St. Gregory the Great Church

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St. Gregory the Great Church 144 West 90th Street New York, NY 10024-1202 Rectory Office (212) 724-9766 Rectory FAX (212) 579-3380 WEB: Clergy: Msgr. Michael Crimmins Pastor Fr. Luis Pulido Parochial Vicar Fr. Jonathan C. Agbedo In Residence Fr. Joseph Darbouze Pastor Emeritus Pastoral Team: Adeline Dupiton Susanna George Anita Giscombe Ed Grimm Robert Hanning William Jacquette Michael Mariani Chris Miller John Mooney Peter Serritella Jim Trainor Christopher Wu Staff: St. Gregory School Donna Gabella Principal José Vazquez. Vice Principal (212) 362-5410 CCD John Broderick Dir. Religious Education (212) 724-9766 Ext 11 Director of Music: Jim Trainor Parish Office: Gladys Tejada February 3, 2013 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: [and]... whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered:... Joel 2:28, 32 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time The theme chosen for today s celebration comes from the second reading of the liturgy the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. In order to resolve the quarrels which were dividing them, Paul proposes to the Corinthians a gift that surpasses all others. For the disciples of Jesus, the gifts received for the good of the community will amount to nothing if they are not animated by love. What Paul describes, in fact, is the love of Christ for us. This love is the source of all Christian action in the world and in the Church. Among the great virtues, there are faith, hope and charity, but the greatest among the three is charity [meaning brotherly and sisterly love]. In this context, Paul`s hymn in praise of charity constitutes the key message of the letter. If I have the gift of prophecy, and comprehend all mysteries, and have all knowledge, and if I have all faith so that I could move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing. [Cor. 13:2] When love ceases to be at the center of the community, then the Christian ideal is threatened, and selfishness takes the lead. Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario El tema de la celebración de hoy es escogido de la segunda lectura de la liturgia --- lectura de la primera carta del apóstol San Pablo a los Corintios. Para resolver la discordia que los estaba dividiendo, Pablo sugiere a los Corintios un regalo que sobrepasa todo. Para los discípulos de Jesús, el regalo que reciben para el bien de la comunidad no servirá de nada si no tienen amor. Pablo describe el amor de Cristo como la fuente de toda acción de los Cristianos en el mundo y en la Iglesia. Las mas grandes virtudes son fe, esperanza y caridad, pero el mas grande de estos tres es la caridad (el amor fraternal entre hermanos) El mensaje de Pablo: Aunque tuviera el don de profecía y descubriera todos los misterios y la ciencia entera, aunque tuviera tanta fe para trasladar montes, si me falta el amor nada soy. (lcor.13:2) Cuando no existe el amor como el centro de la comunidad, no existe la cristiandad. Quatrième dimanche du temps ordinaire L orientation retenue pour cette célébration provient de la deuxième lecture: ce passage est tiré de la lettre de saint Paul aux Corinthiens. Pour contrcarrer les querelles qui les divisent, Paul leur propose un don supérieur à tous les autres. Pour les disciples de Jésus, les dons reçus pour le bien de la communauté n aboutiront à rien s ils ne sont pas animés par l amour. Ce que Paul décrit en fait, c est l amour du Christ pour nous. Cet amour est la source de toute action chrétienne dans le monde et dans l Eglise. Parmi les grandes vertus, il y a la foi, l espérance et la charité, mais la plus grande des trois, c est la charité. Dans ce contexte l hymne de Paul sur la charité constitue le message clé de la lettre. J aurais beau être prophète, avoir toute la science des mystères, et toute la connaissance de Dieu, et toute la foi jusqu à transporter les montagnes, s il me manque l amour, je ne suis rien (1 Cor. 13, 2). Quand l amour cesse d être au centre de la communauté, l idédeal chrétien est en difficulté, l égoisme prend le dessus. Jesus began speaking in the synagogue, saying, Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing. And all spoke highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. They also asked, Isn t this the son of Joseph? He said to them, Surely you will quote me this Proverb, Physician, cure yourself, and say, Do here in your native place the things that we heard were done in Capernaum. And he said, Amen I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place.

WEEKEND Saturday: Schedule of Masses and Sacraments 12 Noon (English) 5:30 PM Vigil (English) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays from 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM Any time by appointment. Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM (English) 10:00 AM (Spanish) 11:30 AM (English) 1:00 PM (French) DAILY Monday - Wednesday - Friday 12 Noon -English Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 AM - Spanish 12 Noon - English Every Monday Miraculous Medal Novena and Benediction after Noon Mass. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on our altar on the first Thursday of the month from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. for prayer and meditation. All are welcome to participate in this silent devotion. FIRST FRIDAYS Masses are at:12 Noon (English) 7:00 PM (Spanish) HOLY DAYS There are usually at least two masses on holy days of obligation, but the times may vary. Consult page 3 of this Weekly Bulletin or phone the Rectory Office for mass times for any specific holy day. BAPTISMS Call one month in advance. Instruction required. WEDDINGS Arrangements must be made with priest at least six months in advance. ANOINTING OF THE SICK In cases of serious illness or advancing age, please call the Rectory to arrange a visit. COMMUNION CALLS Please call the Rectory to arrange a visit by a priest. St. Gregory the Great School community would like to thank the parishioners for their support throughout the Appeals process. We thank you for your prayers to save our schools, and for your financial support through pledges and purchasing tickets and raffles for our International Dinners. Several parishioners joined us at our International Dinner and shared in our celebration of family and a feast of food from 27 countries. Thank you, Donna NEW PARISHIONERS are welcomed at St. Gregory s Parish. If you wish to register, please fill out the coupon below, and drop it in the collection basket or send it to the rectory. Name Address Apt # Phone

ST.GR.SCHOOL TO REMAIN OPEN As you probably know by now, either from the newspapers or the grapevine, St. Gregory s School was not one of the Manhattan schools selected by the N.Y. Archdiocese for closing in its recent move to consolidate or eliminate some Archdiocesan Schools. Our neighboring school to the north, Holy Name of Jesus, was selected for closing. It is hard to know the basis on which the final closing decisions were made. We would like to believe that our School survived because of the excellent education it has provided in the past and because of the strong case presented by Principal Donna Gabella and a group of concerned parents and alumni. PILGRIMAGE TO HOLY SHRINES OF FRANCE Notre Dame Parish, W. 114th St. & Morningside Drive, Manh., is sponsoring an 8-day pilgrimage to some of the holy shrines of France, including the grotto at Lourdes, to take place from May 31 to June 7, 2013. The event is part of the Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. The cost is $2495, plus taxes and fuel surcharges estimated at $695. For more information, phone Notre Dame Rectory at 212-866-1500. REMEMBER OUR TREE OF LIFE The past few weeks, one has seen on Manhattan sidewalks the remains of no longer wanted Christmas trees. There is, however, another kind of tree, which you can have around all year. It is the Parish s Tree of Life located in the church s west entrance lobby. Intended as a continuing fund-raiser for the Parish, individual leaves may be bought for $600 and inscribed to remember a family member or friend, or some event, or with a spiritual intention. Other tree parts are available at slightly higher prices. Call the Rectory Office if you are interested in purchasing a part of this Tree memorial. ANOTHER ROUND WITH THE TIMES OP-ED PAGE Once more, The New York Times has chosen on its op-ed page to criticize the Catholic Church for its sins of the past and practices of the present. A Jan. 27 Times Sunday Review op-ed column by Frank Bruni, Catholicism s Curse", references a yet-to-be-released book by Gary Wills, which, like the column, faults the Church for alleged arrogance, secrecy and closed- mindedness, and its control by priests who are not divine but rather inventions of mortals who took charge of the faith. Of course, the Times is free to publish whatever it wants. (One can only hope, though hardly require, that it do so with a fair amount of even-handedness.) No doubt, in the past, the Times has printed editorials or op-ed pieces critical of Islam and its imams and Judaism and its rabbis. This writer does not take issue here with Mr. Bruni s criticism of the Church s past handling of clergy child abuses nor his suggestions that current priesthood qualifications might be changed. But the writer finds naïve and impractical the idea, implicitly set forth by Messrs. Bruni and Wills, that the Church might function better without any kind of priesthood, as it may have functioned in the Early Church in the catacombs. Socrates taught on Athenian curbstones, and Clara Barton personally led mule train dispensaries to Civil War battlefields. But one mortal can t do it all, even with the grace of God. And so we see the development of universities and the American Red Cross. Organizations grow and hierarchies emerge--in the universities, in the Red Cross, even at The New York Times. The sensible task is to work to keep them holy and responsive to their original mission; not to tear them up and begin again. ESCUELA DE SAN GREGORIO Permanecerá abierta. Nuestra escuela de San Gregorio no fue seleccionado como una de las escuelas de Manhattan que la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York cerrara. La escuela de Holy Name es una de las escuelas de nuestro vecindario seleccionado para ser cerrado. Es difícil conocer la bases que usan para seleccionar las escuelas para ser cerrados. Queremos pensar que nuestra escuela ofrece un excelente programa de educación y que también la Principal Donna Gabella y un grupo de parientes y alumnos hicieron una gran presentaron a favor de nuestra escuela. PEREGRINACION A SANTUARIOS EN FRANCIA La Parroquia Notre Dame (114 Oeste y la Avenida Morningside en Manhattan) esta patrocinando una peregrinación de 8 días a varios santuarios en Francia, incluyendo la visita a la gruta de Lourdes, que tendrá lugar del 31 de Mayo hasta el 7 de Junio, 2013. Este evento es parte de la celebración del Año de Fe proclamado por el Papa Benedicto XVII. El costo es $2495, mas impuesto y tarifas de combustible estimado en $695. Para mas informaciones llamen la Rectoría de Notre Dame al 212-866-1500. RECUERDEN NUESTRO ARBOL DE VIDA En las pasadas semanas hemos visto en las aceras de nuestro vecindario arboles de Navidad que no necesitaban. Pero nosotros tenemos aquí un Árbol de Vida que dura todo el año, localizado en el vestíbulo al Oeste de la entrada a nuestra parroquia. Este árbol es una manera de recaudar fondos para nuestra Parroquia. Cada hoja cuesta $600 que puede ser inscrito con una dedicación en memoria de un ser querido o en memoria de un evento especial. Hay otras partes del árbol que pueden ser comprados por un costo adicional. Personas interesadas pueden llamar a la oficina de la Rectoría para mas información. OTRO ARTICULO OP-ED Nuevamente El New York Times ha escrito un articulo en su pagina op-ed criticando la Iglesia Católica por sus pecados del pasado y sus practicas del presente. En un articulo del 27 de Enero en el Times Sunday Review escrito por Frank Bruni, Catholicism s Curse, hace regencia del libro de Gary Wills, que todavía no ha salido a la venta que igual como la columna del autor ofrece mucha critica y fallos de la Iglesia, que se refiera a los sacerdotes como personas arrogantes, y que no son personas divinas, sino que son mortales que toman cargo de la fe. Ciertamente el Times esta libre para publicar lo que desean. (Uno desearía que escribieran sus artículos con igualdad a todos). No hay duda que en el pasado el Times ha escrito artículos op-ed criticando a Islam y sus Imán y a los Judíos y sus Rabís. El autor de este articulo no toma ofensa con la critica del Sr. Bruni de la Iglesia y como procedieron con el abuso del clero contra los niños ni con su sugerencia que las cualificaciones de los presentes sacerdotes sean cambiados. Pero no estoy de acuerdo con la idea de los Sres. Bruni y Wills, que la iglesia podría funcionar mejor sin el sacerdocio, como había funcionado en los principios de la Iglesia durante la época de los catacumbas. Sócrates dio lecciones a los Atenienses en las acera, y Clara Barton personalmente dirigió una tregua de bueyes con medicinas a los campos de batallas de las Guerras Civiles. Pero una persona mortal no lo puede hacer todo aun con la gracia de Dios. Y en esto vemos el desarrollo de la universidades y de la Cruz Roja. Las organizaciones crecen y emerge la jerarquía en las universidades, en la Cruz Roja, aun el New York Times. Lo mas sensible seria para trabajar para que se mantengan en su misión original, no tirarlos y comenzar de nuevo.

ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR THE WEEK Sunday, February 3 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 : Cruzita Torres (dec.) 10:00 : Sagrado Corazon 11:30 : Gloria Espino and deceased members of the Espino Family 1:00 : Thanksgiving in honor of St. Joseph Monday, February 4 12:00 : In honor to St. Blaise Tuesday, February 5 St. Agatha 9:00 : En honor a Santa Agueda 12:00 : Wednesday, February 6 St. Paul Miki 12:00 : Maria Virginia Quinonez (b day dec.) Thursday, February 7 9:00 : 12:00 : Catherine & Patrick McGlade (dec.) Friday, February 8 St. Jerome 12:00 : All Souls Saturday, February 9 12:00 : 5:30 : Thanksgiving Mass in honor of Holy Trinity READING FROM THE LECTIONARY 2/4 Heb 11:32-40 Mk 5:1-20 (323) 2/5 Heb 12:1-4 Mk 5:21-43 (324 2/6 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15 Mk 6:1-6 (325 2/7 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24 Mk 6:7-13 (326) 2/8 Heb 13:1-8 Mk 6:14-29 (327) 2/9 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21 Mk 6: 30-34 (328) PRAY FOR/RECE POR/PRIEZ POUR This is the list of the sick whom we remember in our prayers. Please notify the Rectory of any corrections, deletions or additions that you require. Anthony Alexander, Collette Austin Alicia Becerra, Paula Ben-David, John & Rose Bezulli, Dorise Black, Josefa Brito, Miriam Burns, Alexandra Castillo, Teolina Cepeda, Christina Coger, Josefine Colkosz, Paula Corredor, Kyle Carbbe, Ernesto Carrera, Roberto Colon, Patricia Collar, Ted Collar, Emmanuella Constant, Leonie Constant, Candita de la Cruz, Maria Cruz, Edna Curley, Ivylyn Davis-Bell, Elba De Jesus, Migdalia De Jesus, Elizabeth Dillon, Philomena Doucet, Lidia Estrella, Florence Feaster, Patricia Flannery, Porcia Fontilus, Eileen Ford, Raymond Gandolf, Encarnacion Garcia, Violeta Gomez, Rosa Gonzalez, Yolanda Gorrasi, Aparecida Guimarais, Luis Carlos Guimarais, Sonia M. Guimarais, Larry Hetherington, Edward Holohan, Michael Holohan, Loretta Hosein, Marie Innocent, Barbara Jones, Ivonne Kennedy, Hebert Laurent, Mr. Louks, Adrea Lundquist, Frantz Matthurin, Lili Maury, Lucy Martinez, Ruben Mayen, Charles Mayhew, Kenneth McGahren, Jeanne McGahren, Frank McQuade, Isabelle Moldovan, Maria Morales, Michael Mulvenna, Helen Murray, Kervin Narsisse, Ralph Nicolas, Domingo & Nancy Ortiz, Simmilian Paul, Stephen Paul, Eduardo Perel, John & Rose Pezulli Maria Pinedo, Cyril Pinto, Denise Price, Katrina Rabey, Santa Richardson-Castillo, Thomas Squires Sr., Melina Mae Ridgeway, Aida Robles, Mrs. Rose, Casiano Rodríguez, Evelyn Rodríguez, Maria Rodríguez, Nidia Rosario, Richard Safire, Joan Shea, Marvin Seldin, Carmen Simon, Paula Solis, Carolyn Stewart, Stephen M. Stewart, J. P. Sullivan, Ana Torres, Regina Trinidad, Maeyle Vargas, Joseph Yelagin.

WEEKLY ACTIVITIES SUNDAY: Coffee Hour after 10 AM Mass 11:00 AM Ultreya 11:30 PM MONDAY: (Alcoholics Anonymous) Legion of Mary (Spanish) Faith Sharing Group Christian Meditation TUESDAY: Spanish Bible Class Food Pantry WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Charismatic Prayer (Spanish) FRIDAY: SATURDAY: Soup Kitchen Prayer Meeting (French) 5:30 PM 3rd Monday 7:30PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 3:30 4:45 PM 12:30 5:00 PM 7:00PM 8:30 AM 1:00 PM 2:30 PM 7:00 9:00 PM Parish Finances Our goal for each weekend`s collection is $7,800. Last weekend s [1/27] collection totaled $5,959, which includes ParishPay gifts. This is a worthy response for a cold, damp Sunday. If you win a Superbowl bet today, consider tithing one-tenth of your winnings to the Parish. And please also keep in mind the 2013 Cardinal s Annual Appeal which, this time of year, calls upon your generosity. Finanzas Parroquiales Nuestra metal semanal es $7,800. La colecta de la semana pasada Enero 27, fue un total de $5,959 que incluye contribuciones del programa de Pagos Parroquiales. Si gana una apuesta en el Superbowl hoy considere donar un diezmo de sus ganancias a su Parroquia. Y por favor tengan en mente la Campaña del Cardenal de 2013 que les pide sus generosas donaciones.