Qué esperar, cómo prepararse y la planificación para la recuperación después de una cirugía de mama. Qué es una mastectomía? Cómo me preparo?

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1 Spanish Educación del Paciente Centro de Especialidades Quirúrgicas de UWMC/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (Alianza de Atención del Cáncer de Seattle) Mastectomía Qué esperar, cómo prepararse y la planificación para la recuperación después de una cirugía de mama Este folleto explica lo que debe esperar cuando está planeando recibir una mastectomía. Incluye cómo prepararse y cómo planificar su recuperación después de la cirugía. Qué es una mastectomía? Una mastectomía es una cirugía para extirpar una o ambas mamas. Esta cirugía se realiza frecuentemente para tratar o evitar el cáncer de mama. Durante la cirugía, es posible que su médico examine también su sistema linfático utilizando un procedimiento denominado mapeo de ganglios centinela. Esta prueba rastrea el flujo del líquido linfático desde el tumor hasta un ganglio centinela, el primer ganglio que el líquido encuentra después de salir del tumor. Cómo me preparo? Su visita preoperatoria En su visita preoperatoria, su médico conversará con usted sobre cualquier otro examen que se pudiera hacer en el momento de su cirugía También se le entregará un paquete de artículos que usted utilizará en su casa después de la cirugía. Este paquete incluirá: Aquaguards (apósitos desechables para proteger el sitio del drenaje de modo que no se moje mientras usted se ducha) Cinta de papel Apósitos para el drenaje (cuadrados de 4 pulgadas) Registro de la cantidad de drenaje producida Taza medidora Paños con alcohol También es posible que su médico le proporcione una receta para una camisola posquirúrgica durante su visita preoperatoria. Después de la cirugía usted podrá usar esta camisola, o un sostén quirúrgico si recibió uno, durante tanto tiempo como guste.

2 Página 2 Centro de Especialidades Quirúrgicas de UWMC/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (Alianza de Atención del Cáncer de Seattle) Mastectomía 1 semana antes de la cirugía Deje de tomar aspirina y algunos otros medicamentos: No tome aspirina ni ningún otro producto que afecte la coagulación sanguínea durante 1 semana antes de su operación, a menos que se le diga específicamente que continúe. Dos de estos productos son ibuprofeno (Advil, Motrin) y naproxeno (Aleve, Naprosyn). Para mayor información, consulte el folleto adjunto, Medicamentos que debe evitar antes de la cirugía. Coordine que alguien le lleve a casa en automóvil: Se le enviará del hospital a su casa 24 a 48 horas después de su cirugía. Necesitará que alguien le lleve del hospital a su casa en automóvil. 48 horas antes de su cirugía Afeitarse: No afeite ninguna parte de su cuerpo que no se afeita todos los días. Si normalmente se afeita cerca del lugar de su cirugía, no afeite esa área durante 2 días (48 horas) antes de su cirugía. 24 horas antes de su cirugía Tome 2 duchas: Tome 1 ducha la noche anterior y una segunda ducha en la mañana de su cirugía. Utilice el jabón antibacteriano que su enfermera le dio para lavarse el cuerpo. No utilice el jabón antibacteriano en la cara ni en el cabello. (Consulte las instrucciones que vienen con el jabón). Use su propio jabón y champú en la cara y el cabello. Use toallas limpias para secarse y póngase ropa limpia. Hora de llegada: La enfermera del preoperatorio le llamará antes de las 5 p.m. la noche anterior a su operación. Si usted tendrá la cirugía un lunes, la enfermera le llamará el viernes anterior. Si no tiene noticias de la enfermera del preoperatorio antes de las 5 p.m, por favor llame al La enfermera del preoperatorio le dirá cuándo venir al hospital y le recordará: Que no coma ni beba después de cierta hora Cuáles de sus medicamentos regulares debe tomar o no tomar Que beba solamente sorbos de agua suficientes para tragar sus píldoras Que traiga una lista de los medicamentos que toma Que necesitará alguien que le lleve a casa El día de la cirugía Manta térmica: Para reducir su riesgo de infección, se le cubrirá con una manta térmica para calentar su cuerpo mientras espera para ingresar a la sala de operaciones. Pida una manta térmica si no recibe una.

3 Página 3 Centro de Especialidades Quirúrgicas de UWMC/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (Alianza de Atención del Cáncer de Seattle) Mastectomía En el hospital después de la cirugía Apósitos Usted tendrá cintas blancas denominadas Steri-Strips y otros apósitos externos (vendajes) sobre el sitio de la cirugía. También tendrá un apósito dividido en torno al sitio del drenaje. Este vendaje se mantendrá en su lugar mediante cinta de papel. Drenaje Usted tendrá un tubo plástico denominado un drenaje junto a su incisión. Este drenaje ayudará a retirar el líquido adicional que normalmente se acumula después de la cirugía. Antes de irse a casa, su enfermera le mostrará cómo: Medir el drenaje y registrar la cantidad. Cambiar el apósito del drenaje. Exprima el tubo de modo que no se obstruya. Esto también se denomina ordeñar la tubería. Ejercicio de toser y respiración profunda Debido a que usted recibió anestesia general para su cirugía, su enfermera le enseñará un ejercicio para toser y de respiración profunda antes de que usted abandone el hospital. Este ejercicio ayudará a evitar la neumonía. Haga estos ejercicios cada 1 a 2 horas mientras esté despierta: Realice 10 respiraciones profundas. A continuación tosa varias veces. Cuando vaya a casa La mayoría de las personas se van a su casa 24 a 48 horas después de su cirugía. Precauciones Los medicamentos que se le administran durante y después de la operación le afectarán. Durante 24 horas después de la operación, no: Conduzca Beba alcohol Utilice ninguna maquinaria Viaje sola Firme ningún documento legal Sea responsable por el cuidado de otra persona

4 Página 4 Centro de Especialidades Quirúrgicas de UWMC/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (Alianza de Atención del Cáncer de Seattle) Mastectomía Cuidado del apósito Cambie el apósito en torno a su drenaje una vez al día, o con mayor frecuencia si se humedece o ensucia. Retire todo los apósitos exteriores, a excepción de los Steri-Strips, 48 horas después de su cirugía. Cuidado del drenaje Su drenaje se debe exprimir y vaciar 2 veces al día, o con mayor frecuencia si fuera necesario. Para exprimir el drenaje: Con una mano sostenga firmemente el tubo de drenaje en el lugar donde entra a su piel. Con la otra mano coloque un paño con alcohol alrededor del extremo del tubo junto a su piel. Ordeñe el drenaje, comenzando cerca de su piel y apretando a medida que mueve lentamente el paño hacia el otro extremo del tubo. Recoja el líquido del drenaje en su taza medidora. Registre la cantidad de líquido que recoge en sus registros de drenaje. Su drenaje se retirará cuando la cantidad producida sea menor a 30 ml en el transcurso de 24 horas durante 2 días seguidos. Manejo del dolor Use acetaminofén/paracetamol extra fuerte (Extra Strength Tylenol) o el medicamento para el dolor que su médico le haya recetado. El medicamento se administra para ayudarle a que se sienta cómoda. Utilícelo según lo necesite, de modo que pueda reanudar sus actividades habituales. Ducha Después de 48 horas, cuando usted haya retirado sus apósitos (con excepción de los Steri-Strips), podrá ducharse con uno de los Aquaguards cubriendo el sitio del drenaje. Es aceptable que los Steri-Strips se humedezcan en la ducha, pero no el sitio del drenaje. Actividad Siga haciendo sus ejercicios de tos y respiraciones profundas en su casa durante 1 a 2 semanas más. Puede usar su brazo todo lo que desee. Permita que el dolor sea su guía. Reanude sus actividades diarias tales como ducharse, peinarse el cabello y cepillarse los dientes. Deje de hacer cualquier actividad que le cause incomodidad. Intente tomar una caminata cada día y aumente paulatinamente la distancia.

5 Página 5 Centro de Especialidades Quirúrgicas de UWMC/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (Alianza de Atención del Cáncer de Seattle) Mastectomía Preguntas? Sus preguntas son importantes. Llame a su médico o proveedor de atención a la salud si tiene preguntas o inquietudes. El personal de la clínica también se encuentra disponible para ayudar. Para los pacientes de los Dres. Byrd y Mann: Línea de Consejo de Enfermería de Especialidades Quirúrgicas de UWMC: (días de semana, de 8 a.m. a 4 p.m.) Para los pacientes de los Dres. Anderson, Calhoun y Javid: Centro de Mujeres de SCCA: (días de semana, de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m.) Después del horario de atención y los fines de semana y feriados, llame al y solicite que se localice por buscapersonas al residente de turno de Cirugía. O solicite que se localice por buscapersonas a su cirujano: Dr. Dieta Puede volver a comer su dieta regular después de la cirugía. Si está estreñida, aumente los líquidos y la fibra en su dieta. Pruebe las sugerencias del folleto Estreñimiento después de la cirugía. Medicamentos Después de la cirugía usted puede reanudar sus medicamentos usuales según lo prescrito. Volver al trabajo La cantidad de tiempo que tendrá que tomarse en el trabajo variará de 1 a varias semanas, dependiendo del tipo de cirugía que tenga. Su médico sugerirá un plan de recuperación que se ajuste a sus necesidades. Llame a la Línea de Consejos de Enfermería o a su médico si tiene: Sangrado o drenaje que empapa sus vendajes Una fiebre mayor de F (38 C) Temblores y escalofríos Cualquier signo de infección en su incisión: Enrojecimiento Aumento del dolor Hinchazón Secreción de olor fétido Un cambio en el tipo de drenaje o un aumento en la cantidad del mismo Aumento de la inflamación de su piel alrededor del sitio del drenaje El drenaje se obstruye o no mantiene la succión Náuseas y/o vómitos Preocupaciones que no puedan esperar hasta su visita de seguimiento Seguimiento Un patólogo examinará una muestra del tejido de la mama que se le extrajo durante la cirugía. Su médico hablará con usted sobre los resultados en su visita de seguimiento. Traiga sus registros de drenaje a su visita de seguimiento. UWMC Surgical Specialties Center Box N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA University of Washington Medical Center Spanish 02/2001 Rev. 09/2010 Reprints on Health Online:


7 Patient Education UWMC Surgical Specialties Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance What to expect, how to prepare, and planning for recovery after breast surgery This handout explains what to expect when you are planning to have a mastectomy. It includes how to prepare, and how to plan for your recovery after surgery. What is a mastectomy? A mastectomy is surgery to remove one or both breasts. This surgery is often done to treat or prevent breast cancer. During the surgery, your doctor may also test your lymph system using a procedure called sentinel node mapping. This test traces the flow of lymph fluid from the tumor to a sentinel node, the first node the fluid reaches after leaving the tumor. How do I prepare? Your Preoperative Visit At your preoperative visit, your doctor will talk with you about any other tests that may be done at the time of your surgery. You will also be given a packet of items you will use at home after surgery. This packet will include: Aquaguards (disposable dressings to protect your drain site from getting wet while you shower) Paper tape Drain dressings (4-inch squares) Drain output record Measuring cup Alcohol wipes Your doctor may also give you a prescription for a post-surgical camisole at your preoperative visit. After surgery, you may wear this camisole, or a surgical bra if you received one, for as long as you like.

8 Page 2 UWMC Surgical Specialties Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance 1 Week Before Your Surgery Stop taking aspirin and some other medicines: Do not take any aspirin or other products that affect blood clotting for 1 week before your operation unless specifically told to continue. Two of these are ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn). See the attached handout, Medicines to Avoid Before Surgery, for more information. Arrange for someone to drive you home: You will be sent home from the hospital 24 to 48 hours after your surgery. You will need someone to drive you home from the hospital. 48 hours Before Your Surgery Shaving: Do not shave any part of your body that you do not already shave every day. If you normally shave near your surgical site, do not shave that area for 2 days (48 hours) before your surgery. 24 Hours Before Your Surgery Take 2 showers: Take 1 shower the night before and a second shower the morning of your operation. Use the antibacterial soap your nurse gave you to wash your body. Do not use the antibacterial soap on your face and hair. (See directions that came with the soap.) Use your own soap and shampoo on your face and hair. Use clean towels to dry off, and put on clean clothing. Arrival time: The pre-surgery nurse will call you by 5 p.m. the night before your operation. If you are having surgery on a Monday, the nurse will call you the Friday before. If you do not hear from the presurgery nurse by 5 p.m., please call The pre-surgery nurse will tell you when to come to the hospital and will remind you: - Not to eat or drink after a certain time - Which of your regular medicines to take or not take - To sip only enough water to swallow your pills - To bring a list of the medicines you take - That you will need someone to drive you home Day of Surgery Heating blanket: To reduce your risk of infection, you will be covered with a heating blanket to warm your body while you wait to go into the operating room. Ask for a heating blanket if you do not receive one.

9 Page 3 UWMC Surgical Specialties Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance In the Hospital After Surgery Dressings You will have white tapes called Steri-Strips and other external dressings (bandages) over your surgery site. You will also have a split dressing around your drain site. This dressing will be held in place with paper tape. Drain You will have a plastic tube called a drain next to your incision. This drain will help remove the extra fluid that normally builds up after surgery. Before you go home, your nurse will show you how to: Measure the drainage and record the amount. Change the drain dressing. Strip the tubing so that it does not clog. This is also called milking the tubing. Deep Breathing and Coughing Exercise Since you received general anesthesia for your surgery, your nurse will teach you a deep breathing and coughing exercise before you leave the hospital. This exercise will help prevent pneumonia. Do these exercises every 1 to 2 hours while you are awake: Take 10 deep breaths. Follow with several coughs. When You Go Home Most people go home 24 to 48 hours after their surgery. Precautions Medicine given during and after your operation will affect you. For 24 hours after your operation, do not: Drive Drink alcohol Use any machinery Travel alone Sign any legal papers Be responsible for the care of another person

10 Page 4 UWMC Surgical Specialties Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Dressing Care Change the dressing around your drain once a day, or more often if it gets damp or soiled. Remove all outer dressings, except for the Steri-Strips, 48 hours after your surgery. Drain Care Your drain should be stripped and emptied 2 times a day, or more often if needed. To strip the drain: - With one hand, firmly hold the drain tube where it enters your skin. - With your other hand, place an alcohol wipe around the end of the tube next to your skin. Milk the drain, starting near your skin and squeezing as you slowly move the wipe to the other end of the tube. Collect the drain fluid in your measuring cup. Record the amount of fluid you collect on your drain records. Your drain will be removed when the output is less than 30 ml over 24 hours for 2 days in a row. Pain Management Use extra-strength acetaminophen (Extra Strength Tylenol) or the pain medicine your doctor prescribed for you. The medicine is provided to help keep you comfortable. Use it as needed so that you can resume your usual activities. Showering After 48 hours, when you have removed your dressings (except for the Steri-Strips), you may shower with one of the Aquaguards covering your drain site. It is OK for the Steri-Strips to get wet in the shower, but not the drain site. Activity Keep doing your deep-breathing and coughing exercises at home for 1 to 2 more weeks. You may use your arm as much as you like. Let pain be your guide. Resume your daily activities such as showering, combing your hair, and brushing your teeth. Stop doing any activity that causes you discomfort. Try to take a walk every day, and slowly increase your distance.

11 Page 5 UWMC Surgical Specialties Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Questions? Your questions are important. Call your doctor or health care provider if you have questions or concerns. Clinic staff are also available to help. For patients of Dr. Byrd and Dr. Mann: UWMC Surgical Specialties Nurse Advice Line: (weekdays 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) For patients of Dr. Anderson, Dr. Calhoun, and Dr. Javid: SCCA Women s Center: (weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) After hours and on weekends and holidays, call and ask for the resident on call for Surgery to be paged. Or, ask for your surgeon to be paged: Dr. Diet You may resume eating your regular diet after surgery. If you are constipated, increase the fluid and fiber in your diet. Try the tips in the handout, Constipation After Your Surgery. Medicines After surgery, you may resume your usual medicines as prescribed. Returning to Work The amount of time you will need to take off work will vary from 1 week to several weeks, depending on the type of surgery you have. Your doctor will suggest a recovery plan that fits your needs. Call the Nurse Advice Line or Your Doctor If You Have: Bleeding or drainage that soaks your dressing A fever higher than F (38 C) Shaking and chills Any sign of infection in your incision: - Redness - Increasing pain - Swelling - Foul-smelling drainage - A change in the type or an increase in the amount of drainage Increased fullness of your skin around the drain site The drain becomes clogged or will not hold suction Nausea and/or vomiting Concerns that cannot wait until your follow-up visit Follow-up A pathologist will examine a sample of your breast tissue that was removed during surgery. Your doctor will talk with you about the results at your follow-up visit. Bring your drain records to your follow-up visit. UWMC Surgical Specialties Center Box University of Washington Medical Center 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA /2001 Rev. 09/ Reprints on Health Online:

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Arm Theraband Exercises: Standing Arm Theraband Exercises: Standing Do these exercises while standing. You will hold one end of the theraband in the hand of the arm you are to exercise. The other end of the band will most often be anchored

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Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders

Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders Active Range of Motion Exercises: Wrists, Elbows, Forearms and Shoulders Repeat each exercise times, times a day. Do only the exercises that are checked. Do these exercises with: Both arms Right arm Left

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Rotator Cuff Exercises

Rotator Cuff Exercises Rotator Cuff Exercises These exercises may be used after rotator cuff injury to the shoulder or for strengthening the shoulder. Do these exercises while lying face down on an exercise table or other sturdy

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Peritoneal Dialysis. Catheter Placement and Care

Peritoneal Dialysis. Catheter Placement and Care Peritoneal Dialysis Peritoneal dialysis is a treatment used to clean the blood of extra fluid and waste that builds up in the body when the kidneys do not work. Catheter Placement and Care A tube or catheter

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Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Improving Rates of Repeat Colorectal Cancer Screening Appendix Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Contents Patient Letter Included with Mailed FIT... 3 Automated Phone Call... 4 Automated

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DOÑA ANA COUNTY HEAD START TOILET TRAINING PLAN LETTER TO PARENT DOÑA ANA COUNTY HEAD START TOILET TRAINING PLAN LETTER TO PARENT : Child s Name: Center: Dear: Attached is a copy of the toilet training plan for your child which we will be using at the center. We are

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Taking a Temperature

Taking a Temperature Taking a Temperature Body heat is measured by taking a temperature with a thermometer. An increase in temperature, called a fever, may be a sign of infection. The common scale used to measure body temperature

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Barium Swallow. To Prepare

Barium Swallow. To Prepare Barium Swallow A barium swallow is an x-ray test that checks for problems in your throat, esophagus, stomach and small intestine. You drink white chalky liquid called barium to get pictures on x-rays.

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Usted tiene diabetes pero viajar no tiene que ser difícil! You have diabetes but traveling doesn t have to be difficult!

Usted tiene diabetes pero viajar no tiene que ser difícil! You have diabetes but traveling doesn t have to be difficult! Usted tiene diabetes pero viajar no tiene que ser difícil! Created by Migrant Clinicians Network Diabetes Program Funding provided by the Diabetes Program, Texas Department of Health For More Information

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High Blood Sugar. The most common reasons for high blood sugar in people with diabetes are:

High Blood Sugar. The most common reasons for high blood sugar in people with diabetes are: High Blood Sugar High blood sugar means having too much sugar called glucose in the blood. High blood sugar is also called hyperglycemia. The body s cells need blood sugar. A normal blood sugar level is

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GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES A parent-teacher conference is a chance for you and your child s teacher to talk. You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. This list will

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1) Through the left navigation on the A Sweet Surprise mini- site. Launch A Sweet Surprise Inicia Una dulce sorpresa 2016

1) Through the left navigation on the A Sweet Surprise mini- site. Launch A Sweet Surprise Inicia Una dulce sorpresa 2016 [[Version One (The user has not registered and is not logged in) Inicia Una dulce sorpresa 2016 To launch the Global Siddha Yoga Satsang for New Year s Day 2016, A Sweet Surprise, enter your username and

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Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas

Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Setting Up Print this file. (In Adobe Acrobat,

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Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance

Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance In Spanish, many useful expressions are formed by combining two verbs. When this occurs, the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb remains in the infinitive form. Quiero comer comida china I

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a message from MassHealth be MassHealthy! un mensaje de MassHealth usted puede tomar acción en beneficio de su salud health

a message from MassHealth be MassHealthy! un mensaje de MassHealth usted puede tomar acción en beneficio de su salud health YOU can take a message from MassHealth be MassHealthy! un mensaje de MassHealth usted puede tomar acción en beneficio de su salud action for your health look for health every day haga algo por su salud

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Ensamblaje de la bolsa para pierna

Ensamblaje de la bolsa para pierna Leg Bag Assembly Spanish Educación del Paciente Servicios de Atención al Paciente Ensamblaje de la bolsa para pierna Este folleto le indica cómo armar una bolsa para pierna. Una bolsa para pierna se usa

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Breast Biopsy. You may be told to not eat food after midnight before the test. A family member or friend may need to take you home after your biopsy.

Breast Biopsy. You may be told to not eat food after midnight before the test. A family member or friend may need to take you home after your biopsy. Breast Biopsy A biopsy is the removal of pieces of tissue, which are then sent to a lab for testing. A breast biopsy may be needed when other tests show something in the breast that needs to be checked

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Presentación de vocabulario

Presentación de vocabulario Did You Get t? AVANZA! Goal: evel 1 pp. 11 evel 1B pp. 0 Presentación de vocabulario earn words related to daily routines and trips. UNDAD ección 1 Daily Routines Daily routines despertarse (to wake up)

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SFGH FHC Healthy Children Vaccination Program Frequently Asked Questions

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LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure)

LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) If your pap test was abnormal, you may need LEEP as a treatment. LEEP is used to remove abnormal tissue from the cervix. The cervix is the opening to the

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Tanto must como have to expresan necesidad y obligación. 1. Must expresa una necesidad u obligación interna (impuesta por el hablante).

Tanto must como have to expresan necesidad y obligación. 1. Must expresa una necesidad u obligación interna (impuesta por el hablante). Lesson 32 www.inglesparaespanoles.com 1 must - have to must Tanto must como have to expresan necesidad y obligación. 1. Must expresa una necesidad u obligación interna (impuesta por el hablante). > I must

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Estudio del cáncer de tiroides con el uso de I-123

Estudio del cáncer de tiroides con el uso de I-123 UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Thyroid Cancer Survey Using I123 SPANISH Estudio del cáncer de tiroides con el uso de I-123 Información, instrucciones y precauciones Este folleto da instrucciones para los

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Monitoreo del ph Impedancia Esofágica de 24 Horas Lo qué ocurre antes, durante y después del procedimiento

Monitoreo del ph Impedancia Esofágica de 24 Horas Lo qué ocurre antes, durante y después del procedimiento Monitoreo del ph Impedancia Esofágica de 24 Horas Lo qué ocurre antes, durante y después del procedimiento Este folleto explica el monitoreo del ph. Quizás le sea útil apuntar las preguntas que tenga sobre

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Home Care Instructions after Surgery

Home Care Instructions after Surgery Home Care Instructions after Surgery These are common instructions for your care after surgery. Based on your needs, your doctor may give you other instructions. Follow the instructions given to you by

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Cómo Tomar Medicamentos Correctamente

Cómo Tomar Medicamentos Correctamente Cómo Tomar Medicamentos Correctamente Taking Medications Safely Spanish Translation Follow these guidelines when taking medications: Siga estas pautas cuando tome medicamentos: General Guidelines Pautas

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Colposcopy. To Prepare

Colposcopy. To Prepare Colposcopy A colposcopy is a test done to check your vagina and cervix for cells that are not normal. You may have a colposcopy if a pap smear shows cells that need to be checked further. The doctor uses

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High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Blood pressure is the force put on the walls of your blood vessels as blood travels through your body. Blood pressure helps pump blood to your body. Taking Your Blood Pressure

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MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) What is MRSA? Staphylococcus aureus, also called staph, is a type of germ known as bacteria. Many healthy people have this germ on their skin and in their

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Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People.

Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People. Buenos días Good morning Buenos días Good afternoon Buenas tardes Good evening Buenas tardes Good night Buenas noches Sir Señor Ma am/mrs. Señora Miss Señorita Buenas tardes Culture Note: When greeting

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Captación y gammagrafía de la tiroides Cómo prepararse

Captación y gammagrafía de la tiroides Cómo prepararse UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION THYROID UPTAKE AND SCAN SPANISH Captación y gammagrafía de la tiroides Cómo prepararse La captación y gammagrafía de medicina nuclear de la tiroides es un examen de 2 días

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Ankle Exercises. Do only the exercises that are checked:

Ankle Exercises. Do only the exercises that are checked: Ankle Exercises Begin ankle exercises as directed by your doctor or therapist. You may have some soreness while exercising. If you have more than mild discomfort, stop exercising. Apply ice to your ankle

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Applying the PreFab LSO Brace

Applying the PreFab LSO Brace Applying the PreFab LSO Brace Your doctor will tell you when to wear your brace during the day and for how long to wear it. Always wear a t-shirt under the brace to provide a barrier between your skin

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Examen prenatal: Evaluación integrada En la Clínica de Medicina Materno Fetal en Yakima

Examen prenatal: Evaluación integrada En la Clínica de Medicina Materno Fetal en Yakima UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION PRENATAL TESTING: INTEGRATED SCREEN SPANISH Examen prenatal: Evaluación integrada En la Clínica de Medicina Materno Fetal en Yakima En la Clínica de Medicina Materno Fetal

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Glaucoma. Types of Glaucoma. Risk Factors

Glaucoma. Types of Glaucoma. Risk Factors Glaucoma Glaucoma is an eye disease that can cause vision loss or blindness. With glaucoma, fluid builds up in the eye, which puts pressure on the back of the eye. This pressure injures the optic nerve

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Tuberculosis (TB) Signs. Testing

Tuberculosis (TB) Signs. Testing Tuberculosis (TB) TB is a disease caused by germs called bacteria that most often affect the lungs. You can be infected with TB when you breathe in the germs. You are at a higher risk to get TB if you

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Prostate Cancer. The need to urinate more often, especially at night. A hard time starting to urinate or holding back urine

Prostate Cancer. The need to urinate more often, especially at night. A hard time starting to urinate or holding back urine Prostate Cancer The prostate is a gland in men that makes a liquid that forms part of semen. Its size is about 2 centimeters by 2 centimeters and is located in the pelvic area. The prostate uses a male

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Sleep Study. Common Sleep Disorders. The Day of Your Study

Sleep Study. Common Sleep Disorders. The Day of Your Study Sleep Study A sleep study checks for sleeping problems. It is a 6 to 8 hour recording of your brain activity, heart rate, leg movements, oxygen levels and breathing while you sleep. The test is scheduled

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Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. www.startsmartforyourbaby.com PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO

Grow healthy. Stay healthy. Grow healthy. Stay healthy. www.startsmartforyourbaby.com PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO www.startsmartforyourbaby.com PREGNANCY JOURNEY BOOK 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM 2012 Start Smart for Your Baby. All rights reserved. TM DIARIO DEL EMBARAZO www.startsmartforyourbaby.com

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Ejercicios en la cama para la parte inferior del cuerpo 7 ejercicios con instrucciones paso a paso

Ejercicios en la cama para la parte inferior del cuerpo 7 ejercicios con instrucciones paso a paso UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Lower Body Exercises in Bed Spanish Ejercicios en la cama para la parte inferior del cuerpo 7 ejercicios con instrucciones paso a paso Usted puede hacer estos ejercicios mientras

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Home Care for Your Wound Drain

Home Care for Your Wound Drain Home Care for Your Wound Drain When you go home after surgery, you may have one or more drains in place to help your wounds heal. Hemovac, Jackson Pratt (JP) and Blake are common drains used for wounds.

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Conditioning Exercises: Standing

Conditioning Exercises: Standing Conditioning Exercises: Standing Do all these exercises slowly. Do not hold your breath during these exercises. If unusual pain occurs in your joints or muscles while you are exercising, do not continue

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Carmen: No, no soy Mexicana. Soy Colombiana. Y tú? Eres tú Colombiano?

Carmen: No, no soy Mexicana. Soy Colombiana. Y tú? Eres tú Colombiano? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección diez Instructor: Listen to the following conversation: René: Hola! Carmen: Hola! René: Cómo te llamas? Carmen: Me llamo Carmen Rivera. René: Eres tú Mexicana?

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Iniciación de Hemodiálisis Ambulatoria

Iniciación de Hemodiálisis Ambulatoria Iniciación de Hemodiálisis Ambulatoria Probablemente, usted tiene muchas preguntas sobre el inicio de la hemodiálisis. Este folleto le explicará qué esperar el primer día que vaya a la clínica. Horario

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Guide to Health Insurance Part II: How to access your benefits and services.

Guide to Health Insurance Part II: How to access your benefits and services. Guide to Health Insurance Part II: How to access your benefits and services. 1. I applied for health insurance, now what? Medi-Cal Applicants If you applied for Medi-Cal it will take up to 45 days to find

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then,

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MajestaCare Healthy Baby Program

MajestaCare Healthy Baby Program MajestaCare Healthy Baby Program Helping you have a healthy baby Para que tenga un bebé saludable Your baby s provider After your baby becomes a member of MajestaCare health plan, you will get a letter

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Estacionamiento y transporte Información para pacientes y sus familias

Estacionamiento y transporte Información para pacientes y sus familias Parking and Transportation Spanish Educación para Pacientes Trabajo Social y Coordinación de Atención a la Salud Estacionamiento y transporte Información para pacientes y sus familias Este folleto aclara

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Cuidados en casa después de su CPRE (Colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica)

Cuidados en casa después de su CPRE (Colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica) Home Care after ERCP Cuidados en casa después de su CPRE (Colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica) Qué esperar Es posible que note un dolor leve en la garganta. Quizás deba hacer gárgaras con agua

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Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery

Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery You are scheduled to have surgery. To decrease your risk of infection, you will need to get your skin as free of germs as possible. You can reduce the number of germs

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El uso de las toallitas CHG en la casa antes de la cirugía si su niño pesa menos de 20 libras

El uso de las toallitas CHG en la casa antes de la cirugía si su niño pesa menos de 20 libras 05 Phoenix Children s Hospital de 5 Using CHG Wipes at Home Before Surgery If your child is less than 0 pounds If you would like a copy of this in English, please ask your nurse or doctor. #6/60s Nombre

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TABLET or CAPSULE Medication Dosage Form:

TABLET or CAPSULE Medication Dosage Form: A Community Service Project of Southwest Georgia Public Health District 8/2 Pharmacy Program 1710 S. Slappey Blvd. P.O. Box Albany, GA 31706-3048 ENGLISH to SPANISH PRESCRIPTION CONVERSION CHART Section

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Si su bebé nace antes de tiempo Ayudándole a entender su procedimiento

Si su bebé nace antes de tiempo Ayudándole a entender su procedimiento If Your Baby Is Born Early Spanish Educación del paciente Centro Materno Infantil Si su bebé nace antes de tiempo Ayudándole a entender su procedimiento Cada año en los Estados Unidos, aproximadamente

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Diabetes and Eye Problems

Diabetes and Eye Problems Diabetes and Eye Problems If you have diabetes, you need to take care of your eyes because over time high blood sugar can damage your eyes. Many people with type 2 diabetes have high blood sugar for months

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Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you!

Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you! You will write at least TEN sentences describing a typical week in the life of a BCC student YOU! -- based on the three Encuestas (surveys) you conducted with your classmates: If you can t think of what

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Cuidados después de una cirugía de la mano y de la extremidad superior

Cuidados después de una cirugía de la mano y de la extremidad superior Educación para el paciente y la familia Care after Hand or Upper Extremity Surgery / Spanish Cuidados después de una cirugía de la mano y de la extremidad superior Cuidados para su niño después de una

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Recetas para espesar líquidos

Recetas para espesar líquidos Material educativo para el paciente y la familia Recipes f Thickening Liquids / Spanish Recetas para espesar s Recetas para s con consistencia de néctar Tipo de Tipo de espesante Antes de beber, dejarlo

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Epidural Pain Relief for Labor and Delivery

Epidural Pain Relief for Labor and Delivery Epidural Pain Relief for Labor and Delivery An epidural is often used for pain relief during labor and delivery. A small flexible tube is put in the lower back. Medicine is injected into the tube to provide

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Breast Cancer. Breast Tissue

Breast Cancer. Breast Tissue Breast Cancer Cancer cells are abnormal cells. Cancer cells grow and divide more quickly than healthy cells. Some cancer cells may form growths called tumors. All tumors increase in size, but some tumors

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Cirugía del corazón Atención de seguimiento

Cirugía del corazón Atención de seguimiento Heart Surgery Spanish Educación del paciente Cirugía Cardiaca /Centro Regional del Corazón Cirugía del corazón Atención de seguimiento Este folleto explica la atención de seguimiento después de la cirugía

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High Blood Pressure. Taking Your Blood Pressure. Normal Blood Pressure. High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure. Taking Your Blood Pressure. Normal Blood Pressure. High Blood Pressure High Blood Pressure Blood pressure is the force put on the walls of the blood vessels with each heartbeat. Blood pressure helps move blood through your body. Taking Your Blood Pressure Blood pressure is

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Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire

Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire Daly Elementary Family Back to School Questionnaire Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), As I stated in the welcome letter you received before the beginning of the school year, I would be sending a questionnaire

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WEEK 4: STOP THE SPREAD WEEK 4: STOP THE SPREAD There are some important measures that you should take to help prevent the spread of NOROVIRUS and HEPATITIS A. Washing your hands correctly is one of the most important things

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Instructions For Use. STEP 1 Locate the area on your horse that you wish to patch.

Instructions For Use. STEP 1 Locate the area on your horse that you wish to patch. AcuLife Instructions Instrucciones Instructions For Use You don t need to be a veterinarian or a pain expert to use AcuLife. Simply follow these instructions for patching your horse and be sure to monitor

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IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram)

IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram) IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram) IVP is a test to check for kidney stones or other diseases of the kidneys and bladder. X-rays are done after dye is given. If you have any allergies to medicines, foods or other

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abrir además ahí ahora algo alguno alto amor años

abrir además ahí ahora algo alguno alto amor años abrir además ahí ahora algo alguno alto amor años 2013 2014 Houston Independent School District 1 antes aquello aquí así atención aunque ayudar bailar bajar 2013 2014 Houston Independent School District

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Prueba del Sudor. Su hijo tiene una cita programada para realizar una prueba del sudor. El día a las

Prueba del Sudor. Su hijo tiene una cita programada para realizar una prueba del sudor. El día a las Sweat Test Prueba del Sudor Su hijo tiene una cita programada para realizar una prueba del sudor El día a las Por favor, llegue 15 minutos antes de su cita en la clínica y acuda al mostrador de registro

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Total Knee Replacement

Total Knee Replacement Total Knee Replacement Total knee replacement is a surgery to replace worn or damaged parts of the knee joint. The surfaces of the diseased joint are removed and replaced with an artificial joint. This

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Welcome to your NURSE ADVICE LINE 1-800-562-4620. Adentro encontrará la versión en Español

Welcome to your NURSE ADVICE LINE 1-800-562-4620. Adentro encontrará la versión en Español Welcome to your NURSE ADVICE LINE Adentro encontrará la versión en Español Welcome to your NURSE ADVICE LINE What should I do? Emergency Room? Urgent Care Center? You re not alone! A few minutes is all

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