencils- at least 5 Pencil sharpener or extra lead Blue, Black & Red pens Eraser Highlighters- 2 colors Glue sticks- at least 2 Colored Pencils and/or crayons Whiteboard markers- at least 3 Student scissors Other Recommended School Supplies: Washable markers (permanent markers are not permitted on campus) Pencil pouch Single sheet 3- hole punch with ruler SAMPLE STUDENT BINDER FOR OPTIMAL ORGANIZATION

2 PE Supplies: PE 3 Pin Plastic Pocket Folder PE Uniform Athletic Shoes (laced) Deodorant (Non Spray or aerosol) Athletic Socks (1) Physical Education 3 Pin Plastic Pocket Folder: -Students use a Plastic Pocket Folder with 3 pin clasps inside. -No 3 Ring binders, No Spiral notebooks, No Non-clasp Pocket folders. -The folder needs 4 dividers. You may buy them or make them yourself. -You need 40 sheets of notebook paper. (2) PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIFORMS: The daily uniform for physical education classes can be purchased at the student store and must be worn to P.E. every day (unless instructed otherwise by your P.E. teacher). The P.E. uniform will be marked by the teachers with the student s name during the second week of school by their P.E. teacher. A black permanent ink marker is used to write the last name followed by the first name (or first initial on shorts and sweats). No nicknames, aliases or any other writing will be permitted. Example PE Shirt Example PE Shorts Example PE Sweats No markings other than student s name shall appear on the Physical Education uniform. Any additional writing/markings will not be allowed. Students whose uniforms have these markings will be required to purchase a new uniform. (3) ATHLETIC TYPE SHOES: Must have laces and cannot be boots, flats, vans, or dress style shoes. (4) Deodorant No spray or aerosol deodorants, perfumes, or axe like sprays. Roll on only. (5) ATHLETIC SOCKS: Must have some sort of absorbent footing. No bare feet or dress type socks Some teachers may have specific supplies to be announced **Please remember to replenish supplies throughout the year** If you have questions on how to set-up your binder, watch the video on the counseling website (coming this summer) or ask your teachers!

3 Shopping for school clothes? Here are the dress and grooming policies at CCMS The following guidelines shall apply to attendance at school and all school activities and events: Students shall give proper attention to personal cleanliness and neatness of dress we want students to dress for success! Pajamas are not allowed at school. Shoes that are closed toe and closed back are to be worn at all times. No slippers, house shoes or shoes with high heels (this includes wedges) are allowed. Students must have proper shoes for PE (Crocs, Toms, Uggs and ballet flats are not proper shoes) and students will earn a non-dress for the day. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through, sheer, see through lace, fishnet fabrics (clothing with large holes), halter tops, off the shoulder, low cut tops, bare midriffs, short skirts and shorts, and swimwear are prohibited. See through shirts may be worn over a t-shirt that meets dress code. ALL TANK TOPS MUST HAVE STRAPS 1 wide no spaghetti straps. *ALL skirts and shorts must be as long as the index finger when hands are placed to the student s side. All shorts must meet dress code length. Jeans with holes are allowed as long as the holes/rips are not excessive No piercings that pose a safety risk of any kind are allowed. Dress, grooming or accessories that are considered unsafe, dangerous, a health hazard or disruptive to the learning environment shall not be allowed. Clothing and accessories may not have spikes or any other metal parts that may be a safety concern. Chain wallets and bandanas are prohibited. Dress, accessories and jewelry which contain obscene symbols, signs or slogans, and/or which slur or degrade on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, sex, disability or sexual orientation and impose a threat of imminent violence or disruption to the orderly operation of the school shall not be worn. Dress, grooming or accessories that contain language or symbols supporting sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or gang association shall not be worn. Baggy pants are not to be worn. Pants need to be properly fitted and/or worn with a belt. We should not see under garments (i.e. boys underwear/boxers; girls bras, undershirts or underwear). Only Culver City Middle School hats are allowed on campus. Hats and hoods are expected to be removed inside classrooms, library, etc. CCMS hats are available for purchase at registration and from the student store. Students faces must be fully visible at all times. No extreme or inappropriate facial makeup or masks are allowed. The principal, staff, students and parents/guardian at each school may establish reasonable dress and grooming regulations for times when students are engaged in extra-curricular or other special school activities. Students appearing on school grounds in violation of the dress code will be counseled and given PE clothes to wear or as appropriate, sent home to change clothing. After the first offense, students will receive a Friday detention. A student who willfully and continuously violates the dress code may be subject to disciplinary action according to the school discipline matrix.

4 PLANEANDO PARA EL PROXIMO AÑO Estaremos comenzando las vacaciones de verano, y hay algunas familias que les gusta comprar útiles y ropa nueva para la escuela. Aquí están algunas directrices para ayudarlos a planear. Va ir de compras? Aquí esta una lista de lo que nuestro PTSA ha usado regularmente en nuestro campo escolar! Útiles Para la Carpeta: Carpeta de 3 anillos, 2-3 pulgadas Hojas de papel de renglón angosto (guarda papel adicional en casa para que tengas con que surtirte cuando te haga falta.) 6 divisores marcados por periodo o Sub- Divisores (de tras del divisor principal de cada materia) Arte de Lenguaje-3 sub divisores Ciencia- 3 sub divisores Estudios Sociales- 2 sub divisores 2 carpetas con 2-compartimentos o La carpeta debe de tener 3 agujeros perforados o Marca una Homework Folder o Marca la otra Returned work Folder Cuaderno con espiral de hojas para MATEMÁTICAS SOLAMENTE ( cuaderno de 3-5 materias) Libro de Composición para ARTE DE LENGUAJE SOLAMENTE Libro de Composición para LA RUEDA ELECTIVA SOLAMENTE Útiles Escolares: Lápices- de menos 5 Sacapuntas o recambio de mina Plumas con tinta de color Azul, Negro y Rojo Borrador de Goma Marcadores fluorescentes- 2 colores Tubitos de pegadura- de menos 2 Caja de Lápices de color y/o crayones Marcadores de borrado en seco- de menos 3 Tijeras estudiantiles ard markers- at least 3Student scissors Algunos Otros Útiles Recomendados para la Escuela: Marcadores lavables (marcadores de tinta permanente no son permitidos en el campo escolar Bolsa para guardar los lápices y plumas Un perforador de 3 agujeros para una hoja singular con una regla

5 Útiles para el Curso de Educación Física: Un cuaderno de 3 pasadores con un bolsillo de plástico Uniforme de Educación Física Zapatos Deportivos (con agujetas) Desodorante (Que no sea spray o Aerosol) Calcetines Deportivos (1) Cuaderno para Educación Física de 3 pasadores y un bolsillo de plástico: -Necesitas un Cuaderno con un bolsillo de plástico y 3 pasadores adentro (como el ejemplo). -Que nos sean Carpetas de 3 anillos, carpetas con espiral de hojas de papel, y que no tengan los pasadores -Vas a necesitar 4 divisores. Los puedes comprar o hacerlos tu mismo/a. -Necesitas 40 hojas de papel. (2) UNIFORMES DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA: Puedes comprar el uniforme para el curso de educación física en la tienda estudiantil y lo debes de usar cada día que tengas la clase de educación física (al menos que el maestro/a de educación física diga lo contrario). El uniforme de Educación Física será marcado por el maestro/a con el nombre del estudiante durante la segunda semana de escuela por su maestro/a de educación física. Un marcador de tinta permanente color negro será usado para escribir el apellido y el primer nombre del estudiante (o su primera inicial para los pantalones cortos (shorts) y en los pantalones deportivos). No se permitirá escribir sobre nombres, o cualquier otro tipo de escritura. Ejemplo: PE Shirt Ejemplo: PE Shorts Ejemplo: PE Sweats Ningún tipo de marca fuera del nombre del estudiante debe aparecer en el uniforme de Educación Física. Cualquiera otra marca o escritura adicional no es permitida. Los estudiantes que tengan este tipo de marcas tendrán que comprar un uniforme nuevo (3) ZAPATOS TIPO DEPORTIVO: Deben de tener agujetas y no pueden ser botas, zapatos sin tacón, tenis marca Vans o zapatos de vestir. (4) Desodorante Los desodorantes no deben ser tipo espray o de aerosol, tener perfume o que sean espray similar a la marca Axe. Solamente debe de ser tipo roll on. (5) CALCETINES DEPORTIVOS: Debe de tener algún tipo de material absorbente. No se permite no usar calcetines o calcetines de vestir Puede ser que algunos maestros tengan útiles específicos **Por favor recuerda surtir tus útiles durante el año escolar** Si tienes preguntas de cómo preparar tu carpeta, mira el video en la página de Internet de la oficina de consejería o pregúntales a tus maestros!

6 Va comprar ropa nueva para la escuela? Aquí están las normas de vestir y para el aseo personal Las siguientes directrices se aplicaran a la asistencia a la escuela y todas las actividades y eventos escolares: Los estudiantes le darán la atención apropiada a su limpieza y arreglo personal en su forma de vestir queremos que todos los estudiantes vistan para el éxito! Pijamas no son permitidas en la escuela. Los zapatos deben ser cerrados de enfrente y cerrados en la parte de atrás y deben de ser puestos a toda hora. No se permiten pantuflas, zapatos para la casa o zapatos con tacón alto (esto incluye el tacón corredizo). Los estudiantes deben de usar zapatos apropiados para Educación Física (Crocs, Toms, Uggs y zapatillas de ballet no son zapatos apropiados) y los estudiantes recibirán un día de no vestirse para la clase de educación física. La ropa debe de tapar suficientemente la ropa interior en todo momento. Ropa que se trasluzca, de tela delgadita, encaje, ropa con agujeros, blusas que enseñen la espalda, esten bajo del hombro, blusas cortas, blusas descotadas, faldas cortas y pantalones cortos (shorts), y trajes de baño son prohibidas. Puede vestir con blusas de tela delgadita si es puesto encima de una camiseta que está bajo el código de vestir. *TODAS las faldas y pantalones cortos deben de tener la medida de lo largo del brazo hasta el dedo índice cuando las alumnas coloquen sus manos al lado. Todos los pantalones cortos deben de satisfacer el código de vestir. Pantalones de mezclilla con agujeros son permitidos mientras que los agujeros/lo roto no sea excesivo. No se permiten aretes/joyas (perforaciones) en el cuerpo o en la cara que puedan causar un riesgo de cualquier tipo. Ropa, arreglo personal o accesorios que sean considerados arriesgados, peligrosos, que sean de peligro para la salud o destructivos al entorno de aprendizaje no serán permitidos. Ropa y accesorios no pueden tener picos o cualquier otro tipo de partes de metal que puedan ser una preocupación a la seguridad. Las carteras con cadenas y pañuelos (tipo bandana) son prohibidas. Ropa, accesorios y joyas que contengan símbolos obscenos, signos o consignas, y/o que insulten o degraden en base a raza, religión, etnicidad, sexo, discapacidad o orientación sexual y imponga una amenaza de violencia inminente o trastorne la operación ordenada de la escuela no deben de ser usados. Ropa, arreglo personal o accesorios que contengan lenguaje o símbolos que apoyen el sexo, drogas, alcohol, tabaco o asociadas con una pandilla no deben de ser usados. Pantalones flojos y anchos no deben de ser usados. Los pantalones deben de quedar apropiadamente ajustados o con un fajo. No debemos ver la ropa interior (ejemplo: para los jóvenes calzoncillos; para las jovencitas brasier, camisetas tipo playera o calzoncillos). Solamente gorras/cachuchas de la Escuela Intermedia de Culver City son permitidas en el campo escolar. Se espera que se quiten las gorras/cachuchas y las capas de las sudaderas dentro del salón, biblioteca, etc. Las gorras de la Escuela Intermedia se pueden comprar el día que matricule a su hijo/a y también están disponibles en la tienda escolar. Las caras de los estudiantes deben ser visibles a toda hora. No se permite maquillaje facial inapropiado o muy extremo o mascaras. La directora, el personal escolar y los padres/tutores en cada escuela pueden establecer el vestuario razonable y las regulaciones para el arreglo personal cuando los estudiantes estén participando en actividades especiales o extra-curriculares.

7 Los estudiantes que lleguen al campo escolar en violación del código de vestir serán aconsejados y se les dará ropa de educación física para usar o si es apropiado serán mandados a casa para cambiarse de ropa. Después de la primera ofensa, los estudiantes recibirán detención del viernes. Un estudiante que voluntariamente y continuamente viole el código de vestir puede ser sujeto a acción disciplinaria según las reglas de disciplina escolar.

School Supply List for Pre-Kindergarten

School Supply List for Pre-Kindergarten 2016-2017 School Supply List for Pre-Kindergarten Lista del Material Escolar para Pre-Kindergarten 2016-2017 (2) Boxes 24 count crayons (12) Sharpened #2 pencils (1) Bottle (4 ounce) white school glue

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WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! BELL SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF 8/22-8/26. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday CCMS ZERO PERIOD BEGINS AT 7:20.

WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! BELL SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF 8/22-8/26. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday CCMS ZERO PERIOD BEGINS AT 7:20. THE FIRST PAW PRINT WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! BELL SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF 8/22-8/26 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday FIRST DAY! Students report to period 7 Panther Prep CCHS ZERO Period begins at 7:05

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Items NOT needed and will be sent home if brought: scissors ruler pencil sharpener

Items NOT needed and will be sent home if brought: scissors ruler pencil sharpener Kindergarten 2016-2017 These are supplies that will be helpful for your child to bring. These items will be collected and be used in centers: crayola markers (thick or thin) colored pencils wooden pencils

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ACMS 6 th Grade School Supply List:

ACMS 6 th Grade School Supply List: ADAMS CITY MIDDLE SCHOOL Jennifer Skrobela, Principal 303-853-5446 Registration, Sharon Deaguero ACMS 6 th Grade 2015-16 School Supply List: Required Supplies: 1 3-inch binder 2 packs of HEAVY DUTY dividers

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KINDER KINDERGARTEN. Niñas 1 Paquete de Toallas de Bebe 1 Caja de Bolsitas de Ziploc (tamaño chico 50 en total)

KINDER KINDERGARTEN. Niñas 1 Paquete de Toallas de Bebe 1 Caja de Bolsitas de Ziploc (tamaño chico 50 en total) KINDERGARTEN KINDER 2 Pkgs. Washable Markers (8 ct Classic color) 1 Pair 5 Scissors (blunt) 2 Bottles of Glue (4 oz.) 4 Thick Plastic Pocket Folders with Brads (solid colors) 1 1½" 3-ring White Binder

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Thomas Edison Elementary School 3125 N. Hancock Ave. Colorado Springs, CO (719)

Thomas Edison Elementary School 3125 N. Hancock Ave. Colorado Springs, CO (719) Thomas Edison Elementary School 3125 N. Hancock Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719)328-2800 Supply List 2016-2017 La traducción al español de la lista de materiales está siguiendo la lista en Inglés.

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GOOSE CREEK CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Baytown, Texas LIST OF SUPPLIES FOR ASHBEL SMITH LEMENTARY 2009-2010 KINDERGARTEN 24 Primary Pencils 12 White glue sticks 1 Markers (8 count) 2 boxes Primary 8 crayons 1 bottle White liquid glue 4 oz. 4 pkg. 950 sheets ea.) Construction paper, 9x12, 80 lbs. wt.,

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1325 Park Avenue ~ Racine, WI ~53403 (262) ~

1325 Park Avenue ~ Racine, WI ~53403 (262) ~ 1325 Park Avenue ~ Racine, WI ~53403 (262) 664-8500 ~ Racine Civil Leaders Academy ~ School Supply List / Lista de Útiles Escolares ~ 2016/17 Please label the supplies with your

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GOOSE CREEK CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Baytown, Texas LIST OF SUPPLIES FOR ASHBEL SMITH LEMENTARY KINDERGARTEN 24 Primary Pencils 12 White glue sticks 1 Markers (8 count) 2 boxes Primary 8 crayons 1 bottle White liquid glue 4 oz. 4 pkg. 950 sheets ea.) Construction paper, 9x12, 80 lbs. wt., assorted

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School Supply List Briarwood Academy Grades K-5

School Supply List Briarwood Academy Grades K-5 School Supply List 2016-2017 Briarwood Academy Grades K-5 Kindergarten Student Supply List 1 box of crayons 2 Big pencils (thick) 2 boxes of tissues 1 spiral notebook 1 composition notebook Hand sanitizer

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Malvern Elementary School

Malvern Elementary School Malvern Elementary School 2010-2011 School Supply List KINDERGARTEN 2 16ct Crayola crayons (no Rose Art) 1 box Washable Crayola thick classic markers (no Rose Art) 2 sets Dry erase markers 1 pkg #2 Pencils

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1 st Grade. 2 nd Grade

1 st Grade. 2 nd Grade Kindergarten (Please do not label supplies, we share all) 3 primary ruled picture/story composition notebooks 8-10 glue sticks 2 boxes of 24 Crayola Crayons 4-6 black dry erase markers 1 package of 12

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Washington Primary School Kindergarten Supply List

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IDEA Alamo School Supply Lists *If your child s grade level is not listed, please contact the campus directly.

IDEA Alamo School Supply Lists *If your child s grade level is not listed, please contact the campus directly. IDEA Alamo 07 8 School Supply Lists *If your child s grade level is not listed, please contact the campus directly. Pre-K 07-08 Quantity Item 48 Pencils 4 Large, Pink Eraser Pair of Scissors, Blunt Tip

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KMS 6 th Grade Supply List 2015 2016

KMS 6 th Grade Supply List 2015 2016 KMS 6 th Grade Supply List 2015 2016 2 in Binder MUST BE 2 Set of 8 dividers Binder zipper pouch for pencils 5 College Ruled Spiral notebooks 2 for math 2 for Science 1 for Language Arts 1 College Ruled

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Mercedes ISD Taylor Elementary

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Mercedes ISD Taylor Elementary

Mercedes ISD Taylor Elementary PRE-KINDER SUPPLY LIST LISTA DE UTILES DE PRE-KINDER 1 -Full Change of Clothes ( If Needed)/1 -Cambio de Ropa ( Si es Necesario) 2 -Large Boxes of Kleenex/2 -Cajas Grandes de Kleenex 3 -Boxes of thin Crayola

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Brazos Elementary School Supply List

Brazos Elementary School Supply List Pre-Kindergarten 1 large glue stick 1 box of 8 FAT crayons not fluorescent or sparkled 2 boxes of 16 SKINNY crayons not fluorescent or sparkled 2 red pocket folders for R.O.A.R. 2 blue pocket folders 1

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MATTHYS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST MATTHYS ELEMENTARY 2016 2017 SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST The items listed below are school supplies that are necessary for your child s class work. Parents are requested to purchase these as needed throughout the

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Brazos Elementary School Supply List

Brazos Elementary School Supply List Pre-Kindergarten 1 set of ear buds for Computer class 1 package of Crayola washable markers 1 package dry erase markers (SKINNY) EXPO Brand Only 3 large glue sticks OR 6 small glue sticks 2 boxes of 16

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Frederick Douglass Elementary School School Year

Frederick Douglass Elementary School School Year Kindergarten Supply List 1 Pencil box Approximately 8 X 5 inches, in which to store items such as crayons, scissors, glue, etc. Spiral Notebook Large Elmer s glue sticks Crayons (16 pack or 24 pack, regular

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PEARL HALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST School Supply Drop Off Night Thursday, August 18 5pm-6:30pm

PEARL HALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST School Supply Drop Off Night Thursday, August 18 5pm-6:30pm PRE-KINDER 1 School pouch with metal zipper 2 Husky pencils #2 or my first Ticonderoga # 2 3 Boxes of crayons, 16 per box, LARGE (Crayola colors) 1 Scissors, kids blunt tip (Fiskar metal) AGE 4 3 Large

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PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FRAZIER ELEMENTARY LISTA DE UTILES ESCOLARES GRADO 1 LISTA DE UTILES ESCOLARES GRADO 1 Los siguientes artículos son los útiles escolares necesarios para los trabajos de clase de su hijo/a en Primer Año. Se les requiere a los padres que compren estos útiles

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GPISD Elementary School Dress Code

GPISD Elementary School Dress Code GPISD Elementary School Dress Code Attire Slacks, shorts, skorts, jumpers: Collared shirts or blouses: Colors Navy Blue, Khaki, Black dress code bottoms Any solid color Spirit Day Principal to designate

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Uniforms for Primary School (Grades K-3)

Uniforms for Primary School (Grades K-3) Uniforms for Primary School (Grades K-3) Scholars elect to attend Uplift Lee Preparatory because they are serious about their education. The philosophy underlying the school uniform is the creation of

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Major Cheney Elementary Pre-Kindergarten 3 Supply List Pre-packaged school supplies may be purchased from the school. Pre-Kindergarten 3 Supply List 2016-2017 2 boxes Crayola crayons, non-toxic, 8 count (Crayones Crayola) 1 box washable Crayola markers, 8 count (Marcadores marca Crayola) 4 glue sticks Elmer s or Avery

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Kindergarten supply list John J. Pershing Elementary

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Español Inglés Español Inglés. 26. Llevo. Los colores. 27. blanco/a. 28. negro/a. 30. rojo/a. 31. gris. 32. azul. 33. verde. 35. marrón.

Español Inglés Español Inglés. 26. Llevo. Los colores. 27. blanco/a. 28. negro/a. 30. rojo/a. 31. gris. 32. azul. 33. verde. 35. marrón. Español Inglés Español Inglés La ropa 22. Los jeans 1. El suéter 23. Los pantalones cortos 2. Los pantalones 24. El traje de baño 3. El pijama 25. Qué llevas? 4. El traje 26. Llevo 5. La chaqueta 6. La

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Thomas Jefferson School Joliet Grade School - District 86 Supply List KINDERGARTEN

Thomas Jefferson School Joliet Grade School - District 86 Supply List KINDERGARTEN Supply List KINDERGARTEN 12 Pencils (regular #2 plain yellow pencils no designs) for classroom use Please Sharpen 1 Boxes of 8 Crayola Crayons for beginning of year 3 Boxes of 24 Crayola Crayons 8 Glue

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McCornack Elementary School Supply List

McCornack Elementary School Supply List 2016-2017 McCornack Elementary School Supply List Kindergarten: 1 Large Box of Facial Tissue 1 Fiskar s Pointed Scissors 1 Crayola Watercolor Paints 1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer 2 Pink Pearl Erasers 3 Two

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Supply List. Students will need the following items to have a successful year in fifth grade:

Supply List. Students will need the following items to have a successful year in fifth grade: Supply List Students will need the following items to have a successful year in fifth grade: 4 composition notebooks. 1 flexible binder/ folder with loose sheets of paper. black pens (NO BLUE PENS) 1 eraser

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Thomas Jefferson School Joliet Grade School - District 86 Supply List KINDERGARTEN

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Bellwood School District 88 Distrito Escolar 88 de Bellwood School Supplies District Wide Lista de Útiles de Todo el Distrito

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zapatos de tenis para dejar en la escuela 1 12pk colored pencils 1 caja de lapices de colores 4 gluesticks 2 barras de pegamento

zapatos de tenis para dejar en la escuela 1 12pk colored pencils 1 caja de lapices de colores 4 gluesticks 2 barras de pegamento Grade 5 Supply List Grado 5 Lista de materiales 1 pencil sharpener w/cover 1 sacapuntas 10 wide-ruled spiral notebooks 10 cuadernos espirales con lineas grandes 8 2-pocket folders 8 carpetas con bolsillos

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LISTA DE MATERIALES PARA KINDER AÑO LECTIVO LISTA DE MATERIALES PARA KINDER AÑO LECTIVO 2017 2018 1 Marcador de de tiza líquida cualquier color 1 Cuaderno de Grafomotricidad #3 ANAYA 40 Cartulinas A-4 blancas 10 Cartulinas tamaño A3 (Blancas) 1

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2016-2017 ALL SUPPLIES MUST BE LABELED WITH THE CHILD S NAME Pheasant Ridge School Supply List 2016-2017 ALL SUPPLIES MUST BE LABELED WITH THE CHILD S NAME Please be aware that some supplies may need to be refilled throughout the year. Kindergarten (Please see teachers

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Sawyer Road Elementary School Uniform Dress

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ECISD Elementary Supply List

ECISD Elementary Supply List Kindergarten 2015-2016 ECISD Elementary Supply List First Grade 3 boxes Crayola Crayons (24 ct.) 3 boxes Crayola Crayons (24 ct.) 3 plastic folders with brads and pockets 5 plastic folders with brads and

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Los materiales escolares

Los materiales escolares Los materiales escolares la mochila un cuaderno, un bloc una carpeta un libro una calculadora un marcador una hoja de papel un bolígrafo, una pluma un disquete una goma de borrar un lápiz, dos lápices

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 KING CITY UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Dress Code Policy

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LIBERTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLIES (GR K-1) LIBERTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLIES (GR K-1) All students are required to pay a $20 school supply fee, which covers all materials except a backpack and lunch bag (optional). SOUTH PRAIRIE SCHOOL SUPPLY

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KINDERGARTEN MATERIALS LIST KINDERGARTEN MATERIALS LIST {All supplies may be brought in during the Teacher Meet and Greet activity} 1 Box Baby Wipes (80 count or more) 4 Primary Composition Books NO spiral notebooks 4 Duo-Tang Folder

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Primary Uniform Requirements

Primary Uniform Requirements Gentleman Scholar Primary Uniform Requirements Plaid Infinity tie((**) White Infinity knit Peter Pan polo (**) Infinity short or longsleeved, button down shirt(**) Black belt Lady Scholar or Khaki Infinity

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Spring Creek School Supply List 2014 15 Kindergarten

Spring Creek School Supply List 2014 15 Kindergarten 1 Back Pack (No Wheels-Please) Spring Creek School Supply List 2014 15 Kindergarten 1 Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitizer ONLY BOYS BRING THESE 1 Box of Tissues large 1 Folder 2 Primary Journal No Spirals 2

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PERSHING ELEMENTARY KINDERGARTEN SUPPLY LIST PERSHING ELEMENTARY KINDERGARTEN SUPPLY LIST Please send the following to school with your child on the first or second day of school. Thank you! 1 BOOKBAG **** 6 BOXES OF CRAYONS (BOX OF 16) - NORMAL

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Supply List Pre-Kindergarten

Supply List Pre-Kindergarten Pre-Kindergarten 1 9x12 Manila Construction Paper 1 Cardstock 1 9x12 Heavy Weight Colored Construction Paper 1 Blunt 5 Fiskar Scissors 1 Baby wipes 2 24 ct. Crayola Crayons 2 Plastic Folders with pockets

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School SUPPLY Lists First Grade Supply List/ Lista de UTiles primer grado:

School SUPPLY Lists First Grade Supply List/ Lista de UTiles primer grado: First Grade Supply List/ Lista de UTiles primer grado: 4 packages of crayons 5 dozen pencils 1 package of 5 dry erase markers 10 plain (black and white) composition notebooks 1 pair of scissors 5 plastic

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Capítulo 7A. el los la. abrigo calcetines chaqueta. la la la. blusa camisa falda. las la la. botas camiseta gorra

Capítulo 7A. el los la. abrigo calcetines chaqueta. la la la. blusa camisa falda. las la la. botas camiseta gorra Vocabulary Flash Cards, Sheet 1 Write the Spanish vocabulary word below each picture. If there is a word or phrase, copy it in the space provided. e sure to include the article for each noun. el los la

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LISTA DE UTILES PARA EL PRE-ESCOLAR Sra. Siegel LISTA DE UTILES PARA EL PRE-ESCOLAR Sra. Siegel 2014-2015 Mochila que mida más de 9 x 12 con un cierre (para sostener proyecto grande) Ropas para cambiarse en una bolsa plástica cerrable marcada con el

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WLA Uniform Policy

WLA Uniform Policy Brittney Bennett Laurie Hitzges Marla Lear Principal Principal Assistant Principal WLA Uniform Policy 2017-2018 To make sure your child is in the appropriate attire, please check below: *WLA students may

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Estock Elementary Supply List First Grade / Primer Grado. Estock Elementary Supply List

Estock Elementary Supply List First Grade / Primer Grado. Estock Elementary Supply List First Grade / Primer Grado Se aprecia mucho la 1 dozen pencils #2 1 docena de lápizes #2 2 boxes 16 count crayons 2 cajas de crayones de 16 1 dozen glue sticks 1 docena de tubos de pegamento 2 boxes facial

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lunes, 10 de noviembre 2014

lunes, 10 de noviembre 2014 El Campanero lunes, 10 de noviembre 2014 Complete the sentence with the correct form of the adjective: Es un perro muy (smart). Qué (funny) es Raúl! Miguel es muy (hard-working). Cuál es el platillo nacional

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Kindergarten Supply List

Kindergarten Supply List Kindergarten Supply List Supplies Backpack (Full size) Quantity Change of Clothes (including socks & underwear, labeled with your child s name in a plastic bag) Art Smock or old shirt for art (big enough

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5th Grade Web Page Sitio Web de 5 o Grado

5th Grade Web Page Sitio Web de 5 o Grado Bienvenidos a la junta de 5 o Grado Welcome to the 5th Grade Back to School Night Meeting Maestra Canfield - Salón 14 Maestra Gutierrez - Salón 15 Maestra Shahidinejad - Salón 26 5th Grade Web Page Sitio

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School Year Supply List Lista de Útiles Escolares para el año

School Year Supply List Lista de Útiles Escolares para el año All PRE-K School Supplies are optional! Todos los Útiles de Pre-escolar son opcionales! Preschool AM Classes Clases de la Mañana Pre-escolar english: español: 1 pkg. napkins 2 rolls paper towels 1 pkg.

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Pre Kinder 2014 2015

Pre Kinder 2014 2015 Pre Kinder 2014 2015 Dear Parents, I am not requesting supplies for next year I have plenty to start off the year. However if by the middle of the year I need supplies I will then send a note home to request.

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Dress Code Middle School Division (Grades 6 to 8) Versión en español al final

Dress Code Middle School Division (Grades 6 to 8) Versión en español al final Dress Code 2017-2018 Middle School Division (Grades 6 to 8) Versión en español al final All students must wear garments according to the dress code beginning the first day of school and must meet all the

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Por favor no mande útiles que no estén incluidos en esta lista

Por favor no mande útiles que no estén incluidos en esta lista South Elementary School Supply List Kindergarten Mrs. Juskiewicz Dear Parent, The following is a list of supplies that your child will need to bring on the first day of school. Several of the items may

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Oakton Kindergarten School Supply List/ Lista de útiles para Kinder

Oakton Kindergarten School Supply List/ Lista de útiles para Kinder Oakton Kindergarten School Supply List/ Lista de útiles para Kinder 3 Boxes #2 Pencils (12 count) (Ticonderoga)/ 3 cajas de lápices de #2 (12 en cada caja) (Ticonderoga) 3 boxes (24 count) Crayola crayons/

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La Porte Independent School District Elementary Dress Code

La Porte Independent School District Elementary Dress Code 2017 2018 La Porte Independent School District Elementary Dress Code The La Porte ISD Elementary Dress Code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards.

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LOS OBJETOS DE LA CLASE LOS OBJETOS DE LA CLASE Vocabulary la ventana la ventana window el borrador el borrador eraser la profesora la profesora female teacher el lápiz el lápiz pencil el escritorio el escritorio teacher s desk

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ATKINSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLIES LIST 2016-2017 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ATKINSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLIES LIST 2016-2017 The items listed below are school supplies that are necessary for your child s class work. Parents are requested

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IV. DRESS CODE. CDCPS-Gateway CDCPS shirts with logos are available to purchase.

IV. DRESS CODE. CDCPS-Gateway CDCPS shirts with logos are available to purchase. IV. DRESS CODE Community Day Charter Public Schools maintain a uniform dress code in order to eliminate status dressing and reduce costs for parents and create a group identity for each school. CDCPS reserve

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(Revised ) La Porte ISD Secondary (6 th 12 th Grade) Dress Code Dress and Grooming

(Revised ) La Porte ISD Secondary (6 th 12 th Grade) Dress Code Dress and Grooming (Revised 8-30-2016) La Porte ISD Secondary (6 th 12 th Grade) Dress Code 2016-17 Dress and Grooming LPISD believes that personal appearance matters both in the workplace and in the community. The purpose

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DOÑA ANA COUNTY HEAD START TOILET TRAINING PLAN LETTER TO PARENT DOÑA ANA COUNTY HEAD START TOILET TRAINING PLAN LETTER TO PARENT : Child s Name: Center: Dear: Attached is a copy of the toilet training plan for your child which we will be using at the center. We are

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1 st Grade Supply List: 2015-2016

1 st Grade Supply List: 2015-2016 st Grade Supply List: 205-206 Supplies for 205-206 # Checklist Anti-Bacterial Wipes Art Smock (old shirt) Backpack Clipboard Composition Notebook (WIDE-RULED) Crayola Crayons (box of 24) Dry Erase ERASER

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Prueba de práctica Matemáticas 10 grado

Prueba de práctica Matemáticas 10 grado Sistema de evaluación global de Massachusetts Prueba de práctica Matemáticas 10 grado Nombre del estudiante Nombre de la escuela Nombre del distrito escolar Ésta es una prueba de práctica. Las respuestas

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Pre-K Supply List Motley Elementary

Pre-K Supply List Motley Elementary Pre-K Supply List 3 boxes of crayola crayons (16 ct) 2 boxes of kleenex 2 packages of 8 1/2 x 11 or 9 x 12 manila paper 1 package of 8 1/2 x 11 or 9 x 12 multi-colored construction paper 1 pair of scissors

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Kerr Middle School. School-Year Dress Code

Kerr Middle School. School-Year Dress Code Kerr Middle School School-Year Dress Code As part of Kerr s Restructuring Plan, the Board of Education has approved a school uniform policy. This policy will help ensure that the focus of our students

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Unidad 4. De compras. Write, in Spanish, a list of things you ll need in order to do these activities.

Unidad 4. De compras. Write, in Spanish, a list of things you ll need in order to do these activities. Unidad 4 De compras 1 Palabras Write, in Spanish, a list of things you ll need in order to do these activities. 1. You are going to do your math homework. Answers will vary but may include: un lápiz, una

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Shumway Elementary School Verano 2015

Shumway Elementary School Verano 2015 Shumway Sparkle Shumway Elementary School Verano 2015 Horario de Verano de Oficina 17 a 25 de Junio Lunes Jueves 7:30am 12:30pm Cerrado los Viernes 29 de Junio a 3 de Julio Oficina Cerrada 6 de Julio Horario

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School Year Supply List Lista de Útiles Escolares para el año

School Year Supply List Lista de Útiles Escolares para el año All PRE-K School Supplies are optional! Todos los Útiles de Pre-escolar son opcionales! Preschool AM Classes Clases de la Mañana Pre-escolar 1 pkg. Napkins 1 roll Paper towels 1 pkg. Baby wipes 1 box Facial

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Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280

Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280 Nombre: Español 2 Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Maestra Srta. Verdos Correo electrónico Teléfono 312-265-9925 ext. 4214 Código para clase de Google

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Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Early Childhood Education (ECE) Ellis Elementary School 2015 2016 Supply List Early Childhood Education (ECE) Please try to have these supplies by the first day of school. 8 glue sticks 1 box of crayons 16 count 1 boxes of watercolor

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School Supply List útiles escolar

School Supply List útiles escolar La Promesa Early Learning Center 2016-2017 School Supply List útiles escolar Kinder-8 th Grade 7500 La Morada Place NW 505 836-7706 Pre-K, Kinder, First Grade 5201 Central Ave 268-3276 KINDERGARTEN 2 Pkg.

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Please complete the registration form that is accompanying this letter and submit it to Boulter Middle School no later than May 15, 2016.

Please complete the registration form that is accompanying this letter and submit it to Boulter Middle School no later than May 15, 2016. May 2, 2016 Dear Parents/Guardians: I regret to inform you that your son/daughter has failed two or more core subjects for the year. Core subjects consist of Math, Reading, Language Arts, Science and Social

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Pre- Kindergarten Supply List

Pre- Kindergarten Supply List Pre- Kindergarten Supply List *bookbag * box of markers *small index card box * 4 glue sticks *3 folders- with prongs and pockets (one each red, yellow, green) * one composition notebook * one ream plain

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IV. DRESS CODE. CDCPS-Prospect IV. DRESS CODE Community Day Charter Public Schools maintain a uniform dress code in order to eliminate status dressing and reduce costs for parents and create a group identity for each school. CDCPS reserve

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El perro perdido Hoja de práctica 1. Escribe C si la frase es cierta y F si la frase es falsa.

El perro perdido Hoja de práctica 1. Escribe C si la frase es cierta y F si la frase es falsa. Nombre Fecha Escribe C si la frase es cierta y F si la frase es falsa. El perro perdido Hoja de práctica 1 1. Carbón es un perro blanco. 2. Carbón vive en Chile. 3. Carbón vive con una chica. 4. Alonso

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Y 1 Backpack (zippered) or book bag (brought to school daily, write name on inside) *No backpack with wheels or handles

Y 1 Backpack (zippered) or book bag (brought to school daily, write name on inside) *No backpack with wheels or handles KINDERGARTEN GENERAL ED N 1 Baby wipes (unscented preferred), must be alcohol free Toallitas húmedas para bebé (preferiblemente sin olor), sin alcohol Y 1 Backpack (zippered) or book bag (brought to school

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2014 2015 Classroom Supply Lists

2014 2015 Classroom Supply Lists 2014 2015 Classroom Supply Lists Parents please replenish supplies as needed. Students are expected to bring all supplies on the first day of school. Please be sure to label all belongings with a marker,

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II. Vocabulario. A. Fill in the blank with the correct answer for the question. 1. Cómo te llamas?

II. Vocabulario. A. Fill in the blank with the correct answer for the question. 1. Cómo te llamas? 1 Página Nombre: Fecha: ESPAÑOL BÁSICO REPASO DE CAPÍTULO 4 I. Overview. The following topics will be covered on the test: School supplies Classes/courses Time words Places to go at school Coming/going/leaving

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A Dallas ISD School Edd Road, Dallas, TX Functional Life Skills (FLS)

A Dallas ISD School Edd Road, Dallas, TX Functional Life Skills (FLS) PPCD Supplies Baby Wipes- 200 Count 1 package of colored construction paper Kleenex- 4 Boxes Paper Towels- 3 Rolls Lysol Cleaning Wipes-2 Containers Folder Germ-X or Any Antibacterial Gel- 2 Containers

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School Supplies- Utiles Escolares

School Supplies- Utiles Escolares 2014-2015! ORCHARD PLACE SCHOOL School Supplies- Utiles Escolares Kindergarten- Ms. Lopez #141 2 pocket folders (plastic) 10 112 yellow pencils SHARPENED- no pencils with plastic coatings and NO MECHANICAL

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Did You Get It? Irregular yo Verbs. UNIDAD 3 Lección 1. Study the conjugation of the following verbs. hago. pongo. salgo.

Did You Get It? Irregular yo Verbs. UNIDAD 3 Lección 1. Study the conjugation of the following verbs. hago. pongo. salgo. Did u Get It? Goal: Level 2 p. 149 Presentación de gramática Learn about the irregular forms of some present-tense verbs. Irregular Verbs Study the conjugation of the following verbs. hacer (to do/to make)

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6 th Grade-Mrs. Judd and Mrs. Potter

6 th Grade-Mrs. Judd and Mrs. Potter 6 th Grade-Mrs. Judd and Mrs. Potter metric ruler pencil box compass protractor (helix preferred) 1 large box tissues 10 pencils 2 red pencils or pens 1 box colored pencils 1 box crayons 1 box markers

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HOPE ACADEMY KINDERGARTEN SUPPLY LIST HOPE ACADEMY KINDERGARTEN SUPPLY LIST We ask that parents contribute to the classroom supplies by bringing these things when you come to the Round-Up Open House. These supplies will be shared by the whole

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Lista de Materiales para año escolar 2016-2017 Kinder

Lista de Materiales para año escolar 2016-2017 Kinder Lista de Materiales para año escolar 2016-2017 Kinder 1 mochila (sin llantas) 1 ½ carpeta con 1 caja de plastico para crayones 2 cajas de 24 #2 lapices 3 tubos (glue sticks) de pegamento 1 botella de pegamento

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Exam Form B ESCUCHAR. Unidad 1 Etapa 2. URB p.142

Exam Form B ESCUCHAR. Unidad 1 Etapa 2. URB p.142 Test-taking Strategy: Remember to answer the easy questions first. You may find the rest easier as you get into the rhythm and momentum of the task at hand. ESCUCHAR CD 19 TRACK 3 A. Listen to Tania talk

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Book bag non-rolling. Tissues Clorox wipes Hand sanitizer Quart zip lock bags Gallon zip lock bags Sandwich zip lock bags

Book bag non-rolling. Tissues Clorox wipes Hand sanitizer Quart zip lock bags Gallon zip lock bags Sandwich zip lock bags (Mochila (sin ruedas) 1 box of crayons 24 count (1 caja de 24 crayones) 5 glue sticks (5 lápices de resistol (no resistol liquido)) 2 block erasers (2 borradores) Quart zip lock bags Gallon zip lock bags

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Pre kindergarten Supply List

Pre kindergarten Supply List Pre kindergarten Supply List 2 pkgs 500 sheet copy paper 6 plastic pocket folders with brads 10 primary (husky) pencils 4 packs of construction paper (12x18 and 8 1/2 x11) 4 packs of manila paper (8 ½

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LISTAS DE MATERIALES 6 GRADO MIDDLE SCHOOL 2015-2016 1 cuaderno profesional cuadro chico para Matemáticas LISTAS DE MATERIALES 6 GRADO MIDDLE SCHOOL 2015-2016 7 cuadernos tamaño profesional de rayas etiquetados por materia: Inglés, Ciencias, Español, Historia,

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Steeple Run Elementary School Kindergarten Supplies. 2 Crayola brand markers 8 count, thin, classic colors; washable

Steeple Run Elementary School Kindergarten Supplies. 2 Crayola brand markers 8 count, thin, classic colors; washable 04-05 q~y ~m Kindergarten Supplies Crayola brand markers 8 count, thin, classic colors; washable Crayola brand crayons 8 count, thin, classic colors Crayola brand Twistables,6 count Crayola brand markers,

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CONTENIDO PLAN DE CLASE GUION DEL MAESTRO Lollipop 2 7.1A 7.1B Páginas: 134 135 Fase: ESA (ENGRANAR) New Clothes, Old Clothes Describir la ropa por su apariencia new, old, hat, dress, skirt, blouse This blouse is new. Is this blouse old? Yes.

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MORTON ELEMENTARY. School Uniform Information Información acerca del Uniforme Escolar

MORTON ELEMENTARY. School Uniform Information Información acerca del Uniforme Escolar MORTON ELEMENTARY School Uniform Information Información acerca del Uniforme Escolar Uniform Policy and Dress Code For Morton Elementary Uniform Five days after enrollment at Morton, the student will be

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KINDERGARTEN SUPPLY LIST 2013/14 KINDERGARTEN SUPPLY LIST 2013/14 We share our supplies at the tables and stations. Please do NOT put your child s name on the supplies! Thanks! The following are required items, and will last the year:

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Prueba de práctica Matemáticas 10 grado

Prueba de práctica Matemáticas 10 grado Sistema de evaluación global de Massachusetts Prueba de práctica Matemáticas 10 grado Nombre del estudiante Nombre de la escuela Nombre del distrito escolar Massachusetts Department of ELEMENTARY & SECONDARY

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