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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 About IASSCS 3 Welcoming Remarks 5 Organizing Committee 5 Conference Secretariat 6 Abstract Review Committee 7 Information for Delegates 8 Programme at a Glance 9 Parallel Session Tracks 10 Conference Programme 26 Poster Presentations 29 Exhibitions & Screening Schedules 31 Institutional Fair 32 IASSCS Post-Conference Training 33 Satellite Meetings 34 Cultural Activities 35 Maps 1

2 ABOUT THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF SEXUALITY, CULTURE AND SOCIETY (IASSCS) The International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS) was founded in 1997 in Amsterdam, with the commitment to build equity in research capacity worldwide and to develop a broad range of multidisciplinary research activities in the field of sexuality. IASSCS mission is to strengthen both research and the capacity to conduct research, on socio-cultural dimensions of sexuality, with special attention to promoting research equity in the global south. It is committed to a broad range of research activities, including strengthening communication and promoting collaboration among researchers, policy makers, and activists/advocates. This mission is informed by the principles of social justice and human rights, with a focus on sexual rights and gender equality, as expressed in documents such as the Cairo Programme of Action, CEDAW and the UNGASS Declaration on HIV/AIDS. IASSCS was formed in July 1997, following the hosting of its first conference in Amsterdam Beyond Boundaries: Sexuality across Cultures, which was jointly organized by the University of Amsterdam and the University of Chicago. This conference addressed a variety of research topics and issues pertaining to the social and cultural study of sexuality, and brought together scholars from the disciplines of anthropology, history, sociology, health policy and cultural and gender studies. It was noted at that time that no organization existed which provided an international forum for the interdisciplinary, social, and cross-cultural studies of sexuality. The impetus behind the creation of IASSCS was the perceived need to address and rectify the fragmentation of sexuality studies around the globe, to provide a forum to support the field of sexuality research and training as a legitimate area of scholarship, and in the process, to promote principles of academic freedom, social justice and human rights, with a focus on sexual rights and gender equality. Over the years, IASSCS hosted eight successful conferences: Amsterdam (1997), Manchester (1999), Melbourne (2001), Johannesburg (2003), San Francisco (2005), Lima (2007), Hanoi (2009), and Madrid (2011); which consolidated a solid network of scholars from the disciplines of anthropology, history, sociology, health policy, and the humanities, as well as from cultural and gender studies. Further, the IASSCS network has brought together scholars, researchers, policy makers and activists, with substantial participation from the global south; its last conference in Madrid gathered over 352 participants from 62 countries. These biennial conferences serve as a significant venue in the creation and strengthening of sexuality networks and coalitions across disciplines, professions and regions. IASSCS also supports the development and dissemination of research from the global south through its post-conference trainings, the IASSCS Advanced Sexuality Studies Course program (ASSC), the IASSCS Emerging Scholars Research Fellowship Programme, and via the scholarship support provided to select conference participants. The IASSCS workshops and trainings on sexuality are increasingly in demand and competitive among junior scholars and activists, with the number of applications increasing each year. IASSCS is an essential source of expertise on sexuality in advocacy policy debates regarding sexuality. It seeks to identify and support current sexual rights advocacy initiatives and strategies that impact state policies and programs; sustain an on-going dialogue on future action research; support campaigns advocating for the visibility of sexual minority issues and empowerment; and position itself as a reliable, accurate source of information to those working in academic, government, research and media venues who are involved in policy and advocacy work in sexuality. IASSCS is committed to academic freedom and to building equity in sexuality research capacity worldwide via a broad range of activities. According to its mission statement, as an international convener of conferences and research training initiatives, IASSCS is dedicated to ensuring and increasing the participation of researchers, scholars, activists and advocates in efforts to: Strengthen research and research capacity in socio-cultural dimensions of sexuality globally, with special attention to regions and countries where this capacity is not well-developed; Disseminate socio-cultural sexuality research findings via its bi-annual conference and website in order to inform state, regional, and international policies regarding sexuality; Provide mentoring and technical assistance to junior scholars in the development of research initiatives and preparation of grant proposals, journal articles, and conference presentations; Promote global networking and communication among researchers, policy makers, advocates and activists in the sexuality research field. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS ( ) Diane Di Mauro, Chair, United States of America Abha Bhaiya, India Carlos Cáceres, Peru Richmond Tiemoko, South Africa Huso Yi, Hong Kong JOURNAL IASSCS is associated with Culture, Health and Sexuality: An international journal for research, intervention and care. Editor: Peter Aggleton Centre for Social Research in Health, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia Published By: Routledge Frequency: 10 issues per year Print ISSN: Online ISSN: chs@unsw.edu.au 2

3 WELCOMING REMARKS Palabras de bienvenida Dear Delegates, I am delighted to welcome you to this conference, which we have called: Sex and the Marketplace: What s love got to do with it?, organized jointly by IASSCS and the Study Group on Sexualities of the Social Sciences School of the University of Buenos Aires. The School of Social Sciences, and the University of Buenos Aires to which it belongs, are, as you have seen, centers of teaching, research and community work. They have some special features that I would like to draw your attention to and to celebrate and also to defend publicly as if I were a soldier standing at the ramparts during a siege: it is free of charge and open to all (yes, you heard me correctly: a real university that offers free, universal access). UBA is co-administered by its professors, alumni, and students through democratic processes including elections. Neoliberalism has devastated our country, but this university is still an open, unruly, raucous, loud and often not so neat and tidy space. Another setting for this conference is the Bauen hotel, which closed in 2001 as a result of an economic crisis in Argentina that you probably heard about. But it was later rescued and is now managed by its own workers. The recent Argentine experience of workers taking over and reviving failing factories and other companies often provokes curiosity among visitors like yourselves, which we welcome. Other developments here in Argentina that often draw comment include the issues that bring us together here: a country with a Pope in Rome, a Queen in Holland and a coach on a Barcelona football team also offers you simultaneously legislation requiring a minimum quota of female legislators, a democratically re-elected woman president, marriage equality for all couples, an advanced gender identity law covering trans citizens, but also one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world. Before you ask us why we have marriage equality but not access to abortion, I will give you the answer: no one knows. We scholars, activists and citizens keep asking this question. Argentina recovered its political democracy in Our university life also was re-energized then, and little by little inquiries about gender and sexualities have gained legitimacy. As a result, several generations of us now have grappled with these issues, which of course are not limited to our Argentinean reality. So we have discussed and explored them extensively with our peers from Latin America and around the world in an excellent and stimulating collective effort. As in other parts of the world, health concerns opened many doors and established empirical and analytical matrices for addressing sexualities. Contraception, abortion, and HIV were and still are topics that make the subject of sexualities unavoidable for the social sciences agenda. In the academic world, several fields led to sexuality issues: women s studies, gender, feminism, and gay and lesbian studies, and recently, a body of work related to trans and intersex. All these paths are intersected by politics, social movements, epistemological and methodological conflict, geopolitics, and even aesthetics and styles of research and writing. Estimados/as Participantes, Quiero darles de corazón la bienvenida a este encuentro, que hemos denominado: Sexo y mercado: qué tiene que ver el amor con todo eso?, organizado conjuntamente por IASSCS y un equipo de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, el Grupo de Estudios sobre Sexualidades. La Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, así como la Universidad de Buenos Aires a la que pertenece, es, como habrán visto, un lugar de enseñanza, investigación y trabajo con la comunidad. Tiene algunas características para señalar y, diría yo, para festejar y proteger, como si fuéramos resistentes a una invasión: es gratuita, es de acceso libre y universal, es cogobernada por docentes, egresadas/os, y estudiantes a través de procesos electorales. El neo-liberalismo ha hecho estragos en nuestro país, pero no obstante ello la universidad permanece como un espacio abierto y democrático, bullicioso y a menudo poco prolijo. Otro de los espacios de este encuentro es un hotel, el Bauen, que ha sido recuperado por sus trabajadores y trabajadoras, quienes lo gestionan actualmente. Las experiencias de fábricas y otras empresas recuperadas forma parte de nuestros procesos sociales recientes que, al menos, despiertan la curiosidad de visitantes como ustedes. Otros procesos que despiertan curiosidad refieren más a los temas que aquí nos convocan: un país con Papa en Roma, Reina en Holanda y técnico en el Barcelona, les ofrece a ustedes al mismo tiempo ley de cupo femenino, presidenta mujer elegida y re-elegida por el pueblo, matrimonio igualitario, una avanzada ley de identidad de género que permite múltiples derechos a la ciudadanía trans, y una de las legislaciones sobre aborto más restrictivas del mundo. Antes que nos pregunten por qué matrimonio igualitario sí, y aborto no, les doy la respuesta: no sabemos. También nosotros nos hacemos la pregunta desde la academia, desde el activismo, desde la ciudadanía. Argentina recuperó su democracia política en Desde entonces, la vida universitaria también retomó sus energías, y de a poquito las indagaciones sobre género y sexualidades fueron cobrando fuerza, ocupando espacios, adquiriendo legitimidad. Ya hay varias generaciones de personas y de temas, que no solamente se limitan al espacio argentino sino que fueron articulándose y nutriéndose con pares de América Latina y de otras latitudes también. Una gran articulación de esfuerzos colectivos. Como en otras partes del mundo, la preocupación por la salud abrió muchas puertas y estableció coordenadas empíricas y analíticas para abordar las sexualidades. Anticoncepción, aborto y VIH fueron y son tópicos a partir de los cuales el tema de las sexualidades se volvió ineludible de la agenda de las ciencias sociales. También se llega a las sexualidades, en el mundo académico, a partir de los estudios sobre la mujer, las mujeres, el género, el feminismo; y de los estudios gay-lésbicos, y trans, e intersex. Todos estos senderos están atravesados por la política, por movilizaciones sociales, por conflictos epistemológicos y metodológicos, por geopolítica, y hasta por estéticas y estilos de investigación y escritura. 3

4 Given the opportunity presented by this conference, our organizing committee proposed the idea of crossing gender and the marketplace, sex and capitalism, sex and commodification, sexualization or eroticization of commodities, the sexual and erotic dimensions of economic relations, the economic dimensions of sex and erotic relations. We opted to problematize heterosexuality again, to examine the political and epistemological limitations of the language of gender and rights for thinking about sexuality, and also to consider the limitations and pitfalls that queer language and post-something languages pose for us. It is commonplace to speak about the crisis of the great narratives, but I believe that sooner or later it will be commonplace to speak about the crisis of the small narratives, too. It s true that we lost the utopia to transform the world through politics (revolutionary, communist, socialist, but also capitalist and social democratic as well). Similarly, the utopia of sexual liberation also has collapsed we no longer believe in salvation via sex, drugs and rock-and-roll. However, love, romantic love is there anyone in the room who wishes to denounce it? We might ask ourselves some questions about it, though: What role does that love play in constituting heteronormativity? To what extent and with what consequences did the regulatory ideal of love result in and become part of the new gender and sexual norms? How can we think about the overlap, if any, between love and social reproduction, between love and capitalism, between love and sex? In the next few days, several hundred texts and discussions will give us clues to think about these issues, here, in Buenos Aires with people from all over the world whom we are honored and happy to welcome to into this house of learning. For that we thank the Board of IASSCS, which invited us enthusiastically to host this conference. We also welcome the workshops, seminars and parallel events organized by IASSCS, SPW, Barnard College, Catholics for a Free Choice of Mexico and CLAM. The conference has required a great effort, the greatest of which is to communicate: we speak many different languages and, for more than one of us, English is not a lake in whose waters we swim with ease. But it is what it is, and the desire to understand and make ourselves understood will prevail over these pitfalls. And if not, at the end of the day, the rich Argentine wines, music and lovely walks along the streets of our city will solve more than one of the issues that may remain pending. Have a good time. Mario Pecheny University of Buenos Aires National Council on Science and Technology (CONICET) Argentina Desde este comité organizador, y para esta oportunidad, planteamos la idea de cruzar sexo y mercado, sexo y capitalismo, sexo y mercantilización, libidinización o erotización de las mercancías, las dimensiones sexuadas de las relaciones económicas, las dimensiones económicas de las relaciones sexuales y eróticas. En relación con ello: volver a problematizar las heterosexualides, ver las limitaciones políticas y epistemológicas del lenguaje del género y el de los derechos para pensar sexualidad, y también las limitaciones y trampas que puede tener el lenguaje queer o los lenguajes post- alguna cosa. Ya es un lugar común hablar de la crisis de los grandes relatos, y quizá todavía no lo es, pero ya será lugar común, hablar de la crisis de los pequeños relatos: se nos cayó la utopía de transformar el mundo por vía de la política, ya sea la via revolucionaria, la comunista, la socialista, y también la capitalista y la social-demócrata; se nos cayó la liberación sexual y se nos cayó la salvación vía sexo-drogas y rock and roll. Pero ahí está el amor, el amor romántico, firme. Preguntas para hacerse, hay: Hasta qué punto el amor es constitutivo de, por decirlo rápido, la heteronormatividad? Hasta qué punto, y cómo, y con qué consecuencias, el ideal regulatorio del amor dio lugar y forma parte de las nuevas normatividades sexuales y de género? Cómo podemos pensar la imbricación, si la hay, entre amor y reproducción social, entre amor y capitalismo, entre amor y sexo? En los próximos días, unos centenares de textos y discusiones nos darán pistas para pensar estos temas, aquí, en Buenos Aires. Con gente de muchas partes del mundo que, repito, estamos orgullosos y felices de poder congregar en esta casa. Por ello agradecemos al Board de IASSCS, que nos ha invitado con fuerza y entusiasmo para que este congreso tenga lugar en la UBA. También saludamos los talleres y seminarios y actividades paralelas, organizados por IASSCS, SPW, Barnard College, las Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir de México, y el CLAM. El congreso implica un gran esfuerzo, el mayor de los cuales es el de comunicarnos: hablamos muchas lenguas distintas y, para más de uno de nosotros y nosotras, el inglés no es un lago en cuyas aguas nademos con felicidad. Pero es lo que hay, y las ganas de entender y hacernos entender van a primar por sobre estos escollos. Y si no, al final del día, los ricos vinos argentinos, la música y los paseos por las encantadoras calles de nuestra ciudad, van a resolver más de una de las cuestiones que pudieran haber quedado pendientes. A pasarla bien. Mario Pecheny Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) Argentina 4

5 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE, IX International Conference Ana Amuchástegui, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, Mexico Graciela Alonso, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina Violeta Barrientos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru Jane Bennett, African Gender Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa Lohana Berkins, Asociación de Lucha por la Identidad Travesti Transexual (ALITT), Escuela Cooperativa Nadia Exhazu, Argentina Mark Blasius, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, United States of America Carlos Cáceres, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; Instituto de Estudios en Salud, Sexualidad y Desarrollo Humano, Peru Diane di Mauro, Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture and Society, University of Amsterdam; family court psychology practice specializing in child/parental rights, United States of America Maria Luiza Heilborn, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Gillian Fletcher, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Australia Frans Mom, External Advisor to the Board of Hivos on LGBT-Rights and HIV/AIDS, The Hague, The Netherlands Vera Paiva, Interdisciplinary Group for Aids Prevention (NEPAIDS), University of São Paulo, Brazil Richard Parker, Center for the Study of Culture, Politics, and Health, Columbia University, United States of America Mario Pecheny, National Council on Science and Technology; University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Radhika Ramasubban, Centre for Social and Technological Change, India Vasu Reddy, Human Sciences Research Council; the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Graciela Sikos, Grupo de Estudio de Sexualidades, Instituto de Investigación Gino Germani, Universidad Buenos Aires, Argentina Juan Marco Vaggione, Universidad de Córdoba; CONICET, Argentina Fátima Valdivia, International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS), Peru Huso Yi, Centre for Global Health, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT Ruth Iguiñiz, Peru Executive Coordinator Fátima Valdivia, Peru Conference Organizing Committee Coordinator Fernando Olivos, Peru Cultural Programme and Special Activities Coordinator Brenda Salas, Peru Conference Organizing Committee Assistant Ximena Gutiérrez, Peru Administrator Renata Hiller, Argentina Local Conference Organizing Committee Carolina Justo, Argentina Local Conference Organizing Committee With support from: Grupo de Estudios sobre Sexualidades (GES), Argentina Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Argentina Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES), Argentina Instituto de Estudios en Salud, Sexualidad y Desarrollo Humano (IESSDEH), Peru Graphic Design: Antonio Zegarra, Peru Volunteers: Alejandro Aymu, Alejandro Capriati, Anahí Farji Neer, Carlos Alberto Camacho, Carlos Alfonso Pacheco Bolívar, Carolina Spataro, Cecilia López Caradzoglu, Cynthia del Río Fortuna, Diego Pablo de la Hera, Emilio Saldias, Facundo Nicolás García, Federico Bietti, Gisela Canovas Herrera, Javier Sarubbi, Laura González, María Emilia Villalba, Mariam Caminos, Mariana Álvarez Broz, Mariana Palumbo, Martin Boy, Matías Iván Rodríguez, Maximiliano Albornoz, Micaela Libson, Nancy Carrere, Natalia Durand, Pablo Oscar Farneda, Paula Musso, Santiago Agustín Giro, Santiago Cunial, Santiago Morcillo, Victoria Justina Castro, Yasmin Mertehikian. Acknowledgments: Sergio Caletti (Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires), Argentina Luciano Díaz, Valeria Mugica, Graciela Martín (Decanato de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires), Argentina Shila Vilker (Secretaría de Proyección Institucional, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires), Argentina Laura Ullagnero (Secretaría de Gestión, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires), Argentina Isabel Tripodi (CEDES), Argentina Laura Livieri (CEDES), Argentina Ricardo Zuberbuhler (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la Nación), Argentina Dora Barrancos (CONICET), Argentina Eleonor Faur (UNFPA-Argentina), Argentina Marta Alanís (Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, Argentina), Argentina Mónica Petracci (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires), Argentina Carolina Mera (Directora del Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires), Argentina Julián Rebón (Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires), Argentina Ximena Guzmán (Registro Nacional Único de Requirientes RENURE), Argentina Sonia Correa (Asociación Brasileña Interdisciplinaria de SIDA), Brazil Horacio Sívori (Centro Latino-Americano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), Brazil Veriano Terto Jr. (Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro), Brazil Tim Frasca (Columbia University), United States of America 5

6 ABSTRACT REVIEW COMMITTEE Specialists from around the world in one or several fields of expertise volunteered to serve as peer reviewers, helping to ensure that the abstracts presented were selected on the basis of rigorous review and high scientific quality. We extend our special thanks to these individuals for the time they have dedicated to ensuring the success of the conference. Ashley Aberg Eva Alcántara Graciela Alonso Dennis Altman Consuelo Álvarez Ana Amuchástegui Lucía Ariza Enriqueta Barranco Jaime Barrientos Kate Bedford Abha Bhaiya Evelyn Blackwood Thaddeus Blanchette Rafael Blanco María Isabel Blázquez Josefina Brown Mauro Cabral Carlos Cáceres Ana Clara Camarotti Mabel Campagnoli Gloria Careaga Genaro Castro-Vazquez Mónica Cejas Ana Toledo Chávarri Giancarlo Cornejo Andrea Cornwall Malena Costa Soledad Cutuli Déborah Daich Andrea Daley Vagner de Almeida Alexis Dewaele Diane di Mauro Marie Digoix Maggie Duckett Sue Dyson Itzel Eguiluz Juan Esquivel Mariluz Esteban David Evans Regina Facchini Andréa Fachel Leal Anahí Farji Carlos Figari Valeria Flores Edith Flores Tim Frasca Flor Gamboa María Teresa Garzón Clemon George Oralia Gómez-Ramírez Ed Green Thomas Guadamuz María Alicia Gutiérrez Natalie Hammond Irwan Hidayana Jennifer Hirsch Hoang Tu Anh Michael Hurley Natalia Iguiñiz Ruth Iguiñiz Joaquín Insausti Daniel Jones Carolina Justo von Lurzer Margarita Kapsou Ummni Khan Anna Kirey Kelika Konda Analía Kornblit Diana Kwok Larry La Fountain-Strokes Sigifredo Leal Loraine Ledón Romeo Lee Micaela Libson Jose Luis Linaza Emiliano Litardo Paula Machado Jay Tyler Malette Joanne Mantell Olga Marques Zethu Matebeni Eduardo Mattio Siti Mazdafiah Karalyn McDonald Joni Meenagh Alejandro Melero Adrián Melo Rommel Méndez-Leite Sarah Milton Santiago Morcillo Laura Murray Henrique Nardi Marcos Nascimento Fernando Olivos Raquel Osborne Mario Pecheny Juan Péchin Pablo Peinado Larissa Pelucio Mudhita Perera Thiago Pinheiro Fernando Pocahy Ana Porroche Luis Puche Ahmed Ragab Natalia Raimondo Susanna Rance Kopano Ratele Cecilia Reviglio Gwénola Ricordeau Alicia Elena Rodríguez Annika W. Rodríguez Fabiola Rohden Rosario Román Pérez Gracia Violeta Ross Florencia Rovetto Leticia Sabsay Ximena Salazar Erica Sandoval Robert Sember Tatiana Sentamans Graciela Sikos Horacio Sívori Romina Smiraglia Elizabeth Smith Carolina Spataro Mia Sullivan Juan Pablo Sutherland Ivonne Szasz Sylvia Tamale Mónica Tarducci Erika Troncoso Juan Marco Vaggione Fátima Valdivia Cecilia Varela Daniela Vega Anna Paula Vencato Fernando Villaamil Ha Vu Song Matthew Waites Beth Williams-Breault Audrey Yue Gerardo Zamora-Monge Bruno Zilli 6

7 INFORMATION FOR DELEGATES VENUE The IX IASSCS International Conference is being held at the Social Sciences Department at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and the Bauen Hotel. Social Sciences Department (UBA) Address: Santiago del Estero 1029, Buenos Aires (see map) Bauen Hotel Address: Avenida Callao 360, Buenos Aires (see map) ON-SITE REGISTRATION AND CONFERENCE MATERIALS PICKUP On-site Registration begins on Wednesday, August 28 th at 10:30 hrs and will continue throughout the day until Thursday, August 29 th at 12:00 hrs. Registration includes access to all panels, plenary sessions and special presentations. Delegates will be provided with badges that should be visibly worn at all times. Regular participants, scholarship recipients and special guests will have access to all conference materials. MAPS Conference Venue floor plan and venues surrounding maps available on page 35. LANGUAGE The official language of the conference is English. A few parallel sessions will be held in Spanish. Simultaneous translation services will only be available during plenary sessions. WIFI/INTERNET Free WIFI will be available throughout both venues. For more information, visit the registration desk. PRESENTERS All presenters must arrive to their room 10 minutes before their session begins. They must bring their USB to upload their PPT presentation. All presenters will be invited to sign a consent form to allow their presentation to be shared via the IASSCS website. CERTIFICATES Certificates of presentation and attendance will only be available online. Certificates will be sent via after September 6 th. No printed copies will be available. SMOKING Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the buildings. WELCOMING RECEPTION The welcoming reception will be held in the Social Sciences Department of the Universidad de Buenos Aires on Wednesday, August 28 th, following the opening session. All delegates are invited to attend the reception. Drinks and hors d oeuvres will be provided. MEALS Free breakfast will be served daily from 8:30-09:00 am at the Bauen Hotel. Delegates are encouraged to use this time to connect with other presenters. Lunch is not included in the conference registration. The IASSCS Conference website offers a list of the various restaurants nearby with a variety of food choices and range of prices. IASSCS COCKTAIL PARTY An IASSCS Cocktail Party will be held on Friday, August 30 th, at 9:00 p.m. at the Club Español. Regular delegates, scholarship recipients and special guests can access the facility only with the invitation included in the conference materials. 7

8 Programme at a Glance WEDNESDAY 28 th THURSDAY 29 th (At Bauen hotel) FRIDAY 30 th (At Bauen hotel) SATURDAY 31 st (At Bauen hotel) 08:30 09:00 Registration (throughout the day) Networking Breakfast Networking Breakfast 09:00 09:30 09:30 10:00 10:00 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:30 Plenary Session 2 Desire Across Borders: Markets, Migration and Marital HIV Risk in Rural Mexico Jennifer Hirsch (At Sala Simón Bolívar) Coffee Break Plenary Session 4 Solemnized Beginning: Institutional Seduction and the Politics of Sexualities and Gender in Contemporary Southern African Contexts Jane Bennett (At Sala Simón Bolívar) Networking Breakfast Parallel Sessions VI 11:30 12:00 Coffee Break 12:00 12:30 12:30 13:00 13:00 13:30 13:30 14:00 Registration (Throughout the day at Bauen Hotel) Parallel Sessions I IASSCS Assembly Meeting (by invitation only) Parallel Sessions III and Screenings IASSCS Open Business Meeting IASSCS Committees Presentation Plenary Session 5 El Mercado Erótico Sexual: Un Marco Analítico Pertinente para Pensar los Intercambios Erótico-Afectivos en las Uniones Interraciales? Mara Viveros (At Sala Simón Bolívar) 14:00 14:30 14:30 15:00 15:00 15:30 15:30 16:00 16:00 16:30 16:30 17:00 Lunch Parallel Sessions II and Screenings Lunch Parallel Sessions IV and Screenings Awards and Closing Ceremony 8 17:00 17:30 17:30 18:00 18:00-18:30 18:30 19:00 19:00 19:30 19:30 20:00 20:00 20:30 20:30 21:00 Opening Ceremony (At Social Sciences Department-UBA) Welcoming Remarks Plenary Session 1 Labor of Love: The Sex Worker and the Anti-trafficking Advocate Sealing Cheng (At Social Sciences Department-UBA) Welcoming reception (At Social Sciences Department-UBA) Poster Presentations by Authors Coffee Break Plenary Session 3 The Price of Pulchritude, the Cost of Concupiscence: How to Have Sex in Late Modernity Gary Dowsett (At Sala Simón Bolívar) Exhibit Inauguration (At Centro Cultural Borges) The Right to Choose. Legal Abortion in Mexico City: a Model for the Region By Memory and Tolerance Museum (Mexico), Catholics for the Right to Decide (Mexico), IASSCS Coffee Break Parallel Sessions V and Screenings Special sessions 1. Catolicadas: Una experiencia exitosa de uso de redes sociales para promover derechos sexuales y reproductivos By Catholics for the Right to Decide (Mexico) 2. At the Crossroads of Sexual Rights and Markets, Is there a Place for Justice? By Sexuality Policy Watch, IDS-Sussex, IASSCS 3. De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de trabajo sexual? By RedTraSex (Argentina) IASSCS Cocktail Party (At Club Español) Satellite Meeting CLAM + 10: diálogos em sexualidade, gênero e direitos humanos Organized by the Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights-CLAM (At Sala Simón Bolívar)


10 PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY, August 28 th 2013 Opening Session (17:00-18:00 hrs) Social Sciences Department Auditorium, Universidad de Buenos Aires Session Language: English and Spanish (simultaneous translation) Welcome Address Mario Pecheny, Conference Convener, GES-Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires Abha Bhaiya, IASSCS Board of Directors Carlos Cáceres, IASSCS Board of Directors Sergio Caletti, Social Sciences Department Head, Universidad de Buenos Aires Carolina Mera, Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires Ruth Zubriggen, Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito, Argentina Plenary Session 1 (18:00 19:30 hrs) Social Sciences Department Auditorium, Universidad de Buenos Aires Session Language: English and Spanish (simultaneous translation) SELLING THE BODY: SEXED ECONOMIC RELATIONS, COMMODIFIED SEXUAL RELATIONS Labor of Love: The Sex Worker and the Anti-Trafficking Advocate Keynote Address Sealing Cheng, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Discussants Adriana Piscitelli, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Lohana Berkins, Asociación de Lucha por la Identidad Travesti Transexualz (ALITT), Argentina Chair Mario Pecheny, Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET, Argentina Welcoming Reception Social Sciences Department Auditorium Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) 10

11 THURSDAY, August 29 th 2013 Networking Breakfast (08:30 09:00 hrs) Plenary Session 2 (09:00 10:30 hrs) Room: Sala Simón Bolívar, Bauen Hotel Session Language: English and Spanish (simultaneous translation) A BEST SELLER: STORIES OF ROMANCE AND THE POWER OF UTOPIAN IDEALS OF LOVE LOVE AS A POLITICAL DISCOURSE Desire Across Borders: Markets, Migration, and Marital HIV Risk in Rural Mexico Keynote Address Jennifer Hirsch, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, United States of America Discussants Mark Padilla, Florida International University, United States of America Andrea Cornwall, University of Sussex, United Kingdom Chair Rafael de la Dehesa, City University of New York, United States of America Coffee Break (10:30 11:00 hrs) Parallel Sessions I (11:00 13:00 hrs) Commodified Sexual Relations: Transactional Sex and the Regulation of Sexuality Session code: STB 01 Room: SALÓN BUNGALOW Session chair: Melody Chia-Wen Lu, Macau Taxi queens: Practices of transactional sex in the taxi industry in the Western Cape, South Africa Cheryl Potgieter, University of KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa Ambiguous intimacies: Love as cultural script in sex tourism, Northeast Brazil Marie-Eve Carrier Moisan, Carleton University, Canada Bogus brides, runaway maids and blind masseur: Sexual intimacy, exploitation and friendship of marginal migrants in Taiwan Melody Chia-Wen Lu, University of Macau, Macau Organizational control and sex Cláudia Perrone, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil For business and pleasure: Collaborative sexual performance and women s expressions of leisure in a Philippine go-go bar Eric Ratliff, University of Texas School of Public Health, United States of America Sex Work, Subjectivities and Public Policies Session code: STB07 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 2 Session chair: Ricardo Esteves, Argentina Session language: Spanish What s female trafficking got to do with it? Uses and abuses of the prophylaxis of venereal diseases law Cecilia Varela, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas/ Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Prostitución de(l) Estado: despolitización del cuerpo subversivo José Henríquez, Coordinadora Universitaria por la Disidencia Sexual, Chile Expected and eminent emotions in sex work Marina França, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Never heard of such a thing! : Reflections on the political economics of prostitute consumption Maximiliano Albornoz, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Poder, explotación y trabajo sexual Ricardo Esteves, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Sex, Love and Economic Exchanges in Transnational Spaces Session code: LAPD01 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 3 Session chair: Adriana Piscitelli, Brazil Erotics, love, money, and violence: Women s sexualized travels in Northeast Brazil Adriana Piscitelli, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Repositioning inequalities: The contextualization and abstraction of intimacies in touristic Cuba Valerio Simoni, Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom I just want to marry for love: Freedom stories and love letters as help networks inside São Paulo and Barcelona female prisons Natalia Corazza, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Love, labor, and family relationships in a prostitution house : Reciprocity, scarce resources, and passion Jose Miguel Olivar, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Welcome to Barcelona : Transit, senses of place, and consumption regarding to the experience of gay Brazilian tourists and immigrants in the city Isadora França, Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero Pagu, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil 11

12 Education, Sexuality and Symbolic Violence Session code: POSK07 Room: SALÓN CASCADA 1 Session chair: Regina Facchini, Brazil Session language: Spanish Bullied, bullies and witnesses, all in one? Multiple roles in homophobic bullying in schools in Latin America Miguel Ceccarelli Calle, Instituto de Estudios en Salud, Sexualidad y Desarrollo Humano, Peru Delimitando intimidades públicas. El mercado simbólico de las sexualidades en la sociabilidad estudiantil universitaria Rafael Blanco, Universidad de Buenos Aires/Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina Actors, relations, conventions and contexts: The (co)production of knowledge about sexuality in Brazil Regina Facchini, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Sexual diversity and education: Unveiling violence against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites, transexuals and transgenders Achiles Neto, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Brazil Experiences of Female Sexuality Session code: SAG03 Room: SALÓN CASCADA 2 Session chair: Seri Wendoh, United Kingdom Girls, political practices, and cultural industry: Gender activism and media rhetoric in the feminist students experience in Buenos Aires Silvia Elizalde, Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género, Universidad Buenos Aires, Argentina Sexual rights in action: IPPF and the Universal Periodic Review mechanism Seri Wendoh, International Planned Parenthood Federation, United Kingdom I am a brand new, second-hand virgin : Constructions of virginity among young Ghanaian Women Karine Geoffrion, University of Cape Coast, Ghana Experiences of love and sex: Urban Nepali women and media Nemu Joshi, Birkbeck College, University of London, United Kingdom Pathologization of Sexuality Session code: POSK03 Room: SALÓN CONGRESO 1 Session chair: Fabiola Rohden, Brazil Session language: Spanish De cómo los corderos se comen a los lobos. La era fármaco-pornográfica como horizonte epistémico de comprensión Eduardo Mattio, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina Biomedical journals as a place to legitimate pharmaceutical devices: The case of testosterone therapy for women with low libido Livi Faro, Centro Latinoamericano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Can the state depathologize and demedicalize our bodies? Questions about Argentina s gender identity law Anahí Farji Neer, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Sexuality of black women with sickle cell disease: Study in a Capital of Northeast Brazil Aline Silva Gomes, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brazil A expansão do mercado de intervenção médico-farmacológica na sexualidade: Produção de recursos tecnológicos, disfunções e normas Fabiola Rohden, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Politics, Sexualities and Bodies in Brazil: An Overview of Institutional Changes and Reconfigurations Session code: SAHI01 Room: SALÓN CONGRESO 2 Session chair: Elena Calvo González, Brazil Session language: Spanish Democracy and sexualities/gender in contemporary Brazil: From opening up participation to limiting rights Marco Aurelio Prado, Human Rights and Citizenship Center, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil Deconstructing gender politics in Brazil Ilana Mountian, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Sexualidades trans: Cuerpos sin deseo? Berenice Bento, Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Norte, Brazil Sex Work: Legal, Moral and Academic Regulations Session code: TIEM06 Room: SALA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR 2 Session chair: Ryan Thoreson, United States of America Sex Work, what s humiliation got to do with It? Patricia Britos, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina Aspects of Brazilian academic production on sex work Wilza Villela, Universidade de Franca, Brazil Exploring sex work regulations around the world Marisa Fassi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy The ethical slut? Reclaiming morals in international and regional human rights jurisprudence on sex work Ryan Thoreson, Yale Law School, United States of America Risk of harm? An analysis of the legal and moral regulation of exotic dance in Canada Jacenta Bahri, University of Manitoba, Canada The Sexual Politics of Neoliberalism Session code: SCAOT02 Room: SALA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR 1 Session chair: Mario Pecheny, Argentina Spatial stigma, sexuality, and neoliberal decline in Detroit, Michigan Mark Padilla, Florida International University, United States of America Brokered subjects: Debt, bondage, and the traffic in women Elizabeth Bernstein, Barnard College, Columbia University, United States of America New right: new subject of rights? Mexican women s interpretations of legal abortion Ana Amuchástegui, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico The Sexuality of recovery: Criminal justice programs for addiction Kerwin Kaye, State University of New York, the College of Old Westbury, United States of America Adam s neoliberal sexual actor and the conundrum of sexual health messaging Timothy Frasca, HIV Center for Clinical & Behavioral Studies, United States of America 12

13 Heterosexualities and Consumption Session code: TCITSM02 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 1 Session chair: Maria Heilborn, Brazil Heterosexuality as a commodity in contemporary porn María Benítez, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Aging, gender, and sexual consumption Guita Debert, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Gender and the consumption of contraception Maria Heilborn, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Eroticism, market, and gender: The circulation of erotic goods in a transnational perspective Maria Gregori, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil LUNCH (13:00 15:00 hrs) Parallel Sessions II (15:00 17:00 hrs) Sexual and Reproductive Rights as a Matter of Global Justice Session code: TIEM04 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 1 Session chair: Mark Blasius, United States of America Politicizing SRHR: the Indonesian case Atashendartini Habsjah, Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association, Indonesia Women with disabilities and their sexual and reproductive rights Cristina Francisco, Círculo de Mujeres con Discapacidad, Dominican Republic It will be a bright prospect for conducting promote reproductive health and family health project. A survey report about sexual health status and needs among middle-aged women in Wuhan Junqing Wu, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, China Sexual and reproductive health policies in women s experiences Cynthia del Río Fortuna, Universidad de Buenos Aires/Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina Sexuality, human rights, and the call of justice Mark Blasius, City University of New York, United States of America Young South Africans Talk about Love, Sex and Money Session code: LAPD02 Room: SALÓN CONGRESO 1 Session chair: Tamara Shefer, South Africa African teenage sexualities in the context of love, money, and gender inequalities Deevia Bhana, University of KwaZuluNatal, South Africa Doing love on campus: Student understandings of love at a South African university Lindsay Clowes, University of the Western Cape, South Africa Is money the language of the heart? Lessons from Limpopo Bjarke Oxlund, University of Copenhagen, Denmark We know what love is because the media tells us what it is : A criticalempathic exploration of love, sex, happiness, and money in young black men s accounts of masculinity Mandisa Malinga, University of South Africa, South Africa Masculinty and condom use in Mozambique Pranitha Maharaj, University of KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa Mapping Bodies Frontiers: Immigration, Traffic and Surrogacy Session code: STB08 Room: SALÓN CONGRESO 2 Session chair: Adebusuyi Adeniran, Nigeria Immigration policies and health status among undocumented immigrants: A framework for analysis and action Omar Martínez, Columbia University, United States of America Prostitution and poverty alleviation in Africa: A case study of Nigerian commercial sex immigrants in Europe Adebusuyi Adeniran, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria Riches are in different things, eh? Reproduction and resistance to the commodification of bodies, lives, and worldviews Jade Le Grice, The University of Auckland, New Zealand The main actors of surrogacy: Mapping the social dimensions of a contested practice Guadalupe Moreno, Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina 13

14 Sex Workers Movement against Violence Session code: SAG02 Room: SALÓN CASCADA 2 Session chair: Kevicha Echols, United States of America Slut Walk Brazil: Brazilian polarizations in feminisms Aline Tavares, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Community crisis center Gria Asa: Collective action against violence in the female sex worker community Sulistyo Budiarto, PKBI DIY, Indonesia Sex-worker generated publications: Tools of empowerment for the sex workers movement Kevicha Echols, Kingsborough Community College, United States of America Sex worker testimonial cultures in Canada: Varying kinds, uses and meanings Nengeh Maria Mensah, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada Sex, Pornography and Digital Media Session code: SCAOT05 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 3 Session chair: Olga Marques, Canada The (In)visibility of Brazilian transmen in the digital media Simone Avila, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil When porn hijacks our sexuality: American desire and Indian sex in the sexual narratives of Indian men and women Subir Kole, Futures Group International, India Sexual video clips and online violence among youth in Thailand: A qualitative study Ronnapoom Samakkeekarom, Thammasat University, Thailand Pornography consumption by women and men in Lima, Peru in the era of mass communication Violeta Barrientos, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru Women watching porn ethically: Reconceptualizing the gaze Olga Marques, Institute of Technology, University of Ontario, Canada Sexuality Studies: Emerging Framing Approaches Session code: POSK04 Room: SALA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR 2 Session chair: Daniel Gutiérrez-Martínez, Mexico Gender-based violence as a public health issue: A bioethical approach John Estrada-Montoya, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia Gender sociology or sociology of gender? A contemporary approach to sexuality Daniel Gutiérrez-Martínez, El Colegio Mexiquense A.C., Mexico Assembling an archive of trauma: Documentation in Canadian sexual orientation and gendered identity refugee claims David Murray, York University, Canada On lesbian voices: A democratic novelty? Ana Clara Benavente Teodolini, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Migration, sexuality and sexual health: making sense of the experiences of men with refugee backgrounds in Australia through the intimate citizenship framework Samuel Muchoki, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Australia Sex, Risk and Secrecy in Africa and Asia Session code: SAHI02 Room: SALÓN BUNGALOW Session chair: Jennifer Smit, South Africa An exceptionally big secret : Understanding the experiences of men who have sex with men in rural Tanzania Sarah Beckham, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, United States of America Institutionalizing medical male circumcision in Africa Jeffrey Gow, Universities of Southern Queensland and KwaZulu-Natal, Australia Non-sexual causes of HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men in conservative societies Fahd Zulfiqar, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Pakistan My networks, my risks: Exploring male sex work in Mumbai, India Murugesan Sivasubramanian, The Humsafar Trust, India Concerns about sexual risk compensation associated with medical male circumcision among South African male and female university students Jennifer Smit, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Equality and Human Rights: LGBT Movements Session code: SAG07 Room: SALÓN CASCADA 1 Session chair: Marie Digoix, France Emerging gay consumerism in India: Revolution of adaptation Pushpesh Kumar, University of Hyderabad, India When movements collide: The disconnect between the gender and sexuality movements in South Africa Lwando Scott, University of Cape Town, South Africa The discourse of love as a human right among LGBT families Matías De Stefano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Equal citizenship and the marriage law in Iceland Marie Digoix, National Institute for Demographic Studies, France From the state-owned to the politic: An analysis of the relations between the state and LGBT social movements in Brazil ( ) Frederico Machado, Núcleo de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania LGBT, Brazil The Pharmacologization of Sexuality: A Critical Discussion Session code: TCITSM01 Room: SALA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR 1 Session chair: Jane Russo, Brazil The third sexological wave: From clinical sexology to sexual medicine the Brazilian case Jane Russo, Public Health Graduate Program, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The medicalization of male sexuality in Brazil Fabiola Rohden, Federal University do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Controversies around the biomedicalization of female sexuality: The case of Intrinsa and Flibanserin Alain Giami, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, France Going beyond the «two-sex mode»: A critical analysis of sex reassignment surgery Sutanuka Bhattacharya, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India 14

15 Cuerpos ante la Ley: Homosexualidad, Transexualidad e Intersexualidad en los Registros Médicos, Legales y Mediáticos Session code: TIEM03 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 2 Session chair: Eva Alcántara, Mexico Session language: Spanish The public and the private in the body of the transgender person: An overview of Brazilian case law Leticia Zenevich, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Trastornos del desarrollo sexual: El consenso de Chicago y las prácticas médicas en México Eva Alcántara, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico La entrevista como construcción de saberes sobre la transexualidad en los medios de comunicación Erica Sandoval, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico En los tiempos de la Ley Mauro Cabral, Global Action for Trans* Equality, Argentina Homosexuality in Argentina questioned from the present: Sex and subjectivity in times of the bicentennial with equality Emmanuel Theumer, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina Poster and Exhibit Presentations by Authors (17:00 17:30 hrs) See page 26 Plenary Session 3 (17:30 19:00 hrs) Room: Sala Simón Bolívar Session Language: English and Spanish (simultaneous translation) RESEARCH ON THE INTERSECTION OF ECONOMICS AND SEXUALITIES: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES The Price of Pulchritude, the Cost of Concupiscence: How to Have Sex in Late Modernity Keynote Address Gary Dowsett, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Australia Discussants Mauro Cabral, Global Action for Trans* Equality, Argentina Thomas Guadamuz, Mahidol University Center for Health Policy Studies, Thailand Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes, University of Michigan, United States of America Chair Sonia Correa, ABIA-Sexuality Policy Watch, Brazil 15

16 FRIDAY, August 30 th 2013 Networking Breakfast (08:30 09:00 hrs) Plenary Session 4 (09:00 10:30 hrs) Room: Sala Simón Bolívar Session Language: English and Spanish (simultaneous translation) THE INSTITUTIONAL (EX)CHANGE MARKET: THE LAW, POLICIES, EDUCATION AND RELIGION Solemnized Beginning: Institutional Seduction and the Politics of Sexualities and Gender in Contemporary Southern African Contexts Keynote Address Jane Bennett, University of Cape Town, South Africa Discussants Faysal El Kak, American University of Beirut, Lebanon Gloria Careaga, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico Chair Saskia Wieringa, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Coffee Break (10:30 11:00 hrs) Parallel Sessions III (11:00 13:00 hrs) Reconceptualizing Sexuality Education Session code: POSK06 Room: SALÓN CONGRESO 1 Session chair: Henrique Nardi, Brazil Education and sexual diversity in Brazil: From policy formulation to street level bureaucracy Henrique Nardi, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Strengthening local capacity for sexual knowledge and research capacity in Indonesia Laily Yunus, Mitra Inti Foundation, Indonesia Diversity in school: An experience of an educational strategy to promote respect for diversities in Brazil Marcos Nascimento, Centro Latinoamericano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos, Brazil Sexuality education for school pupils in Vietnam: From policy to practice Thuy Nguyen Kim, Research Centre for Gender, Family and Environment in Development, Vietnam Involving local communities in sex education activities for adolescents and youth Than Phuong Hai, Research Centre for Gender, Family and Environment in Development, Vietnam Culture and Consumption in the LGBT Communities Session code: STB09 Room: SALÓN CONGRESO 2 Session chair: Cristian Paiva, Brazil Sex and drug consumption in the LGBTI population Jessica Useche, Corporación Acción Técnica Social, Colombia The rules of discretion and good taste : Two principles to understanding homosexual social space in Santiago, Chile Pablo Andrés Astudillo Lizama, Centre de Recherche Sur le Liens Sociaux, France The bear bodies: An ethnography of an urban gay culture in São Paulo Antony Diniz, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Body and city in erotic associations between michês and clients: Wandering in a downtown Brazilian metropolis Cristian Paiva, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil Digital Cultures and the Regulation of Sexuality Session code: SCAOT08 Room: SALA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR 2 Session chair: Bruno Zilli, Brazil Sexuality, online sociability, and internet regulation Bruno Zilli, Latin American Center on Sexuality and Human Rights, Brazil Body, gender and digital cultures Lionel Brossi, Universidad de Chile, Chile Ice (crystal meth) use among young men who have sex with men in Thailand: Power, transactions and sexual networks Thomas Guadamuz, Mahidol University Center for Health Policy Studies, Thailand Sex online: Regulating sexual citizens Joe Rollins, City University of New York, United States of America Legalizing the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender persons in Nigeria: Sociosexual, cultural and human rights issues Femi Tinoula, Kogi State University, Nigeria 16

17 Migration and the Sexual Market Session code: POSK05 Room: SALÓN CASCADA 2 Session chair: Ignacio Pichardo, Spain Session language: Spanish Mercado de trabajo, sexo y familias biparentales: hombres, trabajo y vida sexual José Olavarría, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile The psychosocial effects of lesbians coming-out in Northern Chile Clive Echague, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile Sexualidades migrantes: La experiencia migratoria de los hombres homosexuales y bisexuales colombianos en España Jair Eduardo Restrepo Pineda, Grupo de Investigación en Movilidad Humana, Spain La gestión de la economía familiar entre las parejas del mismo sexo en España: de la experimentación al reconocimiento a través del apoyo material Ignacio Pichardo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain The media as the market place: Are the Chilean miners the big brothers of neoliberal exploitation? María Glaser, State University of New York at Buffalo, United States of America Measuring Discrimination and Well-being in LGBT Communities Session code: SAHI05 Room: SALÓN BUNGALOW Session chair: Martín Jaime, Ecuador Poverty, heteronormativity and discrimination: Conceptual analysis from the study of LGBTI people excluded from public health policies in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru Martín Jaime, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador Improving quality of service at the public STI clinics: An intervention study in Shanghai Junqing Wu, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, China Social control and public policy for the LGBT population in Brazil: Reflections on the management of the National Council for Combating Discrimination and the promotion of LGBT Rights Bruna Irineu, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Brazil Sexualities and heteronormativity: Discussions about positions of psychologists of basic health unites in Florianópolis, Brazil Gabriela Andrea Díaz, Associação em Defesa dos Direitos Humanos com Enfoque na Sexualidade, Brazil Nuevas y Viejas Regulaciones de la Sexualidad en América Latina Session code: TIEM02 Room: SALÓN CASCADA 1 Session chair: María Monte, Argentina Session language: Spanish Exercise of sexual and reproductive rights by teenagers in the Brazilian context: Protection and effectiveness of the right to terminate a pregnancy and the right to conjugal visits Anita da Cunha, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil Producción del cuidado de sí y responsabilidad relacionada con el VIH: Escenas grupales en un contexto institucionalizado de la Ciudad de México Érica Sandoval, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico The happy judicialization of sexual rights in Mexico (What did sex have to do with it?) Arturo Sánchez García, Kent Law School, University of Kent, United Kingdom The political image of the foetus: Between abortion, politics and aesthetics Jorge Díaz, Universidad de Chile, Chile Mercado, cuerpo e ideales regulatorios del embarazo y la maternidad en hombres y mujeres jóvenes del Norte de Chile Leyla Carolina Méndez Caro, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile Non-punishable abortion in Argentina: Law and women s sexualities María Monte, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas/ Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, Argentina Más allá de la Homofobia? Estrategias para Conceptualizar e Investigar las Violencias contra los Colectivos LGBTTTI en América Latina Session code: SCAOT03 Room: SALA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR 1 Session chair: Horacio Sívori, Brazil Session language: Spanish A homofobia sob a mira da lei: As vicissitudes da trajetória do PLC 122 no Brasil Sergio Carrara, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Mensurando la homofobia: Consideraciones metodológicas y políticas acerca de la discriminación de LGBT en Brasil Gustavo Venturi, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Sexualidad, deseo y violencia: Homicidios contra hombres homosexuales en la ciudad de México Rodrigo Parrini, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico Discriminación y agresión hacia gais y lesbianas en el contexto de la marcha del orgullo LGBT en Chile-2011: Dos tipos de discriminación o solo una? Jaime Barrientos, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile Male Sex Work Experiences in a Globalized World Session code: STB 03 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 2 Session chair: Agniva Lahiri, India Dancing boys: The traditional young male/trans migrant sex worker in South Asia Agniva Lahiri, People like Us (PLUS) Kolkata, India Uncovering the sex market: Life trajectories of male prostitutes in the city of Salvador João Santos, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Brazil Male sex work: Multiple gendered sexualities and markets Ankur Srivastava, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India Psychosocial profile of male sex workers in Spain Jordi Santamaria Davila, Col.lectiu Lambda- Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales, Spain Experiences of Chinese adolescent sex workers navigating stigma in Hong Kong Diana Kwok, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Romantic Love, Heteronormativity and Women s Vulnerability: Relationships, Risk and the State Session code: SAG01 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 3 Session chair: Vera Paiva, Brazil Too late, I found out that marriage did not protect me from HIV : Mexican women s critique of romantic love as a vulnerability to HIV Ana Amuchástegui, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico. They take away everything, so we are hiding this : The obliteration of romantic love within Southern African HIV research Jane Bennett, The University of Melbourne, South Africa Intimacy, romance and care in Buenos Aires marginalized populations María Epele, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas/ Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Empowering sex workers to be docile, unloving and desireless bodies: How HIV prevention ignores the bulk of female sex workers lives, and how sex workers recognize, resist and reinterpret their roles Gillian Fletcher, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Australia 17

18 Modos de Ver y Hacerse Ver: Sexualidad, Cuerpo y Deseo ante la Mirada Session code: LAPD03 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 1 Session chair: Gustavo Blázquez, Argentina Session language: Spanish Selling, producing: On sexual ambiguities at the fashion kiosk Nicolas Wasser, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Self)representations of queer women of color in their audiovisual productions in the U.S. Glauco Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil El poder de la mirada. Cuerpos jerarquizados en las interacciones sexoafectivas virtuales en jóvenes argentinos Patricia Schwarz, Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Dónde están los varones heterosexuales en la pista de baile electrónica? Modos de hacer masculinidades y más, en la noche Gustavo Blázquez, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas/ Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Not your expected homosexual: Gay and lesbian visibilization through hipster culture in Lima Gabriela Sialer, Ipsos Perú, Peru IASSCS Open Business Meeting Date: Friday August 30 th Time: 13:00 hrs Place: Salón Bungalow IASSCS will hold an open meeting to discuss key initiatives, successes, and challenges experienced during the past 15 years. All IASSCS members (associate and full members) and non-members interested in learning more about IASSCS are invited. IASSCS Committees Meetings Date: Friday August 30 th Time: 13:45 hrs Place: Salón Bungalow * Each of the three IASSCS committees will hold open meetings to welcome new members and to discuss their two-year plan. All IASSCS members are encouraged to attend to strengthen future projects and membership plans. LUNCH (13:00 15:00 hrs) IASSCS Open Business Meeting (13:00-13:45 hrs), Salón Bungalow * IASSCS Committees Meetings (13:45-15:00 hrs), Salón Bungalow * Parallel Sessions IV (15:00 17:00 hrs) IASSCS Research Grants Program: Special Session on Research Presentations Session code: RGP01 Room: SALA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR 1 Session chair: Gary W. Dowsett, Australia Discussant: Ana Amuchástegui, Mexico Notes on becoming moffie within a macho culture in Cape Town, South Africa Allanise Cloete, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa Playing a cat and mouse game of love: Women s tactical negotiations in harmonizing work, family and sex in contemporary Vietnam Huong T. Bui, Australian Centre for Research in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Australia New mediations of bisexuality: Technologies of subjectivity online Nora Madison, Drexel University, United States of America The value of selling the body : An ethnographic encounter with Ammar sex workers in Buenos Aires María de las Nieves Puglia, Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina Bodies at risk: Managing sexuality and reproduction in the aftermath of disaster in the Philippines Kaira Zoe Alburo, Research Group for Alternatives to Development Inc., Philippines 18 Love, Money and Sex: What s AIDS Got to Do with It? Session code: POSK10 Room: SALÓN CASCADA 2 Session chair: Tamara Shefer, South Africa The relationship between love, affection, sex, money... and AIDS in social and epidemiological studies Adriana Pinho, Fiocruz, Brazil Nomadism and contexts of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in LGBT homeless people lives Marcos Garcia, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil The recent international literature on stigma, prostitution and AIDS: gaps and repetition of gender biases concerning women s sexuality Wilza Villela, Universidade de Franca, Brazil Trust, intimacy and cognitions as factors of unprotected anal intercourse with regular male sex partners among men who have sex with men in China Joseph Lau, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Deconstructing the sugar daddy: Critical reflections on normative constructions of men in research on intergenerational, transactional sex in South Africa Tamara Shefer, University of the Western Cape, South Africa Love as Revolutionary and Counterrevolutionary Force Session code: LAPD04 Room: SALÓN CONGRESO 1 Session chair: Iman Muniz, United States of America Crítica a la razón romántica Ricardo Esteves, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina The space of love in the urban middle class in Mozambique Sandra Manuel, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique Ageing together, dying together: An anthropological analysis to a romantic value Fernanda Azeredo de Moraes, Núcleo de Identidades de Gênero e Subjetividades, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil Neoliberal loving or loving neoliberalism? Private property, desire and love within late capitalism Iman Muniz, San Francisco State University, United States of America

19 Understanding Youth and Sexuality Session code: POSK09 Room: SALÓN BUNGALOW Session chair: Faysal El Kak, Lebanon Teenagers conceptions about romantic relationships: The power of heteronormativities Gabriela Bordini, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Changes in behavior and attitudes concerning sexuality in Argentine high school youth Ana Lía Kornblit, Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Gender discrepancies in postponing sexual debut among non-sexually active students in Lebanon Faysal El Kak, American University of Beirut, Lebanon Performances of masculinity and school life: The construction of hierarchies in homosexual sociabilities Amilton Passos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil The Life of Steven Christopher Harper, Masimanyane Women s Support Centre, South Africa Ageing and Sexuality Session code: POSK08 Room: SALA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR 2 Session chair: Catherine Barrett, Australia Good is not good enough: ADAM and the enhancement of sexual desire in the ageing male Lucas Tramontano, Instituto de Medicina Social, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Sexual health and ageing An emerging discourse Catherine Barrett, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Australia The heteronormative panorama over old age and the literature that interconnects homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenders and ageing Carlos Henning, University of Campinas, Brazil Erotic protagonism and social experience of senior gays in Ceará, Brazil Cristian Paiva, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil La Sexualidad en el Consultorio Médico Session code: SAHI03 Room: SALÓN CASCADA 1 Session chair: Gabriela Perrotta, Argentina Session language: Spanish Sexualidad y reproducción asistida Mariana Viera Cherro, Universidad de la República, Uruguay Gender violence: Sexualities denied in reproductive health consultations Gabriela Perrotta, Programa Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (GCBA), Argentina Who talks about which sexualities in medical interviews? Josefina Brown, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas/ Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Lesbians experience with new reproductive technologies: When sex without reproduction meets reproduction without sex Rosana Machin, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Varones en la agenda de la salud sexual y la salud reproductiva en Uruguay Valeria Grabino, Universidad de la República, Uruguay Migration and Sexual Tourism: Labor Rights, Human Rights Session code: STB10 Room: SALÓN CONGRESO 2 Session chair: Kemal Ordek, Turkey Helpless: Changes in patterns of sexual tourism in Rio de Janeiro Ana Paula Silva, Universidade Federal Viçosa, Brazil Irregular migration, human trafficking and sex work: Stakeholders encounters with trafficked victims selling sex in South Africa Joshua Aransiola, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria An undeclared war against brothels: Registered sex workers in Turkey demand their labor rights Kemal Ordek, Red Umbrella Sex Workers Advocacy Initiative, Turkey Buying sexy: Visualized body and desire in erotic lingerie consumption with the explosive growth of e-commerce in China Jue Ren, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Virtual Communities: Sexualities and Relationships Session code: SCAOT04 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 1 Session chair: Denton Callander, Australia Is online sexual racism really racism? Denton Callander, National Centre in HIV Social Research, the University of New South Wales, Australia Egyptian women online discussions on marriage negotiations Omnia Mehanna, University of Kent, United Kingdom Bareback community on the net: A new social bond? Rafael Andreotti, Université Lyon 2, France Nor am I, nor do I like it : Pleasure and conflict in the universe of virtual homoeroticism Gibran Braga, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Mediated jealousy and care of the self: Young people s negotiation of love/ sex relationships within new media environments Joni Meenagh, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Australia LGBT Movement and Human Rights Session code: SAG04 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 2 Session chair: Matthew Waites, United Kingdom Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity at Sorocaba: A LGBT Parade Study Viviane Mendonca, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil War in the village: The politics of queer citizenship in Toronto s gay pride Amar Wahab, York University, Canada Gay citizenship: Neoliberal sexuality and communication strategies Cristian Cabello Valenzuela, Coordinadora Universitaria por la Disidencia Sexual, Chile Human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity in the Commonwealth Matthew Waites, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom The process of (de)regulation of homosexuality and gender identity issues in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan Anna Kirey, Labrys, Ukraine 19

20 Women s Sex Cultures throughout the World Session code: STB04 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 3 Session chair: Femi Tinuola, Nigeria My baby just cares for me: Love, longing and loss in the life stories of Indian sex workers Andrea Cornwall, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex, United Kingdom Women buying sex: Where is the evidence? Hilary Caldwell, National Centre in HIV Social Research, University of New South Wales, Australia Home sex toy parties: A non-traditional, uniquely situation venue of sexuality education for women Lauren Albrecht, University of Alberta, Canada Can t buy me love? Money, romantic relationships and slippages in commercial sex in Argentina Santiago Morcillo, Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Sex styles, sex charges and rate of turnover: Financial gains in brothelbased commercial sex work in Nigeria Femi Tinuola, Kogi State University, Nigeria Poster and Exhibit Presentations (17:00 17:30 hrs) see page 26 Parallel Sessions V (17:30 19:00 hrs) Transactional Sex and Sex Work in Tourism and Labor Migration Session code: STB 02 Room: SALÓN CONSULAR 2 Session chair: Angélica Motta, Germany Session language: Spanish Victim or voluntary agent? Female sex workers in Madre de Dios, Peru Ruth Goldstein, University of California, Berkeley, United States of America The materiality of affection: Sexualeconomic exchange in the urban Peruvian Amazon Angélica Motta, University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Germany German idealism and the alienable body: Rethinking objectification in the context of sex work Thaddeus Blanchette, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Fantasy of a third world Romance: The internet, sex tourism and border literature Juan Rojo, Lafayette College, United States of America The body in prostitution: Multiple meanings Leticia Lahitte, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Moral and Political Sexuality Regulations Session code: TIEM05 Room: SALÓN CONGRESO 1 Session chair: Daniel Jones, Argentina Sexuality, religion, and power: The conflict about sex education textbooks Armando Díaz, Centro de la Diversidad y los Derechos Sexuales, A.C., Mexico Overcoming influential conservatism and enacting gender and sexuality policies Annabelle Tangson, Philippines Sisterhood and Twinning Association, Philippines Evangelicals and political participation in Argentina: Defense of human rights during the military dictatorship ( ) and evangelical support for the same-sex marriage law (2010) Daniel Jones, Instituto Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Heteronormativity: A requirement to work? Analysis of the disciplinary regime for the Peruvian National Police, 2012 Sophia Gómez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru Survivors of crime, victims of the system: Examining courtroom languages in rape trials Ishani Cordeiro, Independent researcher, India Mercantilización del Sexo o Trabajo Sexual? Session code: STB11 Room: SALÓN CASACADA 2 Session chair: Jimena Silva, Chile Session language: Spanish El cuerpo como intercambio: Relaciones sexuales mercantilizadas entre las y los jóvenes en situación de calle Edith Flores Pérez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico Migration and sex work: A vicious circle of poverty within capitalism Roland Álvarez Chávez, Movimiento Homosexual de Lima, Peru El trabajo sexual en Córdoba: Señor Gobernador, su ley nos mal-trata. Análisis de coyuntura Juan Pablo Cuello, Asociación de Mujeres Meretrices de Argentina (AMMAR-Córdoba), Argentina Performances de género en mapas corporales. Chilenas viviendo en territorio de desierto y minería Jimena Silva, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile El proceso de reciclaje de los cuerpos de las trabajadoras sexuales en Colombia Samuel Ávila, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia 20

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www.deltadentalins.com/language_survey.html Survey Code: Survey 1 February 6, 2008 Dear Delta Dental Enrollee: Recent changes in California law will require that all health care plans provide language assistance to their plan enrollees beginning

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VIH, Inmigrantes, y la Ley Documentos y Organizaciones importantes

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Summer Reading Program. June 1st - August 10th, 2015

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LA FIRMA THE FIRM QUIENES SOMOS ABOUT US LA FIRMA THE FIRM QUIENES SOMOS Somos una firma de abogados especialistas en derecho laboral, comercial y administrativo que entrega a sus clientes su conocimiento y experiencia de manera eficiente, oportuna

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Proud member of the We Mean Business. Text WeMeanBiz to this number: 98975 to learn more.

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Spanish 3V: Winter 2014

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programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia.

programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? no necesitan beber agua con frecuencia. Teatro de los lectores Entrevistador: Un saludo y bienvenidos a nuestro programa. Hoy nuestros invitados son un camello y su cuidador. Cuál es el hábitat de este animal? Cuidador: Vive en el desierto.

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ÁMBITO DE COMUNICACIÓN Lengua extranjera: Inglés


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An explanation by Sr. Jordan

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Android Studio Curso Basico: Aprenda paso a paso (Spanish Edition)

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Invitados Especiales: Como invitados de honor David y Bianca Lisonbee. Fundadores de 4Life Research.

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

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WATERLAT-GOBACIT NETWORK WORKING PAPERS ISSN 2056-4856 (Print) ISSN 2056-4864 (Online) WATERLAT-GOBACIT NETWORK WORKING PAPERS Thematic Area Series SATCUASPE TA3 Urban Water Cycle and Essential Public Services Working Paper Vol. 1, No X How

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

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Affordable Care Act Informative Sessions and Open Enrollment Event

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Título del Proyecto: Sistema Web de gestión de facturas electrónicas.

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Volatilidad: Noviembre 2010 Futuros Frijol de Soya

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

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Shortcut to Informal Spanish Conversations Level 2 Lesson 1

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