Caring for Your Baby

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1 Caring for Your Baby There are some things you need to learn to care for your baby. Talk to your baby s nurse or doctor if you have questions. Feedings If you are breastfeeding your baby, feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours. Begin breastfeeding for 10 minutes on each breast. Slowly increase the time to 20 minutes on each breast. Burp your baby when changing breasts. Watch the foods you eat. Some things you eat may upset your baby s stomach or cause gas. If you are bottle-feeding your baby, offer formula every 3 to 4 hours. Begin giving your baby 1 to 2 ounces of formula at each feeding. Slowly increase the amount of formula. Burp your baby after every few ounces. Babies have growth spurts in the first 6 months, and will eat more often during them. Watch for feeding cues and feed your baby whenever your baby wants to eat. Feeding Cues Your baby will give you signals of hunger called feeding cues. Your baby s feeding cues may include: Clenched fists Hands to mouth Licking of lips Moving of arms and legs Turning the head towards your body Sucking sounds Crying Your baby will also show signs when he is full such as fingers open, hands down to his side, relaxed arms and legs. 1

2 Cuidado de su bebé Hay algunas cosas que debe aprender para cuidar de su bebé. Hable con la enfermera o el médico de su bebé si tiene alguna pregunta. Comidas Si está amamantando a su bebé, hágalo cada 2 a 3 horas. Comience amamantando 10 minutos en cada pecho. Aumente lentamente la cantidad de tiempo hasta llegar a los 20 minutos por pecho. Haga que su bebé eructe cuando cambie de pecho. Controle las comidas que come. Algunas de las cosas que coma podrían afectar el estómago de su bebé o causarle gases. Si está alimentando a su bebé con biberón, ofrézcale fórmula cada 3 a 4 horas. Comience dándole 1 a 2 onzas de fórmula cada vez que lo alimente. Aumente la cantidad de fórmula lentamente. Haga que su bebé haga provechos luego de algunas onzas. Los bebés crecen mucho en los 6 primeros meses y comen con más frecuencia durante ese período. Fíjese en las señales de hambre y alimente a su bebé siempre que quiera comer. Señales de hambre Su bebé le dará señales de que tiene hambre. Algunas de las señales pueden ser las siguientes: puños apretados llevarse las manos a la boca lamerse los labios mover las manos y los brazos movimiento de la cabeza hacia el cuerpo de la madre sonidos de succión llanto Su bebé también presentará signos cuando esté satisfecho tales como abrir los dedos, poner las manos a los lados, relajar las piernas y los brazos. Caring for Your Baby. Spanish. 1

3 Burping and Spitting Up Burp your baby by sitting him upright or holding him up against your chest. Rub or gently pat his back until the air bubble comes up. It is normal for your baby to spit up small amounts after a feeding or with burping. Call your baby s doctor if your baby is spitting up large amounts often or with force. Bulb Syringe You can use a bulb syringe to clear out mucus from your baby s nose. 1. Squeeze the air out of the bulb. 2. Gently insert the tip into the nose and then slowly release the bulb. Do not force the tip high into the nose. 3. Remove the bulb and squeeze any fluid into a tissue. 4. Repeat as needed. 5. After you are done, wash the bulb syringe with soap and warm water. Cord Care The baby s umbilical cord is clamped at birth. The clamp is removed in the hospital. It takes 7 to 14 days before the cord comes off. Allow the 2

4 Eructar y regurgitar Para que su bebé eructe, siéntelo o recuéstelo contra su pecho. Frote o golpee suavemente su espalda hasta que la burbuja de aire salga. Es normal que su bebé regurgite un poco después de alimentarse o al eructar. Llame al médico de su bebé si regurgita mucho, con frecuencia o con fuerza. Perilla Puede usar una perilla para sacarle el moco de la nariz al bebé. 1. Saque el aire de la perilla apretándola. 2. Introduzca con cuidado la punta en la nariz, y luego suelte lentamente la perilla. No fuerce la punta muy adentro de la nariz. 3. Saque la perilla y apriétela sobre un pañuelo de papel para sacar cualquier fluido. 4. Repita estos pasos las veces necesarias. 5. Cuando haya terminado, lave la perilla con agua tibia y jabón. Cuidados del cordón umbilical El cordón umbilical del bebé se engrapa cuando nace. La grapa se retira en el hospital. El cordón tarda entre 7 y 14 días para desprenderse. Deje que el Caring for Your Baby. Spanish. 2

5 cord to air dry. Until the cord is healed, keep the diaper below the cord. When the cord falls off, there may be a small amount of drainage. Clean with soap and water until it is healed. Call your baby s doctor if the cord has a foul odor, a thick yellow or green discharge or if the skin around it becomes red. Bowel Movements Most babies will have a sticky greenish-black bowel movement within 48 hours. The stool will then change to greenish-brown, then to a light yellow, mustard color. Breast milk stool will become watery and mustard in color. Formula stool is more formed and yellow in color. Once babies are 4 days old, they often have 3 to 4 stools each day. After the first month, your baby may have stools less often. Soft stool is normal. Call your baby's doctor if your baby has diarrhea or very loose stool for more than 24 hours. Call your baby's doctor if your baby s stool is very hard or difficult to pass. Do not give your baby home remedies or medicine unless told to do so by your baby's doctor. Urine Expect 5 to 6 wet diapers each day. Babies can lose fluids very fast. If you think your baby is not getting enough liquids, feed him every 2 hours. Call your baby s doctor if your baby is not having enough wet diapers. Diaper Change Change the diaper when it becomes wet or dirty. This will help prevent skin rashes. Talk to your baby s doctor or nurse about a product to use if your baby s skin becomes red. Use a wet washcloth or baby wipes to gently clean the area well. Be sure to clean between the folds of the genitalia. Stool and pieces of the diaper can sometimes be found in between these folds, so clean well. 3

6 cordón se seque al aire. Mantenga el pañal debajo del cordón hasta que este haya sanado. Puede haber una pequeña secreción cuando el cordón se cae. Lávelo con agua y jabón hasta que haya sanado. Llame al médico de su bebé si el cordón huele mal, si secreta una sustancia amarilla o verde o si la piel a su alrededor se pone roja. Evacuaciones La mayoría de los bebés evacuarán de color negro verdoso y con una consistencia pegajosa durante las primeras 48 horas. El color de las heces después cambiará a café verdoso, luego a un color amarillo mostaza claro. Las heces se volverán acuosas y de color mostaza por la leche materna. Las heces de los bebés alimentados con fórmula tienen más forma y son amarillas. Después de cumplir 4 días de edad, los bebés a menudo evacuan de 3 a 4 veces al día. Es posible que después del primer mes su bebé evacue con menos frecuencia. Las heces blandas son normales. Llame al médico de su bebé si tiene diarrea o heces muy aguadas por más de 24 horas. Llame al médico de su bebé si las heces son muy duras o difíciles de expulsar. No dé remedios caseros ni medicamentos a su bebé salvo que el médico se lo indique. Orina Es de esperar que el bebé moje entre 5 y 6 pañales por día. Los bebés eliminan el líquido muy rápido. Si cree que su bebé no está bien hidratado, aliméntelo cada dos horas. Si su bebé no está mojando suficientes pañales, llame al médico del bebé. Cambio de pañales Cámbiele el pañal cuando esté húmedo o sucio. Esto evitará erupciones cutáneas. Hable con el médico de su bebé o con la enfermera sobre algún producto que pueda usar si la piel del bebé se irritase. Use un paño húmedo o toallitas de bebé para limpiar bien el área con suavidad. Asegúrese de limpiar entre los pliegues de los genitales. Entre estos pliegues pueden haber a veces materia fecal y restos de pañal, por lo que debe limpiarlos bien. Caring for Your Baby. Spanish. 3

7 For girls Clean the genitalia from front to back. This avoids getting stool into the opening leading to the bladder, which may cause an infection. For boys Gently clean the penis. Fingernails Trim the fingernails when your baby is sleeping. Cut nails with round tipped baby nail scissors or clippers. Cut nails straight across, but not too close to the skin. You may round off nail corners with a file. Trim nails at least once a week. Keep your baby s nails short so the skin will not get scratched. Sleeping Babies sleep safest on their backs. Place your baby on his or her back to sleep with his or her head uncovered. To prevent flat spots on the back of the head, turn your baby s head different directions with each nap. Do not place your baby on his or her tummy to sleep. Place your baby on a firm mattress for your baby to breathe safely. Do not place your baby on a soft surface, sofa or waterbed. Remove soft and loose bedding and toys from your baby s sleep area. Dress your baby in warm sleep clothing to avoid using any blankets. If you do use a blanket, keep blankets and other coverings away from your baby s head. Have the blanket no higher than your baby s chest. Tuck the sides of the blanket under the mattress. If your baby uses a pacifier, put the pacifier in your baby s mouth. Do not replace it if it falls out during sleep. Tummy Time Place your baby on his or her stomach while you spend time with your baby when he or she is awake and ready to play. This will help your baby s muscles in the neck, arms and body get stronger. 4

8 En el caso de las niñas, limpie los genitales de adelante hacia atrás. Esto evita que entre materia fecal en la abertura que conduce a la vejiga, lo cual puede causar una infección. En el caso de los varones, limpie suavemente el pene. Uñas Córtele las uñas al bebé cuando esté durmiendo. Córteselas con tijeras de punta redonda o cortaúñas para bebé. Córtele las uñas rectas, pero no demasiado cerca de la piel. Puede redondear las esquinas de las uñas con una lima. Recórtele las uñas por lo menos una vez a la semana. Mantenga recortadas las uñas de su bebé para que no se rasguñe la piel. El sueño Los bebés duermen más seguros boca arriba. Acomode al bebé para dormir sobre su espalda con la cabeza descubierta. Para evitar áreas planas en la parte posterior de la cabeza, dé vuelta la cabeza de su bebé hacia lados diferentes en cada siesta. No coloque a su bebé boca abajo para dormir. Coloque al bebé sobre un colchón firme para que respire de forma segura. No coloque al bebé sobre una superficie blanda, un sofá o una cama de agua. Retire la ropa de cama blanda y suelta y los juguetes del área donde duerme el bebé. Vista a su bebé con ropa cálida para dormir para evitar el uso de mantas. Si usa una manta, mantenga las mantas y demás cobertores lejos de la cabeza de su bebé. La manta debe cubrir solo hasta el pecho de su bebé. Sujete los lados de la manta por debajo del colchón. Si su bebé usa chupón, póngaselo en la boca. No se lo vuelva a poner si se le cae mientras duerme. La hora de la barriguita Ponga a su bebé boca abajo mientras pasa tiempo con él, cuando su bebé está despierto y listo para jugar. Esto ayudará a fortalecer los músculos del cuello, los brazos y el cuerpo de su bebé. Caring for Your Baby. Spanish. 4

9 It also helps your baby avoid flat spots on his or her head, and help your baby learn how to roll, sit, crawl, and pull to stand. Start out with just a few minutes at a time, a few times each day. Increase the time as your baby gets used to it and begins to like it. Play with your baby in this position. Never leave your baby alone on his or her stomach. Room Temperature and Dress Dress your baby with one extra layer more than you are wearing. Do not overdress your baby or let him get too warm. Your baby s room should be at a temperature that is comfortable for an adult. Air conditioning is not harmful to your baby, but keep your baby away from fans and drafts. Your Baby's Temperature Take your baby s temperature if your baby is eating poorly, feels warm to the touch, is more irritable or is hard to wake. With new babies, a temperature below 97 degrees or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit may be a sign of an infection. Most doctors want you to take your baby's temperature under the arm, called an axillary temperature. Normal axillary temperature is 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Call your baby s doctor if your baby s temperature is over degrees Fahrenheit. Remove extra layers of clothing and blankets and recheck your baby s temperature in 30 minutes. Crying Most babies cry a little each day. Crying is a way of communicating needs, such as hunger, wet, thirsty, cold or bored. It can also be a way to release tension. 5

10 También ayuda a evitar que se formen puntos planos en la cabeza; además le ayuda al bebé a aprender a darse vuelta, sentarse, gatear y hacer fuerza para pararse. Comience con unos pocos minutos al día, pocas veces por día. Aumente el tiempo a medida que su bebé se acostumbra y le comienza a gustar. Juegue con su bebé cuando esté en esta posición. Jamás deje a su bebé solo acostado boca abajo. Temperatura del ambiente y vestimenta Vista a su bebé con una capa más de ropa de la que está usando usted. No le ponga demasiada ropa ni deje que le dé mucho calor. La habitación de su bebé debe estar a una temperatura que resulte agradable para un adulto. El aire acondicionado no es malo para su bebé, pero manténgalo lejos de ventiladores y corrientes de aire. La temperatura del bebé Si su bebé no está comiendo bien, si se siente caliente al tacto, si está más irritable o le cuesta despertarlo, tómele la temperatura. En el caso de los recién nacidos, una temperatura inferior a los 97 F (36 C) o por encima de los 100 F (37.8 C) puede ser un síntoma de infección. La mayoría de los médicos recomienda tomar la temperatura al bebé debajo del brazo, lo que se llama temperatura axilar. La temperatura axilar normal es de 97.6 F (36.4 C). Llame al médico de su bebé si tiene más de F (38 C) de temperatura. Quítele las capas adicionales de ropa y mantas y vuelva a tomar la temperatura de su bebé en 30 minutos. Llanto La mayoría de los bebés lloran un poco cada día. Llorar es una forma de comunicar sus necesidades tales como hambre, estar mojado, tener sed, frío o estar aburrido. También puede ser una forma de liberar tensión. Caring for Your Baby. Spanish. 5

11 With healthy babies, it is normal: For the crying to come and go. This most often occurs in the first 3 to 4 months. For the baby to keep crying when you are trying to comfort them. For crying to happen more in the evening hours when baby is tired. For your baby to have a red face, clenched fists, hard and tight stomach, arched back, legs pulled up to their stomach or stiff legs. For the crying to last a long time. A crying baby can frustrate and worry parents. Crying often makes parents think there is something wrong. Understanding what is normal will not make your baby stop crying, but it can make you feel better about yourself and your baby. Always check with your doctor if your baby cries more than you think your baby should. Soothing a Crying Baby Respond to the crying quickly to prevent your baby from becoming too upset. This will not spoil your baby. Never shake your baby. This causes serious injuries. Get help or take a break before you get too upset. Try these actions to calm your baby: Cuddle or swaddle your baby in a blanket and hold him close to you. Place your baby s head near your heart. Let your baby suck on his or her finger or a pacifier. Rock, walk with your baby or take him or her for a ride in a stroller or a car. Talk to your baby in a steady, soft voice. Sing, hum or coo softly to your baby. Turn on something with a rhythmic sound such as music, a fan, and clothes dryer. Keep the lights low and the room quiet. 6

12 En bebés sanos, es normal: Que el llanto vaya y venga. Esto suele ocurrir en los primeros 3 a 4 meses de vida. Que el bebé siga llorando cuando esté tratando de consolarlo. Que el llanto sea más frecuente en la tardecita cuando el bebé está cansado. Que su bebé tenga la cara roja, los puños apretados, el estómago endurecido y tirante, la espalda arqueada, las piernas hacia el estómago o las piernas rígidas. Que el llanto dure mucho tiempo. Un bebé llorando puede desesperar y preocupar a los padres. El llanto a menudo hace creer a los padres que algo anda mal. Entender lo que es normal no hará que su bebé deje de llorar, pero puede hacerlo sentirse mejor respecto a usted y su bebé. Siempre consulte a su médico si cree que su bebé llora más de lo que usted considera normal. Consolar a un bebé que llora Responda al llanto rápidamente, para evitar que su bebé se altere demasiado. Esto no malcriará al bebé. Jamás sacuda a su bebé. Esto causa lesiones graves. Pida ayuda o tómese un descanso antes de alterarse demasiado. Pruebe lo siguiente para calmar a su bebé: Abrace o arrope a su bebé con una manta y sosténgalo cerca de usted. Coloque la cabeza del bebé cerca de su corazón. Deje que su bebé se chupe el dedo o dele un chupón. Meza a su bebé, camine con él o llévelo a pasear en un cochecito o en el auto. Háblele con voz calmada y suave. Cante, tararee o arrulle suavemente a su bebé. Encienda algo que emita un sonido rítmico como música, un ventilador o una secadora de ropa. Mantenga las luces bajas y la habitación en silencio. Caring for Your Baby. Spanish. 6

13 Try to stay calm. Take a break. A crying baby can be stressful. Have someone watch and comfort your baby while you relax. Call your baby's doctor for advice if you feel your baby: Cries too much Has cries that are loud, piercing or do not stop Cries more than 3 hours each day and more often than 3 days each week Shaken Baby Syndrome Shaken Baby Syndrome is brain damage caused by someone shaking a baby even one time. Normal playing with a child, like bouncing the baby gently on a knee, will not cause brain damage, but never shake a baby. Make sure to tell anyone caring for your baby to never shake your baby. Pacifiers Babies like to suck. Pacifiers can help calm babies. If you are breastfeeding, do not use a pacifier until your baby is breastfeeding well. Never use a string to attach the pacifier around your baby s neck. Do not use a bottle nipple as a pacifier. Bathing You may give your baby a sponge bath. Do not put your baby into a tub of water until the cord falls off, the umbilical area heals and the circumcision heals for boys. The temperature of the water should be 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius to prevent chilling or burning. If you do not have a bath thermometer, use your wrist to test the water. It should feel warm, not hot. The room should be free of drafts, such as open windows or fans. Never leave your baby alone, even for a second. If the telephone rings or someone knocks on the door ignore it and finish the bath. Accidents can occur quickly. Always support your baby's head during the bath. Keep a firm grip on your baby. A soapy baby can be very slippery. 7

14 Intente mantener la calma. Tómese un descanso. Un bebé que llora puede ser estresante. Pida a alguien que cuide y consuele a su bebé mientras se relaja. Llame al médico de su bebé para pedirle consejo si siente que su bebé: Llora demasiado Tiene un llanto agudo, penetrante o incesante Llora por más de 3 horas todos los días y más de 3 días a la semana Síndrome del bebé sacudido El síndrome del bebé sacudido es una lesión cerebral causada por haber sacudido al bebé aunque sea una vez. Los juegos normales con un niño, como hacerlo rebotar suavemente sobre la rodilla, no le provocarán daño cerebral, pero nunca sacuda a un bebé. Asegúrese de decir a toda persona que cuide a su bebé que jamás lo sacuda. Chupones A los bebés les gusta succionar. Los chupones pueden ayudar a calmar a un bebé. Si está amamantando, no use un chupón hasta que su bebé esté amamantando bien. Nunca utilice un listón o cordel para colocar el chupón alrededor del cuello del bebé. No use la tetilla de un biberón como chupón. Baños Puede darle a su bebé un baño de esponja. No coloque a su bebé dentro de una tina con agua hasta que se le caiga el cordón umbilical y esa área haya sanado; en el caso de los niños, no lo haga hasta que la circuncisión sane. La temperatura del agua debe ser de 100 F (37.8 C), para evitar que se enfríe o se queme el bebé. Si no tiene un termómetro para baño, pruebe el agua con la muñeca. Debe sentirla tibia, no caliente. La habitación no debe tener corrientes de aire, como ventanas abiertas o ventiladores. Nunca deje solo a su bebé, ni por un segundo. Si suena el teléfono o llaman a la puerta, no preste atención y termine el baño. Los accidentes pueden suceder rápidamente. Siempre sostenga la cabeza del bebé mientras lo baña. Sujételo con firmeza. Un bebé enjabonado puede ser muy resbaladizo. Caring for Your Baby. Spanish. 7

15 Bathe your baby every 3 to 4 days. It is best to bathe your baby before a feeding. Washing Baby's Clothes In the first few months, a detergent made for a baby, such as Dreft or Ivory Snow may be used because it is gentle on a baby's skin. You may also use detergent without fragrance. Do not use bleach because it can irritate your baby's skin. Vaccines Vaccines help prevent diseases. These are given in the doctor's offices and health clinics. To protect your baby's health, vaccines should be given on a schedule. Be sure that your baby gets all his or her vaccines. Take the vaccine record with you to all doctors appointments. Vaccines for children are free through your local health department. When Should I Call My Baby s Doctor? Call 911 if your baby turns blue or has trouble breathing. Call your baby's doctor if your baby has any of the following: Cries non-stop or is more irritable A temperature above degrees Fahrenheit under the arm Frequent discharge from the eyes A hard time breathing Yellowing or rash on the skin that gets worse Redness discharge or a foul smell from the umbilical cord Baby is breastfeeding less often or taking less formula for more than 8 hours Green vomit or vomiting after more than two feedings in a row Baby is hard to wake up No wet diaper for more than 8 hours 8

16 Bañe a su bebé cada 3 a 4 días. Es mejor que bañe a su bebé antes de alimentarlo. Lavar la ropa del bebé En los primeros meses, se puede utilizar un detergente para ropa de bebé como Dreft o Ivory Snow, porque es delicado para la piel del bebé. También puede usar detergentes sin fragancias. No use cloro, porque puede irritar la piel del bebé. Vacunas Las vacunas ayudan a prevenir enfermedades. Se dan en los consultorios médicos y en las clínicas de salud. Para proteger la salud de su bebé, deberá darle las vacunas conforme a un calendario. Asegúrese de que su bebé reciba todas sus vacunas. Lleve con usted el registro de vacunación a las consultas con el médico. Las vacunas para niños son gratis a través de su departamento de salud local. Cuándo debo llamar al médico de mi bebé? Llame al 911 si su bebé se pone azul o tiene problemas para respirar. Llame al médico de su bebé si su bebé tiene cualquiera de los siguientes síntomas: Llora sin parar o está más irritable. Tiene más de F (38 C) de temperatura tomada bajo el brazo. Secreción frecuente de los ojos. Tiene dificultad para respirar. Color amarillo o irritación de la piel que empeora. Enrojecimiento, secreción o mal olor del cordón umbilical. Se amamanta con menos frecuencia o toma menos fórmula durante más de 8 horas. Vómito de color verde o vómito después de dos alimentaciones seguidas. Es difícil despertar al bebé. No moja el pañal durante más de 8 horas. Caring for Your Baby. Spanish. 8

17 Change in stool patterns, constipation or diarrhea. Cough that will not go away, especially if there is a rash. Talk to your baby s doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns /2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 9

18 Cambio en el patrón de las evacuaciones, estreñimiento o diarrea. Tos que no desaparece, especialmente si hay sarpullido. Hable con el médico o la enfermera de su bebé si tiene alguna pregunta o duda /2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Caring for Your Baby. Spanish. 9

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Rotator Cuff Exercises Rotator Cuff Exercises These exercises may be used after rotator cuff injury to the shoulder or for strengthening the shoulder. Do these exercises while lying face down on an exercise table or other sturdy

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Assisted Arm Range of Motion Exercises

Assisted Arm Range of Motion Exercises Assisted Arm Range of Motion Exercises Someone will need to help you with these exercises. Do each exercise slowly times, times a day. Do each exercise with both arms, while lying on your back or while

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IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram)

IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram) IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram) IVP is a test to check for kidney stones or other diseases of the kidneys and bladder. X-rays are done after dye is given. If you have any allergies to medicines, foods or other

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Exercises for Your Back

Exercises for Your Back Exercises for Your Back Most back pain is due to a lack of exercise or an injury. These exercises will help you move better and strengthen the muscles that support your back. Do the exercises slowly. If

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Types of Dementia. Common Causes of Dementia

Types of Dementia. Common Causes of Dementia Types of Dementia Dementia is a loss of skills to think, remember and reason that is severe enough to affect daily activities. It is normal to need more time to remember things as we get older. Other thinking

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Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery

Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery You are scheduled to have surgery. To decrease your risk of infection, you will need to get your skin as free of germs as possible. You can reduce the number of germs

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La producción adecuada de leche materna

La producción adecuada de leche materna La producción adecuada de leche materna MÁS: 10 maneras de aumentar la producción de leche Cómo sé si estoy produciendo suficiente leche? Mi mamá no producía suficiente leche materna para su bebé. Es

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Nombre Fecha / / Pre Post BL Tx S Para cada oración circule V si es Verdadero o F si es Falso

Nombre Fecha / / Pre Post BL Tx S Para cada oración circule V si es Verdadero o F si es Falso Q1 1) Un pañal debe cambiarse tan pronto esté mojado o sucio para reducir la posibilidad de una rozadura o sarpullido causado por el pañal. 2) Si su niño tiene diarrea no debería darle ningún tipo de líquido

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Handling Chemotherapy Safely

Handling Chemotherapy Safely Handling Chemotherapy Safely Chemotherapy medicines, also called chemo, may be present in stool, urine, saliva, blood, mucus, vomit or drainage. Small amounts are also in vaginal and semen body fluids.

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Bone Marrow Biopsy. To Prepare

Bone Marrow Biopsy. To Prepare Bone Marrow Biopsy Bone marrow is the soft tissue inside your bones where blood cells are made. During a bone marrow biopsy, a small tissue sample is taken and sent for tests. The biopsy is often taken

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High Blood Sugar. The most common reasons for high blood sugar in people with diabetes are:

High Blood Sugar. The most common reasons for high blood sugar in people with diabetes are: High Blood Sugar High blood sugar means having too much sugar called glucose in the blood. High blood sugar is also called hyperglycemia. The body s cells need blood sugar. A normal blood sugar level is

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Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders

Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders Repeat each exercise times, times a day. Do only the exercises that are checked. Do these exercises with: Both arms Right arm Left

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Coping with Your Baby s Crying

Coping with Your Baby s Crying Coping with Your Baby s Crying All babies cry, but some babies cry more than others. Sometimes you can tell that your baby is crying because he or she is hungry or uncomfortable. At other times, you may

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Taking a Temperature

Taking a Temperature Taking a Temperature Body heat is measured by taking a temperature with a thermometer. An increase in temperature, called a fever, may be a sign of infection. The common scale used to measure body temperature

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Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO

Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO

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Active Leg Range of Motion

Active Leg Range of Motion Active Leg Range of Motion Do the following exercises on your back times, times a day. Ankle Pumps Move your foot up and down as if pushing down or letting up on a gas pedal in a car. Quad Sets Lie on

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Preparación de la Piel para la Cirugía

Preparación de la Piel para la Cirugía Skin Prep for Surgery Patient identification label Preparación de la Piel para la Cirugía Esta preparación de la piel antes de la cirugía puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo de infección. Lea estos 12 pasos

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Diabetes and Eye Problems

Diabetes and Eye Problems Diabetes and Eye Problems If you have diabetes, you need to take care of your eyes because over time high blood sugar can damage your eyes. Many people with type 2 diabetes have high blood sugar for months

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Tuberculosis (TB) Signs. Testing

Tuberculosis (TB) Signs. Testing Tuberculosis (TB) TB is a disease caused by germs called bacteria that most often affect the lungs. You can be infected with TB when you breathe in the germs. You are at a higher risk to get TB if you

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Retinal Tears and Detachment

Retinal Tears and Detachment Retinal Tears and Detachment retina The retina is the lining in the back of the inside of the eye. It sends messages to the brain so you can see. When the retina pulls away from the inside of the eye,

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LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure)

LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) If your pap test was abnormal, you may need LEEP as a treatment. LEEP is used to remove abnormal tissue from the cervix. The cervix is the opening to the

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Total Knee Replacement

Total Knee Replacement Total Knee Replacement Total knee replacement is a surgery to replace worn or damaged parts of the knee joint. The surfaces of the diseased joint are removed and replaced with an artificial joint. This

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Cómo bañar a su recién nacido

Cómo bañar a su recién nacido Cómo bañar a su recién nacido Este folleto lo ayudará a prepararse para bañar a su bebé de forma segura y para darle cuidado especial después del baño. La hora del baño puede ser un momento feliz tanto

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Llegar a conocer a su BEBÉ Del NACIMIENTO a los 6 MESES

Llegar a conocer a su BEBÉ Del NACIMIENTO a los 6 MESES Llegar a conocer a su BEBÉ Del NACIMIENTO a los 6 MESES Campaña de COMPORTAMIENTO DEL de California 1 Datos sobre su bebé Nombre del bebé Fecha de nacimiento Hora Lugar de nacimiento Peso Coloque aquí

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TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized.

TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized. TOUCH MATH What is it and why is my child learning this? Memorizing math facts is an important skill for students to learn. Some students have difficulty memorizing these facts, even though they are doing

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Active Leg Range of Motion Exercises: Lying

Active Leg Range of Motion Exercises: Lying Active Leg Range of Motion Exercises: Lying Do these exercises on your back times, times each day. Do only the exercises checked. Do the exercises with: Both legs Right leg Left leg Exercises Ankle Pumps

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Prostate Cancer. The need to urinate more often, especially at night. A hard time starting to urinate or holding back urine

Prostate Cancer. The need to urinate more often, especially at night. A hard time starting to urinate or holding back urine Prostate Cancer The prostate is a gland in men that makes a liquid that forms part of semen. Its size is about 2 centimeters by 2 centimeters and is located in the pelvic area. The prostate uses a male

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Taking Medicines Safely

Taking Medicines Safely Taking Medicines Safely Medicines are often part of treatment for illness or injury. Taking medicine is not without some risk for side eects. Follow these tips for taking medicines safely: Keep a list

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Wearing a Shoulder Sling

Wearing a Shoulder Sling Wearing a Shoulder Sling A shoulder sling is used to support your arm after injury or surgery. It may also be used to limit movement or to raise the arm to reduce pain and swelling. When to Wear the Sling

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Limiting Your Fluids

Limiting Your Fluids Limiting Your Fluids With some diseases, you need to limit your fluids for your health. Drinking too much fluid may cause a build up of fluid in the body that can be harmful. Drinking as little as 2 cups

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Cada onza cuenta: Cómo dar lo mejor cuando no está la mamá. La combinación de la lactancia materna con la alimentación con biberón

Cada onza cuenta: Cómo dar lo mejor cuando no está la mamá. La combinación de la lactancia materna con la alimentación con biberón Cada onza cuenta: Cómo dar lo mejor cuando no está la mamá La combinación de la lactancia materna con la alimentación con biberón Felicitaciones por su decisión de amamantar. La leche materna protegerá

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Breastfeeding Basics

Breastfeeding Basics Breastfeeding Basics Here are some breastfeeding basics that you may find helpful. Talk to your baby s doctor, nurse or your lactation specialist if you have other questions. Mother s Diet No special foods

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Stress Muga. To Prepare

Stress Muga. To Prepare Stress Muga A stress muga measures how well the heart pumps at rest and during exercise. It also shows the size and shape of your heart and the motion of the heart walls. A medicine called contrast is

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Ankle Exercises. Do only the exercises that are checked:

Ankle Exercises. Do only the exercises that are checked: Ankle Exercises Begin ankle exercises as directed by your doctor or therapist. You may have some soreness while exercising. If you have more than mild discomfort, stop exercising. Apply ice to your ankle

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Rozadura de pañal o sarpullido

Rozadura de pañal o sarpullido The Emily Center Diaper Rash Rozadura de pañal o sarpullido First Aid and Home Care If you would like a copy of this in English, please ask your nurse or doctor. #775/427s Nombre del Niño: Fecha: Rozadura

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GUÍA DE ATENCIÓN DEL RECIÉN NACIDO GUÍA DE ATENCIÓN DEL RECIÉN NACIDO Nuestra mission es colaborar con la comunidad para brindar servicios de excelencia, servicios de salud culturalmente sensibles para satisfacer las necesidades de cada

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Anemia. Signs. Causes

Anemia. Signs. Causes Anemia A person with anemia has fewer red blood cells in his or her blood than the normal level. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all the cells in the body. When the number of red blood cells is lower than

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Taking a Temperature

Taking a Temperature Taking a Temperature Body heat is measured by taking a temperature with a thermometer. An increase in temperature, called a fever, may be a sign of infection. The common scale used to measure body temperature

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Colposcopy. To Prepare

Colposcopy. To Prepare Colposcopy A colposcopy is a test done to check your vagina and cervix for cells that are not normal. You may have a colposcopy if a pap smear shows cells that need to be checked further. The doctor uses

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Urine Sample-Female (Clean Catch)

Urine Sample-Female (Clean Catch) Urine Sample-Female (Clean Catch) This test is done to check for bladder or urinary tract infections. Follow these steps: 1. Wash your hands with soap and water. Rinse and dry your hands well. 2. Use the

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Thyroid Scan. To Prepare

Thyroid Scan. To Prepare Thyroid Scan A thyroid scan checks your thyroid gland for problems. The thyroid gland is located in your neck. It speeds up or slows down most body functions. You will be asked to swallow a pill that contains

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Crutch Walking. The order from your doctor or therapist for your injured leg is: (Do only what is marked.)

Crutch Walking. The order from your doctor or therapist for your injured leg is: (Do only what is marked.) Crutch Walking Using Your Crutches Safely Adjust the crutches for your height. The top of the crutch should be 1 to 2 inches below your armpit. Be sure that the pads and grips are in place. Clean the tips

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Vamos a Comer! Seguridad Caca! Limpieza La Salud

Vamos a Comer! Seguridad Caca! Limpieza La Salud Vamos a Comer! Seguridad Caca! Limpieza La Salud 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 1 500 500 Por qué decimos que la leche del pecho es la mejor?

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SIMILAC ADVANCE Mixing Instructions for Concentrating 20 calorie per ounce formula. To make 22, 24, 27, and 30 kcal/oz. formula

SIMILAC ADVANCE Mixing Instructions for Concentrating 20 calorie per ounce formula. To make 22, 24, 27, and 30 kcal/oz. formula SIMILAC ADVANCE Mixing Instructions for Concentrating 20 calorie per ounce formula To make 22, 24, 27, and 30 kcal/oz. formula Preparing 22 Calorie Per Ounce Formula From Powder (Using Similac Advance

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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Diabetes. Diabetes is a disease in which your body cannot properly use the food you eat for energy. Your cells need energy to live and grow.

Diabetes. Diabetes is a disease in which your body cannot properly use the food you eat for energy. Your cells need energy to live and grow. Diabetes Diabetes is a disease in which your body cannot properly use the food you eat for energy. Your cells need energy to live and grow. When you eat, food breaks down into a form of energy called glucose.

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Stool Test for Ova and Parasite (O&P)

Stool Test for Ova and Parasite (O&P) Stool Test for Ova and Parasite (O&P) This test looks for parasites and their ova or eggs in the digestive tract by checking a sample of stool in a lab. A parasite lives on or inside another organism.

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Caring for Your Baby

Caring for Your Baby Caring for Your Baby There are some things you need to learn to care for your baby. Talk to your baby s nurse or doctor if you have questions. Feedings If you are breastfeeding your baby, feed your baby

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Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place.

Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. Citizenship Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place. I show good citizenship when I help keep my school and community clean. I am a good citizen when I follow

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Passive Leg Range of Motion

Passive Leg Range of Motion Passive Leg Range of Motion Range of motion (ROM) is a set of exercises done to keep normal movement in the joints. Exercise also helps keep the muscles flexible. Spasticity is an abnormal increase in

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del UNA GUÍA PRACTICA Cuidados del recién nacido UNA GUÍA PRACTICA QUÉ LE DEBO DAR A MI BEBÉ PARA ALIMENTARLO? La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) recomienda que las niñas y niños recién nacidos sean exclusivamente amamantados

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How to Bathe Your Newborn Baby

How to Bathe Your Newborn Baby How to Bathe Your Newborn Baby You will not need to bathe your baby every day. A bath of the whole body can be given 3-4 times a week. On the other days, wash the hands, feet and diaper area with soap

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Using a Medicine Spoon or Dropper

Using a Medicine Spoon or Dropper Using a Medicine Spoon or Dropper Use a medicine spoon or dropper that has markings on it to measure your child s liquid medicine. The pharmacy may give you a medicine spoon or dropper with your child

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Seizures. Causes of Seizures. Signs of Seizures

Seizures. Causes of Seizures. Signs of Seizures Seizures Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled changes in brain activity. They are a sign that there is a problem in the brain. Most seizures cause a loss of awareness and shaking of the body. Sometimes, they

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RCP infantil. Lo que debe saber

RCP infantil. Lo que debe saber RCP infantil La RCP infantil, también llamada resucitación cardiopulmonar, es la atención de emergencia prestada a un bebé que ha dejado de respirar. Este folleto contiene los pasos de la RCP para los

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Facial Strengthening Exercises

Facial Strengthening Exercises Facial Strengthening Exercises These exercises will help the strength and range of motion for your jaw, cheeks, lips and tongue. People with trouble speaking clearly, swallowing problems, or muscle weakness

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Controlando la fatiga o cansancio

Controlando la fatiga o cansancio Controlando la fatiga o cansancio La siguiente información está basada en las experiencias generales de muchos pacientes con cáncer de próstata. Su experiencia podría ser diferente. Si tiene alguna pregunta

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Asma. Signos. Asthma. Spanish. 1

Asma. Signos. Asthma. Spanish. 1 Asthma Asthma is a disease in which the airways into your lungs become narrow and produce mucus. When this happens, it is hard to breathe. Some things that can trigger an asthma attack include allergies,

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SIGNOS DE PELIGRO EN EL MENOR DE 2 MESES DIRECCION GENERAL DE SANIDAD MILITAR SIGNOS DE PELIGRO EN EL MENOR DE 2 MESES Los bebes que nacen con peso bajo tienen alto riesgo de enfermar o morir. Por esa razón, es necesario calcular el peso de cada

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Mantenga a su bebé de 4 meses saludable!

Mantenga a su bebé de 4 meses saludable! Yo puedo mantener a mi bebé creciendo saludable Escoja 1 de estas ideas o escriba 1 o 2 cosas que le gustaría hacer en las próximas 1 o 2 semanas. Mantenga a su bebé de 4 meses saludable! Buscaré una nueva

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Applying the PreFab LSO Brace

Applying the PreFab LSO Brace Applying the PreFab LSO Brace Your doctor will tell you when to wear your brace during the day and for how long to wear it. Always wear a t-shirt under the brace to provide a barrier between your skin

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ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)

ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) ERCP is a test of the ducts of your gallbladder and pancreas. Ducts are small tubes that let fluid pass from one place to another. These are parts

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Amamantar es para mí?

Amamantar es para mí? Amamantar es para mí? Hoy en día, cada vez más madres amamantan a sus hijos. Aquellas que logran hacerlo sin problemas les dirán que no hay nada más gratificante y que usted también disfrutará de la experiencia.

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Arthritis. Signs of Arthritis

Arthritis. Signs of Arthritis Arthritis Arthritis occurs when the joints in the body are inflamed or there is a breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Joints are places in the body where two or more bones meet, such as the hip or knee.

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Conociendo a tu BEBÉ Del NACIMIENTO a los 6 MESES

Conociendo a tu BEBÉ Del NACIMIENTO a los 6 MESES Conociendo a tu BEBÉ Del NACIMIENTO a los 6 MESES Campaña de COMPORTAMIENTO DEL de California 1 Acerca de tu bebé Nombre del bebé Fecha de nacimiento Hora Lugar de nacimiento Peso Coloca aquí la foto de

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Best Protection Radio PSA Transcript 30 seconds

Best Protection Radio PSA Transcript 30 seconds Best Protection Radio PSA Transcript 30 seconds MUSIC: UNDER THROUGH OUT ANNOUNCER: When it comes to protecting your baby, you can never do enough. ANNOUNCER: You bundle them up. SOUND EFFECTS: ZIPPER

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Exercises to Strengthen Your Back

Exercises to Strengthen Your Back Exercises to Strengthen Your Back Tighten tummy (Transverse Abdominis) 1. Relax on your back with your knees bent. Breathe in and out. 2. Breathe out and pull your tummy in. 3. Breathe and hold your tummy

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Hemodialysis. How does hemodialysis work?

Hemodialysis. How does hemodialysis work? Hemodialysis When your kidneys do not work well, dialysis is needed to remove extra fluid and waste products from the body. Hemodialysis is a type of dialysis that uses a machine with an artificial filter

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Controlando la Anemia

Controlando la Anemia Controlando la Anemia La siguiente información está basada en las experiencias generales de muchos pacientes con cáncer de próstata. Su experiencia podría ser diferente. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre

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Everybody s Different, Nobody s Perfect Todos somos diferentes, nadie es perfecto

Everybody s Different, Nobody s Perfect Todos somos diferentes, nadie es perfecto Everybody s Different, Nobody s Perfect Todos somos diferentes, nadie es perfecto Preschool Edition Edición preescolar Everybody's Different, Nobody's Perfect Todos somos diferentes, nadie es perfecto

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Animal Bites and Scratches

Animal Bites and Scratches Animal Bites and Scratches If you or your child is bitten or scratched by an animal, the wound can get infected. Clean the wound right away and get medical help as soon as possible. Even if the animal

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Sigmoidoscopy. To Prepare

Sigmoidoscopy. To Prepare Sigmoidoscopy Sigmoidoscopy is a test used to check the rectum and lower part of the large intestine called the sigmoid colon. Your doctor will use a lighted, flexible tube called an endoscope to look

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Objetivos de aprendizaje

Objetivos de aprendizaje Objetivos de aprendizaje Identificar tres componentes necesarios para lograr una producción saludable de leche Demostrar la técnica apropiada para colocar al bebé al pecho Enumerar 3 formas de saber si

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Bienvenidos a la Clase de Postparto 8:30 9 pm

Bienvenidos a la Clase de Postparto 8:30 9 pm Bienvenidos a la Clase de Postparto 8:30 9 pm Cuidado del bebé Lactancia De 8-12 veces en 24 horas (cada 2-3 horas) durante las primeras dos semanas. Beneficios: La leche materna puede ayudar a prevenir

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Middle Ear Infection in Children

Middle Ear Infection in Children Middle Ear Infection in Children Middle ear infection, also called otitis media, can be painful for children. This infection is caused when the fluid draining from your child s ear gets blocked. This may

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Cholesterol. There are 3 main types of fats in your blood:

Cholesterol. There are 3 main types of fats in your blood: Cholesterol Cholesterol is a fatty substance that your body needs to work. It is made in the liver and found in food that comes from animals, such as meat, eggs, milk products, butter and lard. Too much

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Female Exam and Pap Smear

Female Exam and Pap Smear Female Exam and Pap Smear A female exam is done to check for diseases of the vagina, cervix, uterus and ovaries. A pap smear is a test that checks for changes in the cervix, which may be an early sign

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Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense.

Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense. Below you will find the National Radio PSA Scripts. To listen to the radio spots, please go to: Born Learning Radio :60 At the Beach Ocean sounds Over there? Over

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Controlando el Insomnio

Controlando el Insomnio Controlando el Insomnio La siguiente información está basada en las experiencias generales de muchos pacientes con cáncer de próstata. Su experiencia podría ser diferente. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre

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Lactancia: algunas indicaciones que pueden ayudarla a comenzar por un buen camino

Lactancia: algunas indicaciones que pueden ayudarla a comenzar por un buen camino Lactancia: algunas indicaciones que pueden ayudarla a comenzar por un buen camino Cuáles son los beneficios de la lactancia? Alimentar a su bebé con la leche de sus senos tiene muchos beneficios. La leche

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Your New Baby. Sleep and Wake Cycles. Head. Eyes. Breasts and Genitals

Your New Baby. Sleep and Wake Cycles. Head. Eyes. Breasts and Genitals Your New Baby As a new parent, you may have questions about your baby. Below are some common physical features and behaviors you may notice in your baby soon after birth. Sleep and Wake Cycles For the

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) COPD is a common lung disease. There are 2 main types of COPD: Emphysema involves the alveoli or small air sacs being irritated. Over time the air sacs get

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MajestaCare Healthy Baby Program

MajestaCare Healthy Baby Program MajestaCare Healthy Baby Program Helping you have a healthy baby Para que tenga un bebé saludable Your baby s provider After your baby becomes a member of MajestaCare health plan, you will get a letter

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How to Use an Insulin Pen

How to Use an Insulin Pen How to Use an Insulin Pen Select the Site for Injection Sites which can be used are: Back of upper arms Abdomen (around navel) Front and side area of thighs Back above waist Buttocks Stay 1 inch away from

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Caring for Your Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Newborn (Spanish Translation)

Caring for Your Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Newborn (Spanish Translation) Los Cuidados de Su Recién Nacido en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales Caring for Your Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Newborn (Spanish Translation) El personal de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos

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Diarrea. Causas. Diarrhea. Spanish. 1

Diarrea. Causas. Diarrhea. Spanish. 1 Diarrhea With diarrhea, you have bowel movements often or you have loose liquid stools. Diarrhea most often will last 2 to 3 days. If it lasts longer, it may be a sign of other problems. See your doctor

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Nausea and Vomiting with Cancer Treatment

Nausea and Vomiting with Cancer Treatment Nausea and Vomiting with Cancer Treatment Nausea is a sick, uncomfortable feeling in your stomach that often comes before vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are possible side effects of cancer treatments. Some

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