Baterías militares portátiles: Problemas, Situación actual y tendencias.

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SUMMARY 1. Alcance de GRS 3 2. Necesidades actuales en el campo de Batalla 6 3. Necesidades energéticas en los soldados en el frente 8 4. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Primario. 10 5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario. 12 5.1 Pilas Recargables. 12 5.2 Celdas de combustibles. 13 6. Baterías de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 17 7. Validación tecnológica de las baterías de Flujo. 23 DISCLAIMER This Presentation has been prepared for informational purposes and is being delivered to the Recipient subject to the terms, and the prior execution, of a confidentiality agreement (the Confidentiality Agreement ). It may be used only for the purposes set forth in the Confidentiality Agreement and may not be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to any other person at any time except strictly in accordance with the terms of such Confidentiality Agreement. This Presentation does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all the information that a recipient may desire in making any decisions related. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this Presentation or any other written or oral information made available to any recipient or its advisers in connection with any further investigation of the Company and no responsibilityorliabilityis orwill beaccepted bythecompanyorbyanyof their respectiveofficers, employees or agentsin relation to it. Each of the Company officers, employees and agents expressly disclaims any and all liability which may be based on this presentation or such information, and any errors therein or omissions there from. In particular, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of future projections, management targets, estimates, prospects or returns, if any. 2

1. Grupo Gransolar GRS: Líneas de negocios. GRS DESARROLLOS I+D+i CONTRACTOS DE EPC OPERACIÓN & MANTENIMIENTO INGENIA INGENIERÍA DE DISEÑO CONTROLES DE CALIDAD CONSULTORÍA Líneasde negocioen O&M, donde GRSopera 150 MW. De manera que GRS esta integrada verticalmente por: - INGENIA Solar Energy [ISE], una especializada firma de ingeniería con laboratoriospropiosde análisisy pruebasde equiposfotovoltaicos. -PVHardware [PVH] endiseñoy fabricación, de estructurasy seguidores solares para plantas fotovoltaicas. Presenciainternacional: ESP, ITA, PORT, BUL, ZAR, US, GUAT, SALV, CHI and HOND PVHARDWARE ESTRUCTURAS PV SEGUIDORES SOLARES CONTROL DE PV 2014 ingresos: 98 MUSD Empleados: 125 3

2. Alcance de GRS: Desarrollos - Ingeniería Integración de tecnologías Las líneas de trabajo del Grupo GRS son: Integración de tecnologías de almacenamiento de baterías de flujo. Sistemas de Control avanzados (EMS,BMS). Desarrollo de nuevos equipos de electrónica de potencia. Ventajas de las soluciones del grupo GRS: Soluciones de vanguardia en tecnología solar. Estructura de colaboración flexible. Red de trabajo internacional. Rápida adaptación a los cambios. Socio tecnológico en el desarrollo de Baterías de Flujo, supercondensadores y pruebas DC-DC optimizadores: 4

SUMMARY 1. Alcance de GRS 3 2. Necesidades actuales en el campo de Batalla 6 3. Necesidades energéticas en los soldados en el frente 8 4. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Primario. 10 5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario. 12 5.1 Pilas Recargables. 12 5.2 Celdas de combustibles. 13 6. Baterías de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 17 7. Validación tecnológica de las baterías de Flujo. 23 DISCLAIMER This Presentation has been prepared for informational purposes and is being delivered to the Recipient subject to the terms, and the prior execution, of a confidentiality agreement (the Confidentiality Agreement ). It may be used only for the purposes set forth in the Confidentiality Agreement and may not be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to any other person at any time except strictly in accordance with the terms of such Confidentiality Agreement. This Presentation does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all the information that a recipient may desire in making any decisions related. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this Presentation or any other written or oral information made available to any recipient or its advisers in connection with any further investigation of the Company and no responsibilityorliabilityis orwill beaccepted bythecompanyorbyanyof their respectiveofficers, employees or agentsin relation to it. Each of the Company officers, employees and agents expressly disclaims any and all liability which may be based on this presentation or such information, and any errors therein or omissions there from. In particular, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of future projections, management targets, estimates, prospects or returns, if any. 5

1. Necesidades actuales en el campo de Batalla Problemas Requerimientos de Alta densidad de energía[wh/kg] y potencia especifica[w/kg]. Tamaños y pesos a transportar limitados < 20 kg. Tiempo de operaciones < 72 horas. Temperaturas extremas.- 40[ C] 50[ C]. Mejora de tiempo de respuesta. Ciclos de vida. Posibles alternativas. Baterías de Flujo de Vanadio. Células de combustible. Supercondensadores. Baterías Metal-Aire 6

SUMMARY 1. Alcance de GRS 3 2. Necesidades actuales en el campo de Batalla 6 3. Necesidades energéticas en los soldados en el frente 8 4. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Primario. 10 5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario. 12 5.1 Pilas Recargables. 12 5.2 Celdas de combustibles. 13 6. Baterías de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 17 7. Validación tecnológica de las baterías de Flujo. 23 DISCLAIMER This Presentation has been prepared for informational purposes and is being delivered to the Recipient subject to the terms, and the prior execution, of a confidentiality agreement (the Confidentiality Agreement ). It may be used only for the purposes set forth in the Confidentiality Agreement and may not be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to any other person at any time except strictly in accordance with the terms of such Confidentiality Agreement. This Presentation does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all the information that a recipient may desire in making any decisions related. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this Presentation or any other written or oral information made available to any recipient or its advisers in connection with any further investigation of the Company and no responsibilityorliabilityis orwill beaccepted bythecompanyorbyanyof their respectiveofficers, employees or agentsin relation to it. Each of the Company officers, employees and agents expressly disclaims any and all liability which may be based on this presentation or such information, and any errors therein or omissions there from. In particular, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of future projections, management targets, estimates, prospects or returns, if any. 7

3. Necesidades energéticas en los soldados en el frente Tipo de Soldado Característico Potenciasnominales [Wh] Potencias picos [Wp] Soldado de tierra 25 40 OICW 14/32 50-60 SINCGARS radio 5 18 OCSW 16 25 FGM-148 Javelin 40 80 Prototipo de Soldado de tierra con la AN/PAS-13 con visión térmica Prototipo de Soldado para seguimientos de objetivos específicos. SINCGARS de comunicación OCSW. Javelin arma de asalto antitanque 8

SUMMARY 1. Alcance de GRS 3 2. Necesidades actuales en el campo de Batalla 6 3. Necesidades energéticas en los soldados en el frente 8 4. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Primario. 10 5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario. 12 5.1 Pilas Recargables. 12 5.2 Celdas de combustibles. 13 6. Baterías de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 17 7. Validación tecnológica de las baterías de Flujo. 23 DISCLAIMER This Presentation has been prepared for informational purposes and is being delivered to the Recipient subject to the terms, and the prior execution, of a confidentiality agreement (the Confidentiality Agreement ). It may be used only for the purposes set forth in the Confidentiality Agreement and may not be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to any other person at any time except strictly in accordance with the terms of such Confidentiality Agreement. This Presentation does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all the information that a recipient may desire in making any decisions related. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this Presentation or any other written or oral information made available to any recipient or its advisers in connection with any further investigation of the Company and no responsibilityorliabilityis orwill beaccepted bythecompanyorbyanyof their respectiveofficers, employees or agentsin relation to it. Each of the Company officers, employees and agents expressly disclaims any and all liability which may be based on this presentation or such information, and any errors therein or omissions there from. In particular, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of future projections, management targets, estimates, prospects or returns, if any. 9

4. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Primarios: para Soldados en puestos avanzados. Baterías Primarias(metal-Aire). Características Densidad de energía [Wh/kg] Potencia Especifica [W/kg] Temperatura de Operación [ C] Lir 260 50 55-70 Lir 230 40 30-55 Znr 125 40 10-55 Pilas de Litio Bióxido de Azufre (Li- ) Características Densidad de energía [Wh/kg] Potencia Especifica [W/kg] Li- 160 40 Li 125 2 10

SUMMARY 1. Alcance de GRS 2. Necesidades actuales en el campo de Batalla 8 3. Necesidades energéticas en los soldados en el frente 11 4. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Primario. 17 5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario. 5.1 Pilas Recargables. 5.2 Celdas de combustibles. 6. Baterías Redox de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 7. Validación tecnológica de las baterías de Flujo. DISCLAIMER This Presentation has been prepared for informational purposes and is being delivered to the Recipient subject to the terms, and the prior execution, of a confidentiality agreement (the Confidentiality Agreement ). It may be used only for the purposes set forth in the Confidentiality Agreement and may not be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to any other person at any time except strictly in accordance with the terms of such Confidentiality Agreement. This Presentation does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all the information that a recipient may desire in making any decisions related. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this Presentation or any other written or oral information made available to any recipient or its advisers in connection with any further investigation of the Company and no responsibilityorliabilityis orwill beaccepted bythecompanyorbyanyof their respectiveofficers, employees or agentsin relation to it. Each of the Company officers, employees and agents expressly disclaims any and all liability which may be based on this presentation or such information, and any errors therein or omissions there from. In particular, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of future projections, management targets, estimates, prospects or returns, if any. 11

5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario 5.1 Pilas Recargables. Características Densidad de energía [Wh/kg] Potencia Especifica [W/kg] Temperatura de Operación [ C] NiCd 35 60 40-45 NiMH 50 45 20-45 Li-ion 90 40 20-55 Densidades de energía para distintas baterías recargables. 12

5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario 5.2 Celdas de Combustible: portátiles. Características Densidades de energía [Wh/kg] @ 72 h Potencia Especifica [W/kg] Dimensiones [cm] Arranque/ Parada [min] Batería de Arranque Li-ion [Wh] SOFC (Propano) 720 22 40x36x20 25/25 165 RMFC (Metanol/agua) DMFC(Metanol directo) 618 18 38x30x25 20/0 326 591 15 29x51x29 2/0 80 PrototipodeDMFC(60W) 13

5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario 5.2 Celdas de Combustible: equipadas en soldados. Características Densidades de energía [Wh/kg] @ 72 h Potencia Especifica [W/kg] SOFC (Propano) 588 22 RMFC (Metanol/agua) DMFC(Metanol directo) 394 13 720 24 Procesador de combustible microcanal (40 W) 14

5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario 5.2 Celdas de Combustible: Características de las celdas de combustible. [PORCENT AJE] Energía Neta a la carga [PORCENT AJE] Pérdidas en el Stack [PORCENT AJE] BOP [PORCENT AJE] Calor requerido Consumo de energía de una célula de combustible de un Sistema de 20 W AlH3 (hidruro de aluminio) Beneficios de la alta densidad de energía del AlH3 (hidruro de aluminio) versus la baterías de li-ion no recargables y baterías primarias basadas 15

SUMMARY 1. Alcance de GRS. 3 2. Necesidades actuales en el campo de Batalla 6 3. Necesidades energéticas en los soldados en el frente 8 4. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Primario. 10 5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario. 12 5.1 Pilas Recargables. 12 5.2 Celdas de combustibles. 13 6. Baterías de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 17 7. Validación tecnológica de las baterías de Flujo. 23 DISCLAIMER This Presentation has been prepared for informational purposes and is being delivered to the Recipient subject to the terms, and the prior execution, of a confidentiality agreement (the Confidentiality Agreement ). It may be used only for the purposes set forth in the Confidentiality Agreement and may not be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to any other person at any time except strictly in accordance with the terms of such Confidentiality Agreement. This Presentation does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all the information that a recipient may desire in making any decisions related. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this Presentation or any other written or oral information made available to any recipient or its advisers in connection with any further investigation of the Company and no responsibilityorliabilityis orwill beaccepted bythecompanyorbyanyof their respectiveofficers, employees or agentsin relation to it. Each of the Company officers, employees and agents expressly disclaims any and all liability which may be based on this presentation or such information, and any errors therein or omissions there from. In particular, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of future projections, management targets, estimates, prospects or returns, if any. 16

6. Baterías Redox de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 6.1 Planta Fotovoltaica totalmente gestionable e integrable en entornos militares estacionarios. Planta Fotovoltaica Totalmente gestionable al Hibridarla con la tecnología ya existente Alta penetración. Rotura de logística tradicional combustible Independización energética. Sin olvidar World Energy Council 2015 17

6. Baterías Redox de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 6.2 Por qué Baterías de Flujo? VRFB? Gen3 Química del Vanadio PNNL Amplio Rango de potencia kw y de energía kwh en una misma batería: all-in-one. No tiene limites en el estado de carga o limite de ciclos. Temperatura de funcionamiento: -40 50 C. Potencia y energía desacopladas. 20 años de vida, ciclos ilimitados teóricos. 18

6. Baterías Redox de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 6.2 Son seguras? fácil de instalar? Intrínsecamente Seguras. Electrolito acuoso es seguro ph moderado, cero reactividad y inflamabilidad. No hay fugas térmicas respectos a otras tecnologías como las células de combustible. Desde punto económico. Bajos costos de almacenamiento. Bajos costos en instalación, puesta en marcha Bajo costes de O&M. Eficiencias energéticas superiores al 75 %. 19

6. Baterías Redox de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 6.3 Soluciones. Predicción Meteorológica Inversores PV Thin film CIGS ( ~11 %) + Módulos ( >30 %) Batería de Flujo (31 kw) BMS PCS sistema de control de potencia 20

6. Baterías Redox de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 6.4 Caso Práctico Datos Considerados Localización: Afganistán Herat Módulos: Sunpower SPR E-20 435 kwp 23 %. GHI anual: 1900 kwh/m2 DIF anual: 643 kwh/m2 Temperatura: 15.1 [ C] Velocidad viento: 2.5 m/s Inclinación: 30 Inversores: 125 kw DC: 171 KWp Consumo [MWh/año] (*) Diesel [MWh /año] VRFB [MWh /año] PV [MWh /año] 303 40 60 200 85 % 21

SUMMARY 1. Alcance de GRS. 3 2. Necesidades actuales en el campo de Batalla 6 3. Necesidades energéticas en los soldados en el frente 8 4. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Primario. 10 5. Sistemas de Almacenamiento Secundario. 12 5.1 Pilas Recargables. 12 5.2 Celdas de combustibles. 13 6. Baterías de Vanadio VRFB en Campamentos militares. 17 7. Validación tecnológica de las baterías de Flujo. DISCLAIMER This Presentation has been prepared for informational purposes and is being delivered to the Recipient subject to the terms, and the prior execution, of a confidentiality agreement (the Confidentiality Agreement ). It may be used only for the purposes set forth in the Confidentiality Agreement and may not be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to any other person at any time except strictly in accordance with the terms of such Confidentiality Agreement. This Presentation does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all the information that a recipient may desire in making any decisions related. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this Presentation or any other written or oral information made available to any recipient or its advisers in connection with any further investigation of the Company and no responsibilityorliabilityis orwill beaccepted bythecompanyorbyanyof their respectiveofficers, employees or agentsin relation to it. Each of the Company officers, employees and agents expressly disclaims any and all liability which may be based on this presentation or such information, and any errors therein or omissions there from. In particular, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of future projections, management targets, estimates, prospects or returns, if any. 22

7. Validación de la Tecnología. Validación técnica a través de la participación de distintas organizaciones en proyectos de la tecnología de Vanadio con el EPRI. IEC además ha desarrollado una nuevas normas de referencias. 23

Energías Renovables por un futuro sostenible Apreciamos su tiempo Gracias por su atención Cualquier consulta nos puede encontrar en: GRANSOLAR C/ Sepúlveda 17, Bajo 1-2 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) SPAIN + (34) 917 364 248