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INFORMATION ABOUT HEPATITIS A OUTBREAK AND TOWNSEND FARMS ORGANIC ANTIOXIDENT BLEND FROZEN BERRIES Date: May 31, 2013 There is an outbreak of hepatitis A in several Western states (including California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Arizona). State and local health departments, CDC, and FDA are investigating this outbreak. As of May 31, 2013, approximately 30 cases are under investigation from 5 states. These people are believed to have gotten sick after eating Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend, a frozen berry product. This product is sold at many stores, including Costco. Costco has pulled this frozen berry product from its store shelves. It is important for people to take steps to protect their health. Throw away any Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend frozen berry product you have in your freezer or refrigerator. If you have eaten any Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend in the last two weeks, talk to a health care provider about getting the hepatitis A vaccine. It is important for persons who have serious medical conditions, especially liver disease or diseases affecting the immune system, to get vaccinated. Most children are vaccinated against hepatitis A, so they are already protected. If you have had the hepatitis A vaccine within the last three (3) months or have ever had a laboratory confirmed infection with the hepatitis A virus you do not need the vaccine. You should talk with a health care provider if you have eaten the frozen berry product. Hepatitis A vaccine may prevent disease only if given within a two week time period of eating the frozen berry product. If you ate the frozen berry product more than two weeks ago, look for symptoms of hepatitis. Not everyone gets symptoms. If symptoms do appear, they may include: Fever, Fatigue, Loss of appetite, Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal pain, Dark urine, Claycolored Bowel Movements, Joint pain, or Jaundice (a yellowing of the skin or eyes) Los Angeles County Public Health is continuing to investigate the situation locally and is working closely with the California State Public Health Department, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on this investigation. We will update the public as we learn more. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is providing special Hepatitis A Vaccination Clinics this weekend on June 1 and 2 from 10 am to 4 pm. (see flyer for details)

What is hepatitis A? Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by hepatitis A virus. How is hepatitis A virus transmitted? Hepatitis A virus is spread from person to person by putting something in the mouth that has been contaminated with the stool (feces, poop) of a person with hepatitis A. This type of transmission is called "fecal-oral." For this reason, the virus is more easily spread in areas where there are poor sanitary conditions or where good personal hygiene is not observed. Most infections result from contact with a household member or sex partner who has hepatitis A. Casual contact, as in the usual office, factory, or school setting, does not spread the virus. What are the signs and symptoms of hepatitis A? Persons with hepatitis A virus infection may not have any signs or symptoms of the disease. Older persons are more likely to have symptoms than children. If symptoms are present, they usually occur abruptly and may include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dark urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). Symptoms usually last less than 2 months; a few persons are ill for as long as 6 months. How long does it take from exposure to onset of signs and symptoms of hepatitis A? The average incubation period for hepatitis A is 28 days (range: 15 50 days). How do you know if you have hepatitis A? A blood test (IgM anti-hav) is needed to diagnose hepatitis A. This test should only be positive if you have recent infection. Talk to your doctor or someone from your local health department if you suspect that you have been exposed to hepatitis A or any type of viral hepatitis. How can you prevent hepatitis A? Always wash your hands after using the bathroom, changing a diaper, or before preparing or eating food. Two products are used to prevent hepatitis A virus infection: immune globulin and hepatitis A vaccine. 1. Immune globulin is a preparation of antibodies that can be given before exposure for short-term protection against hepatitis A and for persons who have already been exposed to hepatitis A virus. Immune globulin must be given within 2 weeks after exposure to hepatitis A virus for maximum protection. 2. Hepatitis A vaccine has been licensed in the United States for use in persons 1 year of age and older. The vaccine is recommended (before exposure to hepatitis A virus) for persons who are more likely to get hepatitis A virus infection or are more likely to get seriously ill if they do get hepatitis A. 3. Hepatitis A vaccine can also be given to persons < 40 within 2 weeks of exposure to hepatitis A to prevent or reduce the severity of disease.

SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Adults will have signs and symptoms more often than children. jaundice nausea fatigue diarrhea abdominal pain fever loss of appetite CAUSE Hepatitis A virus (HAV) LONG-TERM EFFECTS There is no chronic (long-term) infection. Once you have had hepatitis A you cannot get it again. About 15% of people infected with HAV will have prolonged or relapsing symptoms over a 6-9 month period. TRANSMISSION HAV is found in the stool (feces) of persons with hepatitis A. HAV is usually spread from person to person by putting something in the mouth (even though it may look clean) that has been contaminated with the stool of a person with hepatitis A. PERSONS AT RISK OF INFECTION Household contacts of infected persons. Sex contacts of infected persons. Persons traveling to countries where hepatitis A is common Men who have sex with men. Injecting and non-injecting drug users. PREVENTION Hepatitis A vaccine is the best protection. It can be given before and within 2 weeks after coming into contact with HAV. Short-term protection against hepatitis A is available from immune globulin. It can be given before and within 2 weeks after coming in contact with HAV. Always wash your hands with soap and water after using the bathroom, changing a diaper, and before preparing and eating food.

INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Qué es la hepatitis A? La hepatitis A es una enfermedad del hígado causada por el virus de la hepatitis A. Cómo se transmite el virus de la hepatitis A? El virus de la hepatitis A se transmite de persona a persona cuando alguien se lleva algo a la boca que ha sido contaminado con excremento de una persona infectada con hepatitis A. Este tipo de transmisión se llama "fecal-oral". Por esta razón, el virus se propaga mas fácilmente en áreas donde hay malas condiciones sanitarias o poca higiene personal. La mayoría de las infecciones resultan del contacto con un miembro del hogar o con una pareja sexual que tiene hepatitis A. El contacto casual en la oficina, fábrica, o escuela, no transmite el virus. Cuáles son los signos y síntomas de la hepatitis A? Las personas con la infección del virus de la hepatitis A pueden no presentar signos o síntomas de la enfermedad. Las personas mayores tienen más probabilidad de presentar síntomas que los niños. Si los síntomas están presentes, estos usualmente ocurren precipitadamente y pueden incluir fiebre, cansancio, pérdida del apetito, náusea, malestar abdominal, orina oscura e ictericia (piel y ojos amarillos). Los síntomas usualmente duran menos de dos meses. A unas pocas personas la enfermedad les dura hasta 6 meses. El tiempo promedio de incubación para la hepatitis A es de 28 días (rango: 15 50 días). Cómo sabe si tiene hepatitis A? Es necesaria una prueba de sangre (IgM anti-vha) para diagnosticar la hepatitis A. Consulte con su médico o con alguien de su departamento de salud local si sospecha que ha sido expuesto a la hepatitis A o a cualquier tipo de hepatitis. Cómo puede evitar la hepatitis A? Siempre debe lavarse las manos después de usar el baño, cambiar un pañal o antes de preparar comida o comer. Hay dos productos que son utilizados para prevenir la infección del virus de la hepatitis A: la inmunoglobulina y la vacuna de la hepatitis A. 1. La inmunoglobulina es una preparación de anticuerpos que puede administrarse antes de la exposición como forma de protección de corto plazo contra la hepatitis A y que también se puede administrar a personas que ya han sido expuestas al virus de la hepatitis A. Para máxima protección, la inmunoglobulina debe ser administrada dentro de las 2 semanas siguientes a la exposición al virus de la hepatitis A. 2. La vacuna de la hepatitis A ha sido aprobada en los Estados Unidos para uso en personas de dos años de edad o más. La vacuna es recomendada (antes de la exposición al virus de la hepatitis A) para personas que tienen más probabilidad de contraer la infección con el virus de la hepatitis A o

que tienen mayor probabilidad de enfermarse gravemente si se contagian con la hepatitis A. 3. La vacuna de la hepatitis A ha.

SIGNOS Y SÍNTOMAS Los signos y síntomas son más frecuentes en los adultos que en los niños. ictericia fatiga dolor abdominal pérdida del apetito náusea diarrea fiebre CAUSA Virus de la hepatitis A (VHA) EFECTOS A LARGO PLAZO No hay infección crónica (a largo plazo). Una vez que haya sido infectado con la hepatitis A no puede contagiarse otra vez. Un 15% de las personas infectadas con el virus de la hepatitis A tendrán síntomas prolongados o una recaída en un período de 6 a 9 meses. TRANSMISIÓN El VHA se encuentra en los excrementos de personas infectadas con hepatitis A. El VHA se transmite comúnmente de persona a persona al llevarse cosas a la boca (aunque se vean limpias) que han sido contaminadas con el excremento de una persona infectada con hepatitis A. PREVENCIÓN La vacuna de la hepatitis A ofrece la mejor protección. La inmonoglobulina ofrece protección a corto plazo contra la hepatitis A. Puede ser administrada antes y dentro de las 2 semanas después de haber estado en contacto con el VHA. Lávese siempre las manos con agua y jabón despues de usar el baño, cambiar los pañales y antes de preparar la comida y comer.