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Tal como Dios se entrega a él, sin reservas, el creyente se entrega a Dios con todo su corazón.


126 l lg l g g b b t p p ñ ñ ñ l l l.. - p t p r l cl clí í í l L fc c u c i l y b ft i i cr cró ó ó l p b g,, i d,, p pm i l g i l ft i i g d r f i m

Índice General. Disposiciones iniciales y definiciones generales

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Día 34: Dar los regalos de Dios




.%*b4 * COUNTING-HOUfSE CALENDAR FOR 1850..lasr-~~ ~...1 "Y 4' 5 6,JDI.Y.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 S 9 10 11 1219 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 16 17 18 13 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 O7 22 23 25 25 26 27 28 03 29 39 31 29 30 31 l?~.nrt'r... 1 2 3X1;rrcli~... 1 2 3 4 af~~('lf 4 5 G 7 8 O10 5 6 7 8 91011 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 'Lfi 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31....... 1' 2 3 SEPTEMREH...O... 1 4 5 6 7 8 910 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 10 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19'20 21 22 25 26 24 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 16 27 28 29 hr.rt~~..l 2 3 J S 6 7 30 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 OCTORI;~..~ 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 18 19 20 SI 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 14 15 16 17 18 10'10 23 SO 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ~IAY... 1 2 3 L S 25 23 30 31 G 1 8 9 10 11 1 h o ~.... 1 2 3 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 4 5 6 7 8 310 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 26 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4 27 08 29 30 31 18 19 'LO 21 22 23 24.Trst... 1 2 25 16 27 38 29 39 3 4 5 6 7, 8 9 DLCXXHL~... 1 10 11 12 1.5 14 15 16 2 3 S 5 6'7 8 17 18 19 '20 '21 42 Q.3 9 10 11 12 1.3 14 15 '24 25 26 Y7 25 29 30 16 17 18 19 SO 21 28... 8. 2.; 24 25 16 27 08 29..................... 30 31

.u, - _ -...--e - - -- MMT' br &&TE+ ' ~nnqining in the Post Wce, Jnshingtmr, 1 July 1, 1860e * Elson# inpni;ing for Lctttr8 io<hdfoll~~ li~ ~fbt t ' leiatrry they are idrertiaede l.' - Te Thomas, mn Ann Tbompron, J E True, mi## S T l'hornhill, B 9 - Thru~on, mias AM Tller, Sarnuel ' Taylor, rnn E.Thornpaon'. M. Ti aa Tbd l'udma~im, F A Tttcken, N B 9- Thompm, Geo Tbomprsn, S M Thidoo, J W Tougliy, 1Clartin Thom~ Sainuel, Taylor, l'homia Thomywn, John - Thornam, mlr# S J. 'i'q lor, upt IV W Thexton, J W P Trabue, S F J Timperlg, N Thompron, Jsmer Thomton, N H W~II

%E CUBAN AFFAIR.-T~~ New Orleans Delta of 'e' 22d ultimo his the following, in which is correctly given the names of the several persons who were first indicted in that city on a cliarge of having been concerned in che Cuban expedition : UXXTED STAT~B DXSTRICT COURT.-The Gmnd Jurp in the. United. States Dietrict Court returned irue bille of indictment yeatsrday, st 1 o'clock, for violation of iha Act O[ Congw of 1818, by setling on* fmt an cxpedilion against the Ishnd of Cut~a, against John A. Quitman, (Govrrnor of :Mikd&ippi,) Judge Coteeworth Pinckney Shitb, (of tha PU-. pr&e Couit al ~iaini$pi,) Jobn Hcnderson, (late Scnatnr from cbit ~taie,) J. L. O'SuIiiria, (late editor of ths Dernouitic Revisa, and MO a former Miniiter to Spin,) Jobn F. Pickett, (late Consul al Turks' Islaad,) Theodore O'IIrra, (lato Mijor in the United States Army,) C. R. Wheatr, Peter Smith, A. Gonzalez, Thomae Thoodore IIawkin.s, W. - H.. Btll,.N. J. Bunch, L. J. Sigur, (Stato Snator) Dona, titn Aagastin, Brigadier General, -ad commanrler of the hgion, ami General Narciso Lopez, rnaking in al1 ~ixtten pemns. Writs were icsued for the rirrest oí' ihe partiea, most of whom are absent from the city. 11 is said that, ~tr011g efforts will be madc to bring these cases to trial bcfort, the adjonrnfnent of the court, and that one of tho JuJges of the, Supreme Court will be eent on here to assivt Juclge ~ICCALKB j n tha trial.

~~.-~OmLDrn: -mr '5:,850, h Tba Nlcaragun Tieaty-Cubn-Naw-Maxlco. Tho foiiowing advices aro from the Yhdadelphia hórth ~rncrican : \\'ASHIROTON, Frldiy, Joue B.. Tbe Britinh Emborwador md the Becmtay o! Btate ue now engaged in exchan ing tbe rati cationr of the Nicaragua Treaty. fforne tomporiry embarrariment hdc morred, bot it ir soppored it wiu bo removed to-nighl Anthentio adricer of the lateat dates from'cnba are not of a iitlifmtory chuacter. Ben. Campbell had not received an oílicial copy of Mr. Clayton'n inrtrootionr of the lrt of Jnpe, bot was in prer- don of a copy rent by telegaph to Mobilo, which wu imperfect. Upon ibir miacial copy, and 0th. en in the nowrpapers, he bad made a ra aeit for the mleaie of the Conby prironers, which 1 ad not been acceded to. Unlerr an arrival ahould, withb a few dryr, bring newr of a chanee of pnrpore on the part of the Ca tain General, aher the receipt an3 preientation t y Gen. Campbeil of hii ofacid Initplctioni, the Prerident will make a pooitive dernaqd for tbeir Hberation. The Vixon ir now baing fitted out for the nrpoee, and Commodore Morrii or Commodore \S urhgton wi.l.l be aont out to aarame the command of tbe rquadron. T&p I'rerident will not permit New-Mexica ta be overrnn or tahen osresiion of by Tesar nntil Conrerr has decide B tbat the Tarritory does not be- &JDg to tho ~ nit~d ~tatci TIAVANA. Li.c- Stata of Feelliig. - A privrta lotter from Havane, dnted the 18tb bit. itatei that the aatipathy, 60 long nmothered, of the Bprniudr (u dirdnpiahed from the Creoler or PaMotr) agdnrt the Amerioanr, u, now baing decidedly maniferted. The following estract from the lctter referred to, exlibitr the prerent itate of thingi in the Ialud : u Honcali har lomt mnch of hin popdarity among the Bpaniardr, by resrou of hir apparent lenityso much 80, that they havo ienoualy troated of compeuing him to relinqni~h hir port in favor of Armero, wbo ii to-day the hero of tho Bpanirb paity. But the rojdct has not hen carríed oat, becaaro :he conip S rators do not fally couíide in tbe troopr. They hrve contented themselvei with atroiig repreientations directed to the Government ot Madrid, to procure Roncali'r imrneliate romoval. Olaneta, Balas Srma, ttolaoo Alvear, and othcrr, are nnmod among tha wnipiratorr." Armero ir tho blood-thiraty Genoral of líariner or Chief ol the Navy, wbo wirliei tlio dirporal of &he American prironers to be left to him, iiidepcndent of ony control on the part of tho Captain- Gc~erd. -

,. 1 - r.er tar,froui Lhvann.! > ~, C V., ~ l., : r!r?;,.,!~,!rt~:c,s!' -- Iho lal<:.lyu~.] I~AVANA, Juar Z,la55. l)<rrr 1'ic.-Tlierit lo now every. re- ioulp- INJW tliat the atillm and prlioneri bcld hora wffl4a ;lveii up to ttiu Covcirnmant of üaeunllodwbtu caso it rcitcrrrtri!ti demarid, babd by iorc~:. 1 Iiin told tlie matbr har basq ihuply,,dh- cuswd i11 counci1, md Mira~oi, tho ClpMi>Qaner$ nnd the Iutendaot trlre the podtion'thmttbsf *e dono their dnty and mportcd tb thb %d&g&srbrnent, und aat DOW irb supsrtor'íojoá"da ilic prlzcr they am not compatent to'w' rtt srild tlio General of Marhe oppwa,~,vkmr. Ilc probably co~idcn tbem kl. ora,- r part oí hii own putimlu glory, uul t+t to gire tlicni uy would deprlve hlm o! híajyk~o4p., Tlie preu here are ddiig tliolr,bert,@co&u rprl i~cr~.wc tho Iied feeliiig, cilreoiiy tw itrqng @,corau tu uny good, toward Americui. IL tuka,lbo bolt ground that It ti a " wnr 01 rnw~.'), Iba hfio la Marina 1s oopylng, wilh approriop raiouly rlw lcut articlei publlohed In Mesícan pp~~fi,.mt tha Anglo-Saxon rm, rnd hldly arguw,- U tho duiy of erory flpaniud to oppors-b,&rm rneuns in hls por% tho rdrrna,d.,&,.uw Stak~. l'bese intemparrto, viaw@..m W.CIJ00- I lated to excite ho pnmnt U-CeeUq 'I'l~e cause o1 ail thlr wir th publledori by,mr. Cliiyton of a lottcr fram tbo Coani4 - e g t,u.b r ~ u uw b thd dicen of thd mbm, whlch have bmn inmrprstad u ** erpan Qlcm. tiua Cmpbell Ii not a w b h poit, but It 1i not jet cqpln thsc ha ~ üi W k obliged LO tnka refugo on boani ano of &u rbipr of WU. lo... n e --- hlr. Glraud, of whw urat vlaod you Ln my bit, nh&d, pl-d In dose corifhmment,.nd nq don dlowed *th h h taba 'w.' rul at Trlnicisd, wsat &J cbfpqptld ;Wwu hls releame a[tcr he W"*:m &ph m Al1 hli papera uid,.pplrsl-malrsd.ddrub. Jected to the rnortrlbd Wf; '"'' '-',. ' Another Anisrlcm & merclílaat in C&Q&iL;'hLwSM a'imort frivolour chargu. Ooe of hl oror nighf ~ ' f o w lph ~ l ~ fbt ~ p'wwan ~ $M m. MQ*, next&n~,pporantbdppbacrgrdkrrc~ Thlr wciurlng mu :M o p e n ' - ~ W ;, # i ~ the wudmw,.. rhoaim;ii-ods cqn P.- rnd tba houn wu rormiiadw? b$./lfórm & foitrm& thb&k~,.ddw~+b hlna hlm, ind#tb,yi. Dwi4 c CMU OL my energetlo utim on,h -d: tb Governmcrit rt Wuhiqt.05,..,..;..*:....,,, Durtng the paat wcmk tla a - t w m wonly Conrul,e been r q,m,@k&. there llave been the mmt opan m d aiiiatlon. Fmm manj prtcrt he hu,. m w d nnd itill eoatlmiea. to fmcairci.fe' +p. und 80 nnmeroiia were 'them rhu be *- 1 duit wvcral daym dnca to requm.0 C.pk e-&! cif ha Germmtdra; to bring, hlr,"&lp :fsco:pol~

BHI'Tlktl IXUI O% \'f lo.\! *rb iiew* 1;uii~riI!&vi 1'8 r~p-liiit)i\ I~I taut>l 10 havc thnjw ii tlii 1:tiiirli rtatt-s. W n iow r wunderlitl ame oi 11 i* LIIIIUPIII~ 10 red ilwir rcnrarka 111 lln. C ~ i i i t i 1 8 ~ iird 1 ~ Ituri~. ~t Lb.. A liriwus lidiyriatiu~i, wdi IU mlwiyr &&u rluiii. rr.lu.ii duy rrlk o1 rnyluly icting iha pmte ur ruhhr h t tbeiiialrz~. iwk rtnm coaipkttly by aiawiii. wlirii ibr rwaiuer rnnounad rtu In~dirr: ut ILJILZ it (:J~CIIM. Luso Ulocciurw uidzraiurl iii~w, ard tu Iiir yrtir m.uw. 1Iiot tl*.= [lirsi~. liul iwi oiily ir1 gaiung bwoy trucir tlr sluc* ~rocrica, bui 1.y hr*l aciuslly 11-.+a& &l. I'h8t l l b l r t t~t..ritlt lrriaw, golnq plrarimlly by wr ('iiim iur yur(rsr8 invuion ud r&r~, a* tlrey 1111 goiw htua 10.l(arb b hnd, lid -.ayal Irwir iiw Syuiidi d n H. ~ & Ay rerretm iliat tlry MIWU h.,. u..c.@. hui &O lbqd 1lir)i wuuw >itt i int uitb t b dmilign p~nijliiiwiii iir Cuh, ut~ti ihe rorktrly~frcd. lle <nud ih.t hl. tkhl* fri.iul [lb iiryul, Iaril HI.ANI.UY tlanirml io kiiow wl1.i ~ ~ r tliy IIritisli (;<ivcrll~i,cr,l tiaij deld iii (Ilti * a oiifnr@ei,cy! rtm Mirquii 01' I.rirti~~wn~ rvplial tb?t 1110 mitter Iisd itwra ii1.n onw forriinl tlm sulgcci d c~~iiiiiunlcstion Imtwmn tlm Uritbh hltnller 8' ~V~hlngton ami tho Americin Oovetnmcnt, rntl thai iha Ainericnn CIovqriinieni look da mnu vlew oftlio niittar tbnt the &ii rh UovOrn. nieui tiw. tlut 110 wauld ntii ywer 41.t in: wiruciionn lid becn miit lo itie \ ort Idia fiwt In relslion to ths mntldr. IOW flil+ntiy ihen genilamon talk of dh- 1d-r~ of ry iiiti yirsry, in odiar*, wt~n 1 ) ~ i)rair own cotriitry rliowh 1Ii81 WII~ of 1\10 mal de~riil>b ictr oí rol>lory aiid IJracy, ever eoni0 initltd, wware Juche by 3wr icrbority id mrnciion oi ilie Uriiisli (bvcrnmnt. \Vho haa lorgotbu ihs hirtory oí the pimtlaal bomlkrdtnnni uf Co* ~trnlisgun-or tlie tilmiory oc tlie Briiiali pírnciea itid murdew ia China-or wholerrla muniors riid robbr!es ln ilrs InJien! Indd, their plra- ci~, rowerier nnd niudcn uvary whre, lhe ul Ludowbc,) woum ba sble ru gire ilm ttuw world overt Do ri~ch persona supp~se tlw pea* wme mf~mru~ti uwii ttis iutyrci, ind tr, ieii thm wbei&r rny conluiuriicaiioii h d ple uf ila Uniial Ststrs, or evun tha nien eir. ktweco rha Anmncari ~reiriitrriii iiul ilu yagd in thn hilirli axlw.diiloit ol' IUIEZ, erre 8 h11ncitcr i c W.dJneiw, ur the Aiwricrn Aiiit- ~iiiich ol.ii~ulf fijr tbeir upiiiioiir, lm'tlhy good or i~wr am oui Govrrauwnt at hiw. with rryrrd io itf Arri wberbar lbe Gouvraaurac cj t l ~ batl t Unitbd wkch wos l rri.psctable (iurerri- Evarylioily kiiowa tliat tho Ikiildi Govcrnrneah and.ctcd, kl\evsd. rcapcctably, hauiny iiwrii Iiw iiever allowd huniraiiy, 1110 tigtitr oí pp ~~ mli~utu 01 pace d r m i ~ ultá fin frleodly rthtbiu, wu e~bowd pornoiis tr proprty, or ths fnitli uí ircniies, lo 4th ~ ~ ibnglh amd wwcr i co proveut itr Iriterídro ii~ ita nction, wben IIriiirli intor@nis owa mbjoaa Cm biung mi ud U I N ~ were tu be iulwstved. The deep dicitude klt expddlú~ CM (hr ~ ' 0 ~ rpriib 4 4 iauir. by Brouu~irx, L~nsionrna, 5k~x1.i and otliersn don d uaoffbndlng usrsalu r" forsig~ Su-r Ths Muqd o1 h?rruwnr rard rbby k8d lor t1w inviolrbility of Spanlrh intemu in Cuba, liom Wliihiugt~ d18t thc *act d ihil un. arlk+n altognilirr frorn 1110 conoidarriion tliat oobdy rnd uulure ylrit&cd orpdiiiou ilay siipyim, wcre Cuba to' L~UO o ihc handr of Lvuim d Luh, nd 41 W~IIUU:, - büt wirh ttie modt entira disap Ainrricati ciilzeni, wme uf tlm \Y& Idla pnithe rrious dlxourqcmsni *cvmionr oí t:raai 1)ritnin iiiiglii, at no distant 0 dsy. follow rult. Arid 111e iiitareat thcrs dlntin- M B~owww ceab#isd hb distyipdauueur gi~iiliml EtigIirliiiit:ii rein io iriatiitswt Icat tlu lb tud bopwl mmelhim mora iban mero dbappobttiant wovhi be,rxpwwad by &a LlnlrsJ clirmcier of ii,u IJiiiiul Siatcw niiglit be iiiipllca. dramgwernmcun, rrlrcaqmakig oi ih, m- ictl in tlie I~)rti iiioveiiie~~t, docs no: ariw liuni ducr d ibsw Wtrhke pira- E ~ krr. ha 0s. iny IJVU oí IIICW Stntrr, but rni)iur hin aii wrtrd thrt rll civilirmi nnirinr ir* imn~ial 11) ~ i v ~,rpltralicnaioci ol'tlicir grciwinp wtruiiytli anjgmnt= lulpr~rlmc plrrtd,: wha the rmmirr oc rll iiirn, wkvsr 11- )Irrtn iiir ht fmnd; iid IICW. tliil cmainindyd iii ~liiidt crutmr m tlm 'I'lu Uiiiinl liistci are i~rdr~~!~icieni, aid tlie muf, 1 1 time, ~ woii~x~>o ui~ty oi n icet. iiid ~oiil(i 1~ tia ICCI~IW lii. &tty8 11 tu d tiot lb iiirl~, au wtli nr oilrr í';ovrriii~riitn. rltuuld Lm givo Iim rtd tll ~fk ~~~~ll dt& mg8 11#' 4hMl fi' givcii 10 ~IWJCI~I~, IIILI oiir OWII i~>rior in 111 ralw. our qwn krcping, ami thst ra rhrll tato csre of it wiilwut riiy r~urlal (orclgii iiiicrfrrcnce, dvlco w dlcirtlon.

---?'>IR CAPTCIS.(;KSR~AL OY CCIJA AT i\i'~~-york. -'flic Syii*niali ~knirier i'izarrp (tlir? eiimc tlititfiprt~d do conr])ici~oiirly in tlie clrurc of thc Crc.olc) ttrrivod ut Ncw York oip'f hur~drry Irnviiig, on board Coiiii t - dc'~lco~, thc ~ii~,ttiiii-~;t!nl-i?tl i,f Ciiba. This diatin-?iiighed perdonapc,it is ñriitl, bn.i c!)incto try thc inlluciicc of thi: ilortlicrr: cliin ite tipnu ng.c.nervated conatitution, m11 not uyon niiy hu3iiiess of an olticial cl,nrnctcr,'that wa kiiow of. IIie firinily are with Iiini...

General Loyez'ia out with a clird, datad Barriuin'a liotul, (New.Y6rk,) iu wlrich. he yoditively de = ~iies the btory thht he liad Ever 11.1 oyoed tu' Gen. liou~ ton to join in' scvcriny tlie Unioii, alid establbh. ing ti Youtheru Co~t'ttderucy. 'i'herc hna been a bjg~l iu the buieritus eomcwhere.

.. ('oato* ~'rliooeni-.('toci~t~~tl*~~* 1 hv N. O. f'drt~yunto! itw 11)ttl III~I, 111 ml*nk- iny o! thr arrival, ai ihat city, of wvcral ol dio Gnioy yririonen, remrrkr :.%me neventeun d the prironon ara irorn Cine cinnaii, and- u thay intorm ur, hrd ernbarkd uder he impniuion ihay were going to Callforuia. They wep ahorla tha company raiwd by Ca i Jlaniy,An Kentucky snd Ohiu, who. wtten Rs' gnlhid tlisrn, roprerntd, a. thcy cliirgo, thnt they wcre going to Cslifornia to work in tho quartz mountainr foi 'gom. Alier tho bork (;mrgtann: on which veme1 they liad tmbsrkoci, left the Balizc, C t.*hard etated to 1 ti* vhole erav thc ofxe erpafitiun, and, mlrnltted ihat he had en guilty.of drcleption in ' raieing the inen, but he iielt.that the nirpnitude I of the rcheme and-the certsinty ot succerul war. raiitfd Sception. Tho Ypaniab ofñccra and dwrm the nioncy ami jewelry found on 1h8 prlwnem, and whn thcy wore re\ead res- 104 the 'eweiry, bu; he t abut ono-half of the mur~sy.~ +hey rere tal B (hey rnuit reccivs ths rnsney and divlde it pro rota. niitl iiinke ii~~ the Itm (!) erch rnaii Iind nii~tniric~cl 'I't~ry ware ilian irruls to vign a pa r ihiit tliry Iinil r~ccival i I I [heir monc angowclry. 011 lwiiiy mit frer tliay wero bl 1 thy wnro I)niiirhcd frorri the lrlantl, sid il' cvor csuytri iii oiiy pnrt 14 tlw Sponlrh dortiitiiorir, tbcy would lw coii~loniriod tu tan yearr brrú lnbor. --- -- --. -

New York Herald Tfic stc nm>!iip IJnlnivtto, tiniltli. (not tbe Ohlo. r~~~orlt~d.) tirri~ed ~.i.ptrril~y iifcsri~oon frorn Pr'aiv Or. leaun, riv Ki+y Ii'ebt, sftrr ir pnfihngr of puvvu days. masterf. Tliv u~nil ~choc>nvr froni IIsvnn~ nrrivcd nt liay Wtb8t thr dary thut tli~ I~ulmetto rinilrd. iind tliii cnptniii reporli d thst ('ii~~taiu llcnrun, o0 tho \uirk C;*orgl~un, iind Calbtniu l'roillibtan, of ttia brig Suriiu ~oud, hud 11t.m eondr,uiurd to dilarh by tho aut\iori~iri nt 11n~nnn. l'lir prr~b~it~llity 18 that thc~n unfortunate muu horc,

..... ' Buur,.~~~~~~~.-*~li~;l~al,i~i1.~ii$.h~lii:. 11: 1,; h., mnr, ~ a~ir.*~. ik ll*c~it$, &rlvt:d, ut tlild 11Lr-t $ial<riduj. )i.oiii itiistiiiu, ~i~í\.i~~,lcii uci ~u~uiiltiy?iioi.iiii y 'ln. t. ~lic aiulti iii'c9i>il,iuiy...!:wi& iliu ui.il,i&iq. dlcr~/r~iqi, wtii~~i vciiku~ulso eri.ivt:il -fijfbrdtiy. ' \Vu.lt~tilqii &,lt, llsviiiiti ia coiiiliul.*tivcly '"licu! tliy, oiily ': n bw &iren ' oi. ~ lio l&;u uicuei;~~ll~'~ uplicuriii#. 'l'lic',u<ci>uiita, '., u~-,tiic, JU~UI- crol? ixiiti~iit:~ iusor,ij>~~ a,,.,;.., ~ri,'ilic iiiteribr ui htatiirizw it 'itbiíort lipd beck &.. Chluted i111;tticii. I. ~ Q I ~ L z w u ~ ' ~ ~ u a L ~ ' U ~ j;i$udc. O ~ ~, tlic iiltihci, rvitli ti ~arb;c'l>ri~; '.l t kuiirutl coriaidcrn- 4. iluuxiitttiiicnt 'aiiiu;ig tlic. icoiiloi, uiid ti;" govcrii. ige[it aord, ugiiiii 5 ~lurih.i,,:tiiicl :liult' l'rigl! tciicil "u't of tlioii* wi td; ', it iadtiie!,)l)iiii~ii oí' iil tclligen't ~ "I'C~~IIC~J tli~t u ~iit~ji,rii~'ul,.tliu~~i~~~lc~~iirc -... iri iuvoi (>I, tiieiulv iiig gil.ir coiiiicxioi; w itli dl>uiai, uiid tiiat,tlii iiiotl;or!,,., '-A i,,.~liy: ~ntiiiot iiiuili. io11~l.r. lioitl. ti10 IJII~I~~I-~~IU~ it iliúdt 'eitlicr liill.iiito thuliuiida h~f'tlii Aint,jribahJ, i;r ~ii. govcriiocl 1 Ii.y, k~ii~luiid.'. '....

Prom IInvnnn. By tho iteamshlp Palcon we rccclved filos of IIavana papcrr to the 20th inst A perion writlng rrom New York to the Dlatio de la iva+iria, undor the signature, of Peter l~lcli, snya potitively thst another expedltlon agaln~t Cuba Ir belng organlzed tn tho Vnited.'taba. and that it cq tainly wlll en!; iiolpia tlie Govcrnmentl intarferei,, t whlch he thlnks it wlll do. The writer raya that on the 11th lnef news wnr recelved at, Wailiington thrt tho polntr of rendczvous were ' Mobile, Phiirdelphia and Nww York,!a consequencr, 1 of which orderr were Immpdlnt~lp glven that al1 muspicioui vesiel8 ihould be :-~rched by the cua. tom.house offtcerr. "The runogde Lopez" (we quote from the letter) boaitr piiblicly tbt thli tlrne the expedition will not hsvo lesn :hnn 5,0000~ ' 6,000 men, though privataly hn cunfeirer to hlr 1 friendi that he does not crxpect to callect more than 1,000, and evon that he may be cornpellcd to mt ea11 wlth lesa men than'ln the fimt orto!' Gen. Quitman, it ir rsld, Ir dctermined to go, ' but will not trurt hlmrelf wlth a handful oc men. Gen. Onribaldi rlso ha been contultad ; but he, It iu ueserted, wlil not go wlth lees than 6,000. It 18 thought of piacing hlm at tho head of a prodri~n&l goverpment. Al1 the~ thlngr Peter Hlckr heud Gen. Lopez relata In a publlc coffes-houe-a itskrnent whlch we think rather loubtlul. We noticod many oawi of death by lightnlng In Cuba, though roma parta ol the Irland, particululy In the nnlghborhood o! Matnnzis, wom wtiehq from want of rain. We ünd ve~y littie locai newr of Intamrt. ----.

ihc Iullcet jusiificuiion.

Cincinnati Nonpareil 26 August 1850,2. Gen. Lopez is out in a card deying, most positively, the report that he had anything to do with, or any knowledge of the Southern Disunion Plot, as reported by a recent letter from Washington in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Cincinnati Nonpareil 26 August 1850,Z. A SPANISH STEAMER.--The Spanish steamer Pizarro,at New York, is a fine looking vessel, of English build, and about 200 feet in length. Her engines are of superior construction and finish, and equal to 550 horse power. The number of men on the Pizano is one hundred and fifiy-six, including oficers, marines, crews, &c. She is well armed, carrying four "thirty-two pounders," and two "sixty-eight pound Paixan guns. " No wonder Lopez and his valiant army took to their heels, en route for Key West, on seeing her.

~. &L -----,. 1:now KXY \Virsr.-'1'111, 1i)llowing lo ii:i vxlrr~ct 01 e 1i:tti.r rccciveil Lii hlubilo I)y a coi~irnercinl Iioure, datcd Key \Vcst, Augliat Iti: Ttio rlilp hl. 1Iorvr. rroni New York, anil tlif. rlilli ):iiilly Taylor. (ruin Oo*:on, tiolh 'l>o:iri<l lo Nriv Or- Inane, w111i asrorird cargocr, nrn asliorii a Iew riiilari froiii itili purt, &nd ara recalvlriy aaalrrancu l'rotii ilic wrcckerr.?'ha hlobilo Tribunfl Icnrne, In addlljon, tliiit botli tlit:so v<.nscla wllrci gor otf and carrii~d Iiito Kvy \Vost on tlii? oveniny 01' tbo 16th. Tlic 1tittt:r WIIU vory littlc iiijurcjd. '1710 obicr liad nbout riiiir! h'ct wewr tn ttic hold, mnd hui uiut)i!rc(l morti dniniigc:. It also learno thet the atcniriar Crvolc, ril Lolit)z notoric!ly, wns sold on 1110 1501, nnd purchaclcd Ior sbout 82000 by Mr. Tilt, including bwia snd crrry ttilng t~olonfilng to hcr. It wns n grcot t~nroulri, for [ho i~cixt 4i1y Iicr owrioi irindi, ~iiorii tliiiii tlii: l~iir, clinsu moncy by cnrrying lnto Kcy W~*at llii~ twrt vcsscle rcfcrrcd to Iri tlii: nbovc extrnct. AUIVAL'O; Tifa. ~TCIUO.-W,v-l drdrsd on Thurhy eranlng, he loth~lntt,.r tbe New York QaLrmdae, In osj(m dayr from,8avan& / Amona har pumgsri wers the Countaai do Alcoy, nnd frmlly,.. -.- - : fgr Gen, PMS, urompraled by hb ira. bu p w to üuatog~ On hb retiira ba M11 meam r pannrsent home In aoma rs(lred prt of tbe BI.8 of New Yort

7-- -- - 2- - For t:nllforn(s. -..- - IOR.CHAORR6-Hirruoi & Witkhim'r hptth r)r uiüw vcueb. 8h. L brii~imii, ip mnd -m C-~I-~ furtibly im apri. Tha..~,d nbu prir*tr* rili b. lurnbc%r as. outt-.r, n,irr>ir..mi --**y -Y~cI~. '01. P J O ~ ~. ~ ~ J ).. ~ rlii. biw Uie -tu liw~-m my mlr M ~ ~ m t ~ O,' ~ ' " ' tima O? aillin~ Iinr o(. ippq w birrd. In-*r rr.> u[,* Trai, opprututi. PublrSquur, ni W R M. HAK~~IIIOC a cn.. 14 afir~r.l 'O WICKHAY, w AV-IO~ tbeahnv. p a wli~uil-w -.+L. iu14 WICAKAOUA ROUTL V~~ICCALIV~~MNIA-TI,. raicksorniaá v- l~lrl~lwehpwrthokn,jnh~ ~*wu, -t.r. wlll hi* for bn Jnin WLoimcnq unirnldibb iccidanu.tcrpud oa <& 1st a r k b r wr' rrnm Rin Jria u, ~u* @'ha rdk, tb. rato b br thr iir.r Iia Juma a d W e *~"CUC tw.h. mlh nfbod arriap. ind m11 throiyb (ncartiy id Drld hastthy rouaiiy K.~I*JO ii 01.o~. oi, ~b Ltlr.i rhkh t ~ in n m-iinconu.ki.. oí piw (ri aua ~ nsm. e0 by d l n i vsud*. Tbb N*%* I -1 a ~ Y U mtk ( rborur tbio inr olli*i li opnrb';'tb. non b 18 &m nd~r ind W I mil ~ piinetuiny u uiridd. pmtidd adci..t BU^. bsi d pu*a~..r &y,. )ro. Por Uu ipply it <bdtmof Onmp rra-w&riiif h~rin J: arwrr,nr %**i e -.- - _-..

- i B~rriocinr o. ~138 CA~TAIN or tiii: Borrn Loun.-ln the Boaton Erenlng Trirelhr thmm ap. peari a cornmunicadm o? Bimson Pmdlaton, lata martor of the bdg Buran Loud, ln whlcb hs at temptr to vlndleata hlrnself agalnrt itatemsatr madti In the report of the Audltor of War wd Mi. rlno at IIavana, connsctlng hlm crimlodly wlth tbe Cuban expedltlon. Hd admita that hlr vate1 wu 1 chartcred to trke pauengar~ to Chip, wlth tbe pdvllege, if they iiw flt, to itop at any polnt tblr alds ; but he dcnler that he knew anytblng of ihdr Intentlon to invade Cuba until aftcr they wrre on board. Ha iayi tbat 'fter reaablog Iailtud*%P, / longltude m', he wai ordered to Iay for the iteamer Creolo, wblch carne up witb hlm oo the 10th of hlay. Uir purengnri wero then tranifenrd to the rtermer, witb m.ort o? the provimlon~. At tbl polnt he ordared bl~ boat to be hooked on, aad los aboot to part comprny with tho Creole, conrlderlng hlmrolf dlrmlued, when Gen Lnpez iont an order derlrlog hlm ta go m boud the C. tn receivs certnln dlrecdonr. Be went, ~d wu detained and compelled to hke the reriel lato the port of Carden-. Ile contrndleta the Audltor'i report, urerting thit hli papera were not In order -hit the bdg war iupplind wlth a iupnnbuodince of mco, ami, and'amrnunitlun, and that there were papera found ln hb &ik,ihowlng that edreaturerr wnre nady at variou. poln@ to Invade Cuhi. 1 lo conelu~im. ho uierta hi lnnoceoa of any crlrne.galo* hlr own country, tha roremlgoty of Bpiln, or tha lava o? natloo6. --

THE RnPU.BLIC, '*' 4 ' U AURIVAU AT TIIE IO*RU., 1. -. W,Il.rd1. 110t.l. Qrnw qf Pmnrylmnia AIH~UI nnd 14th itrrtt. C P Uollii;Clirrlqlou : 14 0 hlrtliowr. \Via $11 Wnyd, N U : ; ' I) E BtrlngIi.iii k Inily, Ir J OwCunnorlB O Hmton It II Cuonlnphwm. Va J A Nottin Iinin, Vn I> Olbiai & W,, Olilo M WIIU. f 0 Perln, do h! Puller, Cr 1 H A Prin~le, Clirrlretnn 'f: O Ilownrd, Olil? uler.alp.,- / E % ~ W M n ~ l lntly, y I'n ñ 1' l[cwling?, do ', ): hl Chnnr, N Y l, nm\rnli Iíntel, 1 ~l'r*rkiyli*nnio Arcniit ttlw~ib 611, ti 7111 ilrrrlr. C 1. \Vellor, Oliio TXTUS?L.~~I --.-...-1 I)r Yirnioii;N Y hi hlawii, Vn S liatllo]l. Va J Dlurtiii, Aln ' J hlcciirtly. PliIiS lt 11 hlilca, hltl W hitsynl 111, du % E 1)cnIiig. 1.1 ~ eii~,, o Tc I k: ~t ~rccina~i, KY O N \Veaver. Muu 1) C Frrrninti, tlo J C Wnlkar, nliai Z 11 llrll, hltl C 11 nlarlin, latly, two.\v.i IJcll, do child'n k eeru'i, hlioi klr Hrut-r, (lo Col C P Knne, llalt hlr Ciicw, tin T Slianklan~l, N Y \V hl~jre k l*~iy, Va laton hlr. Aeliiy. I1,irlCord J Ilcnncli, Vu - N n t l a u e l lioiol. -íbr~-p~miryltsanio-a*cmrrrmd-6lh ~frrtt.~- A Slaíiord, Gn A S Gno<lricli, Yo J 11 FI iin, do \V W Ilcnry. VI 1 J curcl DIO T II~W, do ti A Clevclantl, Go C; O \VIiiLcoml), tlo J D \\'il\ici, do \Y \Villinmeon. IJn 1 T J Dinkiiis, S (: c 1) 11il1, hl~l j J Adarne, lntly Pr tlaugli- T II Kcnl, do I tcr,sc I.tTnttnnll, U S N C II 11 \Villiaina, N S ri Ilc:ltlcn,l'cxna. Alira $lcclnry, do \V Alling, N O. J IV'ylie, S C 1. \Velb, Ilichintiiitl J I)uiiornnt, tlo 1' 17 lla woti(l, N (: I.I It niagiil, 110 \V II \~hcrlcr, 3 Y J hl Allcn. tlr, \Y 'r lt~lfi~~y YI tlnugli- 1 J ~lr~ilicnsoii, n10[ii10 tcr, La : G ni ninilo C C Clcavce, Iatly, chiltl P n~n~~or~,cc? k rrrvnhl. 5leiiipliia.\I Frnzier. S C hlias I)e(irnlleri~~tll, da J Colimn. <lo 1 Rliaa S~~RIIFL', (10 It ~n&riui), do hlirs \Vllkiiianii, do C Sinilh. do T \V \\'ilkin@nh, dci Staiilon, hioibilb - C 11 t)'ycil, N Y hi Strpusn, S C! li I\II#I~IIB, N C J Colhrnn, jr, tln W rjinnion, hlblul: F 1; Rlurrny, US N %"t: lbcae, [lo t! l)ycr, hlnrs hlre Nutt, & rcrv'l, (lo A P.irlrrr, tlai hlr Clhrke, Vn (; 11' CnlI, Fln \Vin Hill. Ricliinoiiil C h1 (:haffcr. Ct - J nlullilrin, hltl J 'C C~>rlirnii, pj C k1 (>aiiire, Oliio \ir(! P.~nlilrcw~. C S 110 nrtlue lady, J Q Cair.pbcll, llalt NC- f ors Gn<lnl>y*s Ilotcl. ('or~in of I'rntiaylvniiiti Avmue a1111 3d rlrcrf. C C Ilowcre. jr. N Y.T Coeliy, 310 c lt ll~illuclc. hlms jr, lloolier k ciori. hliaa.i IValkcr. Charlrali~n S 11 1: I,tiriiig: '1' Itichnrdr, ilo- \ll 11 h1111011, tlti E S k:tlgcrlon, tlo Slc\v~rl, \VIU~I'II c~ J C Erbiii, N Y,\ Cwka, S Y 1rvI11g Ib1te1, Corncr 4 Ptnnavhruriia llwnur and 12th rlrrci. V A lk~n~tro, 11n;ano. Il lldalrr, N O i) II Jciikina, Hall 11' lir,i~tt:r, tlo \ '1' J \Villah. Savniiriah 1: lit)*a~i, l'n S Unrroll, dti J 11 l~riiiii, S c lt Ilo~ii~er, b1ici1 Ilon IV J Alliton, Ala II 11 L.illirup, <lo. F Ilntcs, S Y J hlcllritlc; jr,,philo 11 II I)uncaii, 110 hlr hlngcne.~!u 1. H Frmik. Tcnu.J Il.lohn~on, Vn C C Nilc, tlo

~KU cobanos de Filadeltia,. Boston Ne'w or reugdp en junta unos pa.+-.,.ya ai j ok5cpor ai g'sue delegadw purn trakf. de hacer una manifeatrciou de g'btitu'd y. apiecio. hacia el e en eral hpei por EU coneagracion y 6ns importantes se.vi,cim a la caw. de la Iiber- trd+kdependencia d.> 13. cara patria, queee tdrria bajo 13 opresiqn y tira- de Enpana, entre otros pcrticularee, acordaron : Nbmbrar una comision cm ucsta d. igz&ioraa Don Wi$*ueI T. 1.0- _''.X~CG%~EÜ misuel de A 'e6 iba CíriTo TiIIiy&t:= ~ui&6~iasé~loí,~i~os neccaariua ion ue comprar una espada iini 8índer. de ieda. igud a XT3 45QPC3-rdenrra el 20 de Majo del presente ano. era ' es%grln-- nen escla~iridw B nuestro8 hetmafd de Cuba :--una esyb, Geyrak; eetremiidamente senci 3 en (1 OIDVB, pém cuya hoja de bien tempta6oo y de prooado corte, In hnga fo~~idable ha. bejada por el poderoró brnzo que he de ~grimirla contra el inismo Coraion.de lá-iranía: un9 eappada co' o mote espret qp *<por m e d í ~ ~ - d consi,= a Gy ~uiidtajotasomba i í ----.- - prendemos Licii t ~da In importtancia d3 dc la Liber rad. ': -u-- P.---- sor tender a Jlatánzns descmburcando Gonwal; donde quiera 'que U; va-. ~ik'rdenas, y mb~ln?$ tambien PU? -p.-q tan ncertodu comlinacion se malogro teih mero.debe rer' y sera;, li'oti. 're: us.s proponiaa dar. Id ptnotia @> pmnt-s.el *la medio qob tiinei loa. E nnaarreridentel en Kueri, York ~ili-'i ~ueblas escltiviwdos para ronip'cr cl y u- delfir y Boston y le preeentanioa d U: godel WiMtPó'md éatmnjero: : 1.n nubla Iina -cual corresponde y cual debe ser li omrg.ci6a dell'atrio~im0cutaoo ja E~PADA dwtinada. & cortará arce. % p. -'por Vi, ' lo.aeñala'coino el! cdéass que, maci -de. tr&' siglos -ha; tia- ya le aeguircrn' nuestros rotos y nue( tras corazohoe srdiéqtes'con el fuego'del yntüonior de patria y libertad y mien.. ps; que todos pemiatnmos cn ei noble: O ~ J ~ que W 'con orgullo d?claramoa, isin ofender Iae leyes de este pe?, cuyo ejcmplo n'w ha inspirado y decidido, euplieanios á U. lleve conoigo la eeguridad de que tan prbnfo como alze U. cn Cuba el grito de tibertad y de al ~iento la band GCnetqi l>on fiarc.uo-l,z como una qem. Cubana en sus propias plngaft allí aiueotni dela gratitud y G eririuijcron tendrá U.. 'a eu atrcdedor un vbmero prufúnda de la patriuí~~qulanos. considerable de Cubanos residentes en En cfecto, ia comiaion, gracia3 al en- Kueva York ; y con 'la bendicion d'e,i tusisamopntriótico que reina entre loa, nclrlintes de_'% c,?u:%y icfe + qi!icq$,sg cielo.labre' la. &usa m39!agrada entre Cubm residentea en loe EstaJoa L'ai op0diag a yuc espontánea y entusias- todas aquellas por que lamas se, tiró dm'qn' U48 semana ha llenado errti~fac- niiidan~cntc se adli~rieron, tno luego C& espada de la vaina, edperamos que n? se toriamente su encargo, y hoy tiene el ~o cesv el cn año en que. pst+ban d,u; mostraran indignos de eu p3tria ni'de placer de anubciar por la prensa, a sus rante cl coni % ate cicnquells noctie;... 8U Jefe.!: camitentea, quk & d o ~ i ~ 0 dcl ~ ac- 5 ~ 'I'aiiibien sabemos quo la8.opcracione$,......: -- tual, *unida en cuerpo pasó á _ m i de Vd. fueron interrlirnpidns J fru~tra. El General, profundgmente. ~onmori-, iiokl, ' Gie eese-halitr5a de E+~~= das por la retrhccion.. dc una piirtc de d&-zonteirto del modo eig@ente, poco ñije6pe; 2 TKpFe~cnto-13.esh baadera. et<& de de& iiedhgc'- aus voluntarios que no solo sc negaroq. mw o rnenoa : <........ /' a sc uir a Vd. dcspues dc triunfar cn rcdb b comision m?ni A e? y,>que +a si- Car di, --. enas, insistiendo en scr conduci : Señares :. coii 10 íntimo, de1 corazo,n',igradct~~ A la4 beiiaa hijh do Cubu; y 6 los do $.#yh~por iris repiosp gappa dé dos á.cqo HUCJO conti:\ SUS órdet d gaor.comp--triotau qué.vds. repr'edtitan', -U beno-?& c d k - ~ o mqnos iin.tü{ ncs terminantemente. espresndns,. aif unidos. testinibnioii de a* ülmpeti~, p aiashique &m~oiaa de láton~rn- no aun desatendiendo. ~ u. s súplicq confi.n+.en mí ;. aunqsó;.todo aenrimjento doal virtud y talentqii del'gecera1 Lo- de que le desembarcasen en. cual; 'eraoqsl. lo +b+ra,. cp @ate, i~tpnsel pez. - Al tiempo 49ce5 @ p;e!enta: quiera. punto dc la 161% con áque- $u, yi+ie veo 1.1 pr~~ba p+lo &e~elxg. 't do_n, como presi+.ntc?e 110s que querían ocompabarlo. Pcroa la. mo. cntage, pece~~~r*nci? Y,,~Y?$~~,.. 4,, h ---_ 6om~?rion,~ron~ncíó - - el_a!g$enk d;e- vez que deploralnoe con V. tan f<rtal~on- tntt~tidef.ert6~- se ntiui$ntos,.eoloy. a 1mo-. trntiempo, creemos que esa desuracia no bien ooníezicfdsi $4.qJiq';ide,' repfepeataq ----v..-.- exidthmente 1; pobbcio,n','eo geqer?lfdde GEXLRAL:. ha prodücido otro daiio que el dc retar- nuebtrr Cub.; puss'td'qiis.be tesibidd.de t?f: numen, de c ~ yceiden- ~ dar ~ por algunosdiaa ; ~ la ~ inevitable.ir aiocr#or& a~tbihuiai:.fruormsl q~ ;;iro tes.ea *eia-brk noe hán he.,ho el h+ lucion Cubana. Inútil ea, puca, f ~ blat.prmtipa:.dadad de.: qye d. p~nk.t?'lopo de, co~igionarnva ii ' de lo pasado, y mas iniitil aun rccor-ar forkuto:an ldiwwóa 1 rdsatwr le~oq-jdr V. apa& juntamente con Esta han- "a lo" ~'3~e!ea.debcrc' que tiene 'dwruio*b!llr jbtw?*. 89 WW: uhschsprlas manos de cumplir. Cuba lo espera todo do. V: Cab puo),h., rti~b,o+~..de.!..nvly: pnaa,&,laa :hijas de c ~ ~ ~ yu;c:', ' V. P lo ~ enbe, ~ y ~ conrencidas como cstamm' cion clevadn por 41 6 un punto ~vnnzoditrabajo fu+ 'una ot,rk de iruior., deju indomablo enerjiu, su peruevehnsimo ; pro reso sin duda, comprndo hnrn- ~-:y.., knerj1: eata prye&, cia y su deeision, aai como ae eu to para cu%s or m= aocrificios que Iinya copoc l,trt;d, Gmpatib por su*,..fuerzoj y aa- cimiento 1 cspcriencia nccrca de los coetndo no so P o i noeotros mismo8 tino í C- muchq.de Ion mns noblee eepiritue de escrificb hechos'en eior de nue,tru ya- lernentue que ecaisten en Cuba para U- te prijque tuvieron uno honrosa parte en uiaqaerid i Y di l.:%nfiada Y fe que rerolucion inmediata y feiiz. NO nos la empresa por mns rangre que ee kubicee en V.:tienen'como inetrurnento que pni. 9. uoda eapcrar, bien impi; $etramado, y or acerbo que hbp aido el rece designtidb'por ia- -videncia F a cientea, General, el momento en que V.,&olor de dejqr Y a,entre c8den.m cuando te- Ileri;r íteabjla re~ólucion política que... nos llame al campo de batalla panr rcn- úiim,~ casi en Ina manos aulibertid. traerá con3igo Libetturd, Paz y Ycntua tcr O morir, como digqou hijoe dr Cublr, a l& dmmiados Li+tta6@ de Cuba. 'LI pie de em bandera. A.i ~m~la'ntis shbpiiza In níicioiio. En la cepndr hemas rcspe tndo el deeeb, lidad.de Cuba IiEre;.' hdépendieo$'y espromdo por U: mbmo'al aaber 61 pa6