Security Management (USA)

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1 Security Management (USA) 13 July 2011 Security Contractors Outnumber Police Officers Worldwide By Carlton Purvis There are more private security personnel in the world than there are police officers, according to the Small Arms Survey, an annual yearbook of issues related to armed conflict by researchers at the Graduate Institute of Geneva a statistic that indicates that there may be a global demand for more security than states can provide. Using data from regional industry reports, media reports, and academic articles, the Small Arms Survey found that 19.5 million private security personnel operate in 70 countries outnumbering police officers two to one. In some countries like Guatemala (120,000 private security personnel, 20,000 police officers), India (7 million private security personnel, 1 million police officers), and China (5 million private security personnel, 2.7 million police), the differences are fairly substantial. The Small Arms Survey says a combination of government changes and changes to the security industry are what drove such rapid growth of private security companies (PSC) and reasons vary from cost to convenience to public support. As governments downsize to cut costs, PSCs are filling more core functions like airport security, prison surveillance, and immigration. In the past, these roles would have normally been covered by government agencies. Lawmakers in England announced just today that they would be closing two prisons and privatizing nine because of budget cuts, for example. Using PSC to manage the prisons will save 4.9 million pounds, the Guardian reported. Western militaries are increasingly relying on contractors for maintenance and training on high-tech weaponry to free up soldiers for combat operations. Additionally, PSC personnel can be hired and fired faster than uniformed personnel and can therefore be deployed more flexibly, which is more affordable in the long run than maintaining a permanent in-house capability, the report states. These private security companies vary in size from a dozen to several thousand employees. Many countries welcome the use of PSCs over government agencies. In Africa, where countries often border conflict zones or face their own security problems, PSCs are welcomed by the public, according to data from a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime survey that are included in the report. In Ghana, 93 percent of respondents said

2 they thought the increasing responsibilities of PSCs were a good development. Security companies say the growth comes from clients greater awareness of security threats. Small Arms Survey didn t include the number of people participating in informal security arrangements, but estimates more than 2.5 million personnel in South and Central American participate in informal security arrangements and notes that armed militias are often used in African countries to secure neighborhoods. Informal schemes ranging from neighborhood watch to armed vigilante groups can be found across the globe and provide additional evidence of a global demand for security that exceeds what states can offer, the report states. But with more personnel to regulate come more issues to address. Researchers warn that the increased use of PSCs could increase the gap between the rich and the poor. One of the principal concerns regarding the private security sector is that, like other commercial service, only those who are able and willing to pay will benefit from it, the report states. There s also the issue of what services should be left to the government. In 2009, the CIA came under fire for hiring Blackwater to perform hits on members of al-qaeda. Intelligence officials said that the decision to use PSCs would pose significant legal and diplomatic risks. The amount of vetting, training, and oversight of PSC personnel are additional concerns highlighted by the report. Doctrine hasn t evolved to keep up with the effectiveness of new weapons and few mechanisms are in place to prevent people with seedy backgrounds from being hired and armed. A firm in Tanzania found that 30 percent of its employees had criminal records. The U.S. said it would oversee it's contractors, but it s a conflict of interest when a state takes on the role as both the client and the oversight as the government did in Iraq when they granted PSCs immunity from Iraqi law. Becasue of this, very few abuses by PSCs in Iraq have been prosecuted, the report states. The Small Arms Survey says the use of PSCs is only going to become more frequent and says increased transparency, better established regulations, and oversight of PSC worldwide would be beneficial to both governments and security companies by enhancing the ability to monitor progress of such a rapidly growing industry and promote adherence to international standards. In May, ASIS International was awarded a contract with the U.S. Department of Defense to develop an ANSI standard that provides principles and requirements for a quality assurance management system for private sector security organizations to abide by and demonstrate accountability to internationally recognized norms of civil and human rights while providing quality assurance in the provision of their products and services. The standard will enable private sector security service providers to demonstrate their operations and services are consistent with the principles of the Montreux Document on Pertinent International Legal Obligations and Good Practices for States related to

3 Operations of Private Military and Security Companies during Armed Conflict and the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC ). As of July, the ASIS Technical Committee has held its first meeting for the development of an American National Standard to support the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Providers (ICoC). Examining private security is just one part of the lengthy, annually published report. Other sections focus on weapons policy, procurement, and case studies.

4 Cross (Bulgaria) 13 July 2011 СВЕТЪТ - Балкани Сърбия четвърта в света по прозрачен износ на оръжие 13 юли :56 avtomat0936белград, Сърбия /КРОСС/ Сърбия се намира на четвърто място в света по прозрачност на данните за износа на малокалибрено и леко въоръжение, показа проучване на независимия проект "Small arms survey". Лидерското място според това изследване принадлежи на Швейцария, която изпреварва Великобритания и Германия. Барометър на прозрачността е определен възоснова на критерии като информираност и последователност, като се държи сметка и на това дали докладите са били ясни и изчерпателни. В анализа са включени страни, които изнасят малокалибрено и леко въоръжение на стойност над 10 милиона долара. Translation: Serbia fourth in the world in a transparent arms Serbia is fourth in the world in the transparency of data on exports of small arms and light weapons, showed independent research project "Small arms survey". Leadership in this study belongs to Switzerland, ahead of Britain and Germany. Barometer of transparency is determined Based on criteria such as awareness and consistency, taking into account whether the reports were clear and comprehensive. The analysis includes countries that exported small and light weapons worth more than $ 10 million.

5 Kurir (Serbia) 12 July 2011 SRBIJA NA ČETVRTOM MESTU PO TRANSPARENTNOSTI IZVOZA ORUŽJA BEOGRAD - Srbija se nalazi na četvrtom mestu u svetu po transparentnosti podataka o izvozu malokalibarskog i lakog naoružanja, saopštilo je danas Ministarstvo odbrane, pozivajući se na analizu nezavisnog istraživačkog projekta "Small arms survey". U saopštenju se navodi da je Srbija na četvrtom mestu, iza Švajcarske, Velike Britanije i Nemačke. Analiza je rađena na osnovu izveštaja o izvozu malokalibarskog i lakog naoružanja koje države objavljuju. Barometar transparentnosti je urađen na osnovu kriterijuma blagovremenosti, pristupa i doslednosti, jasnoće i sveobuhvatnosti u izveštavanju, kao i na osnovu detalja koji se odnose na isporuke naoružanja, izdate i odbijene dozvole. Od ukupno 25 poena, Srbija je dobila 18,5 dok je najviše poena dobila Švajcarska Analizom su obuhvaćene zemlje koje su najmanje jednom od godine izvezle malokalibarsko i lako naoružanje u vrednosti većoj od 10 miliona dolara. "Small Arms Survey" je nezavisan istraživački projekat koji se sprovodi u okviru Instituta za međunarodne i razvojne studije iz Ženeve i predstavlja vodeći međunarodni izvor informisanja javnosti o svim aspektima malokalibarskog i lakog naoružanja. Translation: SERBIA IN FOURTH PLACE ON TRANSPARENCY OF EXPORTS OF WEAPONS BELGRADE Serbia is in fourth place in the world by the transparency of data on exports of small arms and light weapons, announced today the Ministry of Defense, citing an independent analysis of the research project "Small Arms Survey." The announcement states that Serbia is in fourth place, behind Switzerland, Great Britain and Germany. The analysis is made on the basis of reports on the export of small arms and light weapons, which the state published. Barometer of transparency was made based on criteria of timeliness, access and consistency, clarity and comprehensiveness in reporting, as well as on details pertaining to the delivery of arms, issued and refused permission. From a total of 25 points, Serbia got 18.5 while the highest number of points gained Switzerland - 21 The analysis includes countries that have at least once since The exported Small Arms and Light Weapons in the value of more than $ 10 million.

6 "Small Arms Survey" is an independent research project carried out in the Institute for International and Development Studies in Geneva and is a leading international source of public information on all aspects of small arms and light weapons.

7 Gulf Times (Qatar) 1&parent_id=23 11 July 2011 Pakistan among leading importers of small arms Pakistan, along with the US, Canada, Britain, Germany, Australia and France, was among the top importers of small arms in 2008, with annual imports of at least $100mn, according to a survey. The report on the 2011 small arms survey by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies says Pakistan did not submit data to the UN Register of Conventional Arms for its 2009 activities. The figure of $100mn was evaluated on the basis of its most recent submission covering activities in The annual survey also presents the small arms trade transparency barometer, an estimate of the annual authorised trade in light weapons.

8 Actualne (Slovakia) 11 July 2011 Policajtom rastie konkurencia. Miniarmáda SBSiek Bratislava - Súkromné bezpečnostné služby (SBS) na Slovensku tvoria tichú armádu. Tá sa už pritom svojím počtom takmer vyrovnala policajným zložkám. Bezpečnosť Slovákov podľa štúdie Small Arms Survey švajčiarskeho Graduate inštitútu chráni približne 19,2-tisíca policajtov. Tieňovú armádu im robia zamestnanci súkromných bezpečnostných služieb, ktorých počet sa síce ešte nevyrovnal ochrancom zákona, ale podľa najaktuálnejších štatistík ich je len o necelé dve tisícky menej. "SBS-ky sú regulované zákonom, takže sú presne vymedzené ich možnosti na ochranu objektov, majetku, osôb. Tým pádom to nie je nejaká voľná činnosť, ale je presne regulovaná zo zákona," vysvetlil pre Aktuá novinár zaoberajúci sa bezpečnostnou problematikou Milan Žitný, prečo ani takéto číselné počty nie sú pre bezpečnosť ľudí rizikové. Hrozbu v nich by podľa Žitného nevidelo ani ministerstvo vnútra. Nech ich je toľko, koľko ich je súkromný sektor schopný uživiť. "Ak je ponuka kvalifikovaná a dopyt veľký, tak je to v poriadku. Štátny systém bezpečnosti by mal byť určený len pre tie činnosti, ktoré nemôže vykonávať nikto iný než štátny orgán," doplnil. Expolicajti a exkukláči Pracovníci bezpečnostných služieb pri vstupe do SBS-ky nemusia prejsť významnejšou prípravou. "Nemusia mať špeciálny výcvik, ale musia mať nejaké poučenie zo zákona, aby ovládali minimum," popísal odborník. Slovenský zákon pritom SBS-károm umožňuje držať a použiť strelnú zbraň. V prípade, že ju použijú a osobu, ktorá sa ochranu snažila prekonať zrania, musia privolať lekára a poskytnúť jej nevyhnutnú pomoc. Legislatíva je však pri použití sily prísna a ako uviedol Žitný, "donucovacie prostriedky môžu použiť len určeným spôsobom". Ak pracovníci chránia objekt, môžu sa presvedčiť aj o totožnosti človeka, ktorý sa doň snaží vstúpiť, prípadne pri vstupe a výstupe skontrolovať jeho vozidlo. Ako sa však uvádza v štúdii, väčšina pracovníkov súkromnej bezpečnosti nie je pri práci ozbrojená. Kvalifikovaná pracovná sila SBS-kári častokrát získali svoju kvalifikáciu v štátnej sfére. "V mnohých bezpečnostných službách sú ľudia, ktorí majú vysokú kvalifikáciu, či už ako bývalí policajti, príslušníci PPÚ-čkarov - tzv. kukláčov - alebo spravodajských dôstojníkov. Nájdeme ich tam

9 kvantá. Títo ľudia, pokiaľ nemajú zábrany, a mnohí z nich ich nemajú, sa zúčastnia na čomkoľvek, čo je dobre zaplatené," vysvetlil Žitný. Ich bývalý zamestnávateľ - štát - pritom často využíva nimi poskytované služby aj naďalej pri chránení objektov, ako sú napríklad ministerstvá, inštitúcie, sklady či ambasády. Bojovníci bez práce Súkromné armády zamestnancov bezpečnostných agentúr a SBSiek existujú v podstate po celom svete. Štúdia dokonca tvrdí, že trendom je práve posun k takejto forme ochrany, a presun bezpečnostných úloh štátu do súkromných rúk. Súvisí to čiastočne aj so zmenšovaním štátu a jeho zložiek, ktoré majú na starosti verejnú bezpečnosť. "V minulosti základné funkcie štátu - ako je väzenský dozor, kontrola imigrácie, bezpečnosť na letiskách - sú v zvyšujúcej sa miere outsourcované, aby štát šetril finančné a ľudské zdroje štátnych agentúr," píše sa vo výskume. Rezort bude pre policajtov nakupovať nové autá Nie je to však jediný dôvod pre rozširovanie radov SBS-iek. Výrazne k nemu prispela aj demobilizácia, ktorá prebiehala od 80. rokov, a to najmä v štátoch zúčastnených na Studenej vojne. Týmto spôsobom ostalo prakticky bez práce a využitia asi 5-6 miliónov vytrénovaných vojakov. Spolu aj s rezervistami došlo k uvoľneniu až 30 miliónov ľudí s podobnou kvalifikáciou. Za nárastom počtu súkromných bezpečnostných služieb stoja tiež novovzniknuté bezpečnostné riziká spojené s terorizmom, čo si uvedomuje aj priemysel a biznis. Zvyšuje sa tak dopyt po bezpečnostných službách. K rastu odvetvia navyše prispievajú aj lacnejšie a dostupnejšie technológie ochrany. Slovensko vo V4 na chvoste Slovensko pritom v porovnaní s krajinami Vyšehradskej štvorky má ako jediné menej SBS-károv ako policajtov. V Česku, Poľsku aj Maďarsku počet pracovníkov súkromnej bezpečnosti prekonal počet ochrancov zákona. Najväčší nepomer pritom vykazujú naši južní susedia, kde na 40-tisíc policajtov pripadá viac ako 105-tisíc pracovníkov týchto služieb. O niečo bližšie k vyrovnanému stavu je Poľsko, kde sú cifry na úrovni 100- ku 165-tisíc. V Českej republike, sú obe skupiny približne rovnako početné, keďže v súkromnom bezpečnostnom sektore pracuje 51,5-tisíca pracovníkov, kým policajné rady tvorí 46-tisíc ľudí. Súkromné bezpečnostné služby však využíva aj najmocnejšia armáda sveta - Spojených štátov amerických. Tá údajne zveruje privátnemu sektoru aj niektoré bojové úlohy. Na

10 vypátranie a zabíjanie členov al-kájdy si CIA podľa niektorých správ mala najať súkormnú agentúru Blackwater. Takýto postup však vyvolal množstvo verejných otázok a kontroverzií. Súkromníci však v USA dostávajú okrem bojových úloh aj iné, napríklad administratívne zadania, čím odľahčujú vojenský personál. Ich využitie ilustruje aj porovnanie štatistík z čias druhej svetovej vojny, keď pomer štátnych a súkromných pracovníkov v úlohách americkej armády bol 1 ku 7. V Afganistane či Iraku už pri početnom porovnaní privátna sféra dominuje. Translation: Policeman growing competition. Miniarmáda SBSiek Bratislava - Private Security Services (SBS) in Slovakia are a silent army. This is already taking its number of police forces close to balance. Safety Slovaks according to a study of Swiss Small Arms Survey Graduate Institute protects about 19.2 thousand policemen. Shadow army made them employees of private security services, which have not yet been compensated, although defenders of the law, but according to latest statistics, there are only less than two thousand less. 'S SBS are regulated by law, so they are strictly limited their ability to protect buildings, assets, people. Thus it is not some free work, but it is precisely regulated by law, "explained the journalist Aktuá dealing with security issues Milan Rye, nor why such figures are not numbers for human safety risk. Threat of them, according to Rye seen or interior ministry. Let them be as much as the private sector is able to support themselves. "If a qualified offer and demand great, so it's okay. National security system should be designed only for those activities that can carry out none other than a public authority," he added. Expolicajti and exkukláči Personnel security services at the entrance to the SBS-s do not go more significant training. "They do not have special training but must have some guidance from the law, ruled that the minimum," says an expert. Slovak law while SBS-károm allowed to hold and use a firearm. In the event that it used a person who is trying to overcome the protection of injured, call a doctor and must provide the necessary assistance. Legislation is the use of force as a strict and Rye said, "coercive measures may be used only as intended." To protect workers object can be convinced of the identity of a person who seeks to enter into it, or at the entrance and exit his vehicle inspected. However, as noted in the study, most employees of private security is not armed at work. Skilled labor SBS-Kári often qualified in the public sector. "The security services are many people who are highly qualified, either as former police officers, members of the FTE-čkarov - ie. Kukláčov - or intelligence officers. We will find oodles of them there. These people, if not prevented, and many of them have their, take part in anything that is well paid, "said Rye. Their former employer - the state - he often uses these services continue to protected objects, such as ministries, institutions, warehouses and embassies. Warriors without a job

11 Private military security agencies and employees SBSiek there are basically around the world. The study even claims that the trend is now moving to this form of protection, and the transfer of security tasks of the state into private hands. This relates partly to the contraction of the state and its components that are responsible for public safety. "In the past, the basic functions of the state - such as prison supervision, control immigration, airport security - are increasingly being outsourced to spare the state's financial and human resources of state agencies," says research. The resort will be to buy new police cars But this is not the only reason for the recruitment of SBS-s. It contributed significantly to the demobilization, which ran from 80th years, especially in the countries participating in the Cold War. In this way, remained practically without a job and uses about 5 to 6,000,000 trained soldiers. Along with reservist was released only 30 million people with similar qualifications. The rise of private security services are also worth infant security risks associated with terrorism, which is also aware of industry and business. Increases the demand for security services. In addition to the growth of the sector also contribute more affordable and accessible protection technology. Slovakia V4 on tail Slovakia while compared with the Visegrad countries is less than one SBS-diamonds as police officers. In the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary the number of private security workers surpassed the number of defenders of the law. The greatest disparity while showing our southern neighbor, where 40-thousand police officers account for more than 105-thousand workers of these services. A little closer to the steady state is Poland, where the digits at to 165-thousand. In the Czech Republic, both groups are about as numerous as in the private security sector operates 51.5 thousand workers, while the police board consists of 46-thousand people. Private security services utilize the most powerful army in the world - the United States. She allegedly entrusted the private sector and some combat tasks. To find and kill al- Qaeda, the CIA, according to some reports had hired Blackwater súkormnú agency. This procedure, however, caused many public issues and controversies. Súkromníci However, in the U.S. receive in addition to other combat tasks, such as administrative assignments, thus relieving the military personnel. Their use is also illustrated by comparing statistics from World War II, when the ratio of public and private workers in the American Army was 1 to 7th In Afghanistan and Iraq have compared the numerous private sector dominates.

12 CNN (Mexico) 11July 2011 La seguridad privada en América Latina es la más armada del mundo: informe Claudia Palacios, de CNN, entrevista a Jorge Restrepo, director de CERAC, sobre la seguridad en América Latina (11 de julio) (Video clip interview with Jorge Restrepo on security in Latin America and findings of Small Arms Survey 2011) (CNNMéxico) Los agentes de seguridad privada en América Latina son los más armados del mundo. Cada empleado porta en promedio 10 armas más que la guardia privada de otras naciones, como sería el caso de los países de Europa Occidental. Además, el número de empleados de seguridad privada duplica el número de policías activos en la región. Estos datos se desprenden del Informe de Armas Ligeras 2011, publicado la semana pasada en Suiza por el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales y de Desarrollo, que dirige Robert Muggah, y fue elaborado tras analizar 70 países. De acuerdo con los resultados del informe, Centroamérica tiene una tasa de homicidios seis veces superior a otras regiones del mundo. Guatemala tiene 120,000 agentes privados lo que equivale a seis por cada policía; en Honduras, 4.88; Nicaragua 2.14, Costa Rica 1.61 y El Salvador Sin embargo, Jorge Restrepo, del Centro de Recursos para el Análisis de Conflictos y colaborador del Instituto que realizó el informe, considera que la seguridad privada en la región es deficiente. "La seguridad privada es ineficiente. Es ineficiente porque protege solamente a algunas personas, a diferencia de la policía o los servicios públicos de seguridad, que en realidad se constituyen en un bien público", dijo. "La seguridad privada solamente protege mal a quién la paga". Restrepo aclara que no se trata de limitar la actividad de la seguridad privada sino de lograr que los gobiernos doten de mejor manera a la fuerza pública.

13 "De eso se trata. Es contruir Estado. América Latina es una región donde el Estado es muy débil y nada mejor que esas cifras para demostrarlo", indicó. "Todos los países de América Latina tienen un déficit de efectivos policiales increíble", dijo, y lógicamente las personas buscan la forma de protegerse. "No se trata de prohibir la seguridad privada ni mucho menos. Se trata de construir fuerzas policiales dirigidas a la protección y a la investigación para poder luchar contra el crimen organizado". Restrepo considera que en la región hay países que muestran que es posible un tránsito rápido hacia la confianza en la efectividad de la fuerza pública. Esos ejemplos son Chile y Colombia, dijo. Las corporaciones policiacas de ambos países pasaron de una situación de autoritarismo y corrupción, respectivamente, a una de altísima confianza, aseguró, en la que los ciudadanos las impulsan. El informe también da cuenta de la situación en otros países, como Argentina, donde operan 120,000 agentes privados que equivalen a 1.5 por policía público; en Colombia la tasa es de 1.6; en Chile de 1.28, en en República Dominicana la proporción es casi de uno a uno. Además, hay cuatro países que son considerados distintos o que se alejan de la tendencia: en México hay 450,000 agentes privados por 495,000 policías; en Brasil, 570,000 por poco menos de 690,000; así como Perú, 50,000 por 90,000, y Bolivia, donde hay 500 agentes privados por más de 19,000 policías, además del subregistro. "Eso es un reflejo de los niveles de inseguridad que hay en cada país y de las historias del Estado", dijo Restrepo. "México y Brasil en particular son países con policías más robustas. Son países que tuvieron una historias de construcción del Estado mucho más fuerte que el resto de América Latina". Claudia Palacios, periodista de CNN en Español, colaboró con este reporte. Translation: Private security in Latin America is the world's most armed: report (CNNMéxico) - The private security in Latin America are the world's armed. Each employee carries an average of 10 weapons that the private guards of other nations, as in the case of the countries of Western Europe. Moreover, the number of employees of private security officers doubles the number of assets in the region. Data obtained from the Small Arms Report 2011, published last week in Switzerland by

14 the Institute of International and Development Studies, directed by Robert Muggah, and was developed after analyzing 70 countries. According to the findings of the report, Central America has a homicide rate six times higher than other regions. Guatemala has 120,000 private agents equivalent to six per police in Honduras, 4.88; Nicaragua 2.14, 1.61 and Costa Rica El Salvador But Jorge Restrepo, the Resource Center for Conflict Analysis and collaborator of the Institute that produced the report, believes that private security in the region is poor. "Private security is inefficient. It is inefficient because it only protects some people, unlike the police or public safety services, which in fact constitute a public good," he said. "Private security only protects the poor who pay." Restrepo explained that this is not limiting the activity of private security but to get governments to better equip the police. "That's it. You build state. Latin America is a region where the state is very weak and nothing like these figures to prove it," he said. "All countries in Latin America have a shortage of police incredible," he said, people naturally look for ways to protect yourself. "This is not to ban private security far. It is designed to build police protection and research to combat organized crime." Restrepo believes that there are countries in the region show that it is possible rapid transit to the confidence in the effectiveness of the security forces. These examples are Chile and Colombia, he said. The police forces of both countries moved from a situation of authoritarianism and corruption, respectively, at a very high confidence, he said, the citizens behind them. The report also reports on the situation in other countries, like Argentina, where private actors operate , equivalent to 1.5 public police, in Colombia the rate is 1.6, in Chile of 1.28 in the Dominican Republic the proportion is almost one by one. In addition, four countries that are considered different or that deviate from the trend: Mexico has deprived police officers, in Brazil, for just under , as well as Peru, for and Bolivia, where 500 private agents for more than 19,000 policemen, as well as underreporting. "That is a reflection of levels of insecurity in each country and the stories of the state," said Restrepo. "Mexico and Brazil in particular are countries with more robust police. These countries had a history of state building much stronger than the rest of Latin America." Claudia Palacios, a journalist with CNN in Spanish, contributed to this report.

15 Tribune de Genève (Switzerland-Blog) 10 July 2011 Une Suisse transparente, mais si peu vertueuse... En tout cas, en matière d'exportations d'armes légères et de petit calibre. Le tout récent rapport «Small Arms Survey 2011», du programme de recherche indépendant basé à Genève, se révèle une mine (sic) d'informations sur le sujet. On y découvre une Suisse à la fois au top du Baromètre de la transparence d'informations et au 5 ème rang des principaux pays exportateurs, après les USA, l'italie, l'allemagne et le Brésil. Le ticket d'entrée pour appartenir à ce cercle? des exportations annuelles totalisant au moins 100 millions USD!. Pas de quoi pavoiser, donc, d'autant que la compensation entre les deux performances n'est pas possible... D'autres informations du Rapport devraient aussi interroger les politiques quand on lit que plus de 20 millions de personnes travaillent dans le monde pour une compagnie de sécurité, soit près du double des effectifs de police... Et la Suisse? en 2009, pour personnel de police, elle employait quelques personnel de compagnies privées, soit un ratio de 0,82%. Sans être dans le viseur (re-sic), elle devrait quand même se poser quelques questions sur la signification de ces chiffres. Sur les coûts financier, humain et social de cette privatisation de la force publique et la nécessité d'une règlementation rapide des entreprises de sécurité privées établies sur le territoire suisse. ( Voir aussi :

16 Thai News Service (Thailand) b=21_t &format=gnbfull&sort=boolean&startdocno=1&resultsur lkey=29_t &cisb=22_t &treemax=true&treewidth=0&csi= &docNo=5 8 July 2011 UNITED STATES STUDY FINDS SMALL ARMS HAVE SERIOUS IMPACT ON FRAGILE STATES A new study finds the global authorized trade in small arms, light weapons, and their ammunition is worth nearly $7.1 billion a year. In its annual report, the independent think tank, the Geneva Forum, also examines the serious impact small arms proliferation is having upon three so-called fragile states-madagascar, Ivory Coast and Haiti. Arms exporters The survey finds in 2008, the United States, Italy and Germany topped the list of 14 top exporters of small arms and light weapons. These countries had annual exports of at least $100 million. In the same year, the top importers of small arms and light weapons included the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, France and Pakistan. The survey also finds the private security industry has expanded throughout the world and private guards now vastly outnumber police officers. However, it notes private security forces remain outgunned. Data for 70 countries reveals private security firms hold four million firearms compared to some 26 million held by law enforcement and 200 million held by armed forces. Impact The report highlights the impact small arms and light-weapons have on three fragile societies. It focuses on the situation in Madagascar since the 2009 coup, which toppled the elected President. Research Director of the Small Arms Survey, Robert Muggah, tells VOA, a large number of illegitimate weapons are circulating in the country. In fact, he notes authorities have registered fewer than 3,000 weapons. To add to the problems, he says the armed forces and the police have become part of Madagascar's security liabilities. There are concerns that Madagascar is becoming a hub, potentially a hub of narcotrafficking-much like what we are seeing in West Africa owing to these fragilities that we are seeing in the State security sector," said Muggah. "One of the major concerns that we are seeing is essentially rapid and illegal extraction of resources from Madagascar

17 ranging from Rosewood through to minerals, as well as what appears to be a lively trade in Zebu cattle markets with sort of industrial scale rustling going on, which is a major source of livelihood in the country. Evolution The survey also traces the evolution of small arms in Ivory Coast between 2002 and During this period the country was divided into two autonomous zonesthe North, which was run by rebel forces loyal to the now President Allasane Outtara and the South, which was run by the former president, Laurent Gbagbo. An arms embargo was imposed in 2003 and Despite this, the study says countries including Russia and Bulgaria continued to transfer arms adding to the instability of the country. Security The last case study looks at the security situation in Haiti both before and after last year's devastating earthquake. Muggah notes some of the results are surprising. He says there was a general lack of confidence in the police's ability to ensure security. So, after the earthquake, the United States and European Union made a major push to enhance security in the country. He says these states were afraid gang violence was going to take over the capital, Port-au- Prince as well as outlying areas. Actually, the confidence in the police, the national police has improved since 2007," he noted. "We see that the majority of the population surveyed between 2007 and 2010 would go to the police first in the event of a security incident. And, this counters much of the conventional wisdom and, I think, some of the rhetoric that was associated with the post-earthquake intervention. Muggah says the survey shows homicide rates throughout Haiti also have gone down since Significantly, he says it has declined in the notoriously violent slum areas - another finding that goes against conventional wisdom. - VOA

18 Digital Journal (Canada) 8 July 2011 Terror threats lead to rapid growth in private security industry By Lynn Herrmann. Geneva - Threats of terror has been the primary factor leading to a mushrooming private security industry which deploys some 20 million documented personnel worldwide, almost twice that of police officers, a new report questioning their effectiveness shows. Small Arms Survey 2011: States of Security (pdf) notes in some countries the expanded figure represents a doubling or tripling of private security workers during the last years. Among the leading factors helping fuel this expansion is government outsourcing of many security operations. In a statement, Small Arms Survey Program Director Keith Krause said: In prisons, at airports, along borders, and on the street, security provision is increasingly in the hands of private actors. The key question to which we don t know the answer is whether these evolving arrangements are enhancing or impairing security. Inter Press Service reports PMSCs who currently operate in war zones around the world include ArmorGroup International, Dnycorp, EOD Technology Inc, KBR, Kulak Construction Co., Prime Projects International, Global Risk Solutions, and the Shaw Group, among others. Several of these companies are accused of playing an advisory role to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on body-guarding and torture techniques, and also of training police forces in at least one Latin American country on the use of torture techniques. Outside of African and Asian war zones, the Latin American region has the highest ration of arms per employee, around 10 times higher than Western Europe s ratio. The study, the 11th annual global survey on small arms issues, notes regulations and accountability have not kept up with the rapid growth in these private military and security companies (PMSCs) and as a result, a United Nations Working Group has been attempting to control widespread human rights abuses. Despite the rapid rate of growth in the sector, the report s data on 70 countries shows private security personnel are in possession of far fewer firearms than law enforcement, holding less than 4 million, compared to around 26 million firearms held by law enforcement and 200 million held by armed forces. Other findings in the survey show annual light weapons trade having an estimated value of $1.1 billion USD and based on previous findings along with this year s survey, annual combined global authorized trade in small arms, light weapons and their associated ammunition is worth almost $7.1 billion USD. In descending order, the world s top importers of small arms and light weapons were the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia, France, and Pakistan.

19 An alarming find in the study revealed multinational corporations oversight capabilities are too weak in preventing hiring of private security personnel with known uses of excessive force in the past. The survey was published by Cambridge University Press and is an independent research project funded by several governments, according to a news release. Read more:

20 Deia (Spain) 8 July 2011 Alerta por bombas implantadas en personas EE.UU. advierte de que terroristas de Al Qaeda planean introducir explosivos en su organismo para burlar la seguridad de los aeropuertos Washington llama a las aerolíneas a que extremen la seguridad Washington. EE.UU. ha alertado a las compañías aéreas internacionales sobre posibles planes terroristas que incluirían el implante de explosivos dentro del cuerpo humano para atacar aviones comerciales, indicaron ayer funcionarios estadounidenses. "Estamos tomando está información en serio, y como una medida de precaución, estamos compartiéndola con nuestros colegas en el extranjero, y, por supuesto, las aerolíneas estadounidenses con vuelos internacionales", dijo Jon Pistole, director de la Oficina de Seguridad de Transporte (TSA). "Lo vemos como la última evolución de lo que los grupos terroristas están tratando de hacer para eludir nuestras medidas de seguridad", agregó Pistole. No obstante, el jefe de la TSA desmintió que hubiese algún plan concreto o amenaza específica, pero reconoció que los pasajeros que tomen vuelos internacionales pueden notar procedimientos adicionales de seguridad, además de las habituales inspecciones físicas o los rastreos digitales. "Estas medidas están diseñadas para que sean imprevisibles, de manera que los pasajeros no esperen ver la misma actividad en todos los aeropuertos internacionales", afirmó Nick Kimball, portavoz de la TSA. El portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Jay Carney, no ofreció más precisiones ante la posibilidad de la amenaza de implantes explosivos. "Que los terroristas están interesados en encontrar modos de atacarnos es bastante evidente. Nuestros protocolos de seguridad son múltiples y los ajustamos a las amenazas todo el tiempo", se limitó a decir Carney ayer en su rueda de prensa diaria. Hasan al-hasiri, el cerebro Sin embargo, un funcionario estadounidense citado por la CNN afirmó que Ibrahim Hasan al-asiri, el "principal experto en explosivos" de Al Qaeda en la Península Arábiga, podría estar tras estas supuestas amenazas. Las autoridades de EE.UU. creen que al-asiri es el responsable de la bomba que llevaba en su ropa interior un pasajero en Navidad de 2009 en el aeropuerto de Detroit y el fallido intento de octubre pasado de colocar explosivos en un avión de carga. Las servicios de inteligencia de EE.UU. apuntan a que los posibles planes se estarían gestando en Yemen, país que está viviendo una revolución popular que ha descabezado al gobierno y ha permitido que Al Qaeda actúe con mayor libertad en el país. obsesión por la seguridad Tras esta ola de creciente preocupación, la seguridad privada sigue siendo una de las industrias más florecientes del mundo pese a la crisis económica

21 global, empleando en la actualidad a al menos 20 millones de personas, casi el doble de agentes de policía en activo. Lo pone de manifiesto el Informe de Armas Ligeras 2011 que publicó ayer en Ginebra el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales y de Desarrollo, que refleja la fuerte expansión que el sector ha experimentado en las últimas dos décadas en todo el planeta. El director de la investigación, Robert Muggah, explicó que "el principal factor de este 'boom' parece ser la externalización por parte de los Gobiernos de muchas funciones relacionadas con la seguridad". El estudio, elaborado a partir de los datos de 70 países, indica que la seguridad privada dispone en su conjunto de 4 millones de armas de fuego, una cifra muy inferior a los 26 millones de las fuerzas de seguridad y a los 200 millones de los ejércitos. Los autores del informe plantean la pregunta, para la que no tienen respuesta, de si esta tendencia supone una mejora de los niveles de seguridad o, por contra, empeora las condiciones. "Es incuestionable que se está produciendo una privatización generalizada de la seguridad", explicó Muggah, quien advirtió también de que la expansión de la industria no ha conllevado una mejora de los mecanismos de seguimiento y transparencia. "Pese a las evidencias de que algunas compañías de seguridad privada han comprado armas ilegalmente, de que han perdido armas por robos o de que han malversado sus arsenales, no existe un sistema sistemático de información sobre estos comportamientos", dijo. Translation: Alert for bombs implanted in people U.S. warns that al Qaeda terrorists plan to smuggle explosives into his body to evade airport security Washington calls the airlines to end security Washington. U.S. has alerted the international airlines about possible terrorist plans that include implantation of explosives inside the body to attack commercial airliners, U.S. officials said yesterday. "We are taking this information seriously, and as a precaution, we share with our colleagues abroad, and, of course, U.S. carriers with international flights," said Jon Pistole, director of the Office of Transport Security ( TSA). "We see it as the ultimate evolution of what terrorist groups are trying to do to circumvent our security measures," Pistole said. However, the head of the TSA denied that there was any concrete plan or specific threat, but acknowledged that passengers who take international flights may notice additional security procedures, in addition to regular physical inspections or digital scans. "These measures are designed to be unpredictable, so that passengers do not expect to see the same activity in all international airports," said Nick Kimball, spokesman for the TSA. The White House spokesman, Jay Carney, gave no further details about the possibility of the threat of explosives implants. "That the terrorists are interested in finding ways to attack is quite evident. Our security protocols are manifold and adjust to threats all the

22 time," Carney said only yesterday at his daily briefing. Hasan al-hasiri, brain, however, a U.S. official quoted by CNN said Ibrahim Hasan al- Asiri, the "foremost expert on explosives," Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, could be behind these supposed threats. The U.S. authorities believe that al-asiri is responsible for the bomb he was carrying in his underwear a passenger on Christmas 2009 at the Detroit airport and the failed attempt last October to place explosives in a cargo plane. The U.S. intelligence services suggests that any plans would be brewing in Yemen, a country that is experiencing a popular revolution that has headed the government and allowed Al Qaeda to act more freely in the country. Obsession with security after the wave of growing concern, private security remains one of the most flourishing industries in the world despite the global economic crisis, currently employing at least 20 million people, almost double the police active. This is evidenced by the 2011 Report on Small Arms published yesterday in Geneva Institute of International and Development Studies, reflecting the strong growth that the sector has experienced over the past two decades throughout the world. The research director, Robert Muggah, explained that "the main factor in this boom seems to be the outsourcing by governments of many functions related to security." The study, compiled from data from 70 countries indicates that private security as a whole has 4 million firearms, a figure well below the 26 million of the security forces and 200 million hosts. The report's authors raise the question, for which no answer, if this trend is an improvement of the security levels or, in contrast, worsens the condition. "It is unquestionable that is occurring widespread privatization of security," said Muggah, who also warned that the expansion of the industry has led to an improvement of mechanisms for monitoring and transparency. "Despite evidence that some private security companies have been buying illegal weapons, weapons that have been lost by theft or who have misused their arsenals, there is no system of information on these behaviors," he said.

23 Defend Haiti (Blog - Haiti) 8 July 2011 Haitians Overwhelmingly Confident in Local Police for Security by Samuel Maxime GENEVA, Switzerland - An independent study undertaken by researchers in Switzerland found that Haitians are overwhelmingly gaining faith in local police for their security than any other entity. The study also found that Haitians believe crime to be less of a problem since the earthquake, contrary to popular belief. The independent research group, small arms survey (SAS) from the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (GI) in its annual report published on Wednesday examined security and violent crime in Haiti. A summary of the SAS 2011 Yearbook, Chapter 8: "Securing the State" furnished to DH, considered the context of security promotion efforts in the years preceding the 2010 earthquake through a series of household surveys administered before and after the earthquake. Security and Crime in Haiti The study found that inefficiency and corruption has allowed the Police Nationale d'haiti (PNH) to be vulnerable to Haiti's political climate. In years where an unelected government was in power, such as the interim governments of and , public trust in the police had declined dramatically. The researchers cited the use of police forces as tools by affluent Haitians in politics or business to be the cause of the mistrust. In the years of an elected government, faith in the PNH had trended positively, increasing as time went on. The SAS survey found that in % of Haitians said they would turn to their local police officers if they felt threatened, an incredible increase from the year prior when that number had failed to reach 40%. See Table The researchers point to a heightened confidence in public institutions and a decrease in the credibility of the United Nations as the cause. An interesting statistic is that 62.9% of households questioned on whether crime was a serious problem before the earthquake (2009) responded in the affirmative. After the

24 earthquake the number dropped significantly with only 42.9% of respondents finding crime to be a serious problem. Ownership of Firearms The survey found that at least half of all of the respondents believe that there were too many guns in Haiti. The respondents answered a follow up question as to which groups do they feel have too many guns, to which they responded: 'criminal groups', 'business people' and 'ex-soldiers' respectively. 'Armed political groups', 'politicians' and 'households' were the least identified, respectively. But still, more than 75% believe that more control over firearm licenses would make communities safer. Conclusion The conclusion of the SAS summary found that increasing security should be related to increasing the capacity and responsiveness of the PNH. For the most part the researchers found that Haitians believe there is currently an 'intolerably' unequal provisioning of local police throughout the country.

25 Cop2Cop (Germany) 8 July 2011 Private Militär- und Sicherheitsfirmen weltweit regulieren Zur Veröffentlichung der Small Arms Survey 2011 erklären Katja Keul, Parlamentarische Geschäftsführerin und Mitglied des Verteidigungsausschusses, und Agnieszka Malczak, Sprecherin für Abrüstungspolitik (Die Grünen): Für private Militärund Sicherheitsfirmen muss endlich ein weltweit gültiges und effektives Abkommen geschaffen werden. Bestehende Vertragswerke reichen bei weitem nicht aus, um den weltweiten Einsatz solcher Firmen zu begegnen. Sie stellen eine potenzielle Gefahr für das Gewaltmonopol des Staates dar und operieren in rechtlichen Grauzonen. Neben klaren Verhaltensstandards müssen vor allem der Bewaffnung dieser Firmen Grenzen gesetzt werden. Sturmgewehre, Maschinengewehre, Raketenwerfer und andere Offensivwaffen haben in den Händen von Privatfirmen nichts zu suchen. Die Bundesregierung ist gefordert, sich gerade jetzt als Mitglied des Sicherheitsrates für eine Konvention einzusetzen. Das Small Arms Survey 2011 macht deutlich: Der private Sicherheitssektor wächst und die staatliche Regulierung kommt nicht hinterher. Weder für die Aufsicht, noch für die Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Ausbildung oder den Einsatz von Waffen bestehen einheitliche Standards. Die etwa 23 Millionen Mitarbeiter dieser Branche verfügen über rund drei Millionen Waffen. Sie sind nicht nur zur Selbstverteidigung ausgerüstet. Sturm-, Maschinen- und Scharfschützengewehre sowie Granatwerfer ermöglichen offensive Einsätze in scharfen Konflikten Translation: Private military and security companies worldwide regulate The publication of the Small Arms Survey 2011 Katja Keul, parliamentary secretary and member of the Defence Committee, and Agnieszka Malczak, spokeswoman declared disarmament policy (Green Party): For private military and security companies must finally a worldwide agreement to create a valid and effective. Existing treaties are far from not enough to counter the global use of such firms. They represent a potential threat to the monopoly of the state and operate in legal gray areas. In addition to clear standards of behavior must be above all the armament of these companies set limits. Assault rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers and other offensive weapons have no place in the hands of private companies nothing. The federal government is required to use right now as a member of the Security Council for a convention. The Small Arms Survey 2011 makes clear: the private security sector is growing and the state regulation does not chase. Neither the supervisor nor the capabilities, training or the

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Diseño de un directorio Web de diseñadores gráficos, ilustradores y fotógrafos. Universidad Nueva Esparta Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas Escuela de Administración de Diseño de un directorio Web de diseñadores gráficos, ilustradores y fotógrafos. Tutor: Lic. Beaujon, María Beatriz

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Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face.

Some examples. I wash my clothes, I wash the dishes, I wash the car, I wash the windows. I wash my hands, I wash my hair, I wash my face. Reflexive verbs In this presentation, we are going to look at a special group of verbs called reflexives. Let s start out by thinking of the English verb wash. List several things that you can wash. Some

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Show your professionalism. de la Construc

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EN United in diversity EN A8-0204/83. Amendment

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iclef-2002 at Universities of Alicante and Jaen University of Alicante (Spain)

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Level 1 Spanish, 2011

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1. TRANSFORMACIÓN A PASIVA La voz pasiva inglesa tiene una formación paralela a la formación en castellano, esto es, el verbo auxiliar que se emplea es el TO BE, al que se le añade el participio (past participle) del verbo que se

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Juan José Barrera Cerezal Managing Director on Social Economy, Self- Employment and CSR

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