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2 1. CONNECTORS A. CONTRAST CONNECTORS.However, but....nevertheless, although even though though in spite of despite... B. ADDITIVE CONNECTORS.Moreover, and....besides,....furthermore, addition,... C. CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE CONNECTORS.Therefore, so....this is why because....this is because because of... D. CHRONOLOGICAL CONNECTORS.Afterwards, after....after that,....later,....later on,....then,....meanwhile, while... dossier 1: connectors - page 2

3 A. CONTRAST CONNECTORS BUT HOWEVER (nevertheless) ALTHOUGH (though, even though) IN SPITE OF (despite) Although = malgrat que In spite of = malgrat Although + frase (3 i 4) In spite of + nom (5 i 6) In spite of + verb-ing (7 i 8) 1. I have a Mercedes but I am poor 2. I have a Mercedes. However, I am poor 3. Although I have a Mercedes, I am poor 4. I am poor, although I have a Mercedes 5. In spite of my Mercedes, I am poor 6. I am poor, in spite of my Mercedes 7. In spite of having a Mercedes, I am poor 8. I am poor, in spite of having a Mercedes B. ADDITIVE CONNECTORS B.1. Connectors de noms AND BOTH AND AS WELL AS 1. I want bread and butter 2. I want both bread and butter 3. I want bread as well as butter B.2. Connectors de frases AND ALSO (2 posicions) TOO MOREOVER (besides, furthermore, in addition) 1. I studied and I passed the exam 2. I studied. Also, I passed the exam 3. I studied. I also passed the exam 4. I studied. I passed the exam, too. 5. I studied. Moreover, I passed the exam dossier 1: connectors - page 3

4 C. CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE CONNECTORS SO THEREFORE THIS IS WHY BECAUSE BECAUSE OF (due to, owing to) THIS IS BECAUSE 1. I had a headache so I took an aspirin 2. I had a headache. Therefore, I took an aspirin 3. I had a headache. This is why I took an aspirin 4. I took an aspirin because I had a headache 5. I took an aspirin because of (due to) my headache 6. I took an aspirin. This is because I had a headache D. CHRONOLOGICAL CONNECTORS D1. DESPRÉS AFTERWARDS (after that, later, then) AFTER 1. Afterwards = després (seguit de coma) 2. After = després de + nom (sense coma) 3. After = després de que + frase (sense coma) 4. After = despres de + verb (-ing) (sense coma) 1. I went to school. Afterwards, I did my homework I went to school. After that, I did my homework I went to school. Later, I did my homework I went to school. Then, I did my homework 2. After the school, I did my homework I did my homework after the school 3. After I went to school, I did my homework I did my homework after I went to school 4. After going to school, I did my homework I did my homework, after going to school D.2 MENTRES WHILE MEANWHILE WHEREAS 1. While I was working, he was partying He was partying while I was working 2. I was working. Meanwhile, he was partying 3. Whereas I like cofee, my brother likes tea My brother likes tea whereas I like coffee dossier 1: connectors - page 4

5 E. OTHER CONNECTORS 1. AS (since) As I didn t have any money, I couldn t go to the party Since I didn t have any money, I couldn t go to the party I couldn t go to the party as I didn t have any money I couldn t go to the party since I didn t have any money 2. TO (in order to, so as to) / SO THAT I work to earn money I work in order to earn money I work so as to earn money I work so that my children have a good education 3. EITHER... OR You have to speak either English or Russian in order to get the job 4. NEITHER... NOR Neither John nor Paul have done their homework 5. AS WELL AS / BOTH... AND You have to speak English as well as Russian to get the job You have to speak both English and Russian to get the job 6. ACCORDING TO According to my father, my marks are a disaster 7. AS FAR AS SBD IS CONCERNED As far as I am concerned, my marks are excellent 8. SBD IS (UN)LIKELY TO DO STH Barça is likely to win the league 9. SBD IS SUPPOSED TO DO STH Barça is supposed to win the league 10. UNLESS / OTHERWISE Unless you work harder, you ll fail the exam You ll fail the exam unless you work harder You have to work harder. Otherwise, you ll fail the exam dossier 1: connectors - page 5

6 2A. CONNECTORS - SENTENCES A. CONTRAST CONNECTORS 1. Ploia però vaig anar a la festa. 2. Ploia. No obstant, vaig anar a la festa. 3. Malgrat que ploia, vaig anar a la festa. 4. Malgrat la pluja, vaig anar a la festa. 5. Malgrat ploure, vaig anar a la festa. 6. Vaig anar a la festa, malgrat que ploia. 7. Vaig anar a la festa, malgrat la pluja. 8. Vaig anar a la festa, malgrat ploure. 1. Tenia mal de cap però vaig anar a classe. 2. Tenia mal de cap. No obstant, vaig anar a classe. 3. Malgrat que tenia mal de cap, vaig anar a classe. 4. Malgrat el meu mal de cap, vaig anar a classe. 5. Malgrat tenir mal de cap, vaig anar a classe. 6. Vaig anar a classe malgrat que tenia mal de cap. 7. Vaig anar a classe malgrat el meu mal de cap. 8. Vaig anar a classe malgrat tenir mal de cap. C. CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE CONNECTORS 1. Vaig aprovar l examen perquè vaig estudiar. 2. Vaig aprovar l examen degut als meus estudis. 3. Vaig estudiar. Per tant, vaig aprovar l examen. 4. Vaig estudiar, per tant vaig aprovar l examen. 5. Vaig aprovar l examen. Aixó és perque vaig estudiar. 6. Vaig estudiar. Aquesta es la raó per la qual vaig aprovar l examen. D. CHRONOLOGICAL CONNECTORS D.1. «DESPRÉS» 1. Va treballar. Després, va mirar la TV. 2. Després de que treballés, va mirar la TV. 3. Després del treball, va mirar la TV. 4. Va mirar la TV despres de treballar. D.2. «MENTRES» 1. Mentres estudiaves, jo estava treballant. 2. Jo estava treballant mentres estudiaves. 3. Tu estudiaves. Mentrestant, jo estava treballant. 4. A mi m agrada el cafè, mentres que al meu germà li agrada el té. dossier 1: connectors - page 6

7 E. OTHER CONNECTORS 1. AS (since) 1. Vaig aprovar l examen ja que vaig estudiar. 2. Ja que vaig estudiar, vaig aprovar l examen. 1. Bill Gates és tan ric com la reina d Anglaterra. 2. A mesura que estava aprenent l anglès, vaig aprendre francès també. 2. TO (in order to, so as to) / SO THAT 1. Vaig estudiar per aprovar l examen. (2 formes) 2. Vaig ajudar-te per tal que aprovessis l examen. 3. EITHER... OR 1. He d aprovar o una assignatura (subject) o l altra. 4. NEITHER... NOR 1. Ni tu ni jo sabem la resposta per aquesta pregunta. 5. AS WELL AS / BOTH... AND 1. Tant tu com jo sabem la resposta. (2 formes) 6. ACCORDING TO 1. Segons el meu professor, sóc un bon estudiant. 7. AS FAR AS SBD IS CONCERNED 1. Pel que fa al meu professor, sóc un bon estudiant. 8. SBD IS (UN)LIKELY TO DO STH 1. Es probable que aprovi l examen. 2. Es improbable que guanyem el partit (match). 3. Es probable que vagin de vacances. 4. Es improbable que anem a casa ara. 9. SBD IS SUPPOSED TO DO STH 1. Se suposa que aprovaré l examen. 2. Se suposa que anirem de vacances. 10. UNLESS / OTHERWISE 1. A menys que faci exercisi, engordaré (get fat). 2. He de fer exercisi. D altra manera, engordaré. dossier 1: connectors - page 7

8 2B. CONNECTORS EXERCISE Rewrite the following sentences using one of these words: after, although, because, meanwhile, in order to, despite, furthermore, because of, however and since 1. I did my homework. Then I went to bed. 2. While some students were listening to the teacher others were talking. 3. She can t go to school today. This is because she has a headache. 4. I am saving a lot of money because I want to buy a new house. 5. Jack is very stupid. He is ugly and lazy, too. 6. I worked very hard but they didn t pay me. 7. I didn t go on holidays because I had very bad marks. 8. We don t have a lot of money although we have an expensive car. 9. In spite of the storm, they went on holidays. 10. Mary is studying very hard to pass her exams. dossier 1: connectors - page 8

9 2C. CONNECTORS TABLE A. Translation B. Kind of connector C. Synonyms D. Position E. Followed by 1. But 2. However 3. Although 4. In spite of 5. And 6. Both and 7. As well as 8. Also 9. Too 10. Moreover 11. So

10 A. Translation B. Kind of connector C. Synonyms D. Position E. Followed by 12. Therefore 13. This is why 14. Because 15. Because of 16. This is because 17. Afterwards 18. After 19. While 20. Meanwhile 21. Whereas 10

11 B. Kind of connector: 1. contrast: connecta una frase positiva amb una de negativa, o a l'inrevés (contrasta arguments) 2. additive: connecta dues frases positives, o dues negatives (afegeix arguments) 3. cause and consequence 4. chronological D. Position: 1. posició de but: entre dues frases sense punt: "It rained but I went to the football match" 2. posició de however: entre dues frases separades per un punt (i coma després del connector): "It rained. However, I went to the football match" 3. posició de although: igual que but però pot anar: - al mig de les dues frases i - al principi de la primera frase: "I went to the football match although it rained" "Although it rained, I went to the football match" 4. posició de in spite of: igual que although però seguida de nom o verb en -ing: "I went to the football match in spite of the rain" "I went to the football match in spite of raining" "In spite of the rain, I went to the football match" "In spite of raining, I went to the football match" 5. correlatiu 6. adverbi de freqüència 7. al final de la frase 11

12 E. Followed by: - a sentence - a noun / verb+ing Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Heu treballat molt però no teniu diners. 2. Heu treballat molt. No obstant, no teniu diners. 3. Malgrat que heu treballat molt, no teniu diners. 3. No teniu diners, malgrat que heu treballat molt. 4. A pesar d'el vostre treball, no teniu diners. 4. A pesar de treballar molt, no teniu diners. 4. No teniu diners a pesar d'el vostre treball. 4. No teniu diners a pesar de treballar molt. 5. No ha menjat i no ha begut. 5. Ha menjat pollastre i patates. 6. Ha menjat tant pollastre com patates. 7. Ha menjat tant pollastre com patates. 8. Ha menjat pollastre. També ha menjat patates. 9. Ha menjat pollastre. També ha menjat patates. 10. Ha menjat pollastre. A més, ha menjat patates. 11. Hem treballat per tant hem guanyat (earn) diners. 12. Hem treballat. Per tant, hem guanyat diners. 13. Hem treballat. Aquesta és la rao per la qual hem guanyat diners. 14. Hem guanyat diners perquè hem treballat. 15. Hem guanyat diners degut al nostre treball. 16. Hem guanyat diners. Això és degut a que hem treballat. 17. Vaig anar a classe. Desprès vaig (go back) tornar a casa. 18. Després d'anar a classe, vaig tornar a casa. 18. Després de classe, vaig tornar a casa. 19. Mentres ell estudiava, jo estava escoltant la ràdio. 20. Ell estudiava. Mentrestant, jo estava escoltant la ràdio. 21. Mentres que al Joan li agrada el rock, al Pere li agrada la música clàssica. 21. Al Joan li agrada el rock, mentres que al Pere li agrada la música clàssica. 12


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2. LOS TIEMPOS PASADOS This project funded by Leonardo da Vinci has been carried out with the support of the European Community. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community

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Nivel 2. Proba escrita / Prueba escrita Competencia Clave: Comunicación en Lingua Inglesa/Comunicación en Lengua Inglesa CLI-N2-11 Nivel 2. Proba escrita / Prueba escrita Competencia Clave: Comunicación en Lingua Inglesa/Comunicación en Lengua Inglesa Primeiro apelido / Primer apellido Segundo apelido / Segundo apellido

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Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Lección 28: Otras Preposiciones. Cómo usar otras preposiciones?

Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Lección 28: Otras Preposiciones. Cómo usar otras preposiciones? Lesson 28: Other Prepositions (by, about, like, of, with, without) Lección 28: Otras Preposiciones Cómo usar otras preposiciones? Reading (Lectura) I go to school by bus. ( Voy a la escuela en autobús

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Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet

Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet Review Packet This review document is broken into four main sections: ANTES To be used as a basic introduction to vocabulary and grammar in advance of showing the video for the first time. MIENTRAS This

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I can t ice skate very well!

I can t ice skate very well! UNIT 10 I can t ice skate very well! Temas: 1. Deportes 2. Preguntas Wh con presente simple y deportes 3. can y can t Sports Activity 1 Relaciona las oraciones y los dibujos a.- Jenny loves skiing in winter

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1. DEFINICIÓN. CONJUNCIONES 1 1. DEFINICIÓN. CONJUNCIONES Son oraciones condicionales aquellas en las que el cumplimiento de la acción enunciada en la oración principal o apódosis depende del cumplimiento de la acción enunciada en

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In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future.

In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future. Present Progressive The present progressive is formed by combining the verb "to be" with the present participle. (The present participle is merely the "-ing" form of a verb.) I am studying. I am studying

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Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1

Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1 Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1 These lessons extend on the ideas from Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 1 and Shortcut to Spanish

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Spanish translation: family and friends

Spanish translation: family and friends Spanish translation: family and friends A. Starter Match the connectives by writing the letters in the grid below. 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 12 = English Spanish 1. also a. porque 2.

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Lengua Extranjera. Inglés UNIT 2. I am happy but sometimes sad too! FICHA 2.1

Lengua Extranjera. Inglés UNIT 2. I am happy but sometimes sad too! FICHA 2.1 UNIT 2. I am happy but sometimes sad too! FICHA 2.1 Hello friends! How you can see every people it s different. For example I m tall and thin but some of my friends are fat, small and good person of course.

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ENGLISH LESSONS. "Unidos Integraremos la Cultura Fiscal en México"

ENGLISH LESSONS. Unidos Integraremos la Cultura Fiscal en México ENGLISH LESSONS "Unidos Integraremos la Cultura Fiscal en México" PRONOMBRES DEMOSTRATIVOS (DEMOSTRATIVE PRONOUNS) "Demostrativo" significa "mostrando, haciendo claro algo". Los pronombres demostrativos

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RESUMEN UNIDAD 3. Yes, she will. No, she won t.

RESUMEN UNIDAD 3. Yes, she will. No, she won t. NGLÉS RESUMEN UNDAD 3 1. Formas de expresar tiempo futuro 1.1. Will 1.1.1. Forma: SUBJECT WLL V t will work SUBJECT WLL NOT V t will not work WLL SUBJECT V SHORT ANSWER Will he she it we they work? Yes,

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Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #6 - No tengo tiempo para ninguna otra cosa. PDF - Beginner Plus. www.cactuslanguagetraining.

Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #6 - No tengo tiempo para ninguna otra cosa. PDF - Beginner Plus. www.cactuslanguagetraining. Learn a language your way! PDF - Beginner Plus Lesson #6 - No tengo tiempo para ninguna otra cosa Lesson Conversation: Escucha la conversación, primero a una velocidad

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CAN. I can swim. Sé nadar. I know how to swim. Sé como nadar. l'll be able to go tonight. Podré ir esta noche.

CAN. I can swim. Sé nadar. I know how to swim. Sé como nadar. l'll be able to go tonight. Podré ir esta noche. CAN Sólo se usa en el presente, para el resto de tiempos se utiliza to be able to. En algunos casos puede ser sustituido por to know how to. Se puede traducir por poder o saber. I can swim. Sé nadar. I

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Past Perfect Continuous / Pasado Perfecto Continuo

Past Perfect Continuous / Pasado Perfecto Continuo Past Perfect Continuous/ Pasado Perfecto Continuo Área Lectura y Escritura, Inglés Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso del pasado perfecto continuo en contextos de escritura formal. Utilizar las diversas

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Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future

Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Lección 33: Formas interrogativas be going to, be + verb~ing para expresar el futuro cercano Reading (Lectura) Is

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EL PASADO SIMPLE (I) EL PASADO SIMPLE (I) 1. El pasado simple se construye en inglés añadiendo ed a los verbos regulares: I visit my sister (presente) I visited my sister (pasado) Práctica. Pasa las siguientes frases al pasado

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FÍJATE: a) I couldn t help seeing the dead man. b) I couldn t help seeing the man who was dead.

FÍJATE: a) I couldn t help seeing the dead man. b) I couldn t help seeing the man who was dead. RELATIVE CLAUSES Las usamos cuando necesitamos o queremos añadir información sobre una persona o cosa (un sustantivo) Con ese fin usamos también los adjetivos (para añadir información sobre un nombre).

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Hoy es el de 2015 Ayer fue Mañana es. Que tiempo hace hoy?

Hoy es el de 2015 Ayer fue Mañana es. Que tiempo hace hoy? Unit 2.1 Hoy es el de 2015 Ayer fue Mañana es Que tiempo hace hoy? Que clases te gustan? FLY SWATTER Palabra del dia: La hora La fecha: lunes el 9 de noviembre 2015 Tengo A que la clase hora de arte tienes

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Lessons Workbook

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ÁMBITO DE COMUNICACIÓN Lengua extranjera: Inglés


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Resumen De Gramática

Resumen De Gramática Presente Simple Resumen De Gramática Uso 1: Acciones repetidas. Las palabras que nos indican el uso del Presente Simple son: Every, always, usually, generally, sometimes, at times, normally. Uso 2: Generalizaciones

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Specimen 2018 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes

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Me Duele Review Packet

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Module English Learning Formula.

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ÁMBITO DE COMUNICACIÓN Lengua extranjera: Inglés


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SUBORDINATE CLAUSES ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS SUBORDINATE CLAUSES ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS Las oraciones subordinadas adverbiales que vamos a abordar en este tema son las siguientes: 1. Time clauses = temporales 2. Clauses of concession or contrast

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5.1 EL CONDICIONAL EN LOS VERBOS MODALES (COULD, WOULD, SHOULD) This project funded by Leonardo da Vinci has been carried out with the support of the European Community. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community

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La Cita de Mi Verano. By: Dayona McNeil, Mabintu Donzo and Terrance williams

La Cita de Mi Verano. By: Dayona McNeil, Mabintu Donzo and Terrance williams La Cita de Mi Verano By: Dayona McNeil, Mabintu Donzo and Terrance williams Mabintu La Conversación Parte Uno Terrance 1.) Tengo que llamar a Terrance. 2.) Hola Terrance! 4.) Muy muy bien. Que hiciste

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ALUMNADO CON EL ÁREA DE INGLÉS PENDIENTE: ALUMNADO CON EL ÁREA DE INGLÉS PENDIENTE: Es alto el número de alumnado que promociona al curso siguiente sin haber superado los conocimientos mínimos de inglés exigidos. Las profesoras de este Departamento

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Modal Verbs. 1. Can / Can t

Modal Verbs. 1. Can / Can t Modal Verbs Son verbos especiales con unas características comunes: - No cambian en la 3ª persona del singular. - Necesitan ir acompañados de otro verbo, el cual va siempre en su forma base, sin la partícula

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Los Verbos Reflexivos

Los Verbos Reflexivos Nombre Hora Los Verbos Reflexivos Apuntes y Práctica Parte 1: Infinitives in Spanish end in - ar / - er / - ir. When infinitives have se on the end of them, they are called reflexive verbs. The se usually

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ODJFS Bureau of Civil Rights. ODJFS Bureau of Civil Rights. ODJFS Bureau of Civil Rights. ODJFS Bureau of Civil Rights

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STAR/Cross-age Tutoría Frases del Sr. Fry Grupo 1 Práctique leyendo con su niño(a) 5 frases diariamente. Continue con las siguiente 5 frases cuando Grupo 1 1. the little boy el niño pequeño 2. a good boy un buen niño 3. is about me es acerca de mí 4. then you give luego tú das 5. was to come iba a suceder 6. old and new viejo y nuevo 7. what we know

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Guía de estudio de Inglés Cuarto año III lapso

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Lesson 30: will, will not. Lección 30: will, will not

Lesson 30: will, will not. Lección 30: will, will not Lesson 30: will, will not Lección 30: will, will not Reading (Lectura) I hope you will visit me one day. ( Espero que tú me visites un día ) I think your sister will like that cellphone. ( Creo que a tú

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Class Four. Los Tiempos. Tiempo Nombre Ejemplo de Golf. Presente Present Simple I play golf every day Present Con6nuous I am playing golf

Class Four. Los Tiempos. Tiempo Nombre Ejemplo de Golf. Presente Present Simple I play golf every day Present Con6nuous I am playing golf Class Four Los Tiempos Tiempo Nombre Ejemplo de Golf Presente Present Simple I play golf every day Present Con6nuous I am playing golf Present Perfect He has played golf Present Perfect Con6nuous He has

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En el avión Gramática: las expresiones yes, please y no, thanks. Vocabulario: pedir una bebida. Listening: escuchar una canción.

En el avión Gramática: las expresiones yes, please y no, thanks. Vocabulario: pedir una bebida. Listening: escuchar una canción. INGLES OXFORD BASICO 3005 Capítulo 1 (File 1) En el aeropuerto Gramática: el verbo to be (frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas), respuestas cortas. Vocabulario: los números del 1 al 10. Listening:

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Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance

Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance In Spanish, many useful expressions are formed by combining two verbs. When this occurs, the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb remains in the infinitive form. Quiero comer comida china I

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes, Hola estudiantes, We hope that your experience during Spanish 1 was enjoyable and that you are looking forward to improving your ability to communicate in Spanish. As we all know, it is very difficult

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Los Complimentos Directos. Dircect Objects and Direct Object Pronouns

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Adjetivos Posesivos Possessive Adjectives

Adjetivos Posesivos Possessive Adjectives Nombre: Fecha: Teacher: Adjetivos Posesivos Possessive Adjectives Hay que usar los adjetivos posesivos para hablar de la cosa poseída. Los adjetivos posesivos concuerdan en número con la cosa poseída,

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ST EDWARD S OXFORD 16+ ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2013 SPANISH. Please answer all questions in this booklet. Dictionaries are NOT allowed. Candidate Name:.

ST EDWARD S OXFORD 16+ ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2013 SPANISH. Please answer all questions in this booklet. Dictionaries are NOT allowed. Candidate Name:. ST EDWARD S OXFORD 16+ ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2013 SPANISH Please answer all questions in this booklet. Dictionaries are NOT allowed. Candidate Name:. Total / 80 Percentage %... 1 SECTION A Gramática y Comprensión

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3. LOS TIEMPOS PRESENTES PERFECTOS This project funded by Leonardo da Vinci been carried out with the support of the European Community. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community or

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PRÁCTICA DEL CURSO EN AUDIO PRÁCTICA DEL CURSO EN AUDIO FRASES Y OTROS Tengo hambre así que quiero ir a comer algo ahora I am hungry so I want to go to eat something now Es importante para mi hablar inglés. It is important for me

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Span 2 Examen 3 Guia para Estudiar

Span 2 Examen 3 Guia para Estudiar Span 2 Examen 3 Guia para Estudiar Nombre Fecha Hora Part I. El Verbo Tener Fill in the chart with the correct form of tener. Fill in the blank with the correct form of tener. 1. Yo calor. 2. Nosotras

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Ejercicios de refuerzo de los pronombres personales en inglés.

Ejercicios de refuerzo de los pronombres personales en inglés. Ejercicios de refuerzo de los pronombres personales en inglés. PRONOMBRES PERSONALES SUJETOS SINGULAR I / yo you / tú, usted he / él she / ella it / ello PLURAL We / nosotros, nosotras you / vosotros -as,

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Spanish 1 Test Reviews Chapter 5

Spanish 1 Test Reviews Chapter 5 Spanish 1 Test Reviews Chapter 5 Make sure you know all the vocabulary P. 174-175 and do the Say it en español work! I. Completa con SABER o CONOCER (To Know) p. 152 Yo Las Vegas. Carla no Las Vegas, pero

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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An explanation by Sr. Jordan

An explanation by Sr. Jordan & An explanation by Sr. Jdan direct object pronouns We usually use Direct Object Pronouns to substitute f it them in a sentence when the it them follows the verb. Because of gender, him and her could also

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Entrevista: el medio ambiente. A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español?

Entrevista: el medio ambiente. A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español? A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español? Entrevista: el medio ambiente 1. There are a lot of factories 2. The destruction of the ozone layer 3. In our city there is a lot of rubbish 4. Endangered

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Módulo 5. -Fonemas [e] [æ] [ə]

Módulo 5. -Fonemas [e] [æ] [ə] Unidad 1 The person of your dreams Unidad 2 Sports Unidad 3 Fashion Unidad 4 Sleeping or dreaming? Unidad 5 You and your personality S J J Módulo 5 Contenidos Comunicativos -Describir y preguntar por el

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UNIT 16 CAN SHE CALL YOU LATER? UNIT 16 CAN SHE CALL YOU LATER? OBJETIVOS: Practicar el uso de los pronombres sujeto y objeto directo o indirecto. Aprender un poco más sobre las preposiciones de lugar: at, in y on. Practicar más con

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Español 4 Capítulo 2 El Proyecto en un viaje en el extranjero

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RESUMEN TIEMPOS VERBALES RESUMEN TIEMPOS VERBALES NOMBRE TIEMPO TRADUCCIÓN USOS PRESENTE PASADO Presente simple I sing Presente continuo To be + -ing Pres perf simple I have + participle *(regular o irregular) Pres perf continuo

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