Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure

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1 LESSON 7 TEACHER S GUIDE by Olive Porter Fountas-Pinnell Level J Realistic Fiction Selection Summary When Luz and her mother move to a new apartment in the city, Luz misses her old garden. They join a community garden, working hard and sharing seeds, tools, and advice with the other gardeners. In the fall, all the gardeners bring food for a community potluck dinner. La huerta comunitaria por Olive Porter ilustrado por Dana Regan HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Number of Words: 392 Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure Content Themes and Ideas Language and Literary Features Sentence Complexity Vocabulary Words Illustrations Book and Print Features Third person narrative Organized chronologically Community garden Foods made from vegetables Gardening requires hard work. Sharing work and sharing the results of work are satisfying. Gardeners can plant food in a city. Description of possibly unfamiliar setting Simple dialogue, with assigned speakers Details show passage of time. Simple, compound, and complex sentences Some sentences with challenging clauses (Tan pronto como pudieron, Luz y su mamá se unieron a la huerta comunitaria). Items in a series (Todos los hortelanos compartían las semillas, las herramientas e intercambiaban consejos). Gardening terms: parcela, malas hierbas, rastrillaron, semillas, abonos, pimientos Mostly one- and two-syllable words; longer words include apartamento, comunidad Multiple meaning words: tienda, dura Words with suffi xes estacionamiento, entusiasmada, jugosos Illustrations support text. Framed illustration below text on each of nine pages One to four paragraphs on a page Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Copyright by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida Printed in the U.S.A If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited. Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format.

2 by Olive Porter Build Background Help children use their knowledge of gardens to visualize the story. Build interest by asking a question such as the following: Qué puede crecer en una huerta? Read the title and author and talk about how the cover illustration shows a community garden. Tell children that this story is realistic fiction so the characters will act like real people. Introduce the Text Guide children through the text, noting important ideas and helping with unfamiliar language and vocabulary so that they can read the text successfully. Here are some suggestions: Pages 2-3: Tell children that this story is about a girl named Luz who moves with her mother to a new apartment building and misses her old garden. Suggested language: Vayan a la página 2 y 3 y miren las ilustraciones. Luz y su mamá se mudaron a un nuevo apartamento. Qué debe estar buscando Luz atrás del edifi cio? Luz recuerda cuánto le gustaba tener una huerta. Cada verano, esta fl orecía y el aire se impregnaba con su aroma. Por qué la huerta olía tan bien cuando las fl ores se abrían? Page 5: Have children fi nd the words huerta comunitaria and parcela in the paragraph. Use the illustration to discuss the meaning of the terms. Page 6: Explain that Luz and her mother have begun working in the community garden. Trabajaron hasta que les dolían los músculos. Por qué creen que el trabajo en la huerta puede hacer doler los músculos? Page 7: Qué trabajo están haciendo los hortelanos en la ilustración? Page 8: Draw attention to the illustration. Cómo se dan cuenta de que el tiempo ha pasado en esta ilustración? Page 9: Vayan a la página 9. En la ilustración vemos que Luz y su mamá son invitadas a una cena especial en la que cada miembro de la comunidad lleva un plato. Qué es lo que hace que esta cena sea especial? Ahora, vuelvan al comienzo del cuento para descubrir más cosas sobre Luz y la huerta comuitaria. Target Vocabulary aroma olor agradable, p. 3 arrugado con pliegues, p. 10 asentir admitir, p. 6 duro difícil de cortar, masticar o romper, p. 6 florecer cuando crecen flores, p. 3 músculo partes del cuerpo, p. 6 pala herramienta que se usa para cavar, p. 4 simplemente sencillo, fácil, p. 2 2 Lesson 7:

3 Read As children read, observe them carefully. Guide them as needed, using language that supports their problem solving ability. Remind children to use the Analyze/Evaluate Strategy feel about the story. to tell how they Discuss and Revisit the Text Personal Response Invite children to share their personal responses to the story. Suggested language: Qué saben ahora sobre las huertas comunitarias que no sabían antes? Ways of Thinking As you discuss the text, help children understand these points: Thinking Within the Text Thinking Beyond the Text Thinking About the Text Luz and her mother join a community garden. They work hard to tend their plot, and they enjoy the friendship of other gardeners. The gardeners come together in the fall to have a potluck dinner with foods made from everyone s vegetables. It is hard work to grow vegetables, but the results are worth it. A community garden can make the city more like the country. A community garden brings people together Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. The story shows the true steps in growing garden vegetables. The author included examples of everyone sharing and working together. The pictures help readers understand what is planted and how it grows. The author s attitude about community gardens is that they are great places to garden and build a sense of community in a city. Choices for Further Support Fluency Invite children to choose a passage from the text to read aloud. Remind them to pause at each comma and end mark. Comprehension Based on your observations of the children s reading and discussion, revisit parts of the text to clarify or extend comprehension. Remind children to go back to the text to support their ideas. Phonics/Word Work Provide practice as needed with words and word parts, using examples from the text. Explain that a syllable is a word part with at least one vowel, and that breaking a long word into its syllables helps readers say the word part by part. List these words from, and have children help you break each into syllables as shown: huer-ta, co-mu-ni-ta-ria. 3 Lesson 7:

4 Writing about Reading Critical Thinking Have children complete the questions on Hoja reproducible 7.7. Responding Have children complete the activities at the back of the book. Use the instruction below as needed to reinforce or extend understanding of the comprehension skill. Target Comprehension Skill Conclusions Tell children that they can put together story details to figure out a conclusion. Model the skill, using a Think Aloud like the one below: Think Aloud En la página 6, leo que Luz y su mamá arrancaron las malas hierbas y rastrillaron la dura tierra hasta que les dolían los músculos. En la página 7, leo que siempre había malas hierbas. En la página 8, leo que todos contaban historias y hacían bromas mientras trabajaban. Esta es mi conclusión: Trabajar en la huerta es un gran esfuerzo, pero los hortelanos se divertían al hacerlo. Practice the Skill Have children find details in the text that support this conclusion: Community gardeners share what they have. Writing Prompt: Thinking Beyond the Text Have children write a response to the prompt on page 6. Remind them that when they think beyond the text, they use what they know and their own experience to think about what happens in the story. Assessment Prompts Why is Luz unhappy at the start of the story? On page 6, which word means opinions about what to do? 4 Lesson 7:

5 Responder DESTREZA CLAVE Conclusiones Cómo se siente Luz al final del cuento? Cómo lo sabes? Copia el diagrama de abajo y agrega detalles del cuento. Detalles Luz tiene una huerta. Detalles? Detalles? Conclusión Luz se siente? A escribir! El texto y tú Luz y su mamá pertenecen a la huerta comunitaria. Escribe un párrafo para explicar qué significa ser parte de una huerta comunitaria. Luego, explica si te gustaría o no formar parte de una. Nombre Fecha Lección 7 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE Lee y contesta las preguntas. 1. Por qué hay dos mujeres que llevan varias palas? 2_043692_LR2_2OL_LAHUER_L07.indd /20/09 3:22:34 PM Van a trabajar en la huerta. 2. Por qué Luz suspira al ver el estacionamiento? Respuesta posible: Está triste porque no hay espacio para una huerta. 3. Qué crees que Luz siente acerca de su nueva casa al final del libro? Explica tu respuesta. Respuesta posible: A Luz probablemente le gusta su nueva casa. Tiene amigos nuevos y una huerta donde trabajar. Hacer conexiones Luz y su mamá hacen nuevos amigos al trabajar en la huerta comunitaria. Cuáles son otros modos de hacer nuevos amigos? Cómo harías tú nuevos amigos si te mudaras a un nuevo lugar? Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura. Lea las instrucciones a los niños.. All rights reserved. 9 Grado 2, Unidad 2: Observar la naturaleza 893RTXSAN_U02_LR_CT.indd 9 9/11/09 5:26:35 AM 5 Lesson 7:

6 Nombre Fecha Pensar más allá del texto Lee el siguiente párrafo. Después, escribe tu carta en el espacio en blanco. Al comienzo del cuento, Luz no estaba muy contenta de haberse mudado al nuevo apartamento. Al final, sus sentimientos cambian. Imagina que eres Luz. Escribe una carta a un amigo. Cuéntale sobre la mudanza al nuevo apartamento y tu trabajo en la huerta comunitaria. Explica por qué cambiaron tus sentimientos sobre la mudanza. 6 Lesson 7:

7 Nombre Lee y contesta las preguntas. Fecha Lección 7 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE Por qué hay dos mujeres que llevan varias palas? 2. Por qué Luz suspira al ver el estacionamiento? 3. Qué crees que Luz siente acerca de su nueva casa al final del libro? Explica tu respuesta. Hacer conexiones Luz y su mamá hacen nuevos amigos al trabajar en la huerta comunitaria. Cuáles son otros modos de hacer nuevos amigos? Cómo harías tú nuevos amigos si te mudaras a un nuevo lugar? Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura. 7 Lesson 7:

8 Estudiante NIVEL J Fecha Lección 7 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE 7.10 Registro de lectura page Selection Text Errors Self-Corrections 2 Cuando Luz y su mamá se mudaron al nuevo apartamento, Luz observó el edificio. Al frente, había una acera, a la izquierda, otro edificio simplemente de ladrillos, y a la derecha, había una tienda. 3 Luz corrió hacia el patio de atrás de su nuevo edificio. Un estacionamiento lo cubría en su totalidad. Luz suspiró. En su apartamento anterior, siempre habían plantado una huerta. Todos los veranos, florecían flores y un hermoso aroma invadía el aire. Comments: Accuracy Rate (# words read correctly/75 100) % Self-Correction Rate (# errors + # Self-Corrections/ Self-Corrections) 1: Behavior Code Error Read word correctly lobo 0 Repeated word, sentence, or phrase lobo Omission lobo 1 0 Behavior Code Error Substitution lodo lobo 1 Self-corrects lodo sc lobo Insertion el ˆlobo 1 Word told T 1 lobo 0 ISBN-13: ISBN-10: Lesson 7:

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Fountas-Pinnell Level L Biography

Fountas-Pinnell Level L Biography LESSON 11 TEACHER S GUIDE Michelle Kwan: Una campeona by Dixie Lee Petrokis Fountas-Pinnell Level L Biography Selection Summary This biography of figure skating champion Michelle Kwan traces her early

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Nivel: F EDL: 6 12 Género: No ficción narrativa Estrategia: Resumir Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número de palabras: 136 1.6.

Nivel: F EDL: 6 12 Género: No ficción narrativa Estrategia: Resumir Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número de palabras: 136 1.6. LESSON 30 TEACHER S GUIDE by Barbara Miller Fountas-Pinnell Level H Narrative Nonfiction Nivel: F EDL: 6 12 Género: No ficción narrativa Estrategia: Resumir Destreza: Comprender a los personajes Número

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Los arrecifes de coral by Erika Sparks

Los arrecifes de coral by Erika Sparks Nivel: I EDL: 14-16 Ciencias LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: Revisar/Aclarar Número palabras: 277 2.2.5 Construir vocabulario by Erika Sparks Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction 2_048871_VR2_5BL_COVER_SPA_coral1

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Nivel: K EDL: 20 Género: Fábula Estrategia: Visualizar. Destreza: Causa y efecto Número de palabras: 391. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea

Nivel: K EDL: 20 Género: Fábula Estrategia: Visualizar. Destreza: Causa y efecto Número de palabras: 391. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea LESSON 24 TEACHER S GUIDE Nivel: K EDL: 20 Género: Fábula Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Causa y efecto Número de palabras: 391 2.5.24 by Emily Kavicky Fountas-Pinnell Level K Fable 2_269443RTXS_LR5_4BL_CVR_Fables_1

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Fountas-Pinnell Level T Narrative Nonfiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level T Narrative Nonfiction LESSON 17 TEACHER S GUIDE Ayudando a los animales salvajes by Stephanie W. Sigue Fountas-Pinnell Level T Narrative Nonfiction Selection Summary Wildlife rehabilitators are important to the survival of

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Fountas-Pinnell Level V Realistic Fiction. by Joseph Killorin Brennan

Fountas-Pinnell Level V Realistic Fiction. by Joseph Killorin Brennan LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE by Joseph Killorin Brennan Fountas-Pinnell Level V Realistic Fiction Selection Summary A girl is homesick for China after moving to America with her parents. The words of her immigrant

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Fountas-Pinnell Level I Humorous Fiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level I Humorous Fiction LESSON 11 TEACHER S GUIDE Una fiesta en el zoológico by Ann M. Rossi Fountas-Pinnell Level I Humorous Fiction Selection Summary The zoo animals enjoy greeting visitors every morning until León arrives.

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El rey del jonrón 3.1.5

El rey del jonrón 3.1.5 LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE Género: Biografía Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Causa y efecto 3.1.5 by Joanna Korba Fountas-Pinnell Level P Biography HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea Selection

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative in seven sections

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative in seven sections LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Joanne Mattern Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Biography Selection Summary Coretta Scott King (1927 2006), wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was an influential leader and speaker

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La narradora de cuentos. Fountas-Pinnell Level N Realistic Fiction. by Rubí Borgia

La narradora de cuentos. Fountas-Pinnell Level N Realistic Fiction. by Rubí Borgia LESSON 8 TEACHER S GUIDE by Rubí Borgia Fountas-Pinnell Level N Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Anita is in the hospital with a broken leg from a car accident. She is feeling sad about her dog, Chispita,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Fantasy

Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Fantasy LESSON 21 TEACHER S GUIDE hermanas Belton by Jessica Lynne Rose and Anathea Chartrand Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Fantasy Selection Summary Uncle Vince, a world traveler, comes to town to take care of Marilou

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person narrative LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE Canciones para el pueblo by Darleen Ramos Fountas-Pinnell Level P Biography Selection Summary Woody Guthrie was a folk singer and award-winning writer of over 1,000 songs, including

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure Third person narrative

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure Third person narrative ISBN-13: 978-0-547-03707-3 LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by David Martz Fountas-Pinnell Level N Fantasy Selection Summary Nivel: N EDL: 30 Género: Fantasía Estrategia: Inferir/Predecir Destreza: Conclusiones

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Nivel: J EDL: 18 Género: Cuentos divertidos Estrategia: Preguntar Destreza: Texto y características gráficas Número de palabras: 571 2.4.

Nivel: J EDL: 18 Género: Cuentos divertidos Estrategia: Preguntar Destreza: Texto y características gráficas Número de palabras: 571 2.4. LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE by Jessica Quilty Fountas-Pinnell Level K Humorous Fiction Nivel: J EDL: 18 Género: Cuentos divertidos Estrategia: Preguntar Destreza: Texto y características gráficas Número

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El regreso de los osos pardos a Yellowstone by Knute Edwards

El regreso de los osos pardos a Yellowstone by Knute Edwards Nivel: S EDL: 44 Género: Texto informativo LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: El regreso de los osos Revisar/Aclarar pardos Destreza: Idea principal y detalles Número de palabras: 2,234 a by Knute Edwards

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Fountas-Pinnell Level S Realistic Fiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level S Realistic Fiction LESSON 8 TEACHER S GUIDE El regalo favorito del abuelo by Tanisha Carr Fountas-Pinnell Level S Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Quentin dreads the idea of playing jazz songs at his grandfather s birthday

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Nivel: N EDL: 30 Género: Cuentos divertidos 2.3.1 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN. Libritos nivelados en línea

Nivel: N EDL: 30 Género: Cuentos divertidos 2.3.1 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN. Libritos nivelados en línea Nivel: N EDL: 30 Género: Cuentos divertidos LESSON 11 TEACHER S GUIDE Correos electrónicos Estrategia: de la Inferir/Predecir Destreza: Conclusiones Número palabras: 925 maestra by Rachel Fogelberg Fountas-Pinnell

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE by Carolyn Bond Fountas-Pinnell Level O Biography Selection Summary After losing an arm during the Civil War, explorer in 1869 led a team of 10 men on a first-ever three-month

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fantasy Text Structure LESSON 21 TEACHER S GUIDE La magia del trabajo en equipo by L.M. Colozza Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Fantasy Selection Summary When Damián s mother goes back to work, everyone tries to help. But they soon

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Nivel: G EDL: 6 12 Género: Cuento folklórico Estrategia: Preguntar. Destreza: Secuencia de sucesos Número de palabras: 302 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN

Nivel: G EDL: 6 12 Género: Cuento folklórico Estrategia: Preguntar. Destreza: Secuencia de sucesos Número de palabras: 302 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN LESSON 12 TEACHER S GUIDE Nivel: G EDL: 6 12 Género: Cuento folklórico Estrategia: Preguntar Destreza: Secuencia de sucesos Número de palabras: 302 1.3.2 by Dermot McManus Fountas-Pinnell Level H Folktale

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Mix of mostly expository and some narrative text, third-person point of view

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Mix of mostly expository and some narrative text, third-person point of view Nivel: K EDL: 20-24 Ciencias LESSON 11 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: De las máquinas de Resumir Número de palabras: 338 2.3.1 escribir Construir vocabulario a las by Jennifer Duffy Fountas-Pinnell Level

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Nivel: M EDL: 28 Género: Texto informativo. Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Comparar y contrastar Número de palabras: 669 2.6.

Nivel: M EDL: 28 Género: Texto informativo. Estrategia: Visualizar Destreza: Comparar y contrastar Número de palabras: 669 2.6. Nivel: M EDL: 28 Género: Texto informativo LESSON 30 TEACHER S GUIDE Estrategia: Los primeros bomberos de Visualizar Destreza: Comparar y contrastar Número de palabras: 669 Estados Unidos by Lena Crawford

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Conejos como mascotas

Conejos como mascotas LESSON 1 TEACHER S GUIDE Ciencias Estrategia: Resumir by Martin Cohen Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction 2.1.1 Desarrollar el vocabulario 2_269245RTXS_VR1_1BL_CVR_PetRabb1 1 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados

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TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano Student s name: TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano INTERPRETIVE MODE: Preparation Phase: In this module, you will learn about Las partes del cuerpo humano.

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Comprehension Compare and Contrast. Writing Write an informational text.

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Títeres, títeres y más títeres by Nomi J. Waldman

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Level 1 Spanish, 2015

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Puedo ir al baño? Review Packet

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3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary.

3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary. Reading You are going to read two different texts about Spanish Christmas traditions. 1. Working with a partner or in groups of three, try and predict what kinds of words will be in the text. Once you

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Los seres vivos/ living things. CONOCIMIENTO DEL MEDIO 3º DE PRIMARIA

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Animal Habitats

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Level 2 Spanish, 2008

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Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter

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Flashcards Series 1 Saludos y Despedidas

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A Examen 5A, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 5A PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Look at the family tree. Then circle the word that best completes each statement. Luis Adela Roberto Lola

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Carmen: No, no soy Mexicana. Soy Colombiana. Y tú? Eres tú Colombiano?

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Filma la escena! (Film the scene!) Escribe el guión! (Write the script!)

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