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1 Spanish Checkpoint B Examination SAMPLE TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Before the start of the examination period, distribute one examination booklet face up to each student. After each student has received an examination booklet, distribute one answer booklet to each student. Then instruct students to fill in the heading on the front of the answer booklet. After each student has filled in the heading of the answer booklet, begin the examination by following the directions for Part 2a, as given below. Directions for Part 2a: Instruct students to open their test booklets and read the directions for Part 2a. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are nine questions in Part 2a. Each question is based on a short passage which I will read aloud to you. Listen carefully. Before each passage, I will give you some background information in English once. Then I will read the passage in Spanish twice. After you have heard the passage for the second time, I will read the question in English once. The question is also printed in your test booklet. After you have heard the question, you will have about one minute before I go on to the next question. During that time, read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer on the basis of the information provided in the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. You should not read the question and the suggested answers while you are listening to the passage. This will allow you to give all your attention to what you hear. I will now begin. Copyright 2018 OHM BOCES, All Rights Reserved No part of this test may be reproduced and/or transmitted by any means without written permission.

2 Administer each of the items in Part 2a as follows: First, read the setting in English once; then read the listening comprehension stimulus (passage) in Spanish twice in succession. Make every effort to read the passage in the way students would hear it in an authentic setting. Then read the question once. Pause for no more than one minute before proceeding to the next item. 1. You are in a restaurant in Madrid, and the waiter says to you: Nuestras tapas son excelentes. Si a Ud. le apetecen las papas, las papas bravas y la tortilla española son muy sabrosas. También tenemos muchos tipos de aceitunas y jamones, como serrano, ibérico y de bellota. Los camarones están frescos y son deliciosos. Qué desea Ud. pedir? What is the waiter asking you to do? 2. While shopping in a supermarket in Mexico, you hear this advertisement: <<Comebien>>, una marca nueva de la comida europea, garantiza que sus productos son sanos y mantienen el sabor original y la riqueza en nutrientes. Estas verduras y frutas son naturales y, además, protegen y cuidan el medio ambiente. Se nota que no utilizan los elementos químicos que contaminan los alimentos y que destruyen la riqueza de la tierra. What new type of product is available for consumers? 3. You are watching the news and listen to this report: El sindicato de trabajadores de los medios de transporte de la ciudad de Valparaíso anunció que mañana iniciaría un paro de actividades de 24 horas en demanda de mejores salarios y condiciones de trabajo. El gobierno proyecta que esta huelga afectará casi medio millón de personas. Los conductores de autobuses, de taxis y del metro anunciaron esta huelga hace una hora al no llegar a un acuerdo con el gobierno regional. Para ayudar a resolver problemas de transporte, las autoridades llaman a la ciudadanía a planificar y compartir viajes en sus autos particulares y montar en bicicleta cuando se pueda. What is the purpose of this announcement? Spanish [2]

3 4. During the dinner table conversation, your host mother in Bolivia tells the family: Pues mis queridos, saben que comienzan mañana las renovaciones de la casa. Los obreros quieren empezar en la cocina y el comedor. Como resultado de la construcción, esta semana será necesario que yo recoja la comida para llevar al salir de mi trabajo. También tendremos que comer en la sala de estar o en el patio. Les suplico que me den más ayuda durante esta renovación porque necesitaremos lavar los platos en la bañera. Las otras noches, cenaremos en un restaurante. Why is your host mother telling you this? 5. You are in Otavalo, Ecuador, on market day and overhear a man speaking with a vendor. The vendor says: Señor, si usted busca un regalo para su esposa, este anillo es de la mejor calidad. Está hecho de plata y turquesa, minerales muy preciosos y caros. Cuesta ciento veinte dólares, pero para usted, yo le ofrezco un precio de cien dólares pero no puedo regatear más! Hay otras joyerías en el mercado, pero los precios aquí son los mejores. Seguramente, usted no encontrará un anillo más barato de la misma calidad en otro sitio. Es una ganga total! What does this vendor tell the customer? 6. You overhear someone talking about the plans for his vacation. The speaker says: Hoy en día la red es un buen recurso de información al planear las vacaciones. Es mucho mejor usar el internet que consultar una agencia de viajes. Me encanta usar los sitios donde la gente puede relatar y compartir sus experiencias personales tales como los puntos de interés, los hoteles, los restaurantes y más. Sus puntos de vista ayudan a planear el viaje. También muchos viajeros han descargado sus fotos. Me gusta investigar cuáles son los lugares que debo visitar y los que debo evitar. Me hace sentir mejor cuando estoy planeando mi viaje. What advice is implied here for planning a trip? Spanish [3]

4 7. You are on a vacation in Mexico. The tour guide answers your fellow tourist s question with the following: La ciudad de Cancún es una ciudad moderna con todos los servicios que se necesitan para pasar unas vacaciones seguras. Hay varios bancos con servicios internacionales, cajeros automáticos para obtener efectivo en pesos, muchas casas de cambio de moneda además de las del aeropuerto. También, hay acceso a resolver cualquier problema que pueda suceder con su tarjeta de crédito. What was the concern of the person asking the question? 8. You are in Mexico and hear this advertisement about a job: Necesitamos algunas personas que puedan lavar y desinfectar lechugas, espinacas y otros vegetales; mezclar ingredientes; realizar labores de limpieza de área; seguir las instrucciones de los cocineros mexicanos y comunicar con ellos que no hablan inglés. No importa la experiencia previa pero un requisito es poder hablar y entender el español. No es necesario una educación universitaria pero un diploma de la escuela secundaria lo es. Si Ud. está interesado en el trabajo, llámenos hoy a Which of the following is a requirement for this job? 9. You are listening to a news report on CNN en Español and you hear: Una investigación publicada por el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos indica que casi una mitad de la población vive en áreas propensas a terremotos. Aunque California encabeza la lista de los estados con mayor riesgo, hay otros estados en la lista que podrían sorprenderte. Por ejemplo, la zona sísmica Nueva Madrid, en el centro de los Estados Unidos, tiene una mayor posibilidad de sufrir un terremoto mucho más fuerte de lo que se creía antes. La zona en peligro de este desastre incluye las grandes ciudades como St. Louis, Memphis, Nashville y Atlanta, según los investigadores. What does this news report discuss? Spanish [4]

5 Directions for Part 2b: Instruct students to read the directions for Part 2b. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are six questions in Part 2b. Part 2b is like Part 2a, except the questions and answers are in Spanish. I will now begin: Administer Part 2b in the same manner as Part 2a. 10. Your friend Jorge calls you from Puerto Rico and leaves you the following voic Hola amigo! Habla Jorge. Te doy mil gracias! Te llamo para decirte cuánto nos divertimos durante las últimas vacaciones que pasamos en tu casa. Gozamos de todo lo que hiciste para nosotros; sentimos muy cómodos en tu casa. Nuestro viaje era fantástico! Hace dos semanas que volvimos y todos seguimos hablando de esos días maravillosos. Esperamos no haberte causado demasiadas molestias. Estamos muy agradecidos. Recuerda que siempre tienes una casa aquí en la playa con nosotros. Para qué te mandó Jorge este mensaje? 11. While traveling in Spain you hear this news report on the radio: La Policía Nacional investiga el robo de unos treinta artefactos de gran valor histórico en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia. Este museo es uno de los más importantes de España por su colección de cuadros artísticos y recuerdos antiguos. Según unas fuentes policiales, los ladrones aprovecharon las obras de construcción que se realizan en el edificio para tener acceso al museo en la madrugada de lunes. Desde la colección del museo, los ladrones llevaron varios objetos, principalmente medallas, algunas monedas antiguas y pequeñas esculturas. Qué se robó de este lugar? 12. You are watching a cooking show in Venezuela and hear this announcement: Te contamos un secreto: hay un ingrediente que seguro ya incluyes en tu dieta y que será tu mejor herramienta para enseñarles a los más pequeños de la casa a estar orgullosos de sus raíces latinas. Este ingrediente es la herencia cultural de nuestra tierra. La venezolana Lorena García, una de las cocineras más importantes del país, habla de este ingrediente importante que les lleva la cultura y las raíces hispanas a nuestros pequeños, para mantener vivo su origen. Es importante que los niños mantengan sus tradiciones de la comida de los antecesores. Según el anuncio, cuál es el propósito de este programa? Spanish [5]

6 13. You hear a representative from the tourist office say on television: Madrid no está ubicado cerca del mar, pero hay varias opciones en la ciudad para disfrutar del agua en las piscinas, los parques y algunos de sus ríos. Para quienes que no pueden escaparse a las costas este verano, estos lugares acuáticos de su propia comunidad pueden funcionar como paraísos cercanos donde refugiarse del calor y gozar del tiempo caloroso. Muchos de los parques les ofrecen fuentes de agua potable, barbacoas y estacionamiento. Uds., los madrileños, pueden relajarse durante los fines de semana del verano sin viajar y sin salir de la ciudad. Cuál es la recomendación de este hombre para los madrileños en el verano? 14. While listening to a news broadcast, you hear this announcement about a celebration: El día 17 de mayo se celebra el Día Mundial del Reciclaje. Pero más que este día de celebración, es necesario pensar día tras día en esta práctica. A partir de los tres años de edad, los niños ya pueden aprender a separar los residuos. Al principio, la enseñanza viene del ejemplo que dan sus padres. Si, desde pequeño, el niño observa el cuidado y el hábito de separar los materiales que se pueden reciclar...cristales, cartones, plásticos,... del resto de la basura, también compartirá el mismo comportamiento después. De qué trata este anuncio? 15. A tourist is lost in Barcelona and asks a policeman for directions. He tells her: Bueno, señora, no es difícil llegar a las Ramblas y no están muy lejos. Se puede ir a pie. Ud. tiene que bajar por el Paseo de Gracia. Luego, doble a la derecha en la Gran Vía. Entonces llegará a la Plaza de Cataluña donde está el almacén de El Corte Inglés. Cruce la plaza. A la derecha verá una heladería y a la izquierda el Hard Rock Café. Allí empiezan las Ramblas. Están en el centro de la sección antigua de la ciudad. Cualquier persona le puede ayudar a encontrarlas pues son muy famosas. Adónde quiere ir esta persona? Spanish [6]

7 Spanish [7]

8 Spanish [8]


FLACS CHECKPOINT B EXAMINATION TEACHER DICTATION COPY Spanish B FLACS CHECKPOINT B EXAMINATION General Directions SPANISH EXAM TEACHER DICTATION COPY Monday June 22, 2015-1:15 to 4:15 p.m. (early start - 12:15 p.m.) (earliest release time 2:00 p.m.) Before

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 21, :15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 21, :15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 21, 2004 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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Level 1 Spanish, 2012

Level 1 Spanish, 2012 90908 909080 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2012 90908 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 4 December 2012 Credits: Five

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 18, :15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 18, :15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 18, 2001 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Tuesday, June 20, 2000 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Thursday, June 18, 1998 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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Level 1 Spanish, 2013

Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90908 909080 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2013 90908 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 3 December 2013 Credits: Five

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Level 2 Spanish, 2016

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Level 1 Spanish, 2015

Level 1 Spanish, 2015 90908 909080 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2015 90908 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 2 December 2015 Credits: Five

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Thursday, January 27, 2000 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 23, 2008 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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Level 1 Spanish, 2016

Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2016 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Thursday 24 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION S COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION S COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 22, 2009 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 22, 1998 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 22, 1998 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 22, 1998 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Thursday, January 25, 2001 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Tuesday, June 22, 1999 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 20, 2005 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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Level 1 Spanish, 2011

Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90908 909080 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90908 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 2 November 2011 Credits:

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 21, 1999 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 21, 1999 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 21, 1999 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION S COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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Level 1 Spanish, 2013

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 18, 2007 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 21, 2010 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Wednesday, January 28, 1998 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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Level 1 Spanish, 2014

Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 pm Friday 28 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S Tuesday, January 28, 2003 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 19, 2006 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Wednesday, January 27, 1999 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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Clase Hora Comentarios. Claudia had a bad day. Circle the correct answer to explain what happened to her.

Clase Hora Comentarios. Claudia had a bad day. Circle the correct answer to explain what happened to her. VIDEO Antes de ver el video Actividad 1 Think of two of your favorite and two of your least favorite classes. Write the name of each class, when you have it, and why it is your favorite or least favorite.

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Actividad 1. Actividad 2 AUDIO. a. Me llamo b. Muy bien, gracias. 2. c. Regular. 3. d. Mucho gusto. 4. e. Igualmente. 5. f. Hasta mañana. 6.

Actividad 1. Actividad 2 AUDIO. a. Me llamo b. Muy bien, gracias. 2. c. Regular. 3. d. Mucho gusto. 4. e. Igualmente. 5. f. Hasta mañana. 6. AUDIO Actividad 1 You are at a party with students visiting from Ecuador. You have practiced several responses to the things they might say when you meet them. Listen to each question or statement and

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION S COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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Lecciones Escuchar Read these statements. Then listen to the recommendations that a guide is giving to a

Lecciones Escuchar Read these statements. Then listen to the recommendations that a guide is giving to a Lecciones 1 4 1 Escuchar Read these statements. Then listen to the recommendations that a guide is giving to a group of tourists and select the option that best completes each statement. 1. Al llegar a

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S Tuesday, January 27, 2004 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 6B Examen 6B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 6B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Look at the drawing of the house. Then, list the three rooms on the first floor and the three rooms on the

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Teacher Dictation Copy Thursday, January 24, 2002 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only General Directions

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S Wednesday, January 24, 2007 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 24, 2002 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 24, 2002 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 24, 2002 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección doce. Instructor: Escucha la siguiente conversación en español. René: Disculpe, señora.

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección doce. Instructor: Escucha la siguiente conversación en español. René: Disculpe, señora. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección doce Instructor: Escucha la siguiente conversación en español. René: Disculpe, señora. María: Sí, señor. René: Dónde está el banco? María: El banco está

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S Friday, June 21, 2002 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Sample assessment material for first teaching September 2016 Time: 1 hour 10 minutes Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9 1) Centre Number Spanish Paper 4: Writing in Spanish Candidate Number Sample assessment material for first teaching September

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Nombre: Fecha: Hora: Unit 6: Stem-changing Verb NOTES Gramática 1

Nombre: Fecha: Hora: Unit 6: Stem-changing Verb NOTES Gramática 1 Unit 6: Stem-changing Verb NOTES Gramática 1 A. Let s review our regular present tense - verb endings. As we ve talked about previously, stem-changing verbs in Spanish change in all forms EXCEPT. The verbs

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A Examen 1A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) On the blanks, write the leisure activity from the word bank represented by each picture. hablar por teléfono

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions

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RECORDING TRANSCRIPT Level 1 Spanish (90908), 2012

RECORDING TRANSCRIPT Level 1 Spanish (90908), 2012 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT Level 1 Spanish (90908), 2012 TRACK 1 NARRATOR Audibility Check. Please listen carefully to this introduction. This exam is Level 1 Spanish for 2012. Please raise your hand if you

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RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 SPANISH (90908), 2016 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 SPANISH (90908), 2016 Level 1 Spanish (2016) page 2 of 9 ENGINEER TRACK 1 READER 1 Audibility Check. Please listen carefully to this introduction. This exam is NCEA Level 1

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH S Friday, June 16, 2006 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A Examen 5A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Look at the family tree. Then circle the word that best completes each statement. Luis Adela Roberto Lola

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The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 19, 2000 9:15 a.m.

The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH. Monday, June 19, 2000 9:15 a.m. The University of the State of New York SECOND LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPANISH TEACHER DICTATION COPY General Directions Monday, June 19, 2000 9:15 a.m. Before distributing test booklets, tell

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION S COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Tuesday, June 22, 2010 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before

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The accredited Sample Assessment Materials, used in conjunction with the General instructions to the teacher conducting the assessment and the

The accredited Sample Assessment Materials, used in conjunction with the General instructions to the teacher conducting the assessment and the The accredited Sample Assessment Materials, used in conjunction with the General instructions to the teacher conducting the assessment and the sequencing grid (GCSE Spanish Sample Assessment Materials,

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EL PAQUETE del REPASO de ESPAÑOL 1 EL PAQUETE del REPASO de ESPAÑOL 1 LOS SALUDOS, LAS INTRODUCCIONES Y LAS DESPEDIDAS Una conversación. Complete the following conversation between Eva and Ana. EVA: Buenos (1). Cómo (2) llamas? ANA: (3).

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FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM PARTE 1 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos (4-5 min en total) PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% PARTE 2 PARTE 3 Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar

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Spanish 1 Midterm Exam Review Part 1

Spanish 1 Midterm Exam Review Part 1 Spanish 1 Midterm Exam Review Part 1 Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Pilar is talking to some new students at school. Choose the most appropriate

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FLACS. Hablando FLACS SPEAKING. DAY 16 Speaking. vs. libre. 3R Ch5 DAY 16 & 17 FLACS.notebook. March 04, Saquen el vocabulario FLACS

FLACS. Hablando FLACS SPEAKING. DAY 16 Speaking. vs. libre. 3R Ch5 DAY 16 & 17 FLACS.notebook. March 04, Saquen el vocabulario FLACS DAY 16 Speaking FLACS Saquen el vocabulario FLACS Feb 26 12:14 PM Feb 26 12:11 PM guardar, salvar 186. ahorrar = 187. una ganga = 188. los gastos = 189. gastar = 190. gratis = vs. libre 191. guardar =

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TELLING TIME IN SPANISH Nombre: Hora: TELLING TIME IN SPANISH Qué hora es? = ( ) ( ) 12:00 noon= 12:00 midnight= de la mañana =(a.m.) de la tarde =(p.m.) de la noche = (p.m.) Choose one to start! Es la. OR Son las. Add + y +

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*N36719A0112* N36719A W850/T1246/ /1/1/ Turn over a 9b

*N36719A0112* N36719A W850/T1246/ /1/1/ Turn over a 9b Centre No. Candidate No. Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 1246/1H Edexcel GCSE Spanish Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Monday 24 May 2010 Afternoon Time: 40 minutes (+5 minutes reading

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Copy the sentences, and fill in the blanks with the correctly conjugated verb.

Copy the sentences, and fill in the blanks with the correctly conjugated verb. lunes (10/2) Vámonos Copy the sentences, and fill in the blanks with the correctly conjugated verb. 1. Nosotros en la piscina. (NADAR) 2. Ella en la biblioteca. (ESTUDIAR) 3. Yo a mi madre. (AYUDAR) 4.

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María: No. El gato nunca come en la cocina, siempre come en el pasillo.

María: No. El gato nunca come en la cocina, siempre come en el pasillo. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Cinco. Listen to the following conversation: René: Dónde estudias español? María: Aprendo español en la clase, pero estudio mucho en mi casa. René: En

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Flashcards Series 4 El Hotel

Flashcards Series 4 El Hotel Flashcards Series 4 El Hotel Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then,

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TA Script and Student Test Directions Grade 5

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1B Examen 1B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 1B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Write the opposite of the following words in the blanks provided. 1. atrevido 2. desordenado 3. serio 4.

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Level 1 Spanish, 2011

Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2011 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 2 November 2011 Credits: Five

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Basic Life Skills Lessons. Voice Mail Systems

Basic Life Skills Lessons. Voice Mail Systems Basic Life Skills Lessons Voice Mail Systems Voice Mail Systems Learning Objective: 1) Understand when and how to leave a, knowing what to include to ensure a call back 2) Know how to set-up an out-going

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To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2014 (SPA2T)

To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2014 (SPA2T) A General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2014 Spanish Unit 2 Speaking Test SPA2T/SPA2V Candidate s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15

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Carmen: No, no soy Mexicana. Soy Colombiana. Y tú? Eres tú Colombiano?

Carmen: No, no soy Mexicana. Soy Colombiana. Y tú? Eres tú Colombiano? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección diez Instructor: Listen to the following conversation: René: Hola! Carmen: Hola! René: Cómo te llamas? Carmen: Me llamo Carmen Rivera. René: Eres tú Mexicana?

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Open your booklet to page 2. First Passage. READER 1 Una visita al médico

Open your booklet to page 2. First Passage. READER 1 Una visita al médico Level 1 Spanish (90908) 2013 Recording Transcript Page 2 of 9 ENGINEER TRACK 1 NARRATOR Audibility Check. Please listen carefully to this introduction. This exam is Level 1 Spanish for 2013. Please raise

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1. A Fede le gusta mucho estudiar. El es. 2. La mujer tienes ochenta años. Ella es. 3. A la estudiante no le gusta estudiar ni trabajar. Ella es.

1. A Fede le gusta mucho estudiar. El es. 2. La mujer tienes ochenta años. Ella es. 3. A la estudiante no le gusta estudiar ni trabajar. Ella es. Español 1 Study Guide for Final Complete the sentence with your vocabulary. 1. A Fede le gusta mucho estudiar. El es. 2. La mujer tienes ochenta años. Ella es. 3. A la estudiante no le gusta estudiar ni

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PRACTICE EXAMEN: A la una incomplete

PRACTICE EXAMEN: A la una incomplete Me llamo: La hora: 1. Which letter is silent? a) J b) H c) G d) Y PRACTICE EXAMEN: A la una incomplete 2. Vowels. a. can have multiple sounds b. never have accents c. have only one sound d. always have

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QUÉ CHÉVERE! SPANISH 2 SEMESTER 1 STUDY GUIDE Nombre: Hora: QUÉ CHÉVERE! SPANISH 2 SEMESTER 1 STUDY GUIDE A. ESCUCHAR (UNIDAD 9 QC 1 BOOK) Para quién es el regalo? You will hear a friend tell you what gifts he bought for his family members. For each

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Lección 1- Paquete de escuchar

Lección 1- Paquete de escuchar Vocabulario Página 3, Actividad 1: Listen to each question or statement, then choose the correct response. 1. a. Muy bien, gracias. b. Me llamo Graciela. 2. a. Lo siento. b. Mucho gusto. 3. a. Soy de Puerto

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Cantemos Las Posadas - Contiene Villancicos, Cánticos para Pedir la Piñata, Letanía y todo para la Temporada Navideña. (Corazón Renovado)

Cantemos Las Posadas - Contiene Villancicos, Cánticos para Pedir la Piñata, Letanía y todo para la Temporada Navideña. (Corazón Renovado) Cantemos Las Posadas - Contiene Villancicos, Cánticos para Pedir la Piñata, Letanía y todo para la Temporada Navideña. (Corazón Renovado) Tradiciones Mexicanas Click here if your download doesn"t start

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Capítulo 4A Adónde vas?

Capítulo 4A Adónde vas? ir de compras ver una película la lección de piano Me quedo en casa. Capítulo 4A To talk about leisure activities to go shopping to see a movie piano lesson (class) I stay at home. la biblioteca el café

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Rodea la letra que se encuentre junto a ella. Mira este ejemplo:

Rodea la letra que se encuentre junto a ella. Mira este ejemplo: INSTRUCCIONES En esta actividad vas a escuchar y a leer una serie de textos y tendrás que responder a unas preguntas. Presta mucha atención. Algunas preguntas tendrán cuatro posibles respuestas, pero solo

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2014

General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2014 General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2014 Spanish Unit 2 Speaking Test Candidate s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2014 (SPA2T)

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Note that in Spanish the subject and verbs are inverted in interrogative sentences.

Note that in Spanish the subject and verbs are inverted in interrogative sentences. Interrogatives COMMON INTERROGATIVE WORDS The following are the most commonly used interrogative words to introduce questions. You will note that all interrogative words carry a written accent. Qué? What?

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FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% 1 2 3 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos. (4-5 min en total) Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar un tema determinado

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COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH. Teacher Dictation Copy The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION S COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN SPANISH Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before

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René: Generalmente, tomo el metro a mi trabajo, pero ayer me desperté muy tarde y tome un taxi. Y tú?

René: Generalmente, tomo el metro a mi trabajo, pero ayer me desperté muy tarde y tome un taxi. Y tú? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Dieciséis Instructor: Listen to the following conversation. René: Generalmente, tomo el metro a mi trabajo, pero ayer me desperté muy tarde y tome un

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién?

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Uno. Listen to the following conversation. Male: Hola Hablas inglés? Female: Quién? Male: Tú. Hablas tú inglés? Female: Sí, hablo un poquito de inglés.

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