The Resurrection Newsletter solemnity of the epiphany of the lord TODAY EPIPHANY SUNDAY CELEBRATION AFTER EVERY MASS

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The Resurrection Newsletter January 3, 2016 solemnity of the epiphany of the lord TODAY EPIPHANY SUNDAY CELEBRATION AFTER EVERY MASS pg. 6 HOY CELEBRACION DE LA EPIFANIA DESPUES DE CADA MISA Flower Offering Acknowledgements pg. 6 Steps for Students pg. 7 pg.3 REGISTRATION IS OPEN! pg. 7 9 1 5 Z o e S t., H ou s to n, T X 7 70 2 0 7 1 3-67 5-53 3 3 w w w. r c c h ou s t on. o rg

A tradition of Epiphany invokes the Magi s blessing upon the household that hosts the party. Guests typically read a brief, responsive liturgy that includes the biblical account of the Magi s visit and then chalk the door with a series of marks. The markings include letters, numbers, and crosses in a pattern like this: 20 C M B 14. The numbers correspond to the calendar year (20 and 14, for instance, for the year 2014); the crosses stand for Christ; and the letters have a two-fold significance: C, M, and B are the initials for the traditional names of the Magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar), but they are also an abbreviation of the Latin blessing, Christus Mansionem Benedicat, which means, May Christ bless this house. I have copied a format for this prayer that you can do together as a family at home to celebrate Epiphany. Peace be with this house and all who dwell in it, and peace to all who enter here. In keeping the Feast of Epiphany, we celebrate the Magi s search for the Infant King, the Christ child s appearing to the world, and the peace and hospitality shared between the Magi and the Holy Family. Let us hear again the Magi s story: In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage. When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel. Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage. When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road. This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. (Participants now take turns using the chalk to make part of the Magi s blessing on the inside lintel of the front door: ) May this home in the coming year be a place where Christ is pleased to dwell. May all our homes share the peace and hospitality of Christ which is revealed in the fragile flesh of an infant. Amen. Una tradición de la Epifanía invoca la bendición de los Reyes Magos en el hogar que acoge la fiesta. Los huéspedes suelen leer una breve liturgia de respuesta que incluye el relato bíblico de la visita de los Reyes Magos y luego "tizan la puerta" con una serie de marcas. Las marcas incluyen letras, números y cruces en un patrón como éste: 20 C M B 14. Los números corresponden al año del calendario (20 y 14, por ejemplo, para el año 2014); las cruces representan a Cristo; y las letras tienen un doble significado: C, M y B son las iniciales de los nombres tradicionales de los Reyes Magos (Gaspar (Caspar en Ingles), Melchor y Baltasar), pero también son una abreviatura de la bendición Latina, Christus Mansionem Benedicat, lo que significa, "Que Cristo Bendiga esta casa." He copiado un formato para esta oración que se puede hacer juntos como una familia en su casa para celebrar la Epifanía. Paz a esta casa ya todos los que en él habitan, y paz a todos los que entran aquí. Siguiendo la Fiesta de la Epifanía, celebramos la búsqueda de los Magos para el Niño Rey, el niño de Cristo que aparece ante el mundo, y la paz y la hospitalidad compartimos entre los Reyes Magos y la Sagrada Familia. Escuchemos de nuevo la historia de los Reyes Magos: Nacido Jesús en Belén de Judea, en tiempo del rey Herodes, unos magos que venían del Oriente se presentaron en Jerusalén, diciendo: «Dónde está el rey de los judíos que ha nacido? Pues vimos su estrella en el Oriente y hemos venido a adorarlo.» Al oírlo el rey Herodes se asustó y con él toda Jerusalén. Convocando a todos los sumos sacerdotes y escribas del pueblo, les preguntaba dónde había de nacer el Cristo. Ellos le dijeron: «En Belén de Judea, porque así está escrito por el profeta: Y tú, Belén, tierra de Judá, no eres, no, la menor entre los principales clanes de Judá; porque de ti saldrá un jefe que apacentará a mi pueblo Israel.» Entonces Herodes llamó aparte a los magos y por sus datos precisó el tiempo de la aparición de la estrella. Después los envió a Belén y les dijo: «Vayan y averigüen con cuidado sobre ese niño; y cuando lo encuentren me lo comunican, para ir también yo a adorarlo.» Ellos, después de oír al rey, se pusieron en camino, y he aquí que la estrella que habían visto en el Oriente iba delante de ellos, hasta que llegó y se detuvo encima del lugar donde estaba el niño. Al ver la estrella se llenaron de inmensa alegría. Entraron en la casa; vieron al niño con María su madre y, postrándose, lo adoraron; abrieron luego sus cofres y le ofrecieron dones: oro, incienso y mirra. Y, avisados en sueños que no volvieran a donde Herodes, se retiraron a su tierra por otro camino. Palabra de Dios. Te alabamos Señor. (Los participantes ahora se turnan utilizando la tiza para hacer parte de la bendición de los Reyes Magos en el dintel interior de la puerta de entrada:) Que esta casa en el año que viene sea un lugar donde Cristo se complace en habitar. Que todos nuestros hogares compartan la paz y la hospitalidad de Cristo que se revela en la frágil piel de un niño. Amén.

Flower OFFERING We would like to acknowledge all who made a financial contribution in gratitude and love or in memory of a loved one, to create the most beautiful space we could in our Church to honor Christ as a reflection of the space we ve created in our hearts for His birth this Christmas. OFRENDA Floral Nos gustaría reconocer a todos los que hicieron una contribución financiera en gratitud y amor o en memoria de un ser querido, para crear el espacio más hermoso que pudimos en nuestra Iglesia para honrar a Cristo como un reflejo del espacio que hemos creado en nuestros corazones por Su nacimiento en esta Navidad. Jesús dejó el glorioso esplendor del Cielo donde Él fue adorado continuamente y glorificado Jesus left the glorious splendor of Heaven where He was continuously adored and be born one cold, dark night in a lowly stable surrounded by farm animals, only to suffer greatly and die for our salvation. Ciara Gregory & Micaela Rios Ruben Ramirez Claude Ramirez Maria del Refugio Escobedo Joe Flores Marcella & Antioco Martinez Christians killed because of their faith Nemecio & Francisca Capetillo Familia Lucio Garcia Rodrigo Sarabia y Isabel Olaride Sarabia Oziel Antonio Zamora Carlos Gonzales Antonia Amaro Ramirez Maria Quinones Gutierrez Esperanza Escalante Roberto Luna We would also like to Thank the following volunteers for donating there time to decorate the church: Familia Lazalde Francisco Perez Familia Macias Perez Arnulfo Garza Felipe & Blasa Castillo Perez-Rosas Family Daniel Aguilar Thomas Gregory Kincaids G.L. Julie Alvarez Cindy Suarez G. Lopez Simona Gomez L.T. Hilario Ortiz Frank Garcia Jose Gomez Maria del Carmen Garcia Nestor Garcia Mario Garcia Blanca Muro Gustavo Muro... para nacer en una fría y oscura noche en un humilde establo rodeado de animales de granja, sólo para sufrir mucho y morir por nuestra salvación. Rodolfo & Aurelia Fuentes Mr. & Mrs. Lauro Torres Aurora Salinas Samuel Pinzon Adolph Gonzalez Celia & Gomez Perez Lucia Davila Veronica D. Barajas Adolfo Gonzalez Rachel Carrizales & Alex Carrizales Jr. David Parrish Iris & Juan Wilson Anonymous / Anónimos Joel Muro Major Brown Jose Mendez Nellie Garcia Luis Cabrera

MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE MISA Saturday, January 2: St. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops & Doctors of the Church 8:30am Thanksgiving - Cavazos Family 5:30 pm Rudy F. Castro Harold Yargo, Jr. 7:30 pm Quintina Vargas Rev. Joseph K. Kalladan Sunday, January 3: The Epiphany of the Lord 7:00 am Beatrice Escobedo Marie Escobedo 9:00 am David Parrish Charlene Parrish 11:00am Ignacio Peña Avelina Salazar 1:00pm Ruben Ramirez Claude B. Ramirez, Jr. Tuesday, January 5: Saint John Neumann, Bishop 8:30am Rev. Joseph K. Kalladan Rev. Richard M. Patrick Wednesday, January 6: St. Andre Bessette, Religious 6:30 pm Rev. Joseph K. Kalladan Rev. Richard M. Patrick Thursday, January 7: St. Raymond of Penyafort, Priest 8:30 am Sergio Garcia Rev. Richard M. Patrick - Deceased PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS For the Sick Blas Solis, Susan Kirksey, Heather Rivera, Jesse Nieto, Ramon Ruiz, & Dominga Ruiz Names will be posted for 3 consecutive weeks once a year. Los nombres serán publicados durante 3 semanas consecutivas una vez al año. R ECENTLY DECEASED/ RECIEN F ALLECIDOS Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. Please pray for the repose of the soul of and for the consolation of the family: Freddy Rocha & Raymond M. Gutierres THIS WEEK AT RESURRECTION E STA SEMANA EN LA RESURRECCIÓN Monday, January 4: 6:00pm Rosary....Church Tuesday, January 5: 8:30am Mass (English)........Church 2:30pm Choir Practice (7:30 am group).... Church 7:00pm Hispanic Ministry.Admin 2nd Fl 8:00pm A.A......Rectory Wednesday, January 6: 9:30am Legion of Mary (English)........Rectory 5-6pm Confessions....Church 6:00pm Rosario....Church 6:30pm Mass.......Church 6:30pm Knights of Columbus..GYM 7:00pm Grupo de Oración....Church Thursday, January 7: 8:30am Mass (English).Church 6:15pm Baptism Classes (Spanish) Admin 2nd Fl 6:30pm Vigil Mass (Bilingual)...........Church Friday, January 8: 10:00am Legion of Mary (Spanish)......Rectory Saturday, January 9: 4:30-5:15 pm Confessions........Church 5:30pm Vigil Mass (English)...Church 6:30pm-7:15pm Confessions......Church 7:30pm Vigil Mass (Spanish)...... Church NEW MASS SCHEDULE Sunday, January 10: 7:00am Mass (English)........Church 9:00am Mass (Spanish)...... Church 9:00am CCE Classes Church 11:00am Mass (English).......Church 1:00pm Mass (Spanish)..... Church 5:00pm Ministry All Charters Social.GYM To request a bulletin announcement or to reserve a facility, please email or call the office at 713-675-5333. Bulletin Deadline: Friday by Noon You may view this bulletin online at STEWARDSHIP / MAYORDOMÍA Weekly Needed/Necesitamos Semanalmente: $12,400 Dec. 19-18 Improvement Fund / Reparaciones: $87.00 Tuition Aid / Asistencia de Colegiatura: $94.00 Year to Date Actual $8,390.50 $218,632.00 Budget/Presupuesto $12,400.00 $297,600.00 Total -$4,009.50 -$78,968.00

Beginning January 1, 2016 The Saturday Mass schedule will remain the same. 7:00 AM English 9:00 AM Spanish 11:00 AM English 1:00 PM Spanish 3:00 PM Spanish at LDP Comenzando Enero 1, 2016 El horario de la Misa de sábado permanecerá igual. 7:00 AM Ingles 9:00 AM Español 11:00 AM Ingles 1:00 PM Español 3:00 PM Español en LDP READINGS FOR THE WEEK - January 4 - January 10, 2016 Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17;Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30; Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 915 Zoe St, Houston, TX 77020 713-675-5333 Fax 713-673-3605 Parish Office Hours: Closed Saturday-Monday Tuesday - 9:30am-4:30 pm Wednesday-Friday 8:00am 4:30 pm Office of Evangelization & Catechesis: Carmen Valdez 713-675-0350 Weekday English Mass: 8:30am on Tuesday & Thursday Weekday Spanish Mass: 6:30pm on Wednesday & Friday* *La Divina Providencia In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~1st Saturday: 8:30am Bilingual Mass Vigil Mass (Saturday): 5:30pm (English) 7:30pm (Spanish) Sunday Mass: English: 7:30 am 11:00 am Spanish: 9:00 am 12:30 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION A DORACION AL SANTISIMO Every Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Thursday Holy Hour 7:30-8:30pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Wednesdays / Cada Miércoles 9:00AM - 5:00PM Holy Hour Hora Santa Thursdays / los Jueves 7:30PM - 8:30PM CONFESSIONS Wednesday: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday 4:30 pm -5:15 pm 6:30 pm -7:15 pm ROSARY Monday: 6:00 pm (English) Wednesday: 6:00 pm (Spanish) Misión La Divina Providencia 7913 Munn St., Houston, 77029 713-360-7173 Misa dominical en español: 9:00 am & 2:00 pm 6:30 pm los viernes

We saw His star in the East and have come to worship Him. Matthew 2:2 The Three Kings visited the Christ Child and took gifts of great value. This day marks the feast of the Three Kings, astrologers from the East, who are sometimes called the Three Wise Men. After a long journey in search of the Christ Child, the Three Kings presented Him with gifts. The actual feast day of the Three Kings, January 6, is celebrated in some countries with parades, festivals and parties, especially on the eve of the feast. This year, the parish would like to begin the tradition of recognizing the importance of the Three Wise Men in the church liturgy and in the cultural customs of the parish and the school. EPIPHANY SUNDAY CELEBRATION TODAY after each Mass on, Vimos salir Su estrella y hemos venido a adorarlo. Mateo 2:2 Los Reyes Magos visitaron al Niño Jesús y presentaron regalos de gran valor. Este día celebra el viaje de los Tres Reyes Magos, astrólogos que buscaron el niño Jesús. Después de un viaje muy largo, presentaron al Niño regalos de gran valor e importancia. La fiesta actual en el día 6 de enero, se celebra en algunos países con desfiles, festivales y fiestas, particularmente en la víspera. Este año la parroquia quisiera iniciar la tradición de reconocer la importancia de los Reyes Magos dentro de la liturgia de la iglesia y en los costumbres culturales de los miembros de la parroquia y la escuela. CELEBRACION DE LA EPIFANIA HOY después de cada Misa el, join us for refreshments and fellowship in the gymnasium to celebrate and learn about Epiphany, Twelfth Night and The Feast of the Three Kings. Acompáñenos a un convivio y refrigerio en el gimnasio para celebrar y aprender mas sobre la Fiesta de los Tres Reyes Magos y la variedad de nombres que lleva en otros países. Resurrection Catholic Community will be hosting The 2016 Annual Covenant Mass Prince of Peace & Resurrection Catholic Community Saturday, January 30 ᴥ 5:30 PM Mass Followed by fellowship in the gymnasium Signing & renewal of Covenant Agree between the two Sister Parishes Commitment of parishioners from both communities to grow together in faith, prayer, service & love. May we always keep them in prayer for the many shared love and commitment between us.

Resurrection Catholic School is now registering for the 2016-17 school year. We welcome your interest in our school. Resurrection Catholic School serves students from Age 3 to 8 th Grade. If you would like to schedule a tour of the school or would like information about our academic programs, please contact: Carla Cortez, Registrar at 713-674-5545. Submit a completed PSAS application and School Registration before the January 25 th DEAD- LINE to avoid being placed on a WAIT LIST. Meeting this deadline will allow you to take advantage of a discounted tuition rate and insure a space in class. Go to to begin the application process. Resurrection Catholic School offers an excellent college-prep academic program that prepares students to lead, live, and learn in faith. Yours in Christ, Marsha Masi, Principal Join us, Resurrection Catholic School SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2016 Raising Awareness and Support for Catholic Education For race information visit or contact the school office for ways to participate at 713.674.5545. CCE News SUNDAY CATECHISM Classes begin next Sunday, January 10 DOMINGO DE CATECISMO Clases inician el próximo domingo, Enero 10 1st RECONCILATION RETREAT January 23 Les invita a reunirse en oración todos los miércoles después de la Misa de 6:30pm en la iglesia Baptism Classes (English): Wednesday, January 13 & 20 7:00 pm Admin Building - 2 nd Floor Both classes are required. Please register at the church office. Please do not bring children to class. Thank you. Clases Pre-Bautismal (Español): Jueves, 7 y 14 de enero 6:15 pm Edificio Administrativo - 2 o Piso Se requiere la asistencia en las dos clases. Favor de registrase en la oficina de la iglesia. Se les pide no traer los niños a la clase. Gracias. For more information: Para mas información: 713.675.5333 Upcoming Baptism Dates (English): January 30 February 27 Fechas de los Próximos Bautizos (Español) 16 de Enero 20 de Febrero