St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church

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1 St. Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church August 23, 2015 Austin, Texas Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time We welcome all of our visitors. We are happy to have you with us today and hope that you come again. If you would like to know more about us please visit us online at or please feel free to give us a call. If you would like to become a parish member you may register via our website or you may pick up a parish registration form at one of our display racks. Dear Sisters and Brothers, As children of God we pray that we may be good and faithful stewards of all that God has given us. As Catholic Christians we hope to use our gifts in order to evangelize, encourage, comfort and challenge others. Here at St. Ignatius Martyr Parish we are all called to discern how our gifts may be used for the good of the parish and school. Stewardship is not about filling certain needs in the parish or school; it s about all of us discerning what are the gifts God has given to us and how we can use those to build up God s kingdom here on earth. Nonetheless, we do have some rather urgent needs in terms of ministries here at St. Ignatius Martyr, and I m asking you to consider whether or not you can assist us. While we have many opportunities in which to share your gifts, these are among the most in need right now: Freeze Night Ministry. From November through March, when the temperature is expected to dip below 32 degrees at night, the city shelter makes available to anyone in need an overnight emergency cold weather shelter for that night. When that falls on a Sunday night, our parish has generously offered our Family Center for this purpose. We have hosted up to 100 men for the evening and overnight, giving them hot food and a place in which they can sleep and stay warm. Of course, this requires many volunteers, and we are grateful that so many people are involved and want to stay involved. However, we are in need of a couple of leaders for this critical ministry. Two or more parishioners could share the ministry, as we need lead ministers and overnight coordinators. I have all of the information that you would need, and the past ministry leaders are more than happy to share their experiences and information with you as well. Catechesis for Baptism. Each month the baptismal preparation team meets with parents and godparents on a Tuesday evening to interview them and to give them the information they will need to baptize their child. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet people one-on-one and to help them to understand what it means to be a part of God s church. Other members of the team assist with the baptismal classes which are offered at St. Ignatius Martyr one Saturday morning a month. We need people to help with hospitality, assisting people as they fill out the required paperwork, and do the teaching. We have a great group of people involved in this, and they will teach you how to do this very important ministry. (We are especially in need of people to help to do this in Spanish right now!) Please pray about how you will be part of the mission of our church. In particular, think about these ministries and whether or not God is calling you to evangelize and to reach out. Truly, this is what it means to be a church, a people of God. May God continue to bless you, Qsbzfs!Sfrvftut! For those in need of healing: Frank Gilmore, Jr., Inez Sanchez, Edubides Olivares, Armando Estrella, Jr., Mary Esther Torres, Yvonne Marie Heath, Mary Jane Stollies, Michelle Knett, Sean Sanchez, Infant Ginny Abeita, Mary Thomas, Bynam Thomas, Caroll Mendieta, Robert Mendieta, Willard Moore, Lucille Ceasar; Ezequiel Mendoza, Frances Besselle, Mary Shultz, Sarah and Elizabeth Shultz, Jim Klier,Virgie Turner, Lee Colwell, Lydia Huerta, Maria Nieto, Olivia Pineda, Angel Rivera, Sr., Estella Mendez, Molly Moya, Susan Moya, Bill Love, Louise Long, BeBe Lopez, Michael Reyna Family, Joe & Mary Sue Gonzales, Brianna Polley, Joe Morales, Rocky Tony Loera, Samnuel Narduzzo, Carolee Hearrell, Paquito Rodriguez, Chester Lesley, Sherri Moreno, Eddie Tamayo III, Lucy Daily, Helen Baylor, Joseph Bialaszewski, Ursula Pyka, Maria Daravi, Gene Goertz, Grace Konvicka, Charlotte Pearson, Buddy Pearson, Jane Rupert, AJ Casarez, Jr., Alfred J. Casarez, Sr., the Southwood Care Center Residents and Staff. For the repose of the souls of loved ones who have been recently called home by our Savior. Elvire Ponsati Please note: At the end of each month, all the names of the sick are removed. Please call our office or send an to to add a name to the bulletin. Thank you! PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition

2 Tdsjquvsf!Sfbejoht-!Nbtt!Tdifevmf!'!Joufoujpot! Sunday, August 23 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34; Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32; Jn 6: :00 p.m. (Vigil) Richard Diaz 7:30 a.m. Edward Lee Soza 9:30 a.m. Ann Arnett; Amalia Losada ; Elvira Cepeda 11:15 a.m. Parishioners 1:00 p.m. Juana Carmen Rodriguez Mona 5:00 p.m. Jose Luis Cepeda Monday, August 24 Saint Bartholomew, Apostle Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145; Jn 1: :30 a.m Emilie & Pius Friesenhahn 12:05 p.m Rene Kinsella Tuesday, August 25 Saint Louis; Saint Joseph Calasanz, Priest 1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139; Mt 23: :30 a.m. (L) & (D) The Mangold Family 12:05 p.m. StanislavZimic Wednesday, August 26 1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139; Mt 23: :30 a.m. Jolene Pospisil 12:05 p.m. Emory Hughes ; G.E. Guzman ; Elizabeth Ann Smith Thursday, August 27 Saint Monica 1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90; Mt 24: :30 a.m. Joe & Trini Lopez 12:05 p.m. C.W. & Roni Downey Friday, August 28 Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97; Mt 25:1-13 7:30 a.m. Caroline Smith 12:05 p.m Henry & Frances Rainosek Saturday, August 29 The Passion of Saint John the Baptist 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98; Mk 6: :30 a.m. Sr. Frances Therese Meyers 5:00 p.m. Otila Macias Sunday, August 30 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15; Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27;Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, :30 a.m. Jerry Prilop 9:30 a.m. Rachel Arnett ; Katheryne Chote ; Dolores Martello 11:15 a.m. Parishioners 1:00 p.m. Francisco Hernandez 5:00 p.m. Joe & Trini Lopez Sfgmfdujpot! Qbsjti!Pggjdf!Ofxt! GOSPEL MEDITATION In our lives, each of us is called to make important decisions. In today s Gospel, some of those who witness the signs of Jesus decide to withdraw from him. Ask yourself, Will I follow the Lord? CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING In the second reading this week, St. Paul uses the image of marriage to talk about Christ s love and commitment to us the church. The long version of the reading has this crucial sentence; Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ. It is not a part of our culture to choose subordination, but as the other readings point out, we have a choice. Choosing to accept discipleship means choosing humility and deference to one another especially those who are poor and most vulnerable. It is not easy, but it is the way that leads to eternal life and joy! Bulletin deadline: Please submit all bulletin articles by Friday at noon, 9 days prior to the Sunday in which you would like your article to appear. Submissions should be ed to: WEBSITE NEWS: If you have any changes, additions or updates to the St. Ignatius Website, please send your request via to If your request is URGENT, please indicate so. Qsbzfs!Mjgf! New Life Prayer Group Healing Mass: Please join us this Tuesday, August 25 th at 7:30 p.m. in the Mother s Chapel. It is open to everyone and visitors are always welcome. The Healing Mass is celebrated on the last Tuesday of every month. For more information contact Margie Hernández at (512) or In a world where there is so much noise, so much bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of Jesus concealed in the Host It is a source of comfort and light, particularly to those who are suffering. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held next Friday September 4, following the 12:05 p.m. Mass until midnight in the Mother s Chapel, located to the right of the sanctuary. All are welcome to come in and spend some time in adoration of our Lord. Sign-up sheets are located at the entrance of the Mother s Chapel. First Saturday Reconciliation will be before Mass at 7:00 a.m. Devotion begins at 6:40 a.m. with a Rosary before Mass. Seek the face of Christ and His presence as the Way to greater happiness, better health and an abundant life here and hereafter by living the Gospel virtues. God Seekers: Join us next Saturday, September 5, in the Fr. John Payne House after 7:30 a.m. Mass for a light breakfast and study of Carmelite Spirituality to throw some light on your mystical spirit. ATTENTION ALTAR SERVERS, LECTORS, AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: If you will not be available any weekend during October, November, December 2015 or January 2016 please notify Ann Thornton at (text or leave a message) or, No later than tomorrow, Monday, August 24, If you are an unscheduled minister, please let me know if you are still active or not.

3 + Nvtjd!Njojtusz!!+! Attention Men of the Parish! Do you love having box or reserved seats at your favorite sporting event or concert? Having the best seat in the house makes any experience more enjoyable the same thing goes with being a part of the 9:30 am Adult Choir! The 9:30 am Adult Choir has reserved seats and the best view of the Mass each weekend and for every Holy Day you ll never miss any of the action! The Adult Choir is a fun ministry to be part of there s no need to be able to read music we just need for you to be able to sing in tune and be open to learning music that helps our community pray all while building fellowship with members from our parish community. If you d like to take the choir for a test drive, please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the choir area and sing along with the hymns during Mass. For more information, please contact Dr. Andrea Pobanz: or Lojhiut!pg!Dpmvncvt!Gvoesbjtfs! Sausage Wrap/Brisket Taco Sale: after all the weekend masses of August 29/30. So, plan now to stay out of the hot kitchen on those days, and instead let the Knights do the cooking for you. Zpvui!Njojtusz!Ofxt! Life Teen Registration is open! Forms are available online, on our Facebook page, in the Parish Office, or by contacting Lori Nava, Youth Minister. August 1 st was the 1 st day of registration and is only for High School participants. You can also register in the Family Center today, August 23 rd. ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY, Sunday, August 23 rd From 7:30-10:30am, join us as we prepare breakfast for the residents of the Ronald McDonald House. This is the last opportunity of the summer! All are welcome to participate! Also today, from 6:30-8:30 pm we will have a planning meeting with the Core Team in the Parish office that all students wishing to serve as part of the Youth Leadership Team are invited to attend. If you plan on serving as a YLT, it is highly recommended you attend. Dinner will be provided. On Sunday, August 30 th 6:30-8 pm will be our last Sunday Funday of the summer. If you would like to join us please notify Lori by Sat., August 29 th if you will be needing a ride from the church to Westgate Bowling Lanes. Don t forget to bring $ for bowling and food. Hope to see you there! Save the date: Life Teen Kick-Off is September 13 th Sfmjhjpvt!Fevdbujpo!Ofxt! Volunteers needed for the Ministry of Catechesis By virtue of Baptism, we are all called to the ministry of catechesis. As a volunteer in the ministry of catechesis, you have the opportunity to share your faith through word and action with the children of St. Ignatius and their families. We need people to serve as classroom aides, office aides, leaders for the Children s Liturgy of the Word, hall monitors, traffic control monitors, prayer warriors, special event helpers and food preparation, and donors for supplies throughout the year. Catechists and classroom aides are still needed for the following classes: Wednesdays at 6:15 7:30 pm, 4 th and 5 th grade first year students (catechist), 1 st grade Spanish, 2 nd grade first communion Spanish (catechist and aides), 2 nd 5 th grade first year students (aides), 5 th grade( aide), Spanish and English Parent classes (aides). Sundays at 11:15 am 12:15 pm, Pre Kinder and Kinder (catechists and aides) Sundays at 11:30 am 12:45 pm, 3 rd grade (aide and catechist), 5 th grade (aide), 7 th and 8 th grade (catechist and aide) Sundays at 1 2 pm. Spanish only Kinder 2 nd grade (catechists and aides) We ask that you prayerfully consider your call to the ministry. Call Anna Chavez at Blessings! Sfmjhjpvt!Fevdbujpo! Ofxt!Dpou/! REGISTRATION FOR ST IGNATIUS MARTYR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (REP) We hope you are having a great summer. Looking ahead to the upcoming faith formation year, REP registration is taking place this Sunday, August 23 rd in the Family Center from 8:30 am-3:00 p.m. Tuition fee is $45.00 per student and $ per family with 3 or more students. Classes for Pre K-12 th grade will begin on the week of September 13, Bevmu!Gbjui!Gpsnbujpo! RCIA INVITATION: Adults who are baptized in another Christian Church or who have never been baptized are invited to become part of RCIA to see if you might be called by God to consider becoming Catholic. The RCIA Community meets each Wednesday evening from 6:45 until 8:30p.m., in the Parish Office. Please ( or call Sister Mary Eleanor ( , Extension 1007) for more information as well as to register for RCIA. Adult Faith Formation Opportunity Would you like to have a recap on the beliefs, practices, and spirituality of the Catholic faith? Would you like to feel more confident sharing and evangelizing the world around you? We invite you to take part in the Basic Teachings of the Catholic Church. Classes begin on Saturday, September 12 and continue as follows: Classes will be held on a monthly basis in the Family Center on Saturdays, 9 am 3 pm. Dates and Themes: September 12.The Bible: Revelation and Scripture..Teacher: Fr. Paul Ybarra October 10. The Creed..Teacher: Rev. Mr. Dennis Strach II, C.S.C. November 14. Liturgy and the Sacraments..Teacher: Dr. Andrea Pobanz December 12. Life in Christ: The Moral Life..Teacher: Fr. Bill Wack January 9. Prayer and Spirituality..Teacher: Anna Chavez To register please come by the Church office or call Anna Chavez. Registration fee is $50.00 and includes the textbook plus the Diocesan administration fee. All persons who are in or preparing for ministry are strongly encouraged to attend. Attendance at all five classes is required for the Diocesan Level I Catechist certification. Please bring a sack lunch.

4 Hppe!Ofxt!Qfpqmf! Good News People: Prepare to celebrate the Holy Year of Mercy with Good News People, a parish-wide faith formation opportunity in small group settings. Sign-up weekend: Sept No prerequisite required. The 17- week process includes prayer, practice of the corporal & spiritual works of mercy, the virtues, and good news stories. Watch this space for details. "No one can be excluded from God's mercy." - Pope Francis (Mar. 13, 2015). Cbqujtnt! Welcome to the newest members of the Catholic Community: our little ones, newly Baptized in Christ: Isabela Mercedes, child of Carl Richard Anderson and Mercedes Garza Aaron George, child of Jerry Tom Philips and Zeena Theresa Angadicheril Sariah Lizzette, child of Edwardo Aguirre and Sarah Elizabeth Alcala Liam Ray, child of Elena Castro and Jerold Francis Seidl, Jr. Albert Eli, child of Maria Socorro Celia Maldonado Gorostieta Ada Anayanci, child of Jose Lauro Davalos and Amanda Diane Austin Maxwell Lee, child of Russell Lee Hackworth and Kathleen Marie O Meara Julia San Za, child of Ha Lee and Maria Maih Neu Theresa Niangsan, child of Langh Lian Khup and Ciin Khaw Man Larry, child of Jose Oscar Gonzalez-Salazar & Angelica Selene Orozco-Villa Leslie, child of Joe Juan Parra & Macrina Martinez Leah, child of Gerardo Diaz & Nitzia Olvares Lucas John, child of Robert Cerrillo & Alexia Rodriguez Cerrillo Sabrina Mae Belle, child of Matthew Moerbe & Jordana Estrada Moerbe Dylann Phs, child of Ryan Tagle & Christina Phelps Tagle Mickey James, child of Joseph Louis Chen & Lisa Autumn Lynn McKim Chen Sergio, Jr., child of Sergio Gonzalez, Sr., and Lucia Urbina Aguilar Elias, child of Srgion Gonzlaes, Sr., and Lucia Urbina Aguilar Gbjuigvm!Djuj{fotijq!Bewpdbdz! Faithful Citizenship Advocacy City and County Budgets The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops encourages Catholics to learn about issues and become involved in the political process. Bishop John Wester from Salt Lake City writes that Christians have a responsibility to live out their faith in the public square and today that also means online. The City of Austin s budget development process for the coming fiscal year began with the Financial Forecast presentation to City Council on April 22. City staff projected a balanced General Fund budget including a 0.5 cent tax decrease. Sixty-nine percent of the projected $904 million General Fund budget supports police, fire and emergency medical services. The City Manager presented the proposed budget to City Council on July 30. Citizens can learn about the budget at fy16_forecast_presentation_final.pdf Important dates in the City s budget approval process include: August 27 - Budget, tax rate, and utility rate hearings September Council votes on budget and tax rate Travis County submitted its Fiscal Year 2016 preliminary budget on July 27. Public hearings will be held on the tax rate and proposed budget on September 15 and 18. County Commissioners will adopt the budget and tax rate on September 22. County budget guidelines are available at Docs/FINAL_FY_2016_Budget_Guidelines.pdf The budget process gives citizens the opportunity to demand that elected officials increase funding for programs that serve the poor and vulnerable in our community, especially children. In that way we can follow Pope Francis s direction to enhance the social dimension of our lives by acting as committed and responsible citizens. Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor. Gvoe!Gbmm!Gftu! Great Raffle Prizes Sell, Sell Sell, tickets, or Purchase tickets for an opportunity to win great prizes. Check out the Donations List and/or the donation tree (check the website for a list of donations or stop by the Fall Fest Table in the church foyer) Sponsor a Game or Food Booth Volunteer your Time and Talent Purchase a great looking T-shirt The Plant Booth is needing a variety of plants (please bring by 8:00 am on the day of Fall Fest, Saturday September 19 th.) Raffle Ticket Contest Chose your favorite College Football Team IN THE LEAD: 604, NORTRE 358. AND 120 AS OF 8/9/15. LOTS OF RAFFLE TICKETS ARE STILL OUT THERE- GET THEM TURNED IN FOR YOUR TEAM TO WIN! NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS TEXAS A&M When purchasing your Fall Fest Raffle Tickets, let us know which team you want your Raffle tickets to represent. It s all about the Bragging Rights! The Fall Fest Committee will be in the church foyer after mass, please stop by and ask how you can be a part of the FUN in Funding Fall Fest - any questions, us at Thank you for YOUR continued support! SINCE 1981, EVERY DOLLAR RAISED HAS BENEFITED over 74+ ministries!

5 Cvjmejoh!Dpnnvojuz0Tfswjoh!Pvs!Qbsjti! SPONSORS FOR ENGAGED COUPLES We are seeking the assistance of married couples of our church who are willing to be trained to be sponsors for engaged couples. So that we at St. Ignatius can begin offering Marriage preparation classes for couples who are preparing themselves for this sacrament, Rachel and Fred Galindo have taken on this ministry and are seeking additional married couples to help. After the married volunteers have taken part in a training course, they will be asked to assist in various ways to guide engaged couples through the program entitled Together In God s Love (TIGL). Our hope is to have enough married couples trained that each can choose a part that they can participate in with each engaged couple. Please contact Rachel ( ) or Fred Galindo ( ) for more information. Pope Francis announced an Extraordinary Holy Year, a year of mercy to begin on Dec. 8, We at JustFaith Ministries are excited about the possibilities of celebrating the value of mercy as it is so closely tied to our mission. In anticipation of the excitement around this Holy Year of Jubilee, JustFaith Ministries is offering a discount on the GoodNewsPeople program. The spiritual works of mercy are the foundation of GoodNewsPeople, and thus a wonderful way for parishes to respond to the Pope's call for a Holy Year of Mercy. Mbejft!Dmvc! Arts n craft workshop: Scheduled for Wednesday, August 26 from 9:30 am 4:00 m at the Fr. John Payne House. Join us and bring a friend. Tqpotps!pg!uif!Xffl! FAMILY DENTISTRY Karen Frazier, DDS 4407 Manchaca Rd. 512/ Please patronize our sponsors. Their generosity makes this publication available to you at no cost to the parish. To advertise your business in our bulletin, please contact: Javier Aguilera at / Thank you!

6 23 de agosto 2015 Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Como hijos de Dios oramos para que podamos ser buenos y fieles administradores de todo lo que Dios nos ha dado. Como cristianos cato licos esperamos utilizar nuestros dones para evangelizar, animar, consolar y desafiar a otros. Aquí en San Ignacio Ma rtir todos estamos llamados a discernir co mo se pueden usar nuestros dones para el bien de la parroquia y la escuela. La corresponsabilidad no se trata de llenar ciertas necesidades de la parroquia o de la escuela; se trata de discernir cuales son los dones que Dios nos ha dado y co mo podemos usarlos para construir Su reino aquí en la tierra. Sin embargo, sí tenemos algunas necesidades ma s urgentes en materia de ministerios en nuestra parroquia, y les pido considerar si nos puede ayudar. Mientras tenemos muchas oportunidades en las cuales usted puede compartir sus dones, e stos ministerios se encuentran entre los que ma s lo necesitan en este momento: 1. Ministerio de Freeze Nights. Desde noviembre a marzo, cuando se espera que la temperatura sea menos de 32 grados por la noche, el refugio de la ciudad pone a disposicio n de cualquier persona en necesidad un refugio para esa noche de emergencia durante la noche de clima frio. Cuando eso cae en un domingo por la noche, nuestra parroquia ha ofrecido generosamente nuestro Centro Familiar para este propo sito. Hemos acogido hasta 100 hombres por la tarde y durante la noche, da ndoles comida caliente y un lugar en el que pueden dormir y mantenerse caliente. Por supuesto, esto requiere muchos voluntarios, y estamos agradecidos de que tantas personas esta n involucradas y quieren seguir participando. Sin embargo, estamos en la necesidad de un par de líderes de este ministerio crítico. Dos o ma s feligreses podrían compartir el ministerio, ya que necesitamos líderes del ministerio y coordinadores durante la noche. Tengo toda la informacio n que usted necesita, y los u ltimos líderes del ministerio esta n ma s que felices de compartir sus experiencias e informacio n con usted tambie n. 2. Catequesis para el Bautismo. Cada mes, el equipo de preparacio n bautismal se reu ne con los padres y padrinos en la tarde del martes para entrevistarlos y les dan la informacio n que necesitara n para bautizar a su hijo. Esta es una maravillosa oportunidad de conocer gente y para ayudarles a entender lo que significa ser parte de la iglesia de Dios. Otros miembros del equipo ayudan con las clases de bautismo que se ofrecen en la man ana un sa bado al mes. Necesitamos gente para ayudar con la hospitalidad, ayudar a las personas a llenar los documentos necesarios, y dar la ensen anza. Tenemos un gran grupo de personas involucradas en esto, y les ensen aremos co mo llevar a cabo este importantísimo ministerio. ( Estamos especialmente en la necesidad de gente para ayudar en espan ol en este momento!) Por favor, oren acerca de co mo va a ser parte de la misio n de nuestra iglesia. En particular, piense en estos ministerios y si Dios le esta llamando a evangelizar y extender la mano. En verdad, esto es lo que significa ser una iglesia, un pueblo de Dios. Que Dios continu e bendicie ndolos. 8/23 XXI Domingo Ordinario Jos 24:1-2ª, 15-17, 18b Sal 33:2-3, Ef 5:21-32 o 5:2ª, Jn 6: :00 p.m. Juana Carmen Rodríguez Mona 8/24 San Bartolomé, Apostol Ap 21:9b-14 Sasl 144:10-13, Jn 1: /25 San Luis; San José de Calasanz, Presbítero 1 Tes 2:1-8 Sal 138:1-3, 4-6 Mt 23: /26 1 Tes 2:8-13 Sal 138:7-12b Mt /27 Santa Mónica 1 Tes 3:7-13 Sal 89:3-5a, 12-14, 17 Mt 24: /28 San Agustín, Obispo y Doctor de la Iglesia 1 Tes 4:1-8 Sal 96:1-2b, 5-6, Mt 25:1-13 8/29 El Martirio de San Juan Bautista 1 Tes 4:9-11 Sal 97:1, 7-9 Mc 6: /30 XXII Domingo Ordinario Dt 4:1-2, 6-8 Sal 14:2-5 Sant 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 Mc 7:1-8, 14-15, :00 p.m. Francisco Hernández Por favor recen por nuestros enfermos: Frank Gilmore, Jr., Inez Sanchez, Edubides Olivares, Armando Estrella, Jr., Mary Esther Torres, Yvonne Marie Heath, Mary Jane Stollies, Michelle Knett, Sean Sanchez, Infant Ginny Abeita, Mary Thomas, Bynam Thomas, Caroll Mendieta, Robert Mendieta, Willard Moore, Lucille Ceasar; Ezequiel Mendoza, Frances Besselle, Mary Shultz, Sarah and Elizabeth Shultz, Jim Klier,Virgie Turner, Lee Colwell, Lydia Huerta, Maria Nieto, Olivia Pineda, Angel Rivera, Sr., Estella Mendez, Molly Moya, Susan Moya, Bill Love, Louise Long, BeBe Lopez, Michael Reyna Family, Joe & Mary Sue Gonzales, Brianna Polley, Joe Morales, Rocky Tony Loera, Samnuel Narduzzo, Carolee Hearrell, Paquito Rodriguez, Chester Lesley, Sherri Moreno, Eddie Tamayo III, Lucy Daily, Helen Baylor, Joseph Bialaszewski, Ursula Pyka, Maria Daravi, Gene Goertz, Grace Konvicka, Charlotte Pearson, Buddy Pearson, Jane Rupert, AJ Casarez, Jr., Alfred J. Casarez, Sr., the Southwood Care Center Residents and Staff. Recuerden a aquellos que han fallecido Elvire Ponsati

7 L e damos la bienvenida a todos nuestros visitantes. Estamos encantados de tenerlos con nosotros hoy y esperamos que vuelvan otra vez. Si le gustaría saber más acerca de nuestra parroquia, por favor visite nuestra página web: o llámenos al (512) Si le gustaría ser miembro de nuestra parroquia, pase por la mesa de información que se encuentra en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. MISA MENSUAL DE SANACIÓN patrocinado por New Life Prayer Group será el martes, 25 de agosto a las 7:30 p.m. en la Capilla (Mother s Chapel). Todos están invitados a asistir. La Misa de Sanación se celebra el último martes de cada mes. Para más información, favor de comunicarse con Margie Hernández: (512) / ADORACIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO «En un mundo en el que predomina el ruido y la desorientación, hay necesidad de la adoración silenciosa de Jesús escondido en la Hostia Es una fuente de consuelo y de luz, sobre todo a aquellos que están sufriendo.» - Papa Emérito Benedicto XVI Primer viernes: Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento tomará lugar el próximo viernes, 4 de septiembre, después de Misa a las 12:05 p.m. hasta la medianoche en la Capilla, ubicada a la derecha del santuario. Todos son bienvenidos a pasar tiempo en adoración de nuestro Señor. Las hojas para anotarse se encuentran en las entradas de la iglesia. Estudio de Planificación: Desde 2008, el liderazgo de la parroquia ha estado estudiando las necesidades de largo alcance e ideas para nuestra comunidad parroquial en crecimiento. Ha llegado el momento para toda la parroquia de entender nuestros desafíos y compartir su opinión. Durante las próximas semanas, vamos a pedir a todos ustedes participar en una breve entrevista o completar una encuesta en línea o por correo. Sus comentarios nos proporcionará información valiosa acerca de su apertura para ayudarnos a abordar nuestras necesidades parroquiales. Gracias por sus oraciones y continuar el apoyo al discernir lo que es en el mejor interés de nuestra comunidad de fe. El próximo fin de semana después de Misa, los Caballeros de Colón estarán vendiendo tacos. Haga planes ahora de mantenerse fuera de la cocina el domingo y deje que los Caballeros preparen la comida para usted. Se buscan voluntarios para el Programa de Educación Religiosa. Por favor considere ayudar a que crezcan nuestros hijos en su fe y en su relación con Jesucristo compartiendo su fe con ellos. Necesitamos catequistas, asistentes de catequistas, y asistentes de oficina. Las clases son los domingos y miércoles de septiembre a mayo. Interesado? Por favor comuníquese con Anna al (512) para más detalles y para inscribirse. Enseñanzas Básicas de la fe Católica Clases de Enseñanzas Básicas de la fe Católica (en español) para las personas que gustan profundizar su conocimiento sobre la fe católica. Este curso también es todas las personas activas o preparando para algún ministerio en la iglesia. $50 total para las cinco clases. Instructora: Clases serán presentadas por la instructora, Rosa Bejar mensualmente los sábados de las 9 a.m. 3: p.m. en el centro familiar de San Ignacio Mártir. Por favor traiga un almuerzo. 12 de septiembre... Sagrada Escritura 10 de octubre... El Credo. 14 de noviembre... Liturgia y Los Sacramentos 12 de diciembre... La vida en Cristo/ La vida Moral 9 de enero... Oración y Espiritualidad La asistencia en las cinco clases se requiere para la certificación de catequista diocesano nivel I. Por favor de registrase en la oficina de la iglesia antes del 12 de septiembre. LA NOCHE DE REGRESO A LA ESCUELA será el martes, 25 de agosto en la escuela de 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Padres aprenderán de las actividades de los estudiantes, se reunirán con los maestros, y escucharán acerca de las oportunidades emocionantes para el nuevo año escolar. Los padres de nuevos estudiantes están invitados a venir a las 6:00 p.m. para una reunión especial con Padre Bill.

8 TIEMPO TESORO Noticias de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa INSCRIPCIONES PARA EL PROGRAMA DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA ( ) Por favor marque las siguientes fechas en su calendario. Inscripciones para el programa de Educación Religiosa tomarán lugar este domingo 16 de agosto y el domingo, 23 de agosto en el Family Center (salón parroquial) de 8:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. La colegiatura es $50 por un estudiante y $30 para familiar adicional. Las clases para niños en Pre-K hasta el 12º año comenzarán la semana del 13 de septiembre. A continuación se encuentra una lista de las varias sesiones que se ofrecerán este año. Les animamos a que pase por la Oficina de Educación Religiosa o llame al (512) durante los meses de agosto y septiembre antes del primer día de clase para saber en cual salón estará(n) su(s) hijo(s) y qué falta de pagar de la colegiatura. CLASES SACRAMENTALES 3º - 8º grado (segundo año de preparación) Las clases serán los domingos de 11:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 2º grado (Primera Comunión) Las clases serán los miércoles de 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. CLASES REGULARES Kinder (inglés solamente) Las clases serán los domingos de 11:15 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 1º - 8º grado (regular) Las clases serán los miércoles de 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2º - 8º grado (nuevos estudiantes) Las clases serán los miércoles de 6:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Kinder 2º grado (nuevos estudiantes; español solamente) Las clases serán los domingos de 1:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. Premios de rifa Venda, venda, venda, boletos o compre boletos para la oportunidad de ganar un gran premio Vea la lista de donaciones y/o el árbol de donaciones (visite el sitio web o pase por la mesa de Fall Fest en el vestíbulo de la iglesia) Patrocine un puesto de comida o juegos Sea voluntario con su tiempo y talento Compre una camiseta de Fall Fest El puesto de plantas necesita una variedad de plantas (por favor tráigalas el día de Fall Fest, 19 de septiembre, a las 8:00 a.m.) Concurso de boletos de rifa Escoja su equipo de futbol americano favorito: Notre Dame University of Texas Texas A&M Cuando compre sus boletos de Fall Fest, déjenos saber cuál equipo quiere representar. Muchas gracias por SU apoyo. Desde 1981, cada dólar recaudado ha beneficiado a más de 74+ ministerios! Colecta regular $ 20, Colecta de St. Vincent de Paul $ 4, Mantenimiento de edificios $ 2,124. Colecta de la Escuela San Ignacio $ 385 Clero Jubilado $ - CCHD $ - Catholic Relief Services $ - Seminaristas & Sacerdotes $ - Reduccio n de deuda $ 70 Fr. Tomei Endowment $ 15 Mexico Mission $ 17, Deaf Ministry $ - Gabriel Project $ - Donaciones especiales $ 20 Total $ 44, Formacio n de la comunidad Formacio n de fe Compan erismo & Servicio 81 Ministerio de mu sica 75 Servicios ocasionales Consejo de liderazgo 20 Justicia Social 201 Vida de oracio n Organizaciones de la escuela 100 Alabanza Total

9 BIENVENIDO A NUESTROS PEQUEÑOS, RECIÉN BAUTIZADOS EN CRISTO Isabela Mercedes, Aaron George, Sariah Lizzette, Liam Ray, Albert Eli, Ada Anayanci, Maxwell Lee, Julia San Za, Theresa Niangsan, Larry, Leslie, Leah, Lucas John, Sabrina Mae Belle, Dylann Phs, Mickey James, Sergio, Jr., Elias. Atención Ministros Eucarísticos, Lectores y Servidores del Altar: Si usted no estará disponible algún fin de semana durante los meses de Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre 2015 o Enero 2016 favor de comunicarse con Ann Thornton al (mensaje de texto) o envíe un correo electrónico a antes de Lunes, 24 Agosto Se habla español. Meditación sobre el Evangelio: En nuestras vidas, todos estamos llamados a tomar decisiones importantes. En el Evangelio de hoy algunos de aquellos que son testigos de los signos de Jesús deciden dejarlo. Pregúntese a si mismo " Seguiría yo a Jesús?" Enseñanza Social Católica: En la segunda lectura de esta semana San Pablo usa la imagen del matrimonio para hablar del amor de Cristo y de su compromiso hacia nosotros- la iglesia. La versión larga de la lectura presenta esta frase crucial; Subordínense unos a otros por reverencia a Cristo. No es parte de nuestra cultura el escoger la subordinación, pero tal como las otras lecturas señalan, tenemos una opción. El escoger aceptar el discipulado significa escoger la humildad y la deferencia mutua- especialmente respecto a aquellos que son pobres y más vulnerables. No es fácil, pero es la manera que lleva a la vida eternal y al gozo!

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Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you!

Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you! You will write at least TEN sentences describing a typical week in the life of a BCC student YOU! -- based on the three Encuestas (surveys) you conducted with your classmates: If you can t think of what

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Harmony Science Academy Houston High 9431 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX, 77099

Harmony Science Academy Houston High 9431 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX, 77099 Dear HSA-Houston High Parents/Guardians, We hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer. Student orientation is drawing near and to make the process run smoother, we are asking that you please complete

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Steps to Understand Your Child s Behavior. Customizing the Flyer

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Escuela Olympic Program Titulo 1

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Nombre Clase Fecha. committee has asked a volunteer to check off the participants as they arrive.

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Ausentismo (Truancy - Why it's important to go to school)

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EL ESTILO INDIRECTO (REPORTED SPEECH) EL ESTILO INDIRECTO () **El estilo indirecto es la forma de reproducir en tercera persona lo que alguien ha dicho textualmente. I m tired she said. She said that she was tired. Como se observa en el ejemplo

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DUAL IMMERSION PROGRAM INFORMATION PRESCHOOL PRESENTATION SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 6:30 P.M. DUAL IMMERSION PROGRAM INFORMATION PRESCHOOL PRESENTATION SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 6:30 P.M. Presented by Dr. Norma R. Delgado, Director of Curriculum & Instruction 1 The United States Government has identified

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

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Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine

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Learning Compact. Schools would agree to provide children every opportunity to learn in a supportive, drug- and violence-free environment.

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TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM [CITY SEAL/EMBLEM] The Capital City of the Palm Beaches TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act requires that "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color or

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English Literacy Success Team, e3 Civic High October 30, 2014

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Affordable Care Act Informative Sessions and Open Enrollment Event

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COMO LEVANTAR FONDOS PARA VIAJES MISIONEROS COMO LEVANTAR FONDOS PARA VIAJES MISIONEROS Dios es el primer interesado en que tú vayas a este viaje misionero. El quiere impactar vidas por medio de ti en el campo. Por lo tanto El obrará a tu favor

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BAUTISMO. * El certificado de Bautismo es necesario para uno o ambos padres.

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Passaic County Technical Institute 45 Reinhardt Road Wayne, New Jersey 07470

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Lista 1. Nombre. Lista 5. Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2. Lista 1. Lista 10. Lista 9. Lista 8. Lista 7. Lista 6

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Confirmation/1st communion Requirements for St. Paul s Catholic Church 2015-2016

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SEMINAR 3: COMPOSITION SEMINAR 3: FORMAL LETTER COMPOSITION 1 Lengua C I (Inglés) Código 00EM Imagine you were selected as an Erasmus student and you wanted to write to your host university to ask them for information about

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Proud member of the We Mean Business. Text WeMeanBiz to this number: 98975 to learn more.

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Weekday Masses/ Misas Diarias. Confessions/Confesiones. Schedule changes will be posted in the Calendar on the parish website.

Weekday Masses/ Misas Diarias. Confessions/Confesiones. Schedule changes will be posted in the Calendar on the parish website. SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH Established 1887 727 Minter Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 542-4411 Sunday Masses/ Misas domingos Saturday Vigil/Vigilia del sábado: Weekday Masses/ Misas Diarias Monday

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Guía Para el Sacramento de Bautismo

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1. Save the PDF Form in your computer. 2. Open the PDF Form (double-click). 3. Complete it. 4. the PDF Form. 5. Attach the form in an Email to

1. Save the PDF Form in your computer. 2. Open the PDF Form (double-click). 3. Complete it. 4. the PDF Form. 5. Attach the form in an Email to 1. Save the PDF Form in your computer. 2. Open the PDF Form (double-click). 3. Complete it. 4. the PDF Form. 5. Attach the form in an Email to (Health Form) (Health Form) (Health

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Les informamos que ya nos fueron entregados los anuarios de 2011-2012, estarán a la venta en caja con un costo de $450.00

Les informamos que ya nos fueron entregados los anuarios de 2011-2012, estarán a la venta en caja con un costo de $450.00 Guadalajara, Jal. 18 de Febrero de 2014 ANUARIO 2011-2012 Les informamos que ya nos fueron entregados los anuarios de 2011-2012, estarán a la venta en caja con un costo de $450.00 COORDINACIÓN DE ESPAÑOL

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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Oraciones poderosas, resultados sobrenaturales: Cómo orar como Moisés, Elías, Ana, y otros héroes de la Biblia (Spanish Edition)

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Literacy Network. Class Schedule. Summer 2016

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GUIÓN PARA LA MISA DE CRISTO REY 2015 GUIÓN PARA LA MISA DE CRISTO REY 2015 (INCLUYE EL RITUAL DE PROMESA Y OFICIALIZACIÓN) GUIA: Nuestra comunidad parroquial, celebra hoy la Festividad de Cristo Rey, y en ella, la Acción Católica Argentina

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PE & Athletic Uniforms. School Supply Kits. Order - April 13- June 8. Order - April 13 - June 4

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