St. Rita Catholic Church

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1 St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us th. St. - Dade City, FL Phone: (352) Fax (352) Pastor : Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Carlos J. Borgos, Ext. 224 Religious Sisters: Sr. Norma Cime, MHML, Sr. Bety Poot, MHML Ext. 226 Deacon: Rev. Mr. Irv Lau OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Thursday 7:30am to 4:00pm, Friday 7:00am to 12:00pm Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Dominicales: - Rosary before Sunday Masses English: Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 p.m. Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m. & 11:15 am Misa en Español: Dom ingo a las 9:30 am Weekday / Entre Semana: English: Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. Español: Miercoles a las 7:30 p.m. Sacrament of Penance / Reconciliación: English: Saturday 3:30 pm or by appointment Español: Miercoles a las 6:30p o Por Cita Music Ministry / Musica Director: Jim McKinney English choir rehearsal: - Thursdays at 7pm. Ensayo de Coro en Español 7:30 pm. (contacten a Nestor Ponce) Prayer line: Call (352) St. Vincent de Paul Assistance: Please contact the Parish Office for information and Preparation for/por favor comunicarse con la oficina para preparación e información sobre recepción de los sacramentos: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM, SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION, CONFIRMATION, SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE R.C.I.A. St. Anthony Catholic School RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES / Saint Anthony Way San Antonio, FL CLASES DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: (352) English: Sundays from 9:30 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. Principal: Sr. Alice Español: Domingo's de 6:15 p.m. a 7:30p ST. RITA MISSION STATEMENT / DECLARACION DE LA MISION DE SANTA RITA To evangelize and to be evangelized for the sake of the Kingdom using our talents and gifts for the service of others through our diverse ministries. Para evangelizar y ser evangelizado para el Reino, poniendo nuestros talentos y dones al servicio de los demas en nuestros diversos ministerios.

2 Page 2 ST. RITA CATHOLIC CHURCH, DADE CITY, September August 26, 16, 2018 Domingo Catequético El Domingo 23 de Septiembre invitamos a toda la comunidad a celebrar el Domingo catequístico orando por los catequistas quienes recibirán la bendición en la Misa de 5:00 PM. También los padres de Familia y tutores recibirán la bendición especial y harán su compromiso como educadores en la Fe de sus hijos. Por favor ayúdenos a alcanzar nuestro objetivo este año haciendo su promesa a nuestra apelación pastoral anual. Apelación Pastoral Anual 2018 Meta: $54, Compromisos: $51, Pagado: $47, # de familias comprometidas : 137 Estás interesado en ofrecer una misa? Actualmente tenemos varias Misas de lunes a viernes disponibles hasta el final de este año Si desea ofrecer una Misa por un ser querido fallecido o por una intención especial, pase por la oficina parroquial para reservar su Misa. La donación sugerida por Misa es de $ Gracias.

3 Page 3 September August 16, 26, 2018 FROM THE Dear friends, PRIESTS DESK This story occupies an important and decisive place in the Gospel of Mark. The disciples have been living with Jesus for a long time. And the time has come to clarify, who is following? What do they discover in Jesus? Jesus cares about the opinion of his disciples:.. And you who say it's me? Peter's answer is good, but still unfinished, for they have not yet lived the horror of the Cross, Peter himself will experience the treachery of his master, and had not yet lived the light of the resurrection. It is decisive for us disciples to answer this question, who are you Jesus? For from here we are born, our sense and guidance as disciples of Jesus. You can not follow Jesus but we know the mystery that encloses his person, it is necessary to follow him closely and collaborate with him in his saving mission. Your brother in Christ, F. Carlos J. Borgos Del Escritorio Queridos Del Sacerdote amigos: este relato ocupa un lugar importante y decisivo en el evangelio da Marcos. Los discípulos ya llevan tiempo conviviendo con Jesús. Y ha llegado la hora de aclarar, A quien esta siguiendo? Que es lo que descubren en Jesús? A Jesús le importa la opinión de sus discípulos :..y ustedes quien dicen que soy yo? La respuesta de Pedro es buena, pero todavía inconclusa, pues no han vivido todavía el horror de la cruz, el mismo Pedro va a experimentar la traición a su maestro, y todavía no habían vivido la luz de la Resurrección. Es decisivo para nosotros discípulos, responder esta pregunta, Quien eres Jesús? Porque de aquí nace nuestro sentido y orientación como discípulos de Jesús. No se puede seguir a Jesús sino conocemos el misterio que encierra su persona, es necesario seguirlo de cerca y colaborar con el en su misión salvadora. Su hermano en Cristo. P Carlos J. Borgos

4 Page 4 September August 16, 26, 2018 Theme: Discipleship: Constant conversion in our journey of faith, is an invitation made through the Aparecida document (# 3). DISCIPLES AND MISSIONARIES This General Conference has as its theme: "Disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ so that our peoples may have life in him" (Jn 14: 6). The Church has the great task of guarding and nurturing the faith of the people of God, and also reminding the faithful of this continent that, by virtue of their baptism, they are called to be disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ. This involves following him, living in intimacy with him, imitating his example and giving testimony. Every baptized person receives from Christ, like the Apostles, the mandate of the mission: "Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved "(Mk 16:15). For to be disciples and missionaries of Jesus Christ and to seek life "in Him" supposes to be deeply rooted in Him. When we accept Jesus' invitation, "Follow me" He leads us on a path that changes us, altering not only our thinking, but also our reasoning and desires. We discover, as we follow our Master, that it drives away selfishness and adopting the mind of Christ can be painfully slow. The conversion that God wants for us is not just a minor adjustment in life, not just to eliminate a bad habit. When Jesus calls us to discipleship, He is asking for something much greater, that is, to adopt His way of thinking, acting, loving and living. He wants to transform us into other Christs. Therefore, the conversion is not an "once and you're done" event. Although it is true that all people have been saved by the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, not everyone has accepted His saving grace. The willingness of us His disciples to surrender to the fire of His love often moves at a snail's pace. St. Paul invites us and motivates us for a true conversion is necessary, "get rid of the old man and put on the new man" (Ephesians 4:22, Colossians 3: 9), and be perfect in holiness in an instant and not stumble along the slowest and most humiliating route of continuous conversion. Tema: El discipulado: Conversión constante en nuestro camino de fe, es una invitación que nos hacen a través del documento de Aparecida (# 3). DISCÍPULOS Y MISIONEROS Esta Conferencia General tiene como tema: Discípulos y misioneros de Jesucristo para que nuestros pueblos en Él tengan vida (Jn 14, 6). La Iglesia tiene la gran tarea de custodiar y alimentar la fe del pueblo de Dios, y recordar también a los fieles de este continente que, en virtud de su bautismo, están llamados a ser discípulos y misioneros de Jesucristo. Esto conlleva seguirlo, vivir en intimidad con Él, imitar su ejemplo y dar testimonio. Todo bautizado recibe de Cristo, como los Apóstoles, el mandato de la misión: Id por todo el mundo y proclamad la buena nueva a toda la creación. El que crea y sea bautizado, se salvará (Mc 16, 15). Pues ser discípulos y misioneros de Jesucristo y buscar la vida en Él supone estar profundamente enraizados en Él. Cuando aceptamos la invitación de Jesús, Síganme Él nos conduce por un camino que nos cambia, alterando no sólo nuestro pensamiento, sino también nuestro razonamiento y deseos. Descubrimos, como seguimos nuestro Maestro, que aleja el egoísmo y adoptar la mente de Cristo puede ser dolorosamente lento. La conversión que Dios quiere para nosotros no es sólo un ajuste menor en la vida, no sólo para eliminar un mal hábito. Cuando Jesús nos llama al discipulado, Él está pidiendo algo mucho más grande, es decir, a adoptar Su forma de pensar, actuar, amar y vivir. Él quiere transformarnos en otros Cristos. Por lo tanto, la conversión no es un evento de una vez y ya has terminado. Aunque es verdad que todas las personas han sido salvadas por el sacrificio de Jesús en la Cruz, no todo el mundo ha aceptado Su gracia salvadora. La disposición de nosotros Sus discípulos a rendirse ante el fuego de Su amor con frecuencia se mueve a paso de tortuga.san Pablo nos invita y nos motiva para una verdadera conversión es necesario, despojarse del hombre viejo y revestirse del hombre nuevo (Efesios 4,22; Colosenses 3:9), y ser perfectos en santidad en un instante y no tropezar a lo largo de la ruta más lenta y humillante de la conversión continua.

5 Page 5 September August 16, 26, 2018 If anyone would like information regarding the St. Rita annual budget, please contact a member of our Finance committee. Catechetical Sunday We invite the whole community to come and join us in celebrating Catechetical Sunday on Sunday, September 23rd. We will be praying for the catechists who will receive their blessing at the 11am Mass. Parents and guardians will also receive the special blessing and make their commitment as educators in the faith of their children. Saint Anthony Catholic School 30 th Annual Celebrity Waiter Dinner Theme: IT ALL STARTED IN 1989 Friday, October 12 th Cocktails at 7:00pm Dinner at 8:00pm Silent and Live Auctions Monetary donations and new auction items are welcome Please help us to reach our goal this year by making your pledge to our 2018 Annual Pastoral Appeal. Annual Pastoral Appeal 2018 Goal: $54, Pledged: $51, Paid: $47, # of Pledges: 137 I was in prison and you visited me......matthew 25:36 Kairos #43 will be held at Hernando Women's Correctional Institution from Oct 4-7. St. Rita's has always been very generous with their support of this ministry with their prayers and cookies. If you are willing to pray for the women on this team during the weekend, there are sign-up sheets at both doors of the church. Please sign your first name and last initial and your name will be placed on a paper chain that will be displayed in the prison chapel. There are also boxes for store bought cookies at each door (no nuts, jelly or powdered sugar) Thank you and God Bless You. Terry Pawlicki Tickets are $100 donation each All proceeds benefit St. Anthony Catholic School Your support is greatly appreciated! God Bless you! For tickets, or to find out how you can help make this the most successful year yet, Please call or Jane Hughes at JMHMOM4@AOL.COM Reader & Eucharistic Minister Schedule Reader Eucharistic Minister 9/22/2018 Terry Pawlicki Jim Belesky 4:30 PM Ray Pawlicki Ann Casey Joseph Casey 9/23/2018 Rose Bala Ma. Luisa Gonzalez 8:00 AM Charlie Basile Jean Matala Volunteer at Mass 11:00 AM Paul Berry Joan Midgett Carol Johnson Katie Bellnier Volunteer at Mass For/ Para: 9/08 & 9/09 Total: $4, Thank you for your generosity and may God bless you Abundantly! Gracias por su generosidad y que el Señor los Bendiga Abundantemente!

6 Page 6 September 16, 2018 Blood Mobile Drive Date: September 23, 2018 Time: 9:00a - 12:30p Where: St. Rita Parking Lot HEALING THE ABORTION WOUNDED Project Rachel Significant growth can result from working through the pain of abortion together as a couple. For example, the spouse that was not involved in their husband s or wife s past abortion may choose to spiritually adopt their spouse s aborted child. This spiritual adoption can assist in the healing process and be a beautiful way to unite the couple as the family God intends them to be. Raphael s Way 10 Hour Healing Retreat will be held on Oct. 5 & 6 in the Palm Harbor area and Rachel s Vineyard Weekend Retreat will be Oct in Lutz. For more information and registration: or call Are you interested in offering a Mass? We currently have a number of weekday Masses available through the end of this 2018 year. If you would like to offer a Mass for a deceased loved one or for a special intention, please stop by the office to book your Mass. Suggested donation per Mass is $ Thank you. 40 Days for Life Kickoff Vigil, Tampa 40 Days for Life, a national campaign of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, will kick off on September 26 th. Join Bishop Gregory Parkes and area clergy for a Kickoff Vigil to start the Tampa Campaign; Monday, September 17 th at 6:00 PM. Tampa Women s Health Center (2010 E. Fletcher Ave, Tampa, FL 33612). Parking behind Knights Women s Center in the strip mall next-door (2002 E. Fletcher Ave., Tampa). To learn more, visit: or contact Sabrina:;

7 DAY MASS INTENTION READING ACTIVITY SUNDAY/ DOMINGO, SEPT. 16 TH 8:00 am Steve Dieckober 11:00 am SI Elaine Herrick 5:00 pm Jose y Julia Garcia Is 50:5-9a; Ps 116:1-6, 8-9; Jas 2:14-18; Mk 8: :00 am Coffee and Donuts after mass 9:00 am Mexican Indep. Celebration NonPerishable food donations welcome MONDAY/ LUNES, SEPT. 17 TH TUESDAY/ MARTES SEPT. 18 TH WEDNESDAY/ MIERCOLES, SEPT. 19 TH THURSDAY/ JUEVES, SEPT. 20 TH FRIDAY/ VIERNES, SEPT. 21 ST SATURDAY/ SABADO, SEPT. 22 ND SUNDAY/ DOMINGO, SEPT. 23 RD 8:30 am Douglas Carter 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 7:1-10 8:30 am Albert Laezza 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Ps 100:1-5; Lk 7: :30 am Vocations for the Priesthood 7:30 pm SI Almas del Purgatorio 1 Cor 12: :13; Ps 33:2-5, 12, 22; Lk 7: :30 am Jack Kutsch 1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 28; Lk 7: :30 am Ron Sanfilippo Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 4:30 pm Andres Ponce Villegas 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56:10c-14; Lk 8:4-15 8:00 am Parishioners 11:00 am Martha Cime 5:00 pm Maria de Jesus Contreras WEEK OF September 16, 2018 Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-8; Jas 3: :3; Mk 9: :00 am Eucharistic Adoration 4:30 pm Evening Prayer and Benediction 7:00 pm Grupo de Juan XXIII 7:00 pm Grupos de Oracion 5:30 pm R.C.I.A fro Children & Teens 8:00 pm Spanish Baptism Prep. Class 7:30 pm Encuentro de Matrimonios 8:00 am Coffee and Donuts after mass 9:00 am Blood Mobile NonPerishable food donations welcome

St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Parochial Administrator: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Pastor: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223 Parochial Vicar:

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Pastor: Rev. Dayan Machado, C.S.C. Ext.223 Parochial

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Parochial Administrator: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Parochial Administrator: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223

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FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM PARTE 1 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos (4-5 min en total) PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% PARTE 2 PARTE 3 Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Parochial Administrator: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Parochial Administrator: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Parochial Administrator: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223

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St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Parochial Administrator: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223

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Derecho administrativo: General y colombiano (Spanish Edition) Derecho administrativo: General y colombiano (Spanish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Derecho administrativo: General y colombiano (Spanish Edition) Derecho administrativo:

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Pastor : Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223 Parochial Vicar:

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Teoría general del proyecto. Vol. I: Dirección de proyectos (Síntesis ingeniería. Ingeniería industrial) (Spanish Edition)

Teoría general del proyecto. Vol. I: Dirección de proyectos (Síntesis ingeniería. Ingeniería industrial) (Spanish Edition) Teoría general del proyecto. Vol. I: Dirección de proyectos (Síntesis ingeniería. Ingeniería industrial) (Spanish Edition) Manuel De Cos Castillo Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Cómo leer La Ciencia para Todos. Géneros discursivos (Spanish Edition)

Cómo leer La Ciencia para Todos. Géneros discursivos (Spanish Edition) Cómo leer La Ciencia para Todos. Géneros discursivos (Spanish Edition) Margarita Alegría Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Cómo leer La Ciencia para Todos. Géneros discursivos (Spanish

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1) Through the left navigation on the A Sweet Surprise mini- site. Launch A Sweet Surprise Inicia Una dulce sorpresa 2016

1) Through the left navigation on the A Sweet Surprise mini- site. Launch A Sweet Surprise Inicia Una dulce sorpresa 2016 [[Version One (The user has not registered and is not logged in) Inicia Una dulce sorpresa 2016 To launch the Global Siddha Yoga Satsang for New Year s Day 2016, A Sweet Surprise, enter your username and

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Teología Práctica Pastoral

Teología Práctica Pastoral Teología Práctica Pastoral Sr. Teofilo Aguillón Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Teología Práctica Pastoral Sr. Teofilo Aguillón Teología Práctica Pastoral Sr. Teofilo Aguillón Le

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Pastor: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223 Parochial Vicar:

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Finanzas personales: planificación, control y gestión (Spanish Edition)

Finanzas personales: planificación, control y gestión (Spanish Edition) Finanzas personales: planificación, control y gestión (Spanish Edition) María José Aibar Ortíz Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Finanzas personales: planificación, control y gestión

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Sabes cuanto deja tu negocio?: Completa guia Pymes y emprendedores (Spanish Edition)

Sabes cuanto deja tu negocio?: Completa guia Pymes y emprendedores (Spanish Edition) Sabes cuanto deja tu negocio?: Completa guia Pymes y emprendedores (Spanish Edition) Leo Socolovsky Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Sabes cuanto deja tu negocio?: Completa guia

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LAKE TRAVIS ELEMENTARY CLASS T-SHIRT ORDER FORM Class shirts are mandatory for all LTE students. They are to be worn on field trips and special event days. Cost is $8 per shirt. If you have more than one

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Bell Ringer: September 12(13), 2016

Bell Ringer: September 12(13), 2016 Bell Ringer: September 12(13), 2016 1. The founder of Christianity was (Muhammad/Jesus). 2. The founder of Judaism was (Abraham/Muhammad). 3. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all considered Abrahamic

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Vocations Intercessions for the Diocese of Oakland

Vocations Intercessions for the Diocese of Oakland March 23 For all the young people of our parish who are making life choices at this time, that their decisions may be inspired by the Holy Spirit, we pray to the LORD. Por todos los jóvenes de nuestra

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Español 1 Unidad 1 Mi mundo Who am I?

Español 1 Unidad 1 Mi mundo Who am I? Español 1 Unidad 1 Mi mundo Who am I? I. Greet and say good-bye to others (saludos / despedidas) Hola! Buenos días! Buenas tardes! Buenas noches! Adiós! Hasta luego! Hasta la vista! Hasta mañana! Chau!

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Cómo Enamorar a Alguien: Basado en la Psicología del Amor (Colección de Psicología del Amor de 2KnowMySelf y AdoroLeer) (Spanish Edition)

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El Cuarto Misterioso Episodio 6 Narrativa

El Cuarto Misterioso Episodio 6 Narrativa In the house of José José works on the computer on his project of history of the Aztecs He needs a book and goes to-the room of his uncle for to-look-for the book. He finds the book and also finds a key

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Monday 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday Saint Anthony,

Monday 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday Saint Anthony, Vengan a ver Monday 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday Saint Anthony, Abbot 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Ps 144:1b,

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El sistema juridico: Introduccion al derecho (Coleccion de textos juridicos de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru) (Spanish Edition)

El sistema juridico: Introduccion al derecho (Coleccion de textos juridicos de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru) (Spanish Edition) El sistema juridico: Introduccion al derecho (Coleccion de textos juridicos de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru) (Spanish Edition) Marcial Rubio Correa Click here if your download doesn"t start

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Alena Markertz. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Alena Markertz. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Phrases sabias & inteligentes - Para reflexionar & cambiar la vida - Las mejores frases célebres, refranes, proverbios & citas (Edición ilustrada) (Spanish Edition) Alena Markertz Click here if your download

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Cómo Enamorar a Alguien: Basado en la Psicología del Amor (Colección de Psicología del Amor de 2KnowMySelf y AdoroLeer) (Spanish Edition)

Cómo Enamorar a Alguien: Basado en la Psicología del Amor (Colección de Psicología del Amor de 2KnowMySelf y AdoroLeer) (Spanish Edition) Cómo Enamorar a Alguien: Basado en la Psicología del Amor (Colección de Psicología del Amor de 2KnowMySelf y AdoroLeer) (Spanish Edition) M. Farouk Radwan Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Aprender español jugando : juegos y actividades para la enseñanza y aprendizaje del español. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Aprender español jugando : juegos y actividades para la enseñanza y aprendizaje del español. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Aprender español jugando : juegos y actividades para la enseñanza y aprendizaje del español Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Aprender español jugando : juegos y actividades para

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A Celebration of Co-Workers in the Vineyard

A Celebration of Co-Workers in the Vineyard A Celebration of Co-Workers in the Vineyard May 20, 2015 Opening Prayer Group 1: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. Group 2: And kindle in them the fire of your love. Group 1: Send forth

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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LITERACY VISIT THE LIBRARY. Frequent visits to the library help children discover what they like to read.

LITERACY VISIT THE LIBRARY. Frequent visits to the library help children discover what they like to read. 649 N 4 th Ave #A Phoenix, AZ 85003 LITERACY GET INVOLVED JOIN US Our mission is to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, graduate from high school

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Jacob s Heart Calendar Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat

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Going Home. Medicines. Pain. Diet

Going Home. Medicines. Pain. Diet Going Home After an illness or injury, some things may change in your life. Make sure you and your family know the answers to these questions before you go home from the hospital. Medicines Am I taking

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F. Dr. Dominguez. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Carlos J. Finlay. Su centenario (1933). Su descubrimiento (1881). Estado actual de su doctrina (1942). 1º edición en español. Traducción al castellano de Raquel Catalá Click here if your download doesn"t

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Berry Elementary Environmental Science Magnet

Berry Elementary Environmental Science Magnet Berry Elementary Environmental Science Magnet May 2018 Conscious Discipline May is a month of celebrations. Each one of our students has something to celebrate, either academic or personal. Take a moment

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COMMUNION. In English and Spanish

COMMUNION. In English and Spanish In English and Spanish Courageous dreamers and visionaries, we are part of everyone who has taken this journey of remembrance. From the followers gathered in the upper room with their friend and teacher,

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CONTENTS. Introduction CHAPTER ONE VISITS TO THE SICK... 66 CONTENTS Decree of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship... 6 Decree of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops... 8 Apostolic Constitution... 14 General Introduction... 26 PART I: PASTORAL CARE

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Actividad 1. Actividad 2 AUDIO. a. Me llamo b. Muy bien, gracias. 2. c. Regular. 3. d. Mucho gusto. 4. e. Igualmente. 5. f. Hasta mañana. 6.

Actividad 1. Actividad 2 AUDIO. a. Me llamo b. Muy bien, gracias. 2. c. Regular. 3. d. Mucho gusto. 4. e. Igualmente. 5. f. Hasta mañana. 6. AUDIO Actividad 1 You are at a party with students visiting from Ecuador. You have practiced several responses to the things they might say when you meet them. Listen to each question or statement and

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statutes, etc. Costa Rica. Laws Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

statutes, etc. Costa Rica. Laws Click here if your download doesnt start automatically COLECCION DE LAS LEYES DECRETOS Y ORDENES EXPEDIDOS POR LOS SUPREMOS PODERES : LEGISLATIVO, CONSERVADOR Y EJECUTIVO DE COSTA RICA, EN LOS AÑOS DE 1833, 1834, 1835 Y 1836. Tomo IV statutes, etc. Costa Rica.

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Dwight D. Eisenhower High School

Dwight D. Eisenhower High School Dwight D. Eisenhower High School A Few Things You Should Know! March 13- March 17, 2017 Nota: Si quiere ver esta información en Español por favor de ver la parte de abajo. Remind text @ddepar to 81010

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Android Studio Curso Basico: Aprenda paso a paso (Spanish Edition)

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us St. Rita Catholic Church 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Parochial Administrator: Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223

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Jesus First; Children Always! Jesus En Primer Lugar; Los Niños Siempre! Mark/Marcos 10:13-16

Jesus First; Children Always! Jesus En Primer Lugar; Los Niños Siempre! Mark/Marcos 10:13-16 Jesus First; Children Always! Jesus En Primer Lugar; Los Niños Siempre! Mark/Marcos 10:13-16 Mark 10:13-16 Pew Bible, Page 980 Mark 10:13 (NLT) One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he

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Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences.

Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences. CAPÍTULO Cómo somos? Vocabulario A B C D Look at the photographs and captions on pages 22 and 23 of your textbook and then complete the following sentences A, e, i, o, and u are vowels The words that describe

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Vocations Intercessions for the Diocese of Oakland

Vocations Intercessions for the Diocese of Oakland November 2 For all the young people of our parish who are making life choices at this time, that their decisions may be inspired by the Holy Spirit, we pray to the LORD. Por todos los jóvenes de nuestra

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Junior High Sacraments Schedule

Junior High Sacraments Schedule Junior High Sacraments Schedule The retreat and gatherings are all mandatory. Your student must attend ALL of these in preparation for receiving the Sacraments. If you have an emergency or illness and

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Senales de Los Apostoles: Observaciones Sobre El Pentecostalismo Antiguo y Nuevo / Signs of the Apostles (Spanish Edition)

Senales de Los Apostoles: Observaciones Sobre El Pentecostalismo Antiguo y Nuevo / Signs of the Apostles (Spanish Edition) Senales de Los Apostoles: Observaciones Sobre El Pentecostalismo Antiguo y Nuevo / Signs of the Apostles (Spanish Edition) Walter Chantry Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Senales

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300 CATECHIST RECOGNITION PIUS X AWARD FIVE YEAR CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION FORMS... Five Year Certificate of Recognition... St. 300 CATECHIST RECOGNITION... 301 PIUS X AWARD... 302 FIVE YEAR CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION... 303 FORMS... Five Year Certificate of Recognition... St. Pius X - Awards Banquet... Banquete de San Pio X -

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FOR REFERENCE ONLY DO NOT COPY. Social Emotional Health Module. Módulo de Salud Emocional Social SUPPLEMENT 1

FOR REFERENCE ONLY DO NOT COPY. Social Emotional Health Module. Módulo de Salud Emocional Social SUPPLEMENT 1 78. Do you get along or work well with students who are different from you? 79. Do you enjoy working with other students? 80. Do you try to understand how other people feel? 81. Do you feel bad when someone

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hoy es viernes 7 de noviembre de 2008

hoy es viernes 7 de noviembre de 2008 Español para Conversacion Diaria > Nivel Blanco Capítulo 9: Talking about Time and Hours of Operation it's four o'clock; at four o'clock today it's Friday, November 7th, 2008 son las cuatro ; a las cuatro

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SPANISH WITH PAUL MINI COURSE 7 SPANISH WITH PAUL MINI COURSE 7 SPANISHWITHPAUL.COM Hello everyone and welcome to mini course 7, The focus of this course is on the angle of we and how to express it using many of our core modal verbs

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Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People.

Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People. Buenos días Good morning Buenos días Good afternoon Buenas tardes Good evening Buenas tardes Good night Buenas noches Sir Señor Ma am/mrs. Señora Miss Señorita Buenas tardes Culture Note: When greeting

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El cáracter del descubrimiento y la conquista de América : introducción a la historia de la colonización de América por los pueblos del Viejo Mundo

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Appendix E: Home Connection

Appendix E: Home Connection Appendix E: Home Connection FAMILY LETTERS Two family letters are provided as blackline masters. The letters provide parents and caregivers with information about some of the content of Language for Learning.

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Proverbios: Sabiduría para el día (Grandes Libros de la Biblia) (Spanish Edition)

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St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church St. Rita Catholic Church SAINT RITA Pray for us 14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523 Phone: (352) 567-2894 Fax (352) 567-2777 Pastor : Rev. Dayan Machado, Ext. 223 Parochial Vicar:

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Enfermos de Poder: La Salud de los Presidentes y Sus Consecuencias (Spanish Edition)

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Promesas de Dios para niños (Spanish Edition)

Promesas de Dios para niños (Spanish Edition) Promesas de Dios para niños (Spanish Edition) Jack Countryman Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Promesas de Dios para niños (Spanish Edition) Jack Countryman Promesas de Dios para

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This activity is designed to accompany material on family or cultural folklore

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St. Hedwig Catholic Church 2226 N. Hoyne Ave. Chicago, IL Phone Fax

St. Hedwig Catholic Church 2226 N. Hoyne Ave. Chicago, IL Phone Fax St. Hedwig Catholic Church 2226 N. Hoyne Ave. Chicago, IL. 60647 Phone 773-486-1660 Fax 773-486-1684 Sunday, September 16, 2018 Domingo, 16 de septiembre del 2018 Sunday, September

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Belleza interior: 22 consejos para embellecer tu carácter (Especialidades Juveniles) (Spanish Edition)

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SAMPLE. Person ID Number:

SAMPLE. Person ID Number: NYS OTDA STATE SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM PO BOX 1740 ALBANY, NEW YORK 12201 New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance John Q Public 123 Main Street Any Town, NY 12345 SAMPLE Person ID Number:

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El dilema latinoamericano--hacia el siglo XXI: Estado y politicas economicas en Mexico, Brasil y Argentina (Texto y contexto) (Spanish Edition)

El dilema latinoamericano--hacia el siglo XXI: Estado y politicas economicas en Mexico, Brasil y Argentina (Texto y contexto) (Spanish Edition) El dilema latinoamericano--hacia el siglo XXI: Estado y politicas economicas en Mexico, Brasil y Argentina (Texto y contexto) (Spanish Edition) Gustavo Ernesto Emmerich Click here if your download doesn"t

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Había una vez en el Olimpo. Mitos y dioses griegos (Spanish Edition)

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MONTAUK PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER MONTAUK SCHOOL PTA. Parents As Reading Partners - PARP- Fall 2013 Parents As Reading Partners - PARP- Fall 2013 Dear Parents, Parents As Reading Partners (PARP) is a collaborative effort among parents, teachers, and community to build a reading partnership between the

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