Newcomer Student Diagnostic Tool - Spanish

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1 Newcmer Student Diagnstic Tl - Spanish The fllwing diagnstic tls may be used t: Determine initial student academic strengths and needs, Mnitr nging prgress Included in this packet yu will find: A writing diagnstic tl A results sheet t help determine student strengths and needs in writing A numeracy diagnstic tl (basic skills thrugh grade 5) A results sheet t help determine student strengths and needs in basic math skills A prgress mnitring guide f newcmer language and academic skills This is ne suggested tl amng many yu may use t determine basic skills fr yur newcmers. Yu may cntinue t use yur schl-based tls t track student academic skills and prgress. Fr additinal assistance with newcmers at yur schl, please reach ut t yur assigned Site Crdinatr at the English Language Learner Divisin at (702) Instructinal Services Unit English Language Learner Divisin Nvember 30, 2017 Page 1 f 7

2 Herramienta de Diagnóstic de la Escritura para el Estudiante Recién LLegad Nmbre: Grad: Fecha: Idima que se Habla en el Hgar: Idima Predminante del Estudiante: Grad al que ingresó el estudiante a una escuela dnde se habla inglés: Indicación: Escriba sbre usted en el idima que se sienta más cómd. Dens tants detalles cm pueda, pr ejempl: csas que le gusta hacer, ls juegs favrits que le gusta jugar, cmida favrita, etc. Instructinal Services Unit English Language Learner Divisin Nvember 30, 2017 Page 2 f 7

3 Writing Diagnstic Results Please use this infrmatin t help yu determine hw t assist the student with writing based n their current level f prficiency. Check each skill the student demnstrated in their writing sample. What functinal writing skills was the student able t demnstrate? The student can write in his/her native language. The student can frmulate legible letters. The student can use prper spacing between wrds. The student knws when t use capital letters. The student can write in cmplete sentences. The student understands where t use punctuatin marks. The student knws hw t use diacritical marks (accent marks; fr example tilde ñ Niñ, í -accent grave jyería- etc.). If translated, what cntent writing skills was the student able t demnstrate? The student attempted t write a sentence using single wrds and/r phrases in their native language abut the tpic. The student was able t write a few simple sentences in their native language abut the tpic. The student wrte clearly rganized thughts abut the tpic with chesive and welltransitined paragraphs. The student s writing had very few mechanical r grammatical errrs. Additinal Ntes: Can the student write in his r her native language? Yes, this student is a prficient writer. Yes, with sme limitatins. Yes, but very limited. N, nt a writer. Instructinal Services Unit English Language Learner Divisin Nvember 30, 2017 Page 3 f 7

4 Herramienta de Diagnóstic de la Escritura para el Estudiante Recién LLegad Nmbre: Grad: Fecha: Mark apprpriate stpping pint based n student s grade-level. Yu may stp them earlier if they reach frustratin. Nta: Pr favr realice tants prblemas de matemáticas cm le sea psible. 1. Y pued identificar ( escribir) ls nmbres de las siguientes figuras: 2. Y pued escribir ls númers del cer al veinte: 3. Y pued escribir una fracción cn la parte smbreada. 4. Y pued escribir el valr psicinal cn el númer subrayad Instructinal Services Unit English Language Learner Divisin Nvember 30, 2017 Page 4 f 7

5 5. Y pued sumar Y pued restar x 6 = 7 x 4 = 7. Y pued multiplicar Y pued dividir. 8 2= 25 5 = 78 4 = 109 7= 9. Y sé cóm reslver este prblema. 2x -10 = 6 Instructinal Services Unit English Language Learner Divisin Nvember 30, 2017 Page 5 f 7

6 Numeracy Diagnstic Results Please use this infrmatin t help yu determine hw t assist the student in mathematics based n their current level f prficiency. Check each skill the student demnstrated. The student can identify basic shapes. The student can write numbers zer t twenty. The student can identify basic fractinal parts f a diagram. The student can identify place value up t the hundreds place. The student can add single digit numbers. The student can add duble-digit numbers with regruping. The student can subtract single digit numbers. The student can subtract duble-digit numbers with regruping. The student can multiply single digit numbers. The student can multiply duble-digit numbers with regruping. The student can divide single digit numbers. The student can divide a duble-digit number by a single digit number with r withut a remainder. The student can slve fr the variable in a given equatin. Additinal Ntes: Des this student have numeracy skills apprpriate t their grade level? Yes, demnstrates the basic numeracy skills t their grade level, r thrugh elementary. Yes, demnstrates mst basic numeracy skills. Yes, demnstrates sme basic numeracy skills. N, des nt demnstrate numeracy skills. Instructinal Services Unit English Language Learner Divisin Nvember 30, 2017 Page 6 f 7

7 Mnitre del Prgres de las Aptitudes del Recién Llegad Please share this guide with ther educatrs and use respnses t plan next steps fr this student. Nmbre: Grad: Fecha: Indique en la línea el mes y añ en el cual el estudiante demuestra cada aptitud. Aptitudes Esclares Generales Dice su nmbre, dirección, númer telefónic, edad y fecha de nacimient. Dice el nmbre de la escuela, grad, nmbre del maestr, númer/clr del autbús, nmbre del persnal encargad. Dice ls nmbre y las relacines de la gente en su familia ( María es mi madre ). Obedece las indicacines esclares (pnerse de pie/sentarse, abrir/cerrar, escribir/imprimir/cpia, leer, escuchar). Frases de supervivencia esclar (pedir permis para usar el bañ, ir a ver a la enfermera). Entiende indicacines básicas, leer señales imprtantes (salida de emergencia, tcadr). Realiza preguntas para una mayr cmprensión ( Qué es est?, N entiend., Cóm se dice? ). Cnce sustantivs esclares (libr, Tijeras, lápiz, brradr, craylas, cmputadra, etc.). Aptitudes de Cmunicación Usa un saluds ( Buens días, Cóm te llamas? Mi nmbre es, Cóm estás?, y Disculpe ). Recnce e identifica ls sentimients (feliz, triste, enjad, cansad, asustad). Expresa gusts y disgusts. Aptitudes Académicas Primarias Imprime y recita las letras del abecedari y prduce snids de las letras, identifica letras elegidas al azar. Prnuncia y recnce ls nmbres de ls clres. Identifica figuras. Cuenta hasta 100, escribe ls númers hasta 100, lee/escribe palabras de ls númers hastal 100. Aptitudes Cmunitarias Cnce ls nmbre de ls aliments, categrías de ls aliments (vegetales, carnes ), y cm rdenar de un menú. Cnce ls nmbre s y valres de las mnedas, billetes, leer precis y dar cambi (cmprar). Cnce ls nmbres y ubicacines de las partes del cuerp. Cnce las cupacines cmunes (maestr, ficial de plicía, carter). Identifica ls artículs para vestir (camisa, pantalón, calcetines, zapats, abrig, etc.). Aptitudes Varias Dice la hra y entender las expresines para la hra (a.m. /p.m., pr la mañana, etc.) Usa un calendari; sabe ls días de la semana, meses, estacines y palabras relacinadas (hy, mañana, ayer, fin de semana, día de la semana). Cnce palabras para las variacines del clima (nieve, lluvis, caliente, airs). Instructinal Services Unit English Language Learner Divisin Nvember 30, 2017 Page 7 f 7

Thursday. 23 Thursday. Write all the different ways you can know to greet someone in Spanish:

Thursday. 23 Thursday. Write all the different ways you can know to greet someone in Spanish: What are the mnths in the year in Spanish? 1. 4. 7. 10. 2. 5. 8. 11. 3. 6. 9. 12. **Remember that mnths are nt capitalized in Spanish like they are in English. Write ut this calendar in Spanish. Include

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Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección doce. Instructor: Escucha la siguiente conversación en español. René: Disculpe, señora.

Learning Spanish Like Crazy. Spoken Spanish Lección doce. Instructor: Escucha la siguiente conversación en español. René: Disculpe, señora. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección doce Instructor: Escucha la siguiente conversación en español. René: Disculpe, señora. María: Sí, señor. René: Dónde está el banco? María: El banco está

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Soluciones Olimpiadas Matemáticas del Nivel Superior Programa de Matemática, DEPR Abril 2015

Soluciones Olimpiadas Matemáticas del Nivel Superior Programa de Matemática, DEPR Abril 2015 Soluciones Olimpiadas Matemáticas del Nivel Superior Programa de Matemática, DEPR Abril 2015 Instrucciones: Conteste cada pregunta comenzando en la cara de la hoja de papel donde se presenta la pregunta

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Listen to the description of a classroom. Underline the items that the speaker mentions. Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph you hear.

Listen to the description of a classroom. Underline the items that the speaker mentions. Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph you hear. ESCUCHAR 1 En la clase CD 4 TRACKS 8 13 Listen to the description of a classroom. Underline the items that the speaker mentions. una computadora un escritorio grande un pizarrón una impresora unos libros

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II. Vocabulario. A. Fill in the blank with the correct answer for the question. 1. Cómo te llamas?

II. Vocabulario. A. Fill in the blank with the correct answer for the question. 1. Cómo te llamas? 1 Página Nombre: Fecha: ESPAÑOL BÁSICO REPASO DE CAPÍTULO 4 I. Overview. The following topics will be covered on the test: School supplies Classes/courses Time words Places to go at school Coming/going/leaving

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TA Script and Student Test Directions Grade 5

TA Script and Student Test Directions Grade 5 Spanish Paper TAM TA Script and Student Test Directions Grade 5 Name: E-mail: i GRADE 5, SESSION 1 Spanish Math Paper-Pencil Test For the Mathematics Summative Assessment, please read aloud the directions

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BIA SPANISH IMMERSION----THIRD GRADE HOMEWORK CALENDAR Nombre: Fecha: BIA SPANISH IMMERSION----THIRD GRADE HOMEWORK CALENDAR Week of November 4th Please sign next to the date to indicate that you have reviewed your child s homework each night. Keep this sheet

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Nombre: Fecha: Período Día Avancemos: Lección preliminar: Parte 2. Lunes,, Miércoles,,,, Qué día fue ayer (yesterday)? Ayer fue

Nombre: Fecha: Período Día Avancemos: Lección preliminar: Parte 2. Lunes,, Miércoles,,,, Qué día fue ayer (yesterday)? Ayer fue Nombre: Fecha: Período Día Avancemos: Lección preliminar: Parte 2 Learning Goals: Students will be able to: Identify the days of the week in Spanish. Identify the months of the year in Spanish. Describe

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Solution Paragraphs. Área Lectura y Escritura. How to link a solution paragraph to a problem paragraph

Solution Paragraphs. Área Lectura y Escritura. How to link a solution paragraph to a problem paragraph Solution Paragraphs Área Lectura y Escritura Resultados de aprendizaje - Escribir sobre problemas y soluciones en inglés. - Usar condicionales en inglés. - Escribir un texto usando conectores. Contenidos

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Survey Directions. Thank you for your honest feedback! You may begin.

Survey Directions. Thank you for your honest feedback! You may begin. Survey Directins Yu will be cmpleting a survey that will prvide imprtant infrmatin abut yur teacher. A survey is different frm a test. On a survey, yu are asked fr yur pinin r pint f view; there are n

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Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd

Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario en contexto Web Code: jcd Fecha Core Practice 1B 1 Cómo es? At school you see many different types of people. Describe each person you see in the picture by writing the appropriate adjective on the corresponding blank. 1. 3. 2.

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Las invitaciones. ir al cine. Sí, me gustaría ir al cine. ir de compras. Sí, puedo ir de compras. jugar al básquetbol

Las invitaciones. ir al cine. Sí, me gustaría ir al cine. ir de compras. Sí, puedo ir de compras. jugar al básquetbol Fecha Core Practice 4B 2 Las invitaciones You and your friends are making plans for the weekend. Complete your friends invitations with the activities suggested by the pictures. Then accept the offers

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Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

Cómo es? 22 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Fecha Practice Workbook 1B 1 Cómo es? At school you see many different types of people. Describe each person you see in the picture by writing the appropriate adjective on the corresponding blank. 1. 3.

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1. A Fede le gusta mucho estudiar. El es. 2. La mujer tienes ochenta años. Ella es. 3. A la estudiante no le gusta estudiar ni trabajar. Ella es.

1. A Fede le gusta mucho estudiar. El es. 2. La mujer tienes ochenta años. Ella es. 3. A la estudiante no le gusta estudiar ni trabajar. Ella es. Español 1 Study Guide for Final Complete the sentence with your vocabulary. 1. A Fede le gusta mucho estudiar. El es. 2. La mujer tienes ochenta años. Ella es. 3. A la estudiante no le gusta estudiar ni

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OLIMPIADAS MATEMÁTICAS DEPR 4 DE ABRIL 2014 OLIMPIADAS MATEMÁTICAS DEPR 4 DE ABRIL 2014 Instrucciones: Conteste cada pregunta comenzando en la cara de la hoja de papel donde se presenta la pregunta y continuando al dorso de ser necesario. Se corregirá

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Flashcards Series 5 El Agua

Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then, as

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Hoy es el de 2015 Ayer fue Mañana es. Que tiempo hace hoy?

Hoy es el de 2015 Ayer fue Mañana es. Que tiempo hace hoy? Unit 2.1 Hoy es el de 2015 Ayer fue Mañana es Que tiempo hace hoy? Que clases te gustan? FLY SWATTER Palabra del dia: La hora La fecha: lunes el 9 de noviembre 2015 Tengo A que la clase hora de arte tienes

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TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano Student s name: TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING MODULE Module on Las partes del cuerpo humano INTERPRETIVE MODE: Preparation Phase: In this module, you will learn about Las partes del cuerpo humano.

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Actividad 1. Actividad 2 AUDIO. a. Me llamo b. Muy bien, gracias. 2. c. Regular. 3. d. Mucho gusto. 4. e. Igualmente. 5. f. Hasta mañana. 6.

Actividad 1. Actividad 2 AUDIO. a. Me llamo b. Muy bien, gracias. 2. c. Regular. 3. d. Mucho gusto. 4. e. Igualmente. 5. f. Hasta mañana. 6. AUDIO Actividad 1 You are at a party with students visiting from Ecuador. You have practiced several responses to the things they might say when you meet them. Listen to each question or statement and

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 2B Examen 2B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 2B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Complete the following sentences about items in the classroom with the correct vocabulary words. 1. Hay

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INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA TÉCNICA SAGRADO CORAZÓN Aprobada según Resolución No NIT DANE SOLEDAD ATLÁNTICO. GUÍA N 2 INGLES ÁREA: HUMANIDADES GRADO: 8º Docentes: Lic. Yelitza Durán PERIODO: 2º IH (en horas): 3h/s EJE TEMÁTICO Around the World DESEMPEÑO NÚCLEOS TEMÁTICOS: Describe situaciones relacionadas con

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Translate the following sentences to Spanish. Conjugate the verb!

Translate the following sentences to Spanish. Conjugate the verb! lunes (12/4) Vámonos Translate the following sentences to Spanish. Conjugate the verb! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I study. He speaks Spanish. They help. We are in the school. (use ESTAR) You are in the house. (use

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4 th Grade Spring Break Math Activities Instructions (Spanish)

4 th Grade Spring Break Math Activities Instructions (Spanish) 4 th Grade Spring Break Math Activities Instructions (Spanish) Indiana s College- and Career-Ready Academic Standards 2014 include one or more math fluency standards per grade level in Grades 1-8. Fluency

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FOR REFERENCE ONLY DO NOT COPY. Social Emotional Health Module. Módulo de Salud Emocional Social SUPPLEMENT 1

FOR REFERENCE ONLY DO NOT COPY. Social Emotional Health Module. Módulo de Salud Emocional Social SUPPLEMENT 1 78. Do you get along or work well with students who are different from you? 79. Do you enjoy working with other students? 80. Do you try to understand how other people feel? 81. Do you feel bad when someone

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Unit 5: Las vacaciones

Unit 5: Las vacaciones Unit 5: Las vacaciones Students will learn how discuss and plan a vacation, describe a hotel, talk about how you feel, talk about seasons and weather. FINAL DE LA UNIDAD: 8 de febrero Escuchar Ser and

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Preguntas Capítulo Entero. 3. Crear un ejemplo debiendo dinero para comparar dos números negativos.

Preguntas Capítulo Entero. 3. Crear un ejemplo debiendo dinero para comparar dos números negativos. Preguntas Capítulo Entero 1. Qué es un número entero? 2. Explique lo que representa el valor absoluto. 3. Crear un ejemplo debiendo dinero para comparar dos números negativos. 4. Explicar cómo se puede

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BIA SPANISH IMMERSION----FIRST GRADE HOMEWORK CALENDAR NOMBRE: BIA SPANISH IMMERSION----FIRST GRADE HOMEWORK CALENDAR WEEK OF November 6 th November 10 th Please, sign next to the date to indicate that you have reviewed your child s homework each night. Please,

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Foundations in Spanish

Foundations in Spanish Foundations in Spanish Personal Identification Packet 2 Name Period With this packet, I can count up to 31 tell someone my age tell someone my phone number say the days of the week say the months of the

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3. In both Spain and Latin America, the word vosotros is used to mean you when speaking to more than one person.

3. In both Spain and Latin America, the word vosotros is used to mean you when speaking to more than one person. 2A Study Guide True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. 1. The Spanish words tú, usted, vosotros, vosotras, and ustedes all mean you. 2. In Spanish the subject pronoun nosotras refers

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EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 4B Examen 4B, Page 1 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 4B PARTE I: Vocabulario y gramática en uso A. ( / puntos) Tell at what time these people are going to do different activities. Follow the model. Modelo 7:00 A.M.

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GETTING READY FOR PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES PREPARÁNDOSE PARA LAS REUNIONES ENTRE PADRES Y MAESTROS Kindergarten How many sounds does my child know at this time? child with reading? Is s/he keeping up with all the other students? child? How will you further my child's advanced reading skills? student

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Matemáticas Muestra Cuadernillo de Examen

Matemáticas Muestra Cuadernillo de Examen Matemáticas Muestra Cuadernillo de Examen Papel-Lápiz Formato Estudiante Español Versión, Grados 6-8 Mathematics Sample Test Booklet Paper-Pencil Format Student Spanish Version, Grades 6 8 Este cuadernillo

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Level 1 Spanish, 2014

Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 909110 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 Spanish, 2014 90911 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 pm Friday 28 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement

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Rubrica del Reporte de Calificaciones de Matemáticas de Primer Grado- Tercer Periodo de Nueve Semana

Rubrica del Reporte de Calificaciones de Matemáticas de Primer Grado- Tercer Periodo de Nueve Semana Rubrica del Reprte de Calificacines de Matemáticas - Tercer Perid de Nueve Semana Objetiv de Aprendizaje Precupación 2 = Avances Hacia ls 3 = Cumple cn ls 4 = Entendimients van más allá de ls Grad Númers

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Vocabulario A. 1 Marcela needs to go to science class. Indicate what she would put in her backpack by

Vocabulario A. 1 Marcela needs to go to science class. Indicate what she would put in her backpack by Vocabulario A Vocabulario A Level 1, pp. 110-114 Goal: Talk about your school. 1 Marcela needs to go to science class. Indicate what she would put in her backpack by placing an X next to the words. 1.

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3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary.

3. Look up the red words in the dictionary and add them to your glossary. Reading You are going to read two different texts about Spanish Christmas traditions. 1. Working with a partner or in groups of three, try and predict what kinds of words will be in the text. Once you

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Welcome Third Grade Families!

Welcome Third Grade Families! Welcome Third Grade Families! IREAD3 Information Night Crestview Elementary School Bienvenidas Familias Tercer Grado! IREAD3 Noche de Información What is IREAD-3? Cuál es iread - 3? Public Law 109 to evaluate

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To Me/for me. To You/for you. To Him/for him or to Her/for her. To Us/for us

To Me/for me. To You/for you. To Him/for him or to Her/for her. To Us/for us Indirect Object Pronouns Me Te Le Translation To Me/for me To You/for you To Him/for him or to Her/for her Les Nos To Them/for them (masculine and femenine) To Us/for us Mar 26 6:22 PM 1 Position of Indirect

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