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1 AP SPANISH LITERATURE AND CULTURE SYLLABUS AP Español Lenguaje y Cultura Señor Gonzalez La escuela secundaria Magnolia Science Academy 3 jagonzalez@magnoliapublicschools.org Course Objectives and Goals: Course Description AP Spanish Literature and Culture is designed to introduce students to the formal study of Peninsular Spanish, Latin American, and US Hispanic literature. The course aims to develop students critical reading and analytical writing skills in Spanish as well as their ability to make interdisciplinary connections and explore linguistic and cultural comparisons. This class will be conducted entirely in Spanish appropriate to this level and covers the entire official AP Spanish Literature and Culture reading list. Literary texts are grouped by themes and presented in chronological order within each theme. Students are expected to discuss literary texts and their different historical, socio-cultural and geopolitical contexts in a variety of interactive oral and written formats in Spanish. Additionally, students will analyze themes and features of artistic representations, audiovisual materials and audio sources in Spanish related to course content. Approved Resources: Materials/Resources Reference material used by the AP teacher includes resources that ensure course standards and requirements: Teacher s guide to AP Spanish Literature and Culture, College Board AP Audit Handbook, College Board AP Spanish Literature and Culture Course and Exam Description at: <apcentral.collegeboard.com> Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, Allen Press, 2006 AP Spanish Literature and Culture Syllabus Textbooks used by the AP student to assist in further development and refinement of literature: Colbert, Kanter, Ryan & Sugano. AZULEJO: Anthology & Guide to the AP Spanish Literature and Culture Course, 2nd Edition Colbert, Colbert, Kanter, Maura & Sugano. AZULEJO: Study Guide for the New AP Spanish Abriendo puertas: Antología de literatura en español (Tomos I y II), McDougal Littell, 2012

2 Rules and Procedures: Attendance is extremely important to success. All tardies will be recorded on CoolSIS. An excused Tardy requires a pass from a teacher or administrator. NO EXCEPTIONS! When you come to class, remember: You are expected to participate and cooperate. We work as a class. Move and speak at appropriate times. During instruction, you must be in your seat and quiet. Arrive on time quietly and be seated before the tardy bell rings. Begin working on Daily Assignment Use class time for Spanish work only. Assignments for any other class will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. No Exceptions! Bring all materials to class every day. Take notes and keep them organized. Raise your hand to let the teacher know early when you need additional help or explanations. Raise your hand if you have a question. Any yelling across the room will not be tolerated. Maintain high expectations for yourself. Follow all school rules in this class. All unauthorized electronic use will result in immediate confiscation of device without previous warning. No eating, drinking, or chewing gum. Only bottled water with a cap is allowed. All assignments must be labeled including student name. All unnamed assignments will be discarded. Supplies/Materials: 3 ring binder and paper Red pen Blue or black pens Composition notebook Grading Policy: The following grading percentages will serve as a basis for the grades for this class: Major Summative 80% Students are assigned essays crafted in the style of AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exam questions to do at home in addition to timed essays written in class along with multiple choice questions based on a reading comprehension selection. The exam essays are weighted for content and communication, as are the AP scoring guidelines. Major projects include but are not limited to the following: write a response, make a collage with interpretation, recitation of poem, put on a play, PowerPoint collage, diorama, film, etc. that involve an oral presentation and illustration of a work read during the six weeks. The projects are weighted for content and communication, as are the AP scoring guidelines. Minor Summative 20% These grades may include but are not limited to quizzes (which may consist of questions pertaining to the historical, cultural, and literary background of the time period being studied) and communicative activities (which may include daily journal entries that analyze in Spanish the work being read and will be assessed on a periodic basis). These activities may include but are not limited to working in the language lab, working on blogs on the internet from home, etc.

3 Homework Although homework will no longer be assigned a grade, it is essential for success on a student s summative assessment. Written responses to questions from a variety of sources should be expected. Handouts styled with the AP exam in mind will be given as well to further help the student analyze the different works. Course Content Students will learn the definition and application of a variety of literary terminology required to properly analyze all authentic literary works. Throughout the course, students will read and analyze works of prose, poetry and drama from different periods with a consideration of their cultural, social, historical and philosophical context. The course explicitly addresses each of the following themes: 1. Las relaciones interpersonales 2. La construcción del género 3. Las sociedades en contacto 4. El tiempo y el espacio 5. La dualidad del ser 6. La creación literaria Required Reading List 1. Allende, Isabel, Dos palabras 2. Anónimo, Romance de la pérdida de Alhama 3. Anónimo, Lazarillo de Tormes (Prólogo: Tratados 1, 2,3, 7) 4. Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo, Rima LIII Volverán las oscuras golondrinas 5. Borges, Jorge Luis, Borges y yo 6. Borges, Jorge Luis, El Sur 7. Burgos, Julia de, A Julia de Burgos 8. Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quijote (Parte 1, capítulos 1-5, 8 y 9; Parte 2, cap. 74) 9. Cortázar, Julio, La noche boca arriba 10. Cortés, Hernán, Segunda carta de relación (selecciones) 11. Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la, Hombres necios que acusáis 12. Darío, Rubén, A Roosevelt 13. Don Juan Manuel, El Conde Lucanor. De lo que aconteció a un mozo que casó con una mujer muy brava

4 14. Dragún, Osvaldo, El hombre que se convirtió en perro 15. Fuentes, Carlos, Chac Mool 16. García-Lorca, Federico, La casa de Bernarda Alba 17. García-Lorca, Federico, Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla 18. García-Márquez, Gabriel, El ahogado más hermoso del mundo 19. García-Márquez, Gabriel, La siesta del martes 20. Garcilaso de la Vega, Soneto XXIII En tanto que de rosa y azucena 21. Góngora y Argote, Luis de, Soneto CLXVI Mientras por competir con tu cabello 22. Guillen, Nicolás, Balada de los dos abuelos 23. Heredia, José María, En una tempestad 24. León-Portilla, Miguel, Visión de los vencidos (dos secciones: Los presagios, según los informantes de Sahagún y Se ha perdido el pueblo mexicatl ) 25. Machado, Antonio, He andado muchos caminos 26. Martí, José, Nuestra América 27. Montero, Rosa, Como la vida misma 28. Morejón, Nancy, Mujer negra 29. Neruda, Pablo, Walking around 30. Pardo Bazán, Emilia, Las medias rojas 31. Quevedo, Francisco de, Salmo XVII Miré los muros de la patria mía 32. Quiroga, Horacio, El hijo 33. Rivera, Tomás, y no se lo tragó la tierra (dos capítulos: y no se lo tragó la tierra y La noche buena ) 34. Rulfo, Juan, No oyes ladrar los perros? 35. Storni, Alfonsina, Peso ancestral 36. Tirso de Molina, El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra 37. Ulibarrí, Sabine, Mi caballo mago 38. Unamuno, Miguel de, San Manuel Bueno, mártir Literary texts will be grouped by themes with a chronology within each theme. The interrelatedness of the themes will provide students with opportunities to study a given text more than once in the course.

5 1) Las relaciones interpersonales Preguntas Esenciales: How are individuals transformed through their relationships with others? 1. De qué manera se transforma el/la protagonista de una obra a consecuencia de sus relaciones con otros personajes? 2. De qué manera los individuos perjudican o contribuyen al bienestar de la familia o la comunidad? 3. Cómo influye el contexto sociocultural en el desarrollo de las relaciones interpersonales? Lecturas: 1. Pardo Bazán, Emilia, Las medias rojas Quiroga, Horacio, El hijo García-Lorca, Federico, La casa de Bernarda Alba Rulfo, Juan, No oyes ladrar los perros García-Márquez, Gabriel, La siesta del martes Ulibarrí, Sabine, Mi caballo mago Montero, Rosa, Como la vida misma 1982 Activities Las relaciones interpersonales will be introduced by watching the last five minutes of the 1946 Mexican film Enamorada, directed by Emilio Fernández. A rich man s daughter leaves everything behind to follow a revolutionary general. Students will write a short response to the essential question above and see how it connects to Quiroga s El hijo. After analyzing Las medias rojas, students will read the lyrics of the 2005 song Malo by Spanish artist Bebe in order to write a short comparative essay analyzing las relaciones personales. Scenes from the 1987 Spanish film La Casa de Bernarda Alba, directed by Mario Camus, will be shown, and then a group discussion will focus on how the setting has an impact on the relaciones interpersonales between characters. Students will research Juan Rulfo s biography and select a photograph from the gallery that according to the students best depicts the setting and mood in No oyes ladrar los perros. A brief oral presentation of their findings will be required To further enhance the themes presented in Montero s work, students will compare Como la vida misma and how technology is changing relationships in today s world. Students will write an essay answering the essential questions utilizing one or more quotes from the readings to support their thesis. genres and time periods and write an essay analyzing the relationships between cultural

6 2) La construcción del género Preguntas Esenciales: How have historical and socio-cultural factors influenced gender roles? 1. Cómo revela la literatura los cambios en la percepción de los géneros masculino y femenino? 2. De qué manera han servido los factores socioculturales como instrumentos de cambios (o no) en la representación de los géneros? 3. Cómo ha cambiado la representación de lo femenino (voces femeninas, personajes femeninos) a lo largo de la historia de la literatura? Lecturas: 1. Don Juan Manuel, De lo que aconteció a un mozo que casó con una mujer fuerte y muy brava siglo XIV 2. Tirso de Molina, El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la, Hombres necios que acusáis fines del siglo XVII 4. Storni, Alfonsina, Peso ancestral Morejón, Nancy, Mujer negra Allende, Isabel, Dos palabras 1989 Activities La construcción del género will be introduced by watching a clip from an episode from the 1986 TV show Moonlighting entitled Atomic Shakespeare. It is Moonlighting s version of Shakespeare s Taming of the Shrew. Class discussion will revolve around the question: What is the general attitude on women, past and present? After analyzing Don Juan Manuel s work, students will compare La mujer brava to Adela in Lorca s La Casa de Bernarda Alba. As students complete the analysis of each Jornada of Tirso de Molina s play, they will view the corresponding scenes from the Televisión Española version of El burlador de Sevilla (Films for the Humanities). Group discussion will follow. Students will research Don Juan s character in world literature and music: Byron s epic poem Don Juan (1821), José de Espronceda s poem El estudiante de Salamanca (1840), José Zorrilla s play Don Juan Tenorio (1844) and Don Giovanni, the opera composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1787). They will then present their findings in an oral presentation. Additionally, students will write an essay comparing and contrasting the ending in Tirso s and Zorrilla s plays. To introduce Sor Juana s Hombres necios, the students will listen and read the lyrics to Ricardo Arjona s song Dime que no (fuente: musica.com/letras). After reading and analyzing Hombres necios, students will listen and read the lyrics to Maná s song Ana (fuente: musica.com/letra). Class discussion will follow. Additionally, students will create a dialog (interview, poem, one-act play) between Sor Juana and Don Juan. Storni s poem will be introduced by reading the lyrics as they listen to Mexico s Pedro Fernández sing Dicen que los hombres no deben llorar (fuente: musica.com/letras). A graphic organizer will be used to discuss gender stereotypes in Peso ancestral. Students will then write an essay analyzing gender stereotypes as portrayed in these two works.

7 They will read mujer negra y dos palabras and compare the role of women in literature. genres and time periods, and write an essay analyzing the relationships between cultural 3) Las sociedades en contacto Preguntas Esenciales: How does literature represent the relationship between socio-cultural groups (e.g. social classes, ethnic groups, social groups, groups possessing distinct political rights) in different periods and cultures? 1. De qué manera las perspectivas de una cultura afectan la representación de eventos históricos? 2. Cómo se resisten (o se asimilan) los miembros de una minoría cultural a las costumbres y las perspectivas de la mayoría dominante? 3. Cómo se representan en obras literarias de distintos períodos y diversas culturas las relaciones entre grupos socioculturales (clases sociales, grupos étnicos, etc.)? Lecturas: 1. Anónimo, Romance de la pérdida de Alhama siglo XV 2. León-Portilla, Miguel, Visión de los vencidos Los presagios, según los informantes de Sahagún documentos indígenas que comprenden hechos acaecidos antes después de la llegada de los españoles a Tenochtitlán 3. Cortés, Hernán Segunda carta de relación (selecciones) León-Portilla, Miguel, Visión de los vencidos Se ha perdido el pueblo mexicatl documentos indígenas que comprenden hechos acaecidos antes después de la llegada de los españoles a Tenochtitlán 5. Anónimo, Lazarillo de Tormes (Prólogo; Tratados 1, 2, 3, 7) Martí, José, Nuestra América Darío, Rubén, A Roosevelt García Lorca, Federico, Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla Dragún, Osvaldo, El hombre que se convirtió en perro Rivera, Tomás, y no se lo tragó la tierra (dos capítulos y no se lo tragó la tierra y La noche buena ) 1971 Activities Las sociedades de contacto will be introduced by discussing Francisco de Goya s paintings El dos de mayo de 1808 en Madrid, Los fusilamientos del tres de mayo and Coloso Students will then discuss advantages and disadvantages that occur when societies encounter each other. While reading Romance de la pérdida de Alhama students will do A virtual walking tour: The Alhambra by visiting Students will then write a short answer explaining the estribillo Ay de mi Alhama!

8 Students will study two of Rivera s frescoes in Mexico City s National Palace - Historia de México, de la conquista al futuro Analyze and connect to León- Portilla s work in a short answer. - La Gran Tenochtitlán 1945 Compare and connect to Segunda carta de relación to present to the classroom. Students will view selected scenes from El Lazarillo de Tormes (Films for the Humanities) with focus on Lázaro s first three masters. Students will also do research on La sociedad española del siglo XVI and take notes on how this historical period relates to the social culture in El Lazarillo for an oral presentation. After studying Martí s and Darío s works, students will compare their messages to those of Maná s Latinoamérica (fuente: musica.com/letras). Students will then write their own version (essay, poem, song) of how they envision Latinoamérica. Students will do research on the Mexican American Farm Workers Movement and/or The Valley Farm Worker s Movement started in Texas by Antonio Orendain in Students will write an essay establishing connections between Orendain s cause and Rivera s text. They will analyze the challenges immigrants face and compare them to Dragun s work. They will explore how el hombre que se convirtio en perro reflects the situation some immigrants in the US might face. genres and time periods, and write an essay analyzing the relationships between cultural 4) El tiempo y el espacio Preguntas Esenciales: How are cultural concepts of time and space represented in literature? 1. Cómo presentan las literaturas de distintas culturas los conceptos del tiempo y el espacio? 2. De qué manera los autores se valen del tiempo y el espacio para construir una variedad de estados de ánimos o sentimientos (p. ej. la desorientación, la nostalgia, el remordimiento)? 3. Cómo se relacionan la representación del espacio y el manejo del tiempo en una obra literaria? Lecturas: 1. Garcilaso de la Vega, Soneto XXIII: En tanto que de rosa y azucena Góngora y Argote, Luis de, Soneto CLXVI: Mientras por competir con tu cabello Becquer, Gustavo Adolfo, Rima LIII: Volveran las oscuras golondrinas 4. Quevedo, Francisco de, Salmo XVII: Miré los muros de la patria mía Heredia, José María, En una tempestad 1820 o Machado, Antonio, He andado muchos caminos Neruda, Pablo, Walking around Fuentes, Carlos, Chac Mool 1954

9 Activities El tiempo y el espacio will be introduced by studying Salvador Dalí s 1931 painting La persistencia de la memoria. Definitions of time and space will be presented and a discussion will follow about how they are perceived. Students will do research on the famous quote carpe diem and present a brief oral presentation on how this phrase relates to En tanto que la rosa y azucena. Sandro Botticelli s 1846 painting, The Birth of Venus will be studied. Students will discuss and compare the woman depicted in the painting to those described in Garcilaso s and Góngora s poems. For a deeper understanding of Quevedo s concept of memento mori, students will do research on the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 and look at Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg s 1796 painting. A comparative short essay will be required. Joan Manuel Serrat s song Benito from his album Nadie es perfecto (1994) will be heard as lyrics are read to compare the poetic devices to Machado s text. A graphic organizer will be used to facilitate the analysis of Machado s devices. Group discussion will follow after studying Neruda s poem and Mexican artist David Alfaro Siqueiros 1937 painting Eco de un grito. Students will write an essay on the chaos and pessimism depicted in both works. They will also listen to two musical versions of Neruda s poem: Miguel Bosé in Neruda en el Corazón and Miserables in Marinero en Tierra: Tributo a Neruda followed by a short presentation on how Neruda s Tiempo y espacio has been interpreted. Students will view and discuss Carlos Fuentes La Batalla de los Dioses from his series El espejo enterrado. This second program focuses on the rediscovery of the ancient Aztec temples. His quote Entonces supimos que lo que habíamos creído muerto en realidad estaba vivo will be analyzed and connected to Chac Mool. Students will answer the question: How does Fuentes perspective change over the short story (1954) and the documentary (1992)? Students will compare Heredia s and Becquer s work. They will analyze the elements of the Romanticism found in both author s work. genres and time periods, and write an essay analyzing the relationships between cultural 5) La dualidad del ser Preguntas Esenciales: How do cultural and historical contexts affect how an individual expresses his or her identity? 1. Qué preguntas plantea la literatura acerca de la realidad y la fantasía? 2. Cómo influye el contexto sociocultural o histórico en la expresión de la identidad? 3. Cuál es el significado de la vida (para un personaje, para un autor) y cómo se relaciona esto con las creencias o ideas en cuanto a la muerte?

10 Lecturas: 1. Guillén, Nicolás, Balada de los dos abuelos Burgos, Julia, A Julia de Burgos Borges, Jorge Luis, El Sur Borges, Jorge Luis, Borges y yo Cortázar, Julio, La noche boca arriba García Márquez, Gabriel, El ahogado más hermoso del mundo 1968 Activities La dualidad del ser will be introduced by studying Xul Solar s 1919 painting Cara. Students will define and discuss how artistic symbolism functions in the creation of art and literature. Students will listen to the lyrics of Nuestra Sangre by Tony Croatto (17 Obras Musicales de Puerto Rico). Students will compare the song to Guillén s text using a Venn diagram. Additionally, students will research the traffic of African slaves during the 16th century. All findings will be presented orally. After reading and analyzing Julia de Burgos text, students will study Frida Kahlo s 1939 painting Las dos Fridas. Students will write an essay comparing and contrasting the theme of identity in both works. Students will write an essay analyzing the elements of reality and dream in Cortazar s work. They will analyze the pre-columbian elements found in both La noche boca arriba and Chac Mool. Students will compare the text Borges y yo with the author s ideas as presented in the following interview that they will watch /Joaquín Soler Serrano entrevista a Jorge Luis Borges/Videoteca de la memoria literaria Radiotelevisión española (1976) and report their comparison in a short paragraph. Students will write a comparison essay using Dos Palabras and El ahogado más hermoso del mundo. They will analyze the possibility of transformation and the role of the narrator and language. genres and time periods, and write an essay analyzing the relationships between cultural 6) La creación literaria Preguntas Esenciales: How is the meaning of a literary text shaped by other texts? 1. Qué factores motivan a los escritores a crear sus obras literarias? 2. De qué manera la intertextualidad contribuye al significado de una obra literaria? 3. Cómo influye en la experiencia de los lectores la presencia de la literatura misma como tema de una obra literaria?

11 Lecturas: 1. Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quijote (Primera parte, capítulos 1-5, 8 y 9; Segunda parte, capítulo 74) Unamuno, Miguel de, San Manuel Bueno, mártir 1933 Activities La creación literaria will be introduced by watching scenes from the production of Don Quixote with the Ballet Nacional de Cuba (2007). The creative process of this artistic adaptation will be discussed. After reading and analyzing the assigned chapters, students will view the Don Quixote video from Discovery s Great Books series to understand the significance of Cervantes work as discussed by scholars and critics. Students will then write a short response to the question: What is Don Quijote s significance in your experience? Scenes from Luis Buñuel s 1950 film Los olvidados will be viewed in class. Students will use a graphic organizer to compare the relationship of Buñuel s characters El Jaibo and Pedro with Unamuno s don Manuel and Angela. Additionally, students will write an essay discussing motivating factors of Unamuno and Buñuel to create their work. Students will write a brief text (prose or poetry) inspired by any of the texts studied in class. A short composition supporting the creative process will be included as part of the project. genres and time periods, and write an essay analyzing the relationships between cultural


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Level 1 Spanish, 2015

Level 1 Spanish, 2015 90908 909080 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2015 90908 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 2 December 2015 Credits: Five

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El perro perdido Hoja de práctica 1. Escribe C si la frase es cierta y F si la frase es falsa.

El perro perdido Hoja de práctica 1. Escribe C si la frase es cierta y F si la frase es falsa. Nombre Fecha Escribe C si la frase es cierta y F si la frase es falsa. El perro perdido Hoja de práctica 1 1. Carbón es un perro blanco. 2. Carbón vive en Chile. 3. Carbón vive con una chica. 4. Alonso

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Level 1 Spanish, 2016

Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Thursday 24 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement

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Temas: a) la Uruguay, tenue línea 1928 entre lo real y lo ilusorio,

Temas: a) la Uruguay, tenue línea 1928 entre lo real y lo ilusorio, Español literatura AP: Repaso de obras 1 El hijo de Horacio Quiroga, Temas: a) la Uruguay, tenue línea 1928 entre lo real y lo ilusorio, b) la decadencia del orden establecido tbl y el descontrol 2 Mi

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AP Spanish Literature

AP Spanish Literature AP Spanish Literature Course Description: This course is comparable to a fifth or sixth semester college course in advanced Spanish composition and/or conversation. In literature, the students will read

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Miércoles 9 Capítulo 4

Miércoles 9 Capítulo 4 Viernes 4 Lunes 7 Martes 8 9 Capítulo 4 Jueves 10 Viernes 11 Lunes 14 Martes 15 16 Lunes 21 Martes 22 23 Jueves 24 Viernes 25 Lunes 28 Capítulo 5 Martes 29 30 Mayo Jueves 1 Viernes 2 Lunes 5 Martes 6 7

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La clase de Español AP Lengua y Cultura

La clase de Español AP Lengua y Cultura La clase de Español AP Lengua y Cultura Continúa aprendiendo español! Quiero ser bilingue! 1 Es excelente para la UNIVERSIDAD Y tambien Es MUY INTERESANTE Y UTIL Mejor trabajo y salario! Viajar y estudiar

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AP Spanish Literature and Culture: Sample Syllabus 4 Syllabus Number: 876042v1

AP Spanish Literature and Culture: Sample Syllabus 4 Syllabus Number: 876042v1 AP Spanish Literature and Culture: Sample Syllabus 4 Syllabus Number: 876042v1 Curricular Requirements CR1 The course is structured to allow students to complete the entire required reading list published

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Examen de Certificación C1 Información para candidatos

Examen de Certificación C1 Información para candidatos Examen de Certificación C1 Información para candidatos Destreza: Comprensión Auditiva Duración: 35-40 minutos Número de tareas: 3 o 4 Se escucha cada audio dos veces. Durante la escucha se escriben las

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Otros materiales Para repasar lo aprendido, la profesora preparará y proveerá a los estudiantes con las copias necesarias.

Otros materiales Para repasar lo aprendido, la profesora preparará y proveerá a los estudiantes con las copias necesarias. Visión general del curso de AP Spanish Literature El curso de Literatura AP es administrado completamente en español, y todas las obras incluidas en la lista de lectura oficial de AP Literatura, se encuentran

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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El lenguaje de la pasion (Spanish Edition)

El lenguaje de la pasion (Spanish Edition) El lenguaje de la pasion (Spanish Edition) Mario Vargas Llosa Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically El lenguaje de la pasion (Spanish Edition) Mario Vargas Llosa El lenguaje de la pasion

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La Jolla High School AP Spanish Literature & Culture Course Syllabus

La Jolla High School AP Spanish Literature & Culture Course Syllabus Course Overview La Jolla High School AP Spanish Literature & Culture Course Syllabus AP Spanish Literature is an advanced Spanish class that surveys Peninsular and Latin American literature from the Middle

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Subject Pronouns. Compare these two sentences: o Carlos es mexicano. o Él es mexicano. Empecemos! Let s get started!

Subject Pronouns. Compare these two sentences: o Carlos es mexicano. o Él es mexicano. Empecemos! Let s get started! Subject Pronouns Empecemos! Let s get started! Compare these two sentences: o Carlos es mexicano. o Él es mexicano. o In the first sentence, we name the person who is Mexican. o In the second sentence,

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Teoría general del proyecto. Vol. I: Dirección de proyectos (Síntesis ingeniería. Ingeniería industrial) (Spanish Edition)

Teoría general del proyecto. Vol. I: Dirección de proyectos (Síntesis ingeniería. Ingeniería industrial) (Spanish Edition) Teoría general del proyecto. Vol. I: Dirección de proyectos (Síntesis ingeniería. Ingeniería industrial) (Spanish Edition) Manuel De Cos Castillo Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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AP Spanish Literature 2006/2007

AP Spanish Literature 2006/2007 AP Spanish Literature 2006/2007 Spanish Course The main goals of this class are: to help prepare students for the AP Spanish Literature exam given in May. to help students learn about and analyze the different

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AP Spanish Literature and Culture-Tabla Completa de obras

AP Spanish Literature and Culture-Tabla Completa de obras AP Spanish Literature and Culture-Tabla Completa de obras CONTEXTO HISTÓRICO La Edad Media (1335) La Edad Media (después de 1480) La Conquista Alrededor de 1502 La Conquista 1520 El Renacimiento Español

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Level 1 Spanish, 2014

Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 pm Friday 28 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement

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Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280

Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280 Nombre: Español 2 Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Maestra Srta. Verdos Correo electrónico cverdos@goldercollegeprep.org Teléfono 312-265-9925 ext. 4214 Código para clase de Google

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Spanish 103 Web Primavera 2009

Spanish 103 Web Primavera 2009 Spanish 103 Web Primavera 2009 KEY TO ASSIGNMENTS: texto = textbook pages in Sabías que? to study for the next lesson and to use with Moodle MOODLE = web-based introduction to the next lesson (due by beginning

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AP SPANISH V (LITERATURA) AP SPANISH V (LITERATURA) Teacher: Indra Mota Course Year: 2017-2018 Class Room #: A116 Conference Hours: Periods 3 and 10 Email: imota@newcaneyisd.org The AP Spanish V class is a continuation of the AP

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Los nombres originales de los territorios, sitios y accidentes geograficos de Colombia (Spanish Edition)

Los nombres originales de los territorios, sitios y accidentes geograficos de Colombia (Spanish Edition) Los nombres originales de los territorios, sitios y accidentes geograficos de Colombia (Spanish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Los nombres originales de los territorios,

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Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences.

Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences. CAPÍTULO Cómo somos? Vocabulario A B C D Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences A, e, i, o, and u are vowels The words that describe

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Advanced Placement Spanish Literature Syllabus. Belén Ramírez Lincoln High School San Diego, CA

Advanced Placement Spanish Literature Syllabus. Belén Ramírez Lincoln High School San Diego, CA Advanced Placement Spanish Literature Syllabus Belén Ramírez Lincoln High School San Diego, CA Course Description The AP Spanish Literature course is an academically demanding program equivalent to a third-year

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59

Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59 : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan: # 50 Story: # 1 Level 4 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer simple questions 1d: Identify visual

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Table of Contents. iii. To the Student... v To the Teacher... vi

Table of Contents. iii. To the Student... v To the Teacher... vi Table of Contents To the Student.......................... v To the Teacher.......................... vi UNIDAD 1 Vocabulario.............................1 Vocabulario adicional......................4

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Greetings. Lists and TPR Sheets The Enlightened Elephant

Greetings. Lists and TPR Sheets The Enlightened Elephant Greetings Lists and TPR Sheets Total Physical Response Vocabulary Practice The set of pages with images are the TPR (Total Physical Response) picture pages. They are available with or without words and

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Antes de ver el video

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Welcome to Lesson B of Story Time for Spanish

Welcome to Lesson B of Story Time for Spanish Spanish Lesson B Welcome to Lesson B of Story Time for Spanish Story Time is a program designed for students who have already taken high school or college courses or students who have completed other language

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II. AP Spanish Literature and Culture Syllabus I. Course overview. Course Requirement

II. AP Spanish Literature and Culture Syllabus I. Course overview. Course Requirement AP Spanish Literature and Culture Syllabus I. Course overview The Advanced Placement Spanish Literature and Culture course is intended to be the equivalent of a third-year college Introduction to Spanish

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Fe Viva: Lo que sucede cuando la fe verdadera enciende las vidas del pueblo de Dios (Spanish Edition)

Fe Viva: Lo que sucede cuando la fe verdadera enciende las vidas del pueblo de Dios (Spanish Edition) Fe Viva: Lo que sucede cuando la fe verdadera enciende las vidas del pueblo de Dios (Spanish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Fe Viva: Lo que sucede cuando la fe verdadera

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Scrapbook Take-Home Project

Scrapbook Take-Home Project September 2, 2011 Scrapbook Take-Home Project Dear Families, The students have been learning about themselves and others. In order to celebrate ourselves, each student will create a scrapbook page take

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Blair Chalker Fall 2007 Gender of adjectives Lesson Plan

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Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples:

Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples: Might Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso del verbo modal might. Aplicar el verbo modal might en ejercicios de escritura. Contenidos 1. Verbo modal might. Debo saber - Verbos

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ellos= ellas= ustedes=

ellos= ellas= ustedes= Name: Hora: yo= nosotros= nosotras= tú= vosotros= vosotras= él= ella= usted= ellos= ellas= ustedes= 1 EXPLANATION: Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. In general, they tell who is being

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Listening Comprehension Section of Regents Exam June 2009

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Level 1 Spanish, 2013

Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90908 909080 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90908 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 3 December 2013 Credits: Five

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Bienvenidos al curso de literatura! Favor de adquirir los siguientes materiales obligatorios para la clase:

Bienvenidos al curso de literatura! Favor de adquirir los siguientes materiales obligatorios para la clase: Proyecto de AP Spanish Literature & Culture: 2016-2017 Maestra: Sra. Aiello aiellom@bishopmoore.org Bienvenidos al curso de literatura! Favor de adquirir los siguientes materiales obligatorios para la

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La dieta de la muerte: soy anoréxica y esta es mi historia (Spanish Edition)

La dieta de la muerte: soy anoréxica y esta es mi historia (Spanish Edition) La dieta de la muerte: soy anoréxica y esta es mi historia (Spanish Edition) Denisse Fuentes Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically La dieta de la muerte: soy anoréxica y esta es mi historia

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El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha. Parte 2 (Spanish Edition)

El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha. Parte 2 (Spanish Edition) El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha. Parte 2 (Spanish Edition) Miguel de Cervantes Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha. Parte

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Listening exercise. Instructions: they have to work in groups of three. This is the link of the video clip.

Listening exercise. Instructions: they have to work in groups of three. This is the link of the video clip. Listening exercise Instructions: they have to work in groups of three. This is the link of the video clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjiyvwicx4e Preactivity. You are going to listen to an Argentinean

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Guapo Using Ser and Tener to Describe People

Guapo Using Ser and Tener to Describe People Guapo Using Ser and Tener to Describe People This document teaches the central piece of grammar in Guapo how to describe people using the verbs ser and tener as seen in these lyrics: Soy guapo. Tiene ojos

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UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM College of Arts and Sciences Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM College of Arts and Sciences Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM College of Arts and Sciences Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Latin American Magic Realism (SPA 416-9H) Fall 2012 Tuesday 05. 00 p.m. - 07. 30 p.m. HB

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SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET S SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET New Zealand Scholarship Spanish Time allowed: Three hours Total marks: 24 EXAMINATION BOOKLET Question ONE TWO Mark There are three questions. You should answer Question One

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Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015

Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015 June 1st - August 10th, 2015 Dear Educator, Attached you will find three flyer templates. You can use any of these templates to share your Group Number (GN) with your group participants. 1. 2. 3. The first

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Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion

Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion Learning Masters Early: Force and Motion WhatILearned What important things did you learn in this theme? I learned that I learned that I learned that 22 Force and Motion Learning Masters How I Learned

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Todos los dias de mi vida (Spanish Edition)

Todos los dias de mi vida (Spanish Edition) Todos los dias de mi vida (Spanish Edition) Águeda Hewson Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Todos los dias de mi vida (Spanish Edition) Águeda Hewson Todos los dias de mi vida (Spanish

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Español I Unidad II. By the end of the unit, you will be able to:

Español I Unidad II. By the end of the unit, you will be able to: By the end of the unit, you will be able to: Español I Unidad II 1. Discuss and identify different locations in the school. 2. Describe your classes, teachers and schedule. 3. Exchange information about

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Sabes cuanto deja tu negocio?: Completa guia Pymes y emprendedores (Spanish Edition)

Sabes cuanto deja tu negocio?: Completa guia Pymes y emprendedores (Spanish Edition) Sabes cuanto deja tu negocio?: Completa guia Pymes y emprendedores (Spanish Edition) Leo Socolovsky Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Sabes cuanto deja tu negocio?: Completa guia

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 14:38

Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 14:38 : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan: # 55 Story: # 2 Level 5 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer simple questions 1d: Identify visual

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Course: ADVANCED PLACEMENT SPANISH LITERATURE and CULTURE West Broward High School 500 NW 209 th Ave. Pembroke Pines Fl. 33029 (754) 323-2600 Course: ADVANCED PLACEMENT SPANISH LITERATURE and CULTURE Instructor: Sra. Eileen Torraca 2014-2015 Course Description

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Solution Paragraphs. Área Lectura y Escritura. How to link a solution paragraph to a problem paragraph

Solution Paragraphs. Área Lectura y Escritura. How to link a solution paragraph to a problem paragraph Solution Paragraphs Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje - Escribir sobre problemas y soluciones en inglés. - Usar condicionales en inglés. - Escribir un texto usando conectores. Contenidos

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AP Spanish Literature Syllabus

AP Spanish Literature Syllabus AP Spanish Literature Syllabus Course Overview: The AP Spanish Literature course covers an overview of Hispanic literature from the medieval period through the 20 th century. Both Peninsular and Latin

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Goal: I can write about free time activities. I can write about likes and dislikes.

Goal: I can write about free time activities. I can write about likes and dislikes. I can write about free time activities. I can write about likes and dislikes. Directions: Choose 1 stuffed animal from the basket. You have decided to take your pet on vacation. In box 1, describe yourself,

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Bienestar docente y pensamiento emocional (Educación emocional) (Spanish Edition)

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Operaciones y procesos en los servicios de bar y cafeteria (Spanish Edition)

Operaciones y procesos en los servicios de bar y cafeteria (Spanish Edition) Operaciones y procesos en los servicios de bar y cafeteria (Spanish Edition) Roser Vives Serra, Gonzalo Herrero Arroyo Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Operaciones y procesos en

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DUAL IMMERSION PROGRAM INFORMATION PRESCHOOL PRESENTATION SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 6:30 P.M. DUAL IMMERSION PROGRAM INFORMATION PRESCHOOL PRESENTATION SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 6:30 P.M. Presented by Dr. Norma R. Delgado, Director of Curriculum & Instruction 1 The United States Government has identified

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MADRID-CAS LS111 Prof. Maribel García Office hours: By appointment.

MADRID-CAS LS111 Prof. Maribel García Office hours: By appointment. MADRID-CAS LS111 Prof. Maribel García (mgarcia1@bu.edu) Office hours: By appointment. OBJETIVOS This course is designed for the beginning student with no previous experience in Spanish. The main objectives

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1B Examen 1B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Write the opposite of the following words in the blanks provided. 1. atrevido 2. desordenado 3. serio 4.

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight

Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning Masters Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning

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Enfermos de Poder: La Salud de los Presidentes y Sus Consecuencias (Spanish Edition)

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Español AP Lengua Nombre Fecha P.

Español AP Lengua Nombre Fecha P. Práctica auditiva Para poder mejorar tu capacidad auditiva, vas a escuchar programas de radio o de televisión por un total de 60 minutos cada semana. El contenido de los programas tiene que ser informativos

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Fabula De Polifemo Y Galatea (Spanish Edition) By Luis de Gongora

Fabula De Polifemo Y Galatea (Spanish Edition) By Luis de Gongora Fabula De Polifemo Y Galatea (Spanish Edition) By Luis de Gongora If searched for the book by Luis de Gongora Fabula de Polifemo y Galatea (Spanish Edition) in pdf format, then you've come to correct site.

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UNIT ONE: Vocabulary and grammar-verb To Be. UNIT TWO : grammar; simple present- present progressive

UNIT ONE: Vocabulary and grammar-verb To Be. UNIT TWO : grammar; simple present- present progressive CREATING YOUR BLOG ENGLISH A2 GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Define terminology and grammatical structure of the concepts of both classroom and basic English course A2 guidelines for the implementation of these in

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Informe de diagnóstico sobre Roaming Internacional a partir del cuestionario sobre los Servicios de Roaming Internacional (Spanish Edition)

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AP Spanish Literature and Culture: Sample Syllabus 1

AP Spanish Literature and Culture: Sample Syllabus 1 AP Spanish Literature and Culture: Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus Number: 876035v1 Curricular Requirements CR1 CR2 The course is structured to allow students to complete the entire required reading list published

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3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary.

3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary. Reading You are going to read two different texts about Spanish Christmas traditions. 1. Working with a partner or in groups of three, try and predict what kinds of words will be in the text. Once you

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Una Vida Sin Conflictos: Como establecer relaciones saludables de por vida (Spanish Edition)

Una Vida Sin Conflictos: Como establecer relaciones saludables de por vida (Spanish Edition) Una Vida Sin Conflictos: Como establecer relaciones saludables de por vida (Spanish Edition) Joyce Meyer Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Una Vida Sin Conflictos: Como establecer

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Actividad 1 AUDIO. 1. Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay. 2. Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay. 3. Honduras, Panamá, Nicaragua. 4. México, Puerto Rico, España

Actividad 1 AUDIO. 1. Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay. 2. Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay. 3. Honduras, Panamá, Nicaragua. 4. México, Puerto Rico, España AUDIO Actividad 1 As an icebreaker for the first week of school, a teacher asks his students to draw a poster that describes him or her. Listen as each student describes him- or herself and match each

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Un amigo o una amiga. Antonio Irizarry Here s a picture of Antonio Irizarry. Write a story about him. You may want to use some of the following words.

Un amigo o una amiga. Antonio Irizarry Here s a picture of Antonio Irizarry. Write a story about him. You may want to use some of the following words. Un amigo o una amiga Antonio Irizarry Here s a picture of Antonio Irizarry. Write a story about him. You may want to use some of the following words. Colombia es serio Bogotá no es rubio bajo guapo Una

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Students write a definition (in Spanish) about what beauty is.

Students write a definition (in Spanish) about what beauty is. Sample Spanish IIIH/AP Lesson Plans Beauty and Aesthetics: Fashion and Identity Lesson 1 Outline Objective: Discuss and write a definition for beauty. AP College Board Learning Objectives: Engage in spoken

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