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PARA REPASAR... LOS PRONOMBRES REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS (subject = object) ME (lavo) TE (lavas) SE (lava) NOS (lavamos) OS (laváis) SE (lavan) PREPOSITIONAL PRONOUNS (used after the prepositions shown below) A DE EN CON + SIN POR PARA MÍ (con + mí = conmigo TI (con + ti = contigo) UD ÉL/ELLA (see note below regarding consigo) NOSOTROS NOSOTRAS VOSOTROS VOSOTRAS UDS ELLOS/-AS * If the subject and prepositional object are different, use the 3 rd -person pronouns shown above Yo llevo el ipad para él. (Yo and él are 2 different people) BUT... If the subject and the prepositional object are the same, you use consigo instead of Ud, Uds, ellos, etc. Él lleva el ipad consigo. (He is both the subject and the prep. object.) PLACEMENT OF PRONOUNS BEFORE CONJUGATED VERBS (including negative commands) Lo quiero comprar. Lo estoy comprando. No lo compres! ATTACHED TO Affirmative Commands Cómpralo! Infinitives Quiero comprarlo. Gerunds Estoy comprándolo. Number of Attached to affirmative command Attached to infinitive Attached to gerund pronouns 1 The accent goes over the vowel of the syllable that was originally stressed BEFORE any pronoun was added. But if you can t hear that, then... Count back 2 syllables from end. Place accent over the strong vowel (a/e/o) in case of a diphthong. Cuéntame la historia. No accent needed Voy a pedirlo. Accent goes before the n of -ndo Estás pidiéndolo? 2 Count back 3 syllables from end and follow directions above. Accent always goes before the r of the infinitive ending. Same as above: before the n. Cuéntamela. Voy a contártela. Estamos pidiéndoselo.

I. INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS : Answer the questions to whom? & for whom? ME TO/FOR ME NOS TO/FOR US TE TO/FOR YOU (inf.) OS LE TO/FOR HIM,HER, LES YOU TO/FOR THEM, Y ALL For emphasis or clarity (especially with 3 rd -person pronouns), a prepositional phrase may be used in conjunction with the IOP. The a phrase is optional; the pronoun IS NOT! Le di dinero can mean... I gave him money, I gave her money OR I gave you money. But if we add a prepositional phrase, then the le is made clear: Le di dinero a él. Le di dinero a ella. Le di dinero a Ud. Les di dinero a ellos. Les di dinero a ellas. Les di dinero a Uds. The prepositional phrase would only be used with me, te or nos to add emphasis: A mí me diste dinero. You gave money to me. (Not to anyone else!) II. DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS: Answer the questions what? & whom? ME ME NOS US TE YOU (inf.) OS LO/LA HIM, HER, IT, YOU LOS/LAS THEM, Y ALL Viste a María? --No, no la vi. Tienes mi ipad? --Sí, lo tengo. III. DOUBLE OBJECT PRONOUNS A. Order of pronouns: The mnemonic is I.D. Indirect before direct. That s it. No exceptions. Me lo vas a dar? / Vas a dármelo? --Sí, te lo voy a dar. / Sí, voy a dártelo. B. The weird thing about le and les When an IOP is followed by a DOP, and the IOP is le or les, then le or les change to SE. Don t ask me why. The mnemonic device is You can t lay low. Get it? Le/lo? In other words, LE + lo/la/los/las = se lo / se la / se los / se las LES And since SE can now take the place of le and les, those a phrases become even more important. Look: EL DINERO? YA SE LO DI. can mean The money? I already gave it to him. The money? I already gave it to her. The money? I already gave it to you. The money? I already gave it to them. The money? I already gave it to you all. But Ya se lo di a ellos makes the se perfectly clear.

I GAVE YOU ALL HOMEWORK. I.O. To whom did I give homework? = D.O. What did I give you all? = la tarea = I GAVE = Sentence: ( ) I M GOING TO MAKE HER SHRIMP. I.O. For whom am I going to make shrimp? = D.O. What am I going to make for her? = los camarones = I M GOING TO MAKE = Sentence: ( ) OR... ( ) SET THE TABLE FOR US! (Ud command) I.O. Set the table for whom? = D.O. Set what for us? = la mesa = SET = Sentence: ( ) IS HE ORDERING THEM THE SHRIMP? I.O. For whom is he ordering? = D.O. What is he ordering? = los camarones = IS ORDERING= Sentence: ( )? OR... ( )?

First, identify the IO and the DO. Then, replace them with their appropriate pronouns and rewrite (both ways where there are 2 lines for writing). Include optional prepositional phrases. 1. He just sang us the song. 2. I m giving them the test now. 3. Don t I have to take the ipad to him? 4. We re going to wash the dishes for her. me? te/le. te? me. le? (a Ud) me. le? (a él/ella) le. nos? nos/les. les? (a Uds) nos. les? (a ellos/-as) les. Using the chart at left to help you, respond to these questions, replacing objects with pronouns. The number of blanks tells you how many ways there are to answer. Tengo que darte los apuntes? Sí, tienes que dármelos. Sí, me los tienes que dar. 1. Va a decirnos la solución el profesor? No, no No,no No, no No, no 2. Hermano, tienes que hacerme la cama? Sí, Sí,