Língua Estrangeira Inglês

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1 Língua Estrangeira Inglês QUESTÕES de 01 a 06 LEIA CUIDADOSAMENTE O ENUNCIADO DE CADA QUESTÃO, FORMULE SUAS RESPOSTAS COM OBJETIVIDADE E CORREÇÃO DE LINGUAGEM E, EM SEGUIDA, TRANSCREVA COMPLETAMENTE CADA UMA NA FOLHA DE RESPOSTAS. INSTRUÇÕES: Responda às questões, em PORTUGUÊS, com caneta de tinta AZUL ou PRETA, de forma clara e legível. Entretanto, haverá uma questão envolvendo construção e/ou transformação de frases em inglês. Caso utilize letra de imprensa, destaque as iniciais maiúsculas. O rascunho deve ser feito no espaço reservado junto das questões. Na Folha de Respostas, identifique o número das questões e utilize APENAS o espaço correspondente a cada uma. Será atribuída pontuação ZERO à questão cuja resposta não se atenha à situação apresentada ou ao tema proposto; esteja escrita a lápis, ainda que parcialmente; apresente texto incompreensível ou letra ilegível. Será ANULADA a prova que NÃO SEJA RESPONDIDA NA RESPECTIVA FOLHA DE RESPOSTAS; ESTEJA ASSINADA FORA DO LOCAL APROPRIADO; POSSIBILITE A IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO CANDIDATO. QUESTÕES de 01 a 05 THE HYPERCONNECTED We re addicted to data, and new inventions like Twitter and the iphone will make it worse.the service called Twitter enables you to broadcast to the world at large, via the Web or phone or instant message, very 5 small pieces of personal information:what you re doing, what you re going to do, what you have just done, and so on. Twitter creates a unit of content even smaller and more trivial than the individual entry. Internet addiction is an old story, a new kind of 10 problem that might be called an addiction to data, in all its many and splendid forms. A case in point: I take the subway to and from work, and shortly before I get home, my train emerges from underground, back into the world of sunlight and cell-phone reception. As it does, all the people on the train perform the same gesture in unison. 15 We dip into our bags, briefcases, purses and pockets for whatever mobile digital device we carry. This is the behavior not of enlightened digital consumers but of addicts caught in an epidemic. UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 6

2 But we need a broader term like data addiction to explain the strong desire for digital stimulation that contemporary technology is creating in us. When it s not coming 20 in through my eyes, digital information is taking over my ears via my ipod Mini. It hardly needs to be said that this problem doesn t damage lives with the ferocity of alcohol or narcotics, but we have yet to take data seriously as a controlled substance. Here are three reasons the problem of data addiction is about to get much worse. One, mobile devices are getting better. The iphone will be sold very soon, and 25 the new category of ultramini PCs is threatening to make computers as portable as cell phones. Two, wi-fi is becoming present everywhere. Dozens of cities and towns in the United States already have it. Within 10 years, most of urban and suburban America will be offering in free wi-fi service. Airlines are expected to fire up in-flight wi-fi in the next 12 months. And three, Internet CEOs have become obsessed with making 30 cell-phone versions of everything we used to get on our desk-tops. You can already get Google and YouTube and Citybank on your phone. Now that you can Twitter from your phone, there s no longer any reason to lookup at the world around you. Services like Twitter don t answer existing needs; they create new ones. They create a sense that our loved ones are electronically present to us, however far away 35 they may be. But I can t help wondering if we re underestimating the counterbalance effect: the cost we re paying in our disconnection from our immediate surroundings, in our dependence on a continuous flow of electronic attention to support our egos and, above all, in a rising inability to be alone with our own thoughts with that priceless stream of analog data that comes not from without but from within. GROSSMAN, Lev. The Hyperconnected. Time, Amsterdam, v. 168, n. 16, April 16, p Adaptado. addicted (l. 1) viciados. data (l. 1) dados. dip (l. 15) mergulhamos. device (l. 15) dispositivos, recursos. wi-fi (wirelesess fidelity) (l. 26) fidelidade sem fio. CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) (l. 29) executivos. wondering (l. 35) imaginando. stream (l. 39) corrente, fluxo. Questão 01 (Valor: 20 pontos) Explain how the author, Lev Grossmann, defines the term data addiction (l. 18) and give his opinion about at least two of the effects of being hyperconnected. Questão 02 (Valor: 15 pontos) Summarize the three reasons given by the author that will contribute to aggravating the problem of data addiction. UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 7

3 Questão 03 (Valor: 15 pontos) [...] what you re doing, what you re going to do, what you have just done, and so on. (l. 5-7) Identify the verb tenses used in this sentence and explain what kind of actions they describe. Questão 04 (Valor: 10 pontos) Write the words or expressions that correctly complete the following sentences. The singular form of people (l. 14) is... The word that (l. 19) in the text refers to the expression... The adjectives worse (l. 24) and better (l. 24) in the superlative become......and... Questão 05 (Valor: 20 pontos) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions below. Make all the necessary changes. [...] digital information is taking over my ears via my ipod Mini. (l. 20) In the Present Perfect:... Dozens of cities and towns in the United States already have it. (l ) In the negative form: UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 8

4 Airlines are expected to fire up in-flight wi-fi in the next 12 months. (l ) In the active voice:... Services like Twitter don t answer existing needs; they create new ones. (l. 33) In the singular:... Questão 06 (Valor: 20 pontos) HEALTHY HINTS TO AVOID TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION We live in a fast-paced, high-tech world. Technology is relatively cheap, and easily replaceable. Use the available tools, but be cautious about becoming addicted to them. The effects can be as destructive as drugs. Use the hints below to use technology effectively, and make your relationships high-value and indispensable. It is 5 worth the effort. Turn your cell-phones off. Consciously stop prior to entering a meeting with others and turn the power off not vibrate, totally off. Focus on the people in your presence. They are more important than anything else right now. By your actions, show them that you are totally present, 10 physically and mentally. Check your messages later, in your own space, away from interpersonal interactions. Reply to voice or text messages as soon as possible, in a professional, respectful manner. Do you know people who are techno-junkies? Help them as follows: 15 Ask them politely to turn their phone off when entering a meeting or discussion. Assure them that you value their abilities, knowledge, creativity, and co-operation. Acknowledge them for their attention and presence. Thank them for their dedication and time. THE PEOPLE S media company. Disponível em < Acesso em: 27 jun hints (título) dicas, pistas. tools (l. 2) ferramentas. Mention two of the hints suggested to avoid technology addiction and two others to help techno-junkies. UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 9

5 Língua Estrangeira Francês QUESTÕES de 01 a 06 LEIA CUIDADOSAMENTE O ENUNCIADO DE CADA QUESTÃO, FORMULE SUAS RESPOSTAS COM OBJETIVIDADE E CORREÇÃO DE LINGUAGEM E, EM SEGUIDA, TRANSCREVA COMPLETAMENTE CADA UMA NA FOLHA DE RESPOSTAS. INSTRUÇÕES: Responda às questões, em PORTUGUÊS, com caneta de tinta AZUL ou PRETA, de forma clara e legível. Entretanto, haverá uma questão envolvendo construção e/ou transformação de frases em francês. Caso utilize letra de imprensa, destaque as iniciais maiúsculas. O rascunho deve ser feito no espaço reservado junto das questões. Na Folha de Respostas, identifique o número das questões e utilize APENAS o espaço correspondente a cada uma. Será atribuída pontuação ZERO à questão cuja resposta não se atenha à situação apresentada ou ao tema proposto; esteja escrita a lápis, ainda que parcialmente; apresente texto incompreensível ou letra ilegível. Será ANULADA a prova que NÃO SEJA RESPONDIDA NA RESPECTIVA FOLHA DE RESPOSTAS; ESTEJA ASSINADA FORA DO LOCAL APROPRIADO; POSSIBILITE A IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO CANDIDATO. QUESTÕES de 01 a 03 Le dernier quart du XX e siècle est souvent présenté comme celui d un bouleversement de la famille. De fait, si la famille nucléaire, caractérisée par le 5 mariage et une forte asymétrie des rôles sexués, a connu un âge d or au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, on parle plus volontiers aujourd hui d une diversité de configurations familiales. Familles 10 recomposées, familles monoparentales, homoparentales, vie en solo, à deux, ou encore fait de vivre en couple chacun chez soi traduction littérale de l expression anglaise désormais bien connue leaving-apart-together sont des 15 situations qui ont gagné du terrain depuis les années Le mariage institution a cédé sa place à une plus grande diversité de formes de vie privée. Plus de vingt UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 10

6 millions de Français disent vivre en couple au début du XXI e siècle, ils ne sont pas tous mariés pour autant. En réalité, ce sont surtout les normes qui encadrent la famille qui ont changé de 20 statut. Le mariage, qui représentait encore après la Seconde Guerre mondiale un rite de passage permettant à la fois l accès à la famille, à la sexualité surtout pour les femmes et à l âge adulte, n est plus l horizon de toute vie privée. Des années 1970 à 1993, les chiffres du mariage s écroulent progressivement, puis remontent en l an 2000 pour se stabiliser aujourd hui autour de Ce maintien doit beaucoup 25 à l augmentation des mariages mixtes et d étrangers qui représentent aujourd hui près de 20% des mariages, contre à peine plus de 10% au milieu des années Le changement du statut du mariage dans les trajectoires individuelles apparait également dans le fait qu il soit choisi de plus en plus tard par les partenaires. L âge moyen des nouveaux époux, dans le cadre d une première union, a considérablement 30 reculé. Il était respectivement de 24,5 ans pour les hommes et 22,5 ans pour les femmes au milieu des années Il avoisine aujourd hui les 32 ans pour les premiers et 30 ans pour les secondes. [...] L évolution du divorce est également significative. Il a connu un essor sans précédent en une trentaine d années. Tandis qu environ divorces étaient 35 prononcés par an au début des années 1960, la barre des a été franchie en [...] Le mariage a également considérablement changé au regard de son rôle de fondateur de la famille. Stigmatisées au début des années 1970, alors qu elles représentaient environ 6% du nombre total de naissances, les naissances hors mariage 40 qualifiées alors d illégitimes sont aujourd hui en passe de devenir majoritaires. [...] Pour autant, nombreux sont les couples qui déclarent se marier en raison de la naissance d un enfant. Ainsi, le mariage est davantage devenu une question de conscience personnelle, fonction de valeurs associées au couple et à la famille. Certains optent pour l institution 45 matrimoniale par attachement à sa dimension symbolique, d autres pour des motifs strictement juridiques ou fiscaux. Ceux qui se maintiennent à l écart du mariage n en voient pas l intérêt ou le considèrent comme un cadre institutionnel qui pourrait nuire à l authenticité de leur relation. RAULT, Wilfried. Vivons en couple, mais ne nous marions pas. Le français dans le monde, Paris, n. 351, mai-juin p bouleversement (l. 3) transtorno, reviravolta. rôles (l. 5) papéis. chiffres (l. 23) algarismos, cifras. maintien (l. 24) estabilidade. essor (l. 33) impulso, aumento. en passe de (l. 40) a ponto de. nuire (l. 47) prejudicar. UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 11

7 Questão 01 (Valor: 20 pontos) D après le texte a) Expliquez ce qui caractérise le bouleversement de la famille dont parle l auteur dans le premier paragraphe.... b) Citez les changements subis par le mariage concernant: l âge moyen des couples;... le divorce;... les enfants illégitimes. Questão 02 (Valor: 15 pontos) Faites les transformations indiquées: a) Récrivez la phrase ci-dessous à la forme négative, en remplaçant Après la Seconde Guerre par Actuellement: Après la Seconde Guerre, le mariage représentait encore un rite de passage... b) Faites une question dont la réponse soit l expression en évidence dans la phrase ci-dessous: Le changement du statut du mariage apparait dans les trajectoires individuelles. c) Récrivez, au singulier, la phrase suivante: Ceux qui se maintiennent à l écart du mariage le considèrent un cadre institutionnel qui pourrait nuire à l authenticité de leur relation.... UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 12

8 Questão 03 (Valor: 20 pontos) Écrivez ce qui est indiqué à gauche des expression transcrites: QUESTÕES 04 e 05 Si le nombre de mariages célébrés chaque année en France semble à peu près stable depuis 2002 (entre et ), le budget moyen consacré aux réjouissances ne cesse, lui, d augmenter. Il avoisinerait aujourd hui les euros pour en moyenne 80 invités, selon différentes études commandées par les 5 organisateurs des salons du mariage qui fleurissent chaque automne à Paris. Même si certaines traditions subsistent, la cérémonie et la fête ont considérablement évolué ces trente dernières années. On se marie de plus en plus tard, rarement par conviction religieuse, encore plus rarement par convenance. Le mariage répond désormais à d autres motivations: l envie de célébrer son couple, de proclamer devant témoins 10 son amour, de faire une fête mémorable... D où l attention grandissante portée à chaque détail. Le mariage est devenu affaire de préparatifs. Les futurs époux y consacrent en moyenne huit mois, façonnant l ancien sacrement en sacre de l amour parfait. [...] MILLOT, Ondine. Le parcours du combattant. Le français dans le monde, Paris, n. 351, mai-juin p. 42. parcours (título) percurso. budget (l. 2) orçamento. réjouissances (l. 3) festejos. avoisinerait (l. 3) chegaria perto de, estaria próximo de. UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 13

9 Questão 04 (Valor: 15 pontos) Écrivez à quoi se réfèrent les expressions: a) (entre et ) (l. 2). b) euros (l. 3). c) en moyenne 80 (l. 4). Questão 05 (Valor: 20 pontos) D après le texte, a) Qu est-ce qui prospère, tous les automnes, à Paris? b) Quel est le sens que l auteur attribue ao mot combattant?.. UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 14

10 Questão 06 (Valor: 10 pontos) I II La solennité des mariages de jadis soulignait le caractère définitif de l union. Aujourd hui on bouscule la tradition, on adapte la cérémonie à la trajectoire personnelle du couple. jadis (I) antigamente. bouscule (II) atropela, revira. Observez les photos et leur légende et montrez les différences essentielles entre ces deux mariages. * * * UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 15

11 Língua Estrangeira Espanhol QUESTÕES de 01 a 06 LEIA CUIDADOSAMENTE O ENUNCIADO DE CADA QUESTÃO, FORMULE SUAS RESPOSTAS COM OBJETIVIDADE E CORREÇÃO DE LINGUAGEM E, EM SEGUIDA, TRANSCREVA COMPLETAMENTE CADA UMA NA FOLHA DE RESPOSTAS. INSTRUÇÕES: Responda às questões, em PORTUGUÊS, com caneta de tinta AZUL ou PRETA, de forma clara e legível. Entretanto, haverá uma questão envolvendo construção e/ou transformação de frases em espanhol. Caso utilize letra de imprensa, destaque as iniciais maiúsculas. O rascunho deve ser feito no espaço reservado junto das questões. Na Folha de Respostas, identifique o número das questões e utilize APENAS o espaço correspondente a cada uma. Será atribuída pontuação ZERO à questão cuja resposta não se atenha à situação apresentada ou ao tema proposto; esteja escrita a lápis, ainda que parcialmente; apresente texto incompreensível ou letra ilegível. Será ANULADA a prova que NÃO SEJA RESPONDIDA NA RESPECTIVA FOLHA DE RESPOSTAS; ESTEJA ASSINADA FORA DO LOCAL APROPRIADO; POSSIBILITE A IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO CANDIDATO. QUESTÕES de 01 a 03 Texto I LO QUE DURA EL AMOR Enamorarse es el primer paso en la formación de pareja en humanos y, recientemente, punto de mira de la investigación neurocientífica. Las grandes pasiones son enfermedades incurables, decía Goethe. Pérdida de sueño y apetito, hiperactividad, son algunos de los síntomas que sufren los 5 enamorados. La química del amor está mediada por una serie de sustancias que nos hacen sucumbir a la pasión amorosa. Sin restar méritos al romanticismo, se han identificado una serie de sustancias químicas hormonas y neurotransmisores que están implicadas en la pasión amorosa e, incluso, se puede realizar una matriz con las variadas manifestaciones y 10 etapas del amor y su relación con estas sustancias. Curiosamente, los hombres parecen ser más susceptibles a la acción de esta química; ellos se enamoran más rápida y fácilmente que las mujeres. La antropóloga Helen Fisher identifica en el cerebro humano los tres UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 16

12 aspectos del amor: deseo, atracción y unión. El deseo es producto de la 15 testosterona, que es la causante del impulso inicial que nos hace buscar pareja. Luego viene la atracción, el enamoramiento, que se atribuye en parte a los bajos niveles de serotonina y a la dopamina, un neurotransmisor cerebral que se relaciona con la sensación de bienestar. Cuando el amor se consolida, el vínculo y la atracción que evolucionan hacia una relación calmada, duradera y segura tienen que ver con 20 la oxitocina y la vasopresina. La antropóloga define el enamoramiento como una cumbre química que suele terminar en un año aproximadamente, probablemente porque el cerebro produce menos sustancias o porque los receptores se adormecen. El amor se deteriora y evoluciona y este avance es lo que nos permite establecer distinciones entre varias 25 parejas potenciales o conservar la energía de apareamiento y enfocarla sólo en una pareja. Para el momento en que esta energía ha engendrado un hijo, el cerebro ya ha pasado a la siguiente fase, la unión, un estado caracterizado por sentimientos de seguridad, comodidad y unión espiritual con una pareja estable. La unión es el sentimiento más duradero, mucho más que el deseo o el enamoramiento, pero también 30 puede menguar o quedar relegado por otros sentimientos. El índice de divorcios crece mucho, según la mujer es más independiente económicamente, pero ese patrón no cambia. El animal humano quizá fue creado para tener una serie de relaciones sucesivas, aunque no todos se separan. Parece que tenemos muchos modelos reproductivos diferentes. El cerebro es un órgano muy 35 flexible, y diferentes personas manejan esos sistemas cerebrales de forma distinta; unas forman un matrimonio para siempre y otras sienten gran cariño por su pareja, pero al tiempo pueden enamorarse de otro. El amor, probablemente la emoción más deseada y a la que han prestado más atención poetas y cantantes, quizás no sea sólo cuestión de física y química como creía Severo Ochoa... Es difícil saber hasta 40 que punto nuestras hormonas y neurotransmisores son los responsables de esta emoción. ROMANILLOS, Teresa. Lo que dura el amor. Consumer, Madrid, 16 fev Disponível em: < Acesso em: 1 out Questão 01 (Valor: 20 pontos) Las grandes pasiones son enfermedades incurables (l. 1-2) Teniendo en cuenta lo que se dice en el texto, indique dos aspectos que se oponen a la afirmación de Goethe. UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 17

13 Questão 02 (Valor: 20 pontos) Diga en qué se basa la antropóloga Helen Fisher para definir el enamoramiento como una cumbre química. Questão 03 (Valor: 15 pontos) Analice las frases que siguen e indique la función sintáctica de las expresiones destacadas en negrita. La química del amor está mediada por una serie de sustancias (l. 5-6)... [ ] identifica en el cerebro humano los tres aspectos del amor (l )... El amor se deteriora y evoluciona [ ] (l )... UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 18

14 QUESTÕES 04 e 05 Texto II Cuando uno se enamora las cuadrillas del tiempo hacen escala en el olvido la desdicha se llena de milagros el miedo se convierte en osadía 5 y la muerte no sale de su cueva enamorarse es un presagio gratis una ventana abierta al árbol nuevo una proeza de los sentimientos una bonanza casi insoportable 10 y un ejercicio contra el infortunio por el contrario desenamorarse es ver el cuerpo como es y no como la otra mirada lo inventaba es regresar más pobre al viejo enigma 15 y dar con la tristeza en el espejo ENAMORARSE Y NO BENEDETTI, M. Enamorarse y no. Disponível em: < 20Y%20NO>. Acesso em: 1 out Questão 04 (Valor: 20 pontos) De acuerdo con el poema, se establece una diferencia fundamental entre la persona que se enamora y la que se desenamora. Exponga, con sus propias palabras, qué diferencias son estas. UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 19

15 Questão 05 (Valor: 15 pontos) Reescriba los versos que siguen de acuerdo con lo que se pide y haga, para ello, los cambios necesarios. Sustituya el vocablo uno por dos personas. Cuando uno se enamora las cuadrillas / del tiempo hacen escala en el olvido (v. 1-2)... Sustituya el sintagma el cuerpo por los cuerpos. es ver el cuerpo como es y no / como la otra mirada lo inventaba (v )... Questão 06 (Valor: 10 pontos) Hay quien ha venido al mundo para enamorarse de una sola mujer y, consecuentemente, no es probable que tropiece con ella. Ortega y Gasset ORTEGA y GASSET, José. Disponível em: < Acesso em: 1 out El texto I y el pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset presentan ideas contradictorias. Justifique con sus propias palabras esa afirmación. * * * UFBA / UFRB a Fase Língua Estrangeira 20

Língua Estrangeira Espanhol QUESTÕES de 01 a 06 INSTRUÇÕES: QUESTÕES de 01 a 03. Texto I LO QUE DURA EL AMOR


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Agustiniano Ciudad Salitre School Computer Science Support Guide - 2015 Second grade First term Agustiniano Ciudad Salitre School Computer Science Support Guide - 2015 Second grade First term UNIDAD TEMATICA: INTERFAZ DE WINDOWS LOGRO: Reconoce la interfaz de Windows para ubicar y acceder a los programas,

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Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons

Synergy Spanish Solutions. Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Synergy Spanish Solutions Día de San Valentín Audio Lessons Created by Marcus Santamaria Edited by Elena Chagoya & Claire Boland Copyright 2014 Marcus Santamaria All Rights reserved. No part of this publication

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Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples:

Might. Área Lectura y Escritura. In order to understand the use of the modal verb might we will check some examples: Might Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje Conocer el uso del verbo modal might. Aplicar el verbo modal might en ejercicios de escritura. Contenidos 1. Verbo modal might. Debo saber - Verbos

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Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion

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Daly Elementary. Family Back to School Questionnaire

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EL ESTILO INDIRECTO (REPORTED SPEECH) EL ESTILO INDIRECTO () **El estilo indirecto es la forma de reproducir en tercera persona lo que alguien ha dicho textualmente. I m tired she said. She said that she was tired. Como se observa en el ejemplo

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then,

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Creating your Single Sign-On Account for the PowerSchool Parent Portal

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Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense.

Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense. Below you will find the National Radio PSA Scripts. To listen to the radio spots, please go to: http://online.unitedway.org/bornlearning Born Learning Radio :60 At the Beach Ocean sounds Over there? Over

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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Instructor: Do you remember how to say the verb "to speak"? Instructor: How do you ask a friend Do you speak Spanish?

Instructor: Do you remember how to say the verb to speak? Instructor: How do you ask a friend Do you speak Spanish? Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección Dos. Listen to the following conversation: Male: Hablas inglés? Female: Sí, hablo inglés porque practico todos los días. Male: Dónde? Female: Practico

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examination June 2013

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El Viaje de Dumbo. : Hillary Blair


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Specimen 2018 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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Pistas Separadas TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES Pistas Separadas POETA MUSIC PRODUCTIONS le da un control total sobre lo que se hace con la grabación original. Ahora, usted puede agregar diferentes sonidos voses teclados derivados como desee ( añada

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Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People.

Speak Up! In Spanish. Young s Language Consulting. Young's Language Consulting. Lesson 1 Meeting and Greeting People. Buenos días Good morning Buenos días Good afternoon Buenas tardes Good evening Buenas tardes Good night Buenas noches Sir Señor Ma am/mrs. Señora Miss Señorita Buenas tardes Culture Note: When greeting

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Entrevista con Álex Ferreira

Entrevista con Álex Ferreira Entrevista con Álex Ferreira Una entrevistadora de Música Hoy habló con el cantautor Álex Ferreira. Primera parte Hola Álex. Para empezar, puedes contarme un poco de tu vida? Hola. Bueno, soy dominicano.

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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TEESP: Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Planner. Title: Qué pasa con su corazón?

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TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary. An Activity in 4 Steps

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A1 Second level. Timeline. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

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INSTRUÇÕES NÃO AMASSE, NÃO DOBRE, NÃO SUJE, NÃO RASURE ESTE MATERIAL. INSTRUÇÕES Para a realização destas provas, você recebeu este Caderno de Questões e duas Folhas de Respostas. NÃO AMASSE, NÃO DOBRE, NÃO SUJE, NÃO RASURE ESTE MATERIAL. 1. Caderno de Questões Verifique

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination January 2013

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Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter

Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter Learning Masters Fluent: States of Matter What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 States of Matter Learning Masters How

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Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1

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A Member of My Community

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight

Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning Masters Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning

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Una gira. Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WORKBOOK Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 12 149

Una gira. Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WORKBOOK Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 12 149 Una gira Qué es? Identify each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 12 149 El cuerpo Identify as many parts of the body as you can in Spanish.

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Improving Rates of Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Never Screened Individuals

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Making comparisons tan como El hockey es tan popular como la natación. El hockey no es tan popular como la natación.

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Título del Proyecto: Sistema Web de gestión de facturas electrónicas.

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Art Studio. Did you know...?

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PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Print the Petition form on 8½ X 11inch paper. 2. The second page (instructions for circulator) must be copied on the reverse side of the petition Instructions to print the PDF

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GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES A parent-teacher conference is a chance for you and your child s teacher to talk. You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. This list will

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Little, Few, Less, Fewer, Least, Fewest (comparativos y superlativos de inferioridad)

Little, Few, Less, Fewer, Least, Fewest (comparativos y superlativos de inferioridad) Little, Few, Less, Fewer, (comparativos y superlativos de inferioridad) Has intentado decir un comparativo, o superlativo, en inglés sin ningún éxito a pesar de saberte las reglas gramaticales? Esto es

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TSQM (Version 1.4) Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication

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Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59

Notes for teachers: Length of podcast: 7:59 : Technology Enhanced Elementary Spanish Program Lesson Plan: # 50 Story: # 1 Level 4 Objective(s) & Progress Indicator(s): 1a: Express simple descriptions 1b: Answer simple questions 1d: Identify visual

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Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine

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Presente simple. I want a cup of tea. = now The sun rises in the east. = all time I play tennis on Sunday mornings. = habits

Presente simple. I want a cup of tea. = now The sun rises in the east. = all time I play tennis on Sunday mornings. = habits El presente simple es uno de los tiempos verbales más comunes en inglés. Se puede referir al presente (ahora), pero también se puede referir a todo el tiempo, a situaciones permanentes y hábitos. I want

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Este proyecto tiene como finalidad la creación de una aplicación para la gestión y explotación de los teléfonos de los empleados de una gran compañía.

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What is family health history?

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Los nombres originales de los territorios, sitios y accidentes geograficos de Colombia (Spanish Edition)

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Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015

Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015 June 1st - August 10th, 2015 Dear Educator, Attached you will find three flyer templates. You can use any of these templates to share your Group Number (GN) with your group participants. 1. 2. 3. The first

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

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24 THE PRESENT PERFECT He hecho 24 THE PRESENT PERFECT He hecho The Present Perfect in English is used in sentences like I've never been to Spain, or She has already finished her homework. We use the verb To Have, and the Past Participle

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statutes, etc. Costa Rica. Laws Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes

Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes We do not express likes and dislikes the same way in Spanish and English. In the English sentence, the subject is the one that likes something. In the Spanish

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Lengua adicional al español IV

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Setting Up an Apple ID for your Student

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Structuring Numbers (ST) Score out of 4

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Modal Verbs. 1. Can / Can t

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La Ley Familiar en Colombia Británica

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