Chronic Disease, Nutrition & Obesity

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Chronic Disease, Nutrition & Obesity Contents Prevention Programs Healthy Communities- Health Education November 2015 November is American Diabetes Month Eat Well, America!sm Noviembre es el Mes Americano de La Diabetes!Come bien, Estados Unidos!sm Health Note...1 Health Screens... 3 Get Fit... 4 Nutrition Education 5-6 Garden & Food... 7 Partner & Community Resources... 8 2323 Knoll Drive, CA 93003 Tel. (805) 677-5357 Fax. (805) 677-5220 For more information visit us on line:

Health Note November is American Diabetes Month This year s theme for American Diabetes Month is Eat Well, America!sm The key message being shared is that eating well is one of life s greatest pleasures, and enjoying delicious, healthy food can help in managing diabetes. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. According to the American Diabetes Association, one in 11 Americans have diabetes, and another 86 million adults are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can cause devastating effects such as blindness, nerve damage, kidney disease, and other serious health problems if it s not controlled. The good news is that people who are at high risk for type 2 diabetes can lower their risk by more than half if they make healthy changes such as eating healthy, increasing physical activity, and losing weight. Eating well to maintain a healthy weight is one of the most important things one can do to lower the risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It can seem hard to make healthy food choices, particularly if you are on a budget and short on time. Here are a few simple tips you can use to help you and your family eat healthier: 1. Set aside some time to plan your weekly meals. You might want to start with just a few days. 2. Stock your pantry with plenty of healthy basics, including brown rice, whole grain pasta, crackers and cereals. 3. Remember that fresh fruits and vegetables are usually healthier than canned or frozen, but it is better to have canned or frozen fruits or vegetables than none at all! 4. Buy leaner meats (such as chicken, turkey and lean cuts of pork or beef such as sirloin or chuck roast) and lower fat dairy products (like low-fat or skim milk and yogurt). 5. Buy whole grain breads and cereals. 6. Save money by buying less soda, sweets and chips or other snack foods. Visit: - (for more information and ideas on how to make healthy changes!) Source: American Diabetes Association 1

Su nota de Salud Noviembre es el Mes Americano de La Diabetes El tema de este año del Mes Americano de la Diabetes es!come bien, Estados Unidos!sm El mensaje clave que se está compartiendo es que el comer bien es uno de los más grandes placeres de la vida y disfrutar comida deliciosa y saludable puede ayudar a controlar la diabetes. La diabetes es una de las causas principales de discapacidad y muerte en los Estados Unidos. De acuerdo a La Asociación Americana de la Diabetes, uno de cada 11 Americanos tienen diabetes, y otros 86 millones de adultos tienen un alto riesgo de desarrollar diabetes tipo 2. La diabetes puede causar efectos devastadores como la ceguera, daño a los nervios, enfermedad de los riñones, y otros problemas de salud serios, si no se controla. Las buenas noticias son que las personas que tienen alto riesgo de desarrollar diabetes tipo 2 pueden disminuir el riesgo por más de la mitad si hacen cambios saludables tales como comer saludable, aumentar la actividad física y perder peso. Comer bien para mantener un peso saludablemente es una de las cosas más importantes que podemos hacer para disminuir el riesgo de la diabetes tipo 2 y las enfermedades del corazón. Quizá le parezca difícil escoger alimentos sanos, particularmente si tiene un presupuesto limitado y poco tiempo. Aquí hay algunas sugerencias que le ayudarán a usted y su familia a comer más sano. 1. Dese tiempo para planear las comidas de la semana. Quizá puede comenzar con unos pocos días. 2. Llene la alacena con muchos alimentos básicos saludables, entre ellos arroz integral, junto con fideos, galletas y cereales de grano integral. 3. Recuerde que por lo general, las frutas y vegetales frescos son más sanos que los enlatados o congelados, pero es mejor tener frutas y vegetales enlatados o congelados, que no tenerlos! 4. Compre carnes con menos grasa (como pollo, pavo y cortes magros de cerdo o res como solomillo o filete de aguja) y productos lácteos con poco contenido de grasa (como leche y yogur descremado o con poco contenido de grasa). 5. Compre panes y cereales de grano integral. 6. Ahorre dinero comprando menos bebidas gaseosas, dulces y chips u otros bocadillos. Para más información visite: Fuente de Información: Asociación Americana de la Diabetes 2

Early Detection - Free Health Screens blood glucose, blood pressure and body fat The Chronic Disease Prevention Program Promoción de Detección Temprana examenes de salud gratuitos Date City Location Hours Contact Information Tues 3 Nov Tues 3 Nov s 5 Nov Tues 10 Nov s 12 Nov Sat 14 Nov Tues 17 Nov Tues 17 Nov Wed 18 Nov s 19 Nov Santa Paula Santa Paula West West West Vallley Community Foursquare Church 611 E. Main St. Azahar Place Apartment Get Fit Group 11370 Mimosa St. St Sebastian Church 235 N 9th St. Sam s Central Market 505 N Ave. Red Barn Market 995 N. Ave. Camino del Sol Community Garden Camino del Sol & Entrada St. Consulate Of Mexico-Ventanillla de Salud 4-Way Meat Market 805 E. Date St. Westpark Community Center 450 W Harrison Ave Amar Ranch Food Warehouse Market 1111 E. Chanel Islands Blvd 8:00-10:00 A.M. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 5:30-6:30 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 1:00-4:00 P.M.. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 10:00-12:00 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 1:00-3:00 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 8:00-11:00 A.M. Blanca Arias (805) 677-5340 8:00-11:30 A.M Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 2:00-4:00 P.M.. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 4:00-5:30 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 10:00-12:00 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 3

Get Fit Classes & Diabetes Self-Management promoción de actividad física y asesoria para personas con diabetes tipo 2 The Chronic Disease Prevention Program Free Classes clases gratuitas Date Class Type City Location Hours Contact Information Tue & Thu Zumba West Azahar Place Apartments 11370 Mimosa St. Instructor: Maria Laura No class November 24, and 26. Mon, Wed & Zumba West Westpark Community Center 450 W. Harrison Ave. Instructor: Esther Carcamo No class November 4,6, 9,11,23,25, and 27. Mon & Wed Zumba Fillmore Cesar Chavez K-8 School 224 N. Juanita St. Instructor: Rosario Maldonado No class November 23, and 25. 6:15-7:15 P.M. 9:30-10:30 A.M. 6:15-7:15 P.M. To learn more about how to participate or host an activity for your community, please call (805) 677-5340. Blanca Arias (805) 677-5340 Anita Diaz (805) 654-7800 Blanca Arias (805) 677-5340 Choose fresh or read the label! Elija fresco o lea la etiqueta! Diabetes Case Management for Adults AND Group Classes Date City Location Hours Contact Information Mon 2 Nov Mon 9 Nov Mon 23 Nov (Class) South Santa Paula Santa Paula By appointment only, please. South Public Health 2500 C Street-Suite B1 Santa Paula Public Health 620 W Harvard Blvd Santa Paula Public Health 620 W Harvard Blvd 9:00-4:30 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 9:00-12:00 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 677-5309 10:00-11:00 A.M. Delfina Zermeno (805) 677-5309 4

One-time Nutrition Clases & Events clases de nutrición individuales y eventos Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Program Date Activity City Location Hours Mon 2 Nov* Mon 9 Nov* Mon 16 Nov* Protein (Taste Testing) South WIC 2500 S C St 9:30-10:00 10:30-11:00 11:15-11:45 Contact information Grace Gomez (805) 677-5347 Wed 4 Nov* Wed 18 Nov Wed 25 Nov* Protein (Taste Testing) South WIC 2500 S C St 2:15-2:45pm 3:15-3:45pm 4:00-4:30pm Grace Gomez (805) 677-5347 Tue 10 Nov* Rethink Your Drink Tue 17 Nov* Fun and Healthy Snacking Rose Ave. School ASP 220 S. Driskill St. 2:30-5:00 P.M. MaKenna School 3:00-5:00 P.M. Sat 7 Nov Rethink Your Drink Public Library 10:00-1:00 P.M. Tue 10 Nov MyPlate Cesar Chavez School 6:00-6:30 P.M. * Not open to the public. Grace Gomez (805) 677-5347 Emperatriz Pinedo (805) 677-5346 Emperatriz Pinedo (805) 677-5346 Emperatriz Pinedo (805) 677-5346 5

Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Program Nutrition Class Series English Topics--> Center for Employment Training 761 South A St - Hours: 10:30-10:00 A.M. Angelina Gonzalez (805) 487-9821 1 2 3 4 5 6 Enjoy Healthy Food That Tastes Great Quick, Healthy Meals and Snack Eating Healthy on a Budget Tips for Losing Weight and Keeping It Off Making Healthy Eating Part of Your Local Lifestyle 6 Nov 13 Nov 20 Nov 4 Dec 11 Dec Physical Activity Is Key to Living Well 18 Dec Charles F.Blackstock Jr.* 701 E. Bard Rd. Hours:6:00-7:30 P.M. 5 de nov 12 de nov 19 de nov 3 de dec s 10 de dec 17 de dec Rio Real Elementary School* 1140 Kenny St. - Hours: 6:00-7:00 P.M. Lacey Piper (805)485-3111 ext 7651 15 de oct 29 de oct 5 de nov 12 de nov 19 de nov 3 de dec s Workrite Uniform Co. 500 E. Third St., 93030 Hours: 10:30-11:30 A.M. Sonia Fino-Duran (805) 436-7502 Not open to the public Rio Plaza Elementary School* 600 Simon Way,, CA Hours: 6:00-7:00 P.M. Lacey Piper (805) 485-3111 exrt 7651 Wed 4 Nov Wed 18 Nov Wed 2 Dec Wed 16 Dec Wed 30 Dec Wed13 Jan 6 de oct 13 de oct 20 de oct 27 de oct 3 de nov 11 de nov *Presented in Spanish Changes may occur without prior notice. 6

Persimons Taste Test sweet Potato Taste Test Grapefruit Mandarin November 2015 Let s Move with Fruits and Vegetables clases de nutrición con movimiento Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Program Classes for parents and children. Clases para padres y niños. 1 2 3 4 5 6 MyPlate & Stay Active (MiPlato Mantengase Activo) Kiwi Root Vegetable Taste Test Tema (topic) Pleasant Valley NfL - Camarillo* El Descanso School 1099 Bedford Drive Hours: 12-1:00 P.M. Rafaela Frausto (805) 388-0369 Williams School NfL - 4300 Anchorage St Hours: 1:00-2:00 P.M. JeaN Rivera (805) 986-0101 Ramona Elementary School* 804 Cooper Road, 93030 Hours: 10:00-11:00 A.M. Martha Garcia Driffill School NFL* 910 S. E Street, Hours: 10:00-11:00 A.M. Dolores Mendoza (805) 385-1530 15 Oct 6 Nov Physical Activity in every session! Cada sesión incluye actividad física. 22 Oct 13 Nov 29 Oct 20 Nov 5 Nov 5 Nov 4 Dec 12 Nov s 12 Nov 11 Dec Wed 4 Nov 19 Nov s 19 Nov 18 Nov Wed 18 Nov Changes may occur without prior notice.* Class conducted in Spanish 7

Community Garden & Fresh Produce jardín comunitario y frutas y verduras Camino del Sol Community Vegetable Garden, Garden Hours of Operation Open! Activity Hours Contact Information Monday through Saturday New Garden Hours 8:00-5:00 P.M. Blanca Arias (805) 677-5340 Sat 14 Nov Garden Work Day 8:30-11:30 A.M. Location: The garden is located in La Colonia where Camino del Sol Road, Entrada Drive and Garfield Avenue meet in. Community Markets free seasonal fruits and vegetables Date Frequency City Location Hours Wed 18Nov monthly West Westpark Community Center 450 W Harrison Ave This event is a collaborative effort with partner community organizations. 4:00-6:00 P.M. Contact Information Anita Diaz (805) 648-1895 Every month the Food Share truck brings seasonal fruits and vegetables to a community. The service is for anyone living or working in the area. You only need to share your name, address and number of household members. Cada mes el camión de Food Share trae frutas y verduras de la temporada a una comunidad. El servicio es para aquellos que viven o trabajan en el area. Solo se necesita saber su nombre, domicilio y el número de personas viviendo en el hogar. 8

Partner & Community Efforts health and wellness opportunities Thank you for allowing us to serve. Date Services/Events City Location Hours Thu 5 Nov Tue 3 Nov Healthy County Partnership Wed 4 Nov Free Diabetes Class Camarillo Public Works Department 11251 A/B Riverbank Dr. Saticoy Ca, 93004 Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurses Association 1996 Eastman Ave Camarillo Community Center 1605 Burnley St Rm 7 9:00-10:30 A.M. 1:00-2:30 P.M. 2:30-4:00 P.M. Contact information Alejandro Elias (805) 677-5235 Linda Hampson (805) 642-0239 Ext. 723 Wed 25 Nov Thousand Oaks Goebel Senior Center 1385 E Janss Rd-Foothill Rm 1:30-3:00 P.M. Tue & Thu Children s Diabetes Mangement Pediatric Diagnostic Center 3291 Loma Vista Rd 8:00-5:00 P.M. Kay Urban (805) 652-6255 Mon- Adult Diabetes Clinic Las Islas South 325 W Channel Islands Blvd 8:00-5:00 P.M. Irene Guerrero (805) 804-9510 Mon- Ventanilla de Salud Mexican Consulate 3151 W 5th St 8:00-12:00 P.M. Hilda (805) 984-1372 Call For Dates Various Call It Quits. (805) 201-STOP (7867) VCPH Tobacco Education & Prevention Program Freedom from Smoking Classes To learn more about community events and services, go to: 9

Programs Directory Chronic Disease Prevention Program publishes this monthly Events Calendar to encourage healthy active living through physical activity and healthy eating in all communities of County. Educational opportunities are free of cost and available to residents, families and communities who are ready to lead healthier lives. Director Silvia Lopez-Navarro EARLY DETECTION Health Screens Blood sugar, blood pressure, and body fat screens and individualized health education and referrals to local resources. The Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Program is nutrition education classes, train-the-trainer nutrition workshops, and cooking and physical activity demonstrations to promote informed food choices and healthier lifestyles. Team members Lizet Garcia Blanca Arias Emperatriz Pinedo Gricelda Gomez Eddie Munizich Alejandro Elias JoAnn Torres Chronic Disease Prevention Programs Get Fit Classes Community physical activity classes Walking Clubs Assistance with forming a walking club in the community Diabetes Self Management Services Individual Diabetes Self-Management services Diabetes Case Manager Team members Deanne Morales Delfina Zermeño Sara Rivera Vicky Bobadilla, PA C delfina.zermeñ The Community & School Vegetable Gardens Project is support and education to families and educators growing their own vegetables and fruits at their local community gardens and schools. Blanca Arias http://healthyventuracountyorg/ RETHINK YOUR DRINK Urges everyone to choose refreshing water to quench their thirst instead of sugary drinks. The goal of the initiative is to reach all residents and organizations in County to increase the consumption of and access to healthy beverages. Eddie Munizich The healthy ventura county partnership is a coalition that includes ventura county public health, First 5 County and a wide range of community organizations and individuals, including businesses, schools, non-profits, local government and networks seeking to improve the health of County residents, policies and community endeavors. We share the vision that County will be the national model for healthy eating, active living and community wellbeing. We promote community and personal changes that lead to healthy eating and regular exercise to reduce obesity and related chronic diseases. 10