Dr. Bridget McCandless is dedicated to

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1 Periódico Bilingüe Kansas City VOL. 17 No de Marzo, 2014 PRSRT STD U.S POSTAGE PAID KCMO PERMIT NO. 990 Your Latino Connection Since 1996 Tú Conexión Latina Desde 1996 Children s Choice Is A Gem In Old Northeast La Elección De Los Niños Es Una Joya En Old Northeast Fighting For Medicaid Expansion Is Right For McCandless Para McCandless Es Adecuada La Lucha Por La Extensión De Medicaid Children s Choice owner Vonnie Occhipinto has a passion for caring for children. She can t really think of anything else she wants to do in life. She got her degree in early childhood development and opened her daycare in 1979 on Independence Avenue. She opened the current location at Hardesty and Independence Avenue in Suitably enough the name of the day care is Children s Choice, a name one of her sisters came up with many years before. La propietaria de Children s Choice (por su nombre en ingles), Vonnie Occhipinto tiene una pasión por el cuidado de los niños. Ella realmente no puede pensar en otra cosa que quiera hacer en la vida. Obtuvo su licenciatura en desarrollo infantil temprano y abrió la guardería en 1979 en Independence Avenue. Abrió la actual guardería en Hardesty con Independence Avenue en Muy acorde es el nombre de la guardería Children s Choice (Elección de los Niños), un nombre que a una de sus hermanas le ocurrió muchos años antes. By Joe Arce & Jose Faus Vonnie Occhipinto grew up in a large Italian family in the Old Northeast. From early on, she knew exactly what she wanted to be doing when she grew up. I was from a large family and I really wanted to work with special needs children, she recalled. When I was growing up, I watched a little boy with special needs and I took him to the barbershop up on St John s many years ago. I spent a lot of my time with him when the other kids were playing and I said, One day when I grow up, I am going to work with special needs kids. She kept her dream alive but started a family first. After her kids were grown enough she entered college knowing that in order to work with special needs kids she would need a degree. She got her degree in early childhood development and opened her daycare in 1979 on Independence Avenue. She Traduce Vonnie Occhipinto, creció en Old Northeast dentro de una familia italiana grande. Desde el principio, ella sabía exactamente lo que quería hacer cuando fuera grande. Yo era de una familia grande y realmente quería trabajar con niños con necesidades especiales, recordó. Mientras yo crecía, vi a un niño con necesidades especiales, y lo llevé a la peluquería en St. John, hace muchos años. Pasé gran parte de mi tiempo con él mientras los otros niños estaban jugando, y le dije: Un día, cuando yo sea grande, voy a trabajar con niños con necesidades especiales. Ella mantuvo su sueño vivo pero inició primero una familia. Después de que sus hijos crecieron lo suficiente, ella entró a la universidad a sabiendas de que para el fin de trabajar con niños con necesidades especiales, necesitaría un título. I COULD NOT... / PAGE 2 YO NO PODRIA... / PÁGINA 2 Dr. Bridget McCandless is dedicated to improving the health care needs of low income and uninsured people. She told Hispanic News when she was asked to fill the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City, I thought long and hard about taking this position. I feel that I am in a place where I have the opportunity to work with incredible people who are trying to make this a better and healthier community. La Dr. Bridget McCandless se dedica a mejorar las necesidades de salud para personas de bajos ingresos y sin seguro médico. Ella le dijo a Hispanic News, cuando se le preguntaba por ocupar el papel de Directora Ejecutiva de la Fundación para el Cuidado de la Salud de Kansas City, pensé largo y detenidamente acerca de tomar esta posición. Siento que estoy en un lugar donde tengo la oportunidad de trabajar con personas increíbles que están tratando de hacer de esto una comunidad mejor y más saludable. By Joe Arce & Debra DeCoster Dr. Bridget McCandless is dedicated to improving the health care needs of low income and uninsured people. Her specialty is internal medicine, but for the last 15 years she has pursued her passion of working in poverty medicine. It was a difficult decision for her to leave her practice and patients behind when she was asked to fill the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City (HCF) after former CEO Steve Roling retired last year. I thought long and hard about taking this position. It was a difficult choice because I would be leaving the Traduce La Dra. Bridget McCandless se dedica a mejorar las necesidades de salud de personas de bajos ingresos y sin seguro médico. Su especialidad es la medicina interna, pero durante los últimos 15 años, ha perseguido su pasión de trabajar en la medicina de la pobreza. Fue una decisión difícil para ella el dejar su práctica y los pacientes atrás, cuando se le pidió desempeñar el papel de Directora General de la Fundación para el Cuidado de la Salud de Kansas City (HCF por sus siglas en inglés), después que el ex Director General, Steve Roling, se retiró el año pasado. McCANDLESS HOPE... / PAGE 3 LA ESPERANZA DE... / PÁGINA 3 Sporting KC Espera Continuar Desde Donde Se Quedaron Sporting KC Looking To Pick Up Where They Left Off Por Joe Arce & Debra DeCoster hace usted cuando ha ganado la Copa de la MLS? Si es fan del Sporting Kansas City, no está dispuesto a dormirse en sus Qué laureles. Si las actividades de la semana pasada en el Aeropuerto del Centro, son alguna indicación, el equipo se está preparando para luchar durante muchos años y los aficionados tienen el mismo nivel de expectativas. El seguidor del Sporting, Christian Dunn, ve mucho por lo que hay que estar contentos con esta temporada. Estoy esperando que Sporting repita como campeón de la Copa MLS. Será difícil el llegar a lo alto [del año pasado], pero siempre hay espacio para mejorar. Siempre hay espacio para mejorar en todos y cada uno de los juegos. Kansas City es la capital del fútbol de los Estados Unidos. Tenemos a los mejores fans, el mejor estadio y el mejor propietario. El equipo llevó a cabo una jornada a puertas abiertas el 4 de marzo, antes del inicio de la temporada contra los Seattle Sounders, en Seattle. Los jugadores del Sporting entretuvieron a una gran multitud de seguidores. Ellos desfilaron con el trofeo de la Copa MLS ante fuertes aplausos, y modelaron una nueva línea de uniformes de respaldo, que estarán a la venta para los aficionados. Pero el foco de los aficionados y jugadores por igual estaba en lo que va a tener lugar en el campo. Aurelien Collin, el héroe del apasionante juego de Campeonato de la Copa MLS del año pasado, habló con LOS FANATICOS SON... / PÁGINA 6 By Joe Arce & Debra DeCoster What do you do when you have won the MLS Cup? If you are Sporting Kansas City, you are not content to rest on your laurels. If the activities last week at Downtown Airport are any indication, the team is setting itself up to contend for many years and fans have the same level of expectation. Sporting fan Christian Dunn sees a lot to be excited about this season. I am looking for Sporting to repeat as MLS Cup champions. It will be tough to top [last year] but there is always room for improvement. There is always room to get better each and every game. Kansas City is the soccer capital of America. We have the best fans, the best stadium and the best owner. The team held an open house on March 4 before the start of the season against the Seattle Sounders in Seattle. Sporting Players entertained a large crowd of supporters. They paraded the MLS Cup trophy to loud cheers and modeled a new line of backup uniforms that will be for sale to fans. But the focus of fans and players alike was on what will take place on the field. Aurelien Collin, the hero of last year s exciting MLS Cup Championship, game spoke with reporters regarding the team s state of mind heading into the season and defense of its MLS crown. FAN S A BIG... / PAGE 6 Sporting KC may have a new look but their goal is to win and to go all the way for another great season and championship. Sporting KC puede tener una nueva imagen, pero su objetivo es ganar para llegar hasta el final de otra gran temporada y campeonato. NEWSROOM: (816) FAX: (816) KCHISPANICNEWS.com kchnews@swbell.net 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

2 13 de Marzo de 2014 I kchispanicnews.com Vonnie Occhipinto recalled that when she opened Children s Choice, she was a trailblazer. Back then there were not many daycare centers. There was a small one on St. Johns and when I was 15 and 16 years old, I worked there, said Occhipinto Vonnie Occhipinto recordó que cuando ella abrió Children s Choice (Elección de los Niños), fue pionera. En aquel entonces no había muchas guarderías. Hubo una pequeña en St. Johns y cuando tenía 15 y 16 años, trabajé allí, dijo Occhipinto. Yo No Podía Estar Lejos CONT./PÁGINA 1 Ella obtuvo su licenciatura en desarrollo infantil temprano y abrió su guardería en 1979 en Independence Avenue. Ella abrió la ubicación actual en Hardesty e Independence Avenue en Suficientemente apropiado, el nombre de la guardería es Children s Choice (Elección de los Niños), un nombre que a una de sus hermanas se le ocurrió muchos años antes. Recordó que cuando abrió Elección de los Niños, fue una pionera. En aquel entonces no había muchas guarderías. Hubo una pequeña en St. Johns y, cuando yo tenía 15 y 16 años, trabajé allí. Ella encontró el sitio para la primera guardería, en un edificio propiedad de su tío. El edificio estaba en mal estado y tenía un montón de daño en las tuberías del agua. Recordó que alguien del Estado le dijo que nunca serían capaces de dejarlo en buenas condiciones. Pero ella consiguió dejarlo en buen estado con un montón de ayuda de su familia. Recuerdo que le llame al personal por parte del Estado diciéndole que estábamos listos para abrir y ella no lo podía creer. Aunque el foco de atención no son las necesidades especiales, ella no ha renunciado a trabajar con niños con necesidades especiales. A través de los años he tenido niños que tenían parálisis cerebral y otras necesidades. Tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con necesidades especiales, lo que también es muy bonito, añadió. Durante los muchos años que ha estado en su amado Northeast, ella ha visto la transformación de la comunidad. Ella ha trabajado con muchos niños inmigrantes y los ha visto crecer y tener una vida plena. Durante las vacaciones ella tuvo una reunión de ex alumnos. Ella recuerda a cuatro hermanas haitianas y una niña vietnamita. Todas ellas han crecido y todos están trabajando en el área de la medicina. Yo les pregunté qué es lo que más recuerdas de la guardería? Les enseñé su inglés. Les enseñamos un montón de cosas, ella recordó con cariño. Estaba toda emocionada y dije, wow, realmente te enseñe todo eso? Occhipinto tomó los cambios demográficos con calma. Pensé que esa afluencia sería un reto pero usted se sorprendería - los niños que vienen aquí, aprenden tan rápido. Ellos aprenden su inglés en dos semanas y sus padres se sorprenden. Cuando hablo con los padres, les digo, que tan pronto como usted pueda conseguirles un tutor, para que ellos puedan mantener el ritmo. Las raíces de Occhipinto en el Northeast son tan profundas, que no puede imaginar estar en otro sitio, aunque ella trató durante un tiempo. La mayor parte de su extensa familia, que cuenta con más de 100 integrantes, vive en North Kansas City. Mis hermanos decían si te mudas fuera del área, esto es tan malo, es esto y lo otro. Con el tiempo, abrió un centro en Northland para estar cerca de sus padres enfermos, y ayudar a cuidar de ellos. Su hija creció expuesta al negocio de una guardería. Ella la convenció de comprarle el centro para ella y, en 1999 se mudó de nuevo de la zona del Old Northeast a su ubicación actual. Mi corazón está en el centro de la ciudad, con los niños de la ciudad, confesó. Yo no podía estar lejos. Tuve que volver y volví y dije: Nunca voy a salir de esta zona. Voy a trabajar hasta el final. Me encanta la gente del centro urbano y los niños. Me hice cargo de las personas sin hogar en la avenida durante años. Algunos de ellos eran mis mejores amigos. Su empatía por las personas sin hogar la llevó a ayudarles con ropa, y algunas veces les ofreció refugio en el centro después de las horas de trabajo - algo que ella no compartía con su familia. Me encantaría, algún día, escribir un libro acerca de todas esas personas. Ella no vio peligro entonces en ayudar porque se trataba de gente con la que había crecido y, aunque sus circunstancias habían cambiado, todavía eran sus amigos. A menudo fue ella quien ayudó a los familiares a avisarles de que habían fallecido. A pesar de que muchos, si no es que todos han fallecido, los echa de menos. De mala gana ella acepta ahora que los tiempos han cambiado. Estos son tiempos más peligrosos. Su día comienza temprano. Se despierta a las 4:30 am y está en el centro a las 5:15 ó 5:30 de la mañana todos los días. El 100% de sus pupilos son de bajos ingresos y el Estado paga una gran parte del costo por cuidar de ellos, dejando un pequeño copago para los padres. Ella se enorgullece de ser accesible, y señaló que el Estado le ha dicho que es el centro más barato con el que han trabajado. Les digo a los padres, Yo soy el centro de guardería más barato de la historia. Usted nunca encontrará a nadie más barato que yo. Y trabajo con los padres. Si veo que están trabajando y tratando de hacer algo de sí mismos, no soy rica, pero yo no les cobro el copago. Consigo que me griten mucho las trabajadores sociales, ya que dicen que están tratando de enseñarles responsabilidad, pero muchos de ellos no pueden pagar $25 dólares a la semana. Lo hago por los niños. Ese tipo de fervor se desarrolla en los espíritus afines. Elizabeth Palas es una hablante bilingüe. Ella fue contadora financiera durante 26 años antes de venir al centro hace tres años. Su epifanía llegó cuando tuvo un encuentro con algunos chicos jóvenes que no podían hablar o escribir correctamente. Yo estoy como, éste es nuestro futuro?, recordó. Estoy en el negocio equivocado y, yo me salí y vine aquí. Estoy trabajando en mi grado en educación, pero tengo una licenciatura en administración contable a través de Park University. Una caminata es su trayecto diario al centro. Yo camino para llegar aquí. En días de sol es de 15 minutos y 30 minutos en la nieve. Elegí trabajar aquí a diferencia de otros lugares, porque uno, está en el barrio y no muy lejos de donde vivo. La otra parte también es que hay una gran cantidad de guarderías que tienen una gran cantidad de oportunidades - que reciben donaciones, ya que son guarderías sin fines de lucro, pero éste no, tenemos que pasar por un montón de cosas. Ese espíritu de se puede hacer llena de combustible al personal y ellos están constantemente a la caza de gangas, como los abrigos que Occhipinto vio recientemente a $2.99, en una tienda. Yo tomé tantos de esos como pude. El centro puede acomodar hasta 42 niños y permitirse cierta superposición en los programas después de la escuela. Occhipinto cocina muchos de los alimentos y se asegura de que los niños estén bien alimentados y vestidos. Quiero que todos sepan que es un hermoso centro el que tenemos aquí, dijo a Hispanic News. Es probablemente uno de los centros más limpios, en los que alguien, alguna vez camine. Siento que los niños están bendecidos aquí porque reciben mucho. La innovación continúa. El centro ha sido aprobado como una guardería de 24 horas, se provee de comidas y cuartos de dormir para niños cuyos padres trabajan los turnos nocturnos. Para obtener más información sobre el centro, las personas pueden llamar al (816) ó al (816) I Could Not Stay Away CONT./PAGE 1 opened the current location at Hardesty and Independence Avenue in Suitably enough the name of the day care is Children s Choice, a name one of her sisters came up with many years before. She recalled that when she opened Children s Choice, she was a trailblazer. Back then there were not many daycare centers. There was a small one on St. Johns and when I was 15 and 16 years old, I worked there. She found the site for the first day care in a building one of her uncle s owned. The building was in bad shape and had a lot of water damage. She recalled someone from the state telling her they would never be able to get it in shape. But get it in shape she did with a lot of help from her family. I remember calling the person from the state and telling her we were ready to open and she could not believe it. Though the focus of the daycare is not special needs she has not shied away from working with special needs kids. Over the years I have had kids that had cerebral palsy and others. I did get the chance to work with special needs, which was beautiful too, she added. In her many years in her beloved Northeast she has seen the transformation of the community. She has worked with many immigrant children and seen them grow and go on to fulfilling lives. Over the holidays she had a gathering of former kids. She recalled four Haitian sisters and a Vietnamese girl. They are all grown up and all are working in the medical filed. I asked them what do you remember most about the day care? I taught them their English. We taught them a lot of stuff, she recalled fondly. I got all choked up and I said, wow, did I really teach you all that stuff? Occhipinto took in the changing demographics in stride. I thought that influx would be a challenge but you would be surprised the children that come in here they learn so fast. They learn their English within two weeks and their parents are shocked. When I talk to the parents I tell them that as soon as you can get them tutored so they can keep it up. Occhipinto s Northeast roots are so deep she can t imagine being anywhere else though she did try for a while. Most of her extended family, which numbers over 100, lives in North Kansas City. My brothers were like [saying] move out of the area, it s so bad, it is this and that. Eventually she opened a center in the northland to be close to her ailing parents and help take care of them. Her daughter grew up exposed to the day care business. She talked her into buying the center from her and in 1999 she moved back to the Old Northeast area to her current location. My heart is in the inner city with the inner city kids, she confessed. I could not stay away. I had to come back and I came back and said, I am never going to leave this area. I will work until the end. I love inner city people and children. I took care of the homeless on the avenue for years. Some of them were my best friends. Her empathy for the homeless led her to help them with clothing and some times she offered them shelter in the center after hours something she did not share with her family. I would love to write a book someday about all those people. She did not see danger then in helping out because these were people she had grown up with and though their circumstances had changed, they were still her friends. She was often the one that helped alert relatives that they had passed away. Though she misses them, and many if not all have passed away, she misses them. Begrudgingly she now accepts that times have changed. These are more dangerous times. Her day starts early. She wakes up at 4:30 a.m. and is at the center by 5:15 5:30 a.m. everyday. One hundred percent of her wards are low income and the state pays a large portion of the cost of taking care of them, leaving small co-pay for the parents. She prides herself on being affordable, noting that the state has told her she is the cheapest they have worked with. I tell the parents, I m the cheapest day care center in history. You will never find anybody cheaper than me. And I work with the parents. If I see that they are out working and trying to make something of themselves, I m not rich but I don t charge them the copay. I get yelled at a lot by the caseworkers because they say they are trying to teach them responsibility but a lot of them can t afford $25 a week. I do it for the children. That kind of zeal thrives off kindred spirits. Elizabeth Palas is a bilingual speaker. She was a financial accountant for 26 years before coming to the center three years ago. Her epiphany came when she had an encounter with some young kids who could not speak or spell correctly. I am like this is our future? she recalled. I am in the wrong business and I got out and I came here. I am working on my teaching degree but I have a bachelors degree in accounting management through Park University. A walk is her daily commute to the center. I walk here. On sunny days it is 15 minutes and 30 minutes in the snow. I chose to work here as opposed to other locations because one, it is in the neighborhood and not far from where I live. The other part to it too is that there are a lot of daycare centers that have a lot of opportunities they have donations because they are nonprofit but this one, we have to hustle for a lot of things. That can do spirit fuels the staff and they are constantly on the lookout for bargains like the $2.99 coats that Occhipinto saw in a store recently. I snapped up as many of those as I could. The center can handle up to 42 children and affords some overlap with after school programs. Occhipinto does a lot of the cooking and makes sure that the children are well fed and clothed. I want everyone to know what a beautiful center we have here, she told Hispanic News. It is probably one of the cleanest centers that anyone will ever walk into. I feel like the kids are so gifted here because they get so much here. The trailblazing continues. The enter has been approved as a 24 hour daycare, providing meals and sleeping quarters for parents for children whose parents work the late shifts. For more information about the center, people can call (816) or (816)

3 McCandless Hope Is To Help Families Through Advocacy CONT./PAGE 1 patients that I love. But I feel that I am in a place where I have the opportunity to work with incredible people who are trying to make this a better and healthier community, said Dr. McCandless. She stepped into her new role last September and at the present time she is in a dual role serving as CEO and doctor to her patients. She will step away from her doctor role in the next couple of months. McCandless has come full circle with the HCF as she was a member of the inaugural board of directors. She laughed as she said; My friends teased me that I was there for the toddler years, so I am now coming back for the teenage years. I am very glad to be here. Governor Jay Nixon appointed McCandless to the HCF board when it was established in The HCF was created by the 2002 sale of Health Midwest, a regional nonprofit health care provider that owned or leased 11 general acute care and behavioral health centers in Missouri and Kansas to Hospital Corporation of America (HCA). The transaction resulted in two new healthcare conversion foundations the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and the REACH Healthcare Foundation. The Foundation of Greater Kansas City serves six counties Jackson, Cass and Lafayette in Missouri and He pensado mucho y por largo tiempo acerca de tomar este puesto. Fue una decisión difícil, porque dejaría a los pacientes que amo. Pero siento que estoy en un lugar donde tengo la oportunidad de trabajar con personas increíbles, que están tratando de hacer de esto una mejor comunidad y más saludable, dijo la Dra. McCandless. Ella tomó posesión de su nuevo cargo en septiembre pasado, y en la actualidad se encuentra en una doble función ya que actúa como Directora General y médico para sus pacientes. Ella va a alejarse de su papel de médico en los próximos dos meses. McCandless ha cerrado el círculo con HCF, ya que ella era un miembro de la junta de administración inaugural. Ella se echó a reír cuando dijo: Mis amigos se burlaban de mí, diciendo que yo estaba allí durante los primeros años de vida, por lo que ahora estoy volviendo a los años de la adolescencia. Estoy muy contenta de estar aquí. El Gobernador Jay Nixon, nombró a McCandless a la junta de HCF cuando fue establecida, en el El HCF fue creado por la venta en el 2002 de Health Midwest, un proveedor regional de atención médica sin fines de lucro, que era dueño o alquilaba 11 centros del cuidado de la salud general y centros de salud mental en Missouri y Kansas, hasta el Hospital Corporation of America (HCA por sus siglas en inglés). La transacción dio lugar a dos nuevas conversiones de fundaciones de asistencia de la salud, la Fundación de Atención de la Salud de Kansas City y la Fundación REACH Healthcare. La Fundación de Atención de la Salud de Kansas City sirve a seis condados -Jackson, Cass y Lafayette en Missouri, y los Condados de Wyandotte, Johnson y Allen en Kansas. En ese momento, como jefa del comité de subvenciones, ella ayudó a establecer el área base de financiación de la fundación, las directrices y el proceso de revisión de subvenciones. Le preocupa profundamente que sus pacientes se han quedado atrás en la legislación de la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio. A cambio, para poder calificar para el seguro de salud, una persona tiene que estar al 100% del nivel de pobreza. Muchos de mis pacientes están por debajo de eso y no van a calificar. Creo, que Missouri y Kansas tienen la oportunidad Wyandotte, Johnson and Allen counties in Kansas. At that time, as head of the grants committee, she helped to establish the foundation s funding focus area, guidelines and grant review process. It deeply concerns her that her patients have been left behind in the Affordable Health Care Act legislation. In order to qualify for health insurance on the exchange, a person must be at 100 percent of poverty level. Many of my patients are below that and won t qualify. I think Missouri and Kansas have the opportunity through the Medicaid expansion to make that possible for low income working people, she said. She hopes that she can continue to help the patients she served through advocacy for better health care coverage for the low income and uninsured. As the debate over the Medicaid Expansion continues, Governor Nixon has asked lawmakers to use $1.7 billion next year from the Federal Government to expand eligibility for about 300,000 people in Missouri. Representative Noel Torpey, Independence, Missouri Republican, introduced the legislation. The legislation would expand adult Medicaid eligibility to levels necessary to reap additional federal money. The bill is getting its first hearing in the state House this week. We don t craft legislation, but we have encouraged law a través de la expansión de Medicaid, que eso sea posible para las personas trabajadoras de bajos ingresos, dijo. Ella espera poder seguir ayudando a los pacientes a los que sirve a través del apoyo de una mejor cobertura de salud para las personas de bajos ingresos y sin seguro. A medida que continúa el debate sobre la expansión de Medicaid, el Gobernador Nixon ha pedido a los legisladores utilizar $1,7 mil millones de dólares el año, que viene por parte del Gobierno Federal, para ampliar la elegibilidad a cerca de 300,000 personas en Missouri. El Representante Republicano de Independence, Missouri, Noel Torpey, presento la legislación. La legislación ampliaría la elegibilidad de Medicaid a adultos en los niveles necesarios para obtener dinero federal adicional. El proyecto de ley está recibiendo su primera audiencia en la Cámara estatal esta semana. Nosotros no elaboramos la legislación, pero hemos alentado makers to cover the most people and to be sure what they design takes care of people in a way that encourages them to use health care in a way that makes them well, she said. Five years after the recession, the cost of health care still has an impact on the patients that she sees and their health. People are cobbling together multiple small jobs, with no options for health insurance, and I am seeing the incredible stress and the toll it has taken on these people for the last five years, said McCandless. She explained that when the economy is inelastic, it creates its own set of health care issues. She added that she is seeing patients that are not only poor, but also sicker than they ever have been. They are sick from things that are preventable and that is really discouraging. Due to the economic recession, families are being forced to live together they face food insecurities and a lack of funds for the grocery store is making people choose what items they can purchase and what items they have to do without. These things create stress and food insecurity causes terrible difficulties for people who have diabetes or high blood pressure. People are cutting their food budgets so far back they are not able to purchase fruits and vegetables because they can t afford them or they are not accessible where they live, she explained. a los legisladores a cubrir el mayor número de personas y, para estar seguro que su diseño se haca cargo de la gente, de una manera, que les anime a utilizar la atención de salud para su bien, dijo ella. Cinco años después de la recesión, el costo de la atención de la salud todavía tiene un impacto en los pacientes que ella atiende y su salud. La gente está improvisando con varios trabajos pequeños, sin opciones para el seguro de salud, y estoy viendo el increíble estrés y las consecuencias que esto ha tenido sobre las personas en los últimos cinco años, dijo McCandless. Ella explicó, que cuando la economía es inelástica, crea su propio conjunto de problemas de salud. Añadió que ella está viendo pacientes que no sólo son pobres, sino también están más enfermos de lo que han estado antes. Están hartos de las cosas que se pueden prevenir y eso es realmente desalentador. Debido a la recesión económica, las familias se ven obligadas a kchispanicnews.com I 13 de Marzo de ,000 people will be affected if Medicaid expansion is not advanced in the state of Kansas. Kansas City, Kansas Mayor Mark Holland told attendees of his state of the government address that he would fight to bring Medicaid expansion to Wyandotte County. The foundation has been working closely with Holland and Mayor Sly James of Kansas City, Missouri as they both push for healthy initiatives within their respective cities. Mayor Mark Holland and Mayor Sly James both recognize that a healthy workforce is a more productive workforce and taking care of families before they get ill makes more sense. One of the areas both mayors have focused on and the biggest winners of the expansion of vivir juntas - se enfrentan a la inseguridad alimentaria, y la falta de fondos para la tienda de comestibles está haciendo que la gente elija que productos pueden comprar, y de cuales tienen que prescindir. Estas cosas crean estrés y la inseguridad alimentaria provoca terribles dificultades para las personas que tienen diabetes o presión arterial alta. La gente está recortando tanto sus presupuestos de alimentos, que no son capaces de comprar frutas y verduras, porque no pueden pagarlas o no son accesibles donde viven, explicó. 165,000 personas se verán afectadas si la expansión de Medicaid no avanza en el Estado de Kansas. El Alcalde de Kansas City, Kansas, Mark Holland, dijo a los asistentes a su informe de gobierno que iba a luchar en la expansión de Medicaid para el Condado de Wyandotte. La fundación ha estado trabajando de cerca con Holland y el Alcalde Sly James, de Kansas City, Medicaid are the people who have mental health issues, she said. The Foundation has been visiting with policy makers about what the options are for Medicaid expansion. The Federal Government has been more flexible with states at this point than they have been in the past. We are looking at this for a real opportunity for both Kansas and Missouri to design a Medicaid expansion that fits their particular needs. But that opportunity is not going to last for long. It is important that we take advantage of it while we can, said McCandless. Medicaid Expansion would help both Kansas and Missouri citizens who fall into the low La Esperanza De McCandless Es Ayudar A Familias A Través Del Apoyo CONT./PÁGINA 1 Bridget McCandless stepped into her new position last September and at the present time she is in a dual role serving as CEO and doctor to her patients. She will step away from her doctor role in the next couple of months. Bridget McCandless ocupo en su nuevo cargo en septiembre pasado y en la actualidad se encuentra en una doble función - actúa como consejera delegada y médico para sus pacientes. Ella va a alejarse de su papel de médico en el próximo par de meses. Missouri, ya que ambos apoyan a las iniciativas saludables dentro de sus respectivas ciudades. Ambos, el Alcalde Mark Holland, y el Alcalde Sly James, reconocen que una fuerza de trabajo saludable es una fuerza de trabajo más productiva y el cuidar de las familias antes de que lleguen a enfermarse tiene más sentido. Una de las áreas en que los dos alcaldes se han enfocado y los grandes ganadores de la expansión de Medicaid son las personas que tienen problemas de salud mental, dijo ella. La Fundación ha estado reuniéndose con los responsables políticos, en relación a cuáles son las opciones para la expansión de Medicaid. El Gobierno Federal ha sido más flexible con los estados en este punto de lo que han sido en el pasado. Estamos viendo esto, para que sea una verdadera oportunidad para Kansas y Missouri, y diseñar una expansión de Medicaid que se ajuste a sus necesidades particulares. Pero esa income category to be able to access health care, receive outpatient care, visit with a primary care physician, receive hospital services and medications. Children would be covered for their developmental screenings and would receive preventive care. It is going to require time, compromise and persistence, but I really do think that both Kansas and Missouri are going to come up with a way to cover people who are in the low income category. Regardless if we get to our final goal, we still have an obligation and commitment to share the stories of the people who are left behind and to advocate for them, said McCandless. oportunidad no va a durar por mucho tiempo. Es importante que la aprovechemos mientras podamos, dijo McCandless. La expansión de Medicaid, ayudaría a los ciudadanos de Kansas y Missouri que entran en la categoría de bajos ingresos, para poder acceder a la atención médica, recibir atención ambulatoria, visitar a un médico de atención primaria, recibir los servicios hospitalarios y los medicamentos. Los niños estarían cubiertos por sus evaluaciones de desarrollo y recibirían la atención preventiva. Se va a requerir de tiempo, compromiso y persistencia, pero la verdad es que creo que tanto Kansas y Missouri van tener una manera de cubrir a las personas que están en la categoría de bajos ingresos. Independientemente si llegamos a nuestro objetivo final, todavía tenemos la obligación y el compromiso de compartir las historias de las personas que se quedan atrás y abogar por ellos, dijo McCandless.

4 13 de Marzo de 2014 I kchispanicnews.com CLASSIFIEDS & PUBLIC NOTICES CLASIFICADOS & ANUNCIOS PUBLICOS Drivers - Holland is hiring Regional & Local Drivers for its Kansas City, KS Terminal. JOB OPPORTUNITY City of Merriam Police POLICE OFFICER POSITION For full detailed ad, please visit our website at or call between 8 am - 4 pm to schedule a testing time. Drivers must be 21 yrs old, have Class A w/hazmat & tanker endorsements, 1 yr or 50k miles exp last 5 yrs. Company paid health insurance, 5% wage increase after 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, vacation/holiday/sick pay, Local drivers paid OT after 8hrs per day, COL per CBA. Apply online: EOE/ADA/Drug Screen The City of Merriam does conduct background checks/investigations. CLINICAL RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES Volunteers needed for Clinical research! Receive up to $225/night or $300/referral. Paid Studies avail! Call to qualify! Quintiles: SBE/WBE/MBE INVITATION TO BID Foley Company will be accepting subcontract and/or material bids on the following projects: Water Treatment Plant Secondary Pump Station West Header & Valve Replacement Project No , Contract No Bid Date & Time: April 8, 2:00 p.m. Send bids to Foley 7501 Front Street, KCMO, Tel: 816/ , Fax: 816/ OPENING FOR LICENSING ASSOCIATE The KUMC Research Institute currently has an opening for Licensing Associate. This position will be responsible for negotiating and managing various agreements, e.g. inter-institutional agreements with academic collaborators and licenses with industrial partners and develop and execute an IP protection and marketing strategy for each managed innovation. Bachelor s degree required in engineering, computer science, or physics. For additional information, access: Mechanics wanted! 3 Full time diesel mechanics wanted for Holland s Kansas City terminal. Experience with general fleet maintenance and repair of tractors, trailers and forklifts. Trouble shooting diesel engines, air brake system, steering, suspension and electrical. DOT knowledge and CDLA considered a plus. Apply online: EOE YOUR AD COULD BE HERE Bilingual Account Coordinator (FT), Benefit Communication Insourcing is seeking an individual with good communication, professional, problem-solving abilities, and good Excel skills. This position supports the benefits and HR department. Must be bilingual. Located in Overland Park, KS. Can send resumes to ssmith@bcinsourcing.com or visit to apply. Kansas City Public Television (KCPT) seeks a K-12 Digital Media Sales Coordinator for our K-12 digital media and teacher training services in the Kansas City Metropolitan area. A working knowledge of instructional media, and proficiency with Excel and Word are required. We offer a base salary plus commission. This is a part-time position. Please send cover letter & resume to: humanresources@kcpt.org. Please note how you found out about this position. KCPT is an E-Verify, Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer. Non-Tenure Track Faculty Community Practice Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administration University of Missouri Kansas City School of Pharmacy at Missouri State Applications are invited for a non-tenure-track, 12-month faculty appointment in the Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administration at the Missouri State site of the University of MissouriKansas City (UMKC) School of Pharmacy. This faculty position at the Clinical Assistant Professor rank will support the educational and the patient care missions of the UMKC School of Pharmacy and community pharmacy practice in Springfield, Missouri. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and maintaining a clinical practice site, providing clinical and didactic teaching, skills based assessment and interprofessional education, contributing to the scholarly pursuits of the Division and serving the School, University and profession. Clinical responsibilities include the development and sustained provision of innovative clinical pharmacy services that ensure rational and safe drug therapy in a community practice setting. Successful candidates will practice in a progressive community pharmacy. Academic responsibilities include didactic lecturing, provision of interprofessional education, elective course instruction and/or development, skills based assessment, and the provision of experiential education. Creative and scholarly activities are also expected. Service to the UMKC School of Pharmacy, its Division of Pharmacy Practice and Administration, and the profession are expected through participation in faculty meetings, service on School committees, and participation in state and national professional organizations. Excellent communication, interpersonal and patient care skills are essential. Candidates must have an earned Pharm.D. with a PGY1 residency or equivalent experience, and must be eligible for Missouri licensure. The UMKC School of Pharmacy s mission is to educate, innovate, discover, engage, and serve to improve health. The UMKC School of Pharmacy site at Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri provides ease of access to an in-state, public pharmacy program for students residing in the southwest region of Missouri, and seeks serve the needs of Missouri citizens by educating and training pharmacy students and augment pharmacy practice and services in a rural area of the state. Rank and salary are negotiable and commensurate with experience. The position is available July 1, Please visit the website at for the required qualifications and additional information about the position or to register and submit vita online. Applicants who are not U.S. citizens must state their current visa and residency status. UMKC is an equal access, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer that is fully committed to achieving a diverse faculty and staff. Visit us on... Visítanos en... Kansas City Hispanic News TU CONEXIÓN LATINA DESDE 1996 YOUR LATINO CONNECTION SINCE 1996

5 kchispanicnews.com I 13 de Marzo de 2014 CLASSIFIEDS & PUBLIC NOTICES CLASIFICADOS & ANUNCIOS PUBLICOS Kansas City Kansas Community College (hereinafter referred to as Owner or College) seeks proposals from interested and qualified Advertising Agencies to conduct an audit of current advertising, marketing, and promotional activities by the College, in order to assess and identify opportunities and strategies to change/shape institutional image and awareness of the College and its service offerings. Submissions are due March 14, 2014 and a detailed description of the RFQ can be found at Request for Qualifications, Clinical Trials Project Manager (Level I) The KUMC Research Institute currently has an opening for Clinical Trials Project Manager (Level I). This position will be responsible for all research administration activities of assigned clinical trials for the Clinical Research Administration Division. Preferred a bachelor s degree in biology, chemistry or healthcare-related. For additional, access: EOE/D/M/V Clinical Trials Budget and Contracts Specialists The KUMC Research Institute currently has openings for Clinical Trials Budget and Contracts Specialists. This position is responsible for preparing, maintaining, and negotiating budget and contracts related to clinical trial activity. Bachelor s degree required in accounting/finance, life science, nursing or in a business-related field. For additional information, access: EOE/D/M/V Notice to Minority, Women & Service Disabled Veteran Enterprises: MBE, WBE & SDVE Subcontractors and Suppliers who are interested in bidding on Conservation Commission Headquarters, Parking Lot D Renovation, Cole County, MO, Project No E2, should contact the Estimating Department of J.C Industries, Inc., PO Box , Jefferson City MO 65110, Telephone: , Fax: J.C. Industries is an EEOE. BIDS ARE REQUIRED BY: March 25, 2014 prior to 1:00 p.m. Advertisement for IFB for Hickman Mills C-1 School District: The Hickman Mills C-1 School District is accepting sealed proposals from qualified Performance Contractors for A Guaranteed Energy Cost Saving Contract until 2:30 PM local time, Thursday, March 20, 2014 at the Hickman Mills Administration Center, 9000 Old Santa Fe Road, Kansas City, Missouri A copy of the Invitation for Bid may be obtained by calling or by accessing the Hickman Mills C-1 School District website Bidding contractors are requested to visit the project site prior to submitting bid proposals and attend a Pre-Bid Meeting Friday, March 14, 2014 at 2:30 PM at Ervin Middle School, Greenwood, KCMO Advertisement for IFB for Hickman Mills C-1 School District: The Hickman Mills C-1 School District is accepting sealed bids from qualified Abatement Contractors for the Ervin Abatement Project until 2:00 PM local time, Thursday, March 20, 2014 at the Hickman Mills Administration Center, 9000 Old Santa Fe Road, Kansas City, Missouri A copy of the Invitation for Bid may be obtained by calling or by accessing the Hickman Mills C-1 School District website NETWORK SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR MANAGER CUSTOMER SERVICE/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FACILITIES/GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST The Full Employment Council (FEC) is seeking to fill the positions of Network Systems Administrator, Manager Customer Service/Equal Opportunity, and Facilities/Grounds Maintenance Specialist. Network Systems Administrator-This position is responsible for managing all organization technologies and providing technology support and training. Primary duties include: analyzing systems and processes; maintaining workstations and networks; and designing and maintaining Web-based and other applications. Qualifications: bachelor s degree, five years related experience and/or training, or equivalent combination of education and experience; excellent technical knowledge of network and PC hardware with hands-on hardware troubleshooting experience; A+ and/or Network + MCSE certifications preferred; basic experience installing and configuring Microsoft Exchange 2010; working knowledge of Windows 7 and Server 2008 systems, and Windows Active Directory and Group Policy; basic knowledge of Ethernet and analog phone writing standards; experience with Virtualization Platform; experience with HP Servers and Printers a plus. Manager Customer Service/Equal Opportunity-This position reports to the CEO and will be responsible for: oversight of all Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) customer service, EEO marketing and outreach, security protocol, and facilitation of monitoring and reporting on funded programs. Qualifications: bachelor s degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, or a related field, and four years experience in employment programs, customer service, and/or Equal Opportunity programs. Facilities/Grounds Maintenance Specialist-This position is responsible for performing a wide variety of general maintenance/repair activities (carpentry, ventilating systems, etc.), all of the routine repair and maintenance of the facilities and equipment, address immediate operational and/or safety concerns as well as oversee and perform all activities related to the off-site locations. Qualifications: high school diploma or equivalent, knowledge of general maintenance repair, must be able to lift up to 50 pounds, requires excellent physical condition, must be computer proficient, and must have tool belt. All applicants must have personal transportation, driver s license, and auto insurance. FEC offers an excellent benefits package. Apply in person at the following FEC/Missouri Career Center Location: Central City Paseo, KCMO (M-F 8-5) MUST PROVIDE RESUME AND THREE REFERENCES UPON APPLICATION. Applications accepted until position is filled NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE EOE/AA/M/F/V/ADA E-Verify Employer Bidding contractors are requested to visit the project site prior to submitting bid proposals and attend a Pre-Bid Meeting Friday, March 14, 2014 at 2:00 PM at Ervin Middle School, Greenwood, KCMO Local Account Executive/Sales Representative WDAF-TV/WDAF-TV.2 (Antenna TV)/ foxkc.com The FOX affiliate in Kansas City is seeking an experienced and highly motivated Multi-platform Account Executive to grow our core broadcast business, interactive platforms and digital TV. The AE must develop new business across all platforms. The AE will negotiate rates, prepare and present avails and sales packages to agencies and direct advertisers. The AE will be expected to increase the share of business from existing accounts and create new non-traditional revenue opportunities while utilizing research to position the station as a premiere marketing vehicle and yourself as a marketing consultant. You will create and build relationships with all WDAF-TV, Antenna TV and fox4kc.com media clients. Candidate must have previous media sales experience. Use of Wide Orbit, Excel, Microsoft Word, Power Point and other technology is a plus. College degree preferred. EOE M/F/D/V Little Blue Valley Sewer District, a quasi-public agency created in 1968, is a 52 MGD wastewater treatment plant that protects the public health, & preserves the water quality of the Little Blue & MO Rivers in eastern Jackson County, & Cass County. LBVSD offers competitive wages & a comprehensive benefits pkg - paid vaca/sick/holidays, health & dental ins., eye care reimb., training, tuition reimb., retirement/pension. Starting salary: $17.99/hr OR $18.54/hr - DOQ Please fax résumé/inquiries to Kim Best, Admin/HR Mgr, or best@lbvsd.org by 03/24/2014. EOE M/F/D/V WASTEWATER TREATMENT TECHNICIAN Perform tasks associated with the operation and preventive maintenance of our Atherton Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities & equipment. Acquire MO Class D wastewater certification within 6 mos of employment & Class C within 2 yrs. Must possess & maintain valid driver s license. Shift work. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE BANNISTER & WORNALL TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN Pursuant to RSMo , and in accordance with RSMo , notice is hereby given by way of certified mail to inform you about a public hearing that will be held by the Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri (the Commission ), commencing at 9:45 a.m., Wednesday, April 9, 2014, at the Commission Offices, located at 1100 Walnut, Fourth Floor, Kansas City, Missouri, regarding the Bannister & Wornall Tax Increment Financing Plan (the Plan ). The proposed Plan provides for the construction of an office campus in two Redevelopment Projects, as well as certain off-site infrastructure improvements. Redevelopment Project 1 includes construction of an office building, a parking structure and related onsite and offsite improvements. Redevelopment Project 2 includes construction of an office building and related onsite and offsite improvements. The Redevelopment Area is generally bounded by Ward Parkway on the north, Wornall Road on the east, Bannister Road (95th Street) on the south, and the Ward Parkway Office Park South subdivision on the west in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri The Plan, as proposed, may be reviewed by any interested party on or after April 2, 2014 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Commission Offices. Pursuant to RSMo Section (3), all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, all testimony and discussion will be concluded. In accordance with RSMo Section , each taxing district located wholly or partially within the Redevelopment Area are invited to submit comments or objections to the Commission concerning the subject matter of the public hearing prior to the date of the public hearing. Heather Brown, Executive Director Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700 Kansas City, Missouri 64106

6 13 de Marzo de 2014 I kchispanicnews.com Fan s A Big Part Of Team s Success D E P O R T E S CONT./PAGE 1 This has been a longer training session than last year, for that reason, it was much easier and we did not push too much physically. This allowed us to get in work directly on our technique and strategy and instruct the new players on our playing philosophy. We are prepared at all levels, explained Collin. We are now just impatient to get on the pitch and play. One of the key challenges facing the team is the upcoming CONCACAF Champions League playoff against Cruz Azul, a top Mexican club. The meeting in the first leg of a twogame playoff comes on the heels of a crushing Sporting loss to the Seattle Sounders this past Saturday. The game-winning goal came in the 4th minute of extra time. The challenge against Cruz Azul is daunting. Cruz Azul has won the Champions League five times before, and should Sporting KC win they would be the first MLS team to do so. The teams are both coming off loses with Cruz Azul suffering its first loss of the season against Tigres UANL. We will play in what is an enormous challenge for the whole team, for Kansas City and the United States too, said Collin. We are playing Cruz Azul, the number one team in los periodistas en relación con el estado mental del equipo de cara a la temporada y la defensa de su corona de la MLS. Esta ha sido una sesión de entrenamiento más larga que la del año pasado, por esa razón, fue mucho más fácil y no nos presionaban demasiado físicamente. Esto nos permitió trabajar directamente en nuestra técnica y estrategia, e instruir a los nuevos jugadores en nuestra filosofía de juego. Estamos preparados en todos los niveles, explicó Collin. Ahora sólo estamos impacientes por salir a la cancha y jugar. Uno de los desafíos clave que enfrenta el equipo es la próxima eliminatoria de la Liga de Campeones de CONCACAF contra el Cruz Azul, un club superior de la liga mexicana. El juego, en la ida de una eliminatoria de dos partidos viene de la mano de un descalabro de los Sporting ante los Sounders de Seattle, el pasado sábado. El gol de la victoria llegó en el cuarto minuto del tiempo extra. El desafío contra Cruz Azul es de enormes proporciones. Cruz Azul ha ganado la Liga de Campeones en cinco ocasiones anteriores, y si Sporting KC saca la victoria, sería el primer equipo de la MLS en hacerlo. Los equipos están viniendo de perder, Cruz Azul sufrió su primera derrota de la temporada contra Tigres UANL. Vamos a jugar en lo que es un enorme reto para todo el equipo, para Kansas City y para los Estados Unidos también, dijo Collin. Estamos Mexico. We need to educate people outside of the United States that MLS teams are good. It is a personal challenge as well a team challenge and carries a lot of the aspirations of United States soccer. It would be incredible to be the first MLS team that wins the CONCACAF Champions League, said home-grown Sporting player Seth Sinovic. That would expand the Sporting brand even more and obviously the MLS brand as well and that is something we are striving for and I think we are capable of achieving. As far as big goals are concerned, we want to win every competition.. For me personally the winning feeling [from last year] wore off pretty quickly and I was ready to get back at it and win some more. Benny Feilhaber, Sporting KC midfielder expressed enthusiasm for the challenges ahead. We play to win a championship. Having been able to do that it is a great achievement but we are here in the start of the New Year and that is behind us. We want to be able to grow the sport in this area - the team, the organization, the fan base, and that is [done] by our play in the field and we are ready to go. Collin was quick to point out that the team s success jugando contra Cruz Azul, el equipo número uno en México. Tenemos que educar a la gente fuera de los Estados Unidos de que los equipos de la MLS son buenos. Es un reto personal y un desafío para el equipo, y lleva un montón de las aspiraciones del fútbol de Estados Unidos. Sería increíble ser el primer equipo de la MLS que gana la Liga de Campeones de la CONCACAF, dijo el jugador que creció con el Sporting, Seth Sinovic. Eso sería expandir la marca del Sporting aún más y, obviamente, la marca MLS, eso es algo por lo que estamos luchando y creo que somos capaces de lograr. En cuanto a grandes objetivos se refiere, queremos ganar todas las competencias. Para mí, personalmente, la sensación de ganar [el año pasado] desapareció muy rápidamente y yo estaba listo para volver a ella y ganar algo más. Benny Feilhaber, medio campista del Sporting KC expresó entusiasmo por los retos del futuro. Jugamos para ganar un campeonato. Después de haber sido capaces de hacer eso, es un gran logro, pero aquí estamos en el inicio del Año Nuevo y eso está detrás de nosotros. Queremos ser capaces de hacer crecer el deporte en esta área - el equipo, la organización, la base de fans, y eso se hace en nuestro juego en la cancha, y estamos listos para seguir. Collin se apresuró a señalar que el éxito del equipo gira en torno a la inversión emocional de su base de fans. revolves around the emotional investment of their fan base. I would tell the fans to keep giving us the support that they have for the last few years, said Collin. We need them to be our twelfth man. That helps us and pushes us in the last few minutes. We have seen it so many times. There have been so many games we have won in the last minutes because they have pushed us. Collin has seen the growth of the team and the enthusiasm of the fans. I came here when the new stadium was being built. In the last three years it has been sold out. For me that has been normal. It is great to have a sold out stadium and the team has had incredible support from the fans even when we are losing, they are there behind us cheering us on. I feel very blessed to have such fans and play for them in this city. If you look at this team four or five years ago, it is totally different from what it is now, added Fielhaber. It is fantastic to win and pay back the city that rewards you with such great fans. There are going to be tons of challenges. Everyone has to play a part in the team and we have to do the best to repeat in the leagues so there is not going to be any thing easy and we are going to have a lot of challenges ahead. Los Fanáticos Son Una Gran Parte Del Éxito Del Equipo CONT./PÁGINA 1 Yo le diría a los fanáticos que sigan dándonos el apoyo que hemos recibido en los últimos años, dijo Collin. Necesitamos que sean nuestro doceavo hombre. Eso nos ayuda y nos empuja en los últimos minutos. Lo hemos visto tantas veces. Ha habido tantos partidos que hemos ganado en los últimos minutos porque nos han empujado. Collin, ha visto el crecimiento del equipo y el entusiasmo de los fans. He llegado aquí cuando el nuevo estadio se estaba construyendo. En los últimos tres años se han vendido todas las entradas. Para mí eso ha sido normal. Es grandioso tener un estadio lleno y el equipo ha tenido un increíble apoyo de los aficionados, incluso cuando estamos perdiendo, están ahí detrás de nosotros, animándonos. Me siento muy bendecido de tener tantos seguidores y jugar para ellos en esta ciudad. Si nos fijamos en este equipo, hace cuatro o cinco años, era totalmente diferente de lo que es ahora, agregó Fielhaber. Es fantástico ganar y retribuirle a la ciudad que te recompensa con estos grandiosos fans. Va a haber un montón de desafíos. Todo el mundo tiene que jugar un papel en el equipo y tenemos que hacer lo mejor para repetir en las ligas, por lo que no va a ser cualquier cosa fácil y vamos a tener un montón de desafíos por delante. Traduce Floyd Money Mayweather To Face Hard-Hitting Knockout Artist Marcos El Chino LAS VEGAS_. After weeks of speculation, including feedback from fans across an array of social media platforms, boxing s pound-forpound superstar, pay-per-view king and WBC Welterweight World Champion Floyd Money Mayweather will face the dangerous, powerpunching WBA Welterweight World Champion Marcos El Chino Maidana on Saturday, May 3, live on Showtime PPV. Mayweather vs. Maidana, a 12-round world championship unification bout for Mayweather and Maidana s respective 147-pound titles, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Golden Boy Promotions. The event will be produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV and is the third fight of a lucrative six-fight deal with Showtime Networks Inc. Mayweather vs. Maidana will pit the brilliance of Mayweather against the power of the Argentine slugger. Mayweather (45-0, 26 KOs), undeniably the sport s No. 1 pound-for-pound fighter and a 10-time world champion, is coming off of a spectacular 2013 in which he continued to display his ring prowess with dominating victories over Robert Guerrero and Canelo Alvarez. In Maidana, Mayweather is arguably facing the most demanding and troublesome opponent of his heralded, 17-year Hall Of Fame career. Marcos Maidana s last performance immediately brought him to my attention, said Mayweather, who celebrates his 37th birthday in February. He is an extremely skilled fighter who brings knockout danger to the ring. I think this is a great fight for me and he deserves the opportunity to see if he can do what 45 others have tried to do before him - beat me. Maidana (35-3, 31 KOs), of Margarita, Santa Fe, Argentina, captured the attention of boxing and sports fans around the world with his thorough defeat of the highly regarded and undefeated Adrien Broner on Dec. 14, The 30-year-old impressively dominated Broner from the opening bell and registered two knockdowns against the three-time world champion. Maidana connected with a punishing 231 power punches in the bout en route to a unanimous decision by margins of , and The resounding victory over the heavily favored Broner was the fourth in a row for the crowd-pleasing, offensive-minded Maidana. A former WBA 140-pound world champion, Maidana s hard-charging, aggressive style has earned him knockouts in 82 percent of his wins. The remarkable ratio of knockouts ties the late Diego Corrales and Jose Luis Castillo for the highest knockout percentage of any Mayweather opponent to date and is one of the highest of any current fighter at the world-class level. I am extremely happy to be facing Floyd Mayweather because it will give me the opportunity to show the world that I am the best welterweight in the division, said Maidana, who will represent throngs of Hispanic boxing fans on Cinco de Mayo when he faces the poundfor-pound king. I just handed a great defensive fighter his first loss and I plan to do the same to Mayweather. I don t care whether he s the best and undefeated. I will bring some real Latino power to him on May 3rd. This is an extremely dangerous fight for Floyd as Marcos Maidana is a technical knock-out artist and continues to show us that he gets better with each fight, said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. Maidana showed so much in his last performance, he s clearly at the top of his game and a great match-up for Floyd. Mayweather set in motion a flurry of online polls following a message posted to his Twitter In Loving Memory Angelina Halo Tinoco and Instagram accounts (@floydmayweather) on Sunday, Feb. 2 asking fans to voice their opinion on his next opponent. Through the accumulation of more than 100,000 votes on the various online polls, more than 100,000 comments on Mayweather s Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as nonstop fan Tweets, Mayweather saw an overwhelming majority favor Maidana. In Marcos Maidana, Floyd Mayweather may be in for his toughest opponent ever, said Richard Schaefer, CEO of Golden Boy Promotions. Maidana is the type of fighter who will find out if Floyd still belongs on top of the pound-forpound list. He s strong, tough and aggressive. He in giving Adrien Broner his first loss, he showed that he won t be intimidated by talk, a big fight atmosphere or an unbeaten record. I give Floyd a lot of credit for stepping up to the plate and testing himself once again. He is a true warrior, and the fans will be the winners on May 3rd. The first two events in our partnership with Floyd Mayweather were incredible and SHOWTIME PPV is proud to present the next chapter in Floyd s remarkable career, said Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager, SHOWTIME Sports. Marcos Maidana is a boxer whose fearsome power can change the trajectory of a fight with a single punch. Couple that with his ferocity and perseverance and you have the recipe for an incredible fight on the grandest stage of the sport. Undefeated Floyd Money Mayweather, (45-0, 26 KOs), a 10-time world champion in five weight divisions, reaffirmed his worldwide popularity when he faced then- undefeated boxing phenom Canelo Alvarez last September. The mega-event, which set the record as the highest grossing payper-view event in television history with over $150 million in revenue, showed once again that Mayweather s drawing power is unlike any other. During Mayweather s extraordinary career, he has amassed wins over numerous world champions, including Arturo Gatti, Zab Judah, Oscar De La Hoya, Ricky Hatton, Juan Manuel Marquez, Shane Mosley, Victor Ortiz, Miguel Cotto, Robert Guerrero and most recently Canelo, marking the 45th win. Over the course of his pay-perview career Mayweather has generated more than 12.8 million buys and over $800 million in revenue. The Grand Rapids, Mich., native, who fights out of Las Vegas, averages more than one million pay-per-view buys per event, which is the highest pay-per-view buy average of any boxer in history, and is the only fighter to participate in two events which generated over 2 million payper-view buys each. In 2007, Mayweather coheadlined a pay-per-view event with De La Hoya which generated the largest number of PPV buys in history. Mayweather has also been listed by Sports Illustrated (2012, 2013) and Forbes (2012) as the world s highest paid athlete in any sport. Thirty-year-old Marcos El Chino Maidana (35-3, 31 KOs) stunned the boxing world in December when he defeated up-and-coming superstar Adrien Broner with an unforgettable performance. Hailing from Margarita, Santa Fe, Argentina, Maidana first emerged on the world scene in 2009, when he won the interim WBA Junior Welterweight World Championship with a stunning sixth-round technical knockout over Victor Ortiz. After three defenses of his title, Maidana lost a 2010 Fight of the Year candidate to Amir Khan, but he regained the belt with another classic against future Hall of Famer Erik Morales in In 2012, Maidana joined forces with renowned trainer Robert Garcia (2012 Trainer of the Year) and has since gone undefeated at 4-0 with 3 knockouts. Source Swanson Communications Halo, it s been 15 long years this March 17 that God came to take you from your family s arms to his. The pain of losing you still hurts. We know God takes the very best and that was you. We know you are with your families. There is not a day that goes by that we are not thinking of you. Your sons and daughters and all the grand and great children plus all the in- laws. With all our love, until we meet again. Love, Your Tinoco Family PUBLISHER/PRESIDENT (Editor/Presidente) Jose Joe Arce VICE PRESIDENT (Vicepresidente) Ramona Arce EDITOR (Editor) Jose Faus SALES REPRESENTATIVES (Representante de Ventas) Richard Ware REPORTERS/WRITERS (Reporteros/Periodistas) Debra DeCoster, Jose Faus, Jerry LaMartina DESIGN/LAYOUT (Diseño Editorial/Diagramación) Janneth-B Rodríguez SPANISH TRANSLATION (Traducción a español) STUDENT INTERN (Becario) Jose Muñiz Armando Noel Baquedano KCHN is a weekly publication of Arce Communications Inc. who bears no responsibility for accuracy or content advertisements. All rights reserverd. Arce Communications Inc does not guarantee the absence of error and every attempt will be made to remedy in KCHN at our next edition. KCHN es una publicacion semanal de Arce Communications Inc. quienes no se hacen responsables por la presición o contenido de los anuncios. Todos los derechos reservados. Arce Communications Inc. no garantiza la ausencia de errores en KCHN los cuales seran corregidos en nuestra siguiente edición Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO PHONE: (816)472.KCHN FAX: (816)931.NEWS JoeArce@KCHispanicNews.com

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Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course.

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Certificado de Asistente de Oficina Certificado de Asistente de Oficina Los estudiantes interesados en obtener este Certificado deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: Ser estudiante activo en la Facultad de Administración de Empresas,

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Beneficios de Fundar una Corporación Sin Fines de Lucro Benefits of Establishing a Non-Profit Corporation

Beneficios de Fundar una Corporación Sin Fines de Lucro Benefits of Establishing a Non-Profit Corporation ISSN 2152-6613 Beneficios de Fundar una Corporación Sin Fines de Lucro Benefits of Establishing a Non-Profit Corporation Evaluación Capacitación Rendimiento NPERCI Publication Series No. 2 Flordeliz Serpa,

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Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting

Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting Venus Independent School District August 26 & 28, 2014 1 What is Title I Title I is a K-12 program that provides additional academic support and learning opportunities for

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2015 16 Student Eligibility Verification Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate Test Fee Program

2015 16 Student Eligibility Verification Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate Test Fee Program 2015 16 Student Eligibility Verification Advanced Placement (AP) and/or International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams AP Exam IB Exam AP and IB Exams I. Student Information Last Name First Name MI Grade High

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Qué contiene la Guía?

Qué contiene la Guía? Qué contiene la Guía? Indice Cómo utilizar la Guía... 2 Términos más comunes... 3 Indice... 4 Sus servicios médicos Qué es una HMO?... 6 Hágase cargo de sus cuidados médicos... 8 Al elegir una HMO... 10

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SAN BERNARDINO & RIVERSIDE COUNTIES. Catholic Charities. Moreno Valley Regional Center. 23623 Sunnymead Blvd., Ste. E Moreno Valley, CA 92553

SAN BERNARDINO & RIVERSIDE COUNTIES. Catholic Charities. Moreno Valley Regional Center. 23623 Sunnymead Blvd., Ste. E Moreno Valley, CA 92553 SAN BERNARDINO & COUNTIES Catholic Charities Moreno Valley Regional Center 23623 Sunnymead Blvd., Ste. E Family and Community Assistance Programs Information & Referral, Case Management Basic Needs, Emergency

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GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES A parent-teacher conference is a chance for you and your child s teacher to talk. You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. This list will

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Si tiene cualquier pregunta llame a su trabajadora de CCAP al número de teléfono indicado abajo. Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program

Si tiene cualquier pregunta llame a su trabajadora de CCAP al número de teléfono indicado abajo. Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program Child Care Assistance Program Búsqueda de Trabajo Usted ha pedido cuidado para sus niños mientras busca trabajo a través del programa de CCAP. Este programa ofrece un total de 30 días mientras busca trabajo.

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Ethnography of a Classroom Sample Questions (May need to be adjusted for lower grades)

Ethnography of a Classroom Sample Questions (May need to be adjusted for lower grades) Claremont Graduate University, Teacher Education Program Ethnography of a Classroom Sample Questions Parent/Family Interview Be sure to schedule enough time for interview minimum 30 minutes. If possible,

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Reunión del Consejo del Plantel Escolar (conocido en inglés como SSC)

Reunión del Consejo del Plantel Escolar (conocido en inglés como SSC) Jon R. Gundry Superintendente del condado de las escuelas El Departamento de Educación Especial le invita a Reunión del Consejo del Plantel Escolar (conocido en inglés como SSC) Reunión Importante! Estudiantes,

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El Abecedario Financiero

El Abecedario Financiero El Abecedario Financiero Unidad 4 National PASS Center 2013 Lección 5 Préstamos Vocabulario: préstamo riesgocrediticio interés obligadosolidario A lgunavezpidesdineroprestado? Dóndepuedespedirdinero prestado?

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Este proyecto tiene como finalidad la creación de una aplicación para la gestión y explotación de los teléfonos de los empleados de una gran compañía.

Este proyecto tiene como finalidad la creación de una aplicación para la gestión y explotación de los teléfonos de los empleados de una gran compañía. SISTEMA DE GESTIÓN DE MÓVILES Autor: Holgado Oca, Luis Miguel. Director: Mañueco, MªLuisa. Entidad Colaboradora: Eli & Lilly Company. RESUMEN DEL PROYECTO Este proyecto tiene como finalidad la creación

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OJO: Todos los formularios deberán llenarse en inglés. De lo contrario, no se le permitirá presentar sus documentos ante la Secretaría del Tribunal.

OJO: Todos los formularios deberán llenarse en inglés. De lo contrario, no se le permitirá presentar sus documentos ante la Secretaría del Tribunal. OJO: Todos los formularios deberán llenarse en inglés. De lo contrario, no se le permitirá presentar sus documentos ante la Secretaría del Tribunal. For Clerk s Use Only (Para uso de la Secretaria solamente)

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Soccer and Scouting in Your Organization A Worthwhile Combination

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RENT CONTROL BOARD OF THE TOWN OF WEST NEW YORK, N.J. 428-60 TH STREET WEST NEW YORK, N.J. 07093-2231 (201) 295-5290/91/92


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Steps to Understand Your Child s Behavior. Customizing the Flyer

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I understand that I must request that this waiver be reconsidered annually, each school year. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

I understand that I must request that this waiver be reconsidered annually, each school year. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Page 1 of 7 PARENTAL EXCEPTION WAIVER EDUCATION CODE 311(a): Children who know English (Exhibit 1) Name: School: Grade: Date of Birth: Language Designation: My child possesses good English language skills

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www.deltadentalins.com/language_survey.html Survey Code: Survey 1 February 6, 2008 Dear Delta Dental Enrollee: Recent changes in California law will require that all health care plans provide language assistance to their plan enrollees beginning

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2014 15 Student Eligibility Verification Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate Test Fee Program

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Covered California Créditos fiscales para Primas de Salud y Reconciliación de impuestos

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COMPARATIVO. En inglés existen 3 tipos de comparativo: INFERIORIDAD, IGUALDAD Y SUPERIORIDAD

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Encl.: Teacher/Teacher Assistant Information Request Form

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Art Studio. Did you know...?

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Voter Information Guide and Sample Ballot

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Gramática A. 1 Frecuentemente, los chicos están haciendo muchas cosas. De las palabras entre paréntesis,

Gramática A. 1 Frecuentemente, los chicos están haciendo muchas cosas. De las palabras entre paréntesis, Level 2, pp. 124-126 Gramática A Present Progressive Goal: Use the Present Progressive to say what you are doing. 1 Frecuentemente, los chicos están haciendo muchas cosas. De las palabras entre paréntesis,

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