Women s Heart-Health. Chronic Disease, Nutrition & Obesity. Healthy Communities- Health Educa on May La Salud de la Mujer y Su Corazón.

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Chronic Disease, Nutrition & Obesity Contents Prevention Programs Health Note...1-2 Health Screens... 3 Get Fit... 4 Nutrition Education 5-7 Garden & Food... 8 Partnership for a Healthy VC... 9 Partner & Community Resources... 10 Directory... 11 Healthy Communities- Health Educa on May 2016 Women s Heart-Health La Salud de la Mujer y Su Corazón 2220 E. Gonzales Road, CA 93030 Tel. (805) 981-6657 For more information visit us on line: http://www.vchca.org/ph

Health Note Women s Heart-Health In May, The Chronic Disease Prevention Program celebrates Mother s day by honoring Women s Heart Health. As a mother, you work and take care of the house and family, and often forget about your own health. Many women are unaware of the symptoms of cardiovascular disease and as a result suffer from heart disease until it s too late. According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular diseases and stroke cause 1 in 3 women s deaths each year, killing approximately one woman every 80 seconds. Fewer women than men survive their fi rst heart attack. In Hispanic women: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death, killing nearly 21,000 each year. Hispanic women are likely to develop heart disease 10 years earlier than Caucasian women. Only 34% of Hispanic women know that heart disease is their greatest health risk. Information is the key and also the way to prevent! Here are two suggestions: #1: Regular Checkups Check your blood pressure, cholesterol and body weight. These are the screening tests for optimal cardiovascular health. In addition, have your blood sugar level tested by the time you re 45. After the fi rst results your doctor will tell you how often, at a minimum every three years. Here are the tests you should have: Weight and Body Mass Index Waist Circumference Blood Pressure Cholesterol Heart Exam Fasting Blood Glucose Also, it is important to know your numbers. Here s a quick overview of the numbers you need to know and your goals. Be sure to talk to your doctor to see how your current numbers measure up. Total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl HDL (good) cholesterol 50 mg/dl or higher LDL (bad) cholesterol less than 100 mg/dl Triglycerides 150 mg/dl Blood pressure less than 120/80 mm Hg Body Mass Index less than 25 kg/m2 Waist circumference less than 35 in. #2: Physical Activity Decreased ability to exercise can be a sign of heart disease. If you are becoming less active with age, see a doctor to rule out any health issues. Then start moving! Regular physical activity increases your chances of living a longer, healthier life. It reduces your risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and some types of cancer. In California, 4% walk or bike to work, and 75% exercise 2.5 to 5 hours week. What are you waiting for?! Prevent heart disease. Stay active and schedule your checkups. Sources: https://www.goredforwomen.org/about-heart-disease/facts_about_heart_disease_in_women-sub-category/womens-heart-disease-awareness-study-2012/; https://nccd.cdc.gov/npao_dtm/detaileddata.aspx?statecode=39&indicator=36; https://nccd.cdc.gov/npao_dtm/locationsummary.aspx?state=california; and, https://health.clevelandclinic.org/2013/05/taking-care-of-moms-heart-with-dr-cho/ 1

mayo 2016 Nota para Su Salud La Salud de la Mujer y Su Corazón En mayo, El Programa de Prevención de Enfermedades Crónicas celebra el Día De Las Madres en honor a un corazón más sano. Como mujer y madre, usted trabaja, cuida de su casa y la familia, y muchas veces se olvida su propia salud. Muchas no conocen los síntomas de la enfermedad cardiovascular y como resultado sufren de enfermedades del corazón hasta que ya es muy tarde. La Asociación Americana del Corazón nos dice que las enfermedades cardiovasculares y embolias causan 1 de cada 3 muertes en las mujeres cada año. Aproximadamente, matando una mujer cada 80 segundos. Menos mujeres que hombres sobreviven un primer ataque al corazón. En las mujeres Hispanas: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la causa principal de muerte, matando casi 21,000 cada año. Las enfermedades del corazón en las hispanas aparecen 10 años antes que en mujeres caucásicas. Solamente el 34% de las mujeres hispanas saben que las enfermedades del corazón es su riesgo de salud más grande. La clave es la información y también la manera de prevenir. Aquí están dos sugerencias: #1: Chequeos regulares Cheque su presión arterial, colesterol y peso corporal. Estos son las pruebas para alcanzar una salud cardiovascular óptima. También, para la edad de 45 años cheque su nivel de azúcar. Después de los resultados de la primera prueba sabrá que tan seguido repetirla, mínimamente cada tres años. Estas son las pruebas: Peso e índice de masa corporal Circunferencia de cintura Presión arterial Colesterol Examen del Corazón Examen de glucosa en ayunas También es importante conocer sus números. Aquí le mostramos los números que hay que conocer y las metas. Asegúrese hablar con su doctor para ver que tan bien mide usted. Colesterol total: 200 mg/dl o menos HDL colesterol (bueno): 50 mg/dl o más LDL colesterol (malo): 100 mg/dl o menos Triglicéridos: 150 mg/dl o menos Presión arterial de la sangre: 120/80 mm Hg Índice de masa corporal: 25 kg/m o menos Circunferencia de la cintura: 35 pulgadas o menos #2: Actividad Física La falta de habilidad de hacer ejercicio es una señal de que hay enfermedad del corazón. Si con los años usted es menos activa, visite a su doctor para saber que todo está bien. Y después, a moverse! La actividad física aumenta la posibilidad de vivir una vida más larga y más sana. También reduce el riesgo de presión de la sangre alta, enfermedad del corazón y algunos tipos de cáncer. En California, un cuatro por ciento de las personas caminan o manejan su bicicleta al trabajo y un 75 por ciento de las personas dedican de dos y media a cinco horas de ejercicio por semana. Que espera usted?! Prevenga las enfermedades del corazón. Manténgase activa y asista a sus chequeos médicos. Sources: https://www.goredforwomen.org/about-heart-disease/facts_about_heart_disease_in_women-sub-category/womens-heart-disease-awareness-study-2012/; https://nccd.cdc.gov/npao_dtm/detaileddata.aspx?statecode=39&indicator=36; https://nccd.cdc.gov/npao_dtm/locationsummary.aspx?state=california; and, https://health.clevelandclinic.org/2013/05/taking-care-of-moms-heart-with-dr-cho/ 2

Early Detec on - Free Health Screens blood glucose, blood pressure and body fat The Chronic Disease Preven on Program Promoción de Detección Temprana exámenes de salud gratuitos Date City Loca on Hours Tue 3 May Thu 5 May Wed 11 May Thu 12 May Tue 17 May Wed 18 May Thu 19 May Tue 24 May Thu 26 May Santa Paula Santa Paula Fillmore West Ventura West Ventura Santa Paula Santa Paula Moorpark Valley Community Church 611 E Main St St Sebas an Church 235 N 9th St One Step A La Vez 421 Sespe Ave Red Barn Market 505 N Ventura Ave Amar Ranch Food Warehouse 1111 E Channel Islands Blvd Westpark Community Center 450 W Harrison Ave St Sebas an Church 235 N 9th St Dollar Tree Store 588 W Main St First 5 - NfL Of Ventura County 612 Spring St 8:00-10:30 A.M. 12:00-5:00 P.M. 2:30-4:30 P.M. 1:30-3:30 P.M. 1:30-3:30 P.M. 3:00-5:00 P.M. 12:00-5:00 P.M. 1:30-3:30 P.M. 8:00-11:00 A.M. Thu 26 May Simi Valley First 5 - NfL Of Ventura County 2300 Heywood St 1:00-3:00 P.M. Diabetes Self-Management & Classes asesoria para personas con diabetes Tipo 2 y clases Date City Loca on Hours Contact Informa on Mon 2 May Mon 9 May South Santa Paula South Public Health 2500 S C St Ste B-1 Santa Paula Public Health 620 W Harvard Blvd 9:00-4:30 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 981-6634 9:00-4:30 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 981-6634 *By appointment only, please call (805) 981-6634. 3

Get Fit! promoción de actividad física The Chronic Disease Preven on Program GET FIT! Classes clases de ejercicio para ponerse en forma Date Class Type City Loca on Hours Contact Informa on Sat 14 May Zumba Demo (12:00-1:00 P.M.) Instructor: Esther Cárcamo Mon & Wed Zumba Instructor: Esther Cárcamo Feria de Salud y Bienestar Familiar Hueneme High School 500 Bard Rd Cesar Chavez School 224 N Juanita St 11:00-2:00 P.M. 6:00-7:00 P.M. To learn more about how to par cipate or host an ac vity for your community, please call (805) 981-6657. Sara Rivera (805) 981-6657 Sara Rivera (805) 981-6657 Walking Clubs clubs de caminata Date City Loca on Hours Contact Informa on Fridays Del Sol Park 1600 Camino del Sol Park 8:00-9:00 A.M. Deanne Morales (805) 981-6634 4

One- me Nutri on Classes & Events clases de nutrición individuales y eventos Community residents learn the importance of eating healthy the PowerPlay! fruit and vegetable spin wheel activity, way! Westpark Community Center - Ventura Date Ac vity City Loca on Hours Contact informa on Tue 10 May Rethink* Your Drink MyPlate Harrington Elementary School - ASP 2501 Gisler Ave 3:00-5:00 P.M. Lizet Garcia (805) 981-6650 Sat 14 May Rethink Your Drink 5th Annual Community Resource Fair 500 S C St Plaza Park 10:00-12:00 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 981-6650 Sat 14 May Rethink Your Drink Prize wheel Port Hueneme Feria de Salud y Bienestar Familiar Hueneme High School 500 Bard Rd 11:00-12:00 P.M. Lizet Garcia (805) 981-6650 Thu 19 May Healthy Ea ng Ac ve Living Santa Paula St Sebas an Church/St Vincent De Paul Food Pantry 235 N 9th St 12:00-5:00 P.M. Alejandro Elias (805) 981-6622 Sat 21 May Rethink Your Drink Prize wheel Ventura Summerfest 255 W Stanley Ave 9:00-2:00 P.M. Alejandro Elias (805) 981-6622 Tue 24 May Rethink* Your Drink MyPlate Sierra Linda Elementry ASP 2201 Jasmine Ave 3:00-5:00 P.M. Lizet Garcia (805) 981-6650 * Not open to the public. Miembros de la comunidad aprenden sobre lo importante que es comer saludablemente mediante la ruedas educativas. Centro Comunitario de Westpark - Ventura 5

Nutri on Class Series serie de clases de nutrición Nutri on Educa on and Obesity Preven on Program Participants learn how to read the Nutrition Facts labels found in beverage containers. Tierra Vista Elementary School - English Topics--> Hathaway Elementary School - * 405 E Dollie St Hours: 8:30-10:00 A.M. Gabriela Magallon (805) 488-2217 x 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 Enjoy Healthy Food That Tastes Great 3 de mayo martes Quick, Healthy Meals and Snack 10 de mayo martes Eating Healthy on a Budget 17 de mayo martes Tips for Losing Weight and Keeping It Off 24 de mayo martes Making Healthy Eating Part of Your Local Lifestyle 26 de mayo jueves Physical Activity Is Key to Living Well 7 de junio martes Voca onal Skilled Services 549 W Hueneme Rd - Port Hueneme Hours: 9:00-10:00 A.M. Carolina Gallardo (805) 986-8300 Rio NfL - * 3300 Cortes St Hours: 1:00-2:30 P.M. Samantha Vega-Flynn (805) 981-2892 Villa Solimar CEDC - * 902 Donlon St Hours: 10:00-11:30 A.M. Rosa Mar nez (805) 483-5188 Wed 4 May 6 de mayo viernes 2 de mayo Wed 11 May 13 de mayo viernes 9 de mayo Changes may occur without prior no ce. *Class is conducted in Spanish. Participantes aprenden a leer la etiqueta de datos nutricionales en los envases y paquetes de comida. Escuela Tierra Vista - 6

Let s Move with Fruits and Vegetables clases de nutrición con movimiento Nutri on Educa on and Obesity Preven on Program Teaching youth about nutrition and healthy lifestyle is important. La enseñanzas sobre nutrición y estilos de vida saludables para los niños son importantes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tema (topic) Spring/Summer MyPlate & Stay Ac ve ( Berries Taste Test Shape of Yoga Carrots Taste Test Dancing for Fun Spinach Taste Test Shape of Yoga Avocados Taste Test Dancing for Fun Cucumber Taste Test Shape of Yoga Rethink Your Drink Infused Water Tas ng Dancing for Fun Physical Ac vity in every session! Cada sesión incluye ac vidad sica. Sierrra Linda NfL Family * Resource Center - 2201 Jasmine Ave Hours: 11:30-12:30 P.M. (805) 385-1581 2 de mayo 9 de mayo 16 de mayo 23 de mayo 30 de mayo 6 de junio CAPSLO Encanto MSHS * 601 Sequoia St - Hours: 9:00 P.M- 10:00 A.M. Rosa Arellano (805) 483-4442 4 de mayo miércoles 11 de mayo miércoles 18 de mayo miércoles Changes may occur without prior no ce. * Class conducted in Spanish Students enjoyed their cup of Red and Green Salad. Many lined up to get a second cup. Los estudiantes disfrutan de su ensalada, Roja y Verde. Varios se sirvieron más de una vez. 7

Community Garden & Fresh Produce jardín comunitario y frutas y verduras Garden Hours of Opera on The garden is located in where Camino del Sol Road, Entrada Drive and Garfield Avenue meet in La Colonia. Garden hours are Monday through Saturday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Open Ac vity Hours Contact Informa on Sat 21 May Garden Work Day 8:30-11:30 A.M. *Event not open to the public. Community Markets free seasonal fruits and vegetables Date Frequency City Loca on Hours Wed 18 May monthly West Ventura Westpark Community Center 450 W Harrison Ave This event is a collabora ve effort with partner community organiza ons. 4:00-5:30 P.M. Blanca Arias (805) 981-6627 Contact Informa on Anita Diaz (805) 648-1895 Fresh vegetables from the garden are a good treat option anytime! 8

Partnership for a Healthy Ventura County 2016 Meeting Schedule The healthy ventura county partnership is a coali on that includes ventura county public health, First 5 Ventura County and a wide range of community organiza ons and individuals, including businesses, schools, non-profits, local government and networks seeking to improve the health of Ventura County M e e t i n g s Partnership meets on the 1st Thursday of the month Date Thu 5 May Thu 2 Jun Type Forum General * Location: 2240 E Gonzales Rd Suite 200 Ca 93036 residents, policies and community endeavors. We share the vision that Ventura County will be the na onal model for healthy ea ng, ac ve living and community wellbeing. We promote community and personal changes that lead to healthy ea ng and regular exercise to reduce obesity and related chronic diseases. The Partnership Mee ngs take place on the first Thursday of the month. For more informa on, please contact Alejandro Elias at (805) 981-6622 or alejandro.elias@ventura.org Featured Harvest of The Month Vegetable: Broccoli h p://healthyventuracounty.org/ 9

Partner & Community Efforts health and wellness opportunities Local Ventura County seniors participated in an interactive presentation about a health recipe that is easy to make, that is inexpensive and uses fresh, frozen, canned and juiced ingredients. Date Services/Events City Loca on Hours Tue 3 May 1st Tues of the month Wed 4 May 1st Wed of the month Wed 4 May 1st Wed of the month Wed 25 May 4th Wed of the month Tue & Thu Mon-Fri Mon-Fri Call for dates Free Diabetes Class Children s Diabetes Management Adult Diabetes Clinic Ventanilla de Salud Tobacco Educa on & Preven on Program Ventura Camarillo Simi Valley Thousand Oaks Ventura Various Livingston Memorial 1996 Eastman Ave Camarillo Community Center 1605 Burnley St Rm 7 Simi Valley Senior Center 3900 Avenida Simi Goebel Senior Center 1385 E Janss Rd-Foothill Rm Pediatric Diagnos c Center 3291 Loma Vista Rd Las Islas South 325 W Channel Islands Blvd Mexican Consulate 3151 W 5th St 1:00-2:30 P.M. 2:30-4:00 P.M. 10:30-12:00 P.M. 1:30-3:00 P.M. 8:00-5:00 P.M. 8:00-5:00 P.M. 8:00-12:00 P.M. call it quits callitquits@ventura.org (805) 201-STOP (7867) Contact informa on Linda Hampson (805) 642-0239 Ext. 723 Kay Urban (805) 652-6255 Irene Guerrero (805) 804-9510 Ilda Pulido (805) 450-6210 Every participant had the opportunity to taste the Corn & Green Chili Salad as part of the presentation and received a cookbook with the recipe, so they could try it at home. 10

Chronic Disease Prevention Programs May 2016 Chronic Disease Preven on Program publishes this monthly Events Calendar to encourage healthy ac ve living through physical ac vity and healthy ea ng in all communi es of Ventura County. Educa onal opportuni es are free of cost and available to residents, families and communi es who are ready to lead healthier lives. Director Silvia Lopez-Navarro silvia.lopez-navarro@ventura.org Health Screens Blood sugar, blood pressure, and body fat screens and individualized health educa on and referrals to local resources. Get Fit Classes Community physical ac vity classes Walking Clubs Assistance with forming a walking club in the community Diabetes Self Management Services Individual Diabetes Self-Management services Diabetes Case Manager For more informa on please contact: Deanne Morales Delfina Zermeño Sara Rivera Vicky Bobadilla, PA C deanne.morales@ventura.org delfina.zermeño@ventura.org sara.rivera@ventura.org. Programs Directory Nutri on Educa on and Obesity Preven on Program provides nutri on educa on classes, train-the-trainer nutri on workshops, and cooking and physical ac vity demonstra ons to promote informed food choices and healthier lifestyles. For more informa on please contact: Lizet Garcia Blanca Arias Alejandro Elias Isabel Gomez lizet.garcia@ventura.org blanca.arias@ventura.org alejandro.elias@ventura.org isabel.gomez@ventura.org Rethink Your Drink Urges everyone to choose refreshing water to quench their thirst instead of sugary drinks. The goal of the ini a ve is to reach all residents and organiza ons in Ventura County to increase the consump on of and access to healthy beverages. For more informa on please contact: Sara Rivera sara.rivera@ventura.org Community & School Garden Support Offers support and educa on to families and educators growing their own vegetables and fruits at their local community gardens and schools. For more informa on please contact: Blanca Arias blanca.arias@ventura.org 11