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1 TBS News The Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation Newsletter Miami Beach. July 2010 In This Edition: HAPPY GRADUATION DAY! President Message P. 3 Rabbi s Message P. 4 Montessori School P. 5 Women s League P. 6,7 Social Events P. 8 Middle East P. 9 Sección en Español P.18,19 Birthdays & Anniversaries P. 21 Card Donations P. 22 Yarzeit Donations P. 23 Dear Graduates The brightest and the best of 2010 We have watched you grow, play and learn throughout the years. Today is a very exciting day as it is your Graduation Day. May this be the beginning of a world of opportunities for you as you go forward to a new school in the fall. Wishing you and your family the joys of seeing all your dreams come true. We will continue watching you as you grow and continue to be part of our family and our community. MONTESSORI SCHOOL TEMPLE BETH SHMUEL EDITORIAL THE INTERNET AND I by Salomon Gold He who adds not to his learning diminishes it. The Talmud I don t know who invented the Internet. Al Gore once made that claim, but I don t think he did, but whoever did it, I am still not sure whether he or she did me a good service or not. I will explain why. page 9 SECCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL ISRAEL Y LAS FLOTILLAS por Carlos Alberto Montaner Page: 19

2 Page 2 TROPICAL NIGHT 2010 Dedicated to Isaac Olemberg s 80th Birthday Sunday, August 22nd, 2010 at 6:00 PM Olemberg Ballroom 1701 Lenox Avenue. Miami Beach, FL Featuring i áàt TÄxzÜx UtÇw Guayabera Attire Dance The Night Away * Buffet Dinner Donation: $65.00 Per Person For reservations call Temple Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. Temple Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Sunday thru Tuesday 7:30 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El Wednesday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. & Saturdays 9:15 a.m. at Temple Beth Shmuel 1700 Michigan Avenue. Miami Beach, FL Phone: (305) / Fax: (305) s: contact@cubanhebrew.com / bethshmuel@bellsouth.net Printed at the Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc. c All rights reserved TBS - News Editors: Avi Ashkenazi Tere Ben-Hain Ofelia Ruder Graphics and design: Avi Ashkenazi

3 PRESIDENT MESSAGE Page 3 As I sit to write this article for our Temple Bulletin, I cannot help in reflecting on the many incredible events that have created so many emotions during the last few days. Just last week, the US swapped 10 Russian spies living in suburban NY for 4 US agents in Russia. Lebron James created full front-page news in our local press when he decided to play for the Miami Heat and in the process will save the 7% personal income tax he had to pay in Cleveland, a huge savings on his supposed $100 million for 5 years salary. Apple came out with the new 4G iphone, sold out on the first day and now are finding multiple reception problems. Haiti, after six months of their horrible earthquake, still has not received the promised funds for their recovery and people are still living in deplorable conditions. President Obama received Prime Minister Netanyahu with honors, in contrast to their previous recent meeting. The new flotilla did not go to Gaza, Chavez continues his attack on the press, and yesterday, on a magnificent game, Spain won the Soccer World Cup defeating Netherlands 1 0. All of the above received ample coverage in all type of media. But some events, of equal or perhaps more importance, for they deal with freedom, honor, liberty, human lives, were not reported anywhere. For instance, last June 16th, 9/11 families together with people from India, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Africa, Iran and Europe held a rally to show opposition to the building of a mega-mosque at Ground Zero. The crowd was estimated from 5,000 to 10,000. The sponsor of the rally is an organization named Stop Islamization of America and stated, It is unconscionable to build a shrine to the very ideology that inspired the jihads attacks on Ground Zero. One of their placards read Building a Mosque at Ground Zero is like building a memorial to Hitler at Auschwitz. Why the silence of the media? Is it fear of Islamic reprisals or is it a deep anti-semitism? In the meantime, and amid all that is happening around us, we continue in our aim of making our Temple Beth Shmuel, Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, a place where religious observance is provided but also cultural and social activities can be found. We are proud of the program of events provided by our Cultural Committee, all of which were well attended, and we plan to continue improving the program. Our Montessori School continues to enjoy recognition for its education as evident by its full capacity enrollment and parents approval. We are now starting preparation for the coming High Holidays, and I am sure Rabbi Chizever, Cantor Texon and Rabbi Malka will make this one a memorable one. We do have one problem that should not exist. I am referring to collections. For reasons that I cannot understand, many members do not pay their debt, as they should. We do send out monthly statements as a reminder but it does not seem to have effect. As it is easily understood, these delinquencies are of great concern and cause, on occasions, cash flow difficulties. If you are one of those in arrears, please send us your payment. Every member of our Board tries to do their best for our Temple, we ask you to do the same. Salomon Gold President Americans Stand Up Against Radical Islam in New York - We Will Not Submit! On Sunday, June 6th, a multi-ethnic, multi-racial coalition of Americans opposed to Islamic violence and intolerance rallied at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. Crowd estimates ranged from 5,000 (NYPD) to 10,000. "Ground Zero is a war memorial, Ground Zero is a burial ground. We are asking for sensitivity. It is unconscionable to build a shrine to the very ideology that inspired the jihadist attacks at Ground Zero, right there. We are asking the imam Rauf and Daisy Khan to be sensitive. For mutual respect and mutual understanding that is demanded of us every day". "It's almost nine years. I'm hoping that America is watching. I'm hoping that America is remembering. Because, make no mistake. September 11 was an act of war. And thank the military that has lost almost 5,000 troops from that day, defending us. I don't know what to say to jar America 's memory. I want America to remember."

4 Page 4 FROM RABBI S DESK Tisha B av 2010 There is that famous old Jewish saying,.until Tisha B av. Well, Tisha B av (the 9th of Av) is just around the corner. This holiday basically comes out of nowhere, always occurring during the middle of the summer. Though Tisha B av might not be the most widely celebrated of holidays, its many lessons should not be forgotten, especially the ones we can learn from the destruction of the Temple. The Temple was the focal point of Jewish worship. Through the sacrificial cult that was carried out there, Jews expressed their love and devotion to God. The Rambam, Moses Maimonides, wrote in his Guide for the Perplexed, It is impossible to go suddenly from one extreme to the other; the nature of man will not allow him suddenly to discontinue everything to which he has been accustomed for to obey such a commandment would have been contrary to the nature of man, who generally clings to that to which he is used. So when the Temple was suddenly destroyed by the Romans in 70 c.e., the sacrificial cult came to an abrupt end, and thus a major problem arose how was a Jew going to worship God? Because according to the Rambam, it is contrary to man s nature that he should abandon a mode of worship [the sacrifices] in which he is comfortable. In light of this tragedy, the rabbis immediately transformed the mode of worship: prayer replaced sacrifice. Through prayer, NOT sacrifice, Jews celebrated the supremacy and unity of God. In fact, we declare that statement of faith two times a day through the recitation of the shema Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad! Hear, Oh, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One! And just as the sacrifices were carried out with devotion and sincerity, so should our prayer. The prophets frequently rebuked their fellow constituents for being over zealous and insincere in bringing their sacrifices. The prophet Samuel declared, Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen better than the fat of rams. This Tisha B av, we should remember what the Temple represented: devotion, faith, and sincerity all directed towards God. The same should hold true in regards to our own prayer: it needs to be recited with sincerity, fervor, and zeal. And most importantly, we should always remember that real, heartfelt prayer does not come out of a book, but from our hearts! Rabbi Richard S. Chizever TO ALL OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: We would like again to stress the importance of having a daily minyan. Your attendance is vital in order to provide our congregants with the opportunity to honor the memory of family and friends. Thank you for your cooperation

5 MONTESSORI SCHOOL Page 5 It has been a year filled with many academic achievements, social awareness, charitable Mitzvah Projects, global awareness, Judaic Programs, community involvements and the celebration of holidays. It has been a great year! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR KINDERGARTEN GRADUATES Viktoria Callegher, Oliver Diskin, Daniella Giron, Joshua Hoppenstein, Alex Kalvarskiy, Ryan McQuagge, Eden Singer, Lauren Sragowicz IT S TIME TO SAY GOOD-BYE TO CANTOR MORDECHAI The Montessori School staff and especially the children would like to say thank you for all the wonderful years you have shared in our Shabbat program. We wish you much happiness wherever you are going and know that we will miss you. Please come back and visit us soon. WHAT TIME IS IT? SUMMER TIME Many smiles, laughter and especially excited campers have once again filled the Montessori Camp. We are very excited to welcome many new campers. It s time to get wet, as they experience water activities. It s time to get colorful from head to toe, as they enjoy arts & crafts. Campers will be busy with karate, yoga, cooking, music and Shabbat.

6 Page 6 WOMEN S LEAGUE Message from the Women s League by Tere Ben-Hain Shabbat Celebrations were held in our sanctuary for both Mother s Day and Father s Day and a beautiful program of poems and songs was organized by our Chairlady, Tete Wenguer, for both events. A wonderful Kiddush luncheon was prepared by our lovely ladies and enjoyed by everyone in our congregation. Our Annual Luncheon was held in May in our cocktail room and enjoyed by a big crowd of women in our community. Our raffle was a huge success with our top 3 winners: Janet Schiff Rosita Gorfinkel Flora Osin Prize # p LCD HDTV Prize # 2 Flip Ultra Camcorder 4 GB of memory Prize # 3 Jewelry donated by Phoenix Jewelry Emerald Caterers, who prepared the menu for our luncheon, have been apologetic about the taste and overall preparation of the food. These circumstances were beyond Women s League control and we are working for a no-repeat next time. We are now in the summer months and the ladies of the Women s League take a break to recharge their energy and return in full force for the High Holidays. We will be preparing Food Packages for the Needy for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur and we will be sending our annual letter to request donations. We hope that you will all participate and extend your support in this great Mitzvah. We will also be offering a Slichot Dinner on Saturday, September 4th, and a Break-the-Fast Dinner on Saturday, September 18th. Please come and join us for both occasions. For reservations, please call the office. WOMEN S LEAGUE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON

7 Page 7

8 Page 8 SOCIAL EVENTS OUR CONCERT SERIES - FIRST CONCERT Our 2nd Concert Season was off to a great start with a wonderfully honest and compelling performance by La Catrina String Quartet giving the audience the opportunity to appreciate their tremendous talent, infectious personalities and to understand why they have been hailed by Yo Yo Ma as wonderful ambassadors for music. We were able to enjoy a combination of a Classical masterpiece by Hayden and a blend of work with Latin American, Mexican and Cuban Spanish flavors by composers Arias y Luna, Eduardo Bamboa, Javier Alvarez, Ginastera and De Falla. Our great pianist and founding Artistic Director, Dr. Paul Posnak, accompanied them in a few of the pieces of their repertoire. It was a very entertaining and pleasant afternoon enjoyed by a very responsive audience that concluded with a very animated reception with the artists. Be on the lookout for our upcoming announcements on our next concert in October! Oscar Sklar, Chairman of the Cuban Hebrew Concert Series EL CIRCULO TURNS 50!!!! Come celebrate with us all year long 2011 is the year to be festive and share all the memories of our beautiful home The Cuban Hebrew Congregation Temple Beth Shmuel better known as El Circulo. Stand-By for events throughout the year marking this important milestone in our lives.

9 EDITORIAL Page 9 THE INTERNET AND I I don t know who invented the Internet. Al Gore once made that claim, but I don t think he did, but whoever did it, I am still not sure whether he or she did me a good service or not. I will explain why. Now, because of the internet, I spend more than half of my working hours searching, reading, playing or traveling through the internet. Let me clarify that statement by stating or rather, by not stating, how many hours of my day are working hours or in what other occupation I would be wasting those working hours. But that is another story, so let's keep with the Internet. I usually get up early, pick up my local paper and read it, always starting with the sport pages and ending with the puzzles. Actually, I only read the headlines. Then, I immediately go to my IMAC, open Goggle and look for the news that are more up to date than yesterday's paper news. Then read, still on the net, I glance at newspapers like NYT or LA Times where the news I have just read on Goggle came from, then go to sites like Drudge, Huffington, Salon, Politico or Slate that comment on the same news I have just read several times. The thing that bothers me most is that I tend to forget most of the news I spent so much time reading. Did I mention messages or better called s. Well, I get them from friends, people I know, people I once knew, people I don t know, and from people I don t know if I want to know I receive s from stores, travel agencies, airlines, magazines, newspapers, and so forth. I receive from the Wall Street Journal and from Morningstar stock market news three times a day, morning, noon and evening. If you think I read all of this, I don t. I don t have the time to read them all, so I delete them. Friends send me all kind of information, how to live a better life, or how to improve my self-esteem or how to be nice to other people. If those who send those messages would practice what they send, we would surely live in a better world. Some messages come with a warning that if I don t return to sender or send to 10 other people, catastrophic bad things are going to happen to me. I don t follow their advice and delete the message. So far, by Salomon Gold I have been fortunate that nothing bad has happened to me. Messages I like and save are jokes. I read them all, the good, the bad and the ones I cannot repeat to my grandchildren. I plan to put them in a book when I have time to do so and that will happen when I stop wasting my time on the Internet. Now, don t get me wrong. If it looks like I am complaining, I am not. When I travel, I make my plans and arrangements thru the internet. When I want to make reservations at a restaurant, hotel, auto, or find a show or movie, or find the meaning of a word or even file an article for later re-read, I use the internet. Luckily, it is one of the few things in life that still does not have a tax. If you are one of those who sends me s, please don t stop, keep on sending them even if you now know I delete them without reading. The fact is that receiving so many electronic mails is the best medicine for the ego. It makes one feel wanted, not alone in the world. TO PLACE AN AD IN THIS NEWSLETTER, CONTACT OFELIA. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY: 7:30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. PH: (305) EXT. 105 TBS News reserves the right to choose all materials for publication and distribution. IF YOU WANT TO CONTACT US BY YOU CAN DO IT NOW!! OUR ADDRESS IS: bethshmuel@bellsouth.net OR VISIT OUR WEB PAGE: ANY SUGGESTION OR COMMENT IS WELCOME!!!

10 Page 10 With great pride, we congratulate our dear grandchildren Callie Berta Brett William on their B nai Mitzvah We share our happiness with our children Kenneth & Eileen granddaughter Andie Our wishes are for a future where all your dreams will come true. Mazal Tov! With love, the Hochmans Abuelo Kiki Abuela Rosa Uncle Steven

11 Page 11 Mazal Tov on their engagement to my dear grandchildren Stuart Weissman to Ashley Beckwitt and Richard Weissman to Ashley Simon and parents Aida & Charles Weissman Congratulations to `tà{xã _xüåtç on his graduation from college with honors with a Business Administration Degree and parents Jorge & Renee Lerman may all their dreams, one by one be realized! Love, grandmother (Babi) Luisa Lerman Congratulations to Uxv~ç ^ÉuÜÉãá~ VÉ{xÇ for being appointed to the Quality Education Committee Board in the City of Miami Beach

12 Page 12 We would like to thank our family and friends who joined us in celebrating Isaac s 80th Birthday for their donations and best wishes. Abraham & Sima Baikovitz Oscar Baisman Alberto & Esther Bejar William & Esther Belfer Dr. Bernardo & Ricky Benes Rosita Berenthal Jacobo & Anita Blachar Oscar & Rosita Boruchin Norman & Irma Braman Simon & Becky Cohen Carlos & Fanny Dascal David & Perla Egozi Steven & Donna Feig Sabeto Garazi Salomon & Esther Garazi Salomon & Cila Gold Raul & Rosita Gorfinkel Felicia Gorodetzky Sergio & Sofia Grobler Guta Huppert Salomon & Bertha Jove Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel Ralph & Pearl Kier Ruben & Cheryl Kloda Daniel & Marcia Kokiel Moises & Lidia Kriger Nicolas & Clotilde O. Lazo William Lehman, Jr. Luis R. Martinez Marta Olchyk Moises & Lola Order Bernardo & Anita Perelmuter Jerome & Hildine Potashnick Moises & Susy Rapport Sarita Resnick Rosita Rok Ofelia Ruder Abraham Samuels Michael & Raquel Scheck Stephen & Rochelle Schwartz Prof. Ysrael & Fanny Seinuk Oscar & Anita Sklar Isaac & Berta Sklar Leon & Clara Srebrenik Ben Volpe & Raquel Maiman Salomon & Mary Terner David & Elena Weck Jose & Olga Weiss Manuel & Hilda Zaiac May we always share happiness and good health throughout the wonderful years ahead. Isaac & Nieves Olemberg and family

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14 Page 14 We congratulate our daughter-in-law, Janet Kredi-Oberstein, on opening her own accounting and tax law practice. Her degrees in accounting, law and business, as well as her sharp mind and personal grace, are assets that will serve her clients well. We are extremely proud of her accomplishments and wish her great success. Dr. Samuel and Alicia Oberstein Janet Kredi-Oberstein Certified Public Accountant Attorney at Law JKO Professional Services, LLC 9404 SW 88 Place Miami, FL Phone: (305)

15 Page 15 We congratulate our son Ari on opening the only Jewish-owned independent funeral home in Miami-Dade County, and we are proud of his dedication to serving the Community in this way. Dr. Samuel and Alicia Oberstein

16 Page 16 A Yahrzeit plate in memory of Anita Wainrib z l has been placed in our chapel by family & friends Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Berta Bernstein Eli & Linda Bick Jaime & Julia Borenstein Miguel & Silvia Brazlavsky Nancy Brook Mario & Polita Chyzyk Simon & Becky Cohen Eva Don Isaac & Dora Epelbaum Manuel & Sofia Garmizo Thanks to: Morris & Bertha Geltman Evelio & Caridad Gonzalez Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel Alberto & Gisela Lusky Meyer & Ita Oleksnianski Joseph & Aida Roisman Samy & Gladys Sapayo Oscar & Anita Sklar Carlos & Miriam Waserstein Tete Wenguer The family of Anita Wainrib z"l Would like to thank all our dear family and friends for all the donations, and for the sponsoring of the Shiva in her memory. We thank Samuel Chilerowicz for his donation to our Synagogue in honor of Jacques Malka & Marcos Kerbel She will be in our hearts forever! Lilia Wainrib Pinknowski Rosita & Raul Gorfinkel & family Eva & Martin Friedman & family for their eulogy and help during the passing of his dear sister Eugenia Dubelman z"l

17 Page 17 We thank our family and friends for their cards and donations in memory of our beloved husband, father and grandfather Gregory (Guito) Waksman z l Perez & Zoila Altman Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Abraham & Eugenia Berezdivin Carlos & Lydia Don Marcos A. & Fanny Kerbel Daniel & Marcia Kokiel Luisa Lerman Bertha Rabinovich Jose & Haya Reiser Joseph & Aida Roisman Ofelia Ruder Frida Sapoznik Lazaro & Anita Sapoznik Faña Treibich Carlos & Miriam Waserstein Tete Wenguer Martha Zeisel Maria Waksman Benjamin & Dottie Waksman Sergio & Karen Waksman Albert & Susan Waksman and families We were blessed to have his wisdom and gentleness. He was a role model for all of us.

18 Page 18 SECCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL ISRAEL Y LAS FLOTILLAS por Carlos Alberto Montaner El barco Rachel Corrie, como se preveía, fue abordado por los comandos israelíes y llevado al puerto de Ashdod. Antes de la operación lo conminaron a retirarse o dirigirse voluntariamente a territorio hebreo. Los judíos no podían hacer otra cosa. Si lo dejaban llegar a Gaza vendrían otros, y otros, hasta que se produjera una verdadera catástrofe. Dentro de la torcida lógica de los extremistas islámicos no hay acto éticamente más valioso que el martirio. El propósito no es abastecer a los habitantes de Gaza sino generar un conflicto, llamar la atención, subrayar la imagen de un Israel perverso que acogota a los pobres palestinos y, si se puede, ascender al cielo a reunirse con las hurís de cejas negras para gozar mil años de la incombustible virginidad de estas complacientes muchachas prometidas por el Corán. Lula da Silva aseguró que Israel no tenía derecho a hacer lo que hizo y habló de un ``bombardeo'' israelí a la flotilla. Ecuador llamó a consultas a su embajador. Nicaragua rompió relaciones con Israel. Hugo Chávez, que ya lo había hecho, al igual que Evo Morales, lo maldijo en un tono airado y aseguró que un comando de la Mosad intentaba matarlo. ( No será un comando de la Organización Contra la Estupidez Humana?). El gobierno de Raúl Castro se apresuró a condenar enérgicamente al Estado hebreo. Israel tiene un gravísimo problema de comunicación. Para mucha gente, haga lo que haga: es culpable aunque demuestre su inocencia. Es el único Estado del planeta que no tiene derecho a defenderse. Sus e nemigos siempre esperan que se deje aplastar dócilmente. Por qué? Porque los elementos antidemocráticos, especialmente a la izquierda del espectro político, mezclando antisemitismo, antisionismo y antieconomía libre en el mismo odio profundo y visceral, lo han convertido en el enemigo perfecto. No ven el asombroso desarrollo técnico y científico del país, ni sus libertades, ni sus instituciones democráticas. Para ellos, Israel sólo es la punta de lanza de Estados Unidos y del capitalismo en el Medio Oriente. El antiisraelismo hoy es una ideología, como en el pasado lo fue el antisemitismo. Por eso quieren destruirlo. Y lo intentan. Desde el santuario de Gaza, Hamás ha lanzado cientos de obuses, cohetes y misiles contra las poblaciones israelíes. No son acciones realizadas por palestinos incontrolables, sino actos planeados por la jefatura del grupo terrorista. De ahí que era muy importante inspeccionar las mercancías que entran en el país: podrían traer pertrechos de guerra. El Derecho Internacional Humanitario, de acuerdo con lo que establece el epígrafe 98 del Manual de San Remo - documento que regula este tipo de conflicto marítimo--, justifica claramente la acción israelí: ``Podrán ser capturadas las naves mercantes de las que se tengan motivos razonables para creer que violan el bloqueo. Las naves mercantes que, tras previa intimación, ofrezcan manifiestamente resistencia a su captura podrán ser atacadas". Exactamente lo que temía el gobierno israelí: muchos de los activistas humanitarios (no todos) eran, realmente, u n i n s t r u m e n t o d e desestabilización y un brazo de apoyo de Hamas, la siniestra organización terrorista que controla la franja de Gaza. Por eso los jefes de la operación se negaban a utilizar el transporte terrestre ofrecido por Israel. Por eso, y porque se trataba, en verdad, de una operación de propaganda basada en la presunción de que los israelíes, presionados por la opinión pública, no se atreverían a utilizar la violencia para detenerlos, lo que les permitió abrigar la fantasía de imaginarse el arribo de la flotilla a algún puerto de Gaza en medio de los vítores de la población palestina. Cuáles son las opciones de Israel? No hay muchas. Mientras Gaza sea un feudo de Hamas, a Israel no le queda más remedio que aceptar que se trata de un enemigo empeñado en destruirlo. A partir de esa melancólica realidad tiene que forjar su estrategia defensiva hasta que otros palestinos moderados consigan desplazar del poder a l o s e x t r e m i s t a s, e s t é n dispuestos a convivir en paz con sus vecinos judíos y c o n s t r u y a n u n E s t a d o sosegado y pacífico. Es cuestión de perseverancia. Afortunadamente, esa es una virtud que abunda en el pueblo hebreo. Les tomó dos mil años regresar a Jerusalén. Y ahí están. Publicado por Firmas Press. Cortesía de Orientemedio.net para TBS News.

19 Page 19 EL TRISTE FINAL DE UNA CARRERA PERIODISTICA por Armando Gonzalez Helen Thomas, de 89 años, l a decana del cu erpo periodístico que cubre la Casa Blanca, renunció como columnista sindicada de Hearst Newspapers en medio de una controversia creada por comentarios hechos por ella durante una entrevista filmada el mes pasado y circulada en el sitio web RabbiLIVE.com. En la entrevista, le preguntan a Thomas si tiene algun comentario sobre Israel: ``Dígale que se vayan de Palestina'', contestó. Esto suena mucho peor en el original: ``Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine''. Y añadió: ``Recuerde, esta gente [los palestinos] han sido ocupados, y esa es su tierra''. A la próxima pregunta: `` A dónde deben irse?'', Thomas contestó: ``A su casa; Polonia, Alemania, Europa en general''. En el año 2000, Helen Thomas recibió el Helen Thomas Award for Life Achievement dado por la Sociedad de Periodistas Profesionales (SPJ). Como explica el sitio web de SPJ: El premio lleva el nombre de la veterana reportera de la Casa Blanca Helen Thomas por su tenaz búsqueda de la verdad en una carrera que se extiende a casi 60 años. El Wall Street Journal, durante años, se ha referido a Helen Thomas como ``la tía vieja loca que vive en el ático del periodismo americano''. Dado los acontecimientos recientes, dejamos a criterio de los lectores cuál de las dos definiciones mejor se ajusta a la verdad. La SPJ está considerando descontinuar el premio. Kevin Smith, Presidente de SPJ, declaró a Davis Weigel, del Washington Post: ``No me inclino a descontinuarlo pero, si fueras judío y te otorgaran el premio, subirías a aceptarlo?''. Claro que lo más criticable del comentario de Kevin Smith es: ``Si fueras judío...''. No sería más acertado: ``Si fueras una persona decente...''? Es que acaso serían sólo los judíos los ofendidos? La elevación de Helen Thomas a icono liberal pudo haber comenzado la noche del 6 de marzo del 2003, cuando el presidente George W. Bush cometió el ``crimen'' de no darle oportunidad a Thomas de hacer una pregunta en la conferencia de prensa. Howard Kurtz, del Washington Post, comentó: ``Es la primera vez que la dejan plantada''. Molly Ivins, Dallas Morning News: ``El presidente Bush rompió una tradición de 43 años al no llamar a Helen Thomas. Acaso le teme a una pregunta de una mujer de 82 años?'' La realidad es que, de todas las diferencias que la administración Bush pueda haber tenido con la prensa, el ignorar a Helen Thomas es la más justificable. Originalmente reportera de United Press International, Thomas se convirtió en columnista de Hearst Newspapers, y los columnistas no acostumbran a hacer preguntas en conferencias de prensa en la Casa Blanca. Aún más importante, sus preguntas eran poco apropiadas para el foro de conferencia de prensa, así como muy poco efectivas. Es difícil imaginar qué información puede esperarse de preguntas como: `` Cree el Presidente que los palestinos tienen derecho a resistir 35 años de ocupación brutal?'' o `` Por qué estamos matando gente en Irak? Hombres, mujeres y niños están siendo matados allí. Por qué estamos allí matando gente? Es atroz''. En ocasión, histórica, de la primera conferencia de prensa del recién electo presidente George W. Bush, Thomas preguntó: ``Señor Presidente, por qué rehusa usted respetar la pared de separación entre la Iglesia y el Estado? Usted sabe que la mezcla de religión y gobierno durante siglos ha dado lugar a matanzas. Si nos ha ido bien con la separación, por qué usted la destruye?'' Parecería que la intención de Thomas era que Bush confesara su intento de establecer una teocracia americana. Debo hacer un pequeño aparte para confesar que este triste desenlace de la carrera de Helen Thomas provocada por sus torcidos comentarios sobre Israel y los judíos, causan en mí un sentimiento de respetuosa envidia de exiliado. Qué no daríamos los cubanos por el poder de reacción de la comunidad judía. Por el respeto que comandan. Decía una balada campesina de los años 60: ``No tires de la capa de Superman. No escupas contra el viento. No tires del antifaz del Llanero Solitario''. A eso yo añadiría: ``No te metas con la comunidad judía''. Es triste que Helen Thomas no haya reconocido, hace años, que había llegado la hora de dedicar sus energías, su talento, su dedicación, a otros menesteres. Que llegar a los 89 años no quiere decir que podemos hacer lo mismo que hacíamos treinta años antes. Que el prestigio que acumulamos durante nuestros años productivos podríamos d e s t r u i r c o n a c c i o n e s lamentables cuando el intelecto no nos acompaña. Que es preferible desaparecer en gloria que perpetuarnos en desgracia. Hay gente que no sabe morirse a tiempo.

20 Page 20 Congratulations to: Steven & Donna Feig & family on the birth of their granddaughter Becca Leighton. Helen Sobie, Noel & Elsa Shapiro & families on the birth of their great-grandson, Owen Taylor Rosen. The Feldenkreis & Hanono families on the B nai Mitzvah of their grandchildren Daniela and Evan Ross Hanono. William & Rosita Hochman & family on the B nai Mitzvah of their grandchildren Callie Berta & Brett William Migden. Jaime & Judith Pozo, Bemi & Sary Shafir and family on the engagement of their son & grandson Michael to Monique Goldberg. Isaac & Dora Epelbaum on their 50th wedding anniversary. Eli Budwick, Oscar Sklar, Namy Lusky & Zoila Valdes on their 70th birthdays. Isaac Olemberg on his 80th birthday. Jaime Borenstein on his 87th birthday. Moises Rapport on his 90th birthday. Thanks for your donations: Jeanette Garmizo in honor of the recovery of her husband, Jaime. Drs. Alberto & Isidoro Morjain & family for sponsoring a breakfast in honor of their mother Sarita z l. Mario Chyzyk & Simon Cohen for their donation to our synagogue. Condolences to the families of: Get Well: Raquel Atran Berman z l Clara Delaster z l Rosalia Fuchsberg z l Bernardo Gafcovich z l Bertha Glezer z l Jaime Guralnik z l Chava Lifshitz z l Mario Rembalsky z l Jacobo Rosenhoch z l Blima Shapiro z l Isaac Taubenfeld z l Anita Wainrib z l Gregory Waksman z l Bebo Bimblich Simon Cohen Mary Klocman Julia Miller Nahum Miller Jaime Pozo Etz Chaim Book Fund In Honor of June 2010 Class Reunion by The 1960 Bachillerato Graduating Class of Colegio Hebreo Centro Israelita de Cuba 1955 Classmates & Ex-Alumnos Sidur Hadash Book Fund In memory of Anita Wainrib z l Jaime Guralnik z l by Frida & Marcia Sapoznik, Fred, Sonia, Ben & Samantha Zackheim In memory of Jaime Guralnik by Salomon & Mary Terner

21 BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Page 21 JULY BIRTHDAYS Nathan Abusiewiez Samuel Amster Michael Bender Clara Benson Julia Borenstein Susi Carvajal Roxana Chiz Rebeka K. Cohen Karla Dascal David Don Adina Eisenstad Dora Epelbaum Dr. Jose Esquenazi Mark Esquenazi Rachel Z. Gambach Lois Gavcovich Rose Gelber Mitchell Ginzburg Ofelia Glouberman Cila Gold Sophia Grobler Esther Gurinsky Amanda Hequin David Hequin Mark Hequin Vilma Herrera Guta Huppert Steven Kabak Miriam Karpel Ralph Kier Fannie Kochen Benny Kozolchik Moises Kriger Ori Lapidot Ronen Lapidot Rosita Lipsman Briana Lubin Maria Lusky Adela Milkes Dana Z. Miller Ivette Montvelisky Nelly Percal Lilia Pinknowski Fanny G. Raines Ronny Rosenbaum Mario Rosenfeld Bryan L. Rozencwaig Taylor N. Rozencwaig Lauren Ruder Melissa Ruder Samy Sapayo Jacqueline Sapoznik Jeff R. Schigiel Lisa Simon Saul Srebnick Salo Susi Alexander Tachmes Lizette Weingard Ida B. Wekselbaum Berta Wodnicki Max Yelin Sabrina D. Zaslov Vanessa Zedner JULY ANNIVERSARIES Alberto & Esther Bejar Moises & Raquel Bondar Eli & Loli Budwick Marcos & Zoila Fiegler Bernard & Elena Goldberg Jay & Elena Goldberg Marcos & Emilita Grabb Jaime & Marcia Kopel Abram & Elena Kubiliun Marvin & Lorraine Lusky Dr. John & Mary Niven Gaby & Esther Oleksnianski Abraham & Betty Rosenbaum Bryan & Leslie Rosenfeld Bryan & Karen Rozencwaig Lazaro & Ana Sapoznik Congratulations to our dearest grandson TtÜÉÇ XÄÄ Éà ` ÄÄxÜ on his Bar Mitzvah from his grandparents Zeide Nahum & Abuela Julia We love you very, very much Te queremos mucho, mucho... We thank f ÅÉÇ 9 Uxv~ç VÉ{xÇ for their donation to our Synagogue in honor of their birthdays. We wish them good health and happiness.

22 Page 22 CARD DONATIONS CARD DONATIONS Abraham & Sima Baikovitz Silvia Benenson Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Abraham & Eugenia Berezdivin Tola Bloch Mijel & Silvia Brazlavsky Nancy Brook Abraham & Elisa Cano Jose & Eñele Chavin Mario & Polita Chyzyk Simon & Becky Cohen Manny & Annette Cuba Eva Don Berta Edery Isaac & Dora Epelbaum Marcos Esquenazi Saul & Bertha Ginzburg Lucy Gol Salomon & Cila Gold Debbie & Jacobo Gomis Evelio & Caridad Gonzalez Raul & Rosita Gorfinkel Marcos & Emilita Grabb Guta Huppert Martha Jarecki Marcos & Fanny Kerbel Daniel & Marcia Kokiel Jack & Diana Kuper Lily Lafarga Luisa Lerman Simon & Enita Levy Albert & Gisela Lusky Dr. John & Mary Niven Marta Olchyk Meyer & Ita Oleksnianski David & Esther Orlowsky Bernardo & Anita Perelmuter Jaime & Judith Pozo Sarita Rabinovich Bertha Rabinovich Jose & Elisa Raij Moises & Susy Rapport Dr. Robert Rapport Jose & Haya Reiser Sarita Resnick Joseph & Aida Roisman Alberto & Marta Ruder Lazaro & Anita Sapoznik Frida Sapoznik Mark & Sheri Schneider Oscar & Anita Sklar Leon Sklawer Helen Sobie Gerty Sobie Leon & Clara Srebrenik Luis Stein Jaime & Carol Suchlicki Veronica Trachter Faña Treibich Zoila & Diana Vaserstein Carlos & Miriam Waserstein Tete Wenguer Alberto & Frida Yahia Martha Zeisel Salomon Klein Student Leadership Scholarship Fund We would like to remind our members that this fund was created and donated by Salomon Klein for the purpose of providing funds for the educational needs of a student to further his/her studies in the State of Israel. This fund is available on a yearly basis and the recipient must express a desire to spend time studying in the State of Israel by writing an essay and filling out an application. Funding is limited to children or grandchildren of members in good standing of Temple Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation. This essay and application must be submitted at the beginning of each calendar year. (Exception is being made this year as we had not printed this information prior to this publication). The essay must contain the following information: 1. Applicant must submit a program in Israel where he/she will study, with a list of subjects to be studied and the length of stay in Israel. 2. Applicant must state how the program in which he/she will participate will foster a greater awareness of Jewish life and Israel, and what the applicant hopes to gain from his/her study. 3. Applicant must state what commitment, if any, will be made to his/her community upon return to the United States. The Board of Directors will consider all applications received and will make a decision before the summer. All applications and essay must be mailed to our offices at: Temple Beth Shmuel - Cuban Hebrew Congregation, 1700 Michigan Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, Attn: Board of Directors, Salomon Klein Fund Committee. For further information, please contact Ofelia at the office

23 YARZEIT DONATIONS Page 23 YARZEIT DONATIONS Juanita Alter Ethel Amster Oscar Baisman Alina Bengio Isaac & Frida Ben-Hain Roberto & Tere Ben-Hain Dra. Clara Benson Berta Bernstein Margarita Bichachi Mario & Maria Teresa Bick Enrique Blacher Beril & Fraddy Bliach Oscar & Rosita Boruchin Mijel & Silvia Brazlavsky Lily Brodey Nancy Brook Jack & Sandra Budyzewich Lilia Chervony Samuel Chilerowicz Sarita Chiz Jack & Becky Delaster Dr. Jaime & Jenny Edelstein Raquel Eisen Isaac & Clarita Eli Isaac & Dora Epelbaum Arnold & Ingrid Epelbaum Mariita Feldenkreis George Feldenkreis Abraham & Raquel Feldman Marcos & Zoila Fiegler Gala Furman Manuel & Sofia Garmizo Samuel & Miriam Garmizo Irwin Gartenbaum Rose Gelber Michael Gelbs Saul & Bertha Ginzburg Matilde Glasman Guillermo & Silvia Glatzer Jaime & Hela Goldberg Emanuel Goldberg Leon & Rebeca Goldrich Esther Gorfinkel Felicia Gorodetzky Sara Goser Estela Grobler Marsha Gross Isaac & Esther Gurinsky Lidia Guterman Jacobo & Miriam Gutt Leon & Regina Hequin Enrique & Rosa Hochman Abel & Fana Holtz Salomon & Bertha Jove Samuel & Lily Jurkevich Lucy Kalusin Rafael & Sarita Kapustin Natan Kaufman Angel & Josefina Kerbel Ralph & Pearl Kier Mary Kirou Morris & Marilyn Koltun Jaime & Marcia Kopel Felipe & Naile Kreiezmar Moises & Lidia Kriger Luba Krivoshey Isak & Golde Kubiliun Raquel & Heri Kubiliun Jack & Diana Kuper Golda Lederman Jaime & Sarita Lehman Luisa Lerman Mary Levis David & Mayra Lichter Morris & Arlene Maranz Salomon & Evita Maya Bruce & Ina Melceras Dr. Salomon & Angela Meles Dr. Solomon G. Mikowsky Harold & Sara Milkes David & Berta Miller Brandel Minoff Oscar & Berta Minski Bernardo & Chifre Mintz Sal & Sarah Mitchel Dr. Raul & Elisa Moncarz Isaac Moncarz Nujim & Esther Nepomechie Basilia Nick Fernando & Cora Nusbaum Drs. Sol & Luisa Nussbaum Bernardo & Bela Olczyk Meyer & Ita Oleksnianski David & Esther Orlowsky Szymon Paklak Samuel & Maria Papir Yda Percal Sylvia Peroff Jaime & Judith Pozo Sarita Rabinovich Bertha Rabinovich Jose & Elisa Raij Isaac & Clarita Raijman Jose & Haya Reiser Masza Rok Isaac & Hilda Rosenbaum Mary Rosenstein Lori & Lucy Rozencwaig Allan & Syma Rubenfeld Frank & Mimi Rudman Eva Saltz Raquel Sandler Frida Sapoznik Zoila Satanosky Lon & Rosita Schwartz Sam & Sofia Schwarzbaum Eva Shaftal Jaime & Sarita Shapiro Noel & Elsa Shapiro Juanita Shaul Sarita Silverstein Isaac & Rebeca Sklar Helen Sobie Leon & Clara Srebrenik Anita Stone Max Stupp Cheni, Alex & Lenny Tachmes Esther Teitelbaum Veronica Trachter Faña Treibich Rosita Vilk Ben Volpe Ramon & Sura Wainer Leon & Rosita Waserman Luisa Waksman Carlos & Roma Werbin Olga Winikor Moises & Berta Wodnicki Simon Wolfson Martha Zeisel Leon Zwick Cemetery Burial Plots for Sale Temple Beth Shmuel-Cuban Hebrew Congregation has obtained several plots and they are available for purchase in Section "Genesis" at Lakeside Memorial Park. It is wise to do planning and purchase long before the plots will be needed. It relieves the family of a difficult decision if death comes unexpectedly. For further information, please call Ofelia at the office

24 Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure? Remember, you must use it, as it is given only once. Once wasted you cannot get it back. Temple Beth Shmuel Cuban Hebrew Congregation of Miami, Inc Michigan Avenue. Miami Beach. FL 33139

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Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons

Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Synergy Spanish Solutions Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Created by Marcus Santamaria Edited by Elena Chagoya & Claire Boland Copyright 2014 Marcus Santamaria All Rights reserved. No part of this publication

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La enseñanza del derecho: Métodos, técnicas, procedimientos y estrategias (Biblioteca Jurídica Porrúa) (Spanish Edition)

La enseñanza del derecho: Métodos, técnicas, procedimientos y estrategias (Biblioteca Jurídica Porrúa) (Spanish Edition) La enseñanza del derecho: Métodos, técnicas, procedimientos y estrategias (Biblioteca Jurídica Porrúa) (Spanish Edition) Luis Guerra Vicente Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically La enseñanza

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A1 Second level. Timeline. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

A1 Second level. Timeline. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013. A1 Second level Timeline Start UP Welcome Hi! It s great to see you again! It s time to learn how to make a timeline to talk about past events of our lives in a sequential manner. Let s begin! 2 /9 Warm

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statutes, etc. Costa Rica. Laws Click here if your download doesnt start automatically COLECCION DE LAS LEYES DECRETOS Y ORDENES EXPEDIDOS POR LOS SUPREMOS PODERES : LEGISLATIVO, CONSERVADOR Y EJECUTIVO DE COSTA RICA, EN LOS AÑOS DE 1833, 1834, 1835 Y 1836. Tomo IV statutes, etc. Costa Rica.

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Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015

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El estilo indirecto inglés.

El estilo indirecto inglés. El estilo indirecto inglés. El "estilo indirecto" es una estructura que se emplea para repetir lo que alguien ha anteriormente dicho ("estilo directo"): John: "My name is John" (estilo directo) (Mi nombre

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Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense.

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Spanish Version provided Below

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Presente simple. I want a cup of tea. = now The sun rises in the east. = all time I play tennis on Sunday mornings. = habits

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An explanation by Sr. Jordan

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CAN. I can swim. Sé nadar. I know how to swim. Sé como nadar. l'll be able to go tonight. Podré ir esta noche.

CAN. I can swim. Sé nadar. I know how to swim. Sé como nadar. l'll be able to go tonight. Podré ir esta noche. CAN Sólo se usa en el presente, para el resto de tiempos se utiliza to be able to. En algunos casos puede ser sustituido por to know how to. Se puede traducir por poder o saber. I can swim. Sé nadar. I

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