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July 2016 Steps to a healthier you... choose low-sodium foods he t to enter t u o b a e r a You zone Prevention Programs Chronic Disease, Nutrition & Obesity Healthy Communities- Health Educa on Contents Health Note...1-2 Pasos para una mejor salud... Elija alimentos bajos en sodio Health Screens... 3 Get Fit... 5 Nutrition Education 6-8 Garden & Food... 10 Partnership for a Healthy VC... 11 Partner & Community Resources... 12 Directory... 13 2220 E. Gonzales Road, CA 93030 Tel. (805) 981-6657 For more information visit us on line:

Health Note Most people eat much more sodium (salt) than they need. This can lead to health problems like high blood pressure. In the month of July as your summer celebrations begin, The Centers for Disease Control reminds us to eat low-sodium foods, especially if you have diabetes or high blood pressure. To lower the amount of sodium in your diet, follow these shopping tips: Choose fresh instead of processed foods when you can Use the Nutrition Facts label to check the sodium content Look for foods with 5% Daily Value (DV) or less - sodium content of 20% DV or more is high Look for foods labeled low sodium, reduced sodium, or no salt added Take the list below with you the next time you go food shopping. Vegetables and Fruits Get plenty of vegetables and fruits. Any fresh fruits, like apples, oranges, or bananas Any fresh vegetables, like spinach, carrots, or broccoli Frozen vegetables without added sauce Canned vegetables that are low in sodium or have no salt added Low sodium vegetable juice Frozen or dried fruit (unsweetened) Canned fruit (packed in water or 100% juice, not syrup) Breads, Cereals, and Grains When you cook rice or pasta, don t add salt. Rice or pasta Unsweetened oatmeal Unsalted popcorn Tip: If your food comes with a seasoning packet, use only part of the packet. This will lower the amount of sodium in the food. Meats, Nuts, and Beans Choose fresh meats when possible. Some fresh meat has added sodium, so always check the label. Fish or shellfi sh Chicken or turkey breast without skin Lean cuts of beef or pork Unsalted nuts and seeds Dried peas and beans Canned beans labeled no salt added or low sodium Eggs Dairy Products Choose fat free or low -fat milk and yogurt. Be sure to check the label on cheese, which can be high in sodium. Milk and yogurt are also good sources of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure. Fat free or low -fat (1%) milk Fat free or low -fat yogurt Low or reduced sodium cheese (like natural Swiss cheese) Soymilk with added calcium Dressings, Oils, and Condiments When you cook, use ingredients that are low in sodium or have no sodium at all. Unsalted margarine and spreads (soft, tub, or liquid) with no trans fats Vegetable oils (canola, olive, peanut, or sesame) Sodium free, light mayonnaise and salad dressing Low sodium or no salt added ketchup Vinegar Seasonings Try these seasonings instead of salt to fl avor your food. Herbs, spices, or salt free seasoning blends Chopped vegetables, like garlic, onions, and peppers Lemons and limes Ginger We hope you fi ll your shopping cart with wholesome low-sodium food to stay healthy and energized all summer long. (http://healthfi 1

julio 2016 Nota para Su Salud La mayoría de las personas consumen mucho más sodio (sal) del que necesitan. Esto puede llevar a problemas de salud, como la presión arterial alta. En el mes de julio, cuando las celebraciones del verano comienzan, Los Centros de Control de Enfermedades, nos recuerda elegir comidas bajas en sodio, especialmente si usted tiene diabetes o la presión arterial alta. Si quiere reducir la cantidad de sodio en su alimentación, sigua estos consejos cuando vaya al mercado: Cuando pueda, elija alimentos frescos en lugar de procesados Use la etiqueta de información nutricional para ver la cantidad de sodio que contiene cada alimento Busque alimentos con el 5% o menos del valor diario recomendado de sodio (DV, por sus siglas en inglés) - alimentos con 20% de sodio o más contiene mucho sodio. Busque alimentos cuya etiqueta indique que contienen poco sodio (low sodium) o menos sodio (reduced sodium), o que no tienen sal adicional (no salt added). Lleve la siguiente lista a mano la próxima vez que vaya al mercado. Verduras y frutas Compre abundantes frutas y verduras. Cualquier fruta fresca, como manzanas, naranjas o plátanos Cualquier verdura fresca, como espinaca, zanahorias o brócoli Verduras congeladas sin salsas adicionales Verduras enlatadas que contengan poco sodio o no tengan sal adicional Jugo de verduras con poco sodio Frutas congeladas o secas (sin endulzar) Frutas enlatadas (en agua o en jugo al 100% en vez de almíbar) Panes, cereales y granos Compare las etiquetas para encontrar productos que tengan menos sodio. Cuando cocine arroz o pastas, no le agregue sal. Pasta o arroz Avena sin dulce Palomitas de maíz sin sal Consejo: Si el alimento trae un paquete de especias, use solo una parte del paquete para reducir la cantidad de sodio. Carnes, nueces y frijoles Elija carnes frescas cada vez que pueda. Algunas carnes frescas tienen sodio adicional; por eso siempre debe leer la etiqueta. Pescados o mariscos Pechuga de pollo o de pavo sin pellejo Cortes magros de carne de res o de cerdo Nueces y semillas sin sal Chícharos (alverjas) y frijoles secos Frijoles enlatados sin sal adicional o con poco sodio Huevos Leche y productos lácteos Opte por leche y yogur descremados o semidescremados. Lea la etiqueta del queso, ya que este puede contener mucho sodio. La leche y el yogur también son buenas fuentes de potasio, que puede reducir la presión arterial. Leche descremada o semidescremada (al 1%) Yogur descremado o semidescremado Queso con poco sodio o con menos sodio (como el queso suizo natural) Leche de soya enriquecida con calcio Aderezos, aceites y condimentos Cuando prepare los alimentos, use ingredientes que contengan poco o nada de sodio. Margarina, aceites semisólidos (en barra o en crema) o aceites líquidos que no contengan sal ni grasas trans Aceites vegetales (colza [canola], oliva, ajonjolí, cacahuate [maní]) Aderezos para ensaladas y mayonesa con bajo contenido de grasa, sin sodio Salsa de tomate (kétchup) con poco sodio o sin sal adicional Vinagre Sazonadores Para darle sabor a la comida, cocine con estos sazones en lugar de la sal. Hierbas, especias o sazones sin sal Verduras picadas (ajos, cebolla y pimiento) Limas y limones Jengibre Esperamos llene su carrito de alimentos que le ayuden a mantenerse saludable y con energía todos los días del verano. (http://healthfi 2

Early Detec on - Free Health Screens blood glucose, blood pressure and body fat The Chronic Disease Preven on Program Promoción de Detección Temprana exámenes de salud gratuitos Date City Loca on Hours Tue 5 July Tue 12 July Wed 13 July Thu 14 July Wed 20 July Thu 21 July Sat 23 July Mon 25 July Tue 26 July Thu 28 July Thu 28 July Santa Paula Santa Paula West Ventura Santa Paula West Ventura South West Ventura Santa Paula Moorpark Simi Valley Valley Community Church 611 E Main St Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 427 N Oak Street 4-Way Market 724 N Ventura Ave Dollar Tree Store 588 W Main St Westpark Community Center 450 W Harrison Ave Mexican Consulate 3151 W 5th St Fruit and Veggie Fest Las Playas Market-541 W Hueneme St Sam s Central Market 505 N Ventura Ave Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 427 N Oak Street First 5 NfL - Moorpark 612 Spring St First 5 NfL- Simi Valley 2300 Heywood St 8:00-10:30 A.M. 10:00-2:00 P.M. 10:00-12:00 P.M. 1:30-3:30 P.M. 3:00-5:00 P.M. 9:00-12:00 P.M. 10:00-1:00 P.M. 10:00-12:00 P.M. 10:00-2:00 P.M. 8:00-11:00 A.M. 1:00-3:00 P.M. Para darle sabor a la comida, cocine con estos sazones en lugar de la sal. Hierbas, especias o sazones sin sal Verduras picadas (ajos, cebolla y pimiento) Limas y limones Jengibre 3

Diabetes Self-Management & Healthy Living Classes asesoría y manejo personal para personas con diabetes y promoción de clases para vivir mejor The Chronic Disease Preven on Program Si quiere reducir la cantidad de sodio en su alimentación, elija alimentos frescos en lugar de procesados. Diabetes Self-Management asesoría y manejo personal para personas con diabetes Tipo 2 Date City Loca on Hours Contact Informa on Mon 11 July Mon 18 July Santa Paula Santa Paula Public Health 620 W Harvard Blvd South Public Health 2500 C St Ste B-1 9:00-4:30 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 981-6634 9:00-4:30 P.M. Deanne Morales (805) 981-6634 *By appointment only, please call (805) 981-6634. To lower the amount of sodium in your diet, choose fresh instead of processed foods when you can. Healthy Living Classes 6 week series - English Date City Loca on Hours Contact Informa on Fri 15 July - Fri 19 Aug Santa Paula Santa Paulan Apartments 115 N 4th St *By appointment only, please call (805) 981-6634. 9:00-11:00 A.M. Sara Rivera (805) 981-6657 4

Get Fit! and walking clubs promoción de actividad física y clubs de caminata The Chronic Disease Preven on Program GET FIT! Classes clases de ejercicio para ponerse en forma Date Class Type City Loca on Hours Contact Informa on Mon & Wed Starts July 5 Instructor: Maria Laura Tue & Thu Instructor: Maria Laura Zumba Zumba Kids Ages 7-11 yrs West Ventura West Ventura Tue & Thu Zumba Instructor: Esther Cárcamo Westpark Community Center 450 W Harrison Westpark Community Center 450 W Harrison Bard Mul purpose Room 200 E Bard Rd 9:00-10:00 A.M. 9:00-10:00 A.M. 6:00-6:45 P.M. To learn more about how to par cipate or host an ac vity for your community, please call (805) 981-6657. Sara Rivera (805) 981-6657 Sara Rivera (805) 981-6657 Sara Rivera (805) 981-6657 Walking Clubs clubs de caminata Date City Loca on Hours Contact Informa on Fridays Del Sol Park 1600 Camino del Sol Park 8:00-9:00 A.M. Deanne Morales (805) 981-6634 5

Healthy Recipe This vegetable side dish tastes lively and is fast to fi x. Makes 5 servings. 1 cup per serving Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes Nutrition information per serving: Calories 32, Carbohydrate 5 g, Dietary Fiber 2 g, Protein 2 g, Total Fat 1 g, Saturated Fat 1 g, Trans Fat 0 g, Cholesterol 1 mg, Sodium 31 mg Ingredients 1 1/4 pounds zucchini (about 3 medium zucchini) 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil 1 tablespoon dried oregano 2 cloves garlic, fi nely chopped teaspoon grated lemon peel 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Preparation 1. Cut zucchini in half crosswise, then cut each half into 4 lengthwise sticks. 2. Heat oil in a heavy nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. 3. Add oregano and garlic, and sauté for about 2 minutes. 4. Add zucchini and lemon peel, and sauté for about 3 minutes until zucchini is lightly browned. 5. Mix in Parmesan cheese and pepper. Serve warm. 6

julio 2016 Healthy Recipe Este plato de vegetales es delicioso y muy rápido de preparar. Rinde 5 porciones. 1 taza por porción. Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutes Tiempo de cocimiento: cimi 5 minutes Información nutricional por porción: Calorías 32, Carbohidratos 5 g, Fibra Dietética 2 g, Proteínas 2 g, Grasa Total 1 g, Grasa Saturada Fat 0 g, Trans Fat 0 g, Colesterol 1 mg, Sodio 31 mg Ingredients 1 1/4 libras de calabacitas (como 3 calabacitas medianas) 1/2 cucharadita de aceite de oliva 1 cucharada de orégano seco 2 dientes de ajo, fi namente picados 1 cucharadita de ralladura de cáscara de limón 1 cucharadita de de queso parmesano rallado 1/4 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida Preparación 1. Corte las calabacitas por la mitad a lo ancho, y luego corte cada mitad en 4 secciones a lo largo. 2. Caliente el aceite en un sartéen de tefl ón de base gruesa a fuego medioalto. 3. Agregue orégano y ajo, y sofria por 2 minutos. 4. Agregue las calabacitas y la ralladura de limón, y sofria por 3 minutos hasta que las calabacitas estén ligeramente doradas. 5. Incorpore el queso parmesado y la pimienta. Sírvalo caliente. 7

Rethink Your Drink Infused Water Recipe Piense en lo que toma - receta de agua sabor a frutas y verduras Watermelon Basil Infused Water Makes 6 servings. 1 cup per serving. Ingredients 2 cups of seedless watermelon, cubed 10 fresh basil leaves Ice Prep Time: 5 minutes Preparation. 1. Fill pitcher halfway with ice. 2. Add cubed watermelon and basil. 3. Fill with water. Chill for at least 30 minutes before serving. 4. Store in refrigerator and drink within 24 hours. Agua de Sandía y Albahaca Rinde 6 porciones. 1 taza por porción. Ingredients 2 tazas de sandía sin semilla en cuadritos 10 hojas de albahaca fresca Hielo Tiempo de preparación: 5 minutos Preparación. 1. Llene media jarra con hielo. 2. Agregue la sandía y albahaca. 3. Llene con agua. Deje enfriar por lo menos 30 minutos antes de servir. 4. Guarde en el refrigerador y tome dentro de 24 horas. 7

One- me Nutri on Classes & Events July 2016 clases de nutrición individuales y eventos During a community event, children get their physical activity by trying the obstacle course! Hours Contact informa on 10:30-11:30 A.M. Isabel Gómez (805) 981-6637 Community Ac on of Ventura County 621 Richmond Ave 1:30-2:30 P.M. George Arce (805) 981-6649 Casa Merced & Casa San Juan 838 W 5th St 1:30-2:30 P.M. Isabel Gomez (805) 981-6637 Nutri on Workshop Family Circle Adult Day Health Care Center 2100 Outlet Center Dr 11:00-12:00 P.M. Yaderi Salazar (805) 981-6628 Sat 23 July Fruit and Veggie Fest Las Playas Market 541 W Hueneme St 10:00-1:00 P.M. Alejandro Elias (805) 981-6622 Fri 15 July Harvest of the Month Food Demonstra on Casa Merced & Casa San Juan 838 W 5th St 1:30-2:30 P.M. Isabel Gomez (805) 981-6637 Date Ac vity City Loca on Thu 7 July Nutri on Workshop St. John s Health Ministries Food Pantry Cristo Rey - 535 Cooper Rd Thu 7 July Nutri on Workshop Fri 15 July Harvest of the Month Food Demonstra on Thu 21 July * Not open to the public. Children also tasted the yummy healthy strawberry lemon infused water to get refreshed. 9

Community Garden & Fresh Produce jardín comunitario y frutas y verduras Garden Hours of Opera on The garden is located in where Camino del Sol Road, Entrada Drive and Garfield Avenue meet in La Colonia. Garden hours are Monday through Saturday from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Open Ac vity Hours Contact Informa on Sat 16 July Garden Work Day 8:30-11:30 A.M. *Event not open to the public. Blanca Arias (805) 981-6627 Fresh vegetables from the garden are a good treat option anytime! Community Markets free seasonal fruits and vegetables Date Frequency City Loca on Hours Wed 20 July monthly West Ventura Westpark Community Center 450 W Harrison Ave This event is a collabora ve effort with partner community organiza ons. 4:00-5:30 P.M. Contact Informa on Anita Diaz (805) 648-1895 10

Partnership for a Healthy Ventura County 2016 Meeting Schedule The healthy ventura county partnership is a coali on M e e t i n g s Partnership meets on the 1st Thursday of the month that includes ventura county public health, First 5 Ventura County and a wide range of community organiza ons and individuals, including businesses, Date July Aug 4 Sep 1 Type Dark General General schools, non-profits, local government and networks seeking to improve the health of Ventura County residents, policies and community endeavors. We share * Location: 2240 E Gonzales Rd Suite 200 Ca 93036 the vision that Ventura County will be the na onal model for healthy ea ng, ac ve living and community wellbeing. We promote community and personal changes that lead to healthy ea ng and regular exercise to reduce obesity and related chronic diseases. The Partnership Mee ngs take place on the first Thursday of the month. For more informa on, please contact Alejandro Elias at (805) 981-6622 or Featured Harvest of The Month Vegetable: Broccoli Visit us for some heart-healthy meals! h p:// h p:// 11

Partner & Community Efforts health and wellness opportunities Try these seasonings instead of salt to flavor your food. Chopped vegetables, like garlic, onions, and peppers and... Date Services/Events City Loca on Hours Tue 12 July thru Tue 16 Aug Tue 5 July 1st Tues of the month Wed 6 July 1st Wed of the month Wed 6 July 1st Wed of the month Wed 27 July 4th Wed of the month Tue & Thu Mon-Fri Mon-Fri Be er Choices, Be er Health workshop Free Diabetes Class Children s Diabetes Management Adult Diabetes Clinic Ventanilla de Salud Ventura Ventura Camarillo Simi Valley Thousand Oaks Ventura Scan Health & Wellness Center-6633 Telephone Rd Livingston Memorial 1996 Eastman Ave Camarillo Community Center 1605 Burnley St Rm 7 Simi Valley Senior Center 3900 Avenida Simi Goebel Senior Center 1385 E Janss Rd-Foothill Rm Pediatric Diagnos c Center 3291 Loma Vista Rd Las Islas South 325 W Channel Islands Blvd Mexican Consulate 3151 W 5th St Contact informa on 9:00-11:30 A.M. (805) 658-0365 1:00-2:30 P.M. 2:30-4:00 P.M. 10:30-12:00 P.M. 1:30-3:00 P.M. 8:00-5:00 P.M. 8:00-5:00 P.M. 8:00-12:00 P.M. Linda Hampson (805) 642-0239 Ext. 723 Kay Urban (805) 652-6255 Irene Guerrero (805) 804-9510 Ilda Pulido (805) 450-6210 Herbs, spices, or salt free seasoning blends Lemons and limes Ginger 12

Chronic Disease Prevention Programs July 2016 Chronic Disease Preven on Program publishes this monthly Events Calendar to encourage healthy ac ve living through physical ac vity and healthy ea ng in all communi es of Ventura County. Educa onal opportuni es are free of cost and available to residents, families and communi es who are ready to lead healthier lives. Director Silvia Lopez-Navarro Health Screens Blood sugar, blood pressure, and body fat screens and individualized health educa on and referrals to local resources. Get Fit Classes Community physical ac vity classes Walking Clubs Assistance with forming a walking club in the community Diabetes Self Management Services Individual Diabetes Self-Management services Diabetes Case Manager For more informa on please contact: Deanne Morales Delfina Zermeño Sara Rivera Vicky Bobadilla, PA C delfina.zermeñ Be healthier!. Programs Directory Nutri on Educa on and Obesity Preven on Program provides nutri on educa on classes, train-the-trainer nutri on workshops, and cooking and physical ac vity demonstra ons to promote informed food choices and healthier lifestyles. For more informa on please contact: Lizet Garcia Blanca Arias Alejandro Elias Isabel Gomez Yaderi Salazar Rita Rubin Rethink Your Drink Urges everyone to choose refreshing water to quench their thirst instead of sugary drinks. The goal of the ini a ve is to reach all residents and organiza ons in Ventura County to increase the consump on of and access to healthy beverages. For more informa on please contact: Sara Rivera Community & School Garden Support Offers support and educa on to families and educators growing their own vegetables and fruits at their local community gardens and schools. For more informa on please contact: Blanca Arias 13 11