STF na Mídia. Clipping Internacional - Dia 28 de Junho à 04 de Julho

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1 STF na Mídia Clipping Internacional - Dia 28 de Junho à 04 de Julho

2 28/06/2012

3 Quinta-feira, 05 de Julho de /06/2012 BBC Brasil - Notícias CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Suprema Corte de Justicia Suprema Corte dá aval à polêmica reforma de saúde de Obama, 8 BBC Brasil - Notícias CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI) Haia absolve acusado de genocídio na Bósnia, 10 BBC Brasil - Notícias CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Suprema Corte de Justicia Suprema Corte mantém reforma na saúde proposta por Obama, 11 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Deloitte Available for Comment on Supreme Court Ruling and Impact on State Health Insurance Exchanges, 12 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court National Press Club to Host "NEWSMAKER" Media Briefing: Panel on Affordable Care Act, 13 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Blue Cross And Blue Shield Association Statement, 14 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Umbrella Patient Organization Group Applauds ACA Decision, 15 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Michigan Chamber of Commerce Responds To U.S. Supreme Court Ruling On "Obamacare", 16 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Landmark health reform law ruling a major public health victory, provisions still require support, 17 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Make Your Voice Heard on Public Policy and New Legislation through PR Newswire, 18 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Partnership to Improve Patient Care Statement on Supreme Court Decision, 19 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Care Act Huge Victory for People with HIV/AIDS, 20 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Michigan Small Business Reacts to Supreme Court health care ruling, 21 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Supreme Court Ruling on Health Reform: Statement by Dr. Jane L. Delgado, President and CEO of National Alliance for Hispanic Health, 22 3

4 Quinta-feira, 05 de Julho de 2012 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court The AIDS Institute Reacts To Supreme Court Decision, 23 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Hazelden Applauds Health Care Ruling, 24 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Easter Seals Celebrates Today"s Supreme Court Ruling, 25 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Trust for America"s Health Statement on the Supreme Court Ruling on the Affordable Care Act, 26 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Statement Of Mental Health America On Supreme Court"s Decision Upholding Affordable Care Act, 27 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court GHX CEO Bruce Johnson Responds to Healthcare Reform Decision, 28 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Statement of Betsy Ryan, Esq., NJHA President and CEO, on the Supreme Court Decision on the Affordable Care Act, 29 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Civil Rights Danny Glover to Visit Houston, Meet with Janitors Making Poverty Wages and Bring Together Coalition of Faith and Civil Rights Leaders, 30 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Lupus Research Institute Applauds Supreme Court Ruling on Healthcare Act, 31 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Texas Public Policy Foundation comments on individual-mandate finding in Florida v. HHS ruling, 32 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Family Research Council Says Supreme Court Health Care Ruling Jeopardizes Future of Liberty, 33 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Medicaid Health Plans of America Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care Law, 34 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Bauer says Supreme Court ruling means the American people have One Option: Throw President Obama and the healthcare co-conspirators out of office in November, 35 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Lilly Statement on Affordable Care Act Ruling by Supreme Court, 36 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court 4

5 Quinta-feira, 05 de Julho de 2012 Court Ratifies Landmark Anti-Life Healthcare Law, 37 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Mitch Rothschild, Vitals" CEO, Comments On Supreme Court"s Healthcare Ruling, 38 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court NCPA Responds to U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care Law, 39 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Urologists Respond To Supreme Court Decision On Affordable Care Act, 40 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court AFGE Statement on Supreme Court Health Care Ruling, 41 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Supreme Court Ruling is a Major Blow to Entrepreneurship, Small Business Owners, 42 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Rep. Fattah Calls Healthcare Decision a Victory for All Americans, 43 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court How Ottawa"s Renewed Drive for National Securities Regulator Could Play Out: C.D. Howe Institute, 44 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court MedeAnalytics Among First to Provide Detailed Analysis of Supreme Court Health Reform Ruling, 45 Bizjournais - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Crown CEO says Uncle Sam must address real costs in all future healthcare plans or risk America"s solvency, 46 Bloomberg - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Do Republicans Really Want Universal Health Care?, 47 Business Insurance - Article CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Uncertainty over health reform ends after Supreme Court upholds individual mandate, 49 Business Insurance - Article CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Supreme Court upholds individual mandate in health care reform law, 50 Clarín - Notícias CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Poder Judicial En emergencia, Scioli emite deuda y espera ayuda oficial, 51 Corriere Della Será - Politica CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Corte Costituzionale Berlusconi: «Buone possibilità per l'elezione diretta del presidente della Repubblica», 52 Corriere Della Será - Politica CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Corte Suprema de Justicia 5

6 Quinta-feira, 05 de Julho de 2012 Obamacare, via libera dalla Corte Suprema, 53 Diário de Notícias Lisboa - Globo CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI) Karadzic livra-se de uma das acusações de genocídio, 55 Diário de Notícias Lisboa - Globo CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Tribunal Constitucional Presidente Mohamed Morsi prestará juramento no sábado, 56 Diario Libre - Notícias CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Derecho Constitucional Caridad endulzada (i de iii), 57 El Dia - Noticia CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Poder Judicial Huelga Justicia fue muy tímida, 59 El Dia - Noticia CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Poder Judicial Consejo rechaza indemnizar a exjuez, 60 El País - Internacional CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Poder Judicial Anticorrupción apoya al FROB en que la Audiencia investigue el Banco de Valencia, 61 El País - Internacional CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Poder Judicial PSOE e IU exigen De Rosa para que explique las presiones, 62 Expresso OnLine Lisboa - Atualidade CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Tribunal Superior de Justiça EUA: Supremo Tribunal declara constitucionalidade do "Obamacare", 63 Financial Times Deutschland - Nachrichten CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Der juristische Streit um die US-Gesundheitsreform ist entschieden: Amerikas Oberster Gerichtshof hat geurteilt, dass Obamas Gesetz der Verfassung entspricht. Doch der politische Kampf dürfte weitergehen., 64 Financial Times Deutschland - Nachrichten CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL EuGH Kursinformationen und Charts Kursinformationen und Charts, 66 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Politik CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Verfassungskonform, 67 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Politik CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Verfassungsgericht Strafbare Beschneidung, 68 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Politik CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Verfassungsgericht Streit über Vertretung Rumäniens bei EU-Gipfel eskaliert, 70 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Politik CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Verfassungsgericht Donnerkeil und Sänfte, 72 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Politik 6

7 Quinta-feira, 05 de Julho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Oberstes Gericht billigt Obamas Gesundheitsreform, 73 La Nacion - Notícias CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Poder Judicial La adhesión fue dispar en las provincias, 74 Le Monde - Article CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Conseil Constitutionnel L"Afnic reconduite pour la gestion des extensions, 75 Le Monde - Article CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Conseil Constitutionnel M. Ayrault va demander un vote de confiance aux députés, 76 Misiones Online - Noticia CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Poder Judicial Debatieron el proyecto de Ley para regular jubilaciones de jueces, magistrados y empleados del Poder Judicial, 77 Misiones Online - Noticia CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Poder Judicial Todo el personal del Poder Judicial podría jubilarse con el 85% móvil, 78 Süddeutsche Zeitung - Politik CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Oberstes US-Gericht bestätigt Obamas Gesundheitsreform, 80 Süddeutsche Zeitung - Politik CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Konservativer Abweichler rettet Obamacare, 81 USA Today - On Politics CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Supreme Court Obama's day: Health care (and Holder), 83 USA Today - News CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL Civil Rights California governor signs budget relying on taxes, 84 7

8 BBC Brasil/ - Notícias, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Suprema Corte de Justicia) Suprema Corte dá aval à polêmica reforma de saúde de Obama Pablo Uchoa Da BBC Brasil em Washington Em um julgamento histórico, a Suprema Corte americana confirmou nesta quinta-feira a validade da reforma de saúde aprovada em 2010 pelo governo do presidente Barack Obama considerada o maior legado dos quatro anos de seu mandato. Por cinco votos a quatro, os nove juízes ampararam o ponto mais polêmico da reforma, o chamado mandato individual, que obriga todo americano a comprar plano de saúde a partir de 2014, se já não o tiver através de seu empregador ou de um dos programas do governo. Estima-se que 30 milhões de pessoas estão nesta situação. A penalidade será uma multa, que os juízes consideraram estar dentro dos poderes do Congresso estabelecer com base em sua prerrogativas de estabelecer impostos. O governo diz que a obrigatoriedade traz mais gente para dentro do sistema e barateia os custos. O candidato republicano à Casa Branca nas eleições de novembro, Mitt Romney, diz que vai repelir a lei no seu primeiro dia de trabalho, se for eleito. Com a espinha dorsal da lei mantida, os juízes não viram necessidade de derrubar o resto da legislação de páginas, que, entre outras coisas, eleva para 26 anos a idade em que jovens podem permanecer cobertos pelo plano de saúde de seus pais. A lei elimina ainda a possibilidade de alguém ser rejeitado por doença prévia e aumenta o gasto, de fato, dos operadores de planos na saúde dos seus clientes. A lei cria uma espécie de bolsa de seguros no quais as empresas podem oferecer seus produtos a preços competitivos, e expande a cobertura do programa público de saúde conhecido como Medicaid. Reações Mal a decisão foi anunciada, partidários da lei reunidos em frente ao Supremo, em Washington, comemoraram com música, dança e palavras de ordem. Reações começaram a pipocar nas caixas de mensagem dos jornalistas, com s que iam de organizações de esquerda considerando o resultado um golpe duro contra o movimento de direita Tea Party, a grupos conservadores do Tea Party enxergando na Obamacare (um trocadilho pejorativo com o termo health care, ou cuidados da saúde) uma demonstração clara das tendências socialistas do presidente. Apesar de a proposta de lei ter sido concebido por uma organização conservadora em 1989, a lei foi aprovada no Congresso em 2010 sem receber sequer um só voto republicano. A lei gerou reações viscerais de parte da sociedade, que viu na legislação uma interferência sem precedentes do Estado na vida dos cidadãos. E utilizou rapidamente grande parte do capital político de Obama, eleito dois anos antes sob a plataforma da mudança. Partidários da reforma da saúde a consideram o maior legado do presidente. Com a decisão de hoje, a Suprema Corte reafirmou um princípio fundamental: que aqui na América, na nação mais rica do mundo, nenhum problema de saúde leve à ruína financeira de uma família, disse Obama em pronunciamento. Já o candidato republicano à Casa Branca, Mitt Romney, disse que a lei coloca o governo entre você e o seu médico e prometeu reverter o projeto se for eleito. O que a Corte não fez no seu último dia de trabalho, vou fazer no meu primeiro dia na Casa Branca: repelir e substituir a Obamacare, disse Romney. Justiça e economia Analistas têm indicado que, para a indústria da saúde que movimenta US$ 2,7 trilhões ou o equivalente a 17,9% da economia americana a decisão remove uma grande interrogação em relação ao seu funcionamento e aos custos do futuro. O resultado só foi possível depois que o juiz conservador John Roberts, cuja indicação em 2005 pelo ex-presidente George W. Bush foi criticada pelo então senador Barack Obama, cruzou as linhas 8

9 BBC Brasil/ - Notícias, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Suprema Corte de Justicia) partidárias e votou para desempatar a decisão. Nesta semana, a Corte derrubou partes da dura lei de imigração do Estado do Arizona, favorecendo a postura de moderados, como o próprio Obama, no debate. 9

10 BBC Brasil/ - Notícias, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI)) Haia absolve acusado de genocídio na Bósnia O Tribunal Penal Internacional em Haia absolveu na quinta-feira o ex-dirigente bósnio Radovan Karadzic de uma das duas acusações de genocídio que enfrenta. Os juízes consideraram que a promotoria não conseguiu provar que Karadzic ordenou para forças sérvias os assassinatos, expulsões e perseguições de muçulmanos e croatas em localidades bósnias. Mas o tribunal manteve a segunda acusação de genocídio por seu envolvimento no massacre de cerca de oito mil homens e garotos muçulmanos na cidade de Srebrenica em Os juízes disseram que muitas das alegações de Karadzic de que não sabia o que ocorria foram desmentidas pelas evidências. O julgamento prossegue em outubro. 10

11 BBC Brasil/ - Notícias, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Suprema Corte de Justicia) Suprema Corte mantém reforma na saúde proposta por Obama A Suprema Corte dos EUA deu parecer favorável nesta quinta-feira para a parte principal da lei proposta pelo presidente americano, Barack Obama, para a reforma no sistema de Saúde. A corte rejeitou o argumento de que a lei seria abusiva por pedir que todos os americanos paguem por planos de saúde, ou os obtenha por meio do seu empregador a partir de Correspondentes dizem que a decisão judicial é uma grande vitória para Obama. 11

12 Bizjournais/ - News, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Supreme Court) Deloitte Available for Comment on Supreme Court Ruling and Impact on State Health Insurance Exchanges WASHINGTON, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --Â Deloitte Consulting LLP Principal Patrick Howard and Deloitte Consulting LLP Director Dr. Wade F. Horn, Ph.D., can comment regarding the implication on states, including the development of health insurance exchanges on the just-announced Supreme Court decision on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Dr. Wade F. Horn, Ph.D., is a director with Deloitte Consulting, advising health and human services clients within Deloitte"s state government practice.â He is also the former assistant secretary for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Additional information about Wade Horn: 110VgnVCM100000ba42f00aRCRD.htm Patrick Howard leads Deloitte Consulting"s public sector state health care practice.â Howard has more than 20 years of consulting experience with a particular emphasis on health and human services clients.â Additional information about Patrick Howard: pics/health-reform/health-insurance-exchanges/8fb471 aae8c82310vgnvcm a56f00arcrd.htmabou t Deloitte As used in this document, "Deloitte" means Deloitte Consulting LLP and Deloitte Services LP, a separate subsidiary of Deloitte LLP. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries.sourcedeloitte 12

13 Bizjournais/ - News, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Supreme Court) National Press Club to Host "NEWSMAKER" Media Briefing: Panel on Affordable Care Act WASHINGTON, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --Â The following is being released by the National Press Club: What: The National Press Club will host a Newsmaker press conference on the impact of the Supreme Court"s ruling on the Affordable Care ActWhen: Friday, June 29 at 1 p.m. It is expected to run 90 minutes to 2 hours.where: The Zenger Room, The National Press Club, 13th floor, The National Press Building, th Street NW, Washington, D.C. Details:The panel will focus on answering the question: What next -- for families, for business, for participants in the health care system -- now that the Supreme Court has ruled. The panel includes Washington policy experts as well as practitioners from outside the beltway.confirmed participants are:american Association of Medical Colleges -- Darrell Kirch, president/ceo, or Atul Grover, chief public policy officer.colin Roskey, a partner at Alston & Bird. Dan Maynard, president of Connecture. They are the people behind the marketplaces and exchanges more than 25 million Americans use to purchase their health insurance. The company"s customers include half of the 20 largest carriers and it"s also working closely with the states to build exchanges. Paul Keckley, Ph.D., executive director of the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions. Keckley is considered one of the country"s leading experts on U.S. health reform. He is a health economist and policy expert.. He can discuss the implications for consumers, hospitals, insurers, life sciences companies, employers and government entities. His views are informed by original research on consumers, physicians and employers. He is also working on a "2020 Forecast" that models what the insurance industry may look like under different Supreme Court scenarios. Keckley and the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions just released their annual study on consumer opinions and habits in engaging the health system. A survey on physicians and reform was issued earlier, and data on how employers (jobs) are reacting to reform and medical costs will be available near term. "The real debate about health reform, perhaps sparked by the ACA, is how to transform the health system to address its underlying problems: it"s expensive, fragmented, confusing and cascading out of control," said Keckley. Jenny Englerth, Executive Director and CEO of Family First Health, a community-based health care organization in Central Pennsylvania. She can break down the nuances of Health Care Reform and the Affordable Care Act, explaining it in terms that people can understand and explaining what it means to a patient. Michael M. Dudley, president and CEO of Optima Health Plan and a senior vice president of Sentara Healthcare. He"s also on the board of America"s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP).Serving 435,000 members in Virginia, Optima Health Plan provider network consists of nearly 22,000 physicians and 80 hospitals. Optima is a division of Sentara Healthcare, a not-for-profit provider in Virginia and North Carolina with annual revenue of $5 billion. The integrated health system is composed of 10 acute care hospitals, health plans with 436,000 members and 618 provider medical groups. Sentara was ranked the number one integrated health care network in the United States in 2011 by "Modern Healthcare" magazine and is the only health care system to be named in the top 10 for 15 years. SOURCENational Press Club 13

14 Bizjournais/ - News, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Supreme Court) Blue Cross And Blue Shield Association Statement WASHINGTON, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) President and CEO Scott P. Serota issued the following statement regarding today"s Supreme Court decision:"bcbsa has long been committed to ensuring everyone has high quality, affordable healthcare coverage.  We will continue to implement the law while working with policymakers to fix provisions that will increase costs, such as the health insurance tax that will add hundreds of dollars to families" premiums each year.  On behalf of our 100 million members, Blue companies will continue to lead efforts in their local communities â?" partnering with doctors, nurses, hospitals and others â?" to rein in costs, improve quality, help people stay well and better manage their care when they need it."the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is a national federation of 38 independent, community-based and locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies that collectively provide healthcare coverage for 100 million members â?" one-in-three Americans. For more information on the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and its member companies, please visit We encourage you to connect with us on Facebook, check out our videos on YouTube and follow us on Twitter for up-to-date information about BCBSA.SOURCEBlue Cross and Blue Shield Association 14

15 Bizjournais/ - News, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Supreme Court) Umbrella Patient Organization Group Applauds ACA Decision Urges All Parties Involved in Health Care to "Move On" With ImplementationWASHINGTON, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National Health Council (NHC) President Myrl Weinberg released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court"s decision today to uphold the Affordable Care Act. "We have felt confident throughout that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional. The patient advocacy community is very pleased with the Supreme Court and its decision to uphold the law. It is now time to put the acrimonious debate behind us and move forward to continue working through the implementation process to produce a health care delivery system that meets the needs of all people â?" especially those individuals with chronic diseases and disabilities. The National Health Council worked closely with Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to ensure that the concerns of the patient and family caregiver community were addressed in the Affordable Care Act. We believe the law, though not perfect and certain to evolve over time, is already improving the lives of people with chronic conditions. Let"s move on."to read other statements put out by patient advocacy organizations that are members of the NHC, go to Founded in 1920, the National Health Council (NHC) is the only organization of its kind that brings together all segments of the health community to provide a united voice for the more than 133 million people with chronic diseases and disabilities and their family caregivers. Made up of more than 100 national health-related organizations and businesses, its core membership includes approximately 50 of the nation"s leading patient advocacy groups, which control its governance. Visit to learn more about NHC and how it is committed to Putting Patients FirstÂ.SOURCENational Health Council 15

16 Bizjournais/ - News, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Supreme Court) Michigan Chamber of Commerce Responds To U.S. Supreme Court Ruling On "Obamacare" LANSING, Mich., June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The following statements were issued today by the Michigan Chamber of Commerce in response to the U.S. Supreme Court"s ruling on the federal Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as "Obamacare."Statement from Jim Holcomb, Senior Vice President, Business Advocacy & General Counsel:"This is a sad day for job providers and families who support health care policies based upon free market solutions and strenuously oppose the government interference in purchasing and benefit design decisions contained in Obamacare.  While we were confident that the Supreme Court would find this type of government overreach unacceptable, we remain hopeful that the new Congress will work to repeal and replace the law with measures to control costs and improve quality, reform the insurance market and create a streamlined, simplified marketplace to purchase insurance."statement from Wendy Block, Director of Health Policy & Human Resources:"Obamacare is heavy on lip service and light on real reform, failing to reach many â?" if any â?" of these goals, failing small and large businesses and consumers alike. One way or another, the employer mandates, tax increases and burdensome regulations in Obamacare must go, as they will do nothing less than devastate the private insurance industry and jeopardize our nation"s economy.â The solution to improving the quality and affordability of health care is through reforms that are sensitive to the dynamics of the marketplace, not through a complete overhaul of our health care system that is supported by massive tax increases, a government-run option and new mandates on employers." The Michigan Chamber of Commerce is a statewide business organization representing approximately 6,800 employers, trade associations and local chambers of commerce. The Michigan Chamber represents businesses of every size and type in all 83 counties of the state. Michigan Chamber member businesses provide jobs to 1.5 million residents. One of every 2.6 employees in Michigan works for a Chamber member firm. The Michigan Chamber was established in 1959 to be an advocate for Michigan"s job providers in the legislative, political and legal process. It is one of only six state chambers accredited by the U.S. Chamber and one of only four state chambers accredited with distinction. Follow the Michigan ChamberFacebook: SOURCEMichigan Chamber of Commerce 16

17 Bizjournais/ - News, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Supreme Court) Landmark health reform law ruling a major public health victory, provisions still require support Statement from Georges C. Benjamin, MD, FACP, FACEP (E), executive director of APHAWASHINGTON, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- "The American Public Health Association heralds the U.S. Supreme Court ruling announced today upholding the Affordable Care Act, a landmark law enacted in 2010 to dramatically improve the health of all Americans and control health care costs."today"s historic ruling by the nation"s highest court marks a significant milestone in our national efforts to improve the delivery and financing of health services in the U.S. and to promote health and wellness rather than disease treatment. The Supreme Court"s decision allows for long-overdue changes made possible by the law to move forward without question or further delay. The law will bring relief to millions of Americans in addition to those who are already receiving life-saving benefits, including:"in upholding these essential reforms, today"s decision marks tremendous progress towards reshaping our health system into one that saves the lives of at least 44,000 people who die annually simply because they do not have health insurance that could keep them healthy."while we celebrate this major public health victory, we must work to ensure the law reaches its full potential. Specifically, we must continue to protect the Prevention and Public Health Fund, a sound, long-term investment in the future of our nation"s health. Through Community Transformation Grants, as part of the fund, $145 million was invested in fiscal year 2011 to help communities reduce chronic disease rates, address health disparities and strengthen prevention efforts. Another $226 million is allocated for fiscal year The public health community must work to ensure these critical investments are maintained and increased to the full amount no later than 2022."Since the law"s passage, APHA has been working to engage public health advocates from communities across the country to support and protect the law. As part of its advocacy efforts, APHA was a signatory on two friend-of-the-court briefs with other health groups in support of the law."the Supreme Court did the right thing by upholding the Affordable Care Act. APHA is overjoyed by today"s ruling. For more about APHA, visit in 1872, the APHA is the oldest and most diverse organization of public health professionals in the world. The association aims to protect all Americans and their communities from preventable, serious health threats and strives to assure community-based health promotion and disease prevention activities and preventive health services are universally accessible in the United States. APHA represents a broad array of health providers, educators, environmentalists, policy-makers and health officials at all levels working both within and outside governmental organizations and educational institutions. More information is available at Audrey Pernik audrey.pernik@apha.orgSOURCE American Public Health Association 17

18 Bizjournais/ - News, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Supreme Court) Make Your Voice Heard on Public Policy and New Legislation through PR Newswire NEW YORK, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --Â In light of the numerous public policy rulings and legislation this week, communications professionals in related nonprofit, public interest, business and financial markets have a tremendous opportunity to share their opinions, increase the visibility of their organizations and attract the attention of influential audiences. From the Supreme Court rulings on the Arizona immigration and Florida prayer laws earlier this week; and in today"s high-profile decision on the legality of health care legislation championed by President Obama; journalists, bloggers, policymakers, investors and social media pundits are fervently analyzing the impact of the rulings and looking for new angles, content, sources and perspective to provide context and opinion to their learn more about the PR opportunities presented by the current state of affairs and the services through which they can share their message, read PR Newswire"s Beyond PR blog post, PR Newswire:PR Newswire ( ) is the premier global provider of multimedia platforms that enable marketers, corporate communicators, sustainability officers, public affairs and investor relations officers to leverage content to engage with all their key audiences. Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry 58 years ago, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, optimize and target content â?" from rich media to online video to multimedia â?" and then distribute content and measure results across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels. Combining the world"s largest multi-channel, multi-cultural content distribution and optimization network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire enables the world"s enterprises to engage opportunity everywhere it exists. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, and is a UBM plc Contacts:Rachel MeranusVice President, Marketing and CommunicationsPR Newswire Rachel.Meranus@prnewswi re.commeryl SerouyaMarketing and Communications AssociatePR Newswire Meryl.Serouya@prnewswire.comSOURCEPR Newswire Association LLC 18

19 Bizjournais/ - News, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Supreme Court) Partnership to Improve Patient Care Statement on Supreme Court Decision WASHINGTON, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- In response to today"s ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States, the Partnership to Improve Patient Care (PIPC) issued the following statement from Chairman Tony Coelho:"PIPC has been working for more than three years to ensure comparative effectiveness research is patient-centered and helps physicians and their patients make informed healthcare decisions. Congress" creation of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) reflected the recognition that existing programs were falling short of this goal. The Affordable Care Act"s CER provisions for the first time gave patients and physicians a seat at the table in advancing a new research program.â PIPC will continue working in a bipartisan way to ensure we realize the potential of PCORI to advance a truly patient-centered approach to CER and avoid "one-size-fits-all" access barriers that ignore patient differences. Our focus has been, and must continue to be, on improving the openness and transparency of PCORI decision-making, ensuring PCORI"s research focuses on improved quality care and not cost-cutting, and providing more opportunities for input from the full patient and physician communities."â Â About PIPCThe Partnership to Improve Patient Care was formed in November 2008 to support proposals to expand the government"s role in comparative effectiveness research that are centered on patient and provider needs; raise awareness about the value of well-designed CER; and promote the important role of continued medical innovation as part of the solution to cost and quality challenges in health care. Partnership members include a wide range of health care organizations representing patient advocacy, provider, and industry learn more go to CONTACT: Maura Burchette, (202) , media@improvepatientcare.orgâ Â Â Â SOURCEPart nership to Improve Patient Care 19

20 Bizjournais/ - News, Qui, 28 de Junho de 2012 CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL (Supreme Court) Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Care Act Huge Victory for People with HIV/AIDS SAN FRANCISCO, June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today the United States Supreme Court delivered a huge victory to nationwide efforts to establish a health care system that works for everyone, including the 1.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States. By upholding the Affordable Care Act (ACA), today"s decision delivers on the promise of health care for more than 30 million uninsured Americans. The historic ruling also upheld long-overdue protections for people with HIV and other chronic diseases, including safeguards against denial of coverage or exorbitant premiums for the especially sick, and annual and lifetime coverage limits for people with costly medical conditions."for the first time in the history of the epidemic, the ACA will dramatically expand health care access to people previously considered "uninsurable," including millions of Americans with HIV/AIDS and other serious illness," said Neil Giuliano, CEO of San Francisco AIDS Foundation. "Today, we move one step closer to having a health care system that supports access to care and treatment that prevent illness and disease progression, rather than a "sick care system" that promotes disability and illness by limiting coverage options."the Affordable Care Act will address the failings of the current health care system by expanding Medicaid to all low-income people, creating open, competitive, fair marketplaces for uninsured and underinsured individuals and families to purchase private insurance, and providing subsidies to lower-income individuals to make insurance affordable. An estimated 1.2 million people are living with HIV in the United States and need access to high-quality, uninterrupted medical care to stay healthy, reduce new HIV infections, and cut long-term health care costs. "While today"s ruling is a huge victory, there"s no time for rest. We must continue our efforts to educate people affected by HIV about the key components of the ACA and how it will affect access to quality HIV prevention, care, and treatment," said Courtney Mulhern-Pearson, director of state and local affairs at San Francisco AIDS Foundation. "It is critically important that all Americans have accurate information about the law, how it will benefit them, and what it means for their health and the health of their communities."with today"s historic decision, San Francisco AIDS Foundation will redouble its efforts to ensure that health care reform implementation proceeds full steam ahead. The foundation urges Congress to acknowledge that the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land by fully funding health care reform and ending efforts to repeal it. Progress must not be held hostage by politics."today"s decision underscores the importance of continued funding of the Ryan White CARE Act during this time of transition to health care reform," said Ernest Hopkins, director of legislative affairs at San Francisco AIDS Foundation. "In order to effectively transition clients and fully realize the promise of health care reform, we must continue our work with elected officials, policy makers, and peer organizations to secure the future of the Ryan White CARE Act."About San Francisco AIDS FoundationNo city experienced epidemic levels of HIV faster than San Francisco. At San Francisco AIDS Foundation, we work to end the epidemic where it first took hold, and eventually everywhere. Established in 1982, our mission is the radical reduction of new infections in San Francisco. Through education, advocacy, and directâ services for prevention and care, weâ are confronting HIV in communities most vulnerable to the disease. We refuse to accept that HIV transmission is James Loduca(415)   SOURCESan Francisco AIDS Foundation 20

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Teeeny teeeny tiny little pieces of rocks. Anncr: But to her two year-old son, exploring the world around him, she makes perfect sense.

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

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The 10 Building Blocks of Primary Care

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Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien!

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Frederick News May 25 th, 2018

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