Comenius Educative European Programme: Mediterranean Myths and Legends: A Common Origin, A Common Future

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1 Comenius Educative European Programme: Mediterranean Myths and Legends: A Common Origin, A Common Future Spain - España Greece - Grecia Italy - Italia Turkey - Turquía Spanish Partner and Coordinator School: C.E.I.P. EL SOL (Infant and Primary State School: The Sun ) Madrid ESPAÑA (Spain)

2 INDEX índice Welcome! Bienvenidos! Who are we? Our personal data Quiénes somos? Nuestras señas de identidad * Our school - nuestro colegio * Participant teachers profesores participantes * Madrid * Spain España What s our project about? - Cuál es nuestro proyecto? * Brief notes about the Spanish alphabhet. - Breve reseña sobre el alfabeto español * La Literatura infantil popular. - Infant popular literature * Don Quixote. Brief summary. - Don Quijote. Resumen breve * Castilla la Mancha e-resources recursos electrónicos

3 WHO ARE WE? OUR PERSONAL DATA Quiénes somos? Nuestras señas de identidad Our school Nuestro Colegio The public School EL SOL (The Sun) is the result of the fussion of two different educatve centers, an ordinary one devoted to Infant and Primary Education, and a specific one, devoted to deaf handicapped students. El Colegio Público EL SOL es el resultado de la fusión de dos centros educativos diferentes, uno ordinario dedicado a la Educación Infantil y Primaria, y uno específico, dedicado a alumnos con déficit auditivo.

4 WHO ARE WE? OUR PERSONAL DATA Quiénes somos? Nuestras señas de identidad This outstanding aspect is present in our Educative Project, as well as in our Didactic Plan and organization, aproaching two main goals: 1. A high-standard, personalized and overwhelming teaching of all our students. 2. A bilingual teaching (Spanish language Spanish Signing language) for all our deaf-handicapped students. Este rasgo distintivo está presente en nuestro Proyecto Educativo, así como en nuestra planificación didáctica y organizativa, alcanzando dos objetivos prioritarios: 1. Una enseñanza de calidad, personalizada e integral para todos nuestros alumnos. 2. Una enseñanza bilingüe (Español Lengua de signos española) para todos nuestros alumnos con déficit auditivo.

5 WHO ARE WE? OUR PERSONAL DATA Quiénes somos? Nuestras señas de identidad In that respect, our center counts on specialised teachers acting as translators of the ordinary tuitions taught by a primarytutor, so that we can find both a primary teacher cooperating with a deaf-language translator in the same classroom. En este sentido, nuestro centro cuenta con profesores especializados que trabajan como intérpretes de las enseñanzas ordinarias que enseña el tutor de primaria, de modo que podemos encontrar tanto un profesor de primaria cooperando con un traductor en lengua de signos en el mismo aula.

6 PARTICIPANT TEACHERS Profesores participantes Participant teachers Our staff is made up of the following participant teachers: Nuestra plantilla está compuesta de los siguientes profesores participantes: Profesores participantes David Fernández Miragalla, English, French and Primary Tuition Teacher. (Profesor de Inglés, Francés y Educación Primaria). Bábara Hermann Benito, Religion and Speech Therapist Teacher. (Profesora de Religión y Logopeda). Desiré Fernández Vicente, Music, English and Primary Tuition Teacher. (Profesora de Música, Inglés y Educación Primaria). Laura Malillos Conde, English and Primary Tuition Teacher. (Profesora de Inglés y Educación Primaria).

7 BRIEF INFORMATION ABOUT MADRID Información breve sobre Madrid MADRID It s the Spanish capital city of Comunidad de Madrid (one type of regional division of the Spanish territory). It counts on an average population of about inhabitants, including an extra amount of inhabitants in the surrounding metropolitan area. It s the 3rd. most populated area in the European Union. It hosts all the government institutions, being also the 3 rd. residence of the Spanish monarchy. It counts on a Christian-muslim origin dating back as a confirmed city in

8 BRIEF INFORMATION ABOUT MADRID Información breve sobre Madrid Concerning the cultural frame, it organizes many international fairs, such as: FITUR (dealing with national tourism and overseas), ARCO (dealing with contemporary art) and the so-famous fashion platform MADRID FRASHION WEEK. Madrid is also an important national and international reference counting on many museums, such as MUSEO DEL PRADO, THYSSEN-BORNEMISZA and MUSEO REINA SOFÍA.

9 BRIEF INFORMATION ABOUT MADRID Información breve sobre Madrid Madrid photo frame Atocha Train Station (1851) Estación de Atocha Town Hall Ayuntamiento Metropolis Building Edificio Metrópolis Bullfighting Square Las Ventas Plaza de Las Ventas Reina Sofía Museum Museo Reina Sofía Crystal Palace Retiro Park Palacio de Cristal Parque del Retiro Squids Sandwich Bocadillo de calamares

10 BRIEF INFORMATION ABOUT SPAIN Información breve sobre España SPAIN ESPAÑA Officially called Reino de España (Spanish Kingdom), it s an European democratic country governed by a parliament monarchy. Its territory is very wide; most of it is placed in a peninsula, including two archipels: Islas Baleares (Balear Islands), placed in the Mediterranean sea and Islas Canarias (Canary Islands), placed in the Atlantic Ocean, facing the African coastline. It also counts on 2 autonomous cities in Northern Africa: Ceuta and Melilla.

11 BRIEF INFORMATION ABOUT SPAIN Información breve sobre España Melilla lighthouse Faro de Melilla It makes political borderline with 5 countries: France, Andorra, United Kingdom, Morocco and Portugal. With an extension of Km2, is the 4th. largest country in the European continent after Russia, Ucrania and France. Its population is of inhabitants. 5 different languages are spoken in our country: Spanish (official language), Vasco or Euskera, Catalán, Valenciano and Gallego (co-official languages). Holding houses in Cuenca Casas colgantes de Cuenca

12 PHOTO FRAME OF SPAIN Marco Fotográfico de España Spanish photo frame Ávila Roman Walls Merida Roman Theater Segovia Roman Pipe Córdoba. Muslim Mosque Osborne Advertising Bull National Symbol Santiago de Compostela - Cathedral Segovia. Castle

13 BRIEF NOTES ABOUT THE SPANISH ALPHABET Breves notas sobre el alfabeto español The Spanish Alphabet El Alfabeto Español Aa Bb Cc Ch ch Dd Ee Ff Aeroplano Barco Coche Chocolate Día Estrella Flauta Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll LL ll Gato Huella Iglesia Jamón Kilo Lápiz Lluvia Mm Nn Ññ Oo Pp Qq Rr Museo Niño España Ojo Perro Queso Ratón Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Serpiente Taberna Uniforme Vela whisky Xilófono Yema Zapato

14 INFANT POPULAR LITERATURE La Literatura Infantil Popular Infant Popular Literature La Literatura Infantil Popular INFANT POPULAR LITERATURE La Literatura Infantil Popular Infant popular literature, together with oral literature, widely influences the writings of a period, of a specific moment, giving different types of interpretation in the classroom depending on the focus we put on it or we present it. In this sense, any kind of infant tale can be shown in different ways, depending on the purpose we want to transmit within our pupils. La literatura infantil popular, junto con la literatura oral, influye enormemente las escrituras de un periodo, de un momento específico, dando diferentes tipos de interpretación en el aula, dependiendo del enfoque que le pongamos al presentarlas. En este sentido, cualquier tipo de cuento infantil puede ser mostrado de diferentes maneras, dependiendo en el enfoque que queramos transmitir a nuestros alumnos.

15 INFANT POPULAR LITERATURE La Literatura Infantil Popular We do really believe that a tale deviates a lot from its original setting thanks to the interpretations children give, because infant literature is an art, and children are artists with the most powerful pen of all: their imagination. Nosotros realmente creemos que un cuento se desvía muchísimo de su localizción original gracias a la interpretación que dan los niños, porque la literatura infantil es un arte y los niños son artistas con el bolígrafo más poderoso de todos: su imaginación.

16 INFANT POPULAR LITERATURE La Literatura Infantil Popular That s why we encourage you to read the tale with the children in the day-life language session, asking them lots of questions about the characters: if they are ugly or handsome; if they were crazy or just acted like children; what would they do if they were them; how should a knight be; if a wind-mill for them could ever be a giant, or a dragon Eso es por lo que nosotros os animamos a leer el cuento con los niños in las sesiones diarias de lengua, preguntándoles un montón de cuestiones sobre los personajes: si son feos o guapos, si estaban locos o si simplemente actuaban como niños; qué harían si fuesen ellos, cómo debería ser un caballero, si un molino podría alguna vez llegar a ser un gigante, o un dragón Don Quixote offers hundreds of possibilities to be worked in the classroom, as things are usually the other way round: all characters are humble people, like humble is life as when we look at it through the so-called magic glass that deviates things from the real. Don Quijote ofrece cientos de posibilidades para trabajar en el aula, puesto que las cosas son habitualmente lo contrario de lo que parecen: todos los personajes son gentes humildes, como humilde es la vida cuando la vemos a través del famoso cristal mágico que transforma las cosas desde la realidad.

17 DON QUIXOTE. BRIEF SUMMARY Don Quijote. Resumen breve Don Quixote is a middle-aged gentleman from the region of La Mancha in central Spain. Obsessed with the chivalrous ideals touted in books he has read, he decides to take up his lance and sword to defend the helpless and destroy the wicked. After a first failed adventure, he sets out on a second one with a somewhat befuddled laborer named Sancho Panza, whom he has persuaded to accompany him as his faithful squire. In return for Sancho's services, Don Quixote promises to make Sancho the wealthy governor of an isle. On his horse, Rocinante, a barn nag well past his prime, Don Quixote rides the roads of Spain in search of glory and grand adventure. He gives up food, shelter, and comfort, all in the name of a peasant woman, Dulcinea del Toboso, whom he envisions as a princess.

18 DON QUIXOTE. BRIEF SUMMARY Don Quijote. Resumen breve Don Quixote Brief Summary Don Quijote. Resumen Breve On his second expedition, Don Quixote becomes more of a bandit than a savior, stealing from and hurting baffled and justifiably angry citizens while acting out against what he perceives as threats to his knighthood or to the world. Don Quixote abandons a boy, leaving him in the hands of an evil farmer simply because the farmer swears an oath that he will not harm the boy. He steals a barber's basin that he believes to be the mythic Mambrino's helmet, and he becomes convinced of the healing powers of the Balsam of Fierbras, an elixir that makes him so ill that, by comparison, he later feels healed. Sancho stands by Don Quixote, often bearing the brunt of the punishments that arise from Don Quixote's behavior.

19 DON QUIXOTE. BRIEF SUMMARY Don Quijote. Resumen breve The story of Don Quixote's deeds includes the stories of those he meets on his journey. Don Quixote witnesses the funeral of a student who dies as a result of his love for a disdainful lady turned shepherdess. He frees a wicked and devious galley slave, Gines de Pasamonte, and unwittingly reunites two bereaved couples, Cardenio and Lucinda, and Ferdinand and Dorothea. Torn apart by Ferdinand's treachery, the four lovers finally come together at an inn where Don Quixote sleeps, dreaming that he is battling a giant. Along the way, the simple Sancho plays the straight man to Don Quixote, trying his best to correct his master's outlandish fantasies. Two of Don Quixote's friends, the priest and the barber, come to drag him home. Believing that he is under the force of an enchantment, he accompanies them, thus ending his second expedition and the First Part of the novel.

20 DON QUIXOTE. BRIEF SUMMARY Don Quijote. Resumen breve The Second Part of the novel begins with a passionate invective against a phony sequel of Don Quixote that was published in the interim between Cervantes's two parts. Everywhere Don Quixote goes, his reputation gleaned by others from both the real and the false versions of the story precedes him. As the two embark on their journey, Sancho lies to Don Quixote, telling him that an evil enchanter has transformed Dulcinea into a peasant girl. Undoing this enchantment, in which even Sancho comes to believe, becomes Don Quixote's chief goal.

21 DON QUIXOTE. BRIEF SUMMARY Don Quijote. Resumen breve Don Quixote meets a Duke and Duchess who conspire to play tricks on him. They make a servant dress up as Merlin, for example, and tell Don Quixote that Dulcinea's enchantment which they know to be a hoax can be undone only if Sancho whips himself 3,300 times on his naked backside. Under the watch of the Duke and Duchess, Don Quixote and Sancho undertake several adventures. They set out on a flying wooden horse, hoping to slay a giant who has turned a princess and her lover into metal figurines and bearded the princess's female servants.

22 DON QUIXOTE. BRIEF SUMMARY Don Quijote. Resumen breve A young maid at the Duchess's home falls in love with Don Quixote, but he remains a staunch worshipper of Dulcinea. Their never-consummated affair amuses the court to no end. Finally, Don Quixote sets out again on his journey, but his demise comes quickly. Shortly after his arrival in Barcelona, the Knight of the White Moon actually an old friend in disguise vanquishes him. During his stay with the Duke, Sancho becomes governor of a fictitious isle. He rules for ten days until he is wounded in an onslaught the Duke and Duchess sponsor for their entertainment. Sancho reasons that it is better to be a happy laborer than a miserable governor.

23 DON QUIXOTE. BRIEF SUMMARY Don Quijote. Resumen breve Cervantes relates the story of Don Quixote as a history, which he claims he has translated from a manuscript written by a Moor named Cide Hamete Benengeli. Cervantes becomes a party to his own fiction, even allowing Sancho and Don Quixote to modify their own histories and comment negatively upon the false history published in their names. In the end, the beaten and battered Don Quixote forswears all the chivalric truths he followed so fervently and dies from a fever. With his death, knights-errant become extinct. Benengeli returns at the end of the novel to tell us that illustrating the demise of chivalry was his main purpose in writing the history of Don Quixote.

24 Castilla la Mancha Castilla La Mancha is a Spanish region made up of 6 different provinces, amongst which we can find an unknown place where the spatial setting of Don Quixote takes place. It makes geographical borderline with the so-called Community of Madrid, from whose Spanish Capital city, Madrid, is not very distant. Castilla La Mancha es una región española formada por 6 provincias diferentes, de entre las cuales podemos encontrar el lugar desconocido donde tiene lugar el la localización geográfica donde el Quijote toma lugar. Hace frontera geográfica con la denominada Comunidad de Madrid, no muy distante de la capital.

25 Castilla la Mancha Castilla la Mancha Castilla la Mancha is a very varied area, where the most outstanding feature, that gives its name, is the reddish colour of its lands. In that sense, la Mancha means the Stain. This region acquired a great importance with the first edition of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saaverdra, in 1605 (XVII century). Castilla la Mancha es un área muy variada, donde el aspecto más destacable y que le da nombre es el color rojizo de sus tierras. En este sentido, la Mancha se traduce, literalmente en inglés, por the Stain. Esta región adquirió una gran importancia con la primera edición del Quijote, por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, en 1605 (siglo XVII).

26 Castilla la Mancha Castilla la Mancha photo frame Júcar River Río Júcar Typical landscape Paisaje típico Typical Windmills Molinos de Viento Típicos Vineyard in Ciudad Real Viñedo en Ciudad Real Castillo de Almansa Almansa s Castle

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Oraciones poderosas, resultados sobrenaturales: Cómo orar como Moisés, Elías, Ana, y otros héroes de la Biblia (Spanish Edition) Oraciones poderosas, resultados sobrenaturales: Cómo orar como Moisés, Elías, Ana, y otros héroes de la Biblia (Spanish Edition) Mike Shreve Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Download

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Hora: Título (slide 1) Las cosas _ Capítulo 2 1 (Chapter Two, First Step) Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to First look at the other sheet of vocabulary and listen,

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Entrevista: el medio ambiente. A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español?

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Relative Pronouns (que, quien, el que)

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TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM Before filling out this form, please read the Arcata and Mad River Transit System Title VI Complaint Procedures located on our website or by visiting our office. The following information

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ÁMBITO DE COMUNICACIÓN Lengua extranjera: Inglés


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FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B1 SPEAKING EXAM PARTE 1 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos (4-5 min en total) PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% PARTE 2 PARTE 3 Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar

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Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Mas joven que nunca: Recursos rejuvenecedores para la mujer : las medidas que usted puede tomar ahora para lucir y sentirse como nueva (Spanish Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Los números. 0 cero 1 uno / un 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro. 6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez 5 cinco

Los números. 0 cero 1 uno / un 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro. 6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez 5 cinco 53 31 16 0 cero 1 uno / un 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez 5 cinco 11 - once 12 - doce 13 - trece 14 - catorce 17 - diecisiete 18 - dieciocho 19 - diecinueve 20 - veinte 15

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CAN. I can swim. Sé nadar. I know how to swim. Sé como nadar. l'll be able to go tonight. Podré ir esta noche.

CAN. I can swim. Sé nadar. I know how to swim. Sé como nadar. l'll be able to go tonight. Podré ir esta noche. CAN Sólo se usa en el presente, para el resto de tiempos se utiliza to be able to. En algunos casos puede ser sustituido por to know how to. Se puede traducir por poder o saber. I can swim. Sé nadar. I

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FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% 1 2 3 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos. (4-5 min en total) Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar un tema determinado

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Project Mi familia LOCA. Remember that is due on the 13 th and 14 th of march

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Gustar : Indirect object pronouns.

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ellos= ellas= ustedes=

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