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Segunda parte Series estadísticas de América Latina y el Caribe Part two Statistical series for Latin America and the Caribbean

Anuario estadístico. Statistical Yearbook

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Anuario Estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe. Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean


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Anuario estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean

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297. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 1990... 298. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 1993... 299. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 1994... 300. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 1995... 301. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 1996... 302. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 1997... 303. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 1998... 304. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 1999... 305. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 2000... 306. Comercio intrrregionl de bienes totles, 2001... 307. Vlor de ls exportciones totles de servicios... 308. Vlor de ls importciones totles de servicios.. 556 560 564 568 572 576 580 584 588 592 596 598 297. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 1990... 298. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 1993... 299. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 1994... 300. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 1995... 301. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 1996... 302. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 1997... 303. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 1998... 304. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 1999... 305. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 2000... 306. Intr-regionl trde in totl goods, 2001... 307. Vlue of totl exports of services... 308. Vlue of totl imports of services... 556 560 564 568 572 576 580 584 588 592 596 598 VIII. RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 309. Índices de volumen físico de l producción gropecuri 310. Índices de volumen físico de cultivos grícols... 311. Índices de volumen físico de l producción pecuri 312. Índices de volumen físico de l producción de limentos... 313. Índices de volumen físico de l producción de limentos por hbitnte... 314. Superficie grícol... 315. Superficie cosechd de lgodón... 316. Superficie cosechd de rroz... 317. Superficie cosechd de cfé... 318. Superficie cosechd de cñ de zúcr... 319. Superficie cosechd de frijoles secos... 320. Superficie cosechd de semill de girsol... 321. Superficie cosechd de míz... 322. Superficie cosechd de mndioc... 323. Superficie cosechd de soj... 324. Superficie cosechd de sorgo... 325. Superficie cosechd de trigo... 326. Producción de lgodón sin desmotr... 327. Producción de rroz... 328. Producción de bnno y plátno... 329. Producción de cfé verde... 330. Producción de cñ de zúcr... 331. Producción de frijoles secos... 332. Producción de girsol... 333. Producción de míz... 334. Producción de mndioc... 335. Producción de soj... 336. Producción de sorgo... 337. Producción de trigo... 338. Consumo totl de fertilizntes... 339. Prque de trctores... 340. Índices de volumen físico de l producción miner 341. Producción de buxit... 342. Producción de crbón... 343. Producción de cobre... 344. Producción de estño... 345. Producción de hierro... 346. Producción de petróleo... 347. Producción de zinc... 348. Producción de neumáticos... 349. Producción de ppel de periódico... 600 602 604 606 608 610 616 618 620 622 624 624 626 628 630 632 634 636 638 640 642 644 646 646 648 650 652 654 656 658 660 662 666 666 668 668 670 670 672 672 674 309. Quntum indexes of griculturl production... 310. Quntum indexes of griculturl crops... 311. Quntum indexes of livestock production... 312. Quntum indexes of food production... 313. Quntum indexes of per cpit food production... 314. Agriculturl re... 315. Seed cotton, re hrvested... 316. Rice, re hrvested... 317. Coffee, re hrvested... 318. Sugr cne, re hrvested... 319. Dried bens, re hrvested... 320. Seed sunflower, re hrvested... 321. Mize, re hrvested... 322. Cssv, re hrvested... 323. Soy bens, re hrvested... 324. Sorghum, re hrvested... 325. Whet, re hrvested... 326. Seed cotton production... 327. Rice production.... 328. Production of bnns nd plntins... 329. Production of green coffee... 330. Sugr cne production... 331. Production of dried bens.... 332. Production of sunflower... 333. Mize production... 334. Cssv production... 335. Production of soy bens... 336. Sorghum production... 337. Whet production... 338. Totl consumption of fertilizers... 339. Number of trctors... 340. Quntum indexes of mining production... 341. Buxite production... 342. Col production... 343. Copper production... 344. Tin production... 345. Iron production... 346. Petroleum production... 347. Zinc production... 348. Production of tyres... 349. Newsprint production... 600 602 604 606 608 610 616 618 620 622 624 624 626 628 630 632 634 636 638 640 642 644 646 646 648 650 652 654 656 658 660 662 666 666 668 668 670 670 672 672 674 xvii

350. Producción de sod cáustic... 351. Producción de cemento... 352. Producción de gsolin... 353. Producción de utomotores pr psjeros... 354. Producción de utomotores comerciles... 355. Producción de fertilizntes... 356. Producción de lmbrón... 357. Producción de rrbio... 358. Producción de cero... 359. Producción de lmindos plnos... 360. Producción de lmindos no plnos... 361. Producción de energí eléctric... 362. Producción de energí eléctric por tipos de centrl 363. Potenci instld... 364. Estimción del potencil hidroeléctrico económicmente provechble... 674 676 678 680 680 682 682 684 686 686 686 688 690 692 694 350. Custic sod production... 351. Cement production... 352. Gsoline production... 353. Production of pssenger motor vehicles... 354. Production of commercil vehicles... 355. Production of fertilizers... 356. Production of wire rod... 357. Production of pig iron... 358. Steel production... 359. Production of flt rolled products... 360. Production of non-flt rolled products... 361. Production of electricity... 362. Production of electricity by type of plnt... 363. Instlled cpcity... 364. Estimtes of economiclly exploitble hydroelectric potentil... 674 676 678 680 680 682 682 684 686 686 686 688 690 692 694 IX. SERVICIOS DE INFRAESTRUCTURA / INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 365. Longitud de l red de crreters... 366. Longitud de l red ferroviri... 367. Tráfico ferrovirio... 368. Mrin mercnte, 2000... 369. Tráfico éreo... 694 696 699 700 702 365. Totl length of the rod network... 366. Totl length of the rilwy network... 367. Rilwy trffic... 368. Merchnt fleets, 2000... 369. Air trffic... 694 696 699 700 702 X. EMPLEO / EMPLOYMENT 370. Poblción económicmente ctiv... 371. Poblción económicmente ctiv, por sexo según sectores de ctividd económic, 1970... 372. Poblción económicmente ctiv, por sexo según sectores de ctividd económic, 1980... 373. Poblción económicmente ctiv, por sexo según sectores de ctividd económic, 1990... 710 711 712 713 370. Economiclly ctive popultion... 371. Economiclly ctive popultion, by sex nd sector of economic ctivity, 1970... 372. Economiclly ctive popultion, by sex nd sector of economic ctivity, 1980... 373. Economiclly ctive popultion, by sex nd sector of economic ctivity, 1990... 710 711 712 713 XI. CONDICIONES SOCIALES / SOCIAL CONDITIONS 374. Mtrícul en l enseñnz de primer nivel... 375. Mtrícul en l enseñnz de segundo nivel... 376. Mtrícul en l enseñnz de tercer nivel... 377. Mestros en l enseñnz de primer nivel... 378. Mestros en enseñnz de segundo nivel... 379. Cms de hospitl... 380. Médicos... 381. Uniddes de viviend ocupds, según tipo de tenenci, en áres urbn y rurl... 382. Uniddes de viviend ocupds, según tipo y disponibilidd de servicios en zon urbn y rurl... 714 716 718 720 722 724 726 728 730 374. Enrolment in first-level eduction... 375. Enrolment in second-level eduction... 376. Enrolment in third-level eduction... 377. Techers in first-level eduction... 378. Techers in second-level eduction... 379. Hospitl beds... 380. Physicins... 381. Occupied dwelling units, by type of occuption, in urbn nd rurl res... 382. Occupied dwelling units, by type of services vilble, in urbn nd rurl res... 714 716 718 720 722 724 726 728 730 ANEXO / ANNEX 1. Améric Ltin y el Cribe: evolución del producto interno bruto totl... 2. Améric Ltin y el Cribe: evolución del producto interno bruto por hbitnte... 736 738 1. Ltin Americ nd the Cribben: totl gross domestic product... 2. Ltin Americ nd the Cribben: per cpit gross domestic product... 736 738 xviii

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 309. ÍNDICES DE VOLUMEN FÍSICO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN AGROPECUARIA QUANTUM INDEXES OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION (Año bse: promedio nul trienio 1989-1991 = 100 / Bse yer: nnul verge for the period 1989-1991 = 100) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Antigu y Brbud 95.0 105.7 100.7 107.0 99.2 98.6 Argentin 87.1 97.6 103.9 111.1 117.0 121.0 Bhms 114.3 108.8 100.2 87.7 117.4 128.6 Brbdos 119.1 91.5 102.7 81.7 90.4 105.6 Belice 73.2 75.2 108.4 121.5 135.5 147.0 Bolivi 75.4 81.6 101.9 113.5 123.8 128.4 Brsil 72.7 89.7 97.2 114.4 121.6 122.0 Chile 71.0 75.7 101.1 119.8 126.1 128.1 Colombi 76.8 78.3 100.8 102.5 110.2 108.6 Cost Ric 72.2 80.5 100.0 114.1 122.5 127.6 Cub 84.4 98.2 103.0 57.3 54.8 64.4 Dominic 51.9 78.1 99.8 86.6 76.9 91.3 Ecudor 77.7 81.6 100.3 128.3 130.0 141.5 El Slvdor 111.2 98.3 100.7 101.1 100.8 103.1 Grnd 114.4 101.2 102.5 104.9 95.3 93.1 Guteml 85.4 84.9 101.9 107.9 114.2 117.4 Guyn 138.1 123.0 86.1 161.5 177.5 195.7 Hití 101.9 109.3 98.2 92.9 87.9 91.2 Hondurs 87.9 83.3 101.9 115.2 115.2 126.7 Jmic 86.1 88.2 104.0 115.2 117.4 124.2 México 85.8 96.4 101.4 112.3 120.3 117.1 Nicrgu 105.7 109.3 100.6 107.2 111.3 114.2 Pnmá 83.2 96.0 102.4 102.6 103.1 105.0 Prguy 58.4 81.2 101.9 98.1 109.2 105.4 Perú 76.3 90.1 96.2 115.0 124.2 133.3 Repúblic Dominicn 87.8 93.8 97.8 98.1 97.0 102.4 Sint Kitts y Nevis 149.6 121.0 88.0 93.9 94.3 102.4 Snt Lucí 60.6 77.5 108.7 86.4 97.2 91.6 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 66.8 103.0 106.1 71.5 88.5 82.7 Surinme 92.4 114.8 93.5 94.7 100.8 89.1 Trinidd y Tbgo 103.5 94.1 103.3 114.0 110.0 112.8 Uruguy 84.5 88.8 98.4 110.9 111.3 121.4 Venezuel 80.6 92.4 100.2 105.8 105.3 110.7 Totl 79.1 91.0 99.9 110.7 117.0 118.6 600

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 98.6 98.6 98.6 98.6 98.6 Antigu nd Brbud 123.0 131.3 137.8 135.5 140.4 Argentin 138.0 148.0 146.7 137.9 139.8 Bhms 96.7 97.2 99.1 100.1 100.1 Brbdos 159.3 149.5 161.2 173.6 175.8 Belize 134.1 135.6 136.8 148.2 145.7 Bolivi 126.7 128.9 139.4 142.6 148.4 Brzil 131.8 133.7 131.3 135.2 143.6 Chile 110.0 110.1 109.6 113.6 113.3 Colombi 126.7 138.8 141.0 142.4 144.0 Cost Ric 63.0 59.3 62.6 64.5 62.2 Cub 92.1 84.3 85.8 86.0 86.0 Dominic 147.4 125.4 145.3 151.6 157.7 Ecudor 107.7 104.1 116.4 109.0 105.9 El Slvdor 99.0 85.1 92.6 93.8 94.4 Grend 123.0 126.0 128.5 133.3 133.0 Guteml 203.8 179.5 199.6 196.2 192.8 Guyn 94.0 93.3 95.0 101.7 97.7 Hiti 125.6 125.1 113.9 121.8 122.9 Hondurs 117.4 117.7 120.8 116.2 118.3 Jmic 121.7 122.0 128.0 130.2 135.3 Mexico 118.5 124.2 130.4 140.3 147.2 Nicrgu 100.6 103.0 101.8 113.4 103.9 Pnm 108.8 113.0 117.4 117.9 127.9 Prguy 140.8 142.4 161.6 169.9 170.5 Peru 102.9 104.2 99.8 106.1 113.2 Dominicn Republic 134.3 112.5 96.5 93.9 93.9 Sint Kitts nd Nevis 81.0 67.3 70.6 71.7 74.4 Sint Luci 71.3 76.1 73.5 77.2 77.2 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 90.2 77.4 77.7 75.2 77.0 Surinme 110.6 99.2 112.0 113.9 114.0 Trinidd nd Tobgo 129.8 129.6 130.2 123.1 123.2 Uruguy 117.7 113.6 118.3 123.8 120.6 Venezuel 122.4 124.4 131.5 133.8 138.1 Totl 601

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 310. ÍNDICES DE VOLUMEN FÍSICO DE CULTIVOS AGRÍCOLAS QUANTUM INDEXES OF AGRICULTURAL CROPS (Año bse: promedio nul trienio 1989-1991 = 100 / Bse yer: nnul verge for the period 1989-1991 = 100) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Antigu y Brbud 88.6 101.6 100.0 110.2 96.0 96.0 Argentin 76.3 98.8 103.7 115.3 125.2 133.5 Bhms 95.8 99.0 100.6 98.0 109.9 110.1 Brbdos 184.3 123.5 101.9 83.8 91.6 111.0 Belice 77.4 73.2 106.7 122.6 140.7 156.1 Bolivi 71.5 85.2 97.3 119.2 133.5 139.0 Brsil 76.7 97.1 96.6 111.9 114.8 108.0 Chile 69.5 76.4 99.6 117.0 122.8 123.4 Colombi 83.8 80.9 100.7 99.9 104.8 103.8 Cost Ric 69.5 73.1 102.1 117.8 126.9 133.9 Cub 78.0 89.6 101.2 56.2 50.9 61.8 Dominic 55.3 79.4 101.2 84.0 73.3 89.4 Ecudor 80.2 80.5 100.0 134.7 128.8 140.3 El Slvdor 122.2 105.8 101.9 101.2 103.9 106.4 Grnd 113.6 100.3 102.6 113.1 101.0 100.1 Guteml 91.0 85.5 101.7 105.9 111.7 114.3 Guyn 125.4 119.3 87.8 142.5 166.1 175.4 Hití 103.8 108.4 98.8 88.8 85.0 86.5 Hondurs 88.7 86.4 102.5 107.6 107.2 119.8 Jmic 98.4 100.8 102.2 126.7 129.2 134.3 México 86.8 98.8 103.8 106.0 110.6 120.1 Nicrgu 93.2 118.7 96.7 98.7 113.4 116.3 Pnmá 94.3 97.9 103.9 97.3 91.3 93.2 Prguy 56.6 86.7 104.2 89.5 107.3 100.7 Perú 76.3 91.5 93.4 118.5 126.2 139.6 Repúblic Dominicn 95.5 100.4 97.3 89.0 86.7 91.8 Sint Kitts y Nevis 159.5 126.2 84.9 92.2 92.4 101.7 Snt Lucí 59.7 81.2 108.1 85.3 97.4 92.3 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 64.8 103.9 106.2 68.1 85.9 81.7 Surinme 99.1 115.4 90.0 101.2 109.0 100.3 Trinidd y Tbgo 122.5 83.6 106.8 108.6 103.9 108.9 Uruguy 80.4 88.6 95.6 113.3 128.5 153.5 Venezuel 76.7 83.2 97.4 102.4 104.5 106.7 Totl 79.3 94.6 99.6 108.7 113.3 114.4 602

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 Antigu nd Brbud 137.4 160.4 161.8 160.1 169.8 Argentin 116.2 119.9 133.1 117.0 120.5 Bhms 107.2 91.9 98.4 100.9 100.9 Brbdos 173.3 159.8 174.2 188.2 192.6 Belize 145.3 148.0 150.3 171.1 167.6 Bolivi 115.3 117.2 125.6 126.5 135.1 Brzil 126.4 127.0 125.8 129.5 138.3 Chile 103.4 98.6 100.9 106.2 105.1 Colombi 133.6 149.5 146.7 150.6 152.5 Cost Ric 60.5 53.0 57.5 60.7 57.1 Cub 88.5 79.4 80.9 81.1 81.2 Dominic 151.0 117.2 147.3 154.0 171.6 Ecudor 102.1 97.4 113.6 100.5 97.8 El Slvdor 103.4 98.4 105.2 105.7 106.3 Grend 119.3 126.2 128.5 134.0 132.8 Guteml 181.0 155.8 176.3 173.1 169.4 Guyn 89.5 85.9 87.9 90.4 84.5 Hiti 119.6 116.7 97.3 109.4 108.6 Hondurs 124.4 121.8 122.6 114.1 117.6 Jmic 119.3 121.3 120.9 120.2 124.6 Mexico 117.0 127.7 134.7 136.8 143.9 Nicrgu 89.8 87.8 89.4 107.0 85.5 Pnm 103.4 107.6 113.3 104.1 126.4 Prguy 146.3 143.2 167.5 174.9 176.6 Peru 93.1 94.6 83.2 84.2 94.5 Dominicn Republic 141.8 115.8 95.0 91.7 91.7 Sint Kitts nd Nevis 82.2 68.4 67.2 68.4 71.1 Sint Luci 68.4 73.4 71.0 75.3 75.4 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 94.4 83.3 84.2 78.8 79.4 Surinme 109.3 94.0 102.3 111.0 111.2 Trinidd nd Tobgo 152.4 150.7 169.3 139.1 142.9 Uruguy 111.3 106.7 112.1 125.0 117.4 Venezuel 118.5 121.9 127.3 128.4 134.9 Totl 603

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 311. ÍNDICES DE VOLUMEN FÍSICO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN PECUARIA QUANTUM INDEXES OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION (Año bse: promedio nul trienio 1989-1991 = 100 / Bse yer: nnul verge for the period 1989-1991 = 100) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Antigu y Brbud 100.6 108.5 101.2 104.8 101.5 100.5 Argentin 98.8 98.6 103.9 108.9 109.1 107.3 Bhms 133.2 123.0 99.8 77.6 125.0 147.2 Brbdos 74.8 73.1 100.7 89.8 95.2 102.8 Belice 60.8 82.4 109.3 117.1 115.9 120.7 Bolivi 80.0 81.4 106.1 107.2 113.2 117.5 Brsil 69.5 78.7 97.7 120.1 132.4 142.0 Chile 74.7 75.4 102.6 124.6 132.0 135.4 Colombi 70.9 76.0 101.4 107.8 117.7 116.3 Cost Ric 75.8 90.3 98.6 109.5 116.9 120.8 Cub 95.1 105.4 105.8 59.1 61.2 61.9 Dominic 57.2 74.7 100.1 103.1 103.0 105.1 Ecudor 72.0 83.0 100.1 121.6 133.5 149.9 El Slvdor 89.6 83.7 97.9 104.1 102.6 103.9 Grnd 104.0 99.1 99.9 105.9 108.1 102.7 Guteml 78.5 85.4 102.5 112.3 118.0 122.6 Guyn 164.8 87.2 97.3 203.3 164.5 211.6 Hití 99.1 113.0 96.2 114.5 107.0 116.3 Hondurs 87.8 75.2 101.4 136.8 133.5 149.1 Jmic 74.4 73.7 105.8 101.5 102.7 109.0 México 83.6 94.2 100.1 118.8 127.8 117.2 Nicrgu 122.2 100.1 105.4 118.6 111.7 113.9 Pnmá 71.1 92.7 101.2 110.8 121.6 126.0 Prguy 62.0 70.1 98.9 111.0 110.6 112.4 Perú 76.2 87.9 100.1 111.6 122.8 123.8 Repúblic Dominicn 69.7 78.0 98.9 115.6 119.1 123.1 Sint Kitts y Nevis 112.7 105.8 99.9 100.6 102.0 105.1 Snt Lucí 91.2 105.0 99.8 111.0 109.4 103.7 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 82.3 99.9 99.5 100.8 101.5 100.6 Surinme 66.5 85.3 103.4 70.0 68.1 61.8 Trinidd y Tbgo 82.3 105.3 100.1 101.8 110.6 111.1 Uruguy 85.6 88.8 99.0 111.5 108.1 114.5 Venezuel 86.2 102.3 99.7 108.3 103.5 111.9 Totl 79.8 86.7 100.2 114.5 121.6 124.3 604

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.4 100.4 Antigu nd Brbud 108.6 104.9 114.5 112.1 109.7 Argentin 159.0 176.5 160.3 159.1 159.4 Bhms 96.4 98.5 99.5 99.5 99.5 Brbdos 114.6 120.6 122.2 116.4 118.4 Belize 122.5 122.6 126.4 126.9 127.2 Bolivi 141.5 143.0 155.5 162.2 168.9 Brzil 141.0 145.6 141.8 145.7 154.7 Chile 118.9 123.3 120.0 123.5 125.1 Colombi 120.1 125.0 133.2 132.0 132.9 Cost Ric 63.1 66.1 68.1 67.5 69.4 Cub 104.9 104.8 105.5 105.5 105.5 Dominic 153.6 144.4 150.3 153.9 155.2 Ecudor 119.5 117.3 117.6 121.9 121.1 El Slvdor 99.9 93.5 97.5 97.6 98.0 Grend 129.6 129.2 132.3 134.1 136.0 Guteml 223.0 214.1 219.4 219.1 219.1 Guyn 118.8 128.5 129.0 152.8 155.1 Hiti 146.0 147.0 147.2 148.0 153.2 Hondurs 110.5 113.6 122.3 122.3 122.3 Jmic 123.3 129.8 138.6 145.7 151.1 Mexico 119.0 117.8 122.9 144.2 151.5 Nicrgu 119.8 127.8 124.2 123.7 130.4 Pnm 119.2 123.6 129.0 134.5 134.5 Prguy 132.9 141.7 153.6 162.6 163.7 Peru 124.8 123.9 131.3 145.1 146.6 Dominicn Republic 106.7 100.2 102.4 102.4 102.4 Sint Kitts nd Nevis 101.9 104.0 104.4 104.4 104.4 Sint Luci 100.5 100.6 100.6 100.8 101.1 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 70.8 60.4 62.7 63.3 67.3 Surinme 102.5 100.0 100.8 100.8 100.8 Trinidd nd Tobgo 124.9 125.2 121.1 119.3 119.2 Uruguy 119.2 117.3 117.8 117.9 120.1 Venezuel 126.7 128.1 136.2 140.2 143.7 Totl 605

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 312. ÍNDICES DE VOLUMEN FÍSICO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALIMENTOS QUANTUM INDEXES OF FOOD PRODUCTION (Año bse: promedio nul trienio 1989-1991 = 100 / Bse yer: nnul verge for the period 1989-1991 = 100) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Antigu y Brbud 95.5 104.9 100.6 107.1 99.5 98.9 Argentin 86.6 98.5 103.8 113.5 118.9 122.7 Bhms 114.3 108.8 100.2 87.7 117.4 128.6 Brbdos 119.1 91.5 102.7 81.7 90.4 105.6 Belice 73.2 75.2 108.4 121.5 135.3 147.0 Bolivi 73.8 80.8 102.1 113.7 123.7 127.3 Brsil 71.9 87.0 97.1 116.4 125.2 125.2 Chile 69.8 75.0 101.0 120.0 126.6 128.8 Colombi 74.4 77.9 100.9 106.5 113.8 114.0 Cost Ric 72.0 80.3 100.5 117.3 127.2 132.7 Cub 85.8 97.7 103.1 57.3 54.3 63.8 Dominic 51.6 77.9 99.9 85.9 76.1 90.5 Ecudor 78.9 81.3 100.1 128.5 132.3 142.2 El Slvdor 90.1 89.6 99.6 102.3 102.4 103.6 Grnd 114.4 101.2 102.5 104.9 95.2 93.1 Guteml 68.9 79.7 101.8 111.6 121.0 123.8 Guyn 137.2 122.8 86.0 161.8 177.9 196.3 Hití 100.5 109.6 98.2 93.6 88.7 92.6 Hondurs 90.4 84.4 100.5 114.1 113.9 125.7 Jmic 86.2 88.6 104.1 115.4 117.6 124.6 México 83.8 96.5 101.0 113.6 121.5 117.2 Nicrgu 103.2 97.5 104.5 116.3 116.2 121.4 Pnmá 83.6 96.5 102.5 102.6 103.5 105.3 Prguy 59.6 79.1 101.8 105.1 117.5 116.1 Perú 73.8 88.0 99.9 117.9 126.8 134.7 Repúblic Dominicn 84.9 91.2 96.4 101.0 99.0 103.8 Sint Kitts y Nevis 149.8 121.0 87.9 94.0 94.5 102.6 Snt Lucí 60.5 77.4 108.7 86.4 97.2 91.6 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 66.4 102.9 106.2 71.1 88.2 82.2 Surinme 92.4 114.8 93.5 94.7 100.8 89.1 Trinidd y Tbgo 102.6 93.2 102.7 114.7 111.0 114.3 Uruguy 85.2 90.4 97.3 112.9 114.9 128.0 Venezuel 80.8 92.4 100.0 106.6 106.6 111.9 Totl 78.0 89.9 99.8 112.7 119.6 120.9 606

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 98.9 98.9 98.9 98.9 98.9 Antigu nd Brbud 125.8 134.6 142.3 140.6 145.8 Argentin 138.0 148.0 146.7 137.9 139.8 Bhms 96.7 97.2 99.1 100.1 100.1 Brbdos 159.3 149.5 161.2 173.6 175.8 Belize 133.5 136.7 137.9 149.5 146.9 Bolivi 130.3 131.6 142.3 144.8 150.6 Brzil 133.0 134.8 132.2 136.3 145.0 Chile 116.9 115.0 117.8 120.8 121.6 Colombi 132.5 144.0 147.5 147.3 149.1 Cost Ric 62.2 58.3 61.8 63.5 61.4 Cub 91.3 83.5 85.0 85.2 85.2 Dominic 154.0 132.2 149.6 156.4 162.3 Ecudor 114.3 110.8 118.7 118.0 114.3 El Slvdor 99.0 85.1 92.6 93.8 94.3 Grend 128.1 132.4 131.3 135.2 137.6 Guteml 204.4 180.1 200.3 196.8 193.5 Guyn 95.7 94.9 96.5 103.4 99.5 Hiti 122.4 120.5 109.6 113.6 113.2 Hondurs 117.7 118.3 121.3 116.4 118.6 Jmic 122.6 123.0 130.0 132.7 138.0 Mexico 122.7 130.2 131.9 145.6 154.8 Nicrgu 100.8 103.2 101.9 114.3 103.8 Pnm 124.8 127.9 134.0 134.1 144.4 Prguy 144.8 146.6 165.8 174.2 175.5 Peru 103.4 102.4 103.4 109.1 117.7 Dominicn Republic 134.6 112.8 96.7 94.2 94.2 Sint Kitts nd Nevis 81.0 67.3 70.6 71.7 74.4 Sint Luci 70.7 75.6 72.9 76.6 76.7 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 90.2 77.4 77.8 75.2 77.1 Surinme 111.2 100.4 113.5 115.2 115.3 Trinidd nd Tobgo 136.7 137.8 141.4 134.1 134.3 Uruguy 119.3 115.4 120.5 126.1 123.1 Venezuel 125.6 127.2 135.1 137.2 141.7 Totl 607

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 313. ÍNDICES DE VOLUMEN FÍSICO DE LA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALIMENTOS POR HABITANTE QUANTUM INDEXES OF PER CAPITA FOOD PRODUCTION (Año bse: promedio nul trienio 1989-1991 = 100 / Bse yer: nnul verge for the period 1989-1991 = 100) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Antigu y Brbud 98.1 106.1 100.1 105.2 97.5 96.9 Argentin 100.3 105.8 103.8 107.7 111.3 113.4 Bhms 139.0 118.7 100.4 80.6 106.0 114.0 Brbdos 123.0 93.0 102.7 80.1 88.4 102.8 Belice 94.4 85.7 108.2 113.4 123.8 131.8 Bolivi 90.7 90.1 102.2 103.4 109.8 110.2 Brsil 87.5 95.1 97.1 109.5 116.1 114.5 Chile 82.1 81.5 101.0 112.4 116.8 117.1 Colombi 91.5 86.1 100.9 98.5 103.3 101.6 Cost Ric 96.3 92.8 100.6 103.8 109.2 111.0 Cub 93.8 102.6 103.0 55.8 52.6 61.5 Dominic 49.8 77.2 100.3 86.3 76.5 91.0 Ecudor 101.8 91.7 100.2 117.6 118.6 124.9 El Slvdor 100.5 96.1 99.7 94.4 92.4 91.5 Grnd 117.0 102.3 102.5 103.8 94.2 92.1 Guteml 88.4 90.1 101.8 100.5 106.1 105.8 Guyn 132.0 119.2 86.2 160.3 175.3 192.6 Hití 127.2 123.4 98.1 87.2 81.4 83.6 Hondurs 123.3 98.2 100.5 101.7 98.6 105.9 Jmic 95.8 91.4 104.2 111.6 112.8 118.5 México 103.2 106.5 101.0 105.6 111.0 105.3 Nicrgu 135.4 109.7 104.6 103.5 100.5 102.0 Pnmá 102.8 106.7 102.4 95.2 94.3 94.2 Prguy 80.7 92.5 101.7 94.3 102.6 98.8 Perú 91.8 97.4 96.2 109.9 116.1 121.3 Repúblic Dominicn 105.2 100.0 98.4 94.3 90.8 93.6 Sint Kitts y Nevis 141.9 114.6 87.2 98.0 98.4 106.9 Snt Lucí 70.1 83.8 108.6 82.0 90.9 85.1 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 71.8 106.9 106.2 69.1 85.0 79.2 Surinme 104.6 120.1 93.4 93.2 99.0 87.3 Trinidd y Tbgo 115.4 96.2 102.8 111.2 107.0 109.5 Uruguy 91.2 93.3 97.3 109.7 110.9 122.6 Venezuel 104.4 105.1 99.9 97.2 95.1 97.8 Totl 95.1 98.8 99.8 105.2 109.8 109.2 608

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 96.9 96.9 95.4 95.4 95.4 Antigu nd Brbud 114.7 121.2 126.6 123.5 126.6 Argentin 120.6 127.7 124.9 115.8 115.9 Bhms 93.8 93.9 95.4 96.4 96.0 Brbdos 139.6 128.0 134.9 142.6 141.4 Belize 112.9 113.0 111.4 118.1 113.5 Bolivi 117.6 117.2 125.1 125.6 129.1 Brzil 119.1 119.2 115.4 117.4 123.4 Chile 102.3 98.8 99.5 100.3 99.4 Colombi 107.9 114.5 114.5 111.8 110.7 Cost Ric 59.7 55.7 58.8 60.2 58.0 Cub 91.8 83.9 85.4 85.6 85.6 Dominic 132.5 111.5 123.8 127.0 129.4 Ecudor 99.0 94.0 98.6 96.2 91.4 El Slvdor 96.8 83.2 90.6 90.8 91.3 Grend 106.6 107.3 103.6 104.0 103.0 Guteml 199.6 174.8 193.7 189.4 185.6 Guyn 85.0 83.0 83.1 87.6 83.0 Hiti 100.4 96.2 85.3 86.2 83.9 Hondurs 111.0 110.7 112.5 107.1 108.2 Jmic 108.3 106.9 111.2 111.7 114.5 Mexico 100.3 103.6 102.2 109.9 113.7 Nicrgu 88.8 89.4 86.8 95.9 85.8 Pnm 103.5 103.3 105.5 102.9 108.1 Prguy 128.1 127.8 141.8 146.3 145.0 Peru 91.6 89.3 88.6 92.0 97.7 Dominicn Republic 143.8 120.5 103.4 103.2 103.2 Sint Kitts nd Nevis 74.2 61.2 63.3 63.4 65.3 Sint Luci 67.5 71.5 68.4 71.8 71.3 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 87.9 75.1 75.3 72.5 73.9 Surinme 106.0 95.2 107.1 108.3 107.9 Trinidd nd Tobgo 130.0 130.1 132.5 124.8 124.1 Uruguy 102.1 96.8 99.1 101.7 97.4 Venezuel 111.6 111.3 116.4 116.5 118.5 Totl 609

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 314. SUPERFICIE AGRÍCOLA AGRICULTURAL AREA () Tierrs rbles / Arble lnd (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1 980 1985 1990 1994 1995 Antigu y Brbud 8 8 8 8 8 Argentin 25 000 25 000 25 000 25 000 25 000 Bhms 7 8 8 6 6 Brbdos 16 16 16 16 16 Belice 45 43 50 58 60 Bolivi 1 875 2 000 1 900 1 650 1 600 Brsil 38 632 42 428 45 600 48 400 53 500 Chile 3 836 3 444 2 802 2 276 2 120 Colombi 3 712 3 790 3 305 2 832 2 399 Cost Ric 283 285 260 230 225 Cub 2 630 2 850 3 250 3 702 3 700 Dominic 7 6 5 4 3 Ecudor 1 542 1 590 1 604 1 621 1 574 El Slvdor 558 500 550 584 582 Grnd 3 3 2 2 2 Guteml 1 270 1 300 1 300 1 354 1 355 Guyn 480 480 480 480 480 Hití 545 553 555 560 560 Hondurs 1 484 1 455 1 462 1 650 1 600 Jmic 135 115 119 174 174 México 23 000 23 300 24 000 24 950 25 200 Nicrgu 1 151 1 556 1 963 2 290 2 457 Pnmá 435 465 499 500 500 Prguy 1 620 1 900 2 110 2 190 2 200 Perú 3 220 3 376 3 500 3 602 3 610 Repúblic Dominicn 1 070 1 075 1 050 1 050 1 020 Sint Kitts y Nevis 8 8 8 7 7 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 5 4 4 4 4 Surinme 40 52 57 57 57 Trinidd y Tbgo 70 72 74 75 75 Uruguy 1 403 1 280 1 260 1 260 1 260 Venezuel 2 850 2 800 2 700 2 450 2 450 Totl 116 940 121 762 125 501 129 042 133 804 610

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Country 8 8 8 8 8 Antigu nd Brbud 25 000 25 000 25 000 25 000 25 000 Argentin 6 6 6 6 7 Bhms 16 16 16 16 16 Brbdos 63 64 64 64 64 Belize 1 690 1 872 1 974 1 975 1 944 Bolivi 53 400 53 300 53 200 53 200 53 200 Brzil 1 985 1 982 1 979 1 979 1 979 Chile 2 433 2 539 2 504 2 536 2 818 Colombi 225 225 225 225 225 Cost Ric 3 680 3 628 3 630 3 630 3 630 Cub 3 3 3 3 3 Dominic 1 574 1 574 1 574 1 574 1 574 Ecudor 565 565 560 560 560 El Slvdor 2 2 2 1 1 Grend 1 361 1 360 1 360 1 360 1 360 Guteml 480 480 480 480 480 Guyn 560 560 560 560 560 Hiti 1 600 1 520 1 520 1 468 1 068 Hondurs 174 174 174 174 174 Jmic 25 150 24 900 24 900 24 800 24 800 Mexico 2 457 2 457 2 457 2 457 2 457 Nicrgu 500 500 500 500 500 Pnm 2 200 2 210 2 200 2 255 2 290 Prguy 3 620 3 650 3 670 3 700 3 700 Peru 1 020 1 020 1 070 1 071 1 096 Dominicn Republic 6 6 6 7 7 Sint Kitts nd Nevis 4 4 4 4 4 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 57 57 57 57 57 Surinme 75 75 75 75 75 Trinidd nd Tobgo 1 265 1 270 1 280 1 290 1 300 Uruguy 2 450 2 438 2 440 2 440 2 440 Venezuel 133 629 133 465 133 498 133 475 133 397 Totl 611

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 314. SUPERFICIE AGRÍCOLA (continución 1) AGRICULTURAL AREA (continued 1) (b) Tierrs destinds cultivos permnentes / Lnd under permnent crops (Miles de hectáres /Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 Argentin 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 Bhms 2 2 2 4 4 Brbdos 1 1 1 1 1 Belice 7 10 18 24 25 Bolivi 187 197 221 235 230 Brsil 10 472 9 853 11 000 11 800 12 000 Chile 214 228 247 274 280 Colombi 1 480 1 485 1 695 1 950 2 031 Cost Ric 223 238 250 290 290 Cub 700 718 810 810 820 Dominic 10 11 11 12 12 Ecudor 920 1 130 1 321 1 415 1 427 El Slvdor 242 257 260 270 273 Grnd 12 10 10 9 9 Guteml 480 485 485 556 555 Guyn 15 15 15 16 16 Hití 345 350 350 350 350 Hondurs 273 323 358 340 350 Jmic 105 105 100 100 100 México 1 530 1 700 1 900 2 050 2 100 Nicrgu 178 216 251 279 289 Pnmá 120 130 155 165 155 Prguy 115 104 89 85 85 Perú 330 360 420 462 464 Repúblic Dominicn 350 355 450 500 500 Sint Kitts y Nevis 6 4 2 1 1 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 5 6 7 7 7 Surinme 9 10 11 11 11 Trinidd y Tbgo 46 46 46 47 47 Uruguy 46 46 45 45 45 Venezuel 820 890 910 920 930 Totl 21 443 21 485 23 640 25 228 25 607 612

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Country 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 Argentin 4 4 4 4 4 Bhms 1 1 1 1 1 Brbdos 25 25 25 25 25 Belize 225 228 229 230 262 Bolivi 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000 Brzil 315 315 315 316 318 Chile 1 663 1 718 1 646 1 828 1 727 Colombi 285 280 280 280 280 Cost Ric 830 836 835 835 835 Cub 12 12 12 12 12 Dominic 1 427 1 427 1 427 1 427 1 427 Ecudor 251 251 250 250 250 El Slvdor 9 9 9 10 10 Grend 549 545 545 545 545 Guteml 16 16 16 16 16 Guyn 350 350 350 350 350 Hiti 350 355 355 359 359 Hondurs 100 100 100 100 100 Jmic 2 150 2 400 2 400 2 500 2 500 Mexico 289 289 289 289 289 Nicrgu 155 155 155 155 155 Pnm 85 85 86 87 88 Prguy 470 490 500 510 510 Peru 480 480 480 500 500 Dominicn Republic 1 1 1 1 1 Sint Kitts nd Nevis 7 7 7 7 7 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 11 10 10 10 10 Surinme 47 47 47 47 47 Trinidd nd Tobgo 44 43 42 41 40 Uruguy 942 958 960 960 960 Venezuel 25 293 25 637 25 576 25 895 25 828 Totl 613

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 314. SUPERFICIE AGRÍCOLA (conclusión) AGRICULTURAL AREA (concluded) (c) Superficie regd / Irrigted lnd (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 Argentin 1 560 1 560 1 560 1 561 1 561 Brbdos 1 1 1 1 1 Belice 1 2 2 3 3 Bolivi 140 125 125 128 128 Brsil 1 600 2 100 2 700 2 656 2 656 Chile 1 255 1 350 1 600 1 750 1 800 Colombi 400 465 650 800 820 Cost Ric 61 73 77 85 92 Cub 762 861 890 880 870 Ecudor 620 720 820 855 860 El Slvdor 34 34 34 36 36 Guteml 87 102 117 128 129 Guyn 125 127 135 140 150 Hití 70 70 75 75 75 Hondurs 72 72 74 74 74 Jmic 24 25 25 25 25 México 4 980 5 285 5 600 6 300 6 400 Nicrgu 80 83 85 88 88 Pnmá 28 30 31 32 33 Prguy 60 65 65 67 67 Perú 1 140 1 170 1 190 1 193 1 193 Repúblic Dominicn 165 198 225 250 259 Snt Lucí 1 1 2 2 3 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 1 1 1 1 1 Surinme 42 45 47 49 49 Trinidd y Tbgo 2 2 3 3 3 Uruguy 79 97 125 160 160 Venezuel 370 470 480 536 540 Totl 13 760 15 134 16 739 17 878 18 076 614

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Country 1 561 1 561 1 561 1 561 1 561 Argentin 1 1 1 1 1 Brbdos 3 3 3 3 3 Belize 128 128 128 130 132 Bolivi 2 656 2 756 2 870 2 890 2 910 Brzil 1 800 1 800 1 800 1 800 1 800 Chile 830 842 850 850 850 Colombi 96 103 105 108 108 Cost Ric 870 870 870 870 870 Cub 863 863 865 865 865 Ecudor 36 38 38 40 40 El Slvdor 130 130 130 130 130 Guteml 150 150 150 150 150 Guyn 75 75 75 75 75 Hiti 76 76 76 78 80 Hondurs 25 25 25 25 25 Jmic 6 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 6 500 Mexico 88 88 88 88 88 Nicrgu 34 35 35 35 35 Pnm 67 67 67 67 67 Prguy 1 193 1 195 1 195 1 195 1 195 Peru 259 260 265 269 275 Dominicn Republic 3 3 3 3 3 Sint Luci 1 1 1 1 1 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 50 50 51 51 51 Surinme 3 3 3 3 3 Trinidd nd Tobgo 170 180 180 180 180 Uruguy 548 560 570 575 575 Venezuel 18 216 18 363 18 505 18 543 18 573 Totl 615

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 315. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE ALGODÓN SEED COTTON, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Antigu y Brbud 0 1 1 1 1 1 Argentin 568 447 545 484 680 969 Bolivi 24 10 4 18 29 48 Brsil 3 699 3 590 1 904 1 182 1 191 762 Colombi 217 196 201 74 84 104 Ecudor 19 17 31 13 16 15 El Slvdor 85 37 10 2 2 0 Guteml 123 62 39 15 9 6 Hití 10 13 5 5 4 4 Hondurs 13 7 2 2 2 1 México 355 197 220 169 275 307 Nicrgu 45 115 35 1 8 4 Prguy 258 386 509 381 332 307 Perú 148 158 138 97 124 137 Repúblic Dominicn 6 6 8 2 0 0 Venezuel 36 46 72 41 39 32 Totl 5 606 5 289 3 723 2 487 2 795 2 696 616

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 1 1 1 1 1 Antigu nd Brbud 888 878 640 332 332 Argentin 52 50 51 51 52 Bolivi 633 833 672 813 882 Brzil 61 48 52 48 53 Colombi 12 4 8 4 6 Ecudor 0 2 2 2 2 El Slvdor 2 3 1 1 1 Guteml 4 4 4 4 4 Hiti 1 2 1 1 1 Hondurs 207 245 145 77 89 Mexico 2 2 2 2 2 Nicrgu 111 202 166 195 298 Prguy 91 74 79 89 67 Peru 0 0 0...... Dominicn Republic 48 37 30 18 19 Venezuel 2 112 2 384 1 852 1 638 1 808 Totl 617

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 316. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE ARROZ RICE, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 82 109 117 141 184 193 Belice 3 2 3 6 7 6 Bolivi 66 113 109 136 130 131 Brsil 6 243 4 755 3 947 4 415 4 374 3 254 Chile 41 39 33 30 34 32 Colombi 414 371 521 408 407 407 Cost Ric 60 74 61 43 44 73 Cub 147 159 155 97 87 150 Ecudor 127 150 269 380 396 396 El Slvdor 17 17 14 15 10 11 Guteml 13 15 14 13 11 12 Guyn 95 78 51 101 127 135 Hití 50 55 62 53 50 48 Hondurs 20 18 18 15 13 15 México 127 216 105 88 78 87 Nicrgu 33 41 46 58 63 67 Pnmá 92 90 98 98 99 93 Prguy 24 39 34 47 48 44 Perú 103 193 185 239 203 210 Repúblic Dominicn 112 110 89 90 102 103 Surinme 65 75 52 55 60 61 Trinidd y Tbgo 3 2 5 5 3 5 Uruguy 67 85 78 134 146 151 Venezuel 201 181 115 156 177 173 Totl 8 205 6 985 6 181 6 824 6 852 5 858 618

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 224 212 289 189 151 Argentin 6 5 5 6 6 Belize 126 142 181 156 149 Bolivi 3 058 3 062 3 813 3 655 3 147 Brzil 24 27 15 26 29 Chile 394 403 455 476 429 Colombi 70 65 65 68 69 Cost Ric 146 123 113 111 115 Cub 316 325 366 376 380 Ecudor 15 10 11 8 6 El Slvdor 12 14 15 15 15 Guteml 143 129 145 137 137 Guyn 70 51 50 52 51 Hiti 16 11 6 3 3 Hondurs 113 102 83 84 60 Mexico 75 84 56 80 80 Nicrgu 70 88 78 86 76 Pnm 41 21 28 26 27 Prguy 239 269 312 287 300 Peru 97 111 125 120 150 Dominicn Republic 62 50 48 42 43 Surinme 2 2 4 2 3 Trinidd nd Tobgo 156 180 208 189 154 Uruguy 173 152 149 130 140 Venezuel 5 648 5 638 6 618 6 325 5 719 Totl 619

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 317. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE CAFÉ COFFEE, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Bolivi 23 28 28 23 24 24 Brsil 2 434 2 534 2 909 2 098 1 870 1 920 Colombi 1 084 930 1 000 1 006 1 006 1 006 Cost Ric 82 90 115 109 108 108 Cub 133 132 99 85 85 85 Ecudor 288 427 407 400 384 385 El Slvdor 185 164 173 168 163 164 Guteml 244 229 244 262 266 266 Guyn 2 1 1 1 1 1 Hití 85 74 74 62 58 54 Hondurs 119 124 144 179 184 209 Jmic 5 6 4 6 6 6 México 476 511 587 741 725 745 Nicrgu 99 85 70 83 84 84 Pnmá 17 26 25 27 25 24 Prguy 12 12 17 6 6 6 Perú 153 161 163 164 163 176 Repúblic Dominicn 165 153 103 153 153 126 Trinidd y Tbgo 10 9 9 7 6 3 Venezuel 258 269 282 260 179 184 Totl 5 848 5 965 6 453 5 840 5 495 5 575 620

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 24 25 25 25 25 Bolivi 1 988 2 070 2 208 2 270 2 302 Brzil 1 006 810 869 850 850 Colombi 108 106 106 106 106 Cost Ric 85 70 85 75 72 Cub 385 390 375 344 369 Ecudor 164 162 162 162 162 El Slvdor 269 260 273 273 273 Guteml 1 0 0 0 0 Guyn 54 54 54 58 54 Hiti 194 199 205 211 217 Hondurs 6 4 5 5 5 Jmic 690 679 723 701 758 Mexico 93 93 91 94 90 Nicrgu 26 24 33 22 21 Pnm 6 6 6 5 5 Prguy 185 189 212 228 228 Peru 126 139 139 139 139 Dominicn Republic 6 3 3 4 4 Trinidd nd Tobgo 179 201 220 240 220 Venezuel 5 594 5 485 5 795 5 812 5 902 Totl 621

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 318. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE CAÑA DE AZÚCAR SUGAR CANE, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Antigu y Brbud 0 - - - - - Argentin 314 288 256 239 295 297 Bhms 2 2 2 2 2 2 Brbdos 16 14 10 10 8 9 Belice 24 23 24 26 26 26 Bolivi 68 78 84 87 89 92 Brsil 2 608 3 912 4 273 4 345 4 559 4 750 Colombi 292 346 318 373 378 388 Cost Ric 45 49 30 40 43 43 Cub 1 392 1 348 1 420 1 249 1 177 1 245 Ecudor 108 87 85 106 106 106 El Slvdor 34 40 32 48 49 56 Guteml 70 72 112 130 139 179 Guyn 49 39 40 44 42 46 Hití 80 64 42 32 30 30 Hondurs 85 45 41 41 42 43 Jmic 51 47 40 39 40 45 México 540 489 571 588 573 634 Nicrgu 37 43 39 42 45 50 Pnmá 48 35 27 32 30 33 Prguy 37 55 60 56 56 57 Perú 60 70 62 51 60 54 Repúblic Dominicn 180 188 206 207 219 210 Sint Kitts y Nevis 5 4 4 3 3 3 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 0 1 1 1 1 1 Surinme 2 3 2 2 3 2 Trinidd y Tbgo 37 14 23 25 26 26 Uruguy 9 11 10 4 4 4 Venezuel 77 87 102 107 101 104 Totl 6 275 7 453 7 914 7 928 8 144 8 533 622

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country - - -...... Antigu nd Brbud 299 306 275 270 265 Argentin 2 2 2 2 2 Bhms 9 8 9 9 9 Brbdos 24 24 23 23 24 Belize 87 86 87 84 86 Bolivi 4 814 4 986 4 899 4 846 5 023 Brzil 387 394 374 397 403 Colombi 43 44 46 46 47 Cost Ric 1 246 1 049 996 1 041 1 100 Cub 90 110 67 76 67 Ecudor 70 75 77 75 64 El Slvdor 154 180 180 182 182 Guteml 46 44 50 49 49 Guyn 28 17 17 17 17 Hiti 44 45 46 47 48 Hondurs 40 36 38 39 40 Jmic 615 631 643 618 630 Mexico 52 53 56 56 56 Nicrgu 33 35 33 34 34 Pnm 58 58 61 59 44 Prguy 64 52 58 65 60 Peru 195 197 124 119 128 Dominicn Republic 4 4 4 4 4 Sint Kitts nd Nevis 1 1 1 1 1 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 2 2 2 3 3 Surinme 25 25 26 27 27 Trinidd nd Tobgo 3 3 3 3 3 Uruguy 104 131 127 143 135 Venezuel 8 539 8 597 8 323 8 335 8 550 Totl 623

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 319. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE FRIJOLES SECOS DRIED BEANS, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 205 191 207 171 221 240 Belice 2 2 4 3 4 4 Bolivi 4 9 10 8 13 12 Brsil 4 643 5 316 4 680 5 471 5 006 4 291 Chile 111 83 69 44 47 49 Colombi 115 132 165 145 167 139 Cost Ric 22 41 64 57 36 33 Cub 39 41 54 55 44 47 Ecudor 48 40 49 64 58 63 El Slvdor 52 58 63 74 61 68 Guteml 65 166 130 135 121 121 Hití 90 85 87 72 43 71 Hondurs 68 68 93 118 68 83 México 1 551 1 782 2 094 2 087 2 040 2 048 Nicrgu 54 72 113 113 138 119 Pnmá 10 12 11 13 12 11 Prguy 80 57 46 68 72 70 Perú 65 63 61 60 62 80 Repúblic Dominicn 51 70 59 43 50 49 Uruguy 5 5 5 5 5 5 Venezuel 66 72 88 43 45 42 Totl 7 347 8 366 8 150 8 848 8 314 7 647 320. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE SEMILLA DE GIRASOL SEED SUNFLOWER, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 1 855 2 360 2 689 2 153 2 955 3 236 Bolivi - - 10 23 42 41 Brsil 50 27 22 5 4 19 Chile 32 20 12 7 6 4 México 5 15 1 1 0 0 Prguy 1 14 16 31 30 44 Uruguy 69 39 59 61 107 92 Venezuel - - 138 16 15 12 Totl 2 013 2 475 2 946 2 296 3 158 3 448 624

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 257 269 322 276 257 Argentin 4 5 5 5 6 Belize 15 12 13 13 13 Bolivi 4 402 3 314 4 154 4 332 3 468 Brzil 35 39 29 31 36 Chile 135 121 121 116 122 Colombi 43 38 36 29 35 Cost Ric 50 45 46 59 55 Cub 63 56 58 48 54 Ecudor 83 78 74 79 85 El Slvdor 123 133 126 127 129 Guteml 73 51 51 51 51 Hiti 83 79 112 121 76 Hondurs 1 615 2 146 1 709 1 503 1 727 Mexico 135 189 206 186 190 Nicrgu 10 7 9 10 10 Pnm 74 57 58 55 74 Prguy 72 80 75 76 75 Peru 33 33 30 41 39 Dominicn Republic 5 5 5 5 5 Uruguy 42 42 35 44 44 Venezuel 7 351 6 798 7 272 7 208 6 551 Totl 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 3 007 3 331 4 068 3 477 1 913 Argentin 89 143 102 130 135 Bolivi 20 22 50 100 110 Brzil 2 2 3 6 2 Chile 2 1 1 0 0 Mexico 48 62 52 71 31 Prguy 97 81 134 50 49 Uruguy 8 6 5 4 4 Venezuel 3 274 3 649 4 415 3 839 2 243 Totl 625

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 321. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE MAÍZ MAIZE, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 2 490 3 340 1 560 2 445 2 522 2 604 Bhms 1 1 1 0 0 0 Brbdos 1 1 1 1 1 1 Belice 11 14 10 12 16 15 Bolivi 293 349 235 273 278 277 Brsil 11 451 11 798 11 394 13 749 13 946 11 934 Chile 116 131 101 105 104 99 Colombi 614 541 837 741 656 593 Cost Ric 39 74 40 19 18 13 Cub 77 77 75 78 77 89 Dominic 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ecudor 226 224 439 526 511 556 El Slvdor 292 253 282 315 295 279 Grnd 1 0 0 0 0 0 Guteml 659 660 634 607 546 575 Guyn 1 1 3 3 3 3 Hití 200 245 205 287 275 257 Hondurs 338 289 367 422 410 407 Jmic 3 3 2 3 3 3 México 6 776 7 590 7 339 8 194 8 020 8 051 Nicrgu 162 189 228 195 279 278 Pnmá 57 84 78 74 73 72 Prguy 226 156 191 218 331 325 Perú 312 371 323 347 365 401 Repúblic Dominicn 35 41 24 28 33 33 Snt Lucí - - - - - - Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 0 0 1 1 1 0 Surinme 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trinidd y Tbgo 1 1 1 2 2 2 Uruguy 132 89 61 55 48 59 Venezuel 394 467 462 460 415 366 Totl 24 908 26 988 24 894 29 159 29 228 27 291 626

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 3 410 3 185 2 515 3 098 2 745 Argentin 0 0 0 0 0 Bhms 1 1 1 1 1 Brbdos 17 14 15 16 18 Belize 236 264 277 308 306 Bolivi 12 562 10 586 11 611 11 615 12 355 Brzil 107 100 73 69 83 Chile 573 455 541 565 619 Colombi 13 16 13 10 13 Cost Ric 99 85 92 94 95 Cub 0 0 0 0 0 Dominic 573 356 424 444 460 Ecudor 306 295 263 259 294 El Slvdor 0 0 0 0 0 Grend 576 629 590 592 593 Guteml 3 3 3 3 3 Guyn 288 261 300 270 260 Hiti 391 446 390 372 344 Hondurs 3 2 2 2 1 Jmic 7 405 7 877 7 163 7 131 7 280 Mexico 232 252 252 294 295 Nicrgu 51 43 52 62 25 Pnm 384 356 353 332 353 Prguy 417 444 459 515 524 Peru 29 28 24 23 27 Dominicn Republic - - - -... Sint Luci 0 1 1 1 1 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 0 0 0 0 0 Surinme 2 2 2 2 2 Trinidd nd Tobgo 61 60 59 43 57 Uruguy 424 355 367 450 450 Venezuel 28 164 26 115 25 840 26 568 27 203 Totl 627

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 322. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE MANDIOCA CASSAVA, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 23 14 14 15 16 16 Bolivi 18 41 36 33 33 33 Brsil 2 016 1 868 1 938 1 851 1 946 1 509 Colombi 208 154 207 190 183 198 Cost Ric 5 5 3 7 7 9 Cub 40 45 68 77 72 80 Ecudor 25 22 25 19 21 20 El Slvdor 2 2 2 2 2 2 Guteml 2 3 5 5 5 5 Hití 63 65 82 80 80 70 Hondurs 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nicrgu 1 6 5 5 5 5 Pnmá 5 5 6 4 4 4 Prguy 136 186 240 174 211 191 Perú 42 46 41 48 52 65 Repúblic Dominicn 16 19 20 16 22 23 Venezuel 36 39 38 37 30 32 Totl 2 639 2 521 2 731 2 563 2 690 2 263 628

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 16 16 18 17 17 Argentin 34 34 34 35 42 Bolivi 1 552 1 579 1 571 1 722 1 741 Brzil 182 177 180 179 199 Colombi 9 9 8 10 10 Cost Ric 74 73 66 59 60 Cub 19 15 45 39 47 Ecudor 1 0 2 1 2 El Slvdor 5 5 9 9 5 Guteml 70 74 75 78 74 Hiti 1 1 3 3 3 Hondurs 5 5 5 5 5 Nicrgu 4 3 3 2 2 Pnm 220 237 248 202 257 Prguy 69 81 80 81 80 Peru 16 20 20 17 18 Dominicn Republic 39 42 45 45 46 Venezuel 2 315 2 370 2 411 2 504 2 606 Totl 629

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 323. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE SOJA SOYA BEANS, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 2 030 3 269 4 962 5 749 5 934 5 913 Bolivi 38 61 143 316 428 463 Brsil 8 774 10 153 11 487 11 525 11 675 10 292 Colombi 78 54 116 57 45 27 Ecudor 25 35 84 90 83 62 El Slvdor 1-1 1 1 1 Guteml - 5 16 13 13 16 México 154 476 286 288 134 49 Nicrgu 1 6 7 8 9 10 Prguy 475 719 900 694 736 833 Perú 6 1 1 1 1 1 Uruguy 40 15 29 11 9 8 Venezuel - - 3 2 2 2 Totl 11 622 14 794 18 035 18 755 19 070 17 677 630

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 6 394 6 954 8 180 8 638 10 318 Argentin 527 581 630 580 556 Bolivi 11 487 13 304 13 061 13 640 13 935 Brzil 43 34 19 18 23 Colombi 8 8 42 64 75 Ecudor 1 1 1 1 1 El Slvdor 18 10 10 10 10 Guteml 123 94 81 70 74 Mexico 14 18 9 4 8 Nicrgu 940 1 086 1 166 1 176 1 209 Prguy 5 2 2 2 2 Peru 8 9 9 9 11 Uruguy 2 2 2 2 5 Venezuel 19 568 22 102 23 212 24 215 26 228 Totl 631

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 324. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE SORGO SORGHUM, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 1 279 1 965 729 613 477 550 Bolivi 6 17 14 24 35 35 Brsil 78 170 138 166 154 197 Colombi 206 192 273 219 181 135 Cub 1 1 2 1 1 1 Ecudor 0 9 1 2 0 2 El Slvdor 119 114 129 122 134 119 Guteml 35 67 53 51 38 40 Hití 163 140 85 120 120 118 Hondurs 62 43 79 77 75 74 México 1 543 1 862 1 818 1 252 1 372 2 185 Nicrgu 48 75 46 49 28 54 Pnmá 9 12 9 5 8 10 Prguy 7 6 12 17 17 16 Perú 12 7 5 1 1 1 Repúblic Dominicn 4 17 9 6 7 6 Uruguy 50 73 26 24 44 30 Venezuel 212 250 176 209 223 202 Totl 3 835 5 020 3 602 2 957 2 916 3 773 632

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 678 782 735 724 613 Argentin 31 45 70 43 43 Bolivi 275 332 352 524 482 Brzil 103 63 60 68 70 Colombi 1 1 1 1 1 Cub 0 2 2 8 8 Ecudor 124 109 106 94 97 El Slvdor 40 42 42 42 42 Guteml 130 129 130 140 128 Hiti 73 82 83 67 67 Hondurs 1 877 1 953 1 913 1 899 2 165 Mexico 54 41 42 46 49 Nicrgu 8 7 7 1 0 Pnm 16 14 16 26 26 Prguy 0 0 0 0 0 Peru 9 9 3 4 6 Dominicn Republic 39 27 30 12 38 Uruguy 185 183 156 230 160 Venezuel 3 642 3 821 3 748 3 928 3 997 Totl 633

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 325. SUPERFICIE COSECHADA DE TRIGO WHEAT, AREA HARVESTED (Miles de hectáres / Thousnds of hectres) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 5 113 5 404 5 817 5 263 4 933 7 182 Bolivi 100 100 84 112 128 133 Brsil 3 122 2 677 2 681 1 349 995 1 796 Chile 546 506 583 362 390 369 Colombi 38 45 57 51 35 30 Ecudor 32 18 38 32 28 30 Guteml 40 32 16 12 12 11 Hondurs 1 1 1 1 1 1 México 724 1 217 933 965 929 809 Prguy 49 126 156 172 221 224 Perú 82 81 82 102 99 117 Uruguy 227 212 226 190 168 250 Venezuel 1 1 1 1 1 1 Totl 10 076 10 419 10 674 8 612 7 942 10 954 634

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 5 783 5 472 6 223 6 476 7 108 Argentin 158 187 167 117 110 Bolivi 1 522 1 409 1 250 1 066 1 702 Brzil 417 384 339 392 414 Chile 24 19 19 20 19 Colombi 27 31 27 25 27 Ecudor 11 7 4 5 5 Guteml 2 2 2 2 2 Hondurs 772 769 652 708 683 Mexico 201 188 128 171 171 Prguy 111 126 132 147 147 Peru 254 193 197 128 128 Uruguy 1 1 1 1 1 Venezuel 9 283 8 787 9 139 9 256 10 517 Totl 635

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 326. PRODUCCIÓN DE ALGODÓN SIN DESMOTAR SEED COTTON PRODUCTION (Miles de tonelds / Thousnds of tons) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 485 536 923 706 1 123 1 347 Bolivi 20 14 7 32 50 77 Brsil 1 676 2 857 1 921 1 368 1 451 954 Colombi 353 340 314 149 149 184 Ecudor 40 19 37 15 17 18 El Slvdor 186 80 14 3 4 0 Guteml 464 166 111 40 21 15 Hití 4 6 3 2 2 1 Hondurs 23 15 5 5 5 2 México 1 085 606 553 340 625 765 Nicrgu 62 212 66 3 16 7 Prguy 228 469 642 380 461 330 Perú 265 291 239 168 217 269 Venezuel 52 74 85 51 33 41 Totl 4 942 5 684 4 920 3 261 4 173 4 011 636

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 1 030 987 618 417 500 Argentin 67 56 61 61 65 Bolivi 822 1 173 1 414 2 010 2 631 Brzil 109 97 111 111 117 Colombi 15 10 6 5 8 Ecudor 0 4 4 4 4 El Slvdor 4 8 2 3 3 Guteml 1 1 2 2 1 Hiti 4 2 2 1 2 Hondurs 632 705 431 224 281 Mexico 4 5 6 5 6 Nicrgu 139 222 202 247 298 Prguy 146 95 135 154 134 Peru 62 43 38 17 10 Venezuel 3 035 3 408 3 029 3 260 4 059 Totl 637

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 327. PRODUCCIÓN DE ARROZ RICE PRODUCTION (Miles de tonelds / Thousnds of tons) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 266 400 428 608 926 986 Belice 9 6 5 6 10 13 Bolivi 95 173 211 247 265 344 Brsil 9 776 9 025 7 421 10 541 11 226 8 644 Chile 95 157 136 133 146 153 Colombi 1 784 1 742 2 117 1 657 1 743 1 661 Cost Ric 231 224 210 195 199 296 Cub 478 524 474 226 223 369 Ecudor 381 397 840 1 420 1 291 1 270 El Slvdor 61 69 62 65 51 55 Guteml 42 38 44 39 31 21 Guyn 282 256 156 392 503 544 Hití 120 129 130 105 100 120 Hondurs 36 46 44 37 35 40 México 445 808 394 374 367 394 Nicrgu 112 144 121 189 232 230 Pnmá 170 186 222 227 172 190 Prguy 41 97 86 122 136 132 Perú 441 878 966 1 401 1 142 1 203 Repúblic Dominicn 398 494 428 376 487 474 Surinme 258 299 196 218 242 220 Trinidd y Tbgo 10 4 14 18 10 18 Uruguy 288 421 347 660 806 974 Venezuel 619 472 495 640 757 755 Totl 16 435 16 988 15 546 19 895 21 099 19 105 638

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 1 205 1 011 1 658 904 855 Argentin 17 9 13 11 12 Belize 256 296 257 299 287 Bolivi 8 352 7 716 11 710 11 090 10 207 Brzil 88 104 61 135 143 Chile 1 830 1 898 2 185 2 286 2 107 Colombi 247 286 294 299 300 Cost Ric 419 280 369 306 350 Cub 1 072 1 043 1 290 1 355 1 377 Ecudor 66 51 57 47 37 El Slvdor 22 31 48 45 45 Guteml 568 532 600 540 540 Guyn 160 101 100 130 103 Hiti 50 28 12 7 7 Hondurs 469 458 394 351 259 Mexico 257 266 193 285 280 Nicrgu 144 232 224 319 279 Pnm 142 81 128 101 102 Prguy 1 460 1 549 1 955 1 892 2 019 Peru 509 475 567 581 698 Dominicn Republic 213 188 180 164 165 Surinme 7 7 10 7 7 Trinidd nd Tobgo 1 024 950 1 328 1 209 1 030 Uruguy 771 701 720 677 690 Venezuel 19 345 18 295 24 354 23 041 21 900 Totl 639

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 328. PRODUCCIÓN DE BANANO Y PLÁTANO PRODUCTION OF BANANAS AND PLANTAINS (Miles de tonelds / Thousnds of tons) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Argentin 146 163 201 142 171 117 Bhms 7 8 6 3 3 3 Brbdos 1 1 1 1 1 1 Belice 20 15 27 61 62 82 Bolivi 276 367 548 429 490 494 Brsil 4 660 5 008 5 726 5 955 5 801 5 160 Colombi 3 378 3 293 3 845 4 445 4 534 4 253 Cost Ric 1 198 1 086 1 768 2 044 2 343 2 449 Cub 233 345 324 361 400 539 Dominic 16 44 70 59 47 53 Ecudor 3 020 2 915 4 120 6 008 6 084 6 596 El Slvdor 59 43 74 75 89 54 Grnd 17 13 13 9 9 7 Guteml 501 537 506 685 740 736 Guyn 16 40 26 36 38 32 Hití 500 510 530 523 525 529 Hondurs 1 511 1 225 1 210 1 037 1 058 1 228 Jmic 165 180 155 155 165 164 México 1 438 1 996 1 986 2 295 2 033 2 210 Nicrgu 224 186 174 95 105 137 Pnmá 1 107 1 097 1 251 1 004 961 936 Prguy 180 128 81 76 70 67 Perú 684 721 702 845 1 066 1 348 Repúblic Dominicn 901 914 1 060 996 667 700 Snt Lucí 47 108 162 117 142 131 Sn Vicente y ls Grndins 31 46 84 39 61 54 Surinme 41 48 56 66 68 67 Trinidd y Tbgo 9 9 9 10 10 10 Venezuel 1 308 1 434 1 674 1 729 1 461 1 552 Totl 21 694 22 480 26 389 29 300 29 202 29 709 640

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Country 161 173 175 175 175 Argentin 1 1 3 3 3 Bhms 1 1 1 1 1 Brbdos 59 57 66 106 85 Belize 566 575 598 882 875 Bolivi 5 412 5 322 5 528 6 079 5 959 Brzil 4 383 4 076 4 175 4 333 4 202 Colombi 2 352 2 556 2 490 2 307 2 212 Cost Ric 382 462 493 587 560 Cub 48 36 37 39 39 Dominic 8 388 5 930 7 050 6 953 8 037 Ecudor 95 102 99 132 131 El Slvdor 5 5 6 6 5 Grend 785 933 803 919 867 Guteml 25 19 16 42 31 Guyn 540 578 580 613 570 Hiti 1 177 1 080 703 714 756 Hondurs 156 152 155 157 159 Jmic 1 714 1 526 1 738 1 863 1 983 Mexico 112 126 114 97 102 Nicrgu 894 765 912 765 589 Pnm 69 71 70 57 64 Prguy 1 342 1 322 1 385 1 415 1 450 Peru 716 700 661 521 635 Dominicn Republic 102 81 86 93 93 Sint Luci 37 45 44 47 48 Sint Vincent nd the Grendines 57 52 66 60 54 Surinme 10 10 10 10 10 Trinidd nd Tobgo 1 627 1 391 1 403 1 448 1 750 Venezuel 31 218 28 146 29 466 30 423 31 446 Totl 641

VIII.RECURSOS NATURALES Y PRODUCCIÓN DE BIENES / NATURAL RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION OF GOODS 329. PRODUCCIÓN DE CAFÉ VERDE PRODUCTION OF GREEN COFFEE (Miles de tonelds / Thousnds of tons) Pís 1980 1985 1990 1994 1995 1996 Bolivi 21 23 24 19 20 22 Brsil 1 061 1 911 1 465 1 307 930 1 369 Colombi 724 643 845 722 822 671 Cost Ric 106 124 151 148 150 154 Cub 19 24 25 17 17 17 Ecudor 69 121 135 187 148 191 El Slvdor 184 149 147 141 140 149 Guteml 177 182 202 214 211 213 Hití 43 37 37 31 29 27 Hondurs 64 75 120 126 132 149 Jmic 2 1 2 2 3 3 México 220 260 440 325 325 374 Nicrgu 59 35 28 41 55 50 Pnmá 7 9 12 11 11 10 Prguy 8 18 18 5 4 4 Perú 86 91 81 91 97 107 Repúblic Dominicn 60 72 59 37 45 42 Trinidd y Tbgo 2 2 2 1 1 0 Venezuel 58 64 76 68 65 69 Totl 2 973 3 842 3 869 3 493 3 204 3 621 642