*215u)(I) CD. i 0 V TO) 0 al co. (l) ') 0) Z431, 0 1mi 14 o ) 4 hi ,01 voll. u) k. 4 rit4 al C104.4 Ai Kgg.

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1 Al I- *u)(i) CD CD - u) rat -Kgg OFIE -a u) u) k giej (i) wima - al c ), vll ) (l) ') ) i V TO) hi t - I V,, Tr mi ) rit al C Ai - ) I = z, N CO C(( C (- ) (zea_ E Z, 'OW () c criase)c a)u) Oz)Z7C) z O

2 finzgimrxr*sent-tiveffiaelitftlitte*ivermitfling r8v, AXT fb?'9, RRIVORRIAM*filtlede 8VIVE/MX'&8M8Vittcl ffpizi: MQ/ *hkiti+iliafg±ranteehioilf*v-vmem **AMEN timiimgjujtwta jr: /ptwilstliet, VM9tilERAiliflUfPThett The FAO Yearbk f Frest Prducts is a cmpilatin f statistical data n basic frest prducts fr all cuntries and territries f the wrld It cntains series f annual data n the vlume f prductin and the vlume and value f trade in frest prducts It includes tables shwing directin f trade and average unit values f trade fr certain prducts Statistical infrmatin in the yearbk is based primarily n data prvided t the FAO Frestry Department by the cuntries thrugh questinnaires r fficial publicatins In the absence f fficial data, FAO makes an estimate based n the best infrmatin available L'Annuaire FAO des prduits frestiers est un recueil de dnnées statistiques sur les prduits frestiers de base pur tus les pays et territires du mnde Il cntient les chiffres annuels cncernant le vlume de la prductin ainsi que le vlume et la valeur du cmmerce Des tableaux relatifs A la directin du cmmerce qui mntrent des curants cmmerciaux principaux y snt inclus ainsi que des tableaux indiguant la valeur unitaire des échanges de certains prduits Les dnnées se basent essentiellement sur des renseignements furnis par les pays en répnse aux questinnaires qui parviennent au Département des fréts de la FAO u à des publicatins fficielles Lrsque ces renseignements fnt défaut, la FAO établit des estimatins A partir des meilleures infrmatins dnt elle dispse El Anuari FAO de prducts frestales es un cmpendi de dats estadístics sbre ls prducts frestales básics para tds ls países y territris del mund Se presentan dats anuales sbre el vlumen de la prducción y el vlumen y valr del cmerci Se incluyen cuadrs que muestran la dirección del cmerci y el valr unitari del cmerci de alguns prducts Ls dats estadístics se basan sbre td en la infrmación que ls paises prprcinan al Departament de Mntes de la FAO a través de cuestinaris de publicacines estadísticas ficiales Cuand n se dispne de esta infrmación, la FAO realiza estimacines utilizand ls mejres dats en su pder ISBN 9-7- ISSN 8-78 II 9 78 M O 7 XmuliV/7


4 *fflitt+fstfflr~-minulivairm**avakmv,nifflm*ipasigm,iltx mamnamiteanaitalammamfta7t-imgx The designatins emplyed and the presentatin f material in this publicatin d nt imply the expressin f any pinin whatsever n the part f the Fd and Agriculture Organizatin f the United Natins cncerning the legal status f any cuntry, territry, city r area r f its authrities, r cncerning the delimitatin f its frntiers r bundaries Les appellatins emplyées dans cette publicatin et la présentatin des dnnées qui y figurent n'impliquent de la part de l'organisatin des Natins Unies pur l'alimentatin et l'agriculture aucune prise de psitin quant au statut juridique des pays, territires, villes u znes, u de leurs autrités, ni quant au tracé de leurs frntières u limites Las denminacines empleadas en esta publicación y la frma en que aparecen presentads ls dats que cntiene n implican, de parte de la Organización de las Nacines Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, juici algun sbre la cndición jurídica de países, territris, ciudades znas, de sus autridades, ni respect de la delimitación de sus frnteras límites *fflntqlnr*7,arr*naptivffic MtEillig*Mffiistffl/~c* WIE )(J : Chief, Publishing and Multimedia Service, lnfrmatin Divisin, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rme, Italy The data cntained in this publicatin may be quted prvided that reference is made t the surce Tw cpies f the text indicating the data used shuld be sent t the Chief, Publishing and Multimedia Service, lnfrmatin Divisin, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rme, ltaly Les dnnées cntenues dans cette publicatin peuvent "ètre reprduites à cnditin d'en indiquer la surce Prière d'envyer deux exemplaires de tute représentatin u reprductin au Chef du Service des publicatins et du multimédia, Divisin de l'infrmatin, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rme, Italie Pueden citarse ls dats cntenids en esta publicación, siempre que se indique la fuente Se ruega enviar ds cpias del text en que aparecen ls dats utilizads al Jefe del Servici de Publicacines' y Multimedia, Dirección de Infrmación, FAO, Viale delle Terrne di Caracalla, Rma, Italia FAO agricultural statistics are avallable at Les statistiques agricles de la FAO snt dispnibles sur Las estadísticas agríclas de la FAO se pueden cnsultar en wwwfarg ISBN ISSN 8-78 EbtrivmmmulimitaglgfftcÀmma*NIni,mAffi: VVIMRIAXRittq Fg OV : FO-Registry@farg A: *Akitta FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Rme, Italy Prepared by the statistics and ecnmic analysis staff f the Frestry Department, FAO Inquiries abut the technical cntent shuld be addressed t: Frestry Planning and Statistics Branch FO-Registry@farg Frestry Plicy and Planning Divisin Fax: FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Rme, Italy Préparé par le persnnel des statistiques et de l'analyse écnmique du Département des fréts de la FAO La crrespndance d'rdre technique au sujet de cette publicatin dit átre adressée à: Sus-Divisin des dnnées de base, Divisin de la statistique Mél: FO-Registry@farg Divisin des plitiques et de la planificatin frestières Télécpie: FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Rme, Italie Preparad pr el persnal de estadística y análisis ecnómic del Departament de Mntes, FAO La crrespndencia relativa al cntenid técnic de esta publicación debe ser dirigida a: Subdirección de Planificación y Estadísticas Frestales Crre electrónic: FO-Registry@farg Dirección de Plíticas y Planificación Frestales Fax: FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Rma, Italia O FAO

5 - ` /-H\' tr,,±) ( M v vi ( T- -i-ri--,-) vi x A!-- -_ xi,''' 9 -,-L-_E: -,,,--L-i-Eisiar77,--,=, P,,,)!( - +F,± ) xii ''-' 8 xiii ;a:liu i- (f ),,,, /-t xv :; - J 9 L A- ii'cf, - )-----, A- 998 _ni--fli ri- - A- JA *, Hi ii 7 IHLft' 7 8 E 9 I ;J 77 J (!--tt9±) JiH H 8 'tgitj ( -rli-i- ) 8 j,i ] JJ 8 H (t±-- ) HH HI 7 ' I IR, ut 87 II; [ ] ',:, ' I fril 7 tet?± (-=, ''' d V,)\7 (i±ww),,,,, 89 9 i)i Ji Ji J, H H i ' L il -)kffli ' -',!--T-t, (rt--t+) ji 8 i ii'l 9 II fl'f 9 "(V:'',-, 98 ; i J illut; T,tiLlil (Ad-H-)!al I',,,, II )) l': JI l',,,, W, [ fri, MilLTY- - r-,i--/t t: (Hrt-hit) A I i L 8 W IIII J t,,, tl's 7 '7' N8' : gl; ) ' d-l) t,(j+) 9 i'l, I WI: ',U] 8 HL;JJH ; ii

6 J HIlL ft'l iv, 7 8 f, _ A -*t xfk *-/k I I 8 :t 9 ij ' -'A TI,,az-Lir:, I 7 9 ]íl,i :, 7 fh ge=, LE ) ;II F:C7 --;- ->!/\F!ffl& i: I -* )" tra Jti I I in 9 MI 98 ffigh,j :a IL LIuILL \IITJ Q-H+ AkMMFP - 'PJ: ir_apjj-777jp - -i -) Pt;+r,ft LTC I 8

7 H fij i,() J',;; ti!v] (fi (-K jr,,nnj L H 997 PI 998 Ir %)) ;,d h 9, "),, 9 H H 7vJJJ,),,; jej, ill : j NJ, I `Jr J\ :!,,'kj,v, )/Y, )I -; k, <;),'U frestry f rv,"(j "H public;rcinssales(wrnrg H r, ;IS 9J; if ',,?(A U fit h VII (P J j VI', )i, ', '') - A, ),N», 'LN, 'EJ jpinu 7 <j(n-h-j, ),j f ")J ' lihk ), J' A ;,,; /a j h fa, a '%(<- --,(, H' ((INN ) Ifil J), 999 L j f»), f' IN \ 998,z 997 t Vr -',,/,', : ", (:(-- - )/' - fii l LIli, -Pc fl (ri ( c((, f )i, vjj (,Y,»-, 'qj [,-(,) f,f!: t / Hi ( u'u H (ri NV N ',aßj,f i,, ;, : fii J ' fi(( - L), `(( it', k/ Hd), ) ifj H )' At, 998 HUff,, I, ;I Fi f, : : -,,j_ J,;,i!I(JJ H;,,, 7J'"(': Uk H,',ill H if ; i) f (i( fu- I H a, ii H 'ffa,(' -I 'LP jdj,, j H `,J i f A -( rirl J ', If i /al i j L '(' JuJ J ;" V!, V, f I')J "Ot ) Li, ` fl -g( i N,'; (7_ % `,"%;;'t,»f,", ] U H LI, J, f (J- Jtii)( h - n lej) "' I- ]J" H r"'j ',J(, -,, II,,`-N;,K J(J, R`,) <-»), LE' I' K{(-('R, 98, 'PM i`j"jl U fl ' fi',j ), (, '(;,,,(, ryj f I ;' n L, (i H fi j :,i;, ' '((( ;; J E ), fj, '(J ft, TY, - tsifi ((a U SITC rt, "hi ` ( HS ), "L- ' ' J',J JI l',/l,j_-<_"b -L, -,,, IL -, <j - (( Fr if fj J-:( l<,,, ; I IL ' ) ti ( : ft, ; ',, NJ- (,- ;a b; L l rk- lij (J, fr,(' P "If d ijk (z:( L L if,t /J I' 9 In " /, ', :,,J:; ` (t, J(L, '(, J, h (s- t`),< 9[J,' '(,,J `,(J` L ( J 7 (L L) NJ shjijj, -t Y: I,IiÁJLU, ),, H)J:t/ )W:, ) ILL- 7) (i (L (, 'l 'I (< (J " ", JJ I<, xn; - { ')t; r,)! : ;; "JI,, F, J,' r`,( r F ) } *, II (I, f(j, juz - ',II', ),/, );J /II Ord J JK J) rr,j ) j " Y, '( II I ri<j'irr(-,,", I'] -L fi: J,',cI I,j J'd 'A -Y, I)LI 'f Planing and Statistics Branch, FAO Frestry Department, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rme, Italy J,+9--77: J J V 7--michaelmartin@farg: J--crissisvici farg, X J '((( --evabrzill farg X J'L 7',j; vi-'--felicepadvani@farg,

8 t,it, 'il ), Vi d MT NC,; udj, tu- 8- //) J, Irj "- IA ; Ct ut I r[t y yam: tq, i Hitt ff't ftti;iff,e, ffr rfu't',liff f tiff:,u ::If) fqt ttft [t,,f J:k EK: 'L,L, tki[t,, it; 9-i,kk J ftt riffatattif-, JJ t'f' iz; L: / ffy,ftartiy: Urflittjf, f ' L I ], t-:,i: (-T: X, ), 98 H ftit: III 'A_ X -- -k f) ",:- :: {),-/t/fi:,t L Hf''ft), Lt L '' L fi-k),- ) JR LI ffr fftf ffif ;I(' : I Lj,; ilf/ -If tie )/ :' f`f fì iff,`ft z,, -, t-vraiger,f[l r, ',U ' 8', I: I :, )' ii :If, 'i rrz )_ X - 'L' I: ' : :III 'U,I y,,l J'" (I I Cf, L ) ) ``-' I III H Ill I:) : ::ITh: htl'' 'I I_ 99 ) Li!ik [! t,,, a L fi f' ' I! f t/ i ' ' ', I " ut f LY zf [' -) L k I ' f'v, eam, Ji, / ':I f :9I: ) :f Érf t'y H f HHHI ::' I, ):,-!f) ):, /),k,ii)i L ILL`) ),:,f Ili/ 'fi H' [;7:L 'f L') f[i l f'"k k x In If 'i' :r `r " YjiI b il):`:,h "NA-,) '-; VIIIU '')" k : II / s /Il L L fi U P) ) ); ( t)), ' Uk UL L ki'`i " ) T rti *it L- H HI III fl )) I : :,_, H f] ff iaii t /Z: FIL )y, <, L '_ 'J )_ : I :' _ I) I t If -k ';t: : I, HL, H (y,--[]-l) t,_ ftf, t, y'd r/t :,k :- IQ ert:&: -'; I '' ik' If; ['III), f L ),J I,,, III [i, : If( k/)k J! I, 'I 't ftf, di: H / : );/' ) :WU : )! I :i : Ifif II:)'X I Lf- if u ' II fa, ",,,(,' f [i[fii ' el,,i ) )f, )) --,, ' f, Hi' :I : e ":: IA; 'III (' lz>/fif I):-fl II/) }'i' :-/;f,

9 ([) ; fi)));:i 't f, Hi+J+,; ') c" A!fli H ))i I ) ( ),-) I- fir) ( ) HP!) ", ' - :) )H ilf;,, A)) ',( f I K Rif), ),, * i P f),ya / ),: ), 'IJ 'It C, ;Hi!- T, I [, ' fl ) 'fj ft t, )- ),-) fir ) -,L)])A ffy H H, i I ))J, I; t] TJ ) )- )), '/Ì -) ' '', /I ), t) ' ji, 'T it\ ' t k,)] t Ifi, ii-)"ilp;,, ',L,Ht V,+-ff, _ it -) _ri ), -; I, ft: ))), d ' AIT; )i 'J))!k J )c )) { IdJ [i [/ ) ')J tlm,,l)) `')J,L )[_ i-t ta,k ) ); A' f HI ) 'kj"; fi] ' ), A ), t- L H ) ) 'Y fir, --f ),H k A (I-rt--) AetR V )), k ),,, ) A )), id ) ),, atiti *i,-[-rz t, 99 ":::TL )»j N f, FE ' rti 99 ( ),J //,', ), ) ')( )),),) tfi,! \ " Ai i) H k,9"),k), Al ",k - ) ",! ) M: f-», :))))i');', '' K HH, Arefil)/,tRI, iraiz Al ta II L f,,), **, ) ), k) f)) ) -', 9- ))" ', ill 'k f A A - )); ;,),K ))))));,- ') lit,,/ All ITKI" f!))< I )C r';', ' ", EL )<, AH'] tt L ),Iti)' ',` J, JJ'! [I' ' IL iii ', f!,,, ) IA, ) 'L] [, H * fl,j, HA f-,t,,),a),a T J'k J, vt, ['() flq )_/ : ))))k --, ; i, YE] {)))f ii)))&_ )i ', ) ', kitt,, ' "H k)), I -, ; ti t) ;), Th A h J 'f) k), "Si', ) Li -)< TJ f))) ; ) ', j A) ), I ) rd ' %f ),,;, A A) '' L;-

10 E ij viii IL Ili Lifrff, : O 'PI f T fs'sz -ffie-fll-f' PP, T/ Lfx 8-} L, f-r, fitk ) HFL! K,- - i,k )-' f"-- rzyq F- );-: F (,/ 8 'ff ''' ti '( t -;L: rf)/z;i,ti fir r"f' rql ;'S :Eii " _ gt ' )Iy ) 99,,P f'», Lr :LK r"/rf: " -IL ' /,," fr'ff f:"/l H I ffk Off f": f 99, I OCH,),L 99 ic/ s' i fl O 8 rf`rirt lu :ff]or' il I rf,f!ff fr] riff vsk V ), r`rfrl H is fik ffk -9)-; i FL,f),( ) t ft i'ffi,;;;,),'; f FJ Ff FIJ rffir J T-,, -'_ ) -f;"f/ziff f'kc If) j"- ' r ; Jrrr 'I' JP I HL li ', ;,/ Pt'H 99 i :L" : {A)), - ;Ir: Pr 9, )), ) Fi ffi f"f ff< "!,)), )/K s As JcM,'t f 'AL ffr 'JO "fsr ',,fl, /( 'Lrf i fs F ff;lu )- ji f-k " IA ;) ;in bk rfrfff fr'q fffe L frly/ N VO rfffi fd ) k r; r fk 'i»( tjk,f FiJi fir'ta+a ILE rr ', rn- -F 'k"-;: fliff-k g ): fk 'I : ft VJ *): ) r ',I, Of; H () ); ` if /)- ) / ;(fs : i frz, ) E'k [; EI LL -`): : Hi ` --, LFk 'i i( < ) Y'JVLj 'Ti J, ff, fil rfrk fir st rf,',,j'ill: JJ!ffiI-K k ;I"! jr' Lt fl,'"! ' fd II J Pt' `kl- J )J F),,r; ;; f J rj IL r trf, ;K L ", ),K br fi ;IL Ft!, F; L,F //;-fri ) tz / -LH FT LtHLLTai ft, j_",,'s i - ttk ),, ',If 8 ''Pr, 8 9 ), LOr frk a F ILI, <:, : FF K ) )f Ir g H fl- ffkt;f t )) ta: /;'i TEiJri t:, rr'ff F s'sfh t'l I- t L H ;, " I Fr; '; -`f: H, En frfr ffir k; % Pr VL r =- Nt HL,L, I'»rf'r ff 'I' L, l(r 'r rit!,, pf,;cf fi ft", irlr' frf rffi, f [J r

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12 (- 'Ili I : '!, r it! H 99 ii! Li: tit *tfriafip JP [M*/ H ' lid { Id(,R ( -g, ) )L-: Y:,d, II H I HI li)<)itti I I, )i) ill )iirril A [,/ ), ro,, r d FL z' L//' 'I rir -LA )," i rl )L r ) It l) I f L, rrir i ri, 988 k 'if //, O I-, ',,), fl`" ' fy, LL 'LL -- r) IY"J V: ' : '' U - Fri -L it" ((lb :7 HS /k trt 'LLî, SITC Rev HI r ( ) Lc d'd '/ JLi Jiltritz, H,), kit )-:' I 7: fill :Y / : itiltr',) - ) 'rrr : )) J Pi [V: <klid iii K ),, ) ' fr (Li Ì %K ;!lit< IL Ill :,,))it Ji, 'I L ); itll 'V (L ( r )), L, ) jj, ),H L Lr Jdur,! r r" ><,, L,, Ifil i(( L), ril I,,,, itlit j r, trdi ; x, rtrz LK) - ",", 7, I', FL H FI -(,r''f IL;%, H fr fill IV L I Hi,' I r', 'ri tr) j'irt I_, NI cf)z d'd, '),),t,-) Id', id, J tl ht;t, ji, i L ' )Z,,,) f(, )(,",!,] Ase& '' N Ill, Li: ILL Iril QL tli I 'H F" '' Jlit, Li),I I '' ' i' K jt, tr ) ILL!-`, )' lx 'id:,, Id Li:,:r, Lit-A ll VJ'YrtA i), IriL L' i I ',' :_ "!" ' iir " ( L' il)l, I It, : "I) 'PI,, j,', titillq L ) ill, 'Li( )( ki k, L IV, irk fr):'* rd L', f (,;] -)!I,"/ ' Hi: ; I IL dr fmar I Ill K ) rfr itt, K,Yri lit,,i,,,,i,t, h i

13 [," kt : t LP A : R * (-,- 9 (([- - -,,i)--) (AM': fti R(-((k( u-( A-[(7( (-- * g [t )( :*,K -([([( I)eAk: q GUM MT MT dat mr US$ P, I,E,C P,I,E,C P,I,E,C P,I,E,C P,I,E,C P,I,E,C P,I,E,C P,I,E,C P,I,E,C P,I,E,C P, I,E,C P,I,E,C IE ie i, e ) p p p p p p p p ie ie,e ^(' i, e II i, e,e ; e MT i, e frikt i, e i, e e ( (f[-) e e,e k^[ '( i, e,(t f g MT IF -- MT KiV MT d MT mr e i, e e MT i, e MT ie M7' e EI^Ka: MT e Ar"((Pf e [(^^,(,,,, MT e (*" [ (;, r- MT,e (^T[f^J MT ( ^ MT p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p, i,e, c p,, e, c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p, I, e, c p,-c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e, p,i,e,c p,,-c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c ) :f:, tk p,i,e,c p,i,e,c p,i,e,c ft,"'mrff( VAT: g,i Ii (P) "k` f [(((k''-[(if;y (p) ": p, fr,# =y) I r; (fp,"[iw (E) ( (e f, e) E=L ry: Jflillhii (C) (P),(_) t Ii ^^,^^-^ (E) I ;,) rr jql ^I) If (E) e) P- e=t' [ I,[ cr -'^ (Pi-e) I -::::::::-

14 I 77 CO, '' C=7T7V R7 er'j 7'r i'-cralat)7 : (99 - ) Er)V (T) -Rt* Cf) 7'' CM 9-t&iiti 7 7 ) ex ex 7 7 I I ex 9 ex 7 7 :i'l ) ex ex 99 ex 7 7 ex 7 /' ex 7 9 ex ( : ex ex i',{j: f 8 8 F t r P h ' 7,, [ tt, I f I (if r IL P 9 9 E, Pi_ lq, I, ', ft,'',k ' 7 7 tr[ i',, 7 'F,,,',,s 7, ', Tri ',,' F 7 I,, 7 7, - I, 7 9 [ P /E, 8/////7/ 89//, ' 7"8 9 j'7 9/9 le 8 ' E,E "E / k E IE, ' I It N 8///7/8/ 8 89!,j ' - 9 '7 j 9j 9 kl 8 ;/- ' 9 -:9'7 7 l' III Ij 'I 'k, 8 I L I, -Q, I, 8///8 / 87/ 89 77:777779,99 Ofr] f9ii /hpx- j--i/li I >' :,-- ) : 8A:8 fra:9-::',/ /'" LLó Il

15 WORLD AFRICA Algeria Angla Benin Btswana Burkina Fas Burundi Camern Cape Verde Cent Afr Rep Chad Cmrs Cng, Dem R Cng, Rep Cte Divire Djibuti Egypt Eq Guinea Eritrea Ethipia Gabn Gambia Ghana Guinea Guineabissau Kenya Lesth Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mrcc Mzambique )L Lt Namibia IiLLLLL,, Niger [! I %J Nigeria'U IV Reunin Rwanda St Helena Sa Tme Pmn Senegal Seychelles Sierra Lene Smalia Suth Afr ca Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Tg Tunisia Uganda itafflavjn- cip Z Zambia Zimbabwe N C AMERICA JX fn Anguilla Antigua Barb Bahamas Barbads Belize Bermuda Br Virgin Is Canada Cayman Is Csta Rica Cuba Dminica Dminican Rp El Salvadr Grenada Guadelupe Guatemala Haiti Hnduras Jamaica Martinique Mexic Mntserrat NethAntilles Nicaragua Panama St Kitts Nev St Lucia St Pier Mq St Vincent Trinidad Tb Turks Caics USA SOUTH AMERIC Argentina Blivia Brazil Chile Clmbia Ecuadr Falkland Is Fr Guiana Guyana Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay Venezuela ASIA L HE A

16 xiv Afghanistan Armenia 'I, Azerbaijan Bahrain L Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Darsm Cambdia ;- China Cyprus Gergia India Indnesia Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jrdan Kazakhstan Krea D P Rp Krea Rep Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Las Lebann Malaysia Maldives Mnglia Myanmar Nepal Oman Pakistan Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapre Sri Lanka Syria Tajikistan Thailand Turkey Turkrnenistan Untd Arab Em Uzbekistan Viet Nam Yemen EUROPE Albania Andrra Austria Bela rus Bel-Lux Bsnia Herzg Bulgaria Cratia Czech Rep Denmark Estnia I Id LAKP,,P, it til V] tpfy Z Faere Is Finland France Germany Gibraltar Greece Hungary N Iceland,[!, Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Macednia Malta Mldva Rep Netherlands Nrway Pland Prtugal Rmania Russian Fed Slvakia Slvenia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK,- I Ukraine Yugslavia OCEANIA Amer Sama Australia Ck Is Fiji Fr Plynesia Guam Kiribati Nauru Newcalednia L L,; New Zealand L Niue Papua N Guin Sama Slmn Is Tkelau Tnga Tuvalu J'' Vanuatu Wallis Fut I f J _,f,-;

17 , XV f t-v-:7 R fifil = = 99 = 8 = 97 = f AX--{V_ &X C; /,,: / (/8 /f *V-'nnnlirMLFV- ), 7 9, A'//Ci,j9 7,9 8 /7-* ii'llf*pl;pit t-t '


19 CONTENTS, WOOD CHARCOAL, WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES ROUND WOOD Pr - r E P: ROL:" 7 NC) :"; fr Crarca, fr Cha SAWNWOOD Sawrwd Prductid C- Imrts guar: d Exprts Qua : Sa wrwd ici Prductin C [r:crds c Exprts c: r Charcal INC) Sawnwg P-:: '! e Rugh Ext nw quantity e Pr:: imp di; Exp-di: qua 7 WOOD-BASED PANELS Industrial Rundwus-' di Ine Rugn Ci Prductin Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity value Exprts quantity, value Industria! Pindwd-Wd in the RuchNat Otinsurnptir vadue,,,, 8 Exprts 7' Llet value industrial Rc d-iivd in the Rugh inci Trpical imprt:, i alue Expn: e Industrial Rc n :he Rugh INCi Other Impri: ue Exprs alue Sawl:gs a- sineer Lgs Prc :n Sawias and Veneer Lgs (C) Prductin Sawigs and Veneer Ls inc PrdLctin Puipwd Rund anc Spilt Prductin Exprts Qua--; Pulpwd Rund and Split f,c) Prductin Pulpwd Rund and Split (NC) Prductin Other Industria] Rundwc Prductin Wd-Based Panel Prductin C: imprts: qua:! Veneer Pr 7 -t Exg txds Plywd Prduct in!mpirts Exprts: Pardite Ba-: Prduct': h ImpDrts Exprts tu Fibrecard Prductn Cns mpti Imprts q:antity vame Exprts quantity value Hardbard Prcuct :n CPs imprts tiu e e n 8 Medium Density F re:: Prductin Cns Imprts: quan:: Exprts: quantity 7 Insplating Bard Prductin, Cnsumptin 8 Imprts: quantity value,, Exprts: quantity value

20 PULP AND RECOVERED PAPER VVd Pulp Prductin, Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity, value Exprts: quantity value 8 Mechanical Wd Pulp Prductin, Cnsumptin 9 Imprts: quantity, value Exprts: quantity, value Semi-Chemical VVd Pulp Prductin Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity, value Exprts: quantity value Chemical Wd Pulp Prductin, Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity, value 7 Exprts: quantity, value 9 Unbleached Sulphite Pulp Prductin, Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity value Exprts: quantity, value Bleached Sulphite Pulp Prductin Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity, value Exprta: quantity, value Unbleached Sulphate Pulp Prductin, Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity, value 7 Exprts: quantity, value 8 Wrapping and Packaging Paper and Paperbard Prductin, Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity value Exprts: quantity value 8 Other Paper and Paperbard Nt Elsewhere Specified Prductin, Cnsumptin 9 Imprts: quantity value Exprts: quantity value FOREST PRODUCTS Imprts and exprts: value DIRECTION OF TRADE Industrial Rundwd-VVd in the Rugh (C) Industrial Rundwd-VVd in the Rugh (NC) Trpical Industrial Rundwd-VVd in the Rugh (NC) Other VVd Chips and Particles Sawnwd (C) Sawnwd (NC) Veneer Sheets Plywd 7 Particle Bard 8 Fibrebard 9 VVd Pulp Newsprint Paper and Paperbard ther than Newsprint Frest Prducts Bleached Sulphate Pulp Prductin, Cnsumptin 9 Imprts: quantity, value 7 Exprts: quantity, value 7 Disslving VVd Pulp Prductin, Cnsumptin 7 Imprts: quantity, value 7 Exprts: quantity, value 7 Other Fibre Pulp Prductin, Cnsumptin 77 Imprts: quantity, value 78 Exprts: quantity, value 79 Recvered Paper Prductin, Cnsumptin 8 Imprts: quantity, value 8 Exprts: quantity, value 8 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD Paper and Paperbard Prductin, Cnsumptin 8 Imprts: quantity, value 89 Exprts: quantity, value 9 Newsprint Prductin, Cnsumptin 9 Imprts: quantity, value 9 Exprts: quantity value 98 Printing and Writing Paper Prductin, Cnsumptin 99 Imprts: quantity, value Exprts: quantity, value Other Paper and Paperbard Prductin, Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity, value Exprts: quantity, value 8 Husehld and Sanitary Paper Prductin, Cnsumptin Imprts: quantity, value Exprts: quantity, value

21 xix AO YEAR:::,,t'f> OF FOREST PRODUCTS INTRODUCTION This is the 'd issue f the FAO Yearbk f Frest Prducts The yearbk cntains annual data n the prductin and trade in frest prducts fr the years and n directin f trade in 997 and 998 The full frest prducts time series starting in 9 is available in electrnic frm n diskette (FAOSTAT PC), n cmpact disk (FAOSTAT CD) and n the Internet at: Fr infrmatin n acquiring any f these infrmatin prducts, cntact publicatins-sales farg r thrugh the Internet at Please nte the change in frmat f the yearbk In rder t increase access t frestry infrmatin and best serve its member cuntries, FAO is expanding the language cverage prvided in this yearbk t include Arabic and Chinese Each year, mre sectins will be prvided in these languages The publicatin f the yearbk is made pssible by the cperatin f gvernments which supply mst f the infrmatin in the frm f replies t questinnaires This editin benefits frm expanded c-peratin in gathering frest sectr statistics amng a number f the internatinal rganisatins Beginning in 999, infrmatin fr prductin and trade in 998 and updates fr 997 were gathered using a jint frest prducts questinnaire supprted by the Frestry Department f FAO, the Ecnmic Cmmissin fr Eurpe (ECE) the Statistical Office f the Eurpean Cmmunities (EUROSTAT) and the Internatinal Trpical Timber Organisatin (ITTO) This jint questinnaire is in respnse t requests frm member cuntries f all fur partner rganizatins t ratinalise ur appraches t frest sectr data cllectin and disseminatin It is hped that this will reduce the reprting burden n cuntries, imprve respnse rates and increase cnsistency amng frestry statistical publicatins issued by the varius agencies The yearbk tables are arranged in three parts The first part cntains infrmatin abut the mst imprtant cuntries in terms f prductin, cnsumptin and trade f frest prducts in 998 The secnd part cntains the main tables reprting the vlume f prductin, cnsumptin and trade, as well as ttal and unit values f trade, fr every cuntry and type f frest prduct The third part cntains tables shwing the bilateral directins f trade fr majr prduct categries The tables in the secnd part present data fr the years These tables have been arranged s that, fr any frest prduct, the tables shwing data n prductin, imprts and exprts f that prduct fllw ne anther Because the prduct subdivisins used in prductin and trade statistics differ, the series fr certain prduct categries include nly prductin statistics and fr certain thers nly trade statistics In general, tables fr rundwd are fllwed by thse fr sawnwd, panel prducts, pulp and paper, in that rder VVithin these grupings, tables shwing the ttal fr all prducts within the grup cme first, fllwed by tables fr each f the individual prducts The directin f trade tables shw the largest exprters and largest imprters fr each f a number f widely traded frest prducts This infrmatin reprted fr the latest tw years, is based n an analysis f data prvided by cuntries thrugh the jint questinnaire and frm data drawn frm the COMTRADE database f the United Natins Statistics Office As part f FAO's effrt t expand its statistical cverage, mre cmprehensive directin f trade statistics fr cuntries will als shrtly be released in electrnic frm n the FAOSTAT Internet website Frest prducts and frest prduct aggregates are defined briefly belw In this sectin, the frest prduct aggregates and individual frest prducts are listed in the rder in which they ccur in the yearbk These definitins are based n thse cntained in: Classificatin and definitins f frest prducts, FAO, Rme, 98 Sme refinement f prduct definitins and classificatins have been made in this issue in rder t meet the needs f all partners f the jint frest prducts questinnaire and t avid pssible duble-cunting in sme frest prduct categries, A table is included at the end f this sectin which shws the cmpsitin f prduct aggregates in prductin, cnsumptin and trade In the case f exprts and imprts, a table is prvided at the end f this sectin that assciates the frest prduct name with the relevant numerical cdes used in the United Natins Standard Internatinal Trade Classificatin (SITC) system and in the Harmnised System (HS) f the Wrld Custms Organizatin The tables are extracted frm FAO's FAOSTAT database n frest prducts As such, the tables use cmputer-generated labels fr frest prduct names and t represent gegraphic entities A listing f the crnputer generated labels fr names f cntinents, cuntries and areas is displayed in a table twards the end f this sect in As in previus issues, this yearbk includes estimates made by FAO and data btained frm surces ther than the fficial replies t questinnaires The -year series incrprates bth fficial revisins and new infrmatin frm ther surces Thus, the figures published in earlier issues may have been revised during the preparatin f these series In certain cases, the data prvided by cuntries are stated in different units r systems f measurement frm thse used in the yearbk Fr presentatin in the yearbk it has been necessary t cnvert t a standard set f metric units The cefficients used fr cnversin t the metric system are shwn in a tabie at the end f this sectin It is hped that cuntries will re-examine the estimates and prvide FAO with mre accurate figures when these appear t be wrng A table f exchange rates fr the years f the data series is als included in the yearbk This table shws the exchange rates used t cnvert lcal currency units t a cmmn currency (USS) in the trade value tables Data fr prducfin and trade are runded t the nearest units; vlume figures (including apparent net cnsumptin per thusand capita) are in metric tnnes fr charcal, pulp and paper prducts and cubic meters fr all ther prducts When the name f a cuntry r area is given withut a crrespnding numerical entry r printed as "", it means that quantities are less than units Entries f less than g int the reginal ttal and wrld ttal even thugh they are nt shwn at the cuntry level VVhere fficial statistics were nt available an indicatin is given identifying the use f FAO estimates (F) r data frm nnfficial surces (') The use f (F) and (*) is displayed n the prduct tables at the individual prduct level, eg plywd, but nt at the aggregate level, eg wd-based panels T imprve these series readers are encuraged t cntact FAO if they find data that is incnsistent with recgnised r authritative data surces r if any f the data des nt appear t make sense, even if it has cme frm an fficial surce FAO wants t reprt accurate and timely data and seeks the assistance f all cuntries t imprve the cmpilatin and disseminatin f high quality statistics n frest prduct prductin and internatinal trade The cntact details fr FAO staff dealing with each f the sectins f the yearbk are given belw Planning and Statistics Branch, FAO Frestry Department, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rme, Italy Fax: r ; fr general cmments -- michaelmartin farg; prductin statistics crissisvici farg: trade statistics evabrzill farg: FAOSTAT access felicepadvani farg

22 XX SYMBOLS USED IN THE TABLES metr tnnes in the case f charcal pulp and paper prducts cum MT NC S Cub metre Metric tn Cniferus Nn-cniferus FAO estimate Unfficial fiaure United States d llar Imprts Prducts imprted fr dmestic cnsumptin r prcessing shipped it a cuntry It includes: imprts fr re-expn in sme circumstances It excludes: "In-transit" shipments It is reprted in cub metres f s lid vlurne r metr tnnes and values nrmally include cst insurance and freight (ie CIF) PRODUCT NAMES AND DEFINITIONS General ternts and frest prduct narres used in the yearbk are listed belw and briefly defined Where pssible the definitins used fllw Class/fir:at/On and definitins f frest prducts FAO Rme 98 Sme f these have been refined fr use with the jint frest prducts questinnaire General terms COniferLis All wds derived frm trees classified btanically as Gymnspermae ea fir (Abies) Paraná pine (Araucaria) dedar (Cedrus) ginkg (Ginkg) larch (Larix) spruce (Picea) pine chir kail (Pus) etc (These are als generally referred t as sftwds) Nn-cniferus Ali wds derived frm trees classified btanically as Angispermae, eg maple (Acer) alder (Alnus) ebny (Dispyrs) beech t'fagtis) lignum vitae (Gtialacum), pplar (Pputus) cae )t'ercus), sal (Shrea) teak (Tectrta) casuarina etc (These are generally referred t as bradleaves r hardwds) Trpical Trpical timber is defined in the Internatinal Trpical Timber Agreement (99) as fllws "Nn-cniferus trpical wd fr industrial uses, which grws r is prduced in the cuntries situated between the rpi f Cancer ard the Trpic f Capricrn The term cvers lgs sawnwd veneer sheets and plywd Plywd which includes in sme measure cnifers f trpicai rigin sha als be cvered by the definitin" The term is niy used here in reference t nncniferus industrial rundwd Other Cuntries that are nt trpical (as defined abve) The terrn is nly used here in reference t nn-cniferus industrial rungwd Remvals The vlume f all trees living r dead, that are felled and remved frm the frest tner wded and r Other felling sites It includes: natural lsses that are recvered (ie harvested) remvals durina Me year f wd felled during an earlier per 'd tehmvals f nn-stem wd: such as stumps and branches these are harvested) and remval f trees killed r damaged by natural causes (ie, natural lsses) eg fire windblu insects and diseases It excludes: bark ad ther nn-wdy bimass and any wd that is nt reimved, eg stumps branches and Pee tps (h,vhere these are nt hamested) and fellina residues (nahvesting waste) It is reprted in cub metres underbark (ie excluding bark) \Nhere it is measured verbark (ie including bark) the vlume has t be adjusted dwnthards t cnvert t an underbark estimate Pm: The sc ;tie r weight f ail prductin f the prducts spa : w It includes: the prductin f prducts that may rr me e cnsumed in the prdlictin f anther prduct (eg r :p h b may immediately be cnverted it paper as part di a cntinuus prcess) It excludes: the prductin f veneer sheets that are used fr ply,w,d prductin within the same cuntry It is reprted in cubic metres f s lid vlume in the case f rundird sawnwd and wd based panes and Exprts Prducts f dmestic rigin r manufacture shipped ut f the cuntry It includes: re-exprts jr' sme circumstances It excludes: "In-transit" shipments It is reprted in cubic rnetres f s lid vlume r metr tnnes and values are nrmally recrcied as free-n-bard (ie FOB) Unit va/ues Unit va res have been btained by dividing the ttal value f trade by the ttal vlume f trade The figures fr exprts represent average FOB values while thse fr imprts represent average CIF values Cnsumptin Cnsumptin is Apparent Net Cnsumptin h h equals prductin plus imprts minus exprts: it can therefre nly be calculated when data are available fr all three elements Frest prduct aggregates and names The names cf individual frest prducts and prduct aggregates are listed belw in the rder in h h they ccur in the tables later n Separate definitins are nt prvided fr cniferus (C) and nn-cn tercs (NC) cmpnents where the general definitin given abve applies Unless indicated therwise each frest prduct categry includes bth cn tercs an nncniferus cmpnents A SUMMary, shwing nw al l f the prduct categries and aggregates are linked tgether is given in a table at the end f this sectin ROUND WOOD Rundwd Rundwd (C) Rundwd (NC) Ail rundwd felled r therwise harvested an remved It cmprises all wd btained frm remvals, ie the quantities remved frm frests and frm trees utside the frest including wd recvered frm naturnl felling and lgging lsses during the perid, calendar year r frest year It includes: all wd remved iytvith r withut bark including wd remved in ita rund frm r split rughly squared r in ther frm (e g branches rts stumps and burls (where these are harvested) and wd that is rughly shaped r pinted In the prductin statistics, it represents the sum f: wd fucl including wd fr charcal: sawlas and veneer lgs: pulpwd rund an split: and ther industrial rundwd In the trade statistics, it represents the sum f: industrial rundwd wd in the rugh: and wd fuel including wd fr charcal It is reprted in cub metres underbark (ie excluding bark) The statistics include recrded vlumes as well as estimated unrecrded vlumes as indicated in the ntes \Ald Fuel including Wd fr Charcal Wd Fuel including Wd fr Charcal (C) Wd Fue Wd fr Charcal (NC) Rundwd that will be used as fuel fr purpses such as cking, heating r pwer prductin, It includes: wd harvested frm main stems branches and ther parts f trees (where these are harvested fr fuel) and wd that will be used fr charcal prductin (e g in pit kilns and prtable vens) The r rne f rundwd used in charcs l prductin is estimated by usina a factr f t cnvert frm the weight (MT) f charcs l prduced t the s lid vlume (cum) f rundwd used in prductin It is reprted in cub metres underbark (ie excludina bark)

23 XXI Industrial RundDC D ;DC: n the Rugh Industrial Rundv: in the Rugh (C) Industrial Rundv DC J-Wd in the Rugh (NC) lht: ist is Rundcd-Wd in the Rugh (NC) Trpical Rundwd-Wd in the Rugh (NC) Other Runcwd that will be used in the prductin f ther pcs and ser es (except as a surce f fuel) It includes: all rundwd except wd fuel In the prductin statistics, it represents the sum f: sawlgs and veneer lgs: pulpwd rund and split: and ther industrial rundwd Trace statistics fr this categry are nly divided it cniferus and nncniferus and the latter is further subdivided it trpical and nn-trpical) It is reprted in cubic metres underbark (ie excluding bark) Savvlgs and Veneer Lgs Sawlgs and Veneer Las (a) Sawlgs an Veneer Lgs (NC Rundvvd that will be sa sr chipped) lengthways fr the manufacture f SaVIllV Or r r sr sleepers (tes ) r used fr the prductin f venedr f-l- by peeling r slicing) It includes: rundwd (whether r nt it is rudhly squared) that will be used fr these purpses: shingle blts and stave blts match billets and ther spec r tes f rund\xd (e g burls and rts etc) used f- \ \ rtictis It is reprted in cubic metres underbark e 'g ::are) Pulpwd Rund and Split Pulpwd Rund and Split (C) Pulpwd Rund an Split (NCI Rundwd that will be used fr the prductin f pulp particlebard r fibrebard It includes: rundwd with r vvithut bark) that vvill be used fr these purpses,ts rund frm ras s urd r wd chips mace itetl ' :he fresti 'r' riun:v,l It is reprted in s imetres underbark (ie,:u,luding bark) Other Industrial Rundwcmt Other Industrial Rc sd C) Other Industrial Rc j NC) Rundwd that t sed utside the frest prcessing sectr fr the p f cther ads and ser ces (except as a surce f fuel) It includes: rundwd that will be used fr tanning distillatin match blcks dadcenes ples piling psts fencing and pitprps etc It is reprted in cubic metres underbark (ie excludind bark) WOOD CHARCOAL, WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES Charcal trbnised by partial cmbustin r the applicatin f hea: frm externa l surces It includes: charcal used as a fue r fr ther uses e g as a reductin agent in metallurgy r as an absrptin r filtratin medium It is reprted in metric tnnes Wd Chips and Particles Wd that has been deliberately reduced t small reces clunn the manufacture f ther wd prducts and is suitable fr pulping fr particle bard and fibrebard prductin fr use as a fuel r fr ther purpses It excludes: \vd chips made directly a e in the frest) frm rundwd (ie already cunted as pulpwd rund and split) It is reprted in cub metres s lid vlume excluding bark Wd Residues The vlume f rundwd that is left ver after the prductin f frest prducts in the frest prcessing industry tie frest prcessing residues) and that has nt been reduced t chips r particles It includes: sawmill rejects slabs eddings and trimmings veneer lg cres veneer rejects sawdust residues frn- carpentry and jinery prdliction etc It excludes: wd chips made either directly (ie in the frest) frm rundwd r made frm residues (ie already COUnted as pulpwd rund and split r wd chips and particles) It is reprted in cubic metres s lid vlume excludir SAWNWOOD Sawnwd Savvrmr:g (C) l\nd t'-at prduced fr r,th cc "es: :tea runiwc-a either by sa 'g and that lb a fe --ess It includes se aths the maued finger- IC chart's- rabbeted etc It excludes: v: It is reprted in J metres s lid vlume WOOD-BASED PANELS Wd-Based Panels The wd-based panels categ: - is m r:s'::s:: r::g, In the prductin and trade statstics, it represents the sum f: yeneer sheets until 99 fibrebar: nn-cmg -dseed 't ar: ":SSE: ret -d has p It is reprted in CULHC rl'isires SC re - bard re ser Sheets Thin sheets f vvxd f unifrm e ratar\ cut le Deere sliced r sawn It includes: wg: tr n re ' plywd laminated cnstructin furnir er-pecrta riere etc It excludes: wd use ir In the same cuntry It is reprted in vlume -d O el cnsisting] f an assembly f yeeer s its bnded ner vith the directin f the grain alt(rig:tg s generally at ght angles The veneer sheets me plaed symmetrically n bth sides f a centrai - may itself be made frm a re re, includes: veneer plywd n tgether mre tar taw alternate veneer sheets is cre plywd r blckbard central layer generally es ) that c-s sis f narrw bards bidkssed side by s,,je which may st may n: cellular bard p I yw -re f ceiruiar c: and cmpsite plywd s d with the cre r in layers made f 'ratera l c: r than s lid wc r q:s) It excludes: laminated cnstructin materials (eg Dr7, where the gra f the vencer sheets generally runs in tire same directin It is reprted in cubic metres s lid vlume Part :le Bard A nanel manufactured frm small pieces f wd r ther lignc- s s materials te d chips flakes s ler strands shreds sn s etc) bnded tgether by the use,-- tit rganic binder tcae:nier with ne r tms: e f the stents: heat pressure humidity a :a:a st etc It includes: waterbard riented strandbard DSP an: fiaxbard It excludes: wd wl and ther particle ba -rganic binders It is reprted in c Fibrebard A panel manufacture,rm fibres :- cellulsic materials th primary felting f the fibres :he ir Ínhe,-,flt erties talthugh bnd nd r d added in re manufactur;:g g It includes: that are flat-pressed am sed In the prductin and trade statistics, it represents the sum f: hardbard: medium density fibrebard (rxidf) leulating

24 bard It is reprted in cubic metres slid vlume Hardbard Fibrebard with a density exceeding 8 g/cm Befre 99 this prduct was a cmpnent f the cmpressed fibrebard prduct categry, s data fr this prduct is nt available fr 99 and earlier years It excludes: similar prducts made frm pieces f wd, wd flur r ther lign-cellulsic material where additinal binders are required t make the panel; and panels made f gypsum r ther mineral material It is reprted in cubic metres slid vlume Medium Density Fibrebard (MDF) Fibrebard f a density exceeding g/cm but nt exceeding 8 gicm Befre 99, this prduct was a cmpnent f the cmpressed fibrebard prduct categry, s data fr this prduct is nt available fr 99 and earlier years It is reprted in cubic metres slid vlume Insulating Bard Fibrebard f a density nt exceeding g/cm Befre 99, this prduct was referred t as nn-cmpressed fibrebard It is reprted in cubic metres slid vlume PULP AND RECOVERED PAPER VVd Pulp Fibrus material prepared frm pulpwd, wd chips, particles, residues r recvered paper by mechanical and/r chemical prcess fr further manufacture int paper paperbard, fibrebard r ther cellulse prducts In the prductin and trade statistics, it represents the sum f: mechanical wd pulp; semi-chemical wd pulp; chemical wd pulp; and disslving wd pulp It is reprted in metric tnnes air-dry weight (ie with a % misture cntent) Mechanical Wd Pulp Wd pulp btained by grinding r milling pulpwd r residues int fibres, r thrugh refining chips r particles Als called grund wd pulp and refiner pulp, it may be bleached r unbleached It includes: chemi-mechanical and thermmechanical pulp It excludes: explded and defibrillated pulp It is reprted in metric tnnes air-dry weight (ie with a % misture cntent) Semi-Chemical VVd Pulp Wd pulp btained by subjecting pulpwd, wd chips, particles r residues t a series f mechanical and chemical treatments, nne f which alne is sufficient t make the fibres separate readily It may be bleached r unbleached It includes: semi-chemical wd pulp; chemi-grund wd pulp; and chemimechanical wd pulp etc(named in the rder and imprtance f the treatment during the manufacturing prcess) It is reprted in metric tnnes air-dry weight (ie with a % misture cntent) Chemical VVd Pulp Wd pulp btained by subjecting pulpwd, wd chips, particles r residues t a series f chemical treatments It includes: sulphate (kraft) wd pulp; sda wd pulp; and sulphite wd pulp It may be bleached, semi-bleached r unbleached It excludes disslving grades f wd pulp It is reprted in metric tnnes air-dry weight (ie with a % misture cntent) VVhere detail is available, statistics fr the fllwing fur cmpnent pulpa are als given: unbleached sulphite pulp: bleached sulphite pulp: unbleached sulphate pulp; and bleached sulphate pulp Unbleached Sulphite Pulp Bleached Sulphite Pulp Wd pulp btained by mechanically reducing pulpwd, wd chips, particles r residues t small pieces that are subsequently cked in a pressure vessel in the presence f a bisulphite cking liqur Bisulphites such as ammnium, calcium, magnesium and sdium are cmmnly used in this prcess It excludes disslving grades f wd pulp It is reprted in metric tnnes air-dry weight (ie with a / misture cntent) and data fr tw classes: bleached (including semi-bleached): and unbleached, are reprted separately Unbleached Sulphate Pulp Bleached Sulphate Pulp VVd pulp btained by mechanically reducing pulpwd, wd chips, particles r residues t small pieces that are subsequently cked in a pressure vessel in the presence f sdium hydrxide cking liqur (sda pulp) r a mixture f sdium hydrxide and sdium sulphite cking liqur (sulphate pulp) It excludes disslving grades f wd pulp It is reprted in metric tnnes air-dry weight (ie with a % misture cntent) and data fr tw classes: bleached (including semi-bleached): and unbleached are reprted separately Disslving VVd Pulp Chemical pulp (sulphate, sda r sulphite) made frm wd f special quality, with a very high alpha-cellulse cntent (usually 9 percent and ver) This type f pulp is always bleached and is readily adaptable fr uses ther than paper-making It is used principally as a surce f cellulse in the manufacture f prducts such as synthetic fibres, cellulse plastic materials, lacquers and explsives It is reprted in metric tnnes airdry weight (ie with a % misture cntent) Other Fibre Pulp Pulp manufactured frm fibrus vegetable materials ther than wd and used fr the manufacture f paper, paperbard and fibrebard It includes pulps made frm: straw; bamb; bagasse; espart; ther reeds r grasses; cttn fibres; flax: hemp; rags; and ther textile wastes It excludes pulp made frm recvered paper It is reprted in metric tnnes air-dry weight (ie with a % misture cntent) Recvered Paper VVaste and scraps f paper r paperbard that have been cllected fr re-use as a raw material fr the manufacture f paper and paperbard It includes: paper and paperbard that has been used fr its riginal purpse and residues frm paper and paperbard prductin It is reprted in metric tnnes PAPER AND PAPERBOARD Paper and Paperbard The paper and paperbard categry is an aggregate categry In the prductin and trade statistics, it represents the sum f: newsprint; printing and writing paper; and ther paper and paperbard Prducts in this categry are generally manufactured in strips r rlls f a width exceeding cm ( cm fr HS 8 and 89) r in rectangular sheets with ne side exceeding cm and the ther exceeding cm in the unflded state It excludes manufactured paper prducts such as bxes, cartns, bks and magazines, etc It is reprted in metric tnnes Newsprint Uncated paper, unsized (r nly slightly sized), cntaining at least percent mechanical wd pulp (percentage f fibrus cntent), usually weighing nt less that g/m and generally nt mre than g/m, f the type used mainly fr the printing f newspapers It is reprted in metric tnnes Paper and Paperbard ther than Newsprint The paper and paperbard categry is an aggregate categry It cmprises: ther printing and writing paper; and ther paper and paperbard It nly appears in tables shwing directin f trade It is reprted in metric tnnes Printing and VVriting Paper Paper, except newsprint, suitable fr printing and business purpses, writing, sketching, drawing, etc Made frm a variety f pulp blends and with varius finishes It includes: papers used fr bks and magazines: wallpaper base stck: bx lining and cvering; calculatr paper: rtnews; duplicating tablet r blck; labels; lithgraph paper; bankntes: tabulating card stck; bible r imitatin bible paper; statinery; manifld paper;

25 ninskin; typevvriter paper: and pster paper, etc It is reprted in metric tnnes Other Paper and Paperbard All ther types f paper It includes: cnstructin paper and paperbard; husehld and sanitary paper; special thin paper: wrapping and packaging paper and paperbard: and ther paper and paperbard nt elsewhere specified It is reprted in metric tnnes VVhere detail is available, statistics fr the fllwing three cmpnents are als given: husehld and sanitary paper; wrapping and packaging paper and paperbard; and ther paper and paperbard nt elsewhere specified Husehld and Sanitary Paper Absrbent paper (creped r uncreped and smetimes embssed) made frm bleached r unbleached chemical wd pulp, smetimes with a mixture f pulp frm waste paper and mechanical pulp It includes: twelling; napkins; facial tissue; tilet tissue; wadding: and dispsable tissues etc It is reprted in metric tnnes VVrapping and Packag ng Paper and Paperbard Paper r paperbard used fr wrapping, packaging and the manufacture f sacks and bxes It includes: vegetable parchment, greaseprf paper and glassine paper (made frm pure chemical wd pulp r frm a mixture f chemical wd pulp, cttn fibre pulp, treated (eg highly hydrated r hardbeaten) t render the resulting paper resistant t il, grease and water and used pdmarily fr packaging frzen, mist r greasy materials such as butter, marganhe, meat r fish): linerbard (paper r paperbard used as facing material n crrugated r slid paper r paperbard bxes and cntainers): fluting medium (paper r paperbard used as medium when cmbining paper and paperbard fr cnversin int a crrugated bard); sack kraft paper (strng paper made frm sulphate pulp and used in the manufacture f single r multiwall sacks); ther kraft wrapping paper (all ther wrapping and packaging papers made principally frm sulphate pulp); flding bxbard (all types f paperbard used in the manufacture f flding bxes); and ther wrapping and packaging paper and paperbard It is reprted in metric tnnes Other Paper and Paperbard Nt Elsewhere Specified Paper and paper bard used fr cnstructin, special purpses and ther uses nt elsewhere specified It includes: kraft papers used fr vvaxing, asphalting waterprfing, laminating impregnating, spinning r twisting, gumming, etc; papers manufactured principally frm furnishes ther than sulphate pulp and nt elsewhere specified (such as rpe and jute paper, flder stck, bltting paper, filter paper, phtgraphic sensitising paper, etc); cnstructin paper and paperbard (papers, paper felts and paperbards used in the cnstmctin f buildings and ther structures fr insulatin, vapur seal, rfing and flring undeday etc (these papers are generally made frm fully refined material such as wd pulp, waste paper, ther vegetable pulp and mineral fibre and their principle characteristics are lw thennal cnductivity, misture resistance, fire resistance, permanency and insect and vermin resistance)); special thin paper (papers made fr special purpses, their cmmn characteristics being their relative thinness, these papers may be made frm mechanical r chemical wd pulps, bleached r unbleached, but frequently frm pulpa cntaining flax, hemp r cttn fibre and the principal characteristics f sme f these papers are: unifrmity r surface and calliper, freedm frm pinhles, strength clse frmatin, pacity, lw permeability, chemical pudty, examples f this type f paper includes: carbnising tissue, cndenser and capacitr paper cigarette paper, lens tissue, pattern tissue, and tea-bag paper): and paperbards nt elsewhere specified (such as she bard, gasket bard, transfrmer bard, press textile bard, index pressbard, panel bard (car) trunk and suitcase bard and matrix bard) It excludes: papers, felts r bards that are impregnated, saturated, laminated r further manufactured in any way and fibrebard r fibre building-bard, in the frm f insulating bard, medium hardbard and hardbard It is reprted in metrc tnnes

26 this cannt NOTES ON THE TABLES Prductin and trade ROUND WOOD : Rc rductin are nt available fr a nu- bee- es: mated by cnverting the tne triun:hy t the vlume f reql de that vlume the rundwd sud_zi frest prducts included inr strial itl be calculated due t the ere Prducts used in the prductin and trade a number f cuntries that were me-in e Oust:fit s C-peratin Cuncil (nczw named the Orgar ii atin) intrduced a revised classificatin n t eir trace statistics the Harmnized Cmmdity and Cding System (HS) This has als been adr:tet: r be United Natins in Revisin f the Standard intir at ade hlasscatin (SITC Rev ) fr m f is a straightfrward transfrma: I'm m the itissificatin in the case f industrial rln,vnd s between sawlgs ad veneer lgs ;t her industrial rundwd are nt included Thus tables fr trade t ese prducts are discntinued The incmplete deara f rundwd prductich : eta explains the presence f ansumptin in sr -tries (ie this is a erare: re re: ern) These inat are included in the Wd F Th - -Id - Charcal frmerly knviiin as fuelwd - n f this prduct is nt reprted ni/ f which are believed t be EIST mates fr these cuntries are ate re sed as ne surveys used the annual same as the anindal The per ca:: :a ipdat re Value un ts The unit usen in tables n the value f trade is US dllars In the tables n unit value f trade it is US dllars per cub metre r per metr tn accrding t the cmmdity Cuntry ntes Certain cuntries either have nt reprted statistics t FAO r have reprted nly partially In such cases infrrnatin has caen taken frm natinal yearbks frm reprts r frm unfficial publicatins Estimates f trade nave been based n infrmatin prvided by reprts f trading partners The fllwing ntes apply t particular cuntries: Belgium Luxemburg Prductr an trade are margen under BEL-LUX China Data -c une :hse fr Taiwan Prvince f China and Hng Kng Special Administrative Regin Canana and 'he United States f America Fr Canada and the Untad States f America the vlume f sawhwd 'aprten in bard feet is cnverted t cuc metres using a cnversin factr f rnrii per bd ft Se % mn cnventins in these cuntries generally result in the me f prductr being less t-an the nminal vlume f prdutin Fr example it is es: ated That fr the Unten States f Ame' ca taking cn far _s and nn-cniferus data tgether the actual average vlume if rugh green saiwnwd prduced wuld be ercent less than :he nminal vlume prduced )while the v Li tithted average fr surface dry cniferus and rugh dry nrn-ic ',ins us sawnwd wuld be 7 percent iess than the ric me Data fr particle bard prductin in the United States s' rneric,a nly n «as OSB (riented strand bard) frm S WOOD-BASED PANELS f fibrebarg are frest tal fibrecar mt raductih s pssicie Directin f trade t-e ales: tv nfrnan eqtihnnai- ase cf nt eee a 'hit- na t-- rr ettin f main yeamck basis f



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LISTA DE PRECIOS NACIONAL LISTA DE PRECIOS NACIONAL Rumanía Bulgaria Resto del Área Económica Europea 1 Marruecos Colombia Ecuador Bolivia Paraguay Perú Chile Rep. Dominicana Uruguay 25,01 50,00 4,90 50,01 100,00 5,90 100,01 200,00

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FAO LIBRARY AN 385445 FAO LIBRARY AN 855 C,CC CCGCC ;C Jr,CC CC OC,C OC,OC, C C GC C' ()CC,7, C I t k FAO Frestry Series N FAO Statistics Series N Cllectin FAO: Fre- ts N Cllectin FAO: Statistiques N Clección FAO: Mntes N

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Web: http://www.convergia.com.pe/servicio-al-cliente/informaci%c3%b3n-de-planes-y-tarifas.dot

Web: http://www.convergia.com.pe/servicio-al-cliente/informaci%c3%b3n-de-planes-y-tarifas.dot Empresa: CONVERGIA PERÚ PREPAGO LARGA DISTANCIA INTERNACIONAL Nombre: Promoción 1960 Móvil Prepago Diciembre 2015 Enero 2016 Fecha de Inicio: 15/12/15 Fecha Fin: 31/01/16 Número de Atención: 080071960

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FAO LIBRARY AN 386245 _ FAO LIBRARY AN 865 - yariiusk Enziluehe ri FAO Frestry Series N FAO Statistics Series N 5 Cllectin FAO: Frèts N Cllectin FAO: Statistiques N 5 Clección FAO: Mntes N Clección FAO: Estadística N 5 ei

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Section X Market size

Section X Market size Data Tables Section X Market size 2.2: Data Tables Section X: Market size 498 10.01 Domestic market size index Sum of gross domestic product plus value of imports of goods and services, minus value of

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LISTA DE CODIGOS DE TELEFONOS PARA TODOS LOS PAISES POR: V ctor de los Santos Alema y - 19-marzo-2010

LISTA DE CODIGOS DE TELEFONOS PARA TODOS LOS PAISES POR: V ctor de los Santos Alema y - 19-marzo-2010 LISTA DE CODIGOS DE TELEFONOS PARA TODOS LOS PAISES POR: V ctor de los Santos Alema y - 19-marzo-2010 Por C digo Por Paises 1 Usa 93 Afghanistan 7 Russia 9379 Afghanistan (Mobile) 20 Egypt 355 Albania

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Section IX Technological readiness

Section IX Technological readiness Data Tables Section IX Technological readiness 2.2: Data Tables Section IX: Technological readiness 490 9.01 Availability of latest technologies To what extent are the latest technologies available in

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Country list ranked by name of country

Country list ranked by name of country Country list ranked by name of country Table 7.1. GEDI, the three sub-index values and rank by countries Country GEDI GEDI Rank ATTINDEX ATT Rank ABTINDEX ABT rank ASPINDEX Albania 0.22 70-74 0.19 92-94

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7.01 Quality of roads

7.01 Quality of roads 7.01 Quality of roads How would you assess roads in your country? [1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by international standards] 2011 2012 weighted average RANK COUNTRY/ECONOMY

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5.01 Secondary education enrollment rate

5.01 Secondary education enrollment rate 5.01 Secondary education enrollment rate Gross secondary education enrollment rate 2010 or most recent year available RANK COUNTRY/ECONOMY VALUE 1 Australia...131.3 2 Spain...124.7 3 Netherlands...121.5

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Tarifas de Trinus para sim cards Alfa

Tarifas de Trinus para sim cards Alfa Tarifas y coberturas pueden cambiar sin previo aviso. En todo caso nos esforzamos para que cada vez sea más barato Todos los precios son sin considerar IVA Incrementos de voz son de 1 minuto. Esto significa

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Table 3: The Global Competitiveness Index rankings and comparisons

Table 3: The Global Competitiveness Index rankings and comparisons Table 3: The Global Competitiveness Index 2014 2015 rankings and 2013 2014 comparisons Country/Economy Rank (out of 144) GCI 2014 2015 Score (1 7) Rank among 2013 2014 economies* GCI 2013 2014 rank (out

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Soluciones para reducir los riesgos de las empresas murcianas en las operaciones de exportación. Director Comercial de Coface en España

Soluciones para reducir los riesgos de las empresas murcianas en las operaciones de exportación. Director Comercial de Coface en España Soluciones para reducir los riesgos de las empresas murcianas en las operaciones de exportación Jose Luis Durán Jose Luis Durán Director Comercial de Coface en España Soluciones para reducir los riesgos

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Data Tables. 3rd pillar Infrastructure

Data Tables. 3rd pillar Infrastructure Data Tables 3rd pillar Infrastructure 3.01 Electricity production Electricity production (kwh) per capita 2013 or most recent 1 Iceland...55,954.3 2 Norway...26,319.9 3 Bahrain...19,205.2 4 Canada...18,539.2

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«3^ S ga. SfflS. i: 3 C/) Cü^ 3 2. :oo 03 O (D CD (D _

«3^ S ga. SfflS. i: 3 C/) Cü^ 3 2. :oo 03 O (D CD (D _ Q ü^ /) Q f D) ( Q : _ 5 f i: SfflS S g «^ P 2. 0 i: l'si S S 5* ír 0 D) S i" D (A á fi) fi) 5 Q T lli ff r i 5" S 0. H g / ^ 0 (P fl 05 " Ó. «g $ fi] " g ü) (n (1 S" 0 W Q ^ 0 S S Sn ^ f çr. «M g, " "

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Data Tables. 7th pillar Business usage

Data Tables. 7th pillar Business usage Data Tables 7th pillar Business usage 7.01 Firm-level technology absorption In your country, to what extent do businesses adopt new technology? [1 = not at all; 7 = adopt extensively] 2013 2014 weighted

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El Crecimiento Económico

El Crecimiento Económico El Crecimiento Económico Histograma del PBI per capita en 1960 Histograma del PBI per capita en 2000 Tasa de crecimiento PBI per capita 1960-2000 Distribución mundial del ingreso 1970-2000 Ranking PBI

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Tarifas de Trinus para sim cards Omega

Tarifas de Trinus para sim cards Omega Tarifas y coberturas pueden cambiar sin previo aviso. En todo caso nos esforzamos para que cada vez sea más barato Todos los precios son considerando IVA y 12% por servicio Incrementos de voz son de 1

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6.01 Quality of air transport infrastructure

6.01 Quality of air transport infrastructure 6.01 Quality of air transport infrastructure How would you assess air transport infrastructure in your country? [1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by international standards] 2011

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0,0128. 0,0599. 0,0158. 0,1799. 0,0140. 0,0489. 0,0131. 0,0690. 0,0609. 0,1185. 0,1245. 0,0198. 0,0573. 0,0875. 0,5800. 0,0695. 0,0479. 0,0777.

0,0128. 0,0599. 0,0158. 0,1799. 0,0140. 0,0489. 0,0131. 0,0690. 0,0609. 0,1185. 0,1245. 0,0198. 0,0573. 0,0875. 0,5800. 0,0695. 0,0479. 0,0777. ESPAÑA FIJO ESPAÑA MÓVIL (TODOS) MARRUECOS FIJO MARRUECOS MÓVIL (TODOS) RUMANIA FIJO RUMANIA MÓVIL Orange / Vodafone PERÚ FIJO PERÚ MÓVIL Movistar / Claro ECUADOR FIJO ECUADOR MÓVIL ECUADOR MÓVIL PORTA

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Section V Higher education and training

Section V Higher education and training Data Tables Section V Higher education and training 2.2: Data Tables Section V: Higher education and training 442 5.01 Secondary education enrollment rate Gross secondary education enrollment rate 2008

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8.01 Availability of financial services

8.01 Availability of financial services 8.01 Availability of financial services Does the financial sector in your country provide a wide variety of financial products and services to businesses? [1 = not at all; 7 = provides a wide variety]

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How many media should we monitor? / Cuantos medios de comunicación deberíamos monitorear? / Combien de medias devrions-nous surveiller?

How many media should we monitor? / Cuantos medios de comunicación deberíamos monitorear? / Combien de medias devrions-nous surveiller? How many media should we monitor? / Cuantos medios de comunicación deberíamos monitorear? / Combien de medias devrions-nous surveiller? How to find out how many internet news sites to monitor: 1. Find

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Data Tables. 7th pillar Business usage

Data Tables. 7th pillar Business usage Data Tables 7th pillar Business usage 7.01 Firm-level technology absorption In your country, to what extent do businesses adopt new technology? [1 = not at all; 7 = adopt extensively] 2013 14 weighted

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POSICIÓN ARANCELARIA: 730240. Bridas y placas de asiento p/rieles de ferrocarril de fundición,hierro o acero

POSICIÓN ARANCELARIA: 730240. Bridas y placas de asiento p/rieles de ferrocarril de fundición,hierro o acero Elaboración: Dirección de Evaluación de Mercados Externos (DIMEX) Fuente: COMTRADE (U.N.) / CEI (INDEC) Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Comercio Internacional y Culto Secretaría de Comercio y Relaciones

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TIPOS IMPUESTO SOBRE SOCIEDADES EN 2008 OCDE 12.5 TIPOS IMPUESTO SOBRE SOCIEDADES EN 08 OCDE Japan United States 40.69 40 Canada Belgium France Italy Spain New Zealand Australia Luxembourg Germany United Kingdom Sw eden Norw ay Mexico Korea, Republic

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Migraciones internacionales

Migraciones internacionales Migraciones internacionales Población inmigrante 1960 1990 2005 2010 a tasa de % inmigrantes crecim. 2010 Ac. United States 10.825,6 23.251,0 39.266,5 42.813,3 2,8 20,2% 20,2% Russian Federation 2.941,7

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3.01 Electricity production

3.01 Electricity production 3.01 Electricity production Electricity production (kwh) per capita 2008 1 Iceland 1...53,352.5 2 Norway 1...27,298.9 3 Kuwait...20,306.9 4 Canada 1...18,485.8 5 Qatar...15,483.6 6 Sweden 1...14,341.9

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3.01 Electricity production

3.01 Electricity production 3.01 Electricity production Electricity production (kwh) per capita 2009 1 Iceland 1...53,637.7 2 Norway 1...25,372.8 3 Kuwait...20,109.7 4 Canada 1...17,522.8 5 Sweden 1...16,291.6 6 Qatar...15,519.2

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Section VIII Financial market development

Section VIII Financial market development Data Tables Section VIII Financial market development 2.2: Data Tables Section VIII: Financial market development 480 8.01 Availability of financial services Does the financial sector in your country provide

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IBSA Goalball World Rankings 30 June 2018 Men's Division

IBSA Goalball World Rankings 30 June 2018 Men's Division IBSA Goalball World Rankings 30 June 2018 Men's Division Rank May Apr Mar Feb Jan Team Region Score Goal Diff Results Gol p Gme Last Plyd Weigh t 1st 1 1 2 2 2 Brazil Americas 871.071 5.182 0.909 8.93

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11.01 Local supplier quantity

11.01 Local supplier quantity 11.01 Local supplier quantity How numerous are local suppliers in your country? [1 = largely nonexistent; 7 = very numerous] 2011 12 weighted average RANK COUNTRY/ECONOMY VALUE 1 MEAN 4.7 7 1 Japan...6.2

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10th Pillar Price competitiveness in the T&T industry

10th Pillar Price competitiveness in the T&T industry Subindex B T&T business environment and infrastructure 10th Pillar Price competitiveness in the T&T industry 453 2.2: Data Tables Price competitiveness in the T&T industry 454 10.01 Ticket taxes and airport

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Section XI Business sophistication

Section XI Business sophistication Data Tables Section XI Business sophistication 2.2: Data Tables Section XI: Business sophistication 504 11.01 Local supplier quantity How numerous are local suppliers in your country? [1 = largely nonexistent;

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7.01 Firm-level technology absorption

7.01 Firm-level technology absorption 4: Data Tables 7.01 Firm-level technology absorption To what extent do businesses in your country absorb new technology? [1 = not at all; 7 = aggressively absorb] 2011 2012 weighted average RANK COUNTRY/ECONOMY

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89 PEW RESEARCH CENTER 89 Appendix E: Sources This appendix lists the survey sources for estimates of the gender gap by country and religious group for each of the four measures of religious commitment. Surveys used in the report

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2008 Area Surcharge Listing

2008 Area Surcharge Listing 2008 Area Listing Destination ZIP Codes Requiring the UPS Delivery Area and Remote Area Listing for the UPS Worldwide Delivery Services 2008 Updates Updates to this guide are as follows: July 12 The postal

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Gardasil (HPV Recombinant, Quadrivalent) Registrations

Gardasil (HPV Recombinant, Quadrivalent) Registrations (HPV Recombinant, Quadrivalent) Registrations Country Date Local Trademark Gabon 30-Mar-2006 Mexico 01-Jun-2006 Togo 02-Jun-2006 USA 08-Jun-2006 Australia 16-Jun-2006 Canada 10-Jul-2006 New Zealand 20-Jul-2006

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Cuba: Exports of Human or Animal Blood Prepared for Therapeutic Uses to Select Countries: U.S. dollars

Cuba: Exports of Human or Animal Blood Prepared for Therapeutic Uses to Select Countries: U.S. dollars Appendix A Note: All charts include statistics for the most recent year available. Cuba: Non- remunerated blood donations 2006-2011 Useful Donations donations 2006 506 191 475 959 2007 421 626 400 292

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Mapa Mundial con Indicadores de Gobernabilidad : Voz y Rendición de Cuentas

Mapa Mundial con Indicadores de Gobernabilidad : Voz y Rendición de Cuentas Indicadores de Gobernabilidad: Voz y Rendición de Cuentas (VA), Estabilidad Política (PS), Efectividad Gubernamental (GE), Calidad Regulatoria (RQ), Estado de Derecho (RL), Control de la Corrupción (CC)

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La formula utilizada para calcular estas tarifas es la siguiente: TARIFA = VALOR EN EUROS * 3600 PESOS

La formula utilizada para calcular estas tarifas es la siguiente: TARIFA = VALOR EN EUROS * 3600 PESOS Estas son las tarifas en Pesos para las llamadas desde jumblo, recomendamos confirmar estas tarifas en la pagina oficial de jumblo ya que estas pueden variar en cualquier momento. La formula utilizada

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Sesión General 11 & 12 de mayo, 2012 Ubicación: Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit Tepic, Nayarit, México

Sesión General 11 & 12 de mayo, 2012 Ubicación: Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit Tepic, Nayarit, México Sesión General 11 & 12 de mayo, 2012 Ubicación: Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit Tepic, Nayarit, México Bienvenido a GEMUN 2012 El Modelo Global de las Naciones Unidas de la Educación Primaria de México

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2.01 Stringency of environmental regulation

2.01 Stringency of environmental regulation 2.01 Stringency of environmental regulation How would you assess the stringency of your country s environmental regulations? [1 = very lax; 7 = among the world s most stringent] 2011 2012 weighted average

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PHARMACEUTICALS EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL India's Export of Drugs, Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals for Financial Year Apr'06 Mar'07 S. No Country Name Rs. Crore 1 USA 4479.40 2 Germany 1343.83 3 Russia 1321.64 4 UK 901.60 5 Brazil 777.03 6

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Table 6.1 Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever, cases reported to WHO and number of countries reporting,

Table 6.1 Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever, cases reported to WHO and number of countries reporting, Dengue fever The Americas 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Anguilla Antigua 0 0 0 0 264 8 0 0 179 2 Aruba Bahamas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Signature and Ratification

Signature and Ratification Signature and Ratification CAPACITY BUILDING 71 STATES WHOSE RATIFICATION IS REQUIRED FOR THE TREATY TO ENTER INTO FORCE (31 DECEMBER 2008) Algeria 15 Oct. 1996 11 Jul. 2003 Argentina 24 Sep. 1996 4 Dec.

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Senarai Negara Yang Melaksanakan VAT/GST

Senarai Negara Yang Melaksanakan VAT/GST Senarai Yang Melaksanakan VAT/GST Pada masa kini, terdapat 160 negara di dunia yang telah melaksanakan VAT/GST. Bilangan negara berdasarkan rantau adalah seperti berikut: Rantau Bilangan 1 ASEAN 7 2 Asia

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7.01 Cooperation in labor-employer relations

7.01 Cooperation in labor-employer relations 7.01 Cooperation in labor-employer relations How would you characterize labor-employer relations in your country? [1 = generally confrontational; 7 = generally cooperative] 2011 12 weighted average RANK

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Hoja1. 54299 Argentina -0 Fixed Corridor

Hoja1. 54299 Argentina -0 Fixed Corridor INDICATIVO DESTINO INIBLOKE BLOKE TARIFA Netherlands Antilles -0 Mobile 93 afghanistan afghanistan 6 9379 afghanistan afghanistan (mobile) 6 9378 afghanistan afghanistan (mobile) 6 9377 afghanistan afghanistan

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Section VII Labor market efficiency

Section VII Labor market efficiency Data Tables Section VII Labor market efficiency 2.2: Data Tables Section VII: Labor market efficiency 470 7.01 Cooperation in labor-employer relations How would you characterize labor-employer relations

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PERFIL DEL TURISTA DE CANADÁ A MEXICO INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SURVEY 2000-2004 PERFIL DEL TURISTA DE CANADÁ A MEXICO INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SURVEY 2000-2004 Elaborado por la Coordinación de Investigación del CPTM, 2005 Número de visitas del turista canadiense a México ENE-MAR 403.54

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Gardasil (HPV Recombinant, Quadrivalent) Total Number of Countries Approved: Registrations

Gardasil (HPV Recombinant, Quadrivalent) Total Number of Countries Approved: Registrations (HPV Recombinant, Quadrivalent) Total Number of Countries Approved: 133 1 Registrations Country Date Local Trademark 1 Gabon 30-Mar-2006 2 Mexico 01-Jun-2006 3 Togo 02-Jun-2006 4 USA 08-Jun-2006 5 Australia

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MEXICO. Table 1. FDI flows in the host economy, by geographical origin. (Millions of US dollars)

MEXICO. Table 1. FDI flows in the host economy, by geographical origin. (Millions of US dollars) Table 1. FDI flows in the host economy, by geographical origin World 29 984 23 987 18 896 25 038 24 669 20 699 32 184 28 337 17 055 23 027 23 009 17 224 Developed economies 29 128 23 447 18 466 24 629

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EMPRESARIAL IP SOFTWARE. Desde0 Desde0 199 PRESENTACIÓN Grupo 10 Empresarial IP Software es una compañía española informática especializada en el desarrollo de software para la gestión de carteras de expedientes en Propiedad Industrial.

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TOP 30 COUNTRIES PER YEAR (Since 1989) Fall 2016 India 666 Venezuela 34 China 655 Brazil 33 South Korea 261 Canada 31 Vietnam 161 Taiwan 30 Saudi Arabia 80 Congo, (D.R. D.R. Kinshasa) 29 Nigeria 71 Germany 24 Ivory Cost (IV) 60 Jamaica 21 Iran

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6.01 Intensity of local competition

6.01 Intensity of local competition 6.01 Intensity of local competition How would you assess the intensity of competition in the local markets in your country? [1 = limited in most industries; 7 = intense in most industries] 2011 12 weighted

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CX BSP EMD - Schedule of BSP Markets Launch (Last Update: 04 Mar 2015/ by CX Distribution Team) ** Newly updated items were highlighted in red **

CX BSP EMD - Schedule of BSP Markets Launch (Last Update: 04 Mar 2015/ by CX Distribution Team) ** Newly updated items were highlighted in red ** CX BSP EMD - Schedule of BSP Markets Launch (Last Update: 04 Mar 2015/ by CX Distribution Team) ** Newly updated items were highlighted in red ** Region Market Target Launch Date Launched Date Latest Status

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América Central y El Caribe

América Central y El Caribe América Central y El Caribe Antigua Barduba No Si Si Bahamas No Si Si Barbados No Si Si Belice No Si Si Costa Rica Si Si Si Cuba Si Si Si Dominica No Si Si El Salvador Si Si Si Granada No Si Si Guatemala

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LlamaYa y SaldoYa son Servicios Aliados, Visítanos en www.llamaya.co

LlamaYa y SaldoYa son Servicios Aliados, Visítanos en www.llamaya.co INDICATIVO DESTINO TARIFA 9377 Afghanistan Mobile Areeba 422.84 9375 Afghanistan Mobile At 422.84 9370 Afghanistan Mobile Awcc 422.84 9378 Afghanistan Mobile Etisalat 422.84 9379 Afghanistan Mobile Roshan

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CONVENIO SOBRE LA DIVERSIDAD BIOLÓGICA CONVENIO SOBRE LA DIVERSIDAD BIOLÓGICA Objetivos Conservar la diversidad biológica, promover la utilización sostenible de sus componentes y fomentar la participación justa y equitativa en los beneficios

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Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo. Composición de la UNCTAD y de la Junta de Comercio y Desarrollo

Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo. Composición de la UNCTAD y de la Junta de Comercio y Desarrollo Naciones Unidas Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo Distr. general 2 de julio de 2013 Español Original: inglés TD/B/INF.228 Junta de Comercio y Desarrollo Composición de la UNCTAD

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Página núm. 78 BOJA núm. 82 Sevilla, 28 de abril 2011

Página núm. 78 BOJA núm. 82 Sevilla, 28 de abril 2011 Página núm. 78 BOJA núm. 82 Sevilla, 28 de abril 2011 DEVENGO 03 AÑO IMPOSITIVO 01 (A) SUJETO PASIVO N.I.F. 05 06 SEXO HOMBRE 28 MUJER 29 A LOS EFECTOS DE NOTIFICACIÓN DOMICILIO FISCAL 24 OTRO DOMICILIO

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IV. PROYECCIONES ECONOMICAS IV. PROYECCIONES ECONOMICAS Departamento de Estudios SOFOFA 73 Proyecciones Económicas de Chile 2005 Banco Central (Ene 2005) FMI JP Morgan Encuesta Expectativas BC (Mar 2005) Sofofa (Dic 2004) PIB (%

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Activitats Esportives Municipals Sol licituds rebudes

Activitats Esportives Municipals Sol licituds rebudes PROGRAMA MAJORS DE 60 ANYS Aiguagim A- Piscina coberta - dilluns 11:00 a 12:00 Activitats Esportives Municipals 35 28432906 AE2-2016-130-XX 25 004514758L AE2-2016-93-PX 10 009995973N AE2-2016-55-JA 16

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Balanza Comercial del Sector Automotriz. Tabla No. 3: Producción, Ventas y Exportación Total del Sector Automotriz VENTA A DISTRIBUIDORES

Balanza Comercial del Sector Automotriz. Tabla No. 3: Producción, Ventas y Exportación Total del Sector Automotriz VENTA A DISTRIBUIDORES B. TABLAS Tabla No. 1: Balanza Comercial del Sector Automotriz MES Y ACUMULADO Tabla No. 2 Producción, Ventas y Exportación Total del Sector Automotriz AL PUBLICO VENTA A DISTRIBUIDORES EXPORTACION PRODUCCION

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10.01 Ticket taxes and airport charges

10.01 Ticket taxes and airport charges 10.01 Ticket taxes and airport charges Index of relative cost of access (ticket taxes and airport charges) to international air transport services [0 = highest cost, 100 = lowest cost] 2012 or most recent

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Cuba: Donaciones de sangre (presumiblemente altruistas)

Cuba: Donaciones de sangre (presumiblemente altruistas) Cuba: Exportación de Sangre Humana o Animal Preparada para Usos Terapeúticos: 1995-2012 Dólares $US 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 30,119,389 35,313,753 42,242,114 21,252,174 23,723,632 24,790,762 2001

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POBLACIÓN Y POBREZA: UNA PERSPECTIVA MUNDIAL Y RETOS POBLACIÓN Y POBREZA: UNA PERSPECTIVA MUNDIAL Y RETOS Dr. Eduardo Juárez Aguirre Campeche, Camp., 11 de julio de 2009 Día Mundial de la Población Paul Erlich. The Population Bomb, 1968. The Club of Rome.

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2.01 Quality of overall infrastructure

2.01 Quality of overall infrastructure 2.01 Quality of overall infrastructure How would you assess general infrastructure (e.g., transport, telephony, and energy) in your country? [1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by

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Precio /min IVA incluido

Precio /min IVA incluido Afganistán 0,061 Afganistán móvil 0,182 Albania 0,036 Albania móvil 0,182 Alemania 0,012 Alemania móvil 0,061 Andorra 0,036 Andorra móvil 0,109 Angola 0,012 Angola móvil 0,061 OTRAS TARIFAS /min Anguilla

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Note: The following information is needed to assist in processing your complaint. Name: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Email Address:

Note: The following information is needed to assist in processing your complaint. Name: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Email Address: Title VI Cmplaint Frm Nte: The fllwing infrmatin is needed t assist in prcessing yur cmplaint. A. Cmplainant s infrmatin: Name: Address: City/State/Zip Cde: Telephne Number (Hme): Telephne Number (Wrk):

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Alianza con Fedex. Los descuentos ofrecidos para los envíos a través de esta alianza con FEDEX son en promedio del 30%.

Alianza con Fedex. Los descuentos ofrecidos para los envíos a través de esta alianza con FEDEX son en promedio del 30%. Alianza con Fedex BENEFICIARIOS Y REQUISITOS Esta alianza aplica SOLO para empresas vinculadas a los diferentes programas de PROEXPORT, como Planes de Cuenta, Oportunidades, Posibilidades, Expopyme y aquellas

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Obtenga diaria o semanalmente las identidades y las marcas más parecidas de una denominación en una o varias clases de Niza a nivel mundial.

Obtenga diaria o semanalmente las identidades y las marcas más parecidas de una denominación en una o varias clases de Niza a nivel mundial. % ' ( * - / 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 : Obtenga diaria o semanalmente las identidades y las marcas más parecidas de una denominación en una o varias clases de Niza a nivel mundial Proporcione a sus clientes un control

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- S o b r e los m o d e l o s de ge s t i ó n y pri v a t i z a c i o n e s.

- S o b r e los m o d e l o s de ge s t i ó n y pri v a t i z a c i o n e s. ACTO DE SALUD EN VILADECA N S, 4 DE MARZO DE 2010. B u e n a s tar d e s : E s t a m o s aq u í p a r a h a b l a r de sal u d y d e at e n c i ó n sa n i t a r i a pú b l i c a en el B a i x Ll o b r

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Recursos humanos: informe anual

Recursos humanos: informe anual CONSEJO EJECUTIVO EB122/24 Add.1 Corr.1 122ª reunión 23 de enero de 2008 Punto 7.2 del orden del día Recursos humanos: informe anual Informe de la Secretaría CORRIGENDUM Les rogamos tomen nota de las siguientes

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Índice General. Disposiciones iniciales y definiciones generales

Índice General. Disposiciones iniciales y definiciones generales Índice General Int r o d u c c i ó n... xxvii CAPÍTULO I Disposiciones iniciales y definiciones generales Dis p o s i c i o n e s iniciales y de f i n i c i o n e s ge n e r a l e s... 1 Capítulo II Trato

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ANEXO 3: PROYECCION DE DEMANDA AL AÑO 2030 1. Introducción ANEXO 3: PROYECCION DE DEMANDA AL AÑO 2030 Para el período 2021-2030 la metodología utilizada consiste en estimar el consumo de electricidad de Chile en el año 2030 a partir del PIB per

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LISTA DE PAÍSES INCLUIDOS EN LA VIGILANCIA. Mundial Vigilancia Mundial VIGILE SUS MARCAS A NIVEL MUNDIAL, REGIONAL O EN UN SOLO PAÍS Obtenga diaria o semanalmente las identidades y las marcas más parecidas de una denominación en una o varias clases de Niza

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Países de América del Sur

Países de América del Sur ARANCELES MINIMOS DE EXPORTACION Para el uso de obras musicales en actos de naturaleza publicitaria producidos y difundidos en la República Argentina cuyo arancel nacional se encuentre abonado Por Países

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NO ESPERES MAS Y LLAMA JUNIO 2011 PÁSATE A LA TELEFONÍA IP Y EMPIEZA A AHORRAR HASTA 200 EUROS AL MES Con la telefonía ip todo son ventajas: -No pagas cuota de mantenimiento de tus líneas. -Instalación gratuita. -Tarifas mas

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CRECIMIENTO ECONÓMICO LOS DATOS CRECIMIENTO ECONÓMICO LOS DATOS Crecimiento económico es relevante: Esperanza de vida y consumo per cápita aumentan con renta y proporción de pobres disminuyen con renta per cápita CPC & RPC 180 Países

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July 2008 Update. A Intel Access Rates Conection Fee = 12

July 2008 Update. A Intel Access Rates Conection Fee = 12 July 2008 Update Destination España H Punta 0,0295 0,1000 España-Móvil H Punta 0,2300 0,1000 España-Móvil H Reduc 0,2300 0,1000 Afghanistan 0,3801 0,3100 0,1000 Albania 0,2121 0,1200 0,1000 Albania-Móvil

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126 l lg l g g b b t p p ñ ñ ñ l l l.. - p t p r l cl clí í í l L fc c u c i l y b ft i i cr cró ó ó l p b g,, i d,, p pm i l g i l ft i i g d r f i m

126 l lg l g g b b t p p ñ ñ ñ l l l.. - p t p r l cl clí í í l L fc c u c i l y b ft i i cr cró ó ó l p b g,, i d,, p pm i l g i l ft i i g d r f i m SOBR BRE LA NEFRITIS CRON ONIC ICA DEL PERR RRO Y DEL GATO EL PELIGR IGRO DE PRACTI CTICAR CAR OPERAC RACION IONES EN LOS -BRIGH IGHTIC TICOS" Pr l Prf. HEBR BRAN ANT y Prf f. ju ANTO TOIN INE l El V r

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1 '.11, Sr. .-rd. -d. 2,. cmg C 15;$1),0. rt) ,,,, ó rd o. 1 (1) b $:, P. > ci) a, - 2 a - O 11 (D (1) Pi CD, Cil O 5. (r, 5 (13.

1 '.11, Sr. .-rd. -d. 2,. cmg C 15;$1),0. rt) ,,,, ó rd o. 1 (1) b $:, P. > ci) a, - 2 a - O 11 (D (1) Pi CD, Cil O 5. (r, 5 (13. (septspq pn) eiu lied II) l t p t >7 TI ) / ) 4 ` ) * _ ) " I p ;) I t ) F " E: d i ( d e 4 l et Ti ó () b $: t D ) e 4 i) /) " () i il ( ti e ( () q l J :I) E : u (t i "i i s f i) p i_ e 4 ) " i) ) 4

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Organización Hospitalaria y Administración Institucional de los Centros de Rehabilitación

Organización Hospitalaria y Administración Institucional de los Centros de Rehabilitación C átedra de Organización Hospitalaria y Administración Institucional de los Centros de Rehabilitación Aborto y Ley en el mundo La tabla es un resumen, no una descripción completa. En general, el gráfico

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Las siguientes áreas están disponibles en la vigilancia Regional:

Las siguientes áreas están disponibles en la vigilancia Regional: Vigilancia Mundial VIGILE SUS MARCAS A NIVEL MUNDIAL, REGIONAL O EN UN SOLO PAÍS Obtenga diaria o semanalmente las identidades y las marcas más parecidas de una denominación en una o varias clases de Niza

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Países miembros de la CFI

Países miembros de la CFI Países miembros de la CFI Corporación Financiera Internacional País Fecha de adhesión Afganistán 23 de septiembre de 1957 Albania 15 de octubre de 1991 Alemania 20 de julio de 1956 Angola 19 de septiembre

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Soluciones para reducir los riesgos de las empresas Gallegas en las operaciones de exportación

Soluciones para reducir los riesgos de las empresas Gallegas en las operaciones de exportación Soluciones para reducir los riesgos de las empresas Gallegas en las operaciones de exportación Jose Luis Durán Director Comercial Coface Ibérica Exportación : La mejor herramienta para luchar contra la

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