Design for movement. case studies: transport information systems

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1 Dsign for movmnt cas stuis: transport information systms information + nvironmnts + intity.

2 Str Davis Glav Dsign for movmnt Contact Phil Brczuk + (0) Str Davis Glav Uppr Groun Lonon SE 9PD Unit Kingom

3 Th cor aras that fin our practic ar movmnt, nvironmnt an intity. W combin our unrstaning of human xprinc, prcption an bhavior to livr innovativ, usr-cntr sign which hlps to mak our citis, transport systms an public placs unrstanabl, accssibl an njoyabl for all.

4 0 Santo Tomás Santa sa San Francisco San Antonio Rcolta Pablo Nrua j2 P. Cntral Orint i2 P. Cntral Orint h2 P. Cntral Orint g2 P. Cntral Orint f2 P. Cntral Orint 2 P. Cntral Orint 2 P. Cntral Orint c2 P. Cntral Orint b2 P. Cntral Orint Transantiago Santiago, Chil Visual intity, passngr information an intrchang Diagramas Rcorrio El archivo igital sta piza s ncuntra n: Carpta 3 / 3.5.3_Diagr-Rc Manual Normas Gráficas Transantiago Tomano como bas l Mapa rcorrios, s ispon una vrsión simplifica l contorno gnral y las áras, a fin isponr una piza apoyo qu prmita la scripción sinttiza l trazo srvicios troncals y locals. Diagrama jmplo con rtícula guía, srvicio troncal S b vrificar la actualización Δ sta piza ants su rproucción n cualquir mio. Diagrama Vrsión Srvicios Troncals El Diagrama rcorrios troncals prsnta una ampliación l Mapa Rcorrios, sgún s mustra n gráfico junto. Ca trazo ispon, al igual qu los ltrros cortsía y cnfas intriors los buss, hitos corrsponints a intrsccions o puntos transboro, más los puntos orign y stino. A ésto s agrgan las comunas orign y stino, n mayúsculas. Æ Œ æ Esquma rcort (prismo) l mapa, para la aplicación n rcuro srvicios troncals Por la scala, st iagrama no llva mapa rfrncia. El iagrama cunta con una rtícula guía, para itar los trazos rcorrio. Para rfrncias grosors lína, valors cromáticos y lmntos tipográficos, s b rvisar l archivo igital junto. En l archivo igital, s ncuntra sarrollo más un rcorrio simulo para los srvicios 0, 08, 30, 50, consirano cuatro casos molo. Diagrama jmplo, srvicio local œ Diagramas las istintas áras srvicio 2 Diagrama Vrsión Srvicios Locals Númro l srvicio Mapa rfrncia El Diagrama rcorrios locals prsnta una aptación spcial l contorno l ára srvicio. Ca trazo ispon, al igual qu los ltrros cortsía y cnfas intriors los buss, hitos corrsponints a intrsccions o puntos transboro, más los puntos orign y stino. Simbología Sistma Información al Usuario l Transport Público Santiago Agosto 2006 El iagrama cunta con una rtícula guía, para itar los trazos rcorrio. Para rfrncias grosors lína, valors cromáticos y lmntos tipográficos, s b rvisar l archivo igital junto. En l archivo igital, s ncuntra sarrollo más un rcorrio simulo para srvicios las áras b, c, y f, consirano cuatro casos molo. Ára srvicio Traycto Manual Normas Gráficas Transantiago Agosto 2006

5 Agosto 2006 Str Davis Glav was commission to vlop sign guilins for a comprhnsiv rstructuring of th bus ntwork in Santiago, Chil. Th proposals wr for a city wi ntwork of partially sgrgat trunk corriors intgrat with local fr buss srving rsintial an inustrial aras. W work closly with local bus oprators, architcts an th clint tam to livr proposals that took account of local rquirmnts. A clan, morn intity was vlop with th vhicl livry istinguishing btwn trunk an fr routs. Th visual languag was follow through in th sign of signs an passngr information an intgrat into th shltr signs crating a consistnt an lgibl solution. It was important to rtain som gr of iniviuality for th oprators who tritionally prsonalis thir vhicls with corations an signs. A bspok typfac was crat that built on th sign writing an iconography us by local oprators an spac was provi insi vhicls to support rivr prsonalisation. Cor outputs covr by th sign guis ar: Bus livry sign - fr an trunk rout srvics Intrchang sign sign manual Non intrchang information spcifications Schmatic bus ntwork map»» Sign an information guilins for multi-ml intrchangs EIM - Estación Intrcambio Ml Cnfa anns tipos A y C La Cnfa anns tipo A s ubicará sólo n los anns Transantiago. El soport isponibl Sñalética Tipo A tin una cara visibl 660 x 88 cm., y stá conforma por planchas acro 2 mm. Estas planchas brán star pintas con tcnología lctrostática, color ngro, acabo mat. Sobr sta suprfici s implmntará la gráfica n vinilo hsivo opaco troqulo. Bajo éstas, l proycto arquitctura consira la implmntación un ltrro información variabl tcnología LED. El archivo igital sta piza s ncuntra n: Archivos Sccion /..2_EIM-Cnf-An-Tip-A.fh0 Archivos Sccion /..3_EIM-Cnf-An-Tip-C.fh0 S ubicarán os Cnfas anns tipo C, n los anns Transantiago, n rlación a su corrsponint Cnfa anns tipo A. El soport isponibl Sñalética Tipo C tin una cara visibl 88 x 3 cm., y stá conforma por planchas acro 2 mm. Estas planchas brán star pintas con tcnología lctrostática, color ngro, acabo mat. Sobr sta suprfici s implmntará la gráfica n vinilo hsivo opaco troqulo. Cnfa anns - tipo A Sñalética Tipo A - EIM La Cistrna, sgún Plano No. 00-LC-PLA Cnfa anns - tipo C Sñalética Tipo C - EIM La Cistrna, sgún Plano No. 00-LC-PLA cm cm ,5,5,5, ,5 0 7,5 Manual Normas Gráficas Transantiago Agosto Mapa Ust Está Aquí (U.E.A.) Los archivos igitals stas pizas s ncuntran n: Archivos Sccion /.3.2_Panl-Inf-UEA-Nor.fh0 Archivos Sccion /.3.3_Panl-Inf-UEA-Esp.fh0. Información una sñal para El mapa Ust stá aquí, s una ición simplifica la isposición Rtícula los parros y las calls, n un punto transboro, con l fin qu l 30º-60º para la isposición usuario pua intificar la para qu l sirv. Para llo s ispon os los lmntos vistas; la vista normal para puntos tranboro ubicos ubicos n crucs simpls y la vista spcial para puntos tranboro más compljos. El mapa Ust stá aquí normal y spcial s ncuntra ntro los archivos l panl información. Para la proucción st mapa s utilizan lmntos prisños qu vinn incluios ntro l archivo. Nombrs las calls ispustos n ángulos 30 o -30 (hrraminta rotación l softwar). Av. Brnaro O Higgins Ubicación los númros las paras St lmntos l mapa normal La numración los parros s hac s la para qu sté ubica Flcha ubicación hacia l nort con l y l usuario lugo hacia la rcha (sgún las mancillas l rloj) l 2, 3 y. Rfugios simpls Posición l inicor Ust stá aquí Rfugios simpls Punto Transboro Rfugios stánar Punto Transboro Símbolo ntra/salia Símbolo tarjta Mtro prpago La flcha b colocars, ntro lo posibl, por ncima l ícono l parro, sin jar Símbolos las spacio ntr éstos. zonas locals Las Rjas Rtícula 30º-60º para la isposición los lmntos (scala al obl l normal) Asignar l color la zona qu corrspona (colors suavs incluios n l archivo igital) Av. Brnaro O Higgins Av. Las Rjas Av. ponr nombr St lmntos l mapa spcial Flcha ubicación l usuario, con altrnativas isposición sgún la complji l mapa. Rfugios simpls Rfugios simpls Punto Transboro (máximo 20 paras) Rfugios stánar Punto Transboro (máximo 20 paras) Símbolo ntra/salia Símbolo tarjta Mtro prpago Símbolos las zonas locals Información ficticia Sñal stánar con pictograma bus + información Aquí s scrib l nombr la para usano TS Info Grusa (80 pt). Evit usar la TS Info Abrviaturas Grusa n lo posibl, a mnos qu l nombr no qupa n l spacio. Los nombrs las comunas s scribn n ltras mayúsculas y cntro con rspcto a las línas horizontals. TS Info Grusa (52 pt), intrltro 8% m. Los nombrs las calls y los hitos s scribn con mayúscula inicial y l rsto con minúsculas, n un máximo os línas (véas la rtícula n archivo igital*). Si l stino s concta con un punto transboro y/o con una stación mtro, añir los pictogramas corrsponints. Signo punto transboro: Alt + t = Logotipo l mtro: Shift + 7= & Funt tipográfica: TS Info Grusa (tclo inglés) Rtícula n archivo igital Guías intrnas para las comunas (mayúsculas, lína txto) Guías xtrnas para calls hitos (mayúsculas y minúsculas, 2 línas txto) Aquí s coloca l cóigo qu intifica la para, st númro s asigno por l SIAUT. Sñal spcial con númro + información (sólo al rvrso la sñal para spcial) Esta part la sñal rmplaza a la scción Combinacions con otros srvicios la cnfa qu va n los rfugios. Pu contnr hasta 2 srvicios como máximo. S coloca la lista ( arriba a abajo) toos los srvicios -primro troncals y lugo locals por ca para- qu transitn por l punto transboro. Igualmnt s añ la información la para n la cual uno s ncuntra (inicánola con una flcha blanca, TS Info Coigo: Alt + = æ). Los srvicios locals tinn un parch blanco bajo la cápsula qu inica la ltra la zona. TS Info Grusa 60 pt TS Info Coigo 60 pt Manual Normas Gráficas Transantiago Agosto 2006 Manual Normas Gráficas Transantiago

6 TransMilnio Bogota, Columbia Station signing an passngr information sign guilins

7 TransMilnio is th worl s most succssful Bus Rapi Transit systm, transporting upwars of 2,000 passngrs pr hour. In 200 work commnc on th implmntation of thr nw trunk corriors that woul almost oubl th ntwork covrag. To nsur passngrs coul continu to unrstan th incrasingly complx ntwork, TransMilnio commission Str Davis Glav to unrtak a comprhnsiv rviw an r-sign of th in-station passngr signing an information. Comprhnsiv stakholr workshops an local usr/non usr focus groups form th first stag of this challnging projct an l to concpt signs for two options - corrior or zon bas. Both options wr ralis as full scal signs an install in on of th nw stations to facilitat tsting ovr a two ay prio with th zonal apprch bing th prfrr option. Finings from th tsting inform th complt signs an wr translat into a systm sign gui that inclu: Zon bas schmatic, local ara an station mapping information hirarchy Sign placmnt ruls Graphic guilins incluing imnsions, typ, icons an colour paltt On-bus auio visual information guilins»» In-station ynamic partur isplay guilins

8 Mak th most of Gratr Manchstr Th chapst way to travl on Mtrolink Spcial iscount offrs with our partnrs Your passport to a worl of vntur Mak th most of Gratr Manchstr Th chapst way to travl on Mtrolink Spcial iscount offrs with our partnrs Your passport to a worl of vntur Mak th most of Gratr Manchstr Th chapst way to travl on Mtrolink Spcial iscount offrs with our partnrs Your passport to a worl of vntur Mak th most of Gratr Manchstr Th chapst way to travl on Mtrolink Spcial iscount offrs with our partnrs Your passport to a worl of vntur Mtrolink Manchstr Bran Stratgy an visual intity; sign guilins for all 2D an 3D applications incluing systm wi map an wayfining; passngr nvironmnts; passngr information an marcomms Litratur & Postrs Dsign spcifications.8.28 Doubl yal postr (635 06) sampls Colours us not th Mtrolink tickt typ. Th tickt colour will b fin by GMPTE s Markting an communications tam an is to b us consistntly across all markting matrials for ach tickt typ. Plas nsur th colour paltt of any photography is sympathtic to th tickt typ colour. Mtrolink Bringing Gratr Manchstr to lif Mtrolink Gtting you thr an back again Mtrolink Making it asy for all of you Mtrolink Tim to plan your nxt mov Apply for a mtroky sason tickt Apply for a mtroyouth sason tickt Apply for a mtrofamily sason tickt Apply for a mtrosnior sason tickt METROLINK VISUAL IDENTITY GUIDELINES Vrsion 2.0 Issu at: 22 Dcmbr 2006 GMPTE Mtrolink 2007 Prpar by Str Davis Glav + Duo Consultants

9 Wharf Lynwoo Grov Mtrolink is Gratr Manchstr s light rail systm. Gratr Manchstr Public Transport Excutiv commission us to vlop a comprhnsiv tn-yar vision for th ntwork, incluing a bran stratgy with supporting sign guilins across all aras of srvic livry. Ntwork map Bury M66 W start by unrtaking a visual auit of th xisting ntwork an on-strt intrcpt survy with local popl to buil a 360 gr pictur of th srvic an local usr prcptions of th bran. chal W thn vlop Railway a station nw Nwbol wormarqu, an work Milnrow closly with th clint to crat M62 sign guilins for all 2D an 3D sign applications. Kingsway Businss Park Outputs inclu: Bran architctur an visual intity A nw mastr ntwork map Systm wi wayfining an map sign guilins Dsign proposals for thr lvls of station an platform rfurbishmnt Nwhy Shaw an Crompton Drkr 60 Dsign guilins for nw stations an platforms Nw fascia signs for tickt vning machins Guilins for markting collatral an ton of voic Wbsit vlopmnt, incluing a rviw of on-lin tickt purchasing Rcliff Olham cntral King Strt Olham Mumps Whitfil Manchstr Strt Bsss o th Barn M60 Wstwoo Olham Wrnth M60 Prstwich South Chrton Frhol 5 M6 Haton Park Bowkr Val Crumpsall Hollinwoo 20 Woolans (for Manchstr Hospital) Dan Lan Monsall Failsworth M60 Eccls Lywll (for Hop Hospital) MANCHESTER Abby Park Traffor Cntr 5 Ashton Lan Cranligh Driv O Lans Driv Sibson Th maps will b convntionally orintat, i north to th top. Th local ara maps buil on GMPTE s xisting local ara maps with tail an som moification to th colour paltt. A raft is shown to th right for Sal station, with th xisting GMPTE map shown blow. Washway R Cross Strt Broks Th map ara 2shoul b squar, with a panl at th bottom intifying bus srvics an lanmarks. Walk istancs shoul also b shown an a gri to b cross rfrrnc to infomration in th lgn. buck Lan Th xisting maps shoul b apt an rfin to rflct th nw signs. Original artwork is availabl from GMPTE Markting & Communications. N Urban Park Avnu Brooklans Passngr Information Station local ara maps Timprly Th local ara maps ar to b appar on th station/stop si of th totms whr installations Navigation prmit. Thy shoul also b install at station xits whr no totm has bn install. Th local ara map is ign to hlp Altrincham customrs continu thir journy aftr laving Mtrolink. Th map will intify: Library M56 Thatr Strts Sal Town Apply for a mtrofamily sason Hall tickt Opn spacs Public facilitis (g hospitals, libraris) Rtail aras You ar Paypoints 3for tickt purchass hr Bus stops/intrchang Parking 25,263 Wast 6,7,7A,7, 9A,9B,9C, 252,266, M602 Broway SHIP CANAL 5 Th Lowry & Outlt Mall Dan Sal Langworthy Magistrats Court Marks & Spncr Harbour City Anchorag Salfor Quays Exchang Quay Ol Traffor Strtfor Atkinson York York Brighton Grov Tsco Hayfil Strt Wicknby Driv Klsall Strt John Strt Friar s Mrsy METROLINK VISUAL IDENTITY GUIDELINES First Contract issu Issu at: 5 Dcmbr 2006 Hrfor Pomona Sainsburys Traffor Towars Bar Ol Traffor Firswoo Ashfil School Sal Town Cntr Osborn Trrac Cornbrook Chorlton-cum-Hary Licstr Hop Th Mall Town Squar Joynson Strt Springfil 6,7,7A 7,9A,9B 9C,266,267 St Wrburgh s Markt Strt Mosly Strt Southboun only G-Mx Visit or call for sason tickts an information Victoria St Ptr s Squar Clarmont Tatton Era Strt Holmfil Sfton Manor Linly Chapl Sal Station Tatton Plac Hop Norman Shuhill Cntral Park Piccilly Garns Symons,266 Baxtr Broomvill Av Piccilly Dargl Harly,266,267 Marlborough Warl Sal Lisur Cntr Marlborough R Highfil B r i g w a t r C a n a l Woolans Duly Playing Fils 5 minuts Worthington Park 5. GMPTE Mtrolink 2007 Prpar by Str Davis Glav + Duo Consultants Highfil Avnu Irlam Northnn Olfil Cravn Trrac Bro Charlton Driv 8,8A 9,9A,9B,9C A B C D E M60 Pollar Strt Holt Town Sportcity Nw East (for Vlorom) Clayton Eg Lan Cmtry Drbyshir Winstanly Zon (City) Zon 2 Zon 3 Zon Zon 5 Zon 6 Zon 7 Droylsn Dan Cranfor Avnu M60 Towars Northnn Towars Sal Golf Club Priory Alxanra Holly Grov Intrchang for othr zons Fr isabl parking 60 Fr Park & Ri (spacs) Bus intrchang Rail intrchang Football stium 5 Walk link (minuts) Symbols Lanmarks Bus uts Bus Stop Sal Lisur Cntr B3 8 Th Traffor Cntr - Altrincham P Parking Library C3 8A Altrincham - Traffor Park Taxi rank Thatr C3 9 Manchstr Airport - Altrincham Public Toilts Sal Town Hall & Council Offics C3 Altrincham - Manchstr Caf Sal Town Cntr B3 86 Chorlton - Manchstr Rstaurant Tsco B3 Sal - Manchstr Suprmarkt Marks & Spncr A3 25 Flixton - Altrincham Public Tlphon Sainsbury s B 263 Altrincham - Manchstr Thatr Magistrats Court A 26 Altrincham - Manchstr Worthington Park E3 266 Ashton upon Mrsy - Altrincham 267 Partington - Altrincham 268 Traffor Gnral Hospital - Wythnshaw 272 Woohous Park - Traffor Park

10 Swinon Travl Choics Swinon Borough Council Wbsit, multi-ml journy plannr an multiplatform mapping

11 Swinon Travl Choics is a. million, thr an a half yar projct fun by th UK Dpartmnt for Transport s Local Sustainabl Transport Fun. Th projct aims to support th rgnration an growth of Swinon by implmnting a packag of masurs targt at incrasing th numbr of popl who travl to work by sustainabl mos (walking, cycling, public transport, car sharing or not travlling at all, such as working from hom). Str Davis Glav is working closly with Swinon Borough Council to vlop an intgrat print an onlin mapping rsourc for th projct. Th brif rquir consistnt mapping across platforms an th clint was kn to involv local popl to crow sourc bik an walk routs in th Borough. To achiv this w slct Opn Strt Map, th Wikipia of mapping, as our map atabas an train Swinon Council staff in th basics of OSM ata iting. W thn facilitat workshops with th Council an th local public to bik racks, cycl lans, shops tc. Th upat ntwork has bn us as th bas for thir nw print an intractiv cycl maps an also provis cycl routing ata for journy planning. Moifications to th map will automatically upat onlin (such as th ition of a nw cycl lan), an th print map will b upat an print quartrly. Th apprch opt for Swinon is grounbraking in its us of opn an crow sourc ata for both print an onlin information. Th wbsit will b launch in January 203.

12 m Public Transport Information Systm ATAC S.p.A. Travl information an mapping softwar vlopmnt This mapping solution wll xcs our xpctations an compltly changs th natur of our work...

13 Str Davis Glav vlop m s first intgrat public transport information systm for ATAC, th local transport oprator, in 7. Th original projct livr a suit of passngr information proucts, a nw hous styl an support for th st up of an intrnal sign partmnt. Howvr, with a growing prouct rang an ruc bugts prouction tims an costs wr bcoming significant. Th complxity of th transport ntwork an th frquncy of srvic changs mant that maintaining th ol proucts was an nlss task. Th nw systm constituts a ramatic partur from th lgacy procsss without compromising on graphic quality or lgibility. Th nw systm links irctly into th clint s gographic atast to ynamically upat th bas mapping with ata rlat to bus, rail, tram an Mtro srvics is sourc irctly from th oprations partmnt an ovrlai on th bas. This procss almost ntirly rmovs th n for manual intrvntion an has compltly chang th way th partmnt can oprat. Proucing an upat city bus map now taks minuts inst of hours or vn ays. Th systm is highly flxibl, proviing simpl functions to support th prouction of bspok an on-off outputs. Staff hav bn rlas from rptitiv manual activitis that ominat thir tim an can icat mor nrgy to quality control an crating targt information to bttr mt th ns of all passngrs. Outputs inclu: Bas map application an map tmplats for th full prouct suit at multipl scals from A laflts to 900mm x 900mm panls in stations City wi map Schmatic rail an mtro map Local ara plans for all Mtro stations Local ara plans for all main bus intrchangs Srvic spcific maps Staff training

14 Public Transport Information Systm Dun, Scotlan Intractiv mapping, journy planning, ntwork mapping, at-stop information, stop flag, intractiv kiosks, at stop auio, transport information portal, ynamic partur isplays. Scottish Transport Awar for Bst Information Str Davis Glav l th vlopmnt, supply an install of a groun braking packag of public transport information an rlat harwar for th City of Dun as part of th Scottish Transport awar winning Bringing Confinc into Public Transport projct (BCPT). Projct partnrs RSL Kiosks TravlInfo Systms

15 Th Public Transport Information Systm (PTIS) forms th cor of th BCPT projct that inclus bspok shltr signs for city cntr bus intrchangs, ynamic bus partur isplays, intractiv on-strt information kiosks with intgrat intractiv mapping an journy planning (also availabl through th intrnt), high quality print information, city-wi ral tim information, mobil journy planning an partur information. Th journy plannr functionality was fin through comprhnsiv focus groups with th local population an signs wr fin tun through xtnsiv local usr tsting. Th vctorbas mapping livr samlss an fully scalabl xploration of th city. Bus stops or points of intrst slct via th intractiv map isplay information such as stop nam, nxt thr ral tim bus parturs an stop facilitis, allowing usrs irct accss to ral tim information from thir sktop. Information points on th intrchang shltrs ar fitt with smart car triggr auio bus partur mssags for local visually impair usrs. A papr information stratgy supports th onlin rsourcs. A schmatic map of th city s bus ntwork forms th basis of a comprhnsiv systm of at-stop print information implmnt at all bus stops in Dun. Dun PTIS was awar Bst Information Projct at th 200 Scottish Transport Awars crmony in Einburgh an has sinc won a numbr of othr prstigious national awars.

16 Lonon Borough of Southwark Cambrwll Local ara map, pockt gui an intractiv map. Th Lonon Borough of Southwark, commission Str Davis Glav to sign a map of th Cambrwll ara to promot incras walking an cycling. Th map s focus was on proviing intrsting an usful information about th ara, its facilitis an srvics. Th solution was appli to both print an onlin mia. Elphant & Castl (35 mins) pton B Brunswick Park Cambrwll Lisur Cntr J ph so n St r t v La Gro al s Clo E R 3 k Wal th Walk continus ovrlaf 3 Evsham ins n orn Slb 5m s w c Pla Hill Walk continus ovrlaf M nc Da n All 0, 2 68, 76 85, on Ribb fil Dnmark Y Kr Lov Walk , K nn ing Walk continus ovrlaf au R li uc Th los H am lt Cla ph am Hill mark ill Cl hbor ough Park Springh rn F Loug Dn Brixton (20 mins) local ara map B Collg Club Unrgroun Station Suprmarkt Bar/Pub Train Station Local Shop Rstaurant Cycl Shop Café D Val Bus Stop Playgroun Willif Walk st Ea Public Car Park rov Grov Tnnis Courts Hospital G ich ulw Cycl Stans 5 6 Coorinat by SEA/Rnu, Projct partnrs: Cambrwll Travl Plan Group Walks vlop by: Elanor Margolis Dsign by Str Davis Glav, Print on 00% rcycl papr, FSC crtifi. WHITECHAPEL CITY OF LONDON in a hous on Dnmark Hill, Mnlssohn wrot Cambrwll Grn, a song without wors for th piano. Th pic (latr rnam Spring Song ) was us wily in silnt films to accompany scns showing a amsl in istrss. Wagnr was anothr visitor. Th Platans, Champion Hill: Th sol survivor of thr gran mansions blonging to th Klinworth mrchant banking family. Now part of King s Collg Lonon. Lov Walk: Th ol brick wall visibl to th south is th bounary of th country stat of th D Crspigny family. Thy wr Frnch Protstants (known as Hugunots) who mov to Englan in 685 to scap prscution. Dnmark : Karl Marx stay hr brifly with Grman frins whn h first arriv in Lonon. Mint library: In 770, Hughs Mint, of Hugunot origin, bought this stat. In 889, his philanthropic scnant, William Mint, onat th lan to crat Myatt s Fils. Local strt nams such as Calais an Cormont mark th family s origins. A plaqu on th wall at 325 Cambrwll Nw rcors that Otto Bnck hlp to rais subscriptions to ropn a public ispnsary hr in 880. km ½ mil HOLBORN Pckham Ry ill lh Thatr Post Offic Immigration Walk t shir Str Wilt Hill Towars Clapham, Balham Wansworth (50 mins) ham ll n n R n Town Hall Chmist Takaway n lr Launrtt pio This mapping is bas upon Ornanc Survy matrial with th prmission of th Controllr of Hr Majsty s Stationry Offic. Crown Copyright. Unauthoris rprouction infrings crown copyright an may l to proscution or civil procings. Lonon Borough of Southwark, (0) East Dulwich Station Hil Library am gk rn Cycl ut ill Church Hotl Ch EAST DULWICH l nc nh rto An Shaks par a own Blanch h ort w ng B Nor Acla n R ay thw n Km rto c Crs nt n on Railt nr Fin s Art Gallry/Stuio 2 Towars Hrn Hill (0 mins) Bank 3 Do H Cash Machin/ATM B n ill For an intractiv vrsion of this map plas visit: or King s Collg Hall Early immigration to Cambrwll Ruskin Park: Whil staying with th Bnck family 2 a v L Gro h nh ll R ill Us this map to fin what you n locally, thn mayb walk or cycl to gt thr. Whrvr you visit w hop you njoy th xprinc an iscovr som of Cambrwll s hin gms. BRIXTON an lavnr k np n 6 Community Orchar: Fruit trs an bushs, rosmary Pckham High Strt 7 Cambrwll Grn Ruskin Park La 5 Caspian Strt allotmnts Pckham Puls a 2 m Cha Ara covr by map ovrlaf pio am kn Bic H rn Thr ar many local rstaurants, pubs an cafs to suit all tasts an othr facilitis inclu a mix of classic high strt shops an srvics, an intrsting small inpnnt businsss. With th art collg narby, th ara has a booming arts cultur, supporting thr gallris, two thatrs an a sason of opn stuios an arts fstivals throughout th yar. Ch Hill H Lovly Cambrwll Grn is wll known, but th ara also bsts a numbr of othr attractiv grn spacs, incluing St Gils Churchyar, Scaux Garns an Ruskin Park. You can visit all of ths through our natur walks. ur rbo ha l Co Brixton Station Pck oug bor Dnmark Sunial bria Cam Cambrwll is a plac with a vivi history an a vari an fascinating community. Evrything you n is right on your oorstp an this map shoul hlp you fin it. Why not tak som tim to visit som of th sights an souns Cambrwll has to offr or xplor a nw strt? Wyck Garns Pckha m Bllnn gh Lou On this map you will fin an abunanc of intrsting an usful information about Cambrwll an th surrouning ara. South Lonon Gallry Warwick Garns pio Loughborough Junction Station all ovr th worl Lucas Garns 3 Dnmark Hill Station Bowling Grn an ozns of Sunay football gams 3 Chumligh Garns: Wall garns with plants from Aington Squar Hill ar bri Cambrwll local ara map 3 th rout of th ol canal btwn thrhith ocks an Walworth 2 Burgss Park: A larg lak with ivrs fish an wilfowl, 5 v Gro m Ca SE5 AREA Walk B: Pckham to Cambrwll Grn via Burgss Park Lak Pckham Squar: Th lafy Surry Canal walk follows Cambrwll Collg of Arts 6 CAMBERWELL K 8 5 Wlcom to th Brunswick Park 7 Camb rwll Church Strt Myatt Fils pion 6 Southam pto nw ay Cambrwll Grn am Ch Tnnis Courts Brixton 3 t Southwark Collg rm Hrn Hill (30 mins) St r 5 Dnmark uth w ll 2 rw ll N J w Ak 00 mtrs Mostyn Garns Ky to symbols on rvrs Walk continus ovrlaf 8 K So 2, 68, 68 Ruskin Park an un Dnmark Hill Station E m nr Sum b l Vass c Pla 7 This mapping is bas upon Ornanc Survy matrial with th prmission of th Controllr of Hr Majsty s Stationry Offic. Crown Copyright. Unauthoris rprouction infrings crown copyright an may l to proscution or civil procings. Lonon Borough of Southwark, (0) Way Strt Havil Ca m pi Cham r wy Bo nr a gh rl rr rk on Pa u Va ou rb ha Co l ou Blu Elphant Thatr rb St Gorgs I so King s Collg Hospital J Ha alk rw 0, 76 85, 8 King s Collg Lonon Wston Eucation Cntr Cambrwll willif Walk A: Ruskin Park to Brunswick Park Ruskin Park: Unusual trs, a pon with moorhns, mallars an gs, viws ovr Lonon 2 Canning Cross footpath: Btwn Sir Gorg Canning pub an 2 an Cambrwll Grov 3 Churchyar Passag St Gils Churchyar 5 Lucas Garns 6 Footpath through Voltair block of flats to Scaux Garns 7 Brunswick Park Burgss Park Jo Win o B Str nt R kr b rr m ss Walks K t kin s Ru hn Cambrwll a m tco Cu 35, A&E 2 Alb H Knnington Park Oval Station Cambrwll Th Oval Lak any o bro low Wil an ti n V 9 35, 5 35 Mausly Hospital 2, 68, 68 Walk continus ovrlaf Pa rk ton S t Str ury R nt v Ba Ol KENNINGTON W King s Collg E Lonon Institut of Psychiatry 0, 2 68, 76 85, 68 8 nb l Co ur rbo ha K H ot c yc r off G n La Towars Elphant & Castl (5mins) Rivr Thams (0 mins) Trafalgar Av R Knnington Station N l Ca an los pi Crs Towars Pckham ( 5 mins) Nunh (20 mins) rk Pa gny D Cl. or Harb n ark nm D Pl 35, 5 35 xm s w k Lov Wal Colharbour G F M c s Gra Frn hbull r a orn w Lo F t Str ar wfo Cra urt s Co m M t scn C us lm Va wl l Ga East Dulwich (5 mins) Knatc Cr l vil n Da Arm Balwin Orph s Y nrs a D St Gils Church Joi ilk ark 35 M on Wils v Gro ll brw Cam Dnm E t Butt rfly Wal Shop k arca ping l ion brw ll Cam Polic Station 3 h Str R arn W Pl Cambrw ll Churc n Wr M c ow all D Datch lor 2, 36 7, , 0 2, 5 l Glb Cambrwl St Gils Youth Cntr Plac 2, 36 7, fi Stat Cambrwll Grn Artichok Kr Pckham (20 mins) 2, 8 7, 76 68, 68 Vicarag Grov Camb rrac r Vicarag Grov ll rw Passag Kim n T Walk continus ovrlaf w Sta tio C 8 35, 0 2, 5 N rw ll lan Clos Don Ph Harvy b n wll Gr Cambr ov ty Gr Coun Ca m a wll br Cam S B A Clos r a D ynsfo E Bnhill chlor Mary Dat Mornington Mws N W 8 Walk continus ovrlaf Cambrwll Magistrats Court Mlar Strt on R Elmingt 5 Milkwoo Co m 2 t Str Sansom Oval (5 mins) b rg F rov cambrwll2/ POPLAR Jun 2007 Public Toilts SE5FFOR CAMBERWELL RUM SOUTHWARK DOCKLANDS LAMBETH PECKHAM STOCKWELL GREENWICH Cambrwll E E S S W W N N Al rton

17 Thank you

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Reinforcement Plan. Day 27 Month 03 Year 2015

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Reglamento de D i v er s i ones y E s p ec tá c u los P ú b li c os Ayuntamiento Constitucional de Zapotlanejo 2007-2009 e n t e M u n i c i Z a t n e j o, J a o, a h a t a n t e m u n i c i o h a g o

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

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/ INSCRIPCIÓN / / REGISTRATION S / c a m p u s d e v e r a n o v a l e n c i a 1 c a m p u s d e v e r a n o v a l e n c i a / INSCRIPCIÓN / / REGISTRATION S / / CAMPUS DE VERANO 2017 / / SUMMER CAMP 2017 / c a m p u s d e v e r a n o v

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Veirs Mill Road Line. Serves these locations- Brinda servicio a estas ubicaciones

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Nombre Clase Fecha. committee has asked a volunteer to check off the participants as they arrive.

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Kehakuma London present a 12 hour session with the most exciting vanguardist dance music talent of the moment.

Kehakuma London present a 12 hour session with the most exciting vanguardist dance music talent of the moment. Kehakuma Saturday 25 Place: London - (UK) Time: 10:00 Club: Fire E-Mail address: Apollonia, Dan Ghenacia, Dyed Soundorom, Shonky, Javi Bora, Johnny Bloomfi Category: KEHAKUMA Additional Information: PARTY

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