Images. Thru. The. Lens. Roberto Koltun MIDDLE EAST. The anti-israel hysteria by Pilar Rahola. In This Edition: by Avi Ashkenazi

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1 TBS News In This Edition: The Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation Newsletter Miami Beach. January - February - March 2009 Images President s Message P. 3 From Rabbi s Desk P. 4 Montessori School P. 5 Women s League P. 6,7,8 Social Events P. 9 Middle East P. 10 Thru The Lens Of Avi Ashkenazi, Roberto Koltun, Tere Ben-Hain and Becky Kobrowski Cohen Sección en Español P.20,21 Cards Donations P. 22 Yarzeit Donations P. 23 Birthdays & Anniversaries P. 24,25 Calendars P. 26,27 Roberto Koltun by Avi Ashkenazi This past December, we held an event featuring the works of the renowned Cuban photographer, Roberto Koltun, in our Cocktail Room. For those who don t know of him, he is presently a photographer for El Nuevo Herald, Miami s Spanish language newspaper published by Knight Ridder. He has covered news, both locally and abroad, for this daily during the last 20 years... Continues on page 10 MIDDLE EAST The anti-israel hysteria by Pilar Rahola "Loving kindness is greater than laws; and the charities of life are more than all ceremonies." Talmud Those who go into the streets claim to do so in favor of the freedom of Palestine. Well, where have t h ey b een a l l these years, as the f u n d a m e n t a l i s t phenomena that o p p r e s s e d t h e Palestinians were on the rise? Does Hamas have anything to do with freedom, or rather, doesn't it have everything to do with Islamism of a fascist tendency?... Page: 12

2 Page 2 Un encuentro con Carlos Alberto Montaner EL AUGE DEL ANTISEMITISMO Y ANTI-ISRAELISMO EN AMÉRICA LATINA: QUIÉNES LO IMPULSAN Y POR QUÉ. Jueves, 26 de Febrero de 2009 Hora: 8:00 PM Lugar: Temple Beth Shmuel - Main Sanctuary Donación: $10.00 Carlos Alberto Montaner nació en La Habana, Cuba, en Es escritor y periodista. Ha sido profesor universitario y conferenciante en diversas instituciones de América Latina y Estados Unidos. Es autor de unos veinticinco títulos, entre los que se destacan sus libros de ensayos "Doscientos años de gringos", "La agonía de América", "Libertad, la clave de la prosperidad", "No perdamos también el siglo XXI" y "Viaje al corazón de Cuba". Es coautor del "Manual del perfecto idiota latinoamericano" y de "Fabricantes de miseria". Su último trabajo, que acaba de ser publicado en Madrid, se titula La última batalla de la guerra fría. Temple Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Sunday thru Tuesday 7:30 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El Wednesday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. & Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 p.m. at Temple Beth Shmuel Saturdays 9:15 a.m. in Temple Beth Shmuel 1700 Michigan Avenue. Miami Beach, FL Phone: (305) / Fax: (305) / Printed at the Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. c All rights reserved TBS - News Editors: Avi Ashkenazi Tere Ben-Hain Ofelia Ruder Graphics and design: Avi Ashkenazi

3 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Page 3 Marcos A. Kerbel h e l p Dear Members: As we read the daily international news, we get the feeling that the financial world has collapsed. Most countries governments are now helping their financial institutions to survive. Each o u one of us is feeling this pressure in one way or another. However, when we go through hard times, we tend to look at our religious and educational institutions, to our rabbis, professors and teachers for guidance. Unfortunately, many of these institutions, as well as successful individuals, are also feeling the tremendous pressure to survive. Regretfully, some of them entrusted their funds for decades to individuals who had no conscience, no mercy, and no morals, whose only selfish interest was greed and arrogance. In the short run, they thought they were smart, but in the long run have shown a very high level of stupidity. If these criminals would have referred to Pirkei Avod (Ethics of our fathers) instead of using modern deceptive marketing practices and confusing everyone with so called powerful mathematical formulas that neither they nor anyone else understood, a more positive outcome for humanity, for our institutions, and for themselves would have resulted. In Chapter 4:13 Rabbi Shimon said: There are three crowns--the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood and the crown of sovereignty--but the crown of good name surmounts them all. It is interesting that for the last twenty years, federal and state bank regulators have been stressing to the leaders of financial institutions the importance of assessing and managing reputational risk. (The crown of a good name). We can see that the source for this modern concern was already written by our sages almost two thousand years ago. Now, everyone is looking for a bailout, but fortunately for the Cuban Hebrew Congregation-Temple Beth Shmuel, we are continuing to operate as usual. After cutting our expenses, we are still holding daily morning and Shabbat services. Members have celebrated emotional birthdays in our shul together with their families and friends; we had a photo exhibit with Roberto Koltun, whose artwork provided revenues to the Temple. His work was featured in the February 8th, 2009 edition of El Nuevo Herald. We are in the process of scheduling other events, such as a visit by Carlos Alberto Montaner. We are also planning Klezmer concerts and a Tribute to Elio Penso (z l) showcasing his photography and stained glass artwork. Elio was known by many of us since our days at the Bar-Mitzvah Club in el Patronato in Havana, Cuba, and was one of 396 Jewish Pedro Pan kids. Our Montessori school is doing great and it has developed a fantastic reputation for scholastics and child development. It is a source of nachas to see these 2-6 year old happy children learning and playing when we visit our Congregation. Our community is unique and beautiful. Every week we have someone interested in knowing more about the Cuban Jewish Community and writing about us, whether it is a newspaper article, a book or a college or high school class project. As it has been said, we are hot. It is important to keep our institution strong. We have just completed the video presentation of the history of our Cuban Jewish Community from our days in Cuba to now in Miami ( ). This is the first video of its kind showing our accomplishments of four and five generations. An event is being planned in the near future to show this beautiful and emotional history which was produced by Dahlia Abramowitz Oppenheimer using pictures, films and videos accumulated throughout decades. At this time, we would like your names to appear as benefactors/co-producers, and have them inscribed in the video. This is an opportunity for every family to stress the importance of our community to your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, for them to have pride in their roots and to continue our work. The video has been reviewed by several academicians who understand our community and have expressed very favorable comments. Many of our members have given tremendous support in time and money to many other organizations in Israel and throughout the United States. Unfortunately, some of them feel that their hard work and dedication for years in raising funds for these organizations have been futile. Therefore, this year we should all look at ourselves and say, This is the year to Continues on next page...

4 Page 4 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Continued from previous page... rselves and to strengthen our local institutions. If we do not help ourselves, who will? How can you help? Very simple--by: (1) attending religious services and other activities, (2) joining a committee, (3) becoming a member of the board of directors, (4) making your children and grandchildren proud of what you have accomplished, and for their next simcha, offering them the first year of membership. (5) Celebrating your next simcha with us. (6) Volunteering your time, (7) paying your outstanding balances and contributing new funds. A lot still needs to be done. We are striving to become an all inclusive focal point of our Cuban Jewish Community outside of Cuba; we can link ourselves through the web no matter where we live. Everyone who believes or sympathizes with the Jewish faith is welcome to our activities regardless of their country of origin or cultural background. MA-OT CHITTIN THERE ARE POOR JEWS IN OUR AREA. THERE ARE POOR JEWS IN ISRAEL BY CONTRIBUTING TO THE MA-OT CHITTIN FUND, YOU WILL SHARE IN THE MITZVAH OF ENABLING THE POOR JEWS TO BUY FOOD AND WINE. THEY, TOO, WILL HAVE A HAPPY AND KOSHER PESACH. MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO TEMPLE BETH SHMUEL MA-OT CHITTIN FUND. In conclusion, we must remain active and positive. The Board of Directors, Executive Committee and the Council of Presidents look forward to seeing you soon at one or more of our events. Marcos A. Kerbel President MA OT CHITTIN AT YOUR SEDER Rabbi Mayer Abramowitz The Seder begins with the following declaration: LET ALL WHO ARE HUNGRY COME IN AND EAT WITH US. This is recited when our door is closed and no one can hear our invitation to the poor. So, why do we make a mockery at the very start of the Seder? This question was asked in the 9th century to Gaon Nutranai (leader of the Babylonian Jewish community). He replied that originally this declaration was publicly made in the market place and in synagogues when there were peaceful relations between Jews and non-jews. However, when pogroms, expulsions, and inquisitions increased, the custom of public invitations to a Seder ceased. Ma-ot Chittin -- literally money for wheat -- was established to assure that the poor will have Pesach food and ample wine to celebrate their Seder. Thus Ma-ot Chittin has become a treasured custom from the earliest days of Jewish history.

5 FROM RABBI S DESK Page 5 PURIM by Rabbi Mayer Abramowitz Purim is a unique festival. It is unique because when the Biblical story of Haman s downfall is chanted at the Purim service, a carnival-like atmosphere erupts in the Temple. Hilarity and unbridled joy is the order of the day. The story of Purim recalls Haman, a minister to the Persian king and his plot to kill the Jews of Persia. The hero and heroine of this festival are Mordechai, who uncovers Haman s plot and Queen Esther who, at the risk to her own life, is able to convince the king to put an end to Haman and thus to save the Jews of the realm. There is an interesting aspect of Purim which makes the festival truly unique. Many Jewish community around the world who have been saved from a threatening tyrant have set aside a special day commemorating their miraculous savior event. The Encyclopedia Judaica lists seventy cities which have designated a special date, calling it Purim of their city. Thus, there are Purim of Kovno, Purim of Cairo, Purim of Morocco, Purim Prague, et al. When I was a young rabbi, back in the 40 s, I would often refer to Hitler as Haman. Finally, there are only four mitzvot in the observance of Purim. These, too, make the Festival of Purim quite unique. Each of these celebrations give special meaning to Purim. Although Purim is traditionally considered a minor festival, the following celebrations make Purim a major event on the Jewish calendar. READING OF THE MEGILLAH: The Bible is ours. It is not only the sacred book of laws, but it is our history. It is a record of our ancestors Our Montessori School children celebrating Purim whose life s events shaped our life. Mordechai s and Esther s dedication to their people in times of stress are models for our life and our dedication to our people. MISHLOACH MANOT: On Purim, we give gifts to our friends (Shalach Mones). We expand the circle of friends which binds us into a closer community. We do not celebrate a joyous occasion without sharing our happiness. MATANOT LA-EVYONIM: We send gifts to the poor in our community so that they, too, will be able to celebrate Purim. PURIM SE UDA: We make a Purim Se uda -- a feast. This brings the festival into our home and creates an atmosphere of joy within our family. In our days, when we hear reports of the Global rise of anti-semitism, Purim becomes even more significant as we recall the demise of Haman and his plot to destroy the Jews. Our Montessori School children celebrating Purim TO ALL OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: We would like again to stress the importance of having a daily minyan. Your attendance is vital in order to provide our congregants with the opportunity to honor the memory of family and friends. Thank you for your cooperation

6 Page 6 FROM CANTOR S DESK Dear friends: It has been already a month since I left my former congregation and came to Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus. For this month, I ve been asked to write an article for both bulletins: The Cuban Hebrew C o n g r e g a t i o n, m y f o r m e r congregation and Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus - my new congregation. My goal was to challenge my intellect and write a message that can be published in both Bulletins and serve as an introduction and farewell at the same time. For the past five years I served as a Cantor and Executive Director at Temple Beth Shmuel-Cuban Hebrew Congregation. I can only say that I m grateful to the entire congregation and to so many individuals/members in particular for the wonderful years of working together. After being a Chazzan in Uruguay for over fifteen years, given the opportunity to serve at a congregation in Miami was one of the most important challenges in my professional life. I decided to come to Miami and try for two years, having the full support of my wife Silvia, and my children Maia, Uri and Mili. Those initial two years became more than five. We arrived in Miami in 2003 full of expectations but with some fears. The years at the Cuban Hebrew Congregation transformed the expectations into realities and the fear into success. The Cuban Hebrew Congregation s chapter represents an important part of our lives in our American adventure. Immigration, as is known by those who experience it, entails some suffering and adaptation. I m grateful for having the Cuban Hebrew Congregation as the entering gate to the American culture and society. Through that interaction, I learned the differences and the common aspects between the Latin and the American cultures. I also learned Cuban Spanish-definitely different from Uruguayan Spanish- and enjoyed the Cuban Cuisine and Cuban coffee. But most important: I had the chance of being totally involved in the congregational life, being always committed beyond the role of Chazzan or Executive Director - Eating, breathing and dreaming Cuban Hebrew Congregation. I always felt that my work was highly appreciated and my role was always highly respected. I treasure memories of long hours of planning meetings, preparing reports, concerts and other special events with volunteers, board members and Rabbis. I must admit that sometimes there was frustration as things could always be better or at least different. That frustration gave way to a learning process that transformed the essence of my professional life. The experience at the Cuban Hebrew Congregation shaped the new definition of what I understand as the role of the Chazzan nowadays. The needs of the congregation made clear that the Cantor is not only the Shaliach Tzibur (the emissary from the congregation in prayer) but also a teacher, a teammate for the Rabbis and a leader in other fields. In my particular case that means, Jewish Education, administration and programming. That experience coincides with the last discussions held in the Cantors Assembly and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism different forums. The Cuban Hebrew Congregation had a specific need and was generous enough to offer me the opportunity to cover other fields in congregational life. A special paragraph must be dedicated to the Rabbis I worked with during my tenure: Rabbi Epelbaum and Rabbi Abramowitz. I was always told that Cantors and Rabbis don t get along well. In my case, I strongly disagree. We developed a friendly and respectful relation where I felt always fully supported and trusted, and where I respected and trusted my Rabbis as well. The last three years next to Rabbi Abramowitz transformed me personally and professionally. With him, I found the profound sense of the expression ase lecha Rav U kne lecha chaver (find for yourself a Rabbi-Teacher and you will acquire a friend). I must publicly thank Rabbi Abramowitz for his friendship, teachings and for always encouraging me to keep learning more and to aspire to the highest goals. His profound sense of community service and dedication is an example to be imitated not only by those who worked with him but also by any Rabbi or Cantor. I am very pleased to be able to say that I m feeling the same way now towards my two new rabbis, Rabbi Farber and Rabbi Rojzman. What a privilege it is being aboard in this endeavor with such achievers and bright minds. From my experience at Temple Beth Shmuel, I learned that congregational life in Miami is an essential part of the Jewish life, but it is not enough having the doors open. Being a welcoming congregation is not only a statement, it must be translated into action not only by professionals but by lay people as well. Every member of a congregation is an ambassador and a recruiter for the organization. This is the challenge for the future of any congregation. Oftentimes, we find ourselves being the result of what we had experienced, that is the key of human development. I m grateful for the years at the Cuban Hebrew Congregation, grateful for the professional growth that transformed my career and last but not least, for the friendship, and mutual respect we have for each other. As I say to my former congregants that I ll be always in touch, always available and ready to give a hand, I say to my new congregation that this is my spirit also in Beth Torah Benny Rok C a m p u s : c o m m i t m e n t a n d involvement. B Bracha, Chazzan Luis U. Cattan

7 MONTESSORI SCHOOL Page 7 Temple Beth Shmuel Estrella and Elias Pasternack Montessori School 1719 Lenox Avenue. Miami Beach, FL Phone: (305) / Fax: (305) / We invite you to join us and be part of our Montessori family MONTESSORI CARNIVAL February 22, :00-2:00p.m. Come and join us for a wonderful day of fun, rides, kosher foods and entertainment. Bring your children, their children and your great grandchildren. The entrance fee is $25.00 per family and parking passes will be made available. TU BISHVAT Montessori Garden As we celebrate the birthday of trees, in the month of February and March we will do the Mitzvah of planting a tree in Israel. We ask you to join us in our Mitzvah and help our Montessori garden to continue to grow. Please honor a family member or friend for any occasion. A form can be faxed to you or you may pick one up at the school or temple office. When the form is completed, please remit it with your payment of $18.00 to TBS Montessori School. A certificate will be mailed to you. PURIM CELEBRATION March 9, :00-7:30p.m. It is time to bring your inner child out to play. This year, we ask you to dress up and join the children of the Montessori School in celebrating Purim. A fun and light Megillah reading, hot dogs and humentash, cookies, slide/bounce house, carnival games and our famous red carpet costume parade. Which family will win 1 st place? Who will be Queen Esther? What will the Rabbi wear? Come and see. What will you wear? SUMMER CAMP 2009 June 22 July 31 Our camp is a six week program for 2-4 years old. It is a place where children can grow and develop socially, physically and educationally. The Montessori camp provides a warm and safe environment for your child with lots of fun. Our program includes swimming with Swim Kidz, arts & crafts, movement & dance, karate, weekly special outside entertainment and much more. Camp Fees: Full Day - 6 weeks for $1,500 or $265 per week (9:00-3:00 p.m.) Half Days 6 weeks for $1,350 or $250 per week (9:00 12:30p.m.) Sign up by March 31 st Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. SPACE IS LIMITED WHAT ARE WE PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE Shabbat Dinners 5 Year celebration of the Montessori School After School Hebrew Classes Graduation 2009 Correction: On the last Bulletin the name Oscar Sklar was accidentally omitted from the list of names of the School Committee members.

8 Page 8 WOMEN S LEAGUE MESSAGE FROM THE WOMEN S LEAGUE by Tere Ben-Hain The year 2009 has just started and with it, lots of new things are happening. In our history books, this year will go down as the year the first African-American president was sworn into office on January 20th. Barack Hussein Obama was elected by the citizens of our country to make changes. We also at our Temple must make changes in our lives. We all need to get more involved and do more for our community. We all need to continue to support our great synagogue in all its causes, whether attending Shabbat services, Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday nights, special holiday celebrations, money contributions, donating our time and also personal commitments. We cannot do the work alone. We need you to help us continue to keep the flame alight. Women s League of Temple Beth Shmuel Cuban Hebrew Congregation is committed to go on and continue the path that our ancestors have paved for us, BUT WE NEED YOU! We are preparing as usual several activities throughout the year and we are asking for your attendance and contributions to make them a success. Holidays will be coming up on the calendar and we must continue to celebrate them together with gatherings in our place of worship. Joint efforts are the most successful tools we got. Please join us in achieving our goals DONATE YOUR TIME AND MONEY TO OUR TEMPLE. We want to thank Estela Wainstein, Lucia Kelton and Eva Babil for their gifts of cookies, chocolates, potato chips, and other goodies for the children during Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Services. As we begin this year, we want to thank Tete Wenguer, Julia Miller, Sarita Sztylerman, Flora Osin and Vilma Herrera for their continuous hard work in preparing our Shabbat Kiddushim every week. It is their constant dedication and commitment that makes it possible to enjoy a small bite after services. We would like to encourage them to continue in this endeavor. Todah Rabah!

9 Page 9 Look out in the mail for our raffle ticket books soon. We have a list of great prizes this year and would like all of you to purchase tickets. Send your stubs with your checks payable to Women s League as soon as possible to the office. The raffle will be held at a later date to be announced. You need not be present to win. RESPOND POSITIVELY! Women s League will again be celebrating Mother s Day on Saturday, May 9th, and Father s Day on Saturday, June 20th, with a special Shabbat Service in our beautiful main sanctuary. Please jot down the dates in your calendars to attend and join us for a day full of spiritual uplifting as well as a wonderful luncheon. Donations to Rebeca Rubinstein s Garden by Mario & Polita Chyzyk in honor of her birthday Sidur Hadash Book Fund In memory of Sofia Horenstein z l Luisa Nusbaum z l by Oscar & Rosita Boruchin To your House by Jacques Malka To your house I didn t bring a necklace of gold, To your house I didn t bring rare flowers, To your house I didn t bring the musk of the East, But I brought to your house a song of the guitar. To your house I didn t bring the silks of purple, To your house I didn t bring the fabrics of velvet, To your house I didn t bring the jewels of emerald, But I brought to your house a song of joy. To your house I didn t bring the stones of mother pearl, To your house I didn t bring the pearls of coral, To your house I didn t bring the jewels of emerald But I brought to your house a song of the heart. To your house I didn t bring the extract of roses, To your house I didn t bring the nectar of jasmine, To your house I didn t bring the aromas of narcissus, But I brought to your house a song of love.

10 Page 10 SOCIAL EVENTS Images thru the lens of Roberto Koltun Continued from page 1 by Avi Ashkenazi La Novia del Prado. Photo: Roberto Koltun It was an exhibit of his work through photos taken in Iran, Libya, Morocco, Turkey, Spain, Tibet, the Sahara Desert, Peru and Cuba. Of course, the photos from Cuba were the ones that most attracted our attendees. We were honored with a large audience, not only of members of our congregation, but others of the journalistic and artistic worlds, from Miami, Colombia, Spain and Puerto Rico. In our audience, we had the honor of the presence of Ariel Roman-Harris, who is the Director of Media Affairs at the State of Israel Consulate for Florida and Puerto Rico, and who spoke words of praise about the great works of Roberto Koltun. We want to thank the sponsors of this event as well as the office staff and our committee who helped in organizing this magnificent exhibit night. Ariel Roman-Harris, Director of Media Affairs at Israel Consulate and Roberto Koltun. Tony Espetia (Vice director of El Nuevo Herald), Roberto Koltun, Miriam Armenguer y Humberto Castelló (Director of El Nuevo Herald) Rachel Abramowitz Visitors Gallery

11 Page 11 Or Hadash Santa Clara, Cuba Holocaust Monument. Santa Clara. Photo: CAJM Recently, we had the pleasure of having a visit for Shabbat services from Mr. and Mrs. Litvin, members of the Cuban Jewish Community, who lived in New York and now reside in Florida, and who recently visited Cuba on a humanitarian mission. She presented our Congregation with a Plaque designed and made by the Jewish Community in Santa Clara, Cuba OR HADASH. Since several of our congregants are originally from Santa Clara, those present were called to the Bimah to accept this gift. We want to thank the Jewish Community in Santa Clara, Cuba, for their demonstration of love to us by displaying this plaque on the wall of our front office. This is a picture of the actual plaque and following is the letter read by our visitor during the presentation. Shalom, My name is Esther Litvin. I come here with a mission. In the course of our trip to Cuba as part of a Humanitarian Mission, we visited the Jewish Community of Santa Clara. We were received by David Tacher, the president, as well as other members of the community. The community is now the owner of a modest house, which they are converting into a synagogue, Or Hadash. As soon as the building is completed, they ll celebrate a Bar Mitzvah for the first time. The community has now 35 members, 15 in Santa Clara proper and 20 in the surrounding towns. One family in Caibarien has now their son in Israel and their daughter participated this year in the March of the Living through the Canadian branch of the organization. David Tacher presented us with a gift and entrusted us to present it to the Jewish community of Miami. Together with the gift, David asked us to convey to you this message: We hope you accept this gift from our community as a token of our wishes for our two communities to come closer and share our love for Judaism. We are after all, brothers and sisters. Or Hadash, Santa Clara, Cuba. Thank you very much. To all our members, We have recently experienced a virus in our computer system through a chain-letter sent to our address. We request that you call the office at or send us an to to re-add your address to our system. Lic. # aa 3398 (305) Economic blues? Forget about it! Invest in your family s future now. Let me design a stimulus plan for your home or office - today! Commercial Additions Residential Renovations Office Management Serving South Florida s Jewish Community since 1990

12 Page 12 MIDDLE EAST The anti-israel hysteria I understand that you want to wipe us off the map, just don't expect us to help you attain that goal. The fact that this old sentiment - the gist of a line uttered by a caustic Golda Meir to the Palestinian leadership - is so relevant these days, gives us a sense of the scope of the tragedy the Holy Land has been suffering through for so many decades. In fact, this same idea - the need for continued efforts to curb the intended destruction of Israel - lies behind the dramatic military decision made by the Israeli government, one that has again made it an object of wrath for so many around the world. As Prof. Joan B. Culla said recently, there can be multiple reactions to the Israel Defense Forces' military incursion in the Gaza Strip, and some of these are justifiably critical. But, given the fact that hysterical reactions abound, lacking any semblance of calm reflection, and based strictly on Manichaeanism and prejudice, there are some questions that must be asked. Ari Shavit wrote recently in Haaretz ("A Just but Tragic W ar," Januar y 1) that "Operation Cast Lead is a just campaign" and that it is also a "tragic campaign." I disagree with the term "just," because, as Golda Meir also said, "We don't want wars, even when we win." A military incursion that causes dozens of deaths can never be considered just, even if it is aimed at the destruction of the Hamas military machine. But can it be considered inevitable? Some intellectuals, including Amos Oz, have already warned that the Gaza incursion will lead to a significant new wave of anti -Israel sentiment. But even the Israeli left has taken a very lukewarm position about the incursion. The decision to attack Hamas was made by an Israeli society suffering from fatigue, fed up of not being able to find a way out, or reason for hope. And fed up, too, of the knowledge that the other side is working tirelessly to destroy it. Here they are, then, the questions, directed particularly to those carrying signs proclaiming their hatred of Israel through the streets of our cities - most of them the usual suspects, from the certain ones belonging to the radical left, always ready to raise their fist against Israel, to the various sectors of Islamism. It's curious, in fact, this obscene partnership. Those who go into the streets claim to do so in favor of the freedom of Palestine. Well, where have they been all these years, as the fundamentalist phenomena that oppressed the Palestinians were on the rise? Does Hamas have anything to do with freedom, or rather, doesn't it have everything to do with Islamism of a fascist tendency? Is freedom defended by training children to commit suicide attacks and by enslaving women? Is freedom defended by Iran, which supports Hamas financially? Does freedom belong to the terrorists of Hezbollah? Those who protest in the streets also say they do so out of by Pilar Rahola solidarity. Well, solidarity with whom? With Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, who has been less critical of the incursion than any European carrying a sign? With the Palestinians who do not agree with having the financial aid sent to their people being used to build armies and prepare bomb attacks? Do they wonder what happens to these funds? Does solidarity with the Palestinians mean defending terr or ism and exc us ing Hamas' aggressions? Is peace defended by boosting Palestinian leaders who do not believe in it? It is true that the intolerant left lives better by being anti-israel. And it is also true that, in the face of complex realities, the vociferous masses prefer the simplicity of the "good" and the "bad." But, beyond prejudice, facts are stubborn. Israel withdrew from Gaza, leaving intact the economic structures it had created. Hamas destroyed them all, and took advantage of the withdrawal to prepare an army of destruction. And hundreds of missiles later, it continues its preparations. The silence of this left, which is so loud today, has been very significant. What is happening in Gaza is tragic. But it did not start with the Israeli incursion. And to put all the blame on Israel is comfortable and simple, but useless. Because the main enemy of the Palestinian people comes from within. Pilar Rahola La Vanguardia. Barcelona. Courtesy of

13 Page 13 Mazal Tov to our dear _â át on her special birthday. It is nice to think of those who mean so much to us, and thank them for the happiness they bring to all the lives they touch. Your loving husband Isidoro Lerman Children & Grandchildren Our sincere thanks to ]t Åx 9 ]âw à{ cééé for their donation to our Synagogue on the occasion of her special birthday. We wish her that every day should bring her something wonderful to enjoy, and something beautiful to remember to be shared with her family and friends.

14 Page 14 On the occasion of her special birthday, a plaque has been dedicated at the Jack Chester Western Wall in our Main Synagogue by family and friends in honor of VÄtÜt ftñééç ~ Miguel & Rosita Bassan Isaac & Frida Ben-Hain Israel & Clara Berens Rosa Berenthal Drs. Craig & Betty Berko Bertha Bernstein Sam & Marta Borsky Mijel & Silvia Brazlavsky Simon & Becky Cohen Cheryl Davis Victor & Rosita Dickstein Anita Gartenbaum Irwin Gartenbaum Esther Gorfinkel Marcos & Emilia Grabb Anna Haspel Elias & Ida Kabak Lucia Kelton Angel & Josefina Kerbel Marcos & Fanny Kerbel Bruce & Silvia Kusens Samuel & Sara Levin Pincho & Ofelia Papir Samuel & Maria Papir Bertha Rabinovich Col. Donald & Sarita Reed Gil & Ani Rosenkoff Ofelia Ruder Rachel Sandler Frida Sapoznik Marcia Sapoznik Helen Sobie Luis & Bell Stabinski Mario & Rebeca Stasevich Estela Wainstein Alma Weintraub Tete Wenguer Carlos & Roma Werbin Salomon & Ana Zelonker

15 Page 15 I would like to thank my family and friends who joined me in the celebration of my 90th Birthday. A special appreciation to my children Mindy and Jack, Berta and Linda and my granddaughter Joann, they all organized a wonderful party. Following is a poem I wrote, inspired by this occasion, which I want to share with all my friends. A los 90 Años Con frágil constancia, vamos hilvanando Nuestros sueños y esperanzas Impacientes años Se deslizan inapercibidos entre nuestras manos. Los recuerdos inolvidables De un lejano ayer Atenúan nuestro arduo andar. Y Dios en su omnipotencia, Siempre nos regala un arcoiris Después de la tempestad. Mas, al final después del acecho De la larga noche, No importa como lo hicimos La verdad es una: que poco aprendimos, En nuestro largo paseo terrenal. Sonia Finkelman

16 Page 16 It s not so much the world outside that makes us sigh or smile It s more the feeling in our hearts that makes life seem worthwhile! To our family and friends: Thanks, Your donations, telephone calls and prayers for Ana s recovery, your caring and support, meant a lot to us, and is very much appreciated. Lazaro & Ana Sapoznik Alberto & Cindee, Eric & Brett Cachi, Frida, Brian & Justin

17 Page 17 To all my friends who sent cards and donations, to my family who cared for me. My sincere gratitude for your good wishes on behalf of my recovery. May we always share happiness. Lucy Kalusin A Yahrzeit plaque has been dedicated in memory of Olga Zamuchovsky z l by her friends Dr. Jacob & Rosita Goldstein Alex & Julia Greber Ronald & Debora H. Marlowe Jaime & Judith Pozo Ofelia Ruder Helen Sobie Martha Zeisel Luisa Nusbaum z l Some people make the world special just by being in it." A gentle, kind, yet strong woman dedicated to her lifelong beliefs of Judaism, community service and love of family. We loved you and will miss you greatly. Women s League of Temple Beth Shmuel Cuban Hebrew Congregation

18 Page 18 The family of Jose Lurie z l Wishes to thank all who knew him, for their donations and expressions of sympathy during our time of sorrow. He was a great idealist, always working towards peace in Israel. Ofelia Lurie Saul & Ceci Berenthal & family A plaque at the Jack Chester Western Wall in our Main Synagogue has been dedicated in his memory by: Berta Axelrod Backer Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Mark & Sara Blaugrund & family Mario & Polita Chyzyk Eva Don Eugenia Dubelman Sergio & Sofia Grobler Enrique & Rosa Hochman Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel Julio & Jeannie Kubiliun & family Dr. Isidoro & Luisa Lerman Jose & Elisa Raij Joseph & Aida Roisman Lori & Lucy Rozencwaig & family Alma Weintraub Hilda Winikor Olga Winikor

19 Page 19 Honoring the memory of Jose Lurie z l Who had a special way that warmed the hearts of everyone who knew him and the qualities that made him the wonderful person he was. I extend my sincere sympathy to his wife Ofelia, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren Alma Weintraub & family Thanks to family and friends who sent donations in memory of our beloved Robert Sobie z l We appreciated your support during our moment of sorrow. We will cherish the sweet memories we shared with him. Gertie Sobie & family Condolences to the families of: Michael Burstein z"l Darin Diner z"l Enrique Flier z"l Guedale Grinberg z"l Sofia Horenstein z l Jose Lurie z"l Luisa Nusbaum z"l Eva Osacky z"l Elio Penso z"l Faiga Rubinstein z"l Robert Sobie z"l Morris Weintraub z"l Berta Zditowski z"l Rachel Zelonker z"l

20 Page 20 SECCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Diez razones para apoyar a Israel por Carlos Alberto Montaner Este trabajo fue escrito por el autor para La Prensa de Panamá el , e increíblemente no p i e r d e s u actualidad. Nota de la Redacción Primero. Porque Israel es la clarísima víctima de una nueva agresión y lo moral es respaldar a las víctimas. Israel abandonó Gaza, y Hamas secuestró a uno de sus soldados y lanzó sus ataques con rockets. Poco después, una lluvia de cohetes de corto y medio alcance lanzada desde el sur del Líbano por los terroristas de Hizbulá cayó sobre el país provocando bajas en la población civil. Varios militares resultaron asesinados. Israel no está atacando: se está defendiendo. Tiene el derecho y el deber de hacerlo. Segundo. Porque si Israel no se defiende y no consigue proteger a sus ciudadanos, se repetirá la masacre de judíos que ya el mundo contempló (con bastante indiferencia) durante el nazismo. Duda a l g u i e n c u á l s e r í a e l comportamiento de un gobierno palestino integrado por Hamas e Hizbulá que consiguiera derrotar al Ejército israelí y dominar el territorio? La amenaza de arrojar a los judíos al mar no es una metáfora, sino una ominosa promesa mil veces reiterada por los islamistas más radicales. Tercero. Porque derrotar y desarmar a Hizbulá le confiere al Líbano la oportunidad de existir como una sociedad próspera, pacífica y libre. Hizbulá, con su agresiva milicia armada por sirios e iraníes (más poderosa que el ejército libanés), no solo intenta destruir a Israel: ya ha destrozado al Líbano precipitándolo a una guerra que la mayor parte de los libaneses no deseaba. Cuarto. Porque Israel es la única democracia plural y respetuosa de los derechos humanos que existe en el Medio Oriente. La única, por cierto, en la que los árabes, incluso los que detestan al Estado judío, votan libremente y forman parte del Parlamento. La única en la que las mujeres de religión islámica estudian sin limitaciones, gozan de los mismos derechos de los hombres y no son tratadas como seres de segunda clase. Quinto. Porque la única solución a ese conflicto depende de la convivencia pacífica entre Israel y un mundo islámico que, finalmente, como sucedió con Egipto y Jordania, admita el derecho de ese Estado a existir, y parece que ello no va a ocurrir hasta que se abra paso la convicción de que no es posible destruir al Estado judío, algo que resulta mucho más claro si los enemigos de Israel perciben que el mundo libre respalda su integridad sin vacilaciones. Sexto. Porque detrás de Hamas e Hizbulá están los sátrapas sirios e iraníes, dos regímenes enemigos de Occidente que divergen en el terreno religioso. Siria es una dictadura laica e Irán una dictadura religiosa, pero que convergen en el odio irracional a las democracias liberales. Séptimo. Porque el éxito económico, político, científico y social de Israel tiene el potencial de convertirse en un modelo para la región. Los más sensatos árabes de Gaza o de la Autoridad Palestina, cuando contrastan la vida miserable q u e l e s i m p o n e n l o s matones de Al Fatah, Hamas o Hizbulá, con el muy superior estilo de vida de sus hermanos palestino-israelíes, inevitablemente llegan a la conclusión de que la libertad y l a r a c i o n a l i d a d r i n d e n dividendos. Octavo. Porque a todo el planeta le conviene eliminar a unos terroristas capaces de provocar una escalada del conflicto que puede derivar hacia una guerra devastadora. Irán está en camino de convertirse en un estado nuclear, y su presidente, Mahmud Ahamadineyad, ha reiterado que el Estado hebreo debe desaparecer. Nadie duda de que, si lo intentara, Israel respondería en el mismo terreno y el resultado sería una catástrofe para la región y para el mundo. Noveno. Porque lo que anima a los aventureros a atacar a Israel es el doble lenguaje de los países de Occidente, la indiferencia y la falsa equivalencia, como si las acciones de unos terroristas desalmados que auspician a suicidas-asesinos para que vuelen autobuses escolares o disparan cohetes contra viviendas de civiles tuvieran la misma legitimidad que la respuesta de una sociedad que s e d e f i e n d e d e e s a s agresiones. Décimo. Porque aquella lección de historia que nos explicaba que los fundamentos morales de la civilización occidental se encontraban en la tradición judeocristiana era cierta. En Occidente, Israel somos todos. Y si algún día Israel perece, será un poco la muerte de todos nosotros. Cortesía de

21 Page 21 Bailando con monstruos por Pilar Rahola Truman Streckfus Persons, conocido por el nombre cubano del marido de su madre, Capote, escribió una de las frases que mejor radiografían algunas actitudes políticas: "Antes de negar con la cabeza, asegúrate de que la tienes". Por supuesto, hay negaciones o afirmaciones que no nacen de la ausencia de pensamiento, sino de la propaganda y la manipulación obscena. En estos casos, más que no tener cabeza, lo que no se tiene es conciencia. Veamos el ejemplo de algunas dictaduras y de los acólitos que las defienden. No es lo mismo ser el cónsul de Cuba en Barcelona que ser el dirigente de un partido político de izquierdas, diputado a la par, defendiendo con convicción a la dictadura de marras. En el primer caso, la cosa va con el cargo, en el segundo sólo puede nacer de una cerrazón ideológica dogmática cuyos valores en defensa de la libertad, brillan notablemente por ausencia. Es evidente que algunas de las izquierdas que más vociferan en la calle, desde la IU de Cayo Lara hasta la EUiA de Jordi Miralles, mantienen ideas pétreas sobre la realidad, no en vano s on dis c iplin ados depositarios de ideologías totalitarias que sembraron de horror el siglo XX. Cuba no se sostiene por ningún lado, con sus represaliados políticos, sus condenas a muerte, su ahogo sistemático de los derechos civiles y sus millones de exiliados, y sin embargo, en nombre de la libertad, hay políticos que levantan la bandera castrista e impiden el derecho de otros ciudadanos a criticar ese régimen. Son de izquierdas? No sólo lo aseguran, sino que, como buenos dogmáticos, monopolizan dicha etiqueta, expulsando del paraíso a cualquier mortal que los critique. E s o s, q u e d e f i e n d e n dictaduras, son los primeros que critican furibundamente a las democracias, ante cualquier debilidad del sistema. Son lobos totalitarios con piel de cordero democrático. Diría, pues, que lo que pasó en Barcelona, con un diputado del Parlament vociferando a favor de una dictadura e impidiendo el derecho de otros ciudadanos a criticarla, fue una sonora vergüenza. Pero hace tiempo que eso importa poco, porque hemos incorporado de tal manera la vergüenza a la cotidianidad política, que nos hemos vacunado. Todo resulta apáticamente "normal", incluso el desatino. Estos días tendremos una segunda "vergüenza" política, esta vez por silencio. Desde el domingo visita España el presidente del Parlamento iraní, Ali Lariyani, representante de una dictadura feroz que tiene en su haber la pena de muerte a disidentes, mujeres y homosexuales. Su premio Nobel de la Paz, Shirin Ebadi, defensora de los derechos humanos, es sistemáticamente perseguida, y el régimen de Irán ha sido inculpado por la fiscalía argentina, por el atentado en Buenos Aires que causó más de 80 muertos. Responsable de financiar grupos terroristas, Irán se permite burlarse del holocausto en el día que se recuerdan a sus millones de muertos, y amenaza tranquilamente con la destrucción a un país miembro de la ONU. De hecho, Irán se lo permite todo. Alguien preguntará por las ingentes ventas de armas españolas a Irán? Alguien gritará su repudio en las calles por recibir al representante de una dictadura atroz? Alguien recordará a las mujeres iraníes? Algún diputado gritón saldrá en defensa de la libertad? A alguien le conmoverá la brutalidad del islamofascismo iraní? No será a Jordi Miralles, ni a Cayo Lara, ni a cualquier otro líder de esta ralea, cuyas neuronas revolucionarias sólo se activan en contra de las democracias. El drama es que tampoco movilizará a otros dirigentes más sensatos. Irán no está en la agenda moral de casi nadie, y de ahí nace su impunidad, de la indiferencia. Abandonados a su suerte, los luchadores por la democracia en Irán no tienen quien les llore su tragedia. Como pasa con los luchadores cubanos, son víctimas equivocadas. Les oprime una dictadura "amiga", y ello los convierte en culpables de su propia desgracia. Qué mundo al revés, el mundo que habita en algunos cerebros! Pilar Rahola La Vanguardia. Barcelona. Cortesía de

22 Page 22 Congratulations to: Lon & Rosita Schwartz & family on the birth of their grandson Zachary Luke. Salomon & Ana Zelonker, & Belina Stabinski [great-grandparents], Luis & Bell Stabinski [grandparents], and Todd & Nancy Stabinski [parents] on the birth of Lane Ivy Stabinski. Guta Huppert and family on the birth of her great-granddaughter Carly. Namy & Maria Lusky & family on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Michael Spiegelman. Carlos & Roma Werbin & family on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughters Dana Elise and Zoey Rayne. Mina Novick and Family on the marriage of her granddaughter Shari Julie Rottblatt to Elliot Pearson. Issac & Clarita Eli on their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Lydia & Carlos Don and Fañe Treibich on the upcoming marriage of their daughter and granddaughter Ronnie to Brad Bentoff. Thanks for their donations to our Synagogue: Felix Cedeño. Simon Wolfson. Salomon & Ana Zelonker in honor of the birth of their great-granddaughter Lane Ivy Stabinski. Carlos & Roma Werbin in honor of their granddaughters Dana Elise s and Zoey Rayne s Bat Mitzvot. A heartfelt thanks to all my wonderful relatives and friends for all their love and care during the time I was under the weather Love and kisses Guta Huppert Sidur Hadash Book Fund In memory of Jacob G. Abramowitz z l by Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain In memory of Aron Kelton z l by Jose & Elisa Raij In memory of Bertha Scheiner z l by Sara Berezdivin In honor of Anita Sapoznik by Marcos & Emilita Grabb Etz-Haim Book Fund In memory of Jacob G. Abramowitz z l by Women s League Congratulations on their Special Birthdays to: Roberto Ben-Hain Dr. Clara Benson Isaac Epelbaum Sonia Finkelman Moses Hersman Guta Huppert Luisa Lerman Flora Osin Judith Pozo Clara Sapoznik Jose Susi Get Well: Bebo Bimblich Lucy Kalucin Ana Sapoznik Guito Waksman We invite you to submit articles for our next issue of TBS-News. Please send the material before March 20 th. TO PLACE AN AD IN THIS NEWSLETTER, CONTACT OFELIA. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY: 7:30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. PH: (305) EXT. 105

23 CARDS & YARZEIT DONATIONS Page 23 CARDS DONATIONS Abraham & Sima Baikovitz Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Ted & Regina Berman Berta Bernstein Jose & Dulce Blacher Mijel & Silvia Brazlavsky Nancy Brook Jack & Sandra Budyszewick & family Benzy & Mina Cherches Mario & Polita Chyzyk Simon & Becky K. Cohen Eva Don Eugenia & Rachel Dubelman Isaac & Dora Epelbaum Dr. Jose & Raquel Esquenazi Saul & Berta Ginzburg Lucy Gol Salomon & Cila Gold Evelio Gonzalez Raul & Rosita Gorfinkel Marcos & Emilita Grabb Alex & Julia Greber YARZEIT DONATIONS Juanita Alter Ramon & Meche Bakalchuk Alberto & Esther Bejar Inda Bekerman Dr. Bernardo & Ricky Benes Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Naum Berman Berta Berman Jose & Dulce Blacher Rebecca Borenstein Lily W. Brodey Paulina Budner Samuel Chilerowicz Mario & Polita Chyzyk Eugenia Dubelman Rachel Dubelman Dr. Josef & Meri Edelstein Dr. Jaime & Jenny Edelstein Berta Edery Isaac & Clara Eli Isaac & Dora Epelbaum Raquel Faro Ralph & Ofelia Feldfeber Gala Furman Dr. Salomon Gadles Mikowsky Manuel & Sofia Garmizo Samuel & Miriam Garmizo Irwin Gartenbaum Rose Gelber Samuel & Rosita Gilfarb Saul & Bertha Ginzburg Jaime & Hela Goldberg Julia Goldberg Elena Gomez Esther Gorfinkel Felicia Gorodetzky Marcos & Emilita Grabb Marsha Gross Isaac & Esther Gurinsky Jaime & Anita Grosfeld Danny & Florence Halberstein Enrique & Rosa Hochman Donna Holland Guta Huppert Martha Jarecki Sarita Chiz Marcos & Fanny Kerbel Ralph & Pearl Kier Julio & Jeannie Kubiliun & family Dr. Isidoro & Luisa Lerman George & Renee Lerman Samuel & Sara Levin David & Giselle Levy Carlos & Betti Lidsky Namy & Maria Lusky David & Berta Miller Sarita Morjain Bernardo & Bela Olczyk Bernardo & Anita Perelmuter Sarita Plutt Jaime, Judith & Alan Pozo Lidia Guterman Jacob & Miriam Gutt Salomon & Bertha Jove Samuel & Lily Jurkevich Rafael & Sara Kapustin Natan Kaufman Ana Kesser Ralph & Pearl Kier Efraim & Sara Kier Mary Kirou Dina Klaiman Rosa Kovalskis Moises Kramer Felipe & Naile Kreiezmar Isak & Golde Kubiliun Heri & Raquel Kubiliun Jack & Diana Kuper Rolf W. & Virginia Lanzkron Geña Laufer Jaime & Sara Lehman Dr. Isidoro & Luisa Lerman Mary Levis Bruce & Ina Melceras Bernardo & Chifre Mintz Sal & Sarah Mitchel Dr. Raul & Elisa Moncarz Jose & Bertha Montiel Mina Novick Dra. Luisa Nussbaum Bernardo & Bela Olczyk Charles & Marcia Orvieto Flora Osin Dora Osinski Szymon & Hilda Paklak Samuel & Maria Papir Manolo & Rebeca Perelis Isidoro Ptachewich Bertha Rabinovich Jose & Elisa Raij Jose & Elisa Raij Sarita Rabinovich Moises & Susy Rapport Sarita Resnick Joseph & Aida Roisman Lori & Lucy Rozencwaig & family Frank & Mimi Rudman & family Rachel Sandler Samy & Gladys Sapayo Frida Sapoznik Lazaro & Ana Sapoznik Julio & Rela Schniadoski Bemi & Sary Shafir Eva Shaftal Noel & Elsa Shapiro Isaac & Elsa Silberberg Helen Sobie Gertie Sobie Celia Tuchman Ben Volpe Alma Weintraub Tete Wenguer Robert & Esther Richman Masza Rok Luisa Rosell Boris & Jeanne Rosen Mario & Selma Rosenfeld Bruce & Emily Rosenstein Frank & Mimi Rudman Rachel Sandler Samy & Gladys Sapayo Frida Sapoznik Lazaro & Ana Sapoznik Zoila Satanosky Sam & Sofia Schwartzbaum Alfredo & Judith Schwarz Sidney & Rebecca Shapiro Noel & Elsa Shapiro Cecilia Silverman Sarita A. Silverstein Dina Sklawer Annie Slatkoff Helen Sobie Bernardo & Elisa Szklaver David & Frida Szlapak Rebeca Taragano Fanny Treibich Celia Tuchman Salomon & Rosa Vilk Ramon & Sura Wainer Gregory & Maria Waksman David & Elena Weck Hilda Winikor Gena Wodnicki Simon Wolfson Sam & Sara Zands Isaac & Loly Zelcer Sergio & Rosita Zelcer Rebeca Zeligman Salomon & Ana Zelonker Bernardo Zyscovich

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TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary. An Activity in 4 Steps TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary An Activity in 4 Steps Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary Lesson for Spanish Teachers Learning new vocabulary words in Spanish is an important element in the

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013 General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013 Spanish Unit 4 Speaking Test Candidate s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2013 (SPA4T) To

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El dilema latinoamericano--hacia el siglo XXI: Estado y politicas economicas en Mexico, Brasil y Argentina (Texto y contexto) (Spanish Edition)

El dilema latinoamericano--hacia el siglo XXI: Estado y politicas economicas en Mexico, Brasil y Argentina (Texto y contexto) (Spanish Edition) El dilema latinoamericano--hacia el siglo XXI: Estado y politicas economicas en Mexico, Brasil y Argentina (Texto y contexto) (Spanish Edition) Gustavo Ernesto Emmerich Click here if your download doesn"t

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Learning Masters. Early: Food From Plants

Learning Masters. Early: Food From Plants Learning Masters Early: Food From Plants WhatILearned What important things did you learn in this theme? I learned that I learned that I learned that 22 Food From Plants Learning Masters How I Learned

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Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples:

Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples: Might Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso del verbo modal might. Aplicar el verbo modal might en ejercicios de escritura. Contenidos 1. Verbo modal might. Debo saber - Verbos

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El Jardín de la Memoria (El adepto de la Reina nº 2) (Spanish Edition)

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Animal Habitats

Learning Masters. Fluent: Animal Habitats Learning Masters Fluent: Animal Habitats What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 Animal Habitats Learning Masters How I

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Cómo Enamorar a Alguien: Basado en la Psicología del Amor (Colección de Psicología del Amor de 2KnowMySelf y AdoroLeer) (Spanish Edition)

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"El hombre de rojo" Free lesson.

El hombre de rojo Free lesson. "El hombre de rojo" Free lesson INSTRUCTIONS This lesson is a shorter version of one type of the lessons you can find at The lesson is developed through questions.

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Art Studio. Did you know...?

Art Studio. Did you know...? Art Studio Did you know...? Did you know...? In our Art Studio, we encourage children to use the materials in any way they wish. We provide ideas that they may use to begin work but do not expect copies

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La enseñanza del derecho: Métodos, técnicas, procedimientos y estrategias (Biblioteca Jurídica Porrúa) (Spanish Edition)

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Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1

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Carmen: No, no soy Mexicana. Soy Colombiana. Y tú? Eres tú Colombiano?

Carmen: No, no soy Mexicana. Soy Colombiana. Y tú? Eres tú Colombiano? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección diez Instructor: Listen to the following conversation: René: Hola! Carmen: Hola! René: Cómo te llamas? Carmen: Me llamo Carmen Rivera. René: Eres tú Mexicana?

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Ethnography of a Classroom Sample Questions (May need to be adjusted for lower grades)

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Vermont Mini-Lessons: Leaving A Voicemail

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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A Member of My Community

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Los nombres originales de los territorios, sitios y accidentes geograficos de Colombia (Spanish Edition)

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Citizenship. Citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your community a better place.

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GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES A parent-teacher conference is a chance for you and your child s teacher to talk. You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. This list will

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TOUCH MATH. Students will only use Touch Math on math facts that are not memorized. TOUCH MATH What is it and why is my child learning this? Memorizing math facts is an important skill for students to learn. Some students have difficulty memorizing these facts, even though they are doing

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FOR REFERENCE ONLY DO NOT COPY. Social Emotional Health Module. Módulo de Salud Emocional Social SUPPLEMENT 1 78. Do you get along or work well with students who are different from you? 79. Do you enjoy working with other students? 80. Do you try to understand how other people feel? 81. Do you feel bad when someone

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7 Secretos para ser millonario (Spanish Edition)

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programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia.

programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia. Teatro de los lectores Entrevistador: Un saludo y bienvenidos a nuestro programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? Cuidador: Vive en el desierto.

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística en Lengua Inglesa

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SPANISH WITH PAUL MINI COURSE 7 SPANISH WITH PAUL MINI COURSE 7 SPANISHWITHPAUL.COM Hello everyone and welcome to mini course 7, The focus of this course is on the angle of we and how to express it using many of our core modal verbs

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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Specimen 2018 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes

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\RESOURCE\ELECTION.S\PROXY.CSP The following is an explanation of the procedures for calling a special meeting of the shareholders. Enclosed are copies of documents, which you can use for your meeting. If you have any questions about

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El estilo indirecto inglés.

El estilo indirecto inglés. El estilo indirecto inglés. El "estilo indirecto" es una estructura que se emplea para repetir lo que alguien ha anteriormente dicho ("estilo directo"): John: "My name is John" (estilo directo) (Mi nombre

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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Les informamos que ya nos fueron entregados los anuarios de 2011-2012, estarán a la venta en caja con un costo de $450.00

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Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems

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Capitalismo y enfermedad (Coleccion El Hombre y su salud) (Spanish Edition)

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón?

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SPANISH WITH PAUL MINI COURSE 9 SPANISH WITH PAUL MINI COURSE 9 SPANISHWITHPAUL.COM Hello everyone and welcome to Mini Course 9. In this episode I'll show you the easiest way to talk about the future in Spanish along with giving you

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Mi ciudad interesante

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Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you!

Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you! You will write at least TEN sentences describing a typical week in the life of a BCC student YOU! -- based on the three Encuestas (surveys) you conducted with your classmates: If you can t think of what

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Robin Hood está en Ogallala

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Please join us in circle. Please put on a nametag. Por favor, únete a nosotros en ronda. Ponte una etiqueta con su nombre.

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STAR/Cross-age Tutoría Frases del Sr. Fry Grupo 1 Práctique leyendo con su niño(a) 5 frases diariamente. Continue con las siguiente 5 frases cuando Grupo 1 1. the little boy el niño pequeño 2. a good boy un buen niño 3. is about me es acerca de mí 4. then you give luego tú das 5. was to come iba a suceder 6. old and new viejo y nuevo 7. what we know

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Genealogía, Origen y Noticias de los Comediantes de España (Fuentes para la historia del Teatro en España)

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Enfermos de Poder: La Salud de los Presidentes y Sus Consecuencias (Spanish Edition)

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