St. Bartholomew Church

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1 St. Bartholomew Church 4949 W. Patterson Ave. Chicago, Illinois ST. BART S PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Bartholomew Parish is a faith-filled people, guided by the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, striving to hear and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all to CELEBRATE together because the Lord is in our midst and dwelling within us. to CARE about each other, sharing our joys and sorrows. to GROW in awareness of Jesus, alive and active in our lives. to INVITE everyone to share in one another s goodness, talents, hopes and visions. The people of God at St. Bartholomew REACH OUT to all because we need each other. July 19, 2015 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

2 MENSAJE DEL PASTOR ASOCIADO Page 2 En los últimos días los ojos del mundo han estado mirando al Papa Francisco mientras viaja por varios países en América del sur y del norte. El Santo Padre ha sido recibido por millones de personas dándole la bienvenida, cantando y orando con él a lo largo de su ruta. La razón de su visita a las Américas es para reforzar la fe de millones de cristianos y predicar un mensaje de esperanza a todo el mundo, a cristianos tanto a los no cristianos. Él ha celebrado misas con grandes audiencias, ha hablado con niños diciéndoles que hablen con Jesús y permanezcan siempre cerca de él, ha visitado a los presos en una cárcel boliviana dando un mensaje de perdón y nos ha recordado que es necesario rezar uno por el otro y cuidarnos el uno al otro. También pasó tiempo con personas quienes trabajan directamente con la Iglesia hablando con obispos, sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos dándoles un sentido de esperanza en sus ministerios de enseñar el Evangelio. El Santo Padre también le habló fuerte a los líderes de gobierno y los ricos en cuanto a los peligros de un capitalismo sin control, y el abuso de nuestro medio ambiente. Habló de la importancia de una justa distribución de los recursos del mundo entre toda la gente y que nuestro mundo es donde todos vivimos y es la responsabilidad de todos de cuidarlo. Mientras el Papa llega a Cuba podemos esperar que este mensaje incluya el tema de los derechos humanos y la libertad de religión. En los Estados Unidos el Papa visitará Washington D.C., Nueva York y Philadelphia. Se reunirá con el Presidente Obama, el Congreso y las Naciones Unidas. También tendrá un servicio ecuménico en el World Trade Center, visitará una escuela parroquial en Harlem tanto como visitar a los prisioneros en una cárcel en Philadelphia. Su última actividad antes de regresar a Roma será participar en una Conferencia Mundial de Familias. Parece que el Papa Francisco toma su referencia del profeta Jeremías en la primera lectura de hoy. Jeremías dice que Dios levantará pastores buenos que guiarán a su gente y " Ay del pastor que engaña a la gente de Dios! El Papa está recordando a los líderes de varios países de su responsabilidad de servir a la gente. Nos dice a todos nosotros que profesamos una fe en Cristo a no dejar nuestra fe ni los valores de nuestra Iglesia porque todos hemos sido llamados a servirnos el uno al otro. En el Evangelio de hoy leemos como Jesús y sus Apóstoles ayudaron a la gente enseñándoles. El mensaje de Jesús era tan importante que cuando Jesús y los Apóstoles se fueron a descansar la gente los buscaba. Creo que hay una conexión entre este mensaje y el viaje del Papa Francisco. No cabe duda que el Papa tiene una personalidad magnética y es muy popular donde quiera que vaya, pero también es verdad que es popular porque él predica el mensaje de Jesús, el cual es tan poderoso hoy como en el tiempo de Jesús. Jesús dirigía su ministerio hacia los pobre y los que se sentían débiles y sin voz. Espero que encontremos la esperanza y la energía en el Evangelio que oímos hoy. También oremos por el Santo Padre y su mensaje, que es el mensaje de Cristo. Padre Tomás Lamping

3 ASSOCIATE PASTOR S NOTES Page 3 In the past several days the eyes of the world have been on Pope Francis as He travels to several countries in South and North America. The Holy Father has been greeted by crowds of millions greeting him with shouts of welcome, all singing and praying with him along the course of his travels. The Pope s reason for coming to America is to bolster the faith of millions of Christians and to preach a message of hope to all, Christians and non-christians alike. He has celebrated Mass with record crowds of people, he has spoken directly to children encouraging them to talk to Jesus and always remain close to him, he has visited prisoners in a Bolivian jail delivering a message of forgiveness, and he has reminded us all to pray for one another and to take care of one another, especially the poor. He has also spent time with those who work directly within the church, addressing bishops, priests, religious and laity encouraging them to remain hopeful in their ministry Of Spreading the Gospel. The Holy Father has also directed critical messages toward leaders of government and the wealthy regarding the dangers of unfettered capitalism, abuse of our environment. His message reminded us all of the importance of just distribution of the world s resources among all people, and that our world is everyone's home and that it is everyone's responsibility to care for our environment. As the Pope arrives in Cuba we can expect that this message will surround the topic of human rights and freedom of religion. In the United States the Pope will visit Washington D. C., New York, and Philadelphia. Where he will meet with President Obama, address Congress and address the United Nations. He will also conduct an ecumenical service at the World Trade Center, visit a parochial school in Harlem as well as visit prisoners at a Philadelphia correctional center. His final activity before returning to Rome is to participate in the World Meeting of Families. Pope Francis seems to take his cue from this morning's first reading from the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah says that God will raise up shepherds that will lead his people and woe to the shepherd that leads God's people astray. The Holy Father is reminding our various countries leaders of their responsibility to care for the needs of all people that are entrusted to their care. He calls upon us all who profess faith in Jesus to not stray from our faith or the values of our church for all of us have been called by God the shepherds in one way or another. In the Gospel reading today we see how Jesus and his Apostles ministered to the people. Jesus' message was so important and meaningful for the people that when Jesus and his Apostles went off by themselves to rest, the people sought them out. I believe there is a correlation between the gospel message and Pope Francis' trip to America. There is no doubt that Pope Francis has a magnetic personality and is popular wherever he goes, but it is equally true that he is received so warmly and openly because he preaches the message that Jesus preached, which is as powerful today as it was in Jesus' time. Jesus reached out to the poor, the disenfranchised, those that felt they had no place or voice and were ignored by society. May we all find hope and energy in this Gospel message which we hear today. Let us also pray for our Holy Father that his message, which is the message of Jesus, may not go unheard. Fr. Thomas Lamping

4 CHRIST S PRESENCE IN THE WORLD There s a bit of a missing link in the first two sentences of today s Gospel from Mark. In the first, the apostles return from having been sent out on mission two by two ( one who is sent is the meaning of apostle ). Their instructions were to preach repentance, drive out demons, and heal the sick in Jesus name. In the second sentence, Jesus tells them to come away with him and rest a while. It would be nice for us to imagine that, between those two sentences, a look of amazed gratitude and pleasure crossed the face of Jesus as he hears of the kingdom proclaimed in his name, and how they didn t have to shake the dust off their feet anywhere. They deserved a rest! It might not be bad for us, when we gather together with Jesus as the apostles do today, to do this kind of debriefing, allowing the Lord to hear what we ve sought to do in his name, our successes, our failures, our need to get away with him for a while to be fortified for further work in God s name. For we, the baptized, are not only the flock of Jesus Christ; through water and the power of the Spirit we have also become the Body of Christ, the presence of the Shepherd for the life of the world. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co. Are you Available? The Women s Center (a Catholic-based organization helping women in crisis pregnancies and offering lifeaffirming alternatives to abortion) needs YOU Are you a college or HS student, a retired adult, or a servanthearted person with flexible Monday-Friday 9:00AM- 5:00PM availability, looking to fill your time with volunteer work? Starting now, your help is needed to prepare 8,000 bottles for our Baby Bottle Campaign by cleaning, tagging, and boxing them so they can be sent to churches and schools. The spare change we collect in this campaign is our biggest fundraiser! It is a perfect project for up to four people at a time who want to talk and work on a project or individuals. We are located at 5116 N. Cicero Ave. (just south of Foster, off the Edens). Hours are flexible but shifts of 9:00AM-noon, 1:00PM-4:00PM, or other weekly hours are preferred. Or make a day of it: clean bottles 9:00AM-12noon, attend Mass in our chapel at noon, eat lunch, then dive back in till 4:00-5:00PM. Please let me know if you are interested in helping on this project. Please contact Paige at or for more details or to learn other volunteer opportunities at The Women s Center. Page 4 LA PRESENCIA DE CRISTO EN EL MUNDO Hay una cierta conexión que falta entre las dos primeras oraciones del Evangelio de hoy. En la primera los apóstoles regresan de la misión a la que habían sido enviados de dos en dos ( apóstol en griego significa enviado ). Habían sido enviados a predicar la conversión, a expulsar a los demonios, y a sanar a los enfermos en el nombre de Jesús. En la segunda oración, Jesús les dice que se vengan con él a un lugar solitario para descansar un poco. Nos gustaría pensar que, entre esas dos oraciones, una expresión de placer y gratitud cruzó el rostro de Jesús al oír como el Reino ha sido proclamado en su nombre, y como no tuvieron que sacudirse el polvo de los pies en ninguna parte. Bien se merecían un descanso! A nosotros tampoco nos vendría mal, cuando nos juntamos alrededor de Jesús como los apóstoles en el Evangelio de hoy, que nos tomáramos un descanso, para que el Señor pueda escuchar lo que hemos hecho en su nombre nuestros éxitos, nuestras decepciones, nuestra necesidad de escaparnos un rato con él para que nos fortalezca para seguir trabajando en el nombre de Dios. Ya que nosotros los bautizados no somos sólo el rebaño de Cristo; por el agua y el Espíritu hemos sido transformados en el Cuerpo mismo de Cristo, la presencia del pastor para dar vida al mundo. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co. Sunday Mass Attendance Count / Total de Misa Dominical July 11-12, :00PM 108 7:00AM 137 9:00AM :00AM 187 1:00PM 450 To get a better sense of Mass attendance we are taking an informal Mass count all year long. Estaremos tomando un conteo informal de la asistencia a Misa para tener un mejor sentido de la asistencia a lo largo del año.

5 PARISH LIFE Page 5 Annual Fr. Mike Golf Outing Tam O'Shanter Golf Course 6700 W. Howard St. - Niles, IL Saturday, August 22, 2015 Golfers needed, Male and Female $ Holes of Golf, Hot Dog & Chips, and Prizes!! For more information please call: George Cortez , John McNulty or Al Scalzitti Mass Book The 2016 Mass Intention Book is now open. We ask that there be not more than three intentions scheduled for any Sunday Mass and only one intention for a weekday Mass. Masses in 2015 are still available for your intentions also. Mass Schedule Saturday English Anticipatory Mass: 5:00PM Sunday English Masses: 9:00 & 11:00AM Missas Dominical Español: 7:00AM y 1:00PM Mon. Sat. Weekday Masses: 8:30AM Holy Day Masses: 8:30AM, l0:00am (school year) and 7:00PM (Bilingual) Excursión de Golf del Padre Mike Campo de Golfo Tam O Shanter 6700 W. Howard St. - Niles Sábado Agosto 22, 2015 Se necesitan golfistas de ambos sexos. $50.00 por 9 hoyos. Salchichas, tostaditas y varios premios. Para más información llame a George Cortez , John McNulty al , o Al Scalzitti Libro de Misa 2016 Ya está disponible el libro de intenciones de Misa para el Pedimos que no se programen más de tres intenciones para cualquier Misa los domingos y sólo una intención de Misa entre semana. También, todavía hay Misas disponibles en el Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Fr. Ricardo Castillo Spiritual Director December 26, 2015 to January 3, 2016 $3, Per Person / Double Occupancy Included: Round trip from Chicago - 3 & 4 Hotels - Private deluxe motor coach through out - Professional tour manager throughout - Buffet breakfast and dinner daily - Transfers, sightseeing & entrance fees per itinerary - Luggage handling at hotels - Daily Mass For more information & brochures contact: Best Catholic Pilgrimages BEST (2378)

6 SPIRITUAL LIFE Page 6 Monday, July 20, St. Apollinaris 8:30 AM - Irene Callahan Tuesday, July 21, St. Lawrence of Brindisi 8:30 AM - Judy Figueroa req by Norma Mateo & Family Wednesday, July 22, St. Mary Magdalene 8:30 AM - Rose Gagliano req by Phil Gagliano Thursday, July 23, St. Bridget 8:30 AM - In thanksgiving for all your prayers req by June Miller Friday, July 24, St. Sharbel Makhluf 8:30 AM - Trinidad Crespo Saturday, July 25, St. James 8:30 AM - Edwin Colon req by Norma Mateo & family 1:00 PM - Quince - Alixon Sanchez 3:00 PM - Wedding - Bianca Ramos & Luis Reyes 5:00 PM - Mary Ellen Ancona req by John & Donna Shean - Ralph, Al & Yolanda Melone req by family Sunday, July 26, th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM - All Our Faithful Departed - Parishioners of St. Bartholomew 9:00 AM - Rev. Arthur Krueger and deceased priests and sisters of St. Bartholomew - Roy Rash req by Gary Rash - George Olinger req by Shannon Zalinski 11:00 AM - Joan Seidel req by the Eucharistic Ministers - Joseph & Vincent Foy req by Murphy Family 1:00 PM - Silverio Melesio req by family - Rosa Carino de Melesio req by family - Health Intentions - Rosa Reynago req by family Wedding Banns III - Bianca Ramos & Luis Reyes READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Ex 14:21 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Jn 20:1-2, Thursday: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 Remember to Pray for all the sick, suffering, handicapped and lonely of St. Bartholomew, especially: Carmen Agosto Bryan Ayala Cindy Bialk Lillian Borrayo Bienvenido Bendicion Donald Bonnem David Brown Fr. George Cerny Francisca Chavez Patrick Collins Patrick Connors Lilia Corral Maria Corral Barbara DeLong Wilhelmina Donzella Janet Espinosa Minerva Fernandez Anne Foy Phillip Gagliano Diane Gazda James Gazda Ed Johns Pat Johns Barry E. Johnson Marge Jones Ellen Kelly Gerard Kurek Lorraine Kurek Florence Kuss Joe Lajb Fr. Tom Lamping Rosa Lara Adeline Lewanski Consuelo Lopez Irene Maldonado Henry Marchionne Mary Marinoff Cleto Martinez Helmut Mayer John McNulty Sheila McNulty Alejandro Mendoza June Miller Jean Morris Pat Noonan Estrella Odulia Joseph Parisi Ruthe Perri Jeremy Poblete Greg Potrafka Laura Pyrzynski Tony Rivera Therese Roberts Lorenza Rodriguez Lupita Rodriguez Angelica Rosalanda Luis Saltos Louis Samartino Mary Santiago Donna Schommer Mike Shapiro Jean Spisak Carmen Torres Christ Trost Edita Tolentino Rich Van Durme Rachel Weber Catherine Wolek Eric Wood Maria Luisa Wyskiel Mary Zgonina Ed Ziecina Rest in Peace... Irene Callahan Please pray for all the deceased members of our parish. Remember to Pray for the protection & safety of all our family and friends serving in the Armed Forces. Eric Baksin Hector Chahin Paul Cruz Rev. Chris Doering Robert Douglas Francisco Figueroa Jonathan Figueroa Antonio Flores America Galicia Christian Garicia Fernando Guzman Valerie Hague Rosalinda Jaime Jason Jantke James Jorgensen Tre La Diego Medina Lillian Morales Ivon Perez Jorge Perez De Jesus Kirk Perisin Mike Pretto Karla Rosas Jessica Salgado Andres Saltos Mirian Sarabia Scott Storr Anthony Urankar Marco Watkins Christopher Ryan Whiteman Andrew Wiener Zachary Wiener Emanuel Zambrano Matthew Zwolinski MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Turn a good marriage into a great marriage. Rediscover the spark that was there on your wedding day. Marriage Encounter Weekends have fostered growth in the married life of thousands of couples. How about your marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends for the Chicago/ Northwest Indiana area is August 7-9, 2015, at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at or contact us through For information in Spanish contact Javier y Gaby Vargas (630), or Gerardo y Adriana Vargas (708)

7 HUMAN CONCERNS Page 7 The Summer BLOOD DRIVE is Sunday, August 2nd, 9AM-3PM. The BLOOD DRIVE will take place in Krueger Hall. Blood is always in short supply and only you can do something about it. Please be generous and join us on August 2nd as we give the GIFT OF LIFE to someone. La donación de sangre del verano será el domingo, 2 de agosto de 9AM-3PM. La donación de sangre ocurrirá en Krueger Hall. Se necesita sangre para salvar vidas y usted puede ayudar. Por favor sea generoso y acompáñenos el 2 de agosto ha dar el REGALO DE LA VIDA. HOMEBOUND? ILL? RECOVERING FROM A HOSPITAL STAY? THEN THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU!! There are people waiting to bring you Communion - - we just need to know you want us to come. Please call the rectory or drop a note (attention Ministers of Care) with your name, address, and phone number. We ll get back to you as soon as possible. Spanish Ministers of Care are available, as well as English speaking ministers. For more information call: Rectory Office for English Jennifer Martinez for Spanish SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Reconciliation : 4:00 to 5:00 PM every Saturday. Baptism: During pregnancy or after birth, parents are expected to attend a Baptismal Preparation meeting held on the first Sunday of the month at 12:30PM. Baptisms are celebrated on the fourth Sunday of every month at 2:30PM. For information and registration for class and Baptism times, please telephone the rectory Marriage: For pre-marriage preparation and to assure the wedding date you prefer, please call the Rectory at least six months in advance before confirming a reception hall. Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for Adults: Please call the rectory for an appointment. Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for children: Please call the Coordinator of Religious Education. All children should be enrolled in R.E. 1st - 8th grades. Communion to the homebound: Please call the parish office with information about those who are shut-ins or sick so that visits may be made. In an emergency situation, please call immediately at any hour. Anointing of the Sick and Funerals: Please call the rectory if your family member is sick and needs the Anointing of the Sick, or when a family member dies, so that the parish priests may minister to your needs and assist you in planning the Funeral Liturgy. This includes the Wake Service, the Eucharistic Liturgy and the final commitment at the Cemetery. Devotional Opportunities Every Tuesday, the Rosary is recited and prayers are prayed for World Peace at 6:00PM in the Rectory. All parishioners and friends are invited to join us. All are invited every Tuesday morning to the Novena of Our Lady of Fatima after the 8:30AM Mass. All are invited to the 48 Hour Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday, 9:00AM until Saturday, 8:00AM in the Mater Dei Chapel. PREPARACION SACRAMENTAL Reconciliación: Cada Sabado a las 4:00PM. Bautismos: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse y señalar la fecha de la clase de preparación y la fecha de Bautizo. Siempre celebramos el Bautismo el segundo domingo de cada mes, a las 2:30PM inmediatamente después de la Misa de la 1:00PM. La clase de preparación se lleva a cabo el primer sábado de cada mes a las 3:00 de la tarde, para padres y padrinos en la Rectoría. No traer niños, por favor. Los padrinos deben ser mayores de 16 años, católicos y haber recibido los sacramentos del bautizo, confesión, comunión y confirmación. Aquellos que viven en unión libre NO pueden ser padrinos. Matrimonios, Quinceañeras: Llamar a la Rectoría y preguntar por el Padre Castillo seis meses antes de la ceremonia y antes de contratar restaurante, debe reservar la fecha en la parroquia. Comunión, Confirmación o Conversión para Adultos: Llamar a la Rectoría. Comunión, Reconciliación o Confirmación para Niños: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse en las clases de Educación Religiosa. Todos los niños deben asistir a clases desde el primer grado hasta el octavo grado. Entierros: Llamar a la Rectoría. Presentación: Se realizará el primer domingo de cada mes, cuando el niño cumpla los cuarenta días o tres años de edad Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse una semana antes.

8 School Summer Office Hours Registering your child for the school year is easy Our summer office hours are Monday to Thursday from 9:00AM - 12:00PM. We can also accommodate your visit at your convenience; just call ahead at Bilingual assistance is available. CATHOLIC EDUCATION Page 8 Religious Education Classes Registration for the 2015/16 Religious Education Classes is now open. New and Returning families may register on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays between 9:00AM and 3:00PM. If you have any questions please call Maria Arrez, ext THANK YOU to all who supported St. Bartholomew School by purchasing Market Day products during the last 27 years. Your support is greatly appreciated. Market Day has recently been acquired and no longer exists as a fundraising grocery sale company. St. Bartholomew School Board Help St. Bartholomew School by collecting and saving General Mills Box Tops. Boxtops for Education are found on many products. Clip your Campbell Soup Label UPC s (or provide entire label). Both Box Tops and Campbell Soup Labels can be dropped off at the school office or the Rectory. Horas De Oficina En Verano Registrar a su hijo para el año escolar es fácil Nuestras horas de oficina para el verano son de lunes a jueves entre las 9:00-12:00PM. Si es más conveniente para usted visitar a otra hora, simplemente llámenos al Asistencia bilingüe esta disponible. Clases de Educación Religiosa El registro para las clases de educación religiosa del está ahora abierto. Familias pueden inscribirse los lunes, miércoles, jueves y viernes entre 9:00AM y 3:00PM. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta llame Maria Arrez, ext Resurrection Arts and Craft Fair Applications Available Applications are available for crafters who are interested in participating in the Resurrection College Prep High School Arts & Craft Fair on Saturday, November 14, The annual event will be held from 10 am to 4 pm at 7500 W. Talcott Avenue. Each year, more than 2,000 patrons visit the fair to explore the wide variety of handcrafted items at over 180 craft displays. Spaces for professional company vendors are sold out. The application for crafters is available on the Resurrection website at or by contacting Carol Marchetti at Ext 112 or MANNA CERTIFICATES Don t pay with cash / Pay with Manna gift certificates and earn 2-5% for every gift card at No extra cost to you. Over 100 vendors available such as Jewel, Walgreens, Macy s, Kohl s, Kmart, Best Buy, Target, Shell, BP and many more of your favorites. For your convenience during the summer months certificates are available for purchase at the rectory office from 10AM-3PM, or drop off your order & payment, we will call when your order is ready for pick-up. S A T U R D A Y SEPTEMBER 5, :00 AM 4:00 PM Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Des Plaines, IL Keynote speakers in English, Spanish and Polish For more information visit or contact Amanda Thompson at or

9 STEWARDSHIP Page 9 PARISH SUPPORT OFFERTORY COLLECTION July 11-12, :00pm Envelopes... $ :00am Envelopes... $ Loose... $ Loose... $ :00am Envelopes... $ :00pm Envelopes... $ Loose... $ Loose... $ :00am Envelopes... $ Mail In Envelopes... $ Loose... $ Loose... $3.00 All Masses... $4, GiveCentral... $ TOTAL... $5, BUDGETED GOAL... $6, Difference...($833.57) Budgeted Goal to Date... $12, Actual to Date... $10, Difference... ($1,724.08) Thank you for your stewardship! Special thanks to those who used collection envelopes and to those who recently increased their weekly Offertory Collection contribution. If you did not remember to bring your collection envelope today, please use the envelope available from the usher. Welcome New Parishioners! Please register at the Rectory as soon as possible. You may register either in person or by phone ( ) Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM. Welcome Visitors! We welcome you to our Parish Family. We hope that you will worship with us weekly. Please remember St. Bartholomew when planning your will. Thank you for your continued support! Participate in Electronic Giving.. was created with input from Parishes in Chicago as a customized online giving program. is a secure online system where Parishioners can create individual giving profiles with payment options ranging from direct debit (ACH) to credit cards. Benefits For You: Increased options and accessibility for giving - Review your giving history in real time 24/7 Keep your gifts secure Benefits For Your Parish: Saves money on envelopes and postage - Helps predict cash flow for budgeting Cost-effective solution for online payments - Better Collection of payment history for tax purpose How to get set-up: 1. Go to and create your own giving profile. Select how & when you will make your contribution. OR 2. Contact Rose Rutherford in the Parish Office,

10 ST. BARTHOLOMEW PARISH STAFF Rev. Ricardo Castillo, Pastor Rev. George Cerny, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Thomas E. Lamping, Associate Pastor Rev. Hippolytus Njoku, Resident Rev. Mr. Faustino Santiago, Deacon Mr. Charles A. Kessell, Music Director Mr. James Phillips, Director of Buildings & Grounds Mrs. Wanda Fleming, Athletic Director Mrs. Rose Rutherford, Parish Manager Mr. Joseph Angelastri, Finance Council Chairman Ms Joan Billingham, Parish Pastoral Council Mrs. Susana Ortega, School Board PARISH OFFICE AND RECTORY 4949 W. Patterson Telephone: FAX: PARISH SCHOOL OFFICE 4941 W. Patterson Telephone: FAX: Mr. Martin Graham-McHugh, Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 4941 W. Patterson Telephone: FAX: Mrs. Maria Arrez, Coordinator of Religious Education St. Bartholomew Website Addresses St. Bartholomew Church 4949 W. Patterson Chicago, IL After you read the bulletin, fold, stamp and mail it to a friend! Share good news! Visit Our Website:

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What is family health history?

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As the 2013-14 school year comes to a close, Camden City School District is excited to get summer programming underway!

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

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Spanish Version provided Below

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ÁMBITO DE COMUNICACIÓN Lengua extranjera: Inglés


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Lista 1. Nombre. Lista 5. Lista 4 Lista 3 Lista 2. Lista 1. Lista 10. Lista 9. Lista 8. Lista 7. Lista 6

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programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia.

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Please join us in circle. Please put on a nametag. Por favor, únete a nosotros en ronda. Ponte una etiqueta con su nombre.

Please join us in circle. Please put on a nametag. Por favor, únete a nosotros en ronda. Ponte una etiqueta con su nombre. Welcome! Bienvenido! Please join us in circle. Please put on a nametag. Por favor, únete a nosotros en ronda. Ponte una etiqueta con su nombre. Questions for You to Think About Preguntas para que pienses

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Monday 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday Saint Anthony,

Monday 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday Saint Anthony, Vengan a ver Monday 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday Saint Anthony, Abbot 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Ps 144:1b,

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Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59

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Learning Masters. Early: Food From Plants

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3. De dónde eres? 7. Cuál es tu teléfono? 8. Cómo se escribe...? 9. Cuál es tu correo electrónico? 10. Quién es la muchacha?

3. De dónde eres? 7. Cuál es tu teléfono? 8. Cómo se escribe...? 9. Cuál es tu correo electrónico? 10. Quién es la muchacha? 1 Página Nombre: Bloque: Fecha: ESPAÑOL BÁSICO REPASO DE CAPÍTULO 1 I. Overview. The following topics will be covered on the test: Greetings/Goodbyes Introductions (yourself, someone else) Saying where

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Si tiene cualquier pregunta llame a su trabajadora de CCAP al número de teléfono indicado abajo. Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program

Si tiene cualquier pregunta llame a su trabajadora de CCAP al número de teléfono indicado abajo. Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program Child Care Assistance Program Búsqueda de Trabajo Usted ha pedido cuidado para sus niños mientras busca trabajo a través del programa de CCAP. Este programa ofrece un total de 30 días mientras busca trabajo.

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FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% 1 2 3 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos. (4-5 min en total) Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar un tema determinado

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Living in America Teacher Resource Series Lesson Script for Navigating the Community. Navegando en la Comunidad / Navigating the Community

Living in America Teacher Resource Series Lesson Script for Navigating the Community. Navegando en la Comunidad / Navigating the Community Living in America Teacher Resource Series Lesson Script for Navigating the Community Note: This Lesson Script is for teacher use only. It is not intended for students because it contains the answers to

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Spanish 3V: Winter 2014

Spanish 3V: Winter 2014 Spanish 3V: Winter 2014 Elementary Spanish 3 in online format: Robert Blake,; Rebecca Conley, Description: Spanish 3V is the second of

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Living in America Teacher Resource Series Lesson Script. Lección A: Habilidades Telefónicas / Lesson A: Telephone Skills

Living in America Teacher Resource Series Lesson Script. Lección A: Habilidades Telefónicas / Lesson A: Telephone Skills Living in America Teacher Resource Series Lesson Script Uso del Teléfono / Using the Phone Lección A: Habilidades Telefónicas / Lesson A: Telephone Skills En la lección A, practicarás el uso del teléfono

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Voter Information Guide and Sample Ballot

Voter Information Guide and Sample Ballot Voter Information Guide and Sample Ballot Special Election San Bernardino Mountains Community Hospital District Tuesday, June 4, 2013 Elections Office of the Registrar of Voters 777 East Rialto Ave. San

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