Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person factual narrative

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1 LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE by Gloria Jasperse Fountas-Pinnell Level N Biography por Gloria Jasperse Selection Summary This biography explores the life of Erik Weihenmayer, a blind athlete who has refused to let his visual disability limit his personal goals. By 2002, he had succeeded in climbing the tallest peaks on each of the seven continents. His story will inspire young readers to follow their dreams too. Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person factual narrative HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Number of Words: 917 Four sections, from three to four pages long, organize important topics. Key events presented in chronological order Content Effects of severe visual disabilities Variety of sports (mountain climbing, wrestling) World geography Themes and Ideas Physical disabilities are not physical limitations. Determination and hard work enable people to follow their dreams. A positive attitude has a positive effect on others. Language and Clearly written third-person narrative Literary Features Exclamation and question marks create surprise and interest: Él contrajo matrimonio en la cima de esa montaña!, Cuál es el mayor éxito de Erik? Sentence Complexity Mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences Variety in sentence length Descriptive phrases and clauses Vocabulary Some more diffi cult content-specifi c words (bucea, paracaídas, Braille) and geographical names (Australia, África) Words Many multisyllabic words, some challenging: cómodo, alienta, rehusaba, lamentarse Illustrations Many color photographs and some captions that extend and reinforce content Book and Print Features Twelve pages of text; one page of photographs Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Copyright by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida Printed in the U.S.A If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited. Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format.

2 by Gloria Jasperse Build Background Help children use their sports knowledge to visualize the book. Build interest by asking questions such as the following: Creen que el alpinismo sería un deporte interesante? Por qué sí? Por qué no? Read the title and author s name and talk about the cover photograph. Tell children that this book is a biography about the life of a real person. Introduce the Text Guide children through the text, noting important ideas, and helping with unfamiliar language and vocabulary so they can read the text successfully. Here are some suggestions: Page 2: Explain that this book is about Erik Weihenmayer. He s one of the greatest atletas in the world. Suggested language: Vayan a la página 2. A Erik Weihenmayer le gustan todo tipo de desafíos. A veces salta en paracaídas desde los aviones y otras bucea en el océano. Qué está haciendo en esta foto? Cómo creen que se siente? Page 3: Point out that Erik started to lose his sight when he was very young. Erik es ciego. No puede ver el mundo a su alrededor. Pero siempre le gustó la aventura y no quería dejar de hacer las actividades que disfrutaba. Qué les dice eso sobre él? Page 7: Cuando era adolescente, Erik aprendió a usar un bastón y a leer Braille. El Braille es un sistema de escritura para los ciegos en el que las letras se representan con puntos en relieve. Pages 10 11: Draw attention to the photo of Erik climbing Mount Ama Dablam. Cuando Erik creció, decidió escalar la cumbre de la montaña más alta de cada uno de los siete continentes. Cómo creen que se sintió Erik cada vez que se paró en la cumbre de la montaña más alta de los diferentes continentes? Ahora, vuelvan al comienzo del libro para descubrir cómo Erik Weihenmayer se convirtió en uno de los mejores atletas del mundo. Expand Your Vocabulary atletas personas entrenadas para ser buenas en juegos y ejercicios que requieren destreza física, resistencia y fuerza, p. 12 aventura una acción que implica ciertos riesgos o peligros, p. 3 continentes una de las grandes divisiones de tierra, p. 10 cumbre el punto más alto de una montaña, p. 10 luchar pelear con un oponente, p. 6 pico la cima de un monte o una montaña, p. 10 2

3 Read Have children read silently while you listen to individual children read. Support their problem solving and fluency as needed. Remind children to use the Summarize Strategy important ideas in the text in their own words as they read. and to tell the Discuss and Revisit the Text Personal Response Invite children to share their personal responses to the book. Suggested language: Cuál fue el suceso más interesante que leyeron en este libro? Si pudieran entrevistar a Erik para su periódico escolar, qué le preguntarían? Ways of Thinking As you discuss the text, help children understand these points: Thinking Within the Text Thinking Beyond the Text Thinking About the Text Although Erik lost his sight as a child, he always tried new sports. After graduation Erik taught middle school and was a wrestling coach. Erik is the first blind person to climb the Las siete cumbres. A physical disability doesn t limit what you can achieve. Thinking positively leads to positive results. Seeking adventures and challenges helps people grow and change Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Photographs help readers learn about the people and events in a book. Section titles are good section summaries. Well-organized paragraphs help readers to better understand information. The author s attitude toward her subject is that Erik is an amazing human being. Choices for Further Support Fluency Invite children to choose a passage from the text to read aloud to a partner. Remind them to read word groups, instead of single words, to refl ect the meaning of the text. Comprehension Based on your observations of the children s reading and discussion, revisit parts of the text to clarify or extend comprehension. Remind children to go back to the text to support their ideas. Phonics/Word Work Provide practice as needed with words and word parts, using examples from the text. Work with children to take apart the following multisyllabic words to decode manageable units: paracaídas (p. 2), enfermedad (p. 3), anaranjado (p. 4), recuperarse (p. 6), ceguera (p. 7), comportamiento (p. 9). 3

4 Writing about Reading Critical Thinking Have children complete the questions on Hoja reproducible Responding Have children complete the activities at the back of the book. Use the instruction below as needed to reinforce or extend understanding of the comprehension skill. Target Comprehension Skill Main Idea and Details Remind children that they should think about the main ideas and details in a book as they read. The main ideas are what a book is mostly about. Details give more information about the main ideas. Model the skill, using a Think Aloud like the one below: Think Aloud En el segundo párrafo de la página 3, la autora dice que en cierto modo, Erik era como cualquier otro niño de su edad. Esa es la idea principal de este párrafo. A Erik le gustaba explorar y la aventura. Estos detalles dicen a los lectores que Erik era como cualquier otro niño. Practice the Skill Have children write three sentences about Erik s achievements. One sentence should be a main idea and two sentences should be details that support the main idea. Writing Prompt: Thinking Beyond the Text Have children write a response to the prompt on page 6. Remind them that when they think beyond the text, they use what they know and their own experience to think about the information in the book. Assessment Prompts Which words on page 3 help readers understand the meaning of the word aventura? What is the author s purpose for writing this book? 4

5 Responder DESTREZA CLAVE Idea principal y detalles La idea principal de este libro es que Erik Weihenmayer ama la aventura. Copia el diagrama que está abajo y agrega los detalles de la historia. Idea principal Erik ama la aventura. Detalle? Detalle? A escribir! De texto a texto Elige a una persona de otro libro que hayas leído. Escribe un ensayo persuasivo de un párrafo que lo convenza de que debe ser aventurero o no. Usa hechos para explicar tu opinión. Nombre Fecha Lección 14 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE Lee y contesta las preguntas. 2_035970_LR3_4AL_ERIK_L14.indd 15 11/19/09 3:28:40 PM 1. Cuándo se dio cuenta Erik de que tenía que aprender una nueva forma de hacer las cosas? Se dio cuenta cuando chocó su bicicleta contra un árbol. 2. Qué aprendió Erik de su papá? Erik aprendió a pensar en lo que sí podía hacer en vez de preocuparse por lo que no podía hacer. 3. Por qué es un héroe Erik? Respuesta posible: Erik ha hecho cosas sorprendentes y nunca se rinde. Recorre el mundo animando a la gente a seguir sus sueños. Hacer conexiones Erik tuvo que renunciar a algunas cosas que le encantaban, pero encontró otras actividades que le gustaban. Qué es algo difícil para una persona que no puede ver? Qué otra actividad podría hacer esa persona? Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura. Lea las instrucciones a los niños.. All rights reserved. 10 Grado 2, Unidad 3: Dímelo a mí 5

6 Nombre Fecha Pensar más allá del texto Escribe un párrafo para responder las siguientes preguntas: En la página 7, la autora dice que, en lugar de preocuparse por las cosas que no podía hacer, Erik comenzó a pensar en todas las cosas que podía hacer, aunque fueran muy difíciles. Cómo crees que la forma de ver la vida de Erik lo ayudó a buscar nuevas aventuras? Usa detalles del libro en tu respuesta. 6

7 Nombre Lee y contesta las preguntas. Fecha Lección 14 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE Cuándo se dio cuenta Erik de que tenía que aprender una nueva forma de hacer las cosas? 2. Qué aprendió Erik de su papá? 3. Por qué es un héroe Erik? Hacer conexiones Erik tuvo que renunciar a algunas cosas que le encantaban, pero encontró otras actividades que le gustaban. Qué es algo difícil para una persona que no puede ver? Qué otra actividad podría hacer esa persona? Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura. 7

8 Estudiante NIVEL N Fecha Lección 14 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE Registro de lectura page Selection Text Errors Self-Corrections 2 Erik Weihenmayer ama los desafíos. Salta en paracaídas de los aviones, bucea en el océano y escala las montañas más altas del mundo. Erik también es ciego. 3 Erik nació con una enfermedad grave. Los médicos no pudieron hacer nada para detenerla. Esa enfermedad lo llevó lentamente a la ceguera. En otras palabras, Erik era como cualquier niño, amaba estar al aire libre, jugar con sus amigos y su familia. Amaba explorar. Amaba la aventura. Comments: Accuracy Rate (# words read correctly/74 100) % Total Self- Corrections Behavior Code Error Read word correctly lobo 0 Repeated word, sentence, or phrase lobo Omission lobo 1 0 Behavior Code Error Substitution lodo lobo 1 Self-corrects lodo sc lobo Insertion el ˆlobo 1 Word told T 1 lobo 0 ISBN-13: ISBN-10:

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Nivel: A EDL: 1 2 Estudios Sociales. Estrategia: Resumir. Número de palabras: 35 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN. Libritos nivelados en línea

Nivel: A EDL: 1 2 Estudios Sociales. Estrategia: Resumir. Número de palabras: 35 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN. Libritos nivelados en línea Nivel: A EDL: 1 2 Estudios Sociales LESSON 1 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: Resumir Número de palabras: 35 1.1.1 Construir vocabulario by Katie Sharp Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary Children

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Fountas-Pinnell Level O Realistic Fiction. by Joanne Mattern

Fountas-Pinnell Level O Realistic Fiction. by Joanne Mattern LESSON 18 TEACHER S GUIDE by Joanne Mattern Fountas-Pinnell Level O Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Tammy joins the soccer team at her new school and learns an important lesson from her classmate,

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure LESSON 6 TEACHER S GUIDE by Michael Falcon por Michael Falcon Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text Selection Summary Beavers build dams in streams and then build homes in the ponds made by their

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Un tr z de ques. Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level G Fantasy

Un tr z de ques. Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level G Fantasy LESSON 28 TEACHER S GUIDE by Diane Linden Fountas-Pinnell Level G Fantasy Selection Summary A group of mice try various ways to squeeze a big chunk of cheese through a small mouse hole. The solution is

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Mystery Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Mystery Text Structure LESSON 29 TEACHER S GUIDE by Elliot Nestor Fountas-Pinnell Level G Mystery Selection Summary El canguro Carla finds out that her baseball glove is missing. She goes back to the places she visited that

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Fountas-Pinnell Level J Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level J Informational Text LESSON 23 TEACHER S GUIDE De la oveja al suéter by Liza Paul Fountas-Pinnell Level J Informational Text Selection Summary A sheep s fleece can be turned into yarn to make a sweater. The sheep s fleece

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Fountas-Pinnell Level P Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level P Informational Text LESSON 23 TEACHER S GUIDE Las plantas del bosque de secuoyas by Joanne Mattern Fountas-Pinnell Level P Informational Text Selection Summary Las secuoyas are the largest of the many kinds of trees and plants

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El planeta rojo by Phil Moschowitz

El planeta rojo by Phil Moschowitz LESSON 28 TEACHER S GUIDE by Phil Moschowitz Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text Selection Summary People have been interested in and have been studying the planet Mars for hundreds of years. Mars

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Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Realistic Fiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Realistic Fiction LESSON 12 TEACHER S GUIDE Walter y el festival de comida by Linda Cernak Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Walter s classmates are excited about the food fair at school. But Walter

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Pablo, el piloto de carreras en

Pablo, el piloto de carreras en ISBN-13: 978-0-547-03551-2 Nivel: Q EDL: 40 Género: Cuentos divertidos LESSON 6 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: Pablo, el piloto de carreras en Preguntar Destreza: Secuencia de sucesos Número de palabras:

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Viaje en diligencia. Viaje en diligencia

Viaje en diligencia. Viaje en diligencia LESSON 16 TEACHER S GUIDE by Darleen Ramos Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction Selection Summary Long ago, stagecoach travel was the primary way to journey to the western part of the United States. These

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Nivel: K EDL: 20 24 Género: Texto informativo Estrategia: Destreza: Causa y efecto Número palabras: 365 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN. Libritos nivelados en línea

Nivel: K EDL: 20 24 Género: Texto informativo Estrategia: Destreza: Causa y efecto Número palabras: 365 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN. Libritos nivelados en línea ISBN-13:978-0-547-03513-0 Nivel: K EDL: 20 24 Género: Texto informativo Estrategia: LESSON 13 TEACHER S GUIDE Visualizar Las estaciones alrededor del Destreza: Causa y efecto Número palabras: 365 1.3.3

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Lucy y Billy. Fountas-Pinnell Level J Realistic Fiction. by Pauline Cartwright

Lucy y Billy. Fountas-Pinnell Level J Realistic Fiction. by Pauline Cartwright LESSON 1 TEACHER S GUIDE by Pauline Cartwright Lucy y Billy Fountas-Pinnell Level J Realistic Fiction Selection Summary At the pet shop, Lucy chooses a parakeet for her birthday. She names him Billy, and

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure LESSON 22 TEACHER S GUIDE Las casas de los animales by Rosalee Park por Rosalee Park Fountas-Pinnell Level G Informational Text Selection Summary A spider, bees, baby birds, ducks, a bear, a skunk, and

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Fountas-Pinnell Level U Narrative Nonfiction. Parques urbanos de Estados Unidos. by Thomas Pressel

Fountas-Pinnell Level U Narrative Nonfiction. Parques urbanos de Estados Unidos. by Thomas Pressel LESSON 8 TEACHER S GUIDE Parques urbanos de Estados Unidos by Thomas Pressel Parques urbanos de Estados Unidos por Thomas Pressel Fountas-Pinnell Level U Narrative Nonfiction Selection Summary The urban

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Fountas-Pinnell Level P Realistic Fiction. by Lisa Cocca

Fountas-Pinnell Level P Realistic Fiction. by Lisa Cocca LESSON 8 TEACHER S GUIDE by Lisa Cocca Fountas-Pinnell Level P Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Jin has to add one item to a class collage of things they learned this year. Jin worries about what to

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Fountas-Pinnell Level L Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level L Informational Text LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE Cuidado con los osos polares! by Bo Grayson Fountas-Pinnell Level L Informational Text Selection Summary Polar bears bodies are built to help them survive in their cold Arctic

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Nivel: E EDL: 8 Género: Ficción. Estrategia: Verificar/Aclarar. Destreza: Conclusiones Número de palabras: 92 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN

Nivel: E EDL: 8 Género: Ficción. Estrategia: Verificar/Aclarar. Destreza: Conclusiones Número de palabras: 92 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN LESSON 12 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: Verificar/Aclarar Destreza: Conclusiones Número de palabras: 92 K.3.12 by Sharon Fear Fountas-Pinnell Level E Fiction Selection Summary Winter s over and some mice

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Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text. by Oscar Cadejo

Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text. by Oscar Cadejo LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE by Oscar Cadejo por Oscar Cadejo Fountas-Pinnell Level N Informational Text Selection Summary This informative book introduces readers to bottlenose dolphins, including their

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Listo para el segundo

Listo para el segundo Nivel: I EDL: 14 16 Género: Ficción realista LESSON 25 TEACHER S GUIDE Listo para el segundo Estrategia: grado Resumir Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número de palabras: 281 by Eric Mancilla Fountas-Pinnell

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Quién forma tu familia? by Mary Reid

Quién forma tu familia? by Mary Reid Nivel: F EDL: 6-12 Estudios sociales LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: Preguntar Número de palabras: 234 2.1.2 Construir vocabulario by Mary Reid Fountas-Pinnell Level I Nonfiction like to eat? Where

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure LESSON 23 TEACHER S GUIDE by Lulu Monroe por Lulu Monroe Fountas-Pinnell Level M Informational Text Selection Summary Thick, warm wool can be turned into fabric for many purposes, such as clothing, blankets,

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El rey del jonrón 3.1.5

El rey del jonrón 3.1.5 LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE Género: Biografía Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Causa y efecto 3.1.5 by Joanna Korba Fountas-Pinnell Level P Biography HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea Selection

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Fountas-Pinnell Level T Narrative Nonfiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level T Narrative Nonfiction LESSON 17 TEACHER S GUIDE Ayudando a los animales salvajes by Stephanie W. Sigue Fountas-Pinnell Level T Narrative Nonfiction Selection Summary Wildlife rehabilitators are important to the survival of

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE Canciones para el pueblo by Darleen Ramos Fountas-Pinnell Level P Biography Selection Summary Woody Guthrie was a folk singer and award-winning writer of over 1,000 songs, including

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Género: Biografía Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Causa y efecto. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea

Género: Biografía Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Causa y efecto. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE by Robert Roemer Fountas-Pinnell Level R Biography Género: Biografía Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Causa y efecto 3.1.5 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea Selection

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE by Gina Parnell por Gina Parnell Fountas-Pinnell Level F Fantasy Selection Summary When Dora and Mamá put frosting on the cake, they make a pretty cake until Dora takes a lick

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Mystery Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Mystery Text Structure LESSON 29 TEACHER S GUIDE by LaToya Simms El ladr n de la granja por LaToya Simms ilustrado por John Wallner Fountas-Pinnell Level J Mystery Selection Summary A bandit is taking Toña s, Camilo s and Gabriel

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure LESSON 6 TEACHER S GUIDE Maravillosos mamíferos marinos by John Stewart por John Stewart Fountas-Pinnell Level R Informational Text Selection Summary Manatees and sea otters dwell beneath the ocean s surface,

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Polvo de cometa. Fountas-Pinnell Level U Informational Text. by Helen Webber

Polvo de cometa. Fountas-Pinnell Level U Informational Text. by Helen Webber LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Helen Webber Polvo de cometa por Helen Webber Fountas-Pinnell Level U Informational Text Selection Summary Scientists sent the spacecraft Stardust into space to collect date

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Los arrecifes de coral by Erika Sparks

Los arrecifes de coral by Erika Sparks Nivel: I EDL: 14-16 Ciencias LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: Revisar/Aclarar Número palabras: 277 2.2.5 Construir vocabulario by Erika Sparks Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction 2_048871_VR2_5BL_COVER_SPA_coral1

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Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Informational Text. by Joanne Mattern

Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Informational Text. by Joanne Mattern LESSON 7 TEACHER S GUIDE by Joanne Mattern Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Informational Text Selection Summary In this virtual movie museum, the author records the development of movies from the first movie made

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative in seven sections

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative in seven sections LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Joanne Mattern Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Biography Selection Summary Coretta Scott King (1927 2006), wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was an influential leader and speaker

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L nuev c s de R yit. Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level J Fantasy

L nuev c s de R yit. Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level J Fantasy LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE by Dennis Warner L nuev c s de R yit Fountas-Pinnell Level J Fantasy Selection Summary The rain has washed away Rayita s home, so friends Araña, Zorrilla, Ardilla and Gansa all

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Rodeo! Rodeo! Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level S Informational Text. by J. P.

Rodeo! Rodeo! Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level S Informational Text. by J. P. LESSON 23 TEACHER S GUIDE by J. P. Adams Fountas-Pinnell Level S Informational Text Selection Summary Rodeos are held all over the United States, a testimony to their enduring popularity. This selection

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Nivel: F EDL: 6 12 Género: No ficción narrativa Estrategia: Resumir Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número de palabras: 136 1.6.

Nivel: F EDL: 6 12 Género: No ficción narrativa Estrategia: Resumir Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número de palabras: 136 1.6. LESSON 30 TEACHER S GUIDE by Barbara Miller Fountas-Pinnell Level H Narrative Nonfiction Nivel: F EDL: 6 12 Género: No ficción narrativa Estrategia: Resumir Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Series of imperative sentences Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Series of imperative sentences Content LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE Curioso por saber sobre el Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary Readers accompany the classic children s-book character, Jorge el Curioso, as he views a lion,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level J Humorous Fiction. by Rob Arego

Fountas-Pinnell Level J Humorous Fiction. by Rob Arego LESSON 15 TEACHER S GUIDE by Rob Arego Fountas-Pinnell Level J Humorous Fiction Selection Summary On a holiday from school, two siblings visit their Mom s petgrooming shop. When too many pets appear at

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE by Carolyn Bond Fountas-Pinnell Level O Biography Selection Summary After losing an arm during the Civil War, explorer in 1869 led a team of 10 men on a first-ever three-month

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idea loca Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction by Sarah Glasscock

idea loca Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction by Sarah Glasscock LESSON 17 TEACHER S GUIDE by Sarah Glasscock Una idea loca por Sarah Glasscock Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction Selection Summary The United States Patent and Trademark Office has given out over 7,000,000

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Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE Feliz cumpleaños a todos! by Gail Mack Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text Selection Summary This selection discusses birthday customs around the world: special birthday

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure Cause-and-effect text structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure Cause-and-effect text structure Nivel: L EDL: 20 24 Género: Texto informativo LESSON 8 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Idea principal y detalles Número de palabras: 503 by Erik Barneveld Fountas-Pinnell Level L Informational

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noche by Carol A. Greenhalgh

noche by Carol A. Greenhalgh LESSON 11 TEACHER S GUIDE Cazadores emplumados de la noche by Carol A. Greenhalgh Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction Selection Summary Owls belong to the group of birds known as raptors, or birds of prey.

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure LESSON 18 TEACHER S GUIDE estadounidense by Miki Terasawa Maria Tallchief, bailarina estadounidense por Miki Terasawa Fountas-Pinnell Level S Biography Selection Summary Maria Tallchief was the first world-famous

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Third-person narration; one to two paragraphs per page

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Third-person narration; one to two paragraphs per page LESSON 6 TEACHER S GUIDE tortugas marinas by Rachel W. Brookes Fountas-Pinnell Level R Nonfiction Selection Summary Female loggerhead sea turtles crawl up on a Florida beach at night, dig a nest, and deposit

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La señora Mendoza es famosa! by Naomi Carlson

La señora Mendoza es famosa! by Naomi Carlson LESSON 1 TEACHER S GUIDE La señora Mendoza es famosa! by Naomi Carlson Fountas-Pinnell Level N Humorous Fiction Selection Summary Everyone in town loves señora Mendoza, a teacher who dresses outlandishly,

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Dichos hechos realidad by Lee S. Justice

Dichos hechos realidad by Lee S. Justice LESSON 6 TEACHER S GUIDE by Lee S. Justice Fountas-Pinnell Level O Humorous Fiction Selection Summary Lidia wishes that idioms like soltó la sopa would mean just what they say. When her wish comes true,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level U Realistic Fiction. tres erres

Fountas-Pinnell Level U Realistic Fiction. tres erres LESSON 16 TEACHER S GUIDE by Belinda Dancing Bear Fountas-Pinnell Level U Realistic Fiction Selection Summary A group of students is having trouble working together on project that will help the community.

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Fountas-Pinnell Level O Fantasy

Fountas-Pinnell Level O Fantasy LESSON 23 TEACHER S GUIDE by Minnie Timenti Fountas-Pinnell Level O Fantasy Selection Summary When Luisito moves to a new home, his stuffed bear, Ursus, gets left behind in the moving van. For the next

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Fountas-Pinnell Level T Realistic Fiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level T Realistic Fiction LESSON 8 TEACHER S GUIDE Atrapados en el campamento by Joseph Killorin Brennan Fountas-Pinnell Level T Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Nico is sent to summer camp. At first, he is miserable and thinks

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Fountas-Pinnell Level N Fantasy

Fountas-Pinnell Level N Fantasy LESSON 21 TEACHER S GUIDE No hay lugar como el hogar by Katrina Van Horn Fountas-Pinnell Level N Fantasy Selection Summary A small fish named Leona is unhappy living in a small tank at an aquarium. She

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Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Fantasy

Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Fantasy LESSON 21 TEACHER S GUIDE hermanas Belton by Jessica Lynne Rose and Anathea Chartrand Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Fantasy Selection Summary Uncle Vince, a world traveler, comes to town to take care of Marilou

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Nivel: K EDL: 20 Género: Fábula Estrategia: Visualizar. Destreza: Causa y efecto Número de palabras: 391. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea

Nivel: K EDL: 20 Género: Fábula Estrategia: Visualizar. Destreza: Causa y efecto Número de palabras: 391. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea LESSON 24 TEACHER S GUIDE Nivel: K EDL: 20 Género: Fábula Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Causa y efecto Número de palabras: 391 2.5.24 by Emily Kavicky Fountas-Pinnell Level K Fable 2_269443RTXS_LR5_4BL_CVR_Fables_1

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