61 Monroe Street Phone: The Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 14, 2018

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H C O L G 400 Willow Avenue, Hoboken NJ 07030 Parish Offices in Parish Center at 411 Clinton Street Phone: 201-659-0369 Fax: 201-659-5833 E-mail: olgrace@optonline.net www.olghoboken.com S. J 61 Monroe Street Phone: 201-659-0221 The Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 14, 2018 THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil Mass (OLG)..5:00 PM Sunday (OLG) 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM.12:30 PM (Spanish), 7:30 PM Sunday (St. Joseph)...10:00 AM (Spanish) 12 Noon DAILY MASS IN CHAPEL, 411 CLINTON ST. Monday - Friday.12:30 PM Monday - Thursday.7:00 PM HOLY DAYS Chapel Vigil Mass.7:00 PM OLG...12:30 PM, 7:30 PM St. Joseph..7:00 PM (Bi-lingual) BAPTISM: For registered parishioners: First Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM in English. Register in advance for the prepara on session on the last Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM. MATRIMONY: A er worshipping six months, a registered parishioner may request a wedding one year in advance. RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard Saturday from 4:00 to 4:50 PM and by appointment. OFFICE HOURS OUR LADY OF GRACE Monday - Friday....9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday.....6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Saturday....11:00 AM to 3:00 PM ST. JOSEPH Monday - Friday...9:00 AM to 4:00 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. Alexander M. Santora...Pastor & Dean Rev. Philip J. Micele, Jr.....Parochial Vicar Rev. John A. Mullin, S.J..Weekend Assistant Rev. Robert O Hare, S.J..Weekend Assistant Angela Maffei...Pastoral Associate Kathleen McNally.....Organist/Music Director Ann Fabbricatore...Business Manager Veronica Rosso...Office Manager Catherine Hoppmann....St. Joseph Manager Gustavo Barrera....Facili es Manager Guido Barrera..Facili es Staff Judith Sanchez....Rectory Manager Patrick Giandolfo Eve./Sat. Recep onist April Harris....In Jesus Name Chari es Igna us DePalma.. Trustee Chris na Wtulich.....Trustee ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please no fy the rectory for homebound, hospital and nursing home visits. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sacramental prepara on and religious educa on take place on Sunday morning at each church. Adults prepare at OLG on Tuesday at 7:30 PM. HOBOKEN CATHOLIC ACADEMY 555 7TH ST. Ma hew Mc Grath, Principal (201) 963-9535. Pre-K 3 through 8th Grade. We follow Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradi on of worship, community and service to each other.

PASTOR S MESSAGE Register to Vote and Vote in November I will boast. Since I was eligible to vote I have never missed a primary, general election, school board or special election vote. I wish more people could boast the same. Voting is a right and privilege and it makes democracy work. But our voting records locally, statewide and nationally are dismal. I cannot understand how people fail to vote especially since you can request a mail-in ballot now and mail it back. You no longer have to justify why. Every election is important but this one is particularly vital because the leadership of the Senate and House can change. Though we live in a heavily Democratic area, anything is possible. There are so many issues that are percolating in our lives as a result of change of leadership in the White House. How will we resolve the issue of undocumented immigrants? What about the changes in the tax code, which alter the amount of money we can deduct on income taxes from property taxes? How will our charitable deductions be affected? Are we facing the effects of climate change? These are just some of many questions. This Tuesday is the last day to register. These can be downloaded online, completed and mailed in. We also have copies in English and Spanish on the church tables. You may also request your mail in ballot online to complete and mail in. Then the completed ballot has to be mailed in by the day of the election. The postmark is not the issue; it has to be in the county office at 595 Newark Ave., Jersey City. We have many parishioners who were raised outside of N.J. and are not living in Hoboken, Jersey City or North Hudson. If you are living here, change your registration here so you can affect the kind of change you desire. It s nice to vote in Indiana or Massachusetts but your life is here now. I hope to bump into you on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, at the election site. Voting is one of the most powerful actions we can take as U.S. citizens Peace, Fr. Alex Santora PARISHIONER QUESTIONS ON CLERICAL SEX ABUSE Please answer these questions and e-mail to Fr. Alex at padrealex@yahoo.com or write them out and drop them in the collection at the Parish Office, fax to 201-659-5833 or complete online on our website. (www.olghoboken.com) by Monday, October 15, 2018. Replies will not be personally identified. 1. What revelation of clerical sexual abuse do you recall this past summer? 2. How do you feel about this revelation and others? 3. What is the main reason you believe this abuse has occurred? 4. What is one recommendation you would make to our Archbishop to end abuse? 5. What is one change the church needs to implement? 6. What do you see as the future of our church? Name (optional) Age Gender Male Female If you would like to be sent the overall results, please print e-mail address CCD TEACHERS NEEDED Some of our teachers had to stop teaching CCD because of family obligations. Can you help us out? The program is held Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15. The classes are small and the materials are programed for teachers. We can even form a team of people. They do not meet on holiday weekends like today. Please contact Angela Maffiei, the coordinator, if you can help out. We are also in need of substitutes on occasion and welcome any help you can give. FLEA MARKET VOLUNTEERS We thank all the volunteers who helped make our Flea Market, Book Sale and Silent Auction a success. Please read their names on p. 6 of this bulletin and let us know if there are any corrections or omissions. Call Catherine in the Parish Office. ~ Page 2-665 ~

COLLECTION For September 30th weekend: OLG St. Joseph Collection: $ 2,982.00 $ 854.70 On Line/Mail $ 1,873.65 $ 30.00 Total $ 4,855.65 $ 884.70 Debt Reduction Assessment $ 15.00 $ 0.00 Fuel $ 62.00 $ 0.00 Main. & Rep. $ 1,076.85 $ 221.00 Utilities $ 18.00 $ 0.00 We have set $6,000 at OLG and $1,700 at St. Joseph as the goals for us to reach each weekend, excluding any debt reduction or special collection. Next week s second collection is for World Mission and Utilities. JOURNEY WITH FR. PHIL Fr. Phil continues his course, Abiding in the Heart of Christ: A Study of the Gospel of John. Fr. Phil is exploring the central themes of the Gospel of St. John, and their application to our lives and the life of the Church as a whole. He will make use of the writings of the Saints, as well as more modern historical interpretation. Come to the Parish Center this Tuesday at 7:30 PM. The sessions end on November 7th. All are invited to attend. CONGRATULATIONS Mary Russo for being designated as the Italian Woman of the Year by Hudson County. She was honored at a ceremony at Columbus Park in Hoboken. RAFFLE DONORS In order to defray the costs of our bimonthly 50/50 raffles, we solicit two donors of $500 each and we print their company or names on the thousands of raffle tickets for the whole year. If you own a company and want good publicity, please contact Ronnie in the parish office. We will accept the donors for the 2019 tickets on a first come basis. OPEN HOUSE Hoboken Catholic Academy 2017 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence will host Open Houses on Friday, October 26 th and Saturday October 27 th from 10:00AM to 12:00PM on both days Applications for class placement for the 2019-2020 school year will be available and parents can tour the school and speak with parents, students and school staff. HCA is located at 7 Th and Madison Streets and serves students from PK-3 through grade 8. NEXT LGBT MEETING Our next LGBTQ@Grace meeting will be on Wednesday, November 7th at 7:30 in the OLG Parish Center. We will continue with the theme, The Truth Must Come Out from the last and very important discussion on the clerical abuse crisis in the Church. At our next meeting we will focus on the Church s views on Sexuality and Gender, as one of three factors contributing to the crisis along with Abuse of Power, and Clericalism. The proposed theme of the meeting will be How the Church s views on sexuality and gender have influenced the present crisis. All are welcome. THANK YOU Angelo Elmo for donating his Flea Market 50/50 winnings to the parish...thomas Larson for his donation to our Church Restoration Fund...Schnakenberg s for their delicious donuts at our LGBT meeting...john Dalton, former longtime usher at the 9 AM Mass, for sending regular donations to OLG..Rich Stanel, manager of Hoboken ACME, for donating boxes for our clothes being donated to charity. NEW SPANISH MISSAL We also have one available at OLG for memorializing or honorariam. Please contact Ronnie in the Parish Center if interested. 2019 MISSALS Please order your 2019 Missals with Sunday readings and prayers by completing the form on p. 7 of this bulletin and return by Monday, October 22. YA SCAVENGER HUNT Curious Young Adults are invited to learn more about Hoboken by participating in our Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, October 27, 2018, from 1 to 4 PM. Gather in the Parish Center at 1 PM where teams will fan out throughout Hoboken to find items and win prizes. YOUNG ADULTS FACEBOOK To stay up to date on all of our Young Adult events, please follow us on Facebook "Young Adults of Our Lady of Grace, Hoboken, NJ RETREAT FOR SICK A Retreat for those living with serious illness will be held in Kearny October 19-21 beginning Friday at 2:15. There is no fee. Call Hilare 732-566-7237 or Peggy 908-499-7667 or Linda 732-608-7277 to register. ~ Page 3-665 ~

OLG MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 St. Teresa of Jesus 12:30 P.M. Salvatore Andreula 7:00 P.M. Jack Growney TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 Ss. Hedwig and Margaret Mary Alacoque 12:30 P.M. Cecielia Bailey 7:00 P.M. Fulvio Guidici WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch 12:30 P.M. Gerard Pendrick 7:00 P.M. Mattew Mattessich THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 St. Luke 12:30 P.M. Marylou Ryan (3 A of D) 7:00 P.M. Thomas Favia FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 Ss. John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues 12:30 P.M. Joseph Walsh SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 St. Paul of the Cross 5:00 P.M. Robert Maloney SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 The Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 A.M. Frieda Corrado 10:30 A.M. Audrey Calligy 12:30 P.M. Julio Aviles 7:30 P.M. Pro Populo ST. JOSEPH 10:00 A.M. Matilda Mercedes and Hipolito Ortiz 12:00 P.M. Shirley Greene DECEASED Henry Iwanowski, David V. Williams, Army, Patricia L. Horne, Army, Mabrey J. Anders, Army, Christopher J. Birdwell, Army, Shane W. Cantu, Army, Jeremie S. Border, Army, Jonathan P. Schmidt, Army, Kyle R. Rookey, Army, Alec R. Terwiske, Marine, Thalia S. Ramirez, Army. Each week we pray for ten U.S. military who lost their lives in Afghanistan war since 2001. These died in 2012. REMEMBRANCES CHURCH: Bread and Wine are in loving memory of Marylou Ryan (3 A of D) from Veronica Rosso. Sanctuary Lamp is in loving memory of Antonia Nesi, Nick Knezich and Fulvio Giudici from Anna Giudici and Family. The Holy Family Lights are in loving memory of Jane Zimmermann from Father Alex. CHAPEL: Sanctuary Lamp is in loving memory of Bruce Belka. Bread and Wine are in loving memory of memory of Frank Stouch. ST. JOSEPH Altar Bread and Wine are in memory of Rev. Brian Reddington. Altar Candles are in memory of Rev. Malachy White. PRAYER NEEDS THE SICK: Agnes Greco, Roger Harwood, Jaedon Choi, Charlotte Cromwell BAPTISM NAMES Today, baby names are very creative and fun. Please remember that as Christians we need to have a name with a connection to or derivative of a saint. This could also be the middle name of the child. Also, you have to register in advance with Angela Maffei, our pastoral associate, to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class. You may not just show up. ONLINE GIVING Online banking programs offer user friendly services to allow one-time or recurring donations to the church. Please consider committing to a regular donation via your online banking/financial institution by entering Our Lady of Grace or St. Joseph as a recurring payee. Mail all OLG checks to 400 Willow Ave., Hoboken, N.J. 07030 and St. Joseph, to 61 Monroe St. Direct any questions to office managers Veronica Rosso and Catherine Hoppmann. CHILDREN/ADULT CHOIRS Recruiting all children who love to sing! Come join us Tuesday afternoons from 3:15 to 4:15. We have a place in the choir for you. Children between the ages of 7 and 13 come and Sing! Great Songs, Great Rhythms. Come Sing with us! Too terrified to Sing? Can t read music? Don t know the songs? Choir is cheaper than therapy! 2. Choir builds confidence. 3. Choir reduces stress and anxiety. Looking for a choir to join? Come join us! Tuesday evenings 7:00-8:30 in the OLG choir room. ~ Page 4-665 ~

IGLESIA DE NRA. SRA. DE LA GRACIA Y SAN JOSÉ Teléfono: (201)659-0221 Eucaristia Dominical San José, 10:00 AM; OLG 12:00 Noon Bautismo Bautizamos el tercer +Domingo del mes a las 2:00 PM en OLG o durante la misa dominical en cada iglesia. Se les pide ponerse en contactos dos meses en anticipacion, con Angela. Matrimonio Feligreses registrados tienen que Presentarse un ańo antes de la Boda Reconciliación Confesiones cada Sábado en OLG 4:00 PM 4:50 PM y por cita. Unción de los Enfermos Llamar la casa parroquial para visitas a las casas y hospitals. Exposición y Adoración. Viernes 7:00 PM en San José Desde Octubre hasta Mayo MENSAJE SEMANAL Esta semana, comparto un mensaje de parte de nuestro pastor, Padre Alex Santora, sobre la importancia de participación en nuestras elecciones: Voy alardear. En todos los años que he sido eleigible para votar, nunca he perdido una elección ni primario, ni general, ni comité escolar, ni elecciones especiales. Deseo que mas gente pueda decir la misma cosa. Votar es un derecho, y Tambien un gran privilegio que hace que nuestra democracia funcione. Pero las cifras de votación en todos los niveles nacional, estatal, y local, son muy pobres, aunque es muy facil para votar solamente tiene que solicitar una votación por correo, y devolverla. Cada elección es importante, pero este año es particularmente crucial, porque el liderazgo del Senado y la Cámara de Representantes puede cambiar. Si, vivimos en una area muy demócrata, pero en años recientes, hemos visto que no podemos dar nada por hecho. Han muchos asuntos que pueden afectar nuestra vida, y la vida de los mas vulnerables entre nosotros, depende del liderazgo de nuestra ciudad, estado, y pais. Como podemos ayudar a inmigrantes indocumentados? Como vamos a enfrentar los efectos de cambio climatico? Como trabajamos por politicas economicas más justas? Estos son solamente pocas entre muchas preguntas. Este martes es el ultimo dia para registrar para las elecciones que vienen en Noviembre. Se puede obtener los formularios de registración en línea, y mandados por correo. Tambien, tenemos copias en inglés y español en las mesas de la iglesia. Tambien, se puede solicitar una votación en línea, obtenerla por correo, y mandarla antes de la dia de elecciones a la oficina del municipio: 595 Newark Avenue, Jersey City. Tenemos muchos feligreses que fueron nacidos fuera de Nueva Jersey, pero si están viviendo aqui en Hudson County, es major si votan aqui, para afectar los cambios que desean. Espero que nos vemos martes, 6 de Noviembre, en el lugar de votación. Votar es una de las acciones mas poderosas que podemos hacer como ciudadanos americanos. Padre Alex Santora Educación Religiosa Preparación y educación religiosa cada Domingo en cada lugar. Adultos se preparan en OLG cada Martes a las 7:30 PM Circulo de Oración Todos los Miércoles del mes a las 7:00 PM en San José. Misa del Divino Niño El Tercer Vienes de cada Mess a las 7:00 PM en San José. Con la reunion de las Madres Cristianas despues de la Misa LECTURAS SEMANALES Español English 10/15 Galatas Galatians 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1 Lucas Luke 11:29-32 10/16 Galatas Galatians 5:1-6 Lucas Luke 11:37-41 10/17 Galatas Galatians 5:18-25 Lucas Luke 11:42-46 10/18 2 Timoteo 2 Timothy 4:10-17b Lucas Luke 10:1-9 10/19 Efesios Ephesians 1:11-14 Lucas Luke 12:1-7 10/20 Efesios Ephesians 1:15-23 Lucas Luke 12:8-12 10/21 Isaias Isaiah 53:10-11 Hebreos Hebrews 4:14-16 Marcos Mark 10:35-45 CIRCULO DE ORACIÓN Cada miercoles, el circulo de oracion reune en el sotano de la iglesia de San Jose, para dos horas de oracion, musica, y reflexiones sobre las sagradas escrituras. Todos estan invitados para este tiempo muy poderoso de oración.. HORA SANTA Despues de una interrupción para el verano, la hora santa semanal ha recomenzado, cada Viernes a las 7:00 pm en la iglesia de San Jose. Todos están invitados, y animados, a venir y pasar tiempo con nuestro Señor. NUEVO MISAL ROMANO En OLG, tenemos un nuevo Misal Romano, que alguien puede memorializar. Por favor, contacten al centro parroquial si están interesados. ST. JOE S FUNDRAISERS Grupo de Oracion $15, Food $30 and Flea Market $210. ~ Page 5-665 ~

FLEA MARKET & BOOK SALE VOLUNTEERS Will Albertus Crystal Johnson Lyndon Pereira Caitlin Albertus George Anderson Anandu Anilkumar Milda Aquino Ada Aviles Jim Azzari Rachel Bailey Meghan Bartley Tom Brennan Lucille Burke Cheryl Carlin Jonathan Cerqueira Gina Conigliaro Marie Daschbach Eveyn Delgado Nicole Deliso Helen DeStefano Brogan Dunston Linda Fabbricatore Angelo Falabella Frank Favuzzi Jun Geroy Chris Gizzo Jolin Gomez Julius Go lla Digna Hernandez Diana Hunter Irene LaBruzza Jonathan Loane Caitlin Mahoney Angelica Marchi o Adam Maurer Mar n McFadden Liam McGraw Kathleen McGraw Jr. Kathleen McGraw Sr. Deirdre McGuinness Jesse Melchor Evelyn Mercado Dorothy Messina Hanlin Miao James Moon Maria Morales Basil Morici Jr. Antoine a Morin Mercedes Murch Kathleen O'Hara Philip O'Hara Ana Olejo Tonita Oliveras Mary Ondrejka Rosa Pagan Margaret Ann Parry Beverly Pasquale Lena Pereira Colin Pfund Ralph Preedy Alyson Randall Mary Rediger Milagros Rojas Juana Rosa Maria Rosado Caroline Rubino John Ruppert Joy Ruppert Mary Russo Estefan San Noah Sco Jen Searing Sherrie Shahat Casey Sherry Cameron Snyders Amel George Tathappillil Dan Tumpson Ka e Vaccaro Ryan Vaz Sean Young John Ze erstrom Susan Zucco Donna Zukowski ~ Page 6-665 ~

2019 SUNDAY MISSAL ORDER FORM *Return this form to Our Lady of Grace or St. Joseph Rectory by Monday, October 22, 2018 *Please Print NAME ADDRESS APT. CITY STATE TELEPHONE E-MAIL Please order me The One-Volume Missal (s) at $5. each Enclosed please find my check/money order for $. Please make out your check to Our Lady of Grace Church. Me gustaría comprar un volumen de misal en Español por $8 cada uno. Mi cheque dentro del sobre/money order de: $ Hago mi cheque para Our Lady of Grace.

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