Characteristics of the Text Genre Narrative nonfi ction Text Structure Third-person narrative in seven short chapters

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1 LESSON 24 TEACHER S GUIDE La amiga para siempre de Helen Keller by Stephanie Sigue Fountas-Pinnell Level R Narrative Nonfiction Selection Summary After an illness as a baby, Helen Keller became both deaf and blind. Her teacher, Annie Sullivan, taught Helen how to communicate, read, and write. She became Helen s lifelong companion, and together they helped create better conditions for people with disabilities. Number of Words: 1358 Characteristics of the Text Genre Narrative nonfi ction Text Structure Third-person narrative in seven short chapters Content Themes and Ideas Language and Literary Features Sentence Complexity Vocabulary Chapter headings signal key periods in Helen s and Annie s lives and relationship. Action takes place from Helen s early to later years. Student/teacher relationship; teaching the blind and deaf to read and speak Early human rights movements: segregation, suffrage, immigrants rights Friendships and relationships inspire individuals and help them overcome obstacles. People with disabilities can help the rest of the world understand the challenges they face. Teachers can help students fi nd the ability to communicate their messages. Lively narrative often turns on physical actions (Annie vio cómo Helen aterrorizaba a su familia; Annie sostuvo la mano de Helen debajo de un chorro de agua y deletreó la palabra agua). Figurative language: Helen is a star; Annie is the chief fi gure behind the scenes. A mix of short and complex sentences Words in quotation marks; italic for terms and for emphasis Sidebars provide additional information. Words and phrases associated with sight/hearing impairment: braille, leer los labios, deletreaba Words related to the subject s historical era: sufragio, separación, inmigrantes Many multisyllable words: afecto, recinto, inseparable, sufragio Historical photographs with captions support the text and add interest Twelve pages of text, easy-to-read chapter headings, and photographs on most pages Words Illustrations Book and Print Features Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Copyright by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida Printed in the U.S.A If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited. Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format.

2 La amiga para siempre de Helen Keller by Stephanie Sigue Build Background Help students use their knowledge about friendship to visualize the selection. Build interest by asking a question such as the following: Alguna vez ayudaron a alguien a superar un obstáculo o alcanzar una meta? Read the title and author and talk about the cover photograph. Tell students that this is narrative nonfiction, so the people and events are real. Introduce the Text Guide students through the text, noting important ideas and helping with unfamiliar language and vocabulary so they can read the text successfully. Here are some suggestions: Page 5: Este libro trata de la relación de Annie Sullivan y Helen Keller, que quedó sorda y ciega después de sufrir una fi ebre alta de niña. Have students look at the photograph and read the caption. Ask: Qué sugieren los gestos y expresiones de estas dos mujeres acerca de la manera en que se comunicaban? Page 9: Read the second sentence. Ask: Por qué el autor escribe la palabra y en itálica? Page 10: Point out the photograph of Helen in her college graduation robe. Suggested language: Helen fue la primera persona sorda y ciega que recibió un título universitario. Cómo creen que su compañera, Annie, pudo ayudarla a tener éxito en la universidad? Page 14: Direct students to the important dates sidebar. Ask: Por qué creen que el autor incluyó estas fechas importantes al fi nal del libro? Según estas fechas, qué edad tenía Helen cuando Annie inició su labor de enseñanza? Ahora, vuelvan al comienzo del texto y averigüen cómo creció el vínculo entre Helen Keller y su compañera para siempre. Target Vocabulary afecto sentimiento de cariño por alguien o algo, p. 4 agotado estar cansado y sin energía, p. 4 compañero alguien que pasa tiempo contigo, p. 13 embestir moverse rápidamente hacia alguien o algo, p. 4 inseparable persona o cosa que siempre está junto a otra, p. 6 intruso alguien que entra en un lugar sin permiso, p. 6 principal la parte más importante o grande de algo, p. 12 recinto un área, habitación o edificio que se usa para un propósito específico, p. 7 sufrir sentir pena o una gran tristeza, p. 3 vínculo un sentimiento de estrecha amistad entre personas, p. 6 2

3 Read Have students read silently while you listen to individual students read aloud. Support their understanding of the text as needed. Remind students to use the Analyze/Evaluate Strategy Tell them to think about why Annie and Helen were inseparable. as they read. Discuss and Revisit the Text Personal Response Invite students to share their personal responses to the text. Suggested language: Cómo han ayudado a alguien a superar un obstáculo de manera similar a como Annie ayudó a Helen? Cómo creen que se sintió Annie al ayudar a Helen Keller? Ways of Thinking As you discuss the text, help students understand these points: Thinking Within the Text Thinking Beyond the Text Thinking About the Text Annie Sullivan uses unusual methods to help Helen communicate. Annie Sullivan is by Helen s side through all of her schooling, coaching her every step of the way. Annie stays by Helen s side throughout the rest of Annie s life, helping her fight for the many causes that she believes in. It is possible for an individual to overcome disabilities, especially with the help of teachers and friends. Disabilities can inspire people to work for positive changes for others. Without Annie Sullivan, Helen Keller may never have been able to communicate to the world what it was like to be blind and deaf Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. The first sentence of every chapter gives a clue to the chronological sequence of events. The narrative of the text tells the story of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan s friendship and has a beginning, middle, and end. The important dates sidebar at the end of the book summarizes the events in the text and indicates the order in which they occurred. Choices for Further Support Fluency Invite students to use choral reading of a passage from the text and demonstrate phrased fl uent reading. Remind them to use a louder tone to stress italicized terms to be emphasized ( sorda y ciega ) and to vary tone, pitch, and volume in giving expression to phrases placed in quotation marks. Comprehension Based on your observations of the students reading and discussion, revisit parts of the text to clarify or extend comprehension. Remind students to go back to the text to support their ideas. Phonics/Word Work Provide practice as needed with words and word parts, using examples from the text. Have students defi ne the word celebridad based on its use on page 9. Ask students if they can name the word that shares a root with celebridad (celebrar). 3

4 Writing about Reading Critical Thinking Have students complete the questions on Hoja reproducible Responding Have students complete the activities at the back of the book, using their Cuaderno del lector. Use the instruction below as needed to reinforce or extend understanding of the comprehension skill. Target Comprehension Skill Compare and Contrast Remind students that they can compare characters by looking for parts of the selection in which the characters act the same. They can contrast characters by looking for parts where the characters respond to a situation differently. Model how to add details to the Chart, using a Think Aloud like the one below: Think Aloud Tanto Annie Sullivan como Helen Keller eran cortas de vista. Annie tenía mejor vista que Helen, y tenía mejor oído. Estos detalles muestran comparación y contraste entre Helen y Annie. Practice the Skill Have students share examples of other characters who were inseparable and explain how the characters were similar or different. Writing Prompt: Thinking Beyond the Text Have students write a response to the prompt on page 6. Remind them that when they think beyond the text, they use their personal knowledge to reach new understandings. Assessment Prompts In the fourth paragraph on page 4, what does the word terca mean? One idea present on page 6 is that. The main purpose of the selection is to. 4

5 Responder Comparar y contrastar En qué se asemejan y en qué se diferencian Annie Sullivan y Helen Keller? Compara y contrasta a las dos mujeres. Copia y completa la tabla de abajo. Annie Ambos Helen Annie podía ayudar a Helen a comunicarse gracias a su visión y su oído.?? A escribir! El texto y el mundo Escribe un párrafo informativo donde describas a una persona que conozcas, cuya vida haya implicado una serie de sucesos interesantes. Describe estos sucesos en detalle. Usa palabras, como primero, a continuación y finalmente, para aclarar el orden de los sucesos. Nombre Fecha Lección 24 HOJAS REPRODUCIBLES Lee y contesta las preguntas. Respuestas posibles. La amiga para siempre de Helen Keller 1. Piensa dentro del texto Por qué Helen se volvió ciega y sorda? Porque cuando era bebé Helen tuvo una fiebre muy alta que la dejó ciega y sorda. 2. Piensa dentro del texto Qué personaje famoso sugirió que los padres de Helen escribieran al Instituto Perkins? Alexander Graham Bell aconsejó a los padres de Helen que escribieran al Instituto Perkins. 3. Piensa más allá del texto Compara y contrasta cómo se sintió Helen con Annie al principio y cómo se sintió con ella después. Al principio, es probable que Helen se sintiera confusa y enojada. Annie era una extraña que estaba cambiando el mundo de Helen y ella se había acostumbrado a hacer las cosas a su manera. Más tarde, Helen vio a Annie como compañera de toda la vida que le enseñó y la animó. 4. Piensa acerca del texto Qué mensaje intenta impartir la autora al contar la vida de Helen de adulta? Helen tuvo éxito en muchas cosas aunque la vida le fue difícil al principio. A pesar de ser sordomuda, dedicó su vida a ayudar a los demás. Es posible que la autora desee inspirar a otros con el ejemplo de Helen. Hacer conexiones Al principio, la vida de Helen Keller fue muy dura porque era sordomuda. Aún así, se empeñó en lo que se propuso y logró ayudar a los demás. Escribe sobre alguien que logró lo que se propuso a pesar de grandes adversidades. Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura.. All rights reserved. 9 Grado 4, Unidad 5: El cambio a nuestro alrededor 5

6 Nombre Fecha La amiga para siempre de Helen Keller Pensar más allá del texto Piensa en las siguientes preguntas. Después, escribe tu respuesta en dos o tres párrafos. Recuerda que cuando piensas más allá del texto, usas tu conocimiento personal para comprender las cosas de un modo nuevo. Helen Keller dependió de la ayuda de su compañera, Annie Sullivan, toda la vida. Por qué Annie Sullivan fue tan buena compañera y maestra para Helen? Por qué crees que su relación duró tanto tiempo? Explica tu respuesta con detalles y ejemplos del texto. 6

7 Nombre Fecha Lección 24 HOJAS REPRODUCIBLES 24.7 Lee y contesta las preguntas. La amiga para siempre de Helen Keller 1. Piensa dentro del texto Por qué Helen se volvió ciega y sorda? 2. Piensa dentro del texto Qué personaje famoso sugirió que los padres de Helen escribieran al Instituto Perkins? 3. Piensa más allá del texto Compara y contrasta cómo se sintió Helen con Annie al principio y cómo se sintió con ella después. 4. Piensa acerca del texto Qué mensaje intenta impartir la autora al contar la vida de Helen de adulta? Hacer conexiones Al principio, la vida de Helen Keller fue muy dura porque era sordomuda. Aún así, se empeñó en lo que se propuso y logró ayudar a los demás. Escribe sobre alguien que logró lo que se propuso a pesar de grandes adversidades. Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura. 7

8 Estudiante Fecha Lección 24 HOJAS REPRODUCIBLES La amiga para siempre de Helen Keller N I V E L R La amiga para siempre de Helen Keller Registro de lectura page Selection Text Errors Self-Corrections 8 En 1888, Annie y Helen se fueron de Alabama. En el primer viaje de Helen lejos de casa, ella y Annie viajaron a Boston para conocer a los estudiantes de la Institución Perkins. Helen y Annie pasaron los dos años siguientes en Perkins. Aquí, con la ayuda de Annie, Helen aprendió a leer los labios usando los dedos y a leer libros usando el sistema braille. Helen también comenzó a escribir relatos y poemas. La gente se enteró de su capacidad para usar las manos para hablar. Incluso los periódicos comenzaron a escribir artículos sobre ella. Cuando Helen tenía 11 años de edad, un breve relato suyo fue publicado en una revista. Comments: Accuracy Rate (# words read correctly/ ) % Total Self- Corrections Behavior Code Error Read word correctly lobo 0 Repeated word, sentence, or phrase lobo Omission lobo 1 0 Behavior Code Error Substitution lodo lobo 1 Self-corrects lodo sc lobo Insertion el ˆlobo 1 Word told T 1 lobo


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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person continuous narrative; nine chapters with headings Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Third-person continuous narrative; nine chapters with headings Content LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Stephanie Sigue Fountas-Pinnell Level T Biography Selection Summary Lyndon B. Johnson was the 36th president of the United States. His presidency brought about many changes

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Focused on a single topic

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Focused on a single topic LESSON 15 TEACHER S GUIDE La policía en la comunidad by Robert Hirschfeld Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction por Robert Hirschfeld Selection Summary Whether on foot, riding a horse or a bike, or working

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Fountas-Pinnell Level M Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level M Informational Text LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE Perros buenos, perros guía by Caleb Graham Fountas-Pinnell Level M Informational Text Selection Summary Dogs have many qualities that make them helpful to disabled people. They

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Series of fi rst-person narrators Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Series of fi rst-person narrators Content LESSON 27 TEACHER S GUIDE by Marty James Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary Brothers and sisters like to read, play, dance, jump, and ride together. Number of Words: 51 Characteristics

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Fountas-Pinnell Level N Nonfiction. by Lisa Scorza

Fountas-Pinnell Level N Nonfiction. by Lisa Scorza LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Lisa Scorza Fountas-Pinnell Level N Nonfiction Selection Summary The Supreme Court is in the judicial branch of government and is the most important court in the United States.

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Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction. by Deborah Akers

Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction. by Deborah Akers LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE Aprendiendo a ser artistas by Deborah Akers Aprendiendo a ser artistas por Deborah Akers Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction Selection Summary Some high school students choose

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Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction LESSON 12 TEACHER S GUIDE Qué divertidas son las ciencias! by Abe Beaker por Abe Beaker Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction Selection Summary This book introduces students to the school science fair and

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Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE Las señales están en todas partes by Myka-Lynne Sokoloff por Myka-Lynne Sokoloff Fountas-Pinnell Level K Nonfiction Selection Summary Signs, which provide helpful information,

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure Series of fi rst-person statements from depicted boy Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure Series of fi rst-person statements from depicted boy Content LESSON 27 TEACHER S GUIDE by Jeff Allen Fountas-Pinnell Level D Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Rafa can build a house, bake a cake, paint a picture, read a book, and play a game with me! Number of

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Los pa os por Sara Wilhelm

Los pa os por Sara Wilhelm LESSON 13 TEACHER S GUIDE by Sara Wilhelm Los pa os por Sara Wilhelm Fountas-Pinnell Level D Nonfiction Selection Summary In hot weather, a duck makes a nest and sits on her eggs. The eggs hatch, and baby

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Oso nada by Angela Misko

Oso nada by Angela Misko LESSON 17 TEACHER S GUIDE by Angela Misko Fountas-Pinnell Level G Fantasy Selection Summary Nutria and Oso are at the beach. Nutria wants to swim, but Oso doesn t know how. Once Nutria teaches Oso how

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Focus on one simple topic Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Focus on one simple topic Content LESSON 16 TEACHER S GUIDE Acampar bajo las estrellas by Nic Grant Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary On a camping trip, the family in this book can see the sun, the moon, a star, and

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure LESSON 17 TEACHER S GUIDE Rosa y el frasco de insectos by Celeste Albright Fountas-Pinnell Level E Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Rosa likes bugs. She finds a little bug, a red bug, a yellow bug,

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure LESSON 3 TEACHER S GUIDE by Isabel Johnson Fountas-Pinnell Level B Nonfiction Selection Summary Items important for puppy care are introduced. Number of Words: 15 Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi

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ROBOTS. Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction. EXTRAORDINARIOS por Kaye Gager. by Kaye Gager

ROBOTS. Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction. EXTRAORDINARIOS por Kaye Gager. by Kaye Gager LESSON 25 TEACHER S GUIDE Robots extraordinarios by Kaye Gager ROBOTS EXTRAORDINARIOS por Kaye Gager Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction Selection Summary Robots are used to do jobs that are too dangerous,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level I Realistic Fiction. by Alvin Court

Fountas-Pinnell Level I Realistic Fiction. by Alvin Court LESSON 16 TEACHER S GUIDE by Alvin Court por Alvin Court ilustrado por Ann Iosa Fountas-Pinnell Level I Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Some children are eager to visit the new children s room at the

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Organized by sections

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure Organized by sections LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE by Katrina Van Horn Fountas-Pinnell Level R Biography Selection Summary Philo Farnsworth was just a regular kid. He lived on a farm in Utah and did okay in school not great. But

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure LESSON 12 TEACHER S GUIDE by Elizabeth Shu Fountas-Pinnell Level B Nonfiction Selection Summary Many winter animals can live in the snow a bird, rabbit, fox, moose, and a family of bears. Number of Words:

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Abuelo. Abuelo. Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction. by Janeen Mulvaney

Abuelo. Abuelo. Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction. by Janeen Mulvaney LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Janeen Mulvaney por Janeen Mulvaney Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary Grandchildren tell about the different things they do with their grandfathers. HOUGHTON

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure LESSON 4 TEACHER S GUIDE by Jacob Walker Fountas-Pinnell Level C Informational Text Selection Summary A fire fighter shows the clothes worn when fighting fires. Number of Words: 17 Characteristics of the

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Las ardillas son así by Julie Verne

Las ardillas son así by Julie Verne LESSON 3 TEACHER S GUIDE by Julie Verne Fountas-Pinnell Level I Fantasy Selection Summary Chip the chipmunk watches the other animals in the woods get ready for winter as he prepares for the change of

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE by Minnie Ruham Fountas-Pinnell Level C Nonfiction Selection Summary A girl packs her hat, an apple, water, and a map for a hike. Number of Words: 35 Characteristics of the Text

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Fountas-Pinnell Level P Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level P Informational Text LESSON 7 TEACHER S GUIDE by Stanford Makishi Fountas-Pinnell Level P Informational Text Selection Summary The work of different kinds of artists can be seen almost everywhere. Costume designers, architects,

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Una comida para i. Fountas-Pinnell Level I Informational Text

Una comida para i. Fountas-Pinnell Level I Informational Text LESSON 18 TEACHER S GUIDE by Erin Duffy Una comida para i Fountas-Pinnell Level I Informational Text Selection Summary Food comes to your table in many ways. Some food is grown in home gardens. Some people

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure First-person narrator Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure First-person narrator Content LESSON 30 TEACHER S GUIDE Visita a la estación de bomberos by Beverly Dani Fountas-Pinnell Level D Nonfiction Selection Summary Children tell about visiting the fire station. At the fire station, they

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic Fiction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic Fiction Text Structure LESSON 25 TEACHER S GUIDE by Rachel Gideon Fountas-Pinnell Level D Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Children pick apples on a class trip and then cook them for a classroom treat. Number of Words: 40

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Fountas-Pinnell Level O Nonfiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level O Nonfiction LESSON 3 TEACHER S GUIDE De visita en la República Dominicana by Darleen Ramos DE VISITA EN LA REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA por Darleen Ramos Fountas-Pinnell Level O Nonfiction Selection Summary The Dominican

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure Focused on one simple idea Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure Focused on one simple idea Content ISBN-13:978-0-547-03624-3 LESSON 16 TEACHER S GUIDE by Maura Sidel Fountas-Pinnell Level E Informational Text Selection Summary A tree can be a home for many living things: a bird, a squirrel, bees, caterpillars,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level L Fantasy

Fountas-Pinnell Level L Fantasy LESSON 20 TEACHER S GUIDE by Hannah Cone Fountas-Pinnell Level L Fantasy Selection Summary When Mica, Rafa, and Diana wake up one morning, they find they each have a super power. The three friends spend

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Fountas-Pinnell Level I Folktale

Fountas-Pinnell Level I Folktale LESSON 9 TEACHER S GUIDE La joroba de Camello by Carl Murano por Carl Murano ilustrado por Jennifer E. Lewis Fountas-Pinnell Level I Folktale Selection Summary The other animals of the desert ask Camello

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Ética del trabajo. Fountas-Pinnell Level R Nonfiction. by Daniel Rosen

Ética del trabajo. Fountas-Pinnell Level R Nonfiction. by Daniel Rosen LESSON 16 TEACHER S GUIDE by Daniel Rosen Ética del trabajo por Daniel Rosen Fountas-Pinnell Level R Nonfiction Selection Summary Getting a job is a way to earn money. There are many jobs that kids can

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Fountas-Pinnell Level R Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level R Informational Text LESSON 23 TEACHER S GUIDE La vida entre las secuoyas by Barbara A. Roenz Fountas-Pinnell Level R Informational Text Selection Summary The Redwood Forest is alive with many different types of creatures,

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George Washington Carver by Minnie Timenti

George Washington Carver by Minnie Timenti LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE George Washington Carver by Minnie Timenti Fountas-Pinnell Level O Biography Selection Summary George Washington Carver was born at a time when it was difficult for African Americans

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Lo que quiero ser. Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic Fiction Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level J Realistic Fiction. by Bernadette Meyers

Lo que quiero ser. Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic Fiction Text Structure. Fountas-Pinnell Level J Realistic Fiction. by Bernadette Meyers LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE by Bernadette Meyers Lo que quiero ser por Bernadette Meyers ilustrado por Karen Dugan Fountas-Pinnell Level J Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Sofía tries to decide what she

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure LESSON 24 TEACHER S GUIDE by Darrel Claxton Fountas-Pinnell Level G Nonfiction Selection Summary There are many kinds of butterflies. Butterflies come in all colors and range from tiny to very large in

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational Text Text Structure LESSON 6 TEACHER S GUIDE by Ian Kwok Fountas-Pinnell Level A Informational Text Selection Summary At the market, readers can see apples, carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, and so many more colorful fruits

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE by Aksel James Fountas-Pinnell Level C Realistic Fiction Selection Summary A girl puts on the ears and nose of a costume. A boy puts on the tail and feet. They wear the rest of

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Fountas-Pinnell Level M Folktale

Fountas-Pinnell Level M Folktale LESSON 24 TEACHER S GUIDE El nuevo hogar de Marmota by Keith Yoder Fountas-Pinnell Level M Folktale Selection Summary When Marmota s burrow on a farm is threatened by the arrival of a new farmer and his

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Biography Text Structure LESSON 18 TEACHER S GUIDE La vida de Jack Prelutsky by Lisa Benjamin por Lisa Benjamin ilustrado por Mary Teichman Fountas-Pinnell Level M Biography Selection Summary This book tells the life story of

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE by Rachel Fogelberg Fountas-Pinnell Level D Realistic Fiction Selection Summary A girl tells about the steps in building her play house. Her brother picks up the wood, her dad

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Information is presented by description. Content

Characteristics of the Text Genre Nonfi ction Text Structure Information is presented by description. Content LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE by Kaitlyn Robinson Los animales del desierto Fountas-Pinnell Level G Nonfiction Selection Summary The desert is very hot and dry, but it is a good home for animals such as foxes,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level S Informational Text. by Nancy N. Ragno

Fountas-Pinnell Level S Informational Text. by Nancy N. Ragno LESSON 14 TEACHER S GUIDE by Nancy N. Ragno Fountas-Pinnell Level S Informational Text Selection Summary The earth is full of bugs. Bugs are useful in many ways. They can be used for food, production of

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Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text

Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text LESSON 30 TEACHER S GUIDE Cómo se hace un periódico by Samantha Rabe Fountas-Pinnell Level K Informational Text Selection Summary Printing a newspaper in the 1700s involved hard work. Type was hand set.

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Fountas-Pinnell Level S Biography

Fountas-Pinnell Level S Biography LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE by Darleen Ramos Fountas-Pinnell Level S Biography Selection Summary This biography covers the life and career of Thurgood Marshall, the first African American Supreme Court justice,

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Fountas-Pinnell Level I Nonfiction. by Vidas Barzdukas

Fountas-Pinnell Level I Nonfiction. by Vidas Barzdukas LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE by Vidas Barzdukas por Vidas Barzdukas Fountas-Pinnell Level I Nonfiction Selection Summary Many animals besides cats and dogs make good pets. Animals that live on farms, such

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure LESSON 22 TEACHER S GUIDE by Claire Daniel Fountas-Pinnell Level J Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Two young girls each make a kite for a kite contest at the beach. When their kites collide in midair,

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Fiction Text Structure

Characteristics of the Text Genre Fiction Text Structure LESSON 10 TEACHER S GUIDE by Polly Peterson Fountas-Pinnell Level D Fiction Selection Summary A fussy cat goes to a hat store looking for the perfect hat. After rejecting a number of hats, the cat chooses

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Puentes grandes by Elizabeth West

Puentes grandes by Elizabeth West LESSON 4 TEACHER S GUIDE by Elizabeth West Fountas-Pinnell Level M Nonfiction Selection Summary Bridges have been built since ancient times. Starting with a simple log over a stream, bridges have become

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure Third-person narrative

Characteristics of the Text Genre Realistic fi ction Text Structure Third-person narrative LESSON 5 TEACHER S GUIDE by Myka-Lynne Sokoloff por Myka-Lynne Sokoloff ilustrado por Judy Stead Fountas-Pinnell Level I Realistic Fiction Selection Summary The Club de niños hears bad news: Mascotas y

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Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure Information presented in ten short sections Content Moon exploration

Characteristics of the Text Genre Informational text Text Structure Information presented in ten short sections Content Moon exploration LESSON 2 TEACHER S GUIDE Las rocas lunares del Apollo by Luna Fracchia Las rocas lunares del Apollo Fountas-Pinnell Level S Informational Text Selection Summary Since ancient times, people have been curious

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Viaje en diligencia. Viaje en diligencia

Viaje en diligencia. Viaje en diligencia LESSON 16 TEACHER S GUIDE by Darleen Ramos Fountas-Pinnell Level Q Nonfiction Selection Summary Long ago, stagecoach travel was the primary way to journey to the western part of the United States. These

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Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction. by Lisa C. Moran

Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction. by Lisa C. Moran LESSON 19 TEACHER S GUIDE Todo sobre los ratones by Lisa C. Moran Fountas-Pinnell Level L Nonfiction Selection Summary Whether seen in the wild or seen as pets, mice are interesting animals. Their physical

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Fountas-Pinnell Level N Narrative Nonfiction

Fountas-Pinnell Level N Narrative Nonfiction LESSON 21 TEACHER S GUIDE by Phil Moschowitz por Phil Moschowitz Fountas-Pinnell Level N Narrative Nonfiction Selection Summary McMurdo Station on Antarctica is the coldest and stormiest workplace on Earth.

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