Weekly Safety Meetings

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1 Silica is a common mineral found in many materials on construction sites, like soil, sand, concrete, brick, block, mortar, and granite. When we cut, chip, grind, drill into, or otherwise break or disturb these materials, crystalline silica particles can become airborne and create health hazards. OSHA has developed a new rule regarding silica which comes into effect this year. The best thing about the new rule is Table 1, which discusses dust and respiratory controls to help keep you healthy. When they re airborne, tiny particles of silica can be inhaled into your lungs. Once you breathe them in, the particles can cause lung disease, lung cancer, kidney disease, and silicosis. Silicosis can be disabling, and even fatal. When silica dust enters the lungs, it can cause scarring that reduces the lungs ability to take in oxygen. There is no cure for silicosis. And the damage caused by silicosis can make you more susceptible to other lung illnesses such as tuberculosis. It only takes a small amount of silica dust to create a big health hazard for you. If you are exposed to silica dust regularly, stop smoking. Smoking can further increase damage to your lungs. OSHA s new construction standard (29 CFR ) on silica goes into effect (with a few exceptions) on September 23rd of this year. The new rule reduces the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable silica to 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air, averaged over an 8-hour shift. Table 1 in the new standard lists exposure control methods for common construction tasks. When Silica you use specific dust control methods during specific silica-producing operations, your risk of inhaling silica goes down so much that it becomes unnecessary for the company to monitor or assess your exposure to silica dust. For example, if you are using a stationary masonry saw that has an integrated water delivery system to continuously douse the blade with water, silica dust will not become airborne, and you won t breathe it in. Sometimes when the work you re doing is creating silica dust, you need respiratory protection even if you re using engineering controls. Table 1 lists the level of protection you ll need, depending on the kind of work and where you re working. In some cases, you may need an N95 or P95 particulate respirator. So before you use a masonry saw, start removing mortar from a wall, finish drywall, or do any work that involves exposure to crystalline silica, be sure you have reviewed and understand your employer s silica protection program. Know what types of engineering controls and PPE you will need to work safely with silica on your jobsite. Then make sure you use the controls and wear the PPE to protect your lungs. And if you wear a respirator for more than 29 days a year, get checked out by your doctor. SAFETY REMINDER Most work that creates silica dust also creates a lot of noise. Protect your hearing with earplugs or ear muffs. NOTES: SPECIAL TOPICS /EMPLOYEE SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS/NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: JOB NAME: MEETING DATE: ATTENDEES: S.A.F.E. CARDS PLANNED FOR THIS WEEK: REVIEWED SDS # SUBJECT: These instructions do not supersede local, state, or federal regulations.

2 Quiz Questions Silica 1. Silica is: a. a mineral found in concrete, brick, and mortar. b. a mineral found in soil and sand. c. hazardous when it becomes airborne. d. all of the above. 2. True or False? It only takes a small amount of silica dust to create a big health hazard for you. 3. Which of the following actions could make the hazards created by crystalline silica worse? a. wearing respiratory protection. b. using dust control methods during silica-producing operations. c. smoking when you are regularly exposed to silica dust. d. reviewing and understanding your employer s silica protection program. 4. OSHA s new construction standard on silica: a. reduces the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable silica. b. increases the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable silica. c. does not list exposure control methods for common construction tasks. d. suggests using PPE as the best way to control silica exposure. 5. True or False? When your work creates silica dust, you don t need respiratory protection anytime you re using engineering controls. MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: MY ANSWER: CORRECTED ANSWER: NAME: ID#: DATE: TRAINER:

3 Answer Key Silica 1. Silica is: a. a mineral found in concrete, brick, and mortar. b. a mineral found in soil and sand. c. hazardous when it becomes airborne. d. all of the above. Silica is a common mineral found in many materials on construction sites, like soil, sand, concrete, brick, block, mortar, and granite. crystalline silica particles can become airborne and create health hazards. 2. True or False? It only takes a small amount of silica dust to create a big health hazard for you. It only takes a small amount of silica dust to create a big health hazard for you. 3. Which of the following actions could make the hazards created by crystalline silica worse? a. wearing respiratory protection. b. using dust control methods during silica-producing operations. c. smoking when you are regularly exposed to silica dust. d. reviewing and understanding your employer s silica protection program. If you are exposed to silica dust regularly, stop smoking. Smoking can further increase damage to your lungs. 4. OSHA s new construction standard on silica: a. reduces the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable silica. b. increases the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable silica. c. does not list exposure control methods for common construction tasks. d. suggests using PPE as the best way to control silica exposure. The new rule reduces the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable silica 5. True or False? When your work creates silica dust, you don t need respiratory protection anytime you re using engineering controls. Sometimes when the work you re doing is creating silica dust, you need respiratory protection even if you re using engineering controls. FURTHER DISCUSSION: SUPERVISOR/TRAINER NOTES:

4 Sílice (Silica) La sílice es un mineral que se encuentra en muchos materiales en las obras de construcción, como tierra, arena, concreto, ladrillo, bloques, mortero, y granito. Cuando cortamos, desportillamos, esmerilamos, taladramos, o de alguna otra forma rompemos o perturbamos estos materiales, las partículas de sílice cristalina pueden quedar flotando en el aire y crear riesgos para la salud. OSHA ha desarrollado una nueva regla en cuanto a la sílice la cual entra en vigor este año. Lo mejor de la nueva regla es la Tabla 1, en donde se mencionan los controles del polvo y respiratorios para ayudar a mantenerlo sano. Cuando están en el aire, las pequeñas partículas pueden ser inhaladas a sus pulmones. Una vez que usted las respire, las partículas pueden causar enfermedades pulmonares, cáncer de los pulmones, enfermedades del riñón, y silicosis. La silicosis puede ser discapacitante, y hasta mortal. Cuando el polvo de sílice entra a sus pulmones, puede causar cicatrización que reduce la capacidad de los pulmones de recibir oxígeno. No existe un remedio para la silicosis. Y el daño causado por la silicosis puede volverlo más susceptible a otras enfermedad pulmonares tales como tuberculosis. Solo toma una pequeña cantidad de polvo de sílice para crear un gran riesgo para su salud. Si usted queda expuesto al polvo de sílice en forma regular, deje de fumar. Fumar puede aumentar más el daño a sus pulmones. La nueva norma de construcción de OSHA (29 CFR ) sobre la sílice entra en vigor (con pocas excepciones) el 23 de septiembre de este año. La nueva regla reduce el límite de exposición permisible (PEL, por sus siglas en inglés) para la sílice respirable a 50 microgramos por metro cúbico de aire, promediado durante un turno de trabajo de 8 horas. La Tabla 1 en la nueva norma indica los métodos de control a la NOTES: SPECIAL TOPICS /EMPLOYEE SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS/NOTES: exposición para tareas comunes de construcción. Cuando usted usa métodos específicos de control del polvo durante operaciones específicas que producen sílice, su riesgo de inhalar sílice se reduce tanto que llega a ser innecesario que la compañía monitoree o evalúe su exposición al polvo de sílice. Por ejemplo, si está usando una sierra estacionaria de mampostería que cuenta con un sistema integrado de ntrega de agua para continuamente rociar agua a la cuchilla, el polvo de sílice no quedará flotando en el aire, y usted no lo respirará. A veces cuando el trabajo que está haciendo está creando polvo de sílice, usted necesita protección de las vías respiratorias incluso si está usando controles de ingeniería. La Tabla 1 indica el nivel de protección que usted necesitará, dependiendo en la clase de trabajo y en donde está trabajando. En algunos casos, usted podrá necesitar un respirador de partículas N95 o P95. Por lo tanto antes de usar una sierra de mampostería, de empezar a quitar mortero de un muro, de dar terminado a la tablarroca, o de hacer cualquier trabajo que involucre la exposición a sílice cristalina, asegúrese de haber revisado y entendido el programa de protección a la sílice de su empleador. Conozca qué tipos de controles de ingeniería y EPP necesita para trabajar en forma segura con la sílice en su obra. Luego asegúrese de usar los controles y de usar el EPP para proteger sus pulmones. Y si usa un respirador por más de 29 días al año, un médico debe revisarlo a usted. SAFETY REMINDER La mayor parte del trabajo que crea polvo de sílice también crea mucho ruido. Proteja su audición con tapones para los oídos u orejeras. MEETING DOCUMENTATION JOB NAME: MEETING DATE: ATTENDEES: S.A.F.E. CARDS PLANNED FOR THIS WEEK: REVIEWED SDS # SUBJECT: These instructions do not supersede local, state, or federal regulations.

5 Quiz Questions Sílice 1. La sílice es: a. un mineral que se encuentra en concreto, ladillo, y mortero. b. un mineral que se encuentran en la tierra y la arena. c. peligrosa cuando queda flotando en el aire. d. todas las respuestas anteriores. 2. Verdadero o Falso? Solo toma una pequeña cantidad de polvo de sílice para crear un gran riesgo para su salud. 3. Cuál de las siguientes acciones pueden empeorar los peligros creados por la sílice cristalina? a. usar protección de las vías respiratorias. b. usar los métodos de control del polvo durante las operaciones que producen sílice. c. fumar cuando está expuesto en forma regular al polvo de sílice. d. revisar y entender el programa de protección de la sílice de su empleador. 4. La nueva norma de construcción de OSHA sobre la sílice: a. reduce el límite de exposición permisible (PEL) de la sílice respirable. b. aumenta el límite de exposición permisible (PEL) de la sílice respirable. c. no menciona los métodos de control a la exposición de las tareas comunes de la construcción. d. sugiere el uso de EPP como el mejor método de controlar la exposición a la sílice. 5. Verdadero o Falso? Cuando su trabajo crea polvo de sílice, usted no necesita usar protección de las vías respiratorias si está usando controles de ingeniería. NAME: ID#: DATE: TRAINER:

6 Answer Key Sílice 1. La sílice es: a. un mineral que se encuentra en concreto, ladillo, y mortero. b. un mineral que se encuentran en la tierra y la arena. c. peligrosa cuando queda flotando en el aire. d. todas las respuestas anteriores. 2. Verdadero o Falso? Solo toma una pequeña cantidad de polvo de sílice para crear un gran riesgo para su salud. La sílice es un mineral que se encuentra en muchos materiales en las obras de construcción, como tierra, arena, concreto, ladrillo, bloques, mortero, y granito. las partículas de sílice cristalina pueden quedar flotando en el aire y crear riesgos para la salud. Solo toma una pequeña cantidad de polvo de sílice para crear un gran riesgo para su salud. 3. Cuál de las siguientes acciones pueden empeorar los peligros creados por la sílice cristalina? a. usar protección de las vías respiratorias. b. usar los métodos de control del polvo durante las operaciones que producen sílice. c. fumar cuando está expuesto en forma regular al polvo de sílice. d. revisar y entender el programa de protección de la sílice de su empleador. Si usted queda expuesto al polvo de sílice en forma regular, deje de fumar. Fumar puede aumentar más el daño a sus pulmones. 4. La nueva norma de construcción de OSHA sobre la sílice: a. reduce el límite de exposición permisible (PEL) de la sílice respirable. b. aumenta el límite de exposición permisible (PEL) de la sílice respirable. c. no menciona los métodos de control a la exposición de las tareas comunes de la construcción. d. sugiere el uso de EPP como el mejor método de controlar la exposición a la sílice. 5. Verdadero o Falso? Cuando su trabajo crea polvo de sílice, usted no necesita usar protección de las vías respiratorias si está usando controles de ingeniería. La nueva regla reduce el límite de exposición permisible (PEL, por sus siglas en inglés) para la sílice respirable A veces cuando el trabajo que está haciendo está creando polvo de sílice, usted necesita protección de las vías respiratorias incluso si está usando controles de ingeniería. FURTHER DISCUSSION: SUPERVISOR/TRAINER NOTES:

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Manejo de Riesgos de Especies Invasivas Planeación HACCP The 5 Steps of HACCP Stewart Jacks Manejo de Riesgos de Especies Invasivas Planeación HACCP The 5 Steps of HACCP Stewart Jacks The 5 Steps of HACCP 1. Activity Description 2. Identify Potential Hazards 3. Flow Diagram 4. Hazard Analysis

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Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280

Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Teléfono ext Código para clase de Google una280 Nombre: Español 2 Español 2-Beginners Tarea del verano (summer homework) Maestra Srta. Verdos Correo electrónico cverdos@goldercollegeprep.org Teléfono 312-265-9925 ext. 4214 Código para clase de Google

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Repaso de funciones exponenciales y logarítmicas. Review of exponential and logarithmic functions

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Póngase en acción prevenga la alta presión!

Póngase en acción prevenga la alta presión! Póngase en acción prevenga la alta presión! Take Steps Prevent High Blood Pressure! NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL HEART, LUNG, AND BLOOD INSTITUTE AND OFFICE OF RESEARCH ON MINORITY HEALTH La

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Nitroglycerin. If you use tablets:

Nitroglycerin. If you use tablets: Nitroglycerin Nitroglycerin is a medicine used to treat chest pain called angina. Take nitroglycerin as directed by your doctor. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before using this

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Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter

Learning Masters. Fluent: States of Matter Learning Masters Fluent: States of Matter What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 States of Matter Learning Masters How

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NOTES: MEETING DOCUMENTATION: Maybe you ve been injured on the job and it was bad enough that your doctor prescribed a painkiller. Or a co-worker took prescription medication for pain after being in a car accident. Perhaps a good friend

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Tres componentes importantes del programa Título I El propósito del Título I es de asegurar que todos los estudiantes tengan la oportunidad de

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other disciplines through the foreign language.

other disciplines through the foreign language. LA GEOGRAFÍA DE ESPAÑA This file includes a reading in Spanish about Spain s geography, 10 comprehension questions in English with a corresponding answer key, and an activity for students to create a geographical

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Steps to Understand Your Child s Behavior. Customizing the Flyer

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Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien!

Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien! Qué viva la Gráfica de Cien! La gráfica de cien consiste en números del 1 al 100 ordenados en cuadrilones de diez números en hileras. El resultado es que los estudiantes que utilizan estás gráficas pueden

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Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion

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The power to control diabetes is in your hands.

The power to control diabetes is in your hands. The power to control diabetes is in your hands. Lots of people with diabetes test their own blood sugar regularly. This helps them know if the things they do to control diabetes are working. Then, they

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Types of Dementia. Common Causes of Dementia

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Flashcards Series 3 El Aeropuerto

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RESIDUOS PELIGROSOS/HAZARDOUS WASTE CATEGORIA 31 RESIDUOS PELIGROSOS/HAZARDOUS WASTE ID. Number: 31-01 Cómo Identificar a los Trabajadores que Trabajan con Materiales Peligrosos / How to Identify Workers who Work with Hazardous Materials

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Art Studio. Did you know...?

Art Studio. Did you know...? Art Studio Did you know...? Did you know...? In our Art Studio, we encourage children to use the materials in any way they wish. We provide ideas that they may use to begin work but do not expect copies

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Ausentismo (Truancy - Why it's important to go to school)

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Hearing Loss. Causes. Signs

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Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Improving Rates of Repeat Colorectal Cancer Screening Appendix Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Contents Patient Letter Included with Mailed FIT... 3 Automated Phone Call... 4 Automated

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A Member of My Community

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Gustar : Indirect object pronouns.

Gustar : Indirect object pronouns. Gustar : Indirect object pronouns. Singular Plural 1 person A mí me (To me) A nosotros nos (To us) 2 person A tí te ( To you) A vosotros os (To you all in Spain) 3 person A ella/él/ud. Le (To her, to him,

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Arm Theraband Exercises: Lying

Arm Theraband Exercises: Lying Arm Theraband Exercises: Lying Do these exercises while lying in bed, holding one end of the theraband in each hand. Be sure to breathe as you do these exercises. Do the exercises with slow, steady motions

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In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future.

In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future. Present Progressive The present progressive is formed by combining the verb "to be" with the present participle. (The present participle is merely the "-ing" form of a verb.) I am studying. I am studying

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Vermont Mini-Lessons: Leaving A Voicemail

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manual de servicio nissan murano z51

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Título del Proyecto: Sistema Web de gestión de facturas electrónicas.

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Rotator Cuff Exercises

Rotator Cuff Exercises Rotator Cuff Exercises These exercises may be used after rotator cuff injury to the shoulder or for strengthening the shoulder. Do these exercises while lying face down on an exercise table or other sturdy

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Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations:

Gustar. Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: Gustar Use gustar to talk about what a person likes, or literally, what is pleasing to them. Gustar uses mainly 2 conjugations: It also HAS to be used with an indirect object pronoun. Gustar To say what

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Generic and Brand Name Medicines

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Los Verbos Reflexivos

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Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems

Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems Connection from School to Home Science Grade 5 Unit 1 Living Systems Here is an activity to help your child understand human body systems. Here is what you do: 1. Look at the pictures of the systems that

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Mi ciudad interesante

Mi ciudad interesante Mi ciudad interesante A WebQuest for 5th Grade Spanish Designed by Jacob Vuiller jvuiller@vt.edu Introducción Tarea Proceso Evaluación Conclusión Créditos Introducción Bienvenidos! Eres alcalde de una

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Introduction. SER is one of three verbs in Spanish that mean to be. SER has a variety of uses and meanings. SER has an irregular conjugation.

Introduction. SER is one of three verbs in Spanish that mean to be. SER has a variety of uses and meanings. SER has an irregular conjugation. SER To be Introduction SER is one of three verbs in Spanish that mean to be SER has a variety of uses and meanings. SER has an irregular conjugation. Conjugation and Translation SER= to be 1st (yo) Soy

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Objetivo: You will be able to You will be able to

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Improving Rates of Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Never Screened Individuals

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Lump Sum Final Check Contribution to Deferred Compensation

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NO MÁS conversation starters are suitable for children of all ages. Simply select a card and start a conversation.

NO MÁS conversation starters are suitable for children of all ages. Simply select a card and start a conversation. NO MÁS conversation starters are suitable for children of all ages. Simply select a card and start a conversation. Some good guidelines to use to build healthy communication: 1. Be willing to answer any

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Arm Theraband Exercises: Standing

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Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you!

Keep reading, for a list of required elements and questions to inspire you! You will write at least TEN sentences describing a typical week in the life of a BCC student YOU! -- based on the three Encuestas (surveys) you conducted with your classmates: If you can t think of what

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TIPS: Understanding Overspray

TIPS: Understanding Overspray TIPS: Understanding Overspray In any pneumatic spray application, overspray is an area of concern that should be addressed early on. Fortunately if it does occur, it s easily remedied through the use of

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High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

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Self-Test Log Book. FOR RECORDING OF: Blood Glucose Test Results Insulin and Medication Doses Notes

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Workers Compensation Non-Subscriber Form

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Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes,

Disfruten su verano! Hola estudiantes, Hola estudiantes, We hope that your experience during Spanish 1 was enjoyable and that you are looking forward to improving your ability to communicate in Spanish. As we all know, it is very difficult

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